General Regulations and Rules

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University examinations are conducted by the (which would involve the use of
Academic Units on behalf of the Academic library facilities and some
Registrar during specified periods. These rules investigation work and completed
set out the procedures for such examinations within periods ranging from three
and include procedural obligations of students (3) to fourteen (14) days).
sitting such an examination and staff who are f. Project Work involving fieldwork,
involved in the management of the process. laboratory work/practicals
(conducted for two (2) months).
1.0 Coursework Assessments vii. All the Assignments, duly marked shall
i. That Coursework Assessments have to be returned to students in reasonable
be planned in advance and students have time and not later than two weeks be-
to be informed formally about them at fore the commencement of University
the beginning of each Semester. Such examinations..
information Shall be contained in the viii. Heads of Department shall monitor the
Almanac of each Academic Unit. levels of compliance with the require-
ii. The script/results for the last set of ments of the Coursework Assessments
Coursework Assignments in a Semes- for the various academic programmes.
ter shall be availed to the respective ix. Every student shall be required to sign a
students and displayed Two (2) Weeks register as he/she hands in a Course-
before the commencement of the End- work Assignment to the respective Lec-
of-Semester University Examinations, turer/Professor so as to keep a record of
at the latest. all those who have done and handed in
iii. The plans for the Coursework Assess- coursework.
ments shall be indicated clearly i.e. the x. A student who fails to honour the dead-
modes of the Assessments; when each line set for handing in an assignment
Assessment would be conducted; its du- without justifiable causes(s) shall re-
ration as well as the maximum marks to ceive a score of a zero or fail grade in
be awarded in the Assessment. that assignment.
iv. The Coursework (Progressive/Continu- xi. A student who does not have coursework
ous Assessments) shall not contribute marks shall be denied Certificate of Due
less that 30% nor more than 40% of the Performance and will not be allowed to
total marks in each Course. sit the University Examinations
v. The Coursework (Progressive/Con-
tinuous Assessment) component shall 2.0 End-of-Semester Assessments
consist of at least One (1) Test and One i. The End-of-Semester Assessments
(1) Homework or Two (2) Tests per should be preceded with proper study of
Course. both the syllabus and the associated
vi. The tools for Coursework Assessments study objectives.
shall comprise the following:- ii. That syllabus contents and learning ob-
a. Multiple-choice Tests (each lasting jectives should be synchronized in order
for ten (10) to twenty (20) minutes. to ensure that the examination questions
b. Short Answer – Types Tests (each set in a particular Course were bal-
lasting for thirty (30) minutes. anced.
c. Oral Examinations (where iii. Examiners are required to preserve the
applicable only) secrecy of examination papers at all
d. Long Answer Essay – Type Tests stages until the paper has been worked
done within the lecture room/hall by the candidates. The contents must not
for a duration of (forty) 40 to (fifty) be disclosed to any person other than
50 minutes. those colleagues or officials of the
e. Take-away Essay – type Questions University specially appointed to deal
with the papers. 5. Each examination paper shall be under
iv. That in order to ease the setting of both the specific direction of senior members
progressive and end of semester assess- of the academic staff nominated by the
ments, each Internal Examiner should Head of Department/Dean.
develop an assessment questions’ bank. 6. Invigilators shall obtain from their de-
v. A combination of measurement tools partment offices lists showing the names
shall be used when setting examination of candidates taking the papers to be in-
questions for a particular Course. For vigilated.
example, examination questions for a 7. Invigilators shall be present in the ex-
Course may be set comprising the fol- amination room at least thirty minutes
lowing elements:- before the commencement of an exami-
a. Twenty Multiple-Choice items nation after collecting examination pa-
(equivalent to one essay question) to pers from the Examination Officer.
measure knowledge drawn from all 8. Invigilators must ensure that ONE an-
the areas of the syllabus. swer book is provided for each candi-
b. Five compulsory Short Answer date unless the rubric on the question
questions (equivalent to one essay paper requires otherwise. This answer
question) to measure understanding. book must be filled before any addition-
c. For Essay-Type questions (of which al paper is provided.
at least two have to be answered) to 9. Invigilators shall admit candidates to the
measure analytical and higher examination room ten minutes be- fore
– order intellectual abilities and the commencement of the examina- tion
problem solving approach. and they shall ensure that that they take
vi. That the time allocated for a particular places assigned to them. Handbags,
examination shall to be proportional to books and other similar articles must be
the weight of a Course. deposited with the invigilator before the
vii. That time-tabling for examination shall candidate takes up his/her place except
be centralized in the Academic Regis- where books are permitted. During these
trars office. ten minutes the Senior invigilator shall:
viii. That a data-base for teaching/examina- a. make an announcement to the effect
tion space in relation to capacity be es- that candidates should satisfy
tablished. themselves that they are in
possession of the correct paper.
