connect 4 موقع كورساتى

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Second Term

Unit (7) 3

Test (1) 35

Unit (8) 37

Test (2) 63

Unit (9) 65

Test (3) 91

Unit (10) 93

Test (4) 120

Unit (11) 122

Test (5) 151

Unit (12) 153

Test (6) 182

Part (2) Story 190

Part (3) Answer Key 205

Unit 7
Thi s i s w h e r e I l i v e
In this unit I will ….
• read about the Nile and why it is so important.
• explore why people live in different environments.
• talk about my neighborhood in the past and now.
• use regular and irregular past simple verb forms.
• practice the long vowel sounds.
• practice simplifying fractions.
• write about a memory.
Unit 7
Lesson 1 The Nile
Main Vocabulary ‫الكلمات الأ�سا�سية يف الدر�س‬

river ‫ نهر‬desert ‫صحراء‬


forest ‫ غابة‬city ‫مدينة‬

oasis ‫ واحة‬village ‫قرية‬

mountain ‫ جبل‬building ‫مبنى‬

the Nile ‫ النيل‬traveling to ‫السفر إلى‬

the centre of
world ‫العالم‬ ‫مركز األرض‬
the Earth
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
the longest ‫ األطول‬Arctic regions
The Nile has two branches in Egypt.

the shortest ‫ األقصر‬branches ‫فروع‬

the widest quiz ‫ فزورة‬- ‫لغز‬
Unit 7
Conjugation of Verbs ‫ت�صريفات الأفعال‬
Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
Present Past Present Past
guess ‫يخمن‬ guessed read ‫يقر�أ‬ read

listen ‫ي�ستمع‬ listened have ‫ عنده‬- ‫ميلك‬ had
answer ‫يجيب‬ answered do ‫يفعل‬ did

ask ‫ي�س�أل‬ asked know ‫يعرف‬ knew
travel ‫ي�سافر‬ traveled write ‫يكتب‬ wrote
live ‫يعي�ش‬ lived say ‫يقول‬ said

Read and learn

Information about the Nile ‫معلومات عن النيل‬

The Nile is the longest river in the world.

.‫النيل هو أطول نهر فـي العالم‬
The Nile is about 6,670 kilometers long.
That’s like traveling to the center of the
‫كيلومترا وهذه هى‬
ً 6670 ‫النيل طوله حوالي‬
.‫مثل مسافة السفر إلى مركز األرض‬
The Nile has two branches in Egypt.
.) ‫النيل له فرعان فـي مصر ( رشيد ودمياط‬

Did you know? ‫هل تعلم؟‬

The Nile is home for different kinds of fish, birds and turtles.
One of the planet’s largest reptiles, the Nile crocodile, lives in it.
Can you guess how long the Nile crocodile is?
‫ أحد أضخم‬.‫النيل هو موطن أنواع مختلفة من األسماك و الطيور والسالحف‬
‫ يعيش فيه هل تستطيع أن تخمن طول‬،‫ تمساح النيل‬،‫الزواحف على الكوكب‬
‫تمساح النيل؟‬
Unit 7
Did you know? ‫هل تعلم؟‬
Did you know that the World Capital
of cats in Romania has a cat population
that is four times larger than the

human population?
‫هل تعلم أن العاصمة العالمية للقطط هي في رومانيا‬
‫حيث عدد القطط فيها يتجاوز عدد الناس بأربعة أضعاف؟‬

E xe r c i s es on Lesso n 1

1 Supply the missing letters:

o____ r____ d_____

m_______ f_____ c___

v______ b_______ e____

Unit 7
2 Choose the correct word(s):
1 There’s only one (river – sea – lake) in Egypt. It’s the Nile.

2 Cairo is the biggest (village – oasis – city) in Egypt.

3 The Arctic regions are very (hot – cold – warm).

4 The Nile has two (regions – villages – branches) in Egypt.

5 You can see lions in the zoo or in the (village – forest – oasis).

6 My school is a very big (city – village – building).

7 (Mountains – Forests – Deserts) are usually very high.

8 Our (cities – deserts – villages) are full of plants, trees and farm

9 Siwa is a beautiful (oasis – river – city) in the west of Egypt.

10 The (desert – village – river) is often very hot.

3 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1 does - have - How many - Nile - branches - the?

......................................................................................................... ?

2 river - the - Nile - longest - The - is.

......................................................................................................... .

3 Nile - Which of - rivers - is - the - these?

......................................................................................................... ?

4 long - is - The - 6.670 kilometers - Nile - about.

......................................................................................................... .

4 Punctuate the following sentences:

1 the nile is the longest river in the world


Unit 7
2 how many branches does the nile have in egypt

3 traveling to australia is a long way



4 what do you know about the nile


5 Circle the odd one out:

1 Australia - earth - moon - planet

2 fish - birds - oasis - turtles

3 shortest - young - widest - longest

4 which - what - world - where

6 Write a paragraph of (18) words using the following:

“The Nile”
Words to help you:
important - longest - Egypt - home - fish - water - plants







