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TAC Attack June 1976 Man or Machine? ..

see page 4





F-1 00 Super Sabre 16




Angle of Attack 3
Aircrewmen of Distinction 13 EDITOR
Chock Talk 14
Down to Earth 18 CAPT MARTY STEERE
Emergency Situation Training 28 ART EDITOR
Safety Awards 29
Fleaglegrams 30 MARY KONOPNICKI
TAC Tally

TACRP 127·1
Articles, accident briefs, and associated material In this magazine are non-directive In nature. All suggestions and recommendations
are Intended to remain within the scope of existing directives. Information used to brief accidents and Incidents does not Identify the
persons, places, or units Involved and mP.y not be construed as Incriminating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Names, dates, and places used In conjunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units are encouraged to republish the material
contained herein; however, contents are not for public release. WrUtli'n permission m1,1st be obtained from HQ TAC before material may be
republished by other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles, photos, and Items of Interest from personnel In the field are encouraged, as are comments and critiCism. We
reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct communication Is authorized with: The Editor, TAC ATTACK,
HQ TAC/SEPP, Langley AFB,. Va. 23665. Autovon 432·2937
Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
drowned, four died in private aircraft accidents,
and one died in an Air Force jeep accident. With
your help, these could be the 1976 TAC year-end
statistics rather than the numbers through 20
hazard awareness May.
There is no simple solution for preventing
ground accidents, but it basically boils down to
this - safety awareness must become an uncon-
flight safety is but one facet of our total ac- scious part of our psyche. Whether driving a car,
cident prevention efforts. Aircraft mishaps flying a light aircraft, or simply relaxing with your
generate more publicity than other accidents be- family on the beach - you must protect yourself
cause of the high dollar loss, reduction of our and others with a "sixth sense" of hazard aware-
combat capability and the dramatic sequence of ness. We don't need safety missionaries bent on
events revealed by the subsequent investigation. saving the world . We do need people who are
When our aircraft accident rate is high, as it is aware of threats to their well-being and are pre-
this year, it's easy to overlook another problem pared to counter these hazards.
area that takes a terrible toll in lives each year - Earlier I expressed our goals in statistics,
ground accidents. which are coldy impersonal. Let's not forget that
Although ground accidents don 't result in the behind each number is the face of someone who
high dollar costs that aircraft losses bring, and was in TAC ... someone we needed ... someone
the events surrounding these accidents aren't as we could not afford to lose. Let's lower the num-
dramatic, many TAC people are incapacitated or bers .~
killed in ground mishaps each year. In fact, TAC
ground accidents accounted for 16 fatalities so
far this year, 11 more than we experienced in air-
craft accidents during the same time period. How ·
did these 16 people die_ Three died in motorcycle
accidents, five in private automobiles, three

Angle of Attack John F. Rhemann, Colonel, USAF Chief of Safety
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printout. will be conducted as a A/ S II Lynch removed his

By Maj Joe A. Tillman modified 60 meter contour. card . tore off the computer
with continuous photo-tracking printout. and removed the two
and mapping . Emergency safe tapes from the bank. He placed
altitudes and E and E routes one of the cassettes into his
Aerospace Student II. Richard are outlined for each segment car's player and put the other.
Lynch . ran the miss ion through and are in accordance with with the printout. into his flight
his mind as he drove to the Syllabus Tape Eleven . The suit pocket. As he drove to Pre-
Flight Profile Bank. He parked weather throughout the route mission Checkout. he listened
next to a data window and slip- will be Cat Two-B with visibility once more to the sortie profile
ped his profile card in the slot. 1.800 meters at target area . - after all. this was his final
pressed his right forefinger Your clearance has been ac- phase II check.
against the glass plate. and cepted by Radar Central and As he relaxed on the couch
touched seven keys - T F 5-9 Nellis Range Control. Your air- in the Bio Office. he reread the
0 - 1-1. The whirring of the tapes craft IS Tango-Foxtrot-Five- computer printout. The Bio
was accompanied by a voice Nine . number 2714 . This air- Scan helmet did its thing as the
transmiss ion . craft has two minor discre- Life Support Technician
" Good morning. Student pancies not precluding flight - checked his reflex. psy-
Lynch. your profile today. Zero- torn servo padding on station chophysiological and chemical
One -On e. consists of a single- 12 and the ambient air modes . His scores. all in the
sh ip tactical mission on Range pressure gauge was R and R'd. green . were entered on the
Os car-Two. Your call sign is Please flight check the AAPG . printout and he suited up for
Alpha - Nine-Alpha . The low-level Your spare is 1891 . Have a the flig i''"'t. As usual. he had
route . as depi cted on the good flight." trouble fitting the portable Bio

