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TAC Attack May 1976

f-4 lost canopies page 4





BLOW ITS TOP .... ............................... 4
THE TRIAL ........ ................................ . ... 12
FUNNY FOTOS .................. .. ................. 16
INFINITE PROPOSITION ............. ...... .... 28
WHERE THERE'S SMOKE ..................... 30




Angle of Attack ...................................... 3 MAJ JOE TILLMAN
Awards .............. .................................... 7 EDITOR
TAC Tips ........... .. ... ...... ................. ........ 8
Life Support Update ........................ ....... 1 0
Chock Talk ... .. ........ ...... ......................... 18
Phyz Biz ............. . .... .. ............................ 23 STAN HARDISON
Popeye ....... ........................................... 24 ART EDITOR
Down to Earth ...................... ............. .... 26
TAC Tally ......... ........................ .. ........... 31

TACRP 127-1
Articles, accident briefs, and associated material In this magazine are non-directive In nature. All suggestions and recommendations
are Intended to remain within the scope of existing directives. Information used to brief accidents and Incidents does not Identify the
persons, places, or units Involved and may not be construed as Incriminating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Names, dates, and places used In conjunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units are encouraged to republish the material
contained herein; however, contents are not for public release. Wrl~t~n permission m11st be obtained from HQ TAC before material may b
republished by other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles, photos, and Items of interest from personnel In the field are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We
reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct communication Is authorized with: The Editor, TAC ATTACK,
HQ TAC/SEPP, Langley AFB, Va. 23665. Autovon 432-2937
Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
Angle of

since 1964 . More important than that. we would

strengthen TAC's combat capability and keep
our excellent training programs. With your help

The Human Factor we can do it.

Aircrews - do your part by being prepared to
get the most out of each mission. Dig into regu-
So far this year we have not done well in the lations and Tech Orders - and think when you
accident prevention arena. Somehow. someway. fly.
we must do better. The question. of course. is Supervisors - double your efforts to provide
how? A quick scan of cause factors shows that aircrews the training and guidance necessary to
our biggest problem is aircrew/supervisory er- insure compliance with established procedures
ror. One solution is for all of us to prevent these and directives.
human errors which. incidentally. were cause It is possible to drive this year's aircraft ac-
factors in 9 out of the 1 5 aircraft accidents TAC cident rate down . but it will take a more de-
and TAC-gained forces experienced in the first 3 manding approach by commanders. supervisors.
months of 1976. and aircrews. The challenge is there. Let's meet
The disturbing thing about human -factor ac- it head on. and reduce this needless waste of
cidents is that they can be prevented. Any loss people and aircraft. We have already lost too
of life is a terrible thing. but a death caused by much.
poor judgement. comp lacency. or lack of super-
vision is inexcusable.
Let's zero in on these people problems in
what's left of 1976 . If we could eliminate all
human-factor aircraft accidents during the re-
mainder of the year. we would drive our ac-
~ ident rate down from the highest it has been

don't let your phantom blow its top

By Capt 'Terry! J. Schwalier

proximately $6,000 per
Canopy losses have plagued canopy.
Shaw AFB, SC
the Phantom since it first rolled Ninth Air Force Safety
off the assembfy line. Would recently conducted a study on
Captain Schwa lier is a 1969 you believe that in the last ten the canopy loss problem and
graduate of the Air Force; years over 250 Air Force F/RF- came up with some pretty sig-
ii Academy with a BS in'4 4 aviators have lamed, wishing nificant findings. So, get your
1: Engineering Sciences (Astro.1 their "off we go- thoughts on self some coffee, prop your feet
nautics) His 1,700-hour flying takeoff hadn't included the up, anti get ready for a new ap-
experience includes the T -38A canopy. The Ominous thing proach to an old subject.
nd RF-4C,
including a tour c' about canopy losses is that the We'll use 1972 as a
with the 432d FFW in Thailand. trend is going the wrong way - reference. Not because that
Currently, Capt Schwalier is on .. from 8 in 1972 to 19 in 1975. was a vintage year, but because
loan from the 363d TRW to
Ninth AF as a Flight Safety
- -7'
Besides being dangerous, this
gets expensive - especially
when we she)) out ap-
that's when the McDonnell
Dolig)as folks provided us wittl,
a detailed canopy loss investi

4 MAY 1976
pens when you close your bub- sure you mean just that!)
ble. A canopy that has stalled

Now let's put the horse back
on closing will NOT allow the in front of the cart . What

TOP light to go out and the stripes

to align. Our check . if
performed properly. IS
"failsafe. " We tried to disprove
causes the canopy to stall on
closing? A little background in-
formation is in order . It seems
as though rigging used to be
that statement. but we can't. It handled by egress personnel.
takes all six overcenter locks to 422XX types. until mid-1972.
function properly before you ATC / FTD egress instructors
get good indications. Make taught the formal rigging
gation guide (Reference: Oct sure when you say: courses. Since that time
CLOSED - that you mean - canopy installation. rigging .
DIGEST. pp 28-40). Prior to
canopy is down firmly on the and troubleshooting have been
'72. findings for canopy losses
canopy sills. done by the aero repair folks
resulted in all kinds of uncon-
LIGHTS OUT - that you mean and 431 XX types . Currently.
vincing gremlin causes ... much
- the canopy unlock light has there is no formal rigging
like the "bad air" findings of
gone out simultaneously with course available for these
early aircraft accident reports.
canopy locking. personnel. Training is strictly
Since 1972. the Phantom OJT. ATC has been advised of
blew its lid 51 times. Causes Time out for a little
philosophy: this shortcoming and recom-
can be placed in four basic mendations have been made to
areas. ·three of which we can It is rare that a pilot won 't revise their former course for
control: swear he checked the canopy the 431 XX people now doing
1. Stalled canopies . (62%) light out. Did he? Or did he just the work. In the interim. a team
perceive that he did? Think is in the field with a step-by-
2. Inadvertent jettison/acti- about it. Most jocks come to step rigging presentation .
'---;ation . (1 7%) the Phantom from a bird in
which the crewmember It's time now to connect the
physically locked the canopy cart to the horse . That's easy .
3 . Shear pin failure. (7%) Marginal rigging or other
himself ... like the T-38. Hun.
Thud. etc. The Phantom 's crew- canopy locking problems can
4 . Intentional jettison/unde- be detected very early with a
termined. (14%) member input stops with
canopy lever movement at the little help from both the ops
start of the closing cycle. It's and maintenance troops . The
Let's look at the three areas locking sequence is designed
we can control: very easy for F-4 jocks not to
monitor the complete closing to operate smoothly - without
STALLED CANOPIES cycle. If the master caution binding and without a hard
A term I know you've heard light was punched off during lock. If the canopy closing se -
about. but are you really fa- the engine start. and there are quence doesn 't sound right or
miliar with it? In an attempt to a few other lights illuminated locks a little hard . but you still
get everyone off on the same on the telelight. add some glare get a valid light out and strips
foot. I'll define a stalled canopy from the sun . and ... SHAZAM aligned indication ... write it up .
as one that has failed to com- ... a missed canopy light! The Don 't chalk it up as " being pe-
plete its closing and locking nosegunner is especially sus- culiar to that particular bird " or
cycle - for any reason. This in - ceptible -- 7 5% of all losses as a "one-time" occurren ce.
cludes such goodies (or baddies) since 19 72 have been the This includes those lost cano-
as ra i n seal interference. pre- front-seater's canopy because pies in which the initiator fired .
mature canopy seal inflation . his open canopy triggers ONLY This c an be further broken
bad rigging. locking roller his telelight panel - whereas down into two causes . The big-
failure. FOD in the locking the GIB 's open bubble triggers gest one is the graceful. "that's
mechanism or on the canopy the light in both cockpits. not the flap handle. " or the .
sills. ad infinitum . The REAL " big left upper arm" cause. The
"--' oint is: A stalled canopy hap- STRIPES ALIGNED - {make second is FOD finding its way