Unit 7
Lesson 2 Social Studies
Main Vocabulary ‫الكلمات الأ�سا�سية يف الدر�س‬

temperature ‫ درجة الحرارة‬fertile soil ‫تربة خصبة‬

temperate ‫مناخ‬
farmland ‫أرض زراعية‬
climate ‫معتدل‬

weather ‫ طقس‬crops ‫محاصيل‬

adapt ‫ يتكيف‬environment ‫بيئة‬

agricultural environment

‫بنو آدم‬
humans good at ‫جيد في‬

Inuit ‫سكان المناطق‬

nutrients ‫مواد مغذية‬
people ‫القطبية‬

Bedouin ‫البدو (ساكني‬

almost ‫تقريبًا‬
people )‫الصحراء‬

anywhere ‫أي مكان‬ ‫يأتون سويًا‬

somewhere ‫مكان ما‬

ٍ ‫ في‬places ‫أماكن‬

Unit 7
Adjectives ‫�صفات‬
too hot ً ‫جدا‬
‫جدا‬ ً )‫حار (�ساخن‬ early ‫مبكر‬

too cold ً ‫جدا‬

‫جدا‬ ً ‫بارد‬ late ‫مت�أخر‬

too big ً ‫جدا‬

‫جدا‬ ً ‫كبري‬ high ‫عال‬

too small ً ‫جدا‬

‫جدا‬ ً ‫�صغري‬ low ‫منخف�ض‬

tall ‫طويل‬ easy ‫�سهل‬

short ‫ق�صري‬ difficult ‫�صعب‬

burn ‫يحرق‬ ‫مناخ قطبي‬

hurt ‫ يؤلم‬market ‫السوق‬

transport ‫ ينقل‬Africa ‫أفريقيا‬

tongue ‫ لسان‬neighbor ‫جار‬

farmer ‫ مزارع‬friendly ‫ودود‬

The desert is special by its high temperature

water pipes ‫ أنابيب مياه‬special ‫مميز‬

Unit 7
Conjugation of Verbs ‫ت�صريفات الأفعال‬
Regular Verbs ‫�أفعال منتظمة‬
Present Past Present Past
look for ‫يبحث عن‬ looked for transport ‫ينقل‬ transported

need ‫يحتاج‬ needed learn ‫ يتعلم‬learned (learnt)
help ‫ي�ساعد‬ helped like ‫يحب‬ liked
work worked use ‫ ي�ستعمل‬- ‫ي�ستخدم‬ used


Irregular Verbs ‫�أفعال غري منتظمة‬

Present Past Present Past
think ‫يفكر‬-‫يعتقد‬ thought hurt ‫ي�ؤمل‬ hurt
drink ‫ي�شرب‬ drank burn ‫يحرق‬ burnt
eat ‫ي�أكل‬ ate build ‫يبني‬ built
sell ‫يبيع‬ sold grow ‫تنمو‬ grew
find ‫يجد‬ found make ‫جتعل‬ made
draw ‫ير�سم‬ drew choose ‫يختار‬ chose

Read and learn Language Notes

ً ‫) يمكن أن تستخدم بمعنى‬too(
I can ride a bike. My brother can ride a bike, too.
.)‫جدا (أزيد من الالزم‬
ً ‫جدا‬
ً ‫) يمكن أن تستخدم بمعنى‬too(
I can’t drink that coffee. It’s too hot.
I can’t eat that ice cream. It’s too cold.

Did you know? ‫هل تعلم؟‬

°C is short for “degree Celsius”. Water freezes at 0 °C and
boils at 100 °C.
‫ يتجمد الماء عند درجة صفر مئوية ويغلي عند درجة‬.‫) هي اختصار كلمة درجة مئوية‬°C(
.‫ مئوية‬100
Unit 7
Why do we live where we do?
Humans can live almost anywhere, but we often look for three things:
climate, water, and soil. People like a temperate climate, somewhere
that’s not too hot and not too cold.
 We need water to drink and to help our crops grow.

 We need fertile soil, so the crops have lots of nutrients.


 These three things often come together.

Places with water usually have fertile soil
and a temperate climate.
As humans, we are very good at adapting
to live in the environment around us.
Humans can learn to live in the most
difficult environments on earth. Inuit
people live in the Arctic regions, where
temperatures can be around -40°C (a freezer is only around -18°C).
Bedouin people live in the desert where the temperatures can be
around 50°C. ‫ملاذا نعي�ش حيث نعمل ؟‬
:‫ ولكن نحن فـي الغالب نبحث عن ثالثة أشياء‬،‫يستطيع اإلنسان أن يعيش تقريبًا فـي أي مكان‬
‫ يحب الناس المناخ المعتدل حيث‬.‫المناخ و الماء و التربة‬
.‫الهو حار جدًا جدًا وال بارد جدًا جدًا‬
.‫نحتاج الماء لكي نشرب ولمساعدة محاصيلنا على النمو‬
‫نحتاج التربة الخصبة لكى تكون هناك مواد مغذية‬
‫ األماكن التي بها‬،‫هذه األشياء الثالثة غالبًا ما تأتي سويًا‬
.‫ماء عادةً تكون لديها تربة خصبة ومناخ معتدل‬
.‫ نحن جيدون جدًا فـي التكيف مع البيئة حولنا‬،‫كبني آدم‬
‫يستطيع االنسان أن يتعلم أن يعيش فـي أصعب البيئات‬
‫ فسكان المناطق القطبية يعيشون فـي‬.‫على األرض‬
‫) درجة مئوية (درجة حرارة الفريزر حوالي‬40-( ‫المناطق القطبية حيث درجة الحرارة حوالي‬
.)‫) درجة مئوية‬18-(
.‫) درجة مئوية‬50( ‫البدو يعيشون فـي الصحراء حيث درجات الحرارة يمكن أن تكون حوالى‬

E xe r c i s es on Lesso n 2

1 Choose the correct word(s):

1 People like a temperate (soil – climate – crop), somewhere that’s not
too hot and not too cold.
2 As humans, we are very good at (adapting – eating – drinking) to live
in the environment around us.
Unit 7
3 (African – Bedouin – Inuit) people live in Arctic regions.
4 We need fertile (weather – soil – climate), so the crops have lots of

5 (Bedouin – Inuit – American) people live in the desert.