4 JUNE 1976

The Auto-Mode
Scan sensors in his gloves .
" Damn nuisance," he muttered.
and his frustration signaled the
Mode Four needle to indicate
in the "yellow" at the Para-Bio
Center. His reaction was auto-
matically recorded in his
check/training record .
Lynch settled himself into the
cockpit. He dialed the route
code into the Nav Center. and
placed the profile tape into the
Mission Monitor. The first item
of the checklist appeared in the
sequence window . " Bio
systems and belts ." Lynch
pressed the button to the right
of the window and the word
"Complete" flashed on the
screen .
"Scan and start" next ap-
peared . He checked around the
aircraft and pressed the "Start"
button . The engine wound up.
and a voice from the Tower
confirmed engine start and intercom voice calmly stated low-level route were uneventful.
gave taxi instructions . He again power was one percent above After the third leg. however. the
pressed the "Sequence" button. max. "Damn ." thought Lynch. T F -59 swerved to the right
This time. however. the words "a write-up for sure." and began a rapid climb . As it
" Check system panel " ap- "Four ... three .. . two ... one ... leveled off at 600 meters AGL.
peared . He saw the yellow light brake release." At about 50 the throttle came back and the
on the SOAP panel. Pressing knots. the nosewheel discon- aircraft slowed to 250 KIAS -
the light. he heard 'Your cop- nected and the voice stated. turbulent air penetration air-
per reading is two PPM above "Burner ... now! " At 11 0 knots. speed - " Of course." thought
standard . This has been con- the voice said. "Rotation ... Lynch. "must be a line of ' bum-
firmed with Maintenance Stan- now!" The gear and flaps pers up ahead ." The Comm Box
dards and cleared for flight." retracted at 50 meters AGL and confirmed this. and the aircraft
The light went out. and the next the engine settled at climb urned towards the area of
checklist item appeared - power as Lynch manually flew weakest radar returns . As he
"TAXI." Lynch pressed the "taxi" cross hairs to the ingress broke out of the line of
button and the starter rod and window. This critical mAneuver showers . he knew he had to
chocks retracted . The sequence was a potential bust item since make a decision ... attempt a
window flashed "CLEARED." the auto mode of the penetra- manual re-entry. or hope he
As he began taxiing. "PRE- tion leg required an accurate was not out of navigational
TAKEOFF' appeared in the se- entry. A green light on the Nav range for an auto return .
quence window. The systems Center flashed simultaneously "What the hell. " he thought.
were once again checked O.K.. with the sequence window "that's what I'm paid for ...... He
and the Tower confirmed his "AUTO NAV" display . And took command of the aircraft
clearance into takeoff position . Student Lynch relaxed and turned to an approximate
A simultaneous voice and vis- considerably as he turned over heading to the next checkpoint.
ual display confirmed takeoff the aircraft controls to the Setting the Nav System to re-
power clearance and se- good graces of the mission entry. he flew the cross hairs to
quenced countdown flashed in tape . get the aircraft w ithin Auto
the window -"12-11-10 ." The The first 20 minutes of the Range. Mentally cross ing his