DON'T LET YOUR PHANTOM 5. Check that the canop'
closes in normal time.
BLOW ITS TOP 6. Make sure there are no
unusual noises as the canopy

7. Check that the canopy is

down firmly on its seals.

8 . Insure that the unlock light

goes off simultaneously with
canopy locking.

9 . Check that alignment

marks are exactly aligned .

1. Inspect canopies and sills
for damage, foreign objects, or

--- ..
into the bu l khead-mounted that canopy . Mac Dill had an in -
any unusual conditions.

2 . Inspect the cockpits for

initiator. t ri gge ring canopy jet- cident in 1 97 1 w hic h ba cks
foreign objects .
tiso n. Hopefully, both causes thi s up. The key is to kee p yo ur
have bee n virt ual ly eli minated. Gs t o a m inimum o n th e 3. Check that the canopy
The first. wi th the canopy leve r recovery .. . no over hea d pat -
opens and closes normall'y
guards. and the second. with terns . The o nl y reaso n a locked
without unusual noises.
bot h a guard over the rear seat bubb le wit h a broke n shea r pin
bulkhead-mounted initiator- wil l blow off is if the mass of
4 . Perform the shear pin
and a steely-eyed 'gator . We the unatt ached actua to r ga in s
check as required .
can insure ourselves of success enough fo rce (posi t ive G-type )
in this catego ry with good crew to force the be ll c rank down t o
5 . Follow tech data when
chief and aircrew " FOD hunt- un lock.
performing rigging or functional
ing" p ref l ig hts . If you lose OK. th at's th e hot skinn y. checkouts and all other related
somet hi ng in t he cockpit. eit her Let' s sum marize w ith action s maintenance .
f ind it or write it up. tha t we can take t o insure our
Th e last major "accomplice in canopies stay attached to our Let' s mark 1976 wi t h an ap-
cr ime" for canopy losses which jets . propri ate bi centennial resolu -
we have control over is shear t io n: to reverse the canopy loss
FOR AIRCREWS : tr end - ri g ht down to nothing .
pin fa il ure. The cure begins
with OM S. They get the ba ll 1 . Inspect the canopy and Ma ke sure that th e next tim e
ro lling wi t h a good " by-the- sills for damage and foreign ob- you say " off we go, " you don 't
book" 1 0- hou r shear pin check. jects or any unusual conditions. mea n canopy. _;:::;-
Next comes t he GIB who can The author wishe s t o ac-
he lp by keep ing tabs on the 2 . Inspect the cockpit for knowledge the help of Mr.
f ront cockpi t shear pin through foreign objects. B o bby Moore . McD o nnell
the f li gh t ... especia ll y du ring Douglas Tech Rep at TAC
canopy c losing . Time out fo r a 3. Keep both engines at idle Headquarters: Mr. Jim Lawson,
little add-on : when closing canopies . Air Force Engineer Te chnical
Even wi t h a broken shear pin , Services at 4th TFW Se ymour
tech reps te l l me that you 4 . Set the flow to footheat Johns o n : and MSgt Eu k ie
ought to be ab le to ho ld onto and the temp to 2 o 'clock. Bozart. 9AFI LGMF.

6 MAY 1976

Crew Chief Safety Award

Sergeant Michael L. Duff, 56th Organizational
Maintenance Squadron, 56th Tactical Fighter
Wing, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, has been
selected to receive the Tactical Air Command
Crew Chief Safety Award for this month.
Sergeant Duff will receive a certificate and letter
of appreciation rom the Vice Commander,
Tactical Air Command.

Sgt Duff

Maintenance Safety Award

Staff Sergeant Larry R. Woodgett, 23d Field

Maintenance Squadron, 23d Tactical Fighter
Wing, England Air Force Base, Louisiana, has
been selected to receive the Tactical Air Com-
mand Maintenance Safety Award for this month.
Sergeant Woodgett will receive a certificate and
letter of appreciation from the Vice Commander,
Tactical Air Command.

SSgt Woodget

interest items,

S mishaps
TAC Tips
tac tips

with morals,
for the
TAC aircrewman
Nothing is impossible for the man who
doesn't have to do it himself ...


By Maj John Tillander


By Capt Dan Brown TAC had a recent major aircraft accident in

HQ TAC/SEF which the aircraft was destroyed and the crew
narrowly escaped injury. While the malfunctior-N
Have you as a crew member or maintainer which led to the accident may have been pe-
ever read an accident report involving your unit culiar to the aircraft involved, lessons learned
and said to yourself or a buddy. "Yeah, but when apply to all TAC aircrews.
are they going to fix it?" A recent TIG BRIEF The minor malfunction which began the series
pointed out that Final Evaluation Letters from of events leading to the accident did not require
the Air Force Inspection and Safety Center an immediate landing. Nevertheless. the time
(AFISC) are an often neglected. but uniquely from the initial call to tower with the problem to
useful tool, for determining what has resulted eject!on on the runway was less than two
from an accident investigation. minutes. This did not provide time of either the
Each unit which experiences a major aircraft crew or the supervisor of flying to analyze the
accident will receive a Letter of Final Evaluation. situation and consider alternate courses of ac-
Those letters are the final word on findings, tion. Fuel, weather, and air traffic were not fac-
causes and recommendations and include the tors, but the crew elected to continue the ap-
status of corrective actions taken or pending. proach to a full stop landing. The crew erected
A synopsis of the accident is included for folks during the landing roll when they lost control of
who aren't familiar with the accident ... like new the aircraft.
people in your outfit. Where can you find these Aircrews must be aware of the priorities which
letters? Go visit the Safety Officer. He will let you have been established in Section III of each
know the status and/or estimated completion flight manual: (1) maintain aircraft control: (2)
date for the fix and other corrective actions. analyze the situation and take proper action; (3)
Remember, the only purpose for an aircraft land as the situation dictates. When these
accident investigation is to determine what priorities are reversec, an accident is probable.
caused the accident. Then necessary actions are All of the facilities available to a wing to assist a
taken so that a similar acc:dent does not occur crew in an emergency: all of the experience,
again. We can all learn from previous accidents. knowledge and procedures, are of no use to the
it doesn't make sense to "re-invent the wheel" aircrew ... unless they take the time to reques---,
every few years. help.