6 We need water to drink and to help our (farmers – deserts – crops) grow.
7 In the desert, it’s (to – too – two) hot.
8 There is water, sun and fertile soil in the (mountain – desert – oasis).

9 A (farmland – desert – mountain) near the Nile is good to grow crops.

10 Farmers usually live in (deserts – arctic regions – villages).

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box:

adapts – crops – environment – temperate climate – too cold – too hot

1 I can’t drink that coffee. It’s ........................ . It’ll burn my tongue.

2 I can’t eat that ice cream. It’s ...................................... . It hurts my teeth.

3 The polar climate is very cold. The desert climate is very hot. The

...................................... is not hot and not cold.

4 Every year the farmer sells his ...................................... in the market.

5 He likes the cold and he likes the hot weather. He ................. very easily.

6 We live near the river and there are lots of trees all around us. The

weather is nice and our neighbors are very friendly. It’s a great ................. !

3 Look at the pictures and complete:

too big – too cold – too hot – too small

1 2

She is ....................................... . He is ....................................... .

Unit 7
3 4

The room is ...................................... . The shoes are ................................... .

4 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1 cold – is – The – too – woman.

.......................................................................................................... .
2 can – anywhere – Humans – almost – live.
.......................................................................................................... .
3 a – People – climate – like – temperate.
.......................................................................................................... .
4 are – big – The – too – shoes.
.......................................................................................................... .
5 for – a good – oasis – people – An – is – environment.
.......................................................................................................... .

5 Write a paragraph of (18) words:

on different environments and if they are easy or difficult to live in.
Words to help you:
oasis – desert – farmland – village – Arctic region







Unit 7
Lesson 3 A short story
Main Vocabulary ‫الكلمات الأ�سا�سية يف الدر�س‬

box of ‫صندوق‬
space ‫ فراغ‬- ‫فضاء‬

memories ‫ذكريات‬

metal box ‫ صندوق معدني‬ground ‫أرض‬

‫ محب‬- ‫فضولي‬
curious dig ‫يحفر‬

visitors ‫ زائرين‬bury ‫يدفن‬

wonder ‫ يتساءل‬- ‫ يتعجب‬pull out ‫ يستخرج‬- ‫يجر‬

excited ‫ فرحان‬- ‫ مثار‬road ‫طريق‬

quiet ‫ هادئ‬trucks ‫شاحنات‬

smile (n) ‫ ابتسامة‬now ‫اآلن‬

Unit 7

games ‫ ألعاب‬then ‫حينئذ‬


subjects ‫ مواد دراسية‬in the past ‫فـي الماضي‬


on your ‫فـي طريقك‬

where ‫حيث‬
way home ‫للبيت‬

Colossi of Memnon ‫متثاال ممنون‬

‫ قبل‬1350 ‫ ُشيدا حوالي سنة‬،‫عبارة عن تمثالين ضخمين‬

‫تخليدا لذكرى‬
ً ‫هما كل ما تبقى من معبد ُبني‬.‫الميالد‬
.‫حاليا فـي مدينة األقصر‬
ً ‫ يقعا‬،‫الفرعون أمنحتب الثالث‬

Conjugation of Verbs ‫ت�صريفات الأفعال‬

Regular Verbs ‫�أفعال منتظمة‬
Present Past Present Past
wonder ‫ يت�ساءل‬- ‫يتعجب‬ wondered start ‫يبد�أ‬ started
cross ‫يعب‬
ُ crossed pull out ‫ي�ستخرج‬ pulled out
play ‫يلعب‬ played bury ‫يدفن‬ buried
walk ‫مي�شي‬ walked study ‫ يذاكر‬- ‫يدر�س‬ studied
want ‫ يرغب‬- ‫يريد‬ wanted imagine ‫يتخيل‬ imagined
Irregular Verbs ‫�أفعال غري منتظمة‬
Present Past Present Past
be (am - is - are) ‫ يكون‬was - were feel ‫ يح�س‬- ‫ي�شعر‬ felt
grow up ‫يكرب‬ grew up put ‫ي�ضع‬ put
dig ‫يحفر‬ dug sit down ‫ يجل�س‬sat down
get up ‫ ي�ستيقظ‬- ‫ينه�ض‬ got up see ‫يرى‬ saw
Unit 7
Read and learn
Grandpa and his box of memories
‘Look, this was my street.’ Grandpa was
very excited. We were in the village
where he grew up. It is near the Colossi

of Memnon.
‘It was very quiet when I lived here,’ said
Grandpa. ‘Now, there are lots of visitors