3.0 Invigilation b. Call attention to any rubric at the
1. Each Dean/Director and Head of De- head of the paper which seems to
partment shall ensure that the invigila- require attention.
tion and supervision of any examination c. Announce that, where this is
is effectively and professionally done. practicable, both sides of the paper
2. Every candidate shall sign an atten- must be used.
dance sheet as he/she hands in his/her 10. The Invigilator shall then tell candidates
script for every test/examination he/she when they may begin writing the exami-
has sat for. nation.
3. That examination results shall be sub- 11. In the case of a candidate whose name is
mitted in both electronic and signed hard not included in the list but who presents
copies in all the Departments. himself for the examination, the invigi-
4. Invigilators shall ensure that examina- lator should:
tion scripts for all the candidates who a. Ask a candidate to state the precise
have sat the examinations in the room(s) title of the question paper he/she is
where they have been invigilating are to take.
collected after each candidate has signed b. Ask a candidate if he/she has ensured
to hand in his/her examination script. that he/she would not be in another
examination room. If the candidate total numbers present and absent shall
is right, he/she should be admitted be entered in the space at the foot of the
to a spare place and allowed to begin list.
the paper. 17. Invigilators shall then collect the blank
c. Shall report the name of the answer books from all vacant places.
candidate and particulars to the Spare question-papers should be re-
examination officer through the turned to the Examination Officer.
invigilators report form. 18. During the examination, invigilators
12. Invigilators shall not admit candidates shall ensure that candidates are pro-
to the examination room after half an vided with any additional requirements
hour from the commencement of the ex- (e.g. supplementary sheets, log tables
amination and should not permit them to etc). Candidates may be permitted to do
leave the room until thirty minutes have rough work on the left hand pages of the
expired. Late candidates shall not be scripts on the understanding that this is
allowed extra time. crossed out at the end of the examina-
13. Normally no candidate may be admitted tion.
after the expiry of half an hour from the 19. No candidates shall be permitted to
beginning of the examination period. A leave his place during the examination
candidate may nevertheless be admit- except to leave the examination room.
ted at any time on the following condi- 20. A candidate who contravenes the regu-
tions: lation and instructions governing the ex-
a. the invigilator shall make it clear to amination, especially by unfair practices
the candidate that the University such as copying from or communicating
reserves the right to refuse with other candidates, shall be reported
acceptance of his script. immediately to the Deans/Directors of-
b. The invigilator shall make a full fice for further action by Examinations
report in writing to the Registrar Irregularities committee of the faculty
stating: which should meet immediately after
i. the time of admission the end of the examination session to
ii. whether any candidate had take appropriate action.
previously left the room. 21. The candidate shall be informed that he
iii. Any special reason given by the has contravened the regulations and that
candidate for the lateness. he has been reported, but shall not be
14. Invigilators shall on no account give any prevented from continuing his paper. A
information to a candidate who asks written report must be sent to the Aca-
questions about contents of a question demic registrar including full details of
paper or doubts its accuracy. Any ques- the contravention.
tion of this nature should be referred im- 22. Invigilators shall not permit candidates
mediately to the examiner in the subject to leave their places before their scripts
to clarify the point to all candidates. have been collected. Candidates who
15. At the commencement of the examina- wish to leave the examination room
tion invigilators shall check the names before the end of the examination shall
of the candidates against the copy of the hand heir scripts to the invigilator before
list to ascertain who is present and who leaving the examination room. No can-
is absent, and to confirm that ev- ery didate shall leave the examination room
candidate is where he/she should be (so during the last ten minutes of the time
that no candidate attempts the wrong allocated for the examination except in
paper). case of emergency.
16. At the end of the first half-hour the word 23. At the end of the examination period in-
“ABSENT” shall be written on the list vigilators shall instruct the candidates to
against the appropriate names and the stop writing and shall then collect all the
scripts in the order of the lists.