8 MAY 1976
BUG-SMASHER STRIKES AGAIN position was attained. However . the jet landed
on the right side of runway ... about eight feet
After leveling at 1 ,600 feet MSL. the Flight of from the edge. The pilot realized the proximity to
four F-4s was cleared to climb to 12.000 feet . the runway edge and initiated corrective action .
As they passed through approximately 5.500 Unfortunately, it was too late and the aircraft de-
feet MSL. the flight took evasive action in the parted the runway .
vertical to avoid a civilian aircraft. The flight im- The aircraft had traveled approximately 400
mediately notified departure control that they feet before the right main gear departed the
had just passed within 200 feet of another air- runway surface . The right landing gear
craft and asked if they had the civilian on radar . contacted a runway light. damaging both the
The reply was negative . The pilot of the civilian landing gear and gear door .
aircraft subsequently filed a near-miss report. When you 're flying a formation landing, main-
tain the proper position. If you can't hack the
position . then go around. Don't try to salvage a
bad approach ... it may only get worse.


A Photo-Phantom was on a cross-country
fl1ght when the ram removal by-pass valve failed
with the butterfly valve in the one-quarter open
pos1t1on. Th1s allowed bleed a1r to pass through
to the rain removal outlet .
Normally, this failure would pose no problems .
In th1s case. however. personal baggage and the
a1rcraft 780 equipment were stored in the aft
camera compartment above the high alt1tude
camera . A plast1c hang -up bag was touchmg the
pipe gomg to the rain removal outlet. The p1pe .
heated by the bleed air passing through it.
burned a hole through the plast1c bag and
through one -each sport coat and shirt .
Both aircraft were in VMC at the time of oc- If you store your personal belongings or other
currence . The Phantoms were flying under IFR at 1tems 1n the camera area of the RF-4 . make sure
the time . and the civilian was VFR. nothmg is touching any ducting which carries
Radar facilities may not be able to see small bleed air . A fire in the beak area of your
VFR aircraft if they are not transponder equip- Phantom could ruin your whole day .
ped. Separation is only provided between IFR
aircraft. When you're flying near civilian airports.
keep the head out and watch for the Bug-
Smashers .. . midairs ain't no fun'

The F-4 had completed four touch-and-go

landings. Just prior to touchdown on the full
FORMATION LANDING stop , the Runway Supervisory Officer (RSO)
issued instructions to the Phantom pilot to go
The Phantom was maintaining wing position around and leave the wheels down due to a
during a formation full-stop landing . Shortly blown tire. The aircraft- was set up for a straight-
before touchdown. the pilot checked for proper in approach and a successful barrier engage-
runway alignment. D.uring the check, he allowed ment was made.
·~e aircraft to get high on the leader. Touch- It's this type of vigilance that prevents ac-
JWn occurred shortly after the correct vertical cidents . Well done . ~

Life support update

Capt Mike Byers


T~CR SOI-1 As the result of the February 1976 TAC Life

Support Conference . we're combining all the
TAC 50 1-series regs into a single publication
(TACR 501-1 ). This reg will be easier to use and
quicker to change as needed. Chapters and
pages will be set up like a Tech Order; 1-1 . 2-1 .
etc. Hopefully. TACR 501-1 will be in the field
by July 1976.

LIGHTWEIGHT HELMET Things are starting to move in the lightweight

helmet program . If the planned lab tests turn out
as expe cted . there will be four different light-
weight helmet des igns to test and fly during
AIMVAL/ ACEVAL. This will give us a good
chance to see what designs work best - in a
realistic . demanding environment . We 're also
pressing for flight tests of the British P and 0
oxygen masks. since these masks look like they
may help solve the problem of mask retention
during high-G maneuvers. The good guys at
Aerospace Medical Division (AFSC) . the USAF
School of Aerospace Medicine and Aeromedical
Research Laboratory have given us great sup-
port and assistance with both the helmet and

10 MAY 1976
The first (t1nd p~ssibly lt1st)

The photo below deserves a caption. and we . Entries shou ld be sent to HO TAC / DOXBL. Lan-
as th ey say in the paper-pushing business. gley AFB. VA 23665 (include your name and ad-
would like to so li c it your inputs. Th e winning dress) . Entries mus t be received by 7 Jun 76. In
capti on. as selec ted by ou r re sident En glish case your Aunt Minnie wonders about us. the
major (actually an Am erica n captain) w ill be photo isn 't really Cousin Ralph . the jet pilot who
published in TAC ATIACK. The writer wi ll receive didn 't eject in time. It's only an unfortunate
a nifty pri ze for his or her efforts . (Exactly wha t . dummy who fell victim to an eject ion seat test
we'll fi gure out later .) fai lure.


AFSC Safety Management News lette r and the even though it's under the Nomex. The Army has
US ARMY AVIATION DIGEST ha ve both a case on record where th e Nomex provided
published info on th e hazards o f wearing protection from the fire. but the individual
underwear made of nylon or other synthetic received fatal burns from melted synthetic
fiber under Nome x flight suits. Synthetic fibers underwear. The solution? Until Nomex
tend to melt at around 300 to 400 degrees F. underwear comes along . wear only cotton or
and alth ough th e Nomex will delay heat transfer. wool underwear under your flight suit . Flaming
su ffi cie nt exposure to fir e w ill melt the synthetic jockey shorts you can do without .

the trial



12 MAY 1976
fhe gallery was quiet; they knew what the seamanship . I'm sure that water skier was im-
sentence would be . They had heard it all before pressed by your speedy attempt to find out why
... had seen it had experienced it themselves he was holding that ski up in the air . Unfortu-
... they knew. nately. he was not too impressed with your warp
three trip over his location. To this day, he
Perhaps the man knew also . The grimace on doesn't know how he man aged to dive 1 0-feet
his face seemed to indicate that he suspected it. underwater with a lifebelt on . He did offer this
as he stood to receive the sentence . court his appreciation for your providing him
with a lifetime supply of toothpicks . however . He
The man in the long black robe pointed a will settle for court costs and a new water ski .
gnarled finger at the accused. The gallery
cringed and became even more subdued . The "Your family was very appreciative of the
fingertip quivered as the robed man 's voice unscheduled swimming party you organized that
boomed. " Having been found guilty. you are very same day. Remember how you so bravely
sentenced to a ... " challenged the wake of that 25-footer? Your wife
is especially grateful for the opportunity to learn
The crowd in the gallery grew wide-eyed and that your whole family was capable of swimming
each held his breath for what he knew was com- more than a mile- fully clot hed ."
ing next .... The robed man swallowed. paused
for a brief moment . then continued . " .. . "Hurray for drownproofing! " chanted the crowd
sentenced to a (choke) Ground Safety lecture." in the gallery .