from all around the world.’
“That’s where my friend lived. We played
football on this street. There were no
cars then.’ Grandpa looked right and left,
and he crossed the road. The road had
lots of trucks and cars.
“And this,’ he said ‘is where I lived.’ We
looked at the space. There was no house.
There was only grass and one big tree.
“Hmm, I wonder. It was so many years
ago....’Grandpa looked at the tree. Grandpa walked to the tree. He
looked at the ground. Then he started digging. He pulled out an
old, metal box. He had a big smile on his face.
‘Look!’ he said. He was very excited. We were eight years old when
we buried this. Let’s sit down and look inside the box.’
‘Yes, please,’ I said. “I’m very curious!’
‫اجلد و�صندوق ذكرياته‬
‫ نحن كنا فـي القرية‬.‫' الجد كان فر ًحا للغاية‬.‫ هذا كان شارعي‬،‫' انظر‬
‫ 'المكان كان هادئ ًا جدًا عندما‬.‫ إنها قريبة من تمثاال ممنون‬.‫حيث كبر فـيها‬
‫ 'اآلن يوجد الكثير من الزائرين من كل أنحاء‬.‫' قال الجد‬،‫كنت أعيش هنا‬
.‫ كنا نلعب كرة قدم فـي هذا الشارع‬.‫'هذا المكان حيث كان يعيش صديقي‬
‫ كان‬.‫ويسارا وعبر الطريق‬ً ‫' نظر الجد يمينًا‬.‫لم يكن هناك سيارات حينئذ‬
.‫هناك الكثير من الشاحنات والسيارات فـي الطريق‬
.‫ لم يكن هناك منزل‬.‫ نظرنا إلى الفراغ‬.‫' هو قال‬،‫'وهنا حيث كنت أعيش‬
‫ لقد كان‬.‫ أنا متعجب‬،‫ 'هممم‬.‫فقط كان يوجد حشائش وشجرة واحدة كبيرة‬
'...‫منذ سنوات عديدة مضت‬
‫ ثم بدأ‬،‫ نظر إلى األرض‬.‫ مشى الجد إلى الشجرة‬.‫نظر الجد إلى الشجرة‬
.‫ ابتسامة كبيرة كانت تعلو وجهه‬.‫ واستخرج صندوق معدني قديم‬،‫الحفر‬
‫ هيا نجلس و ننظر داخل‬.‫ 'كان عمرنا ثمانية أعوام عندما قمنا بدفن هذا‬.‫مثارا جدًا‬ ً ‫ كان‬.‫' هو قال‬،‫'انظر‬
'.‫ 'أنا ُمتَّطلع‬.‫' أنا قلت‬،‫' 'نعم من فضلك‬.‫الصندوق‬
Unit 7
Verb to be in the past

was were
I - He - She - It You - We - They

Singular )‫(أي اسم مفرد‬ Plural )‫(أي اسم جمع‬


I was naughty when I was a baby.

Yesterday, Dina was late for school.
Sara and Ahmed were at home at seven yesterday.
They were happy yesterday evening.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
There is ”‫يوجد “تتبع باسم مفرد‬

There are ”‫يوجد “ تتبع باسم جمع‬

There was ”‫كان يوجد “ تتبع باسم مفرد‬

There were ”‫كان يوجد “ تتبع باسم جمع‬

There is a big tree in the garden.
There are lots of trees in the garden.
There was a big house here many years ago.
There were lots of cars on this road yesterday.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Past Simple Tense
)‫(زمن املا�ضي الب�سيط‬
Affirmative ‫الإثبات‬ Negative ‫النفى‬ Interrogative ‫الإ�ستفهام‬
I I I play
He He did not play he play
She She she play
It played It Did it play
You You you play
We We didn’t play we play
They They they play

Unit 7
.‫الت�صريف الثاين للفعل‬ ‫يتكون من‬
I lived in Tanta when I was young.
She started to read a history book yesterday.
He gave her mother a present on her birthday.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

è We use it to express an action that happened in the past.
.‫ ي�ستخدم للتعبري عن �أحداث وقعت فـي املا�ضي‬è

My sister burned the cake yesterday.

è We sometimes use some words with the past simple as:

yesterday ‫�أم�س‬ in the past ‫فـي املا�ضي‬

ago ‫منذ‬ last.... ( week ) …. ‫الأ�سبوع املا�ضي‬

We visited our grandma last Friday.

She was a baby eight years ago.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
è In the negative form, we use (didn’t) before the bare verb.

‫) ثم الفعل فـي امل�صدر (م�صدر الفعل هو الت�صريف الأول‬didn't( ‫ ننفـي املا�ضي الب�سيط با�ستخدام‬è
.)‫بدون �أي �إ�ضافات‬
My father didn't watch TV yesterday.
Heba didn't go to school because she was ill.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
è In the interrogative form, we use (Did) at the beginning of the question
or after the question word with the bare verb.
‫) �أو ن�ضعها بعد �أداة اال�ستفهام مع الفعل فـي‬Did( ‫ نبد�أ ال�س�ؤال بـ‬,‫ عند عمل �س�ؤال فـي املا�ضي الب�سيط‬è
Did you have your lunch? No, I didn’t.
Did she make a cake? Yes, she did.
What did he do in the morning? He went to his work.
What did you do last week? I played with my friends.
Unit 7
E xe r c i s es on Lesso n 3