24. When all the scripts have been collect- was/were awarded shall also count in
ed, the candidates may leave the exami- the calculation of the CgPA.
nation room. ii. If the Board of a College/Faculty/
25. Wherever separate answer books have School/Institute is satisfied that a stu-
been used for different parts of the pa- dent was absent from coursework as-
per, they must be collected in separate sessment and or a final examination due
piles and candidates should be warned at to justifiable reason(s) such as sick- ness
the outset not to tie separate sections or loss of a parent/guardian, then a
together. Course grade of ABS shall be assigned
26. Invigilators shall hand scripts (arranged to that Course(s).
in the order of the lists) to the Chief in-
ternal examiner who shall sign for them 5.0 Timetables for University
on the invigilators form. Invigilators Timetables for University examinations are
shall be responsible in all cases of loss, posted on Student Notice Boards and On-line
damage etc for their scripts until they Services. Misreading or misinterpretation of
are checked and accepted as correct by the timetable will not be accepted as an excuse
the internal examiner. or justifiable cause for failing to attend an
27. The invigilator must ensure that no an- examination. Students are advised to copy and
swer books have remained uncollected keep a hard copy of the timetable to avoid such
and no spare question paper or spoilt errors.
answer book is left on the desk.
28. The attention of the invigilators is drawn 6.0 Electronic Calculators
to the fact that smoking is not allowed in i. The use of authorised, silent, cordless
the examination room and that this nonprogrammable calculators is al-
applies to invigilators as well as candi- lowed in exams only if the question
dates. paper permits it. Such calculators may
29. Internal Examiners (or their nominees) contain simple memory functions for
are required to attend in the examina- use in the course of calculation.
tion rooms at the commencement of ii. Candidates shall seek the approval for
each period to assist the invigilators. In- use of their calculator prior to examina-
structions which the examiners (or their tions by the Invigilator, who will iden-
deputies) may wish to be given should tify approved calculators with a tamper
be announced by the invigilators. evident label.
30. Cases of illness should be reported to iii. It is the responsibility of the candidate to
the Dean/Director/Academic registrar bring the calculator to the exam room
as soon as possible. and to ensure that a spare battery is
31. Invigilators shall have the power to con- available. In all cases calculators must
fiscate any unauthorized book, manu- be silent.
script, or other aid brought into the ex- iv. The use of any OTHER calculator or
amination room, and to expel from the electronic device capable of carrying out
examination room any candidate who the retrieval of stored numerical or
creates disturbance. textual information is strictly forbidden.
This restriction does not apply to “Open
4.0 Absence from Examination Book” exams. Failure to comply with
i. If the Board of a College/Faculty/ these regulations may result in confisca-
School/Institute is satisfied that a student tion of your non- approved Calculator,
has no justifiable reason for having been or, in extreme cases, facing the university
absent from a particular examination, examination irregularities committee.
such a student shall receive a fail
(F) grade for the Course(s) he/she had 7.0 Accommodation of Religious Creed
not sat the examination in. The i. Makerere University is a secular in-
Course(s) in which the Fail (F) grade stitution. It is the official policy of the
University that all days in a week are deceive those setting, administering
considered working days. Staff and stu- and marking the assessment.
dents are expected to conduct or attend Cheating in a University assessment
lectures and examinations at scheduled is a very serious academic offence,
time and day. which may lead ultimately to
ii. Requests to accommodate a student’s expulsion from the University.
religious creed by scheduling tests or Cheating can take one of a number
examinations at alternative times may of forms, including:
not be entertained. i. Taking into the exam venue, or
iii. Students who miss exams or test based possessing whilst in that room,
on religious creed should inform their any books, notes or other
respective Deans /Directors as soon as material which has not been
the timetable is published preferably authorised;
two weeks before examination so as to ii. Writing notes on yourself or
avoid being categorized as being absent having notes on your person
without justifiable cause and a Course iii. Having notes written in your
grade of ABS shall be assigned to that identity documents or authorized
Course(s). examination materials eg
logarithm table.