The guilty man screamed . "And how about your camping trip?" the robed
one continued. "You DO remember your trip to
Some in the crowd b·egan crying. others were the mountains don 't you?"
moaning in a kind of rhythmic chant. while some
leaped up and began clawing their way to the The man's face went blank. then he scratched
door. only to be beaten back by club-wielding his head. knocking his hair piece to the floor.
guards . exposing his totally bald head . He scrambled to
retrieve it as the voice behind the bench
The guilty man fell on the floor and began continued ...
sobbing pitifully, "Why me? Why me?"
"Yes ... I see it's coming back to you . It was a
The sounds of the hysterical crowd and the real exciting trip, with all t he fun -little surprises
sobbing man were silenced by the pounding you are famous for. Forgetting to safety-chain
gavel of the man in the robe. Once again the
voice blasted . "Why you?" and again more
loudly. "Why you ? Listen again to the evidence
and answer your own question ."

Police officers scooped the qu1venng man

from the floor and ground him into the chair as
the man in the robe leaned forward. grasping
the edges of the high bench. "Remember your
boating trip last Memorial Day weekend?"

The man stopped quivering and began to think

back to May. The Judge continued. "You were
.eally quite impressive with your display of

th e hosp ital in Upper Rubber Boot. Montana .

the trial and you r w ife and kid s in the Bide-A-Wee


At th e mention of his home town. one o ld man

in the c rowd began app lauding and was Im-
the camping tr ai ler to the car provided the family mediately mobbed by those around him.
an unforgettable sight as they watched the
trailer pass your car going down that moun t ain- The sou nd of the gavel stirred the mob to sub-
side!" miss ion as th e man in the robe continued. ''I'm
su re you remember the backyard party you
"Oh. the poor fam il y." moaned the audience. threw o n the Fourth of July weekend."

" Of course. that wasn't so bad . After all . you Th e man g rinned sheepish ly.
managed t o sa lvage most of you r camping gear
and pack it into the car trunk - the kid's pup "Ve ry we ll . I see that you remember at least a
tent. th e blankets and sleeping bags and th e part of it . You were a great host The booze
charcoal grill ahh. yes the gri ll .... You flowed fre e ly and you were pouring with a
perfo rmed a mighty spectacular show th at even - flo uri sh. Your powers of persuasion were
mg when you decided t o start th at grill up with fan t astic. Take that good friend of yours who
the help of a quart of w hite gasoline. Im ag in e wanted to take a taxi hom e you convinced
you r family's surp rise when th e blast not only blew him that he was perfectly capab le of d ri ving
burning briquets brightly into the sky. but set home I'm sure he'll thank you properly
your tent and sleeping bags on fire. I can him self w hen he co mes out of the coma. Yes.
imagine your astonishment at having your hair - you we re th e perfect host . Your family certainly
and a laye r of c rani al skin burned off . It must app rec iates the fact that you drove another
have been a ve ry relaxing vacatio n. wit h you in fri end home yourse lf because he was too drunk
to drive. It's a shame the police spotted you.
Unfo rtu nately those balloon tests are fair and.
yes . the fine for DWI is pretty stiff."

" Down with the fuzz." the c ro wd shouted .

Th e police officers in the court rose slowly

fr om th eir c hairs and started to move toward the

" Long _li ve the protec t ors of law and order."

sa id th e c ro wd. c hanging chants quickly .

Th e man in the long black robe lea.ned back in

his c hair and surveyed the convicted man. "You r
holidays were ce rtainly filled w ith excitement
last year. but wha t about this year; are you go-
in g t o take a holiday from danger ?"

Th e co nvi cted man bounded from his cha ir

spurting a se rie s of "Yes Sirs." Then he paused
for a moment and asked. " Your Honor. when
must I re ce ive the sentence ... the (shudder)
Ground Safety lecture?"

" Mi st er." the judge said. rising from the

benc h. "Yo u've already had it Case c losed! "___.>.

14 MAY 1976

Have you ever wondered how the TAC ATTACK Staff solves difficult problems ?
What kind of scientific testing we employ ? Our step -by-step reasoning that
prov ides amazing (at times brilliant ) conclusions ? Here ' s an example of the

Staff at work :

PREPARATION: R~lnfJved til' frfJnt twfJ
legs frfJin Gr6ssllfJpper 6nd
pl6ced it fJn t61Jie tfJp.
TEST: G6ve tile v~riJ61 tfJinln6nd: Cr6wl I

-:- _·~~~ ~:;;.:_:· i~ TEST:

