Chair-Side Fabrication of A Fixed

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Chair-Side Fabrication of a Fixed

Implant-Supported Prosthesis in an
Edentulous Mandible From A Diagnostic
Wax-Up: A Clinical Report

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Avinash S. Bidra, BDS, MS

INTRODUCTION This is generally done to allow patients to

experience the satisfaction of a fixed pros-

ixed implant-supported prosthetic
rehabilitation for the edentulous thesis and to allow them to monitor their oral
mandible has been extensively hygiene habits prior to insertion of the
described in the literature.1–5 definitive prosthesis. This will also help to
The fixed-implant supported pros- rectify any issues experienced by the patient
thesis can either be screw-retained or and help improve the definitive prosthesis.13
cemented over the implant abutments. The One of the limitations to the conversion
traditional screw-retained metal-resin pros- prosthesis is that it requires fabrication of a
thesis (hybrid denture prosthesis) is one of new complete denture if the patient’s
the most popular choices for prosthetic existing denture is unacceptable or if the
therapy in edentulous mandibles. Some of patient lacks an existing denture. This will
the advantages of this prosthesis are its long add to the treatment time and expenses.
track record of success and its retrievability; Oftentimes, patients are unwilling to pay for
it is also minimally expensive compared to a prosthesis that is planned to be used only
porcelain for fabrication and repairs.3–5 for an interim period. This may hinder a
With the popularity of immediate loading patient to have an immediately loaded
protocols, many clinicians now choose to prosthesis or an interim prosthesis after the
convert a patient’s existing complete denture healing period.
or a treatment denture into an interim fixed Several authors have described denture
implant-supported prosthesis.6–9 Balshi and duplication techniques in order to provide
Wolfinger have called this procedure a the patient with a spare denture for various
‘‘conversion prosthesis.’’10 This procedure reasons.14–24 Most of the older techniques
tremendously adds to patient function and are more time-consuming and technique-
treatment satisfaction.8,11,12 Even in situations sensitive as they were recommended with a
where immediate loading of implants is not goal of obtaining excellent retention and
undertaken, a clinician may choose to provide stability for the duplicate complete den-
the patient with a conversion prosthesis.13 ture.14–19 Others involve a laboratory com-
ponent, which precludes them from being
Department of Reconstructive Sciences, University of done by the chair-side.18–24
Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Conn.
* Corresponding author, e-mail: However, a denture duplication tech-
DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-10-00079 nique, with a purpose of conversion to an

Journal of Oral Implantology 291

Chair-Side Fabrication of a Fixed Implant-Supported Prosthesis

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FIGURES 1–3. FIGURE 1a. Pretreatment image of the patient in smile with the existing prosthesis. FIGURE 1b.
Pretreatment image of the patient’s existing prosthesis. FIGURE 2. Definitive mandibular cast
representing the positions of the 6 dental implants. FIGURE 3. Maxillary and mandibular trial dentures
on the mounted casts. Note the notches on the mandibular cast.

implant-supported fixed prosthesis need not he had been wearing maxillary and mandib-
subscribe to the same level of technique ular complete dentures. The mandibular
sensitivity as for a complete denture. The complete denture appeared to have been
main goal here is to replicate the esthetics fabricated by conversion of his previous acrylic
and positions of the teeth and to obtain a resin partial denture to a complete denture
stable denture base that can be positioned prosthesis (Figure 1b). The patient stated that
properly while being attached to the im- he rarely wore this prosthesis and only for
plants. The purpose of this clinical report is certain occasions. It had been relieved over the
to describe the treatment of a patient with a healing abutments of the 6 dental implants.
mandibular interim fixed prosthesis fabricat- The patient stated that he had been wearing
ed by the chair-side by duplication of the his maxillary complete denture for several
diagnostic wax-up. years. The esthetics and fit of both dentures
were deemed unsatisfactory. Clinical and
radiographic examination revealed that all 6
implants were 4.1 mm in diameter (RN
A 50-year-old man was referred to the Standard Plus; Straumann, Waldenburg,
prosthodontist for evaluation of his implants Switzerland) and appeared to have been
and fabrication of a fixed implant-supported placed in satisfactory positions with a good
prosthesis (Figure 1a). Analysis of the pa- anterior-posterior spread. The patient’s man-
tient’s history revealed that he had 5 teeth dible exhibited moderate amount of resorp-
extracted and 6 dental implants placed in tion, and it appeared that there would be no
the mandible about 2 months prior to issues with prosthetic space. The healing
presentation. At the time of presentation, abutments were removed and none of the