8.0 Alternative arrangements - students iv. Accessing information stored or
with a disability written on electronic
i. Disabled Students may require alterna- equipment.
tive exaination arrangements which ac- v. Obtaining an examination paper
commodate their disability, which may ahead of its authorised release
include the provision of a scribe or read- vi. Copying from another student
er, separate supervision, extended time, in an examination.
medication access, or the use of assisted vii. Aiding or attempting to aid
technology. another candidate, or obtaining
ii. Students who require alternative exam or attempting to obtain aid from
arrangements need to register with their another candidate;
Deans /Directors office, who will assess viii. Passing yourself off as another;
their needs and liaise with the Academic ix. Such repeated behavior as may
Registrar’s Office. Considerable prepa- in the view of the Invigilator
ration is required for the provision of this prejudice the performance of
accommodation, so the assessment of other candidates.
alternative exam arrangements needs to
take place at the beginning of each 2. Collusion, i.e. the representation
session. of another’s work or ideas as
iii. The invigilators have the discretion to one’s own without appropriate
grant disabled Students more time but acknowledgement or referencing,
the time granted should not exceed 30 where the owner of the work knows
minutes from the end of examination of the situation and both work
session. towards the deceit of a before,
during or after an examination or
9.0 Academic misconduct other assessment so as to either
The University regards academic mis- obtain or offer to others an unfair
conduct as a very serious matter. advantage in that examination or
Misconduct in examinations includes assessment;
but not limited to the following 3 Plagiarism, i.e. the act of representing
actions: another’s work or ideas as one’s own
1. Cheating is defined as any without appropriate acknowledgement
illegitimate behaviour designed to or referencing. There are three main
types of plagiarism’ which could occur iii. A student, who fails to comply with a re-
within all modes of assessment (in- quest above, may be refused admission
cluding examinations): to the examination room.
i. Direct copying of text from a book, ar-
ticle, fellow student’s essay, handout, 12.0 Marking Scheme /Guide.
thesis, web page or other source without i. Each question paper set shall be
proper acknowledgement. accompanied by a clear marking guide.
ii. Claiming individual ideas derived from ii. All the examination papers shall be
a book, article etc. as one’s own, and in- moderated by Departmental
corporating them into one’s work with- Examinations Committees and External
out acknowledging the source of these Examiners.
ideas. iii. For greater accuracy and easier ac-
iii. Overly depending on the work of one or countability examination scripts shall be
more others without proper acknowl- marked by more than one Examiner.
edgement of the source, by constructing
an essay, project etc. by extracting large 13.0 Marking of examination.
sections of the text from another source, i. Every examination for a Degree or
and merely linking these together with a Diploma of the University whether
few of one’s own sentences. (Facul- ties taken at one time or in sections, shall be
/Institute/Schools may extend these con- ducted by Internal examiners, one
definitions for specific subject areas and or where possible, two or more in each
provide students with examples as ap- course /subject and external examiners,
propriate). The correct referencing sys- one or more in each Course/subject. The
tem for making quotations explicit and Head of Department/Dean shall be the
acknowledging sources shall be avail- Chief Internal Examiner.
able through personal tutors or supervi- ii. Only persons at the level of Lecturer
sors, specific tutorial sessions and hand- should be Internal Examiner.
books.) iii. Promising Postgraduate students may
Contravention of the above Regulations will serve as Tutorial Assistants and
be treated under the Procedures for Handling Assistant Internal Examiners under the
Cases of Suspected Cheating in University proper supervision of the respective
Assessment which can be found on the Course Lecturers/Professors, for some
University examination malpractices remuneration
Irregularities rules. Details of the penalties’ iv. Where the staff in an Academic Unit is
are in another section of this book. sufficient to form a team of Examiners,
they be utilized.
10.0 Illness during an Examination v. Computer-based marking of
If one feels ill during an examination he/ examination questions shall be one of the
she should inform an invigilator method of marking scripts where
immediately. appropriate.
vi. Examination Marking Centers shall be
11.0 Identification during examination created to ensure that marking is com-
i. Students must produce their student pleted on schedule and that scripts are
identification card and or examination not lost or misplaced.
permit. Where the identification pro- vii. A Lecturer/Professor who delays to com
vided is not clear, additional forms of viii. plete marking, compiling and/or sub-
identity verification may be requested. mitting the marks of the candidates for
ii. A student wearing clothing that obscures whom he/she received the scripts for
their face may be asked to remove that marking shall have his/her case report-
clothing for identification purposes in ed/referred to the Appointments Board
private and before an examination su- for appropriate disciplinary action to be
pervisor of the same gender. taken on.
ix. A Lecturer/Professor who loses the ex-
amination script(s) of the candidates Programme Coordinators and Rep-
which were handed over to him/her shall resentatives of Departments, should
have his/her case reported/referred to the analyse the examination results in ac-
Appointments Board for appropriate cordance with the approved regulations/
disciplinary action. guidelines for the Semester system
within one week.