~~:;;;;£~~- r-
- -.r.__,-=- -~-- ~~ RESUlT: Gr6ssllfJpper tr6wled.
~~~:--- --:.~_ -~c- --= -i-~-:-: ""_"~L ~/if.;L TEST IIJ
~- "-:~--"=:__ ~
--- ~~ri¥-
~ - ~ ~-==- ~ -
- = -,_:;.2,"-- -~ - PREPARATION: RemfJved tile IJ6tlt legs
frfJin s6me Gr6ssllfJpper, le6ving
llim nfJ legs, 6nd repl6ced llim
fJn t61Jie tfJp.
TEST: G6ve tile v~riJ61 tfJinln6nd: Cr6wl I
RESUlT: Gr6ssllfJpper did nfJt cr6wl.

CONClUSION It ll6s /Jeen determined IJeyfJnd 61/ dfJuiJt IJy 6 series fJf tests
using ex6cting scientific metllfJds tll6t 6 gr6ssllfJpper, witll 61/ it's legs
r~lnfJved... c6n nfJ lfJnger lle6r I

Any questifJns ?
funny fotos


011 IOIIDAYS .•.

door or panel. Always enter work accomplished
chock talk in AFTO Form 781.
2. Replace all worn or broken fasteners when
they are discovered - don't wait.
... iltddt~tU rutd iltcidt~ttaLt 3. Check Tech Order procedures and ade-
quacy of local directives / checklists as well as

wit~£ a mailtteM~tte tLa~tt. quality of training programs.

4. Look for unusual appearances of any air-
craft component. Delamination. loose fasteners
and surface cracks can be symptoms of a
potential dropped object.

#£$~WRITE IT UP r•
By Capt Jim Aucoin An F-4 was recently injured after it was bitten
TAC/SEPS by an out-of-control fuel bowser. The bowser's
brakes had not been set properly. A wind storm /"'""\
The "Eagle" ground aborted for a faulty fuel with gusts up to 38 knots propelled the bowser
reading. Instrument specialists requested panels from its parking spot 75 feet across the parkinQ
66 and 69 be removed to facilitate their trou- ramp into the right aileron of a napping F-4. The
bleshooting. The crew chief removed panel 69 Phantom recovered after surgery. which cost
and had started on panel 66 when a thunder- $781 .00 .
storm stopped work. and the aircraft was towed Bowser's supervisors were also at fault. There
to a hangar to finish the job . At shift change. the were no local procedures in effect to require re-
appropriate Form 781 entries for panel removal moval of drip pans from the flight line.
had not been accomplished A crew chief from Once again - don't get caught napping with
the second shift was sent to the hangar to assist cumulonimbus on the loose. Get a severe
the instrument specialist . He noticed that panel weather plan that's simple and effective - before
69 had been removed and made the appropriate it's too late.
Form 781 entry. but since panel 66 was covered
by the speed brake. its condition (loose bolts}
went unnoticed. The instrument specialist found
the faulty fuel probe under panel 69. secured
the panel. and cleared the Form 781 entry. No
further maintenance action was required under
panel 66. so it went undetected during
maintenance and aircrew preflights . When the
Eagle flew again. she lost a " feather" (panel 66}.
In July 1975. TAC ATTACK published an
article that listed four rules that could put the lid
on the dropped object problem. Here's a sum-
1. Completely remove or open; completely in-
stall or close. Never partially open or replace a

18 MAY 1976
~HOPPEDOBJECTS four rows of dzus fasteners. The upper and
lower longitudinal rows consist of seven
fasteners each - forward and aft vertical rows
Part 1 BAD SCREWS BLUES contain four fasteners each. Nut plates of both
vertical rows were damaged. indicating these
During the Photo-Phantom 's postflight mspec - fasteners had been forced out of the plates.
tion. the crew chief discovered the upper left Neither of tre longitudinal rows exhibited any
stabilator wiper cover plate missing . A one-time damage . indicating that the fasteners had not
inspection of all aircraft in the wing was made been secured. "Murphy" managed to get into
to determtne if any maintenance or materrel prob- the act also . The fasteners in this plate will fit
lems existed with the wiper cover plate. Results flush with the panel even if they are not secured.
of the inspection revealed that 50 percent of the Because of this no one noticed that the panel
aircraft had improper size retainer screws in- had not been completely secured.
stalled' Additionally. there were no Tech Order Next time you remove and replace panels on
specified screws in bench stock. There were no any aircraft - be it 0-2 or F-1 5 - make sure all
materiel problems with the w1per cover plate. the fasteners are secured before you leave the
The lack of readily available proper screws work area. It JUSt might prevent a dropped ob-
may have contributed to the installation of ject ... again .
screws of the wrong size. Another item of
tnterest was that approximately 30 of the unit's
aircraft were recent deliveries from worldwide
resources. Some of these also had incorrect
screws installed. indicating the problem may be
worldwide .
Are the wiper panel retainer screws on your
untt's Phantoms the correct size? Are bench
·ock levels for retainer screws adequate at your
se7 A quick check of these two items could
prevent another dropped object


While performing a functional check flight. the
F-1 00 pilot felt a thump . During the landing. the
RSO noticed that a panel was missing from the
aircraft .
The panel (F-32) is normally secured by the

Heyl pass it along ... nine others are waiting.

prior planning prevents...

MAY 1976

By Capt Marty Steere

. _,____ rAe fighter pilots have ceivable that training could be Next. the Dash 34 weapons
entered a new era of realistic curtailed. It's up to you to delivery manual should be
training . Operation "Red Flag " ensure this doesn't happen .... consulted . It's a safe bet that
and exercises such as " Bold How do you ensure a suc- it's been a while since you 've
Eagle" allow fighter pilots to cessful flight? The answer is dropped live munitions. so a
train in an environment as adequate preparation . Getting thorough review of safe
close to the real thing as ready for these missions will separation envelopes. arming
possible . For the first time in a take more time and effort than times . and munitions preflight
ong while. TAC pilots are for anything you 've done in a is a must. If you're a mud
dropping live munitions long while . The first place to pounder. you might want to
instead of little blue bombs . All start is the flight manual. The dig out some of the past
aspects of weapons employ- Dash-One will tell you if there FIGHTER WEAPONS REVIEW
ment will be used ... from level are any handling characteris- articles on bombing tech-
deliveries to pop-ups. One ob- tics peculiar to heavyweight niques. Your wing weapons
vious result is that we will have operation and what happens to weenies should have an up-to-
aircrews better prepared to do aircraft when you hang bombs. date file of that excellent
the mission ... to put ordnance missiles . CBU . or other things magazine .
on target and destroy the on the airframe . With changes MCM 3-1 should be re-
·enemies· capability and will to in aircraft CG . longitudinal viewed prior to participation in
wage war. stability of your aircraft may any Red Flag type operation .
OK . so that's the good news! change and handling qualities The tactics listed are combat
What's the bad? So far this may be degraded at various proven and effective . Indi-
year. TAC has lost three air- airspeeds and altitudes. The viduals in the squadron can be
craft and three aircrew gay blade who horses a jet tasked to prepare briefings on