1 Choose the correct word(s):

1 We (are - was - were) in a village last week.

2 It (is - was - were) very quiet when I lived here.


3 There (are - was - were) lots of visitors now.

4 We (play - plays - played) football in the street yesterday.
5 This road (has - had - have) lots of trucks and cars yesterday.
6 There (is - was - were) one big tree in the garden last month.
7 Grandpa (lived - lives - live) here so many years ago.
8 We (are - were - was) eight years old when we buried this box.
9 How (do - does - did) Grandpa feel when he saw his old street?
10 What did you (eat - ate - eats) yesterday?
11 (Did - Do - Does) she do her homework last night?
12 I (has - have - had) a gray bike a year ago.
13 She (don't - doesn't - didn't) go to school last Monday.
14 I didn't (see - saw - sees) my friend Omar yesterday.
15 When did you (gets - get - got) up yesterday?
16 What games (do - did - does) he play last Friday?
17 (Was - Were - Is) the exam easy last week?
18 He didn't (get - gets - got) up early yesterday.

2 Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1 is - lived - friend - That - my - where.
.......................................................................................................... .
2 you - today - When - up - get - did?
.......................................................................................................... ?
3 this - played - street - on - We - football.
.......................................................................................................... .
4 you - yesterday - do - Did - homework - your?
.......................................................................................................... ?
5 had - trucks - The - lots of - road – cars - and.
.......................................................................................................... .
6 subjects - study - you - What - today - did?
.......................................................................................................... ?
Unit 7
3 Complete the sentences with the correct verb:
1 Grandpa's village ........................... very quiet. Now, there .......................
a lot of people.
2 There ........................... no cars in the past. Now, there ...........................

a lot of trucks and cars.
3 Grandpa ........................... eight years old when he buried the box of
memories. Now, Grandpa ........................... very old.

4 Punctuate the following sentences:

1 when did ali get up


2 the colossi of memnon is in luxor


3 what games did dalia play today

4 they visited aswan last january

5 Write a paragraph of (18) words:

"What did you do last week?"













Unit 7
Lesson 4 A short story
Main Vocabulary ‫الكلمات الأ�سا�سية يف الدر�س‬

city mouse ‫ فأر المدينة‬pretty ‫جميل‬


‫ فأر الريف‬delighted ‫سعيد‬

hole ‫ حفرة‬- ‫ فتحة‬bright lights ‫أضواء براقة‬

corner ‫ ركن‬- ‫ زاوية‬loud ‫عالي الصوت‬

life ‫ حياة‬scared ‫خائف‬

moral There's no reason to wait!

moral ‫ عبرة‬- ‫ درس أخالقي‬reason ‫سبب‬

noise ‫ ضوضاء‬incredibly ‫بشكل ال يصدق‬

incredibly loud

smoke ‫ دخان‬suddenly ً‫فجأة‬

sounds ‫ أصوات‬full of ‫مملوء بـ‬

smells ‫ روائح‬seeds ‫بذور‬

voice ‫ صوت‬catch a train

better ‫ أحسن‬- ‫ أفضل‬It's time to ‫حان الوقت ِلـ‬

Unit 7
The three stages of a story
‫مراحل الق�صة الثالث‬

Beginning ‫ بداية‬Middle ‫ منتصف‬End ‫نهاية‬

Vowels ‫احلروف املتحركة‬

Short vowels ‫احلروفاملتحركةالق�صريةفـيالنطق‬
/a/ /e/ /i/ /o/ /u/
rat - cat egg - eleven sick - kill orange - top umbrella - ugly

Long vowels ‫احلروف املتحركة الطويلة فـي النطق‬

/ei/ /i:/ /ai/ /ou/
gave - wait see - seeds my - mice no - so
pleased - bright - lights
eight - train hole - know
eating delighted -
rain reason - me time - excited smoke - go

numerator  ‫ البسط‬the same as  The same  ‫تما ًما‬

denominator  ‫ المقام‬bigger than bigger


 ‫ كسر‬smaller than
smaller ‫أصغر‬

  ‫ صيغة‬simpler
version Simpler Simpler
Unit 7
Conjugation of Verbs ‫ت�صريفات الأفعال‬
Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
Present Past Present Past
visit ‫يزور‬ visited give ‫يعطي‬ gave

wait waited come came


‫ينتظر‬ ‫ي�أتي‬
rain ‫متطر‬ rained catch ‫يلحق بـ‬ caught
cover ‫يغطي‬ covered run away ‫ يهرب‬- ‫يفر‬ ran away
prepare ‫ يجهز‬- ‫يعُد‬ prepared go back ‫ يرجع‬- ‫يعود‬ went back
stop ‫يتوقف‬ stopped know ‫يعرف‬ knew
è A moral is the value you learn from a story you read or from a
situation in life.
.‫ الدر�س الأخالقي �أو العربة هي القيمة �أو املغزى الذي تتعلمه من ق�صة قر�أتها �أو من موقف فـي احلياة‬è

è We can make a fraction simpler by dividing a numerator and
denominator by the same number.
10 10 1
10 10 1 40 10 4
40 40 4
.‫ ميكن تب�سيط الك�سر بق�سمة الب�سط و املقام على رقم موحد‬è

