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Teacher : Mrs.

Bouredha Hizia

Level : 1st year Language Form : What time is it?

File : « 03 Sports »
Function : Telling the time.
Sequence : Three
Phonetics :
Lesson : One
Listen & speak Lexis : O’clock, half, to, past, a quarter, hands.
Material needed: Photos, a clock.

Objective : The students will be able to ask and answer about time.
Time Procedure Pp’s Task
Teacher’s Role

05m Warm ** The teacher asks the students to count from 1 to 60.  Ls count

Step One:
20m Present -
ation The teacher performs this dialogue on the board. Ls follow

Ali : There is a big football match on T.V tonight. Ls listen &
Ahmed : At what time? repeat.
Ali : It is at half past eight. (8H:30').

Step Two:
The teacher takes a clock and changes the hands of the
it to presents the new words.
(O'clock – past – to – half – a quarter "past / to").

Ls follow &

take notes.



Step One:
The teacher sticks Sue's time table and asks the students
to read the time correctly page 72.
- When do you practise aerobics, Sue? Ls listen
Use - On Wednesdays.
- At what time?
- At nine O'clock. (9H: 00')

Step Two:
Ls practice in
15m Teacher asks students to practise in pairs. pairs

Step One:
The teacher sticks this activity on the board and asks the
students to do it.
Look at the picture and write the time.

Three Twenty five Ls try to

One O'clock Five past ten define the
O'clock past six correct time.
Half past Quarter past Quarter to Half past
one two eight four

Step Two:
The teacher checks the students work and asks them to
correct the activity on the board and then copy it in their Ls copy down.

Homework : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

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