members during this realistic around in this situation may various weapons employment
·- 'lining . If losses such as get more than he bargained methods. Everyone in the
'--...- ese keep occurring. it is con- for . squadron will benefit.

The last aspect of the plan-
ning stage involves human fac-
tors . When you consider that
airc rew error was involved in
50 percent of 1975 major air-
craft accidents. it's obvious
that more emphasis has to be
placed on this . Significant fac-
tors were : poor scheduling.
inadequate briefings. and the
lack of a definite mission ob-
jective . Aircrews
scheduled on missions / events
for which they were minimally
qualified for or not proficient.
Inexperienced flight leads were
scheduled to lead missions
that they were not capable of
leading. Briefings were often
inadequate in content. cut
short. or nearly nonexistent.
When you are going to fly one
of these demanding missions .
start your briefings earlier than
normal. Ask questions . Make
sure everyone knows exactly
what is to be done. and how it's
to be don e. If you don 't feel a
member of your flight is ready
for the mission. tell one of
your supervisors . Above all .
plan the mission with the
least experienced member of
the flight in mind .
Ju st one more thing. If things
do turn brown .. . if you do
get out of control below your
minimum ejection altitude . do
your friends and family a favor
eject .. . now. Remember
those three major accidents I
told you about? They included
two single- seat jets and one
two-holer . Three of the indi-
viduals involved are dead .
Don't you wait until it's too
late .
That's the story . Now it's up
to you . The time to start is
now. before you 're tagged to
fly in one of these exercises.
Plan well and have a good
flightl _;>

22 MAY 1976
By Lt Col Harold Andersen
HQ TAC Physiological Training

The latest in AF " new looks" practice. During that week. the will be ready to return to full-
is scheduled to arrive on the Langley cadre will be aug- time operational status with
scene 1 Jul '76 . No. this new mented by TDY personnel from min1mum difficulty. The
look isn't a uniform, weapons the Shaw AFB PTU . Obviously, physical facilities will be main-
system. or a supply system; it's there must be advance plan- tained in their current con-
a new management concept for ning, not only by the PTU, but figuration. No structural
physiological training facilities. also by those organizations changes will be made to ac-
'•5 objective is a reduction in whose aircrews will require commodate other activities. nor
r----- ~erating costs while still ac- training under AFR 502- will extraneous organizations
complishing quality training. 7. Aircrews must be identified be permitted to defeat the plan
At this time. plans call for a several months in advance of by moving in on a permanent
total of seven (7) Physiological the expiration date noted on basis. Classroom facilities will
Training Units (PTUs) to be the AF Forms 702 and 1274. If be made available for the sup-
placed in a "limited operational scheduling organizations port of bona fide training
status." Three TAC PTUs will be identify their requirements suf- activities by other organizations
affected (Langley, Moody and ficiently in advance of the when physiological training
George) . two SAC PTUs (Cars- expiration date . there should be classes are not scheduled.
well and Offutt). one ATC PTU no groundings due to delin- How does this affect the air-
(Randolph) and one ADC PTU quencies . crew? We 'll have less flexibility
(Tyndall). Unit manning will be We have already indicated in meeting his training require-
reduced to two NCOs. who will that Langley will be supported ments . We 'll no longer be able
remain in place to maintain the by the Shaw PTU; the other to juggle the scheduled physio-
facilities and schedule training. TAC PTUs will be treated in a logical training dates to accom-
Training will be accomplished similar fashion - George will be modate the individual as we
during a one or two week pe- augmented by Edwards, and have in the past. In all
riod each month . For example, Moody will be backed up by probability. if a person misses
the Langley PTU will continue MacDill . his training date. he will go de-
to provide training after 1 July That's the line-up, folks. The linquent - a situation we all
to the same organizations as concept will permit dollar sav- want to avoid.
now. but with one major dif- ings, as personnel reductions So, that's the "new look" in
ference; all training for any are made. The long-run is also physiological training - it can
given month will be accom- considered. by recognizing that be a cost-effective management
plished during one week, if USAF force strength tool. but only if we all plan
:..,stead of spreading over four increases are required, the ahead and cooperate. Help us
1'---' eeks as IS the current physiological training facilities make it work. .---->


By Capt M. C. Kostelnik
Test Project Officer
Eglin AFB, FL
Read the following information and see if your
answers remain the same.
30° of bank: According to AFM 51-37. " For
turns of more than 30°. a bank angle of 30° is
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE normally used ." The manual goes on to say.
however. that "High true airspeed and / or flight
manual procedures for the equipment used may
require other angles of bank." Remember that
1. 30° is the maximum angle of bank for high- AFM 51-37 is written for all types of Air Force
performance aircraft such as the F-4 engaged in operated aircraft and " provides adequate
instrument flight. guidance for instrument flight under most cir-
A. True c umstances . but it is not a substitute for sound
B. False judgement. Circumstances may require modifi-
cation of prescribed procedures." There are
2 . You must determine the descent rate re- specific instrument maneuvers addressed in
quired to maintain the glide path prior to a PAR AFM 51-37 which do specify a maximum angle
final approach . of bank. Turns in holding . for example. and the
A. True transition to final for a radar approach are both
B. False limited to a maximum of 30° There may also be
Flight Manual limitations which must be ob-
3 . When the IAF is located outside of the hold- served. In the F-4. for example. the maximum
ing pattern. adjust the pattern so as to be at the angle of bank for a TACAN penetration is 30° .
IAF at the Expected Approach Clearance (EAC) We may summarize by saying that 30° of bank is
time . a useful guide for the maximum angle of bank
A. True for all types of aircraft engaged in instrument
B. False flight. However. there may be specific instances
where high-performance aircraft like the F-4 are
4. Altimeter check points are required at _all Air not limited to 30° . Remember though. that 30°
Force bases by AFR 55-48 . of bank is a good guide for most instrument ma-
A. True neuvers and may. in fact. be the maximum for
B. False others . Angles of bank greater than 30° in the
weather may cause spatial disorientation. so use

24 MAY 1976
1iscretion in selecting bank angles greater than possible. the IAF should be located within hold-
'-30° without ample justification . ing airspace on the holding course. There are
Transition to Final : The following guidance has terminal approach procedures. though. where
been extracted from AFM 51-37 under the tran- the IAF is located outside the holding pattern.