292 Vol. XXXVIII/No. Three/2012


implants demonstrated mobility, bone loss, or prosthesis that was fixed in nature, as well as
clinical signs of infection. economical to fabricate by utilizing a chair-
As the patient had desired a fixed implant- side procedure. For this purpose, it was
supported prosthesis in the mandible, the decided to first fabricate a duplicate denture
treatment planning process was relatively in auto-polymerizing acrylic resin using the
straightforward. He was educated about ob- ideal diagnostic wax-up.
taining a new maxillary complete denture, as The mandibular trial denture was sealed
the existing denture was compromised in on the definitive cast using sticky wax. Vinyl
retention, esthetics, and occlusion. The patient polysiloxane putty material (Aquasil Easy Mix
consented to fabrication of a screw-retained Putty; Dentsply, York, Pa) was then mixed
metal-resin fixed prosthesis in the mandible and adapted on it extending into the

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and a new complete denture in the maxilla. notches on the land areas and sides of the
Diagnostic casts were prepared for fabrication definitive cast. After the material had set,
of custom impression trays. After border the putty matrix was removed and tooth
molding, a final impression of the maxilla colored auto-polymerizing resin (Coldpac
was made using polysulfide rubber impression Tooth Acrylic; Yates Motloid, Chicago, Ill)
material (Permlastic; Kerr Dental, Orange, Calif) was mixed and flown to fill up to the cervical
and an implant-level impression was made regions of the prosthetic teeth. The matrix
in the mandible using polyether impression was placed in a warm-water bath to
material (Impregum Pentasoft; 3M ESPE Dental accelerate the polymerization process. After
Products, St Paul, Minn). The mandibular the material had set, small grooves were cut
definitive cast was prepared in type IV stone into the ridge lap areas representing the
(Denstone; Heraeus Kulzer, South Bend, Ind) teeth to aid in mechanical retention for the
and was verified for accuracy (Figure 2). denture base resin (Figure 4a). The horse-
Thereafter, standard prosthodontic princi- shoe shaped ‘‘white’’ acrylic resin structure
ples were applied to obtain facebow and was removed, and the facial and occlusal
maxillomandibular relationship records. The surfaces were lubricated with petroleum jelly
definitive casts were mounted on a semi- before placing it back in the putty matrix.
adjustable articulator and a diagnostic wax-up This was done to ensure easy separation of
was accomplished (Figure 3). The trial den- any denture base resin that could overflow
tures were tried in the patient’s mouth, and on the tooth colored resin. The definitive
esthetics and occlusion were deemed satisfac- cast was also lubricated with petroleum
tory to the patient and his family. Therefore, it jelly. Auto-polymerizing denture base resin
was decided to use these teeth positions for (Dentsply Repair Material; Dentsply) was
fabrication of a metal bar for the definitive then mixed and flown into the putty matrix
fixed prosthesis for the mandible. and immediately seated on the cast using
At this stage, the patient’s financial the indices on the land areas to confirm
situation had suddenly changed and the orientation. The putty matrix was secured on
treatment plan had to be modified to the definitive cast using rubber bands and
accommodate the new situation. As he was placed in a pressure pot with warm water at
no longer able to afford a definitive fixed a pressure of 30 psi for 10 minutes.
prosthesis, he requested an interim prosthe- After polymerization of the material, the
sis that could utilize his existing implants and duplicate denture was separated from the
improve his function. After careful consider- putty matrix (Figure 4b). It was trimmed
ation of the patient’s finances and expecta- carefully to ensure smooth borders as well as
tions, it was decided to fabricate an interim stable bases in the buccal shelf areas. The

Journal of Oral Implantology 293

Chair-Side Fabrication of a Fixed Implant-Supported Prosthesis

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FIGURES 4 AND 5. FIGURE 4a. Putty matrix of the diagnostic wax-up with tooth-colored acrylic resin. Note
the impression of the notches in the putty matrix and the grooves on the teeth. FIGURE 4b. Duplicated
acrylic resin denture after separation from the putty matrix. FIGURE 4c. Trimmed acrylic resin denture
ready to be converted to a screw-retained interim fixed prosthesis. FIGURE 5. Temporary abutments
being placed on the 4 anterior implants before being attached to the duplicate denture.

denture was made smooth but not polished After the material had set, the denture
at this stage (Figure 4c). It was then tried in was unscrewed and additional acrylic resin
the patient’s mouth and the fit and patient material was added it to obtain a smooth
comfort were verified. The occlusion of this and convex contour on the tissue surface.
denture against the patient’s existing maxil- Thereafter, all excess material was trimmed
lary denture was analyzed and adjusted away to create a horseshoe-shaped prosthe-
intra-orally. The patient’s existing maxillary sis that was smoothened and polished. It
denture was also adjusted, and bilateral was tried on the definitive cast and a passive
stable occlusion was obtained. Thereafter, 4 fit was ensured by visual and tactile meth-
temporary abutments (RN Synocta Tempo- ods. The prosthesis was tried in the mouth
rary Bridge Post, Straumann) were hand- and additional acrylic resin was added to the
tightened on the 4 anterior implants posterior region to contact the healing
(Figure 5). The denture had holes drilled in abutments of the distal implants and obtain
these regions in order to accommodate the additional posterior support (Figure 6a). The
temporary abutments. Small pieces of rub- 4 temporary screws were hand-tightened
ber-dam material were used to block over the implants as per manufacturer’s
out the regions below the temporary instructions. The screw channels were filled
abutments.13 Auto-polymerizing resin was with silicone (Fit Checker; GC America Inc,
injected around the temporary abutments, Alsip, Ill) and sealed with composite resin
and the patient was instructed to close his after 4 weeks (Figure 6b). The patient was
mouth and maintain the occlusion in max- given postoperative cleaning instructions
imum intercuspation. using superfloss, proxabrushes, and electrical