Language Notes
‫ فرحان‬- ‫مثار‬
excited (adjective ‫ )صفة‬
exciting (adjective ‫)صفة‬ ‫ مثير‬
.‫) فـي الغالب ت�صف غري عاقل‬ing( ‫ بينما ال�صفة املنتهية بـ‬.‫) فـي الغالب ت�صف عاقل‬ed( ‫ال�صفة املنتهیة بـ‬
I was excited while I was watching the match.
The match was very exciting. :‫�أمثلة �أخرى‬
pleased interested bored
‫�سعيد‬ ‫ مهتم‬- ‫م�ستمتع‬ ‫�شاعر بامللل‬

pleasing interesting boring

‫ بهيج‬- ‫�سار‬ ‫ �شيق‬- ‫ممتع‬ ‫ممل‬

Unit 7

Read and learn

City Mouse and Country Mouse
The city mouse visited the country mouse in his hole in the ground.
The country mouse was pleased. He gave his

friend grass and seeds.
The city mouse said, "Thank you. You know, the
city is pretty and full of bright lights, why don’t

you come and see?"
The country mouse was delighted and very
The city mouse stopped eating and said, "There’s
no reason to wait. We can catch a train at eight."
The two friends ran to the train, just as it started to rain.
In the city, the smoke from the cars covered the stars and the noise
was incredibly loud. Country mouse was scared. He wasn’t prepared for
so many new sounds and smells.
Suddenly, a cat’s voice said, ‘Hmm, two mice and some bread.
"Run, run, run," said the city mouse. They ran around the corner. The
country mouse said, "Thank you my friend, the city is exciting, but it’s
time for me to go back to the country and back to where life is good for
me." ‫ف�أر املدينة وف�أر الريف‬

‫مسرورا وأعطى صديقه‬

ً ‫ فأر الريف كان‬.‫زار فأر المدينة فأر الريف فـي حفرته فـي األرض‬
ً ‫عشبًا و‬
‫ لم ال تأتي و‬،‫ أنت تعلم أن المدينة جميلة و مليئة باألضواء البراقة‬.‫ "أشكرك‬،‫فأر المدينة قال‬
ً ‫مسرورا و‬
ً ‫ترى؟" فأر الريف كان‬
".‫ نستطيع أن نستقل قطار الثامنة‬.‫ "ال يوجد سبب لالنتظار‬،‫توقف فأر المدينة عن األكل و قال‬
‫ الدخان من السيارات كان يحجب‬،‫جرى الصديقان إلى القطار عندما بدأت تمطر فـي المدينة‬
‫ لم يكن مستعدًا لكل‬،ً‫ فأر الريف كان مرعوبا‬.‫ والضوضاء كانت صاخبة بشكل ال يصدق‬،‫النجوم‬
".‫ "همم فأران و بعض الخبز‬،‫ صوت قطة قال‬،‫ فجأة‬.‫هذه األصوات والروائح‬
‫ "أشكرك‬،‫ قال فأر الريف‬.‫ جرى االثنان إلى الزاوية‬.‫" قال فأر المدينة‬،‫ إجري‬،‫ إجري‬،‫"إجري‬
‫ و لكن حان الوقت لي للعودة للريف والعودة إلى حيث الحياة جيدة‬،‫ المدينة مثيرة‬.‫يا صديقي‬
".‫بالنسبة لي‬
Unit 7

E xe r c i s es on Lesso n 4

1 Read the story again and answer the questions:

1 Where did the country mouse live?



2 What food did the country mouse give the city mouse?


3 Why did the mice have to run away?


4 How do you think the city mouse felt about country life?


5 What does the country mouse think of the city mouse’s life?


6 Does the country mouse like the city?


7 Did you like the story? Why or Why not?


8 What is the moral of the story? Look and choose:

a The city is better than the country.

b The country is better than the city.

c Different people like different things.

2 Choose the correct word(s):

1 The (city – town – country) is full of green lands and farm animals.

2 There are two (mouse – mice – rat) on that tree.

Unit 7
3 He was very (delighted – sad – unhappy) when his dad gave him a

4 They always (run – catch – push) the seven o’clock train to work.

5 Mice live in (walls – holes – halls) in the ground.

6 The city is (pleased – excited – exciting).

7 The city is full of bright (grass – seeds – lights).

8 I’m always (pleased – unhappy – angry) when I see Miss Rania. I love her.

9 Mice are always (happy – scared – pleased) of cats.

10 The city is full (off – of – with) noise.

3 Find words in the story with the same sound as:

/ei/ /i:/ /ai/ /ou/

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

Then read them loudly.

4 Make sentences using words with the long vowel sound:

1 /ei/ 2 /i:/
Wait,there's a train at eight. ......................................

3 /ai/ 4 /ou/
...................................... ......................................

Unit 7
5 Look and match the fractions to the pictures:
2 1 4 3
/ / /
4 2 8 6

1 2

........ ........

3 4

........ ........