sition to final procedures . "Start the Before Adjust the pattern so as to be at the published
Landing Checklist (landing check). review ap- point of departure from the holding pattern (our
proach minimums. and tune navigational equip- italics) at the Expected Approach Clearance
ment to comply with lost communication (EAC) time." In the example shown (Figure 3).
instructions when practical. Determine the final the pilot should plan to depart "Lucky" ( 1 5
approach airspeed and the approximate initial DME) at the appropriate EAC time .
descent rate required on final approach ." Pilots
may satisfy this requirement by any one of CATEGORY c I D I E
>II.S-24 500/24 200 1200.1!.1
several methods . The pilot may estimate the S-I.OC-24 620 /40 320 1400-"'
descent rate required based on past experience . S-NDB-24 780 /40 .ol80 (500-%1
He may elect to use the ground speed / angle of
descent chart in the Terminal Instrument Ap-
529 (6QO.I%1 I 860-2
..CDD/16 100 1100.!41 GS u•
569 1600-21

proach Procedures Booklet (figure 1 ). or he may

compute the desired descent rate using one of Figure 2 : Terminal Approach Segment
the following techniques :
A. Determine the descent rate (Ft / Min) for a
3° glide path using the following formula.
Desired VVI (Ft/ Min). au""o '"-'0 X 10
Note : For glide paths other than 3° , add or sub-
tract 100 FPM for each 1/ 2° .
Example : Ground speed120 Kts.vv•=-¥-xtO:,OO
B. You may also estimate the descent rate by
multiplying the glide path angle by your ground- I
speed expressed in nautical miles per minute X I
100 .
Example: Groundspeed120 Kts MMPM:120.;.60:2..
l'lh\PM lC 100 • ZOO 3(•) 11.200,. 600 FPM \
In order to find the approach glide path . refer \
to the IFR supplement. review the Terminal Ap-
proa c h Plate . or simply ask the controller . Find
the glide path in the Terminal excerpt shown in
Figure 2 .
EMUCi SAFE ALl fOO NM 141,100 MIN WE AU 2SN~I600

Figure 3 : Sample TACAN approach with the IAF
30 A5 60 75 90 105 120 135 ISO 165 180 and Holding Fix not collocated
2.0 lOS 160 210 265 320 370 425 475 530 585 635
2.5 130 200 265 330 ns 465 530 595 665 730 795 Altimeter Checkpoints : Altimeter check points
3.0 160 240 320 395 480 555 635 715 195 875 955
are required at all Air Force bases by AFR 55-48
3.5 185 280 370 465 555 650 740 835 925 1020 1110
(Base Operations Regulation). if the takeoff end
Figure 1: The Angle of Descent / Groundspeed of the runway varies more than 25 feet from the
Chart official field elevation . The takeoff end of the
runway . then. should be the best place to com-
Expected Approach Clearance Time : Ac c ord- plete the altimeter check . Use the placarded ele-
ing to AFM 51-37. "The holding fix for a holding vation if posted . otherwise use the published
pattern that is used in conjunction with a ter- field elevation . Be wary of altimeter checks in
minal approach procedure should coincide with the chocks as the actual elevation on the ramp
,he initial approach fi x (IAF) . When this is im- may vary sign ificantly from the ·p ublished value .


SMS Jim Savoie

It is made of stee l, it chews up hands and feet. Each year many people lose toes when they
hurtles rocks , nails. glass. and other objects stumble or somehow pull the mower over their
through the air with a deadly force causing feet. NEVER cut grass by pulling the mower
death. injury and damage to its target. The towards you .
monster has been known to breathe flames or Each year many people lose fingers w hile at-
even explode when its master does not treat it tempting to remove debris from the area of the
right. Most of us keep this monster penned up blade with the engine running. ALWAYS stop
in our homes. because it also cuts grass. That's the engine and disconnect spark plug wire
right. it wil l soon be time to get the mower out before check ing or working on the mower.
and get it ready for the weekly job that no one STOP the engine when you leave the mower.
looks forward to. Well. before you do, we have even for a moment.
some reminders for you and your family that NEVER add fuel to a running engme. Re-
must be adhered to or the stee l monster wil l member. the extra gaso lin e is a hazard to your
getcha'. home. Store it outside in a metal can.
Always check the lawn for any obstacles that Keep all shi eld s and safety devices in place .
cou ld be thrown by the blades. To keep from gettin g the shock of your life .
Wear heavy duty shoes. preferably safety DO NOT use an AC-powered electric mower 1n
shoes. Never wear tennis shoes or go the rain or when grass is wet. __::::;-
barefooted while mowing

26 MAY 1976
" ... ever nfJtice it's the new guy whfJ sees the h•z•rds ?"

if '1 called...
Most people will be able to adequately com-
pensate for it ... most of the time. It becomes a
By Capt Ted R. Powers
trouble spot when you let your guard down just
Flight Safety Officer, 1st TFW
a little bitl It's Friday night. you've just left the
Langley AFB, VA
Club after meeting an old friend you haven 't
seen in years. Your mind's not really on driving
and you're approaching that poorly lit crosswalk
after the Little League game ...
Have you ever noticed how it's the new person The often recognized hazards on most bases
in the outfit who notices the hazards? It may be are numerous. but we tend to forget them. It's a
that grinding wheel with the broken eye guard. natural process . The human being is a
or that blind corner by the Base Exchange. It remarkably adaptable creature and so you adjust
may be a spot by the shop door that gets really to the environment and go about your normal
slippery when it rains. or the bad lighting at the routine. Unfortunately. that doesn't highlight the
ball park crosswalk. They are the subtle hazards problem and. therefore. it doesn't get corrected.
that you just don't notice . Why IS it that the new Take a look around you when you drive to
person is the only one who seems to mention it? work the next time . Really look! See if you can
It's called awareness. recall the things that needed to be corrected
When you think about it. you probably com- when you first observed them . They'll start com-
plained about some of the same things when ing back. If they are definable hazards that can
you first arrived. Then you got involved in the be corrected. visit or call your base safety office
job and just kind of forgot about them. You and get the ball rolling. Oh. and don't stop look-
learned to live with the problem. You com- ing when you've completed the drive to the
pensated for it by being a little more careful. or shop. Make it a significant contribution to your
driving a little bit slower. After a while. you base. You may even save someone a fast trip to
rlidn't even remember it was therel the hospital ... from that grinder ... or the cross-
'-- The problem is the hazard doesn't go awayl walk by the ball park ... or .. .? ~


Major Jinks Gilliart' sat -4t his desk ',- ;3!:.n broke into an embarrassed grin and
the draft of the report for the old man. He nci up. "Buckyl Hey, man, it's good to see
startled by a voice from the office doorway. I heard you were coming up here.-
you Ta gain.
"Hey. Major, how do I get out of this chicken The two shook hands warmly and Jinks guided
outfit?" Captain Buckingham to the corner of his office,
Jinks looked up. irritated at the interruption. where a coffeemaker had just signa,ed the corn