14.0 Compilation of marks and analysis ix. That the Board of Examiners, through
i. All the Internal Examiners have to en- the Board of Studies, shall make deci-
sure that all the candidates whose ex- sions on the accuracy of the compilation
amination numbers indicated that they and analysis of the examination results.
had sat for particular examinations, had x. All examination results shall be com-
their scripts duly marked and that the ex- piled and submitted using the format
amination numbers of the absentee can- approved by the Senate only.
didates are properly recorded and also
that the scaling of marks or standardiz- 15. Approval of Examination Results
ing them (where necessary) would have i. The Senate has delegated the power to
been done already. approve all examination results to
ii. The Office of the academic Registrar Boards of Colleges/Faculties/Institutes/
shall circulate the lists of all registered Schools. But the results shall not be re-
students for every Course to all the rel- garded as final until they are confirmed
evant Deans/Directors and Heads of De- by Senate on submission of Appropri-
partments. ate Pass Lists to Senate by the relevant
iii. The Lecturers/Professors shall be Boards. The Appropriate Pass Lists to
availed the records of registered stu- Senate should be accompanied with
dents for the Courses they teach to guide Faculty Board Minutes.
in compilation of marks. ii. Students shall be provided with exami-
iv. The marking of examination scripts nation results using the approved testi-
shall be completed within three weeks monial format.
from the date the examination session
ended and that once the marking ex- 16. Role of Heads of Department
ercise is completed, the compiling of Role of Heads of Department are responsible for:
marks for each Course be embarked on i. Completion of marking and internal
at once. moderation by the date set in the assess-
v. The compilation of the marks for all the ment calendar.
courses within a particular Department ii. Providing the Faculty Registrar/Admin-
shall be completed within one week. istrator with marks for each element of
Members of the support staff shall not assessment for each candidate registered
be involved in handle the compilation of for the unit by the date specified.
vi. All issues pertaining to incomplete/ 17. Role of the Dean/Directors of Faculty/
missing marks be investigated quickly Institute/School
and adequate explanations about such The Dean/Directors of Faculty/Institute/
cases given before the examination re- School are responsible for:
sults would be submitted to the relevant i. Creating examination strong room and
Faculty/Institute/School Examinations marking Centres which offers security
Committees for further analysis. of examination.
vii. The marks which have been compiled ii. Entering all Units’ marks on the candi-
by Departments shall be submitted to date record system by the date specified
the Offices of the respective Deans/Di- in the assessment calendar.
rectors by certain agreed deadlines. iii. Making all practical arrangements for
viii. The Faculty/Institute/School Examina- meetings including External Examiners’
tions Committees which comprise all accommodation.
iv. Notifying any other relevant offices of changes in the provisional marks made at the Subject Area Board.
v. Informing the Senate Examinations Of- fice of the date, time and location of all Examination Boards,
and sending to the Senate Examinations Office the full agenda for each award and progression.
vi. Providing a Minutes Recorder for every Examination Board.
vii. Supervising all the examination pro- cesses in the Faculty/Institute/School and ensuring that examination
results are submitted to the Academic Registrar by the end of the sixth week after the end of the particular
examination period.

18 TheAcademic Registrar’s Department should provide:

i. Coordination and Monitoring of all Examination processes to ensure the achievement of the evaluation
pro- gramme on the one hand and the dec- laration of the results and their safe record-keeping and report
to Senate on the other hand.
ii. The issuing of the Academic Transcripts and Certificates and serving as Secre- tariat to the Faculty Board
and Senate Committees and the Senate.

It shall be an offence for any student to:

a) Be in possession of firearms or other potentially lethal weapons on university property and halls of residence.
b) Use a firearm or any potentially lethal weapon on university property and halls of residence.
c) Appear on university property or halls of residence wearing a law enforcement security uniform.

i) Caution, or
ii) Suspension for a period not exceeding two academic years, or
iii) Dismissal from the University without prejudice to any action that may be pursued in a court of law.

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