6 Read and choose the correct answer:

2 4
1 is (bigger than / smaller than / the same as) .
4 8
1 3
2 is (bigger than / smaller than / the same as) .
2 6
3 Which fraction is a simpler version of ?
1 2 1
a b c
2 3 4
Unit 7
Lessons 5 6 Writing & Project
Main Vocabulary ‫الكلمات الأ�سا�سية يف الدر�س‬
‫حقيبة تحمل على‬
nervous ‫ متوتر‬backpack

kind ‫ طيب‬put on ‫يرتدي‬

cry ‫ يبكي‬gate ‫بوابة‬

town ‫ مدينة‬noisy ‫ مزعج‬- ‫صاخب‬

neighbor ‫ جار‬gas cars
‫تسير بالوقود‬

neighborhood ‫ حي‬electricity ‫كهرباء‬

‫ منطقة تسوق‬modern ‫ عصري‬- ‫حديث‬

‫ مشروع تاريخ‬research (n) ‫بحث‬

mall ‫ مول تجاري‬old photos ‫صور قديمة‬

as much ‫كثيرا بقدر‬

shoe store ‫محل أحذية‬
as possible ‫اإلمكان‬

find out ‫ يكتشف‬different ‫مختلف‬

Unit 7
Conjugation of verbs ‫ت�صريفات الأفعال‬
Regular Verbs ‫�أفعال منتظمة‬
Present Past Present Past
remember ‫ يتذكر‬remembered carry ‫يحمل‬ carried

stay stayed cry cried


‫ ميكث‬- ‫يبقى‬ ‫يبكي‬

call ‫ي�سمي‬ called describe ‫ي�صف‬ described
enjoy ‫ي�ستمتع بـ‬ enjoyed plan ‫يخطط‬ planned
Irregular Verbs ‫�أفعال غري منتظمة‬
Present Past Present Past
wear ‫يرتدي‬ wore drive ‫ي�سوق‬ drove
speak ‫يتحدث‬ spoke find out ‫ يكت�شف‬found out

Read and learn

Writing Tip
When we write notes, we use key words. We do not write
sentences. We can use our notes to plan writing.
‫ نستخدم كلمات أساسية وال نكتب جمل‬،‫عندما نكتب مالحظات أو مسودة‬
.‫ نستطيع أن نستخدم المالحظات لإلعداد لكتابة موضوع‬.‫تامة‬

My first day of school by Younis

I remember my first day of school. I was six years old, and I
lived in Aswan. I was very nervous. I liked staying
at home with my family. I wanted to play with my
toys; I didn’t want to go to school.
I put on a blue T-shirt, gray pants, and black
shoes. I carried my backpack. Mom and I walked
to school.
At the school gate, I wanted to cry. I said goodbye
and I walked into the classroom. The teacher asked
me to sit next to a boy called Marwan.
The teacher was very kind. We studied math and
played games; it was fun! The next day, I wasn’t
nervous. I was excited. I wanted to see my new
friend, Marwan. I wanted to learn math and I
wanted to go to school.
‫‪Unit 7‬‬
‫كتبه يونس‬ ‫يومي الأول فـي املدر�سة‬

‫أتذكر يومي األول فـي المدرسة‪ .‬كان عمري ‪ 6‬سنوات‪ ،‬وكنت أعيش فـي أسوان‪ .‬كنت‬
‫متوترا جدًا‪ .‬لقد كنت أحب المكوث فـي البيت مع أسرتي‪ .‬كنت أريد أن ألعب بألعابي‪،‬‬‫ً‬
‫صا أزرقا و بنطلونًا رماديًا و‬‫لم أكن أرغب فـي الذهاب إلى المدرسة‪ .‬ارتديت قمي ً‬
‫حذا ًءا أسودًا‪ .‬حملت حقيبتي على ظهري‪ .‬مشت أمي معي إلى المدرسة‪ .‬عند بوابة‬

‫المدرسة‪ ،‬أردت أن أبكي‪ .‬ودعت أمي ودخلت الفصل‪ .‬طلبت مني المعلمة أن أجلس‬
‫بجوار طفل اسمه مروان‪.‬‬
‫المعلمة كانت طيبة جدًا‪ .‬درسنا رياضيات ولعبنا ألعاب‪ ،‬كان األمر ممتعًا‪ .‬اليوم التالي‬

‫مسرورا‪ .‬كنت أريد أن أرى صديقي الجديد‪ ،‬مروان‪ .‬كنت أريد‬ ‫ً‬ ‫متوترا ‪ ،‬كنت‬
‫ً‬ ‫لم أكن‬
‫أن أتعلم رياضيات‪ ،‬وكنت أريد أن أذهب إلى المدرسة‪.‬‬

‫‪My town then and now‬‬ ‫مدينتي حينئذ و الآن‬

‫‪We are doing a history project in school about our town. We looked‬‬
‫‪at old photos. We spoke to our older neighbors to find out as much as‬‬
‫صورا قديمةً و تحدثنا إلى جيران‬
‫ً‬ ‫نقوم بعمل مشروع عن التاريخ فـي المدرسة عن مدينتنا‪ .‬شاهدنا‬
‫أكبر سنًا لكي نعرف أكبر قدر ممكن بقدر المستطاع‪.‬‬

‫‪Grandma says that her mom and dad‬‬ ‫‪Now we have a car that uses‬‬
‫‪drove cars like this. All the cars were‬‬ ‫‪electricity and gas; it’s much‬‬
‫‪gas cars. They were very noisy.‬‬ ‫‪cleaner and quieter.‬‬
‫تقول الجدة أن أمها وأبيها كانا يقودان سيارات‬ ‫اآلن عندنا سيارة تسير بالكهرباء والوقود‪،‬‬
‫مثل هذه‪ .‬كل السيارات كانت تسير بالوقود‪ .‬كانوا‬ ‫إنها أنظف وأهدأ‪.‬‬
‫مزعجين جدًا‪.‬‬

‫‪Our town had a shopping area, but it was very‬‬

‫‪old. Dad worked in a shoe store on Saturdays.‬‬
‫‪Today we have a big modern shopping mall, but‬‬
‫‪I don’t like shopping! I want to play football.‬‬
‫مدينتنا كان لها منطقة تجارية ولكنها كانت قديمة جدًا‪.‬كان والدي‬
‫يعمل فـي محل أحذية أيام السبت‪ .‬اليوم عندنا مول عصري للتسوق‪،‬‬
‫ولكني ال أحب التسوق‪ .‬أنا أرغب فـي لعب كرة القدم‪.‬‬
Unit 7

E xe r c i s e s on Lesso n s 5 6

1 Choose the correct word(s):

1 I’m always (nervous - kind - happy) before exams, so mom always


tells me to take it easy.