28 MAY 1976
• •
propos1t1on by Maj Joe Tillman

pletion of a new batch of brew. They each drew really got me . He JUSt chewed around it and let it
a cup of coffee . fall off. You know. I was always 1n the barrel w1th
" S1t down. Bucky How's everything back 1n that guy. If 1t wasn't for the ops officer I th1nk I
the real world/ How d1d you end up here ... beat m1ght have been grounded. No sense of humor."
your boss in golf/" " Boy. you got that right. It's almost as though
Captain Buck1ngham studied the neutral grey he d1dn 't care how good you were. Those regs
carpet between his feet. " No. I had a l1ttle pro- got r1d1culous after awhile. Hell. you felt l1ke
blem w1th a format1on landmg - you know. screw someone was look1ng over your shoulder the
up and move up. Besides. I needed to fill th1s whole t1me. The only time you could do what
square. Jmks. what's 1t really like here? How do you wanted was on TOYs ... mcidentally. J1nks. I
you l1ke working for Number One?" heard about your acc1dent at Bold Eagle . What
Jinks swept h1s hand to encompass the plush. happened?"
qu1et off1ce and gnnned sheepishly. " I l1ke 1t " Stup1d1ty. I guess. Bob Palla1s and I were
fme. Bucky. I'm work1ng as military lia1son with working a target and we kept tightening up the
the c1vil1ans here. It's kinda ' hard to get used to patterns and pressmg a l1ttle. He chickened out
.-..11 the feather merchants. but 1t's surpr1s1ng how f1rst."
\.._...' any old jocks we have up here. They say There was a long pause as the two pilots
eventually you'll run into all your old budd1es f1n1shed the1r coffee. The silence of the com-
here . I see Joe Parrado once in a while ... you fortable off1ce was broken only by the muffled
remember Joe. don't you!" c l1ckmg of a typewnter from the outer off1ce.
" Sure." Bucky sa1d reflectively. "It was a MaJOr Buckmgham stood up . " Gotta' go." he
shame what happened to h1m in V1etnam. I sa1d.
guess 1t could be expected though. Joe never " OK. Bucky. I'd better get back to work myself
was one to throttle back." Major Buck1ngham Incidentally. where are you going to be working
bnghtened up. " So you like work1ng for the Old ... at the gate?"
Man. J1nks?" "Yeah. I guess everyone starts there f1rst." He
"Yes. I do. R1ght now he's down at the Recep- looked at Jinks and a shadow of apprehension
tion Center bnefmg some new arnvals. He talks darkened h1s eyes. "Tell me somethmg. Jmks. do
personally to all newcomers ...... you m1ss the family?"
"Yeah I know. Jmks. I saw h1m yesterday." " No. not really. I know they'll get here
" ... Anyway. you'll l1ke 1t here ." He gnnned. "It's even t ually. I do think about how long it will be
aga1nst the regulations to be unhappy ... ." before the k1ds get here. though ... " He smiled.
The desk phone buzzed and J1nks moved over " But l1ke I sa1d. 1t's aga1nst regs to be unhappy
to answer 1t. "Yes s1r." he sa1d. "the draft IS here."
ready go final/ OK. it'll be on your desk this ''I'm glad to hear that. Jinks. I thought it was
afternoon. s1r." He hung up the phone and JUSt me."
moved back to the leather cha1r and faced h1s The two fr1ends shook hands by the door w1th
old buddy the prom1se to get together and talk over old
" Hey Bucky. do you remember when we tap- t1mes agam MaJOr Gilliam watched Bucky walk
ped that Navy JOCk near Oceana! What a hassle. down the sunl1t corndor. the cloud-like vapors
I didn't know an F-8 could turn like that!" f1ll1ng the vacuum beh1nd h1m as he turned 1n
" Yeah boy. I also remember that I flamed out the d1rect10n of the gate. The muted peal of the
"'---- unng tax1-back after that rat race. The old man c ho1r floated through the celestial mist. ~

when there's smoke...

where there's

20/20 hindsight revealed many errors in judge-

ment that were related to specific aircraft
By Maj Joe Tillman
procedures Since TAC. at last count. had no
Hawker Hunters in its in ve ntory. we'll skip these
mistakes. One hazard that can't be ignored is
Major "Geech" Hamilton. TAC/000 (Fighter that both the RSO and chase pilot mistook the
Ops). recently brought us an article printed in fire extinguisher discharge as smoke from a
the February 1974 issue of AIR CLUES. the suspected engine fire . It could happen again.
Royal Air Force magazine. The article. entitled Imagine. if you will. a two-ship ofF- 111 s do -'"'
"Smoke Without Fire. " examines the hazard of ing their thing down near the dirt. Lead gets a
mistaking fire extinguisher agent (discharged in fire light (sound familiar?). He tells number two
flight) for an engine fire. It seems that a Hawker and asks for confirmation of the fire. Chase tells
Hunter. leading another aircraft on a 3-mile him that he looks c lean. Lead decides to shut
initial for landing. experienced a fire-warning the engine down anyway. and without advising
light. Since he was too close to the runway for a his number two man. fires the bottle.
straight-in approach. the pilot pulled up. "A- h-h. I take that back. lead. You have con-
transmitted a Mayday call. and maneuvered firmed fire in number two ... it's smoking like
toward a low key position for an SFO landing. he Ill "
He extended his landing gear with the Lead zooms and booms. Scrat ch one
emergency system. The chase aircraft confirmed Aardvark. Since we're pretending. we'll say the
that there was no sign of smoke or fire. The lead crew made it out OK.
pilot. in a good position for the flameout land- A prime lesson from the Hawker Hunter ac-
ing. stopcocked his engine and hit his fire extin- c ident is. when possible. " hasten slowly." If you
guisher agent -just in case. This is when tnings are the "c hasee." advise your chase aircraft
went from brown to black. The Runway Supervi- and/or the RSO when you hit the bottle so he'll
sory Officer (RSO) noticed "s moke " coming from expect that cloud of "smoke" from your tailpipe.
the aircraft's aft fuselage . The chase pilot. also Conversely. if you are the chase r or RSO . don't
reporting smoke. confirmed that lead still had a assume every puff from the engine is a con-
fire light. and instructed him to eject. Eject. he firmed fire. It could be a fire extinguisher agent
did. Ejection sequence was satisfactory. but (a short-lived puff of smoke) or. in case of a
strong surface winds (gusts to 35 kts) resulted flameout. simply fuel hitting a hot burner can.
in minor injuries . The aircraft crashed 3 miles Don't add to your buddy's problems by an "all
from the airfield. Post-accident investigation speed and no direction" announcement of his
found that the fire warning indication was false - ultimate demise should he fail to step over the
the aircraft had not been on fire. side. Where there's smoke. there may just b<-.,
Causes of this accident were numerous. and smoke. _;::-

30 MAY 1976
tac tally


MARthrg MAR Aro MAR are MAR
1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975

TOTAL ACFT. ACCIDENTS 4 10 5 2 4 3 2 2 0

MAJOR ACFT. ACCIDENTS po. 4 10 4 2 4 3 1 1

AIRCREW FATALITIES 1 3 12 1 2 3 1 1 0 (4,

TOTAL EJECTIONS 3 6 2 0 1 0 1 1 0


82 128 136 ARW ANG
48 84 135 TASGP ANG
46 8Q 182 TASGP ANG
33 79 126 ARW ANG
24 7 507 TAIRCG TAC


-15' 7.9 5.4 3,6 2.6 3.1 3.5 5.3 6.4 6.0 6.6 6.3 6.1
TAC --F-2.9
6 8.6 9,0 1

15 5.3 2.8 5.3 3.7 4.7 6.8 5.8 5.1 5.1 5.5 5.4 .4
16 10.5 5.0 6.8

0 0 0 0 .9
76 0 0 11.3


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