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FIGURES 6 AND 7. FIGURE 6a. Tissue surface of the interim fixed prosthesis showing smooth convex
contours. Note the impressions of the healing abutments of the distal implants. FIGURE 6b. Screw-
retained acrylic resin interim fixed prosthesis inserted in the mouth. FIGURE 7a. Frontal image of the
patient with the definitive prostheses. FIGURE 7b. Full-face image of the patient in smile with the
definitive prostheses.

water irrigation system. He was educated ferred over the bar using a prefabricated
about maintenance and all potential compli- index. A final esthetic try-in was performed
cations related to the prosthesis. The patient to confirm accurate transfer of teeth, and
was seen on a 1-month recall and reported no the final prostheses were fabricated in
problems with the prosthesis. The hygiene heat-polymerized acrylic resin (Lucitone;
underneath the prosthesis was satisfactory. Dentsply). The interim fixed prosthesis was
Eight months after initial presentation, unscrewed, the definitive maxillary and man-
the patient returned with a request for dibular prostheses were then inserted in the
fabrication of definitive prostheses as his patient’s mouth, and final occlusion was
financial situation had improved. The interim verified and adjusted (Figure 7a). The patient
mandibular fixed prosthesis was clinically expressed satisfaction with regard to esthetics
examined and the patient had no complica- and occlusion of the final prostheses (Fig-
tions. He remained satisfied with the esthet- ure 7b). He was placed on annual recalls and
ics and function of this prosthesis. In exhibited no complications at a 1-year recall.
accordance with the treatment plan, his
preserved diagnostic wax-up was sent to
the laboratory for fabrication of a computer
aided design/computer aided manufacturing Acrylic resin interim fixed prosthesis has
milled titanium bar (Cam StructSure; Biomet been extensively documented in the litera-
3i, Palm Beach, Fla) on the 6 mandibular ture, especially for use in immediate loading
implants. After trying the finished bar in the situations.6–8,10 Patient satisfaction with this
patient’s mouth, prosthetic teeth were trans- type of prosthesis has also been shown to be

Journal of Oral Implantology 295

Chair-Side Fabrication of a Fixed Implant-Supported Prosthesis

excellent.11,12 Therefore, in this patient a patient in smile and in function. Long-term

fixed interim prosthesis was the treatment of use of this type of prosthesis may result in
choice as opposed to a removable one. The accelerated wear and compromise occlusion.
patient’s existing mandibular denture was Additionally, auto-polymerizing resin lacks
unacceptable to be relined over the healing sufficient strength, and the prosthesis may
abutments for use as an implant-supported fracture in situations where prosthetic space
overdenture. Fabrication of a new complete is compromised.
denture was deemed expensive, and hence
the prepared diagnostic wax-up was used for
duplication purposes. This resulted in lower SUMMARY
cost because it did not include the denture

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This clinical report described a successful
teeth themselves or the laboratory expenses and economical interim solution for a patient
for denture processing. The denture teeth of who desired a fixed implant-supported
the diagnostic wax-up were preserved and prosthesis in the mandible. As the patient’s
later used for the definitive prosthesis. existing denture was unacceptable, a diag-
Though the patient presented with 6 nostic wax-up made for the definitive
implants, only 4 temporary abutments were prosthesis was duplicated and converted to
utilized in the interim prosthesis in order to an interim prosthesis by a chair-side tech-
decrease expenses as well as to negotiate with nique. Eventually, the patient’s financial
lesser prosthetic screws during clinical appoint- situation improved and he returned for a
ments. However, care was taken to ensure that successful fabrication of a definitive screw-
the prosthesis established contact with the retained metal-resin fixed prosthesis. The
healing abutments of the distal implants and principles and techniques described in detail
to obtain additional support posteriorly. There- in this report may perhaps guide clinicians
fore, the patient was reinforced to maintain in the treatment of similar patients with
oral hygiene underneath the prosthesis in this economic challenges.
area. Metal reinforcement was not used in this
prosthesis as it would have added to the
treatment expenses and has been shown to be REFERENCES
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