2 In the morning, I carry my (desk - classroom - backpack) and go to

3 My school has a very big (window - gate - wall) for students to go in

and out.
4 I put (on - in - out) my uniform before I go to school.

5 Our teacher is very (kind - nervous - angry). We all love her.

6 He wants to (smile - cry - laugh). He’s very sad.

7 My (store - mall - neighborhood) is the place where I live.

8 Today, our roads are very (quiet - noisy - calm). I don’t like these


2 Read about Younis again and answer the questions:

1 What did he wear?

......................................................................................................... .

2 How did he feel?

......................................................................................................... .

3 Describe the teacher. Was he/she kind?

......................................................................................................... .

4 Did he like his first day?

......................................................................................................... .

5 Did he want to go back to school the next day?

......................................................................................................... .
Unit 7
4 Write a paragraph of (18) words on:
“My first day of school.”
What did you do in the morning?

What did you wear?
How did you feel?
Describe the school, classroom, teacher and friends.







4 Write a paragraph of (18) words on:

“My town (My neighborhood)”

Was it the same when your mom and dad were children?
What was different?







Unit 7
Revision on unit 7
1 Choose the correct word(s):
1 There are lots of animals, birds and plants in the (forest - desert -


2 Humans can (adapt - find out - bury) to different environments.

3 The two mice ran away because they were (delighted - pleased -
4 I put my books, notebooks, pencil case and lunchbox in my (bus -
backpack - desk) and carry it to school.
5 Farmers live in (towns - cities - villages).
6 My grandpa (buried - dug - grew) the ground and pulled out the box.
7 We (speak - speaks - spoke) to our older neighbors last week.
8 He (doesn’t - didn’t - don’t) live in a town in the past.
9 What did she (has - have - had) for lunch?
10 This tea is (two - too - to) hot. I can’t drink it.
11 There (are - was - were) lots of oranges in the fridge yesterday.

12 She didn’t (study - studies - studied) math last night.

2 Read the text and write T (True) or F (False):

My name is Younis. I remember my first day of school. I was six years

old, and I lived in Aswan. I was very nervous. I liked staying at home
with my family. I wanted to play with my toys; I didn’t want to go to
school. I put on a blue T-shirt, gray pants, and black shoes. I carried
my backpack. Mom and I walked to school.

1 Younis lived in Luxor. ( )

2 Younis was pleased on his first day of school. ( )
3 Younis didn’t want to go to school. ( )
4 Younis went to school on foot. ( )

Unit 7

nit 7 Test 1 30

1 Listen and write T (True) or F (False): (8Ms)

had lots of friends. He liked playing football with his friends.
the past. Life was quiet. Now there are lots of trucks and cars. He

village was very quiet. Now, it’s noisy. There weren’t many cars in
My Grandpa is an old man. He lived in a village when he was young. His

1 Grandpa’s village was very noisy. ( )

2 There weren’t many cars in the past. ( )
3 Life was quiet many years ago. ( )
4 Grandpa played volleyball with his friends. ( )

2 Read and complete the text with the words in the box: (3Ms)

temperate – environments – temperatures – adapting

As humans, we are very good at ....................................... to live in

the environment around us. Humans can learn to live in the most
difficult ....................................... on earth. Inuit people live in the Arctic
regions, where ....................................... can be around -40°C (a freezer
is only around -18°C). Bedouin people live in the desert where the
temperatures can be around 50°C.

3 Match one part from “A” with the suitable part from “B”: (4Ms)

‘A’ ‘B’
 I can’t put on this shirt. a) to grow our crops.
 We need fertile soil b) I helped my mom.
 Inuit people live c) I go to school early.
 What did you do yesterday? d) It’s too small.
e) in Arctic regions.
Unit 7
4 Read the text and answer the questions: (4Ms)

The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile is about 6,670 kilometers
long. That’s like traveling to the center of the earth. The Nile has two
branches in Egypt. The Nile is home for different kinds of fish, birds and

turtles. One of the planet’s largest reptiles, the Nile crocodile, lives in it.

A Choose the correct answer:

1 The Nile is the (shortest - longest - widest) river in the world.
The Nile crocodile is one of the largest (birds - fish - reptiles).
B Answer these questions:
3 How long is the Nile?
4 How many branches does the Nile have in Egypt?
5 Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (6Ms)

1 can - at - We - a train - eight - catch.

.......................................................................................... .
2 school - How - Younis - go - did - to?
.......................................................................................... ?
3 a car - electricity - We - that - have - uses.
.......................................................................................... .

6 Punctuate the following sentences: (1M)

1 lots of visitors come to egypt in january


7 Write a paragraph of (18) words using the following: (4Ms)

Words to help you: My school day

wear - go - school - classroom - teachers - subjects - friends



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