for update ."
THE AUTO MODE Lynch began to sweat and his
anxiety was recorded on his Bio
Scan chart - redlined. " If I try
fin ·g ers. Lynch pressed the resulting in a touchdown 800 an auto approach. the damn
" Auto" button . The aircraft feet from the end of the Weather Avoidance Mode will
banked left and dove towards runway. seven knots high on go Able-Sugar trying to keep
the ground . Since he was in the airspeed . "Better write that up." me out of the cells ... better try
clouds. he concentrated his at- thought Lynch and switched a manual approach with ALS
t~ntion on the aircraft's radar the Comm Box to "781 readout ... Jeez . it's gettin'
altimeter .. . 500 meters. 400. Record ." "ALS airspeed at bumpy! "
300. 200 ... he broke out of the touchdown seven knots high. " On final. Lynch tried to
clouds at 1 50 meters; the air- The write-up was recorded with center the pitch and bank
craft leveled at 50. and pertinent data from the flight steering bars. but the turbu-
realigned itself to course. recorder and he keyed the Nav lence caused him to overcor-
"There it is! Checkpoint Four. Center for a Radar Center Ap- rect. He was so wrapped up in
big as hell ... my errors must proach . The weather was now trying to keep the bars
have cancelled out!" The rest of moving in. and he was in and centered. he failed to see
the route went well . and Lynch out of the scud layer on down- "WIND SHEAR. 30 METERS
had time to replay the range in- wind. AGL. 30 KTS" appear in these-
formation tape. It called for two On final. as the RCA con- quence window. His airspeed
simulated passes on SAM sites troller fed electronic signals to was fluctuating 10 knots on
and a strafing run on a moving the ALS computer. the either side of normal approach
convoy. The first bombing run Squadron Mission Controller speed as the voice warning
would be a 500 KTAS level de- called. Lynch told the SMC to system broadcast. "Decision
livery at 100 meters on auto . standby until he completed the Height. take over visually or
The second pass and strafe run RCA. After manually taking con- execute missed approach! "
would be in manual mode . His trol of the aircraft on the touch- "I have the strobes ..... Lynch
auto bombing run resulted in a and-go . he called SMC and told said . to nobody in particular.
shack. but he had a little trou- them to go ahead ... Just then the T F -59 settled
ble with his manual deliveries. "Alpha-Nine-Alpha. this is sickeningly and he jammed the
"Not bad enough to bust the Mike-Charlie-One-Three. we throttle forward. but it was too
ride. " he thought. " but I'll hear have a weather advisory .. .... late . The aircraft hit the overrun
about it at debriefing ." Lynch switched his comm so hard Lynch s inertial reel
He manually flew the system to "Record." "Go ahead . locked and his right hand was
recovery profile to just short of One-Three ." driven from the stick. The left
the initial approach fix. then "O .K.. Nine-Alpha . a weather main collapsed . When the wing
dialed the letdown plate code system is moving into our area . tip contacted the runway. the
number into the terminal mode Suggest you divert to Luke . We aircraft slewed to the left then
of the Nav Center . As the com- indicate you have 3 . 500 skidded sideways for 300
puter established the aircraft in pounds of fuel remaining . You meters before the nose gear
the holding pattern. a signal are cleared . and the Auto-Divert collapsed . It then slid
from the ground Radar Center Route is set in button Four on backwards off the right side of
established an expected ap- your Nav Center ." the runway. His inglorious
proach clearance time and "A-h-h-h Rag . One-Three . nose-first exit onto the muddy
displayed this information in that's cutting it a little close on infield was followed by a
the sequence window. Lynch fuel ... I'm going to make a full record-setting 100 meter dash
could see that line of showers. stop here ...... to the arriving crash vehicles .
the one that gave him fits on "Understand. Nine-Alpha. but The aircraft. miraculously. did
the low-level route. moving you better get it on the ground not catch on fire. but did suffer
towards the field. He hoped he ... the ceiling is coming down major-category damage .
would beat the bad weather to 60 meters. vis 200 meters
back in . The auto ALS was and winds from 280 at 1 5. Aerospace Student II Lynch
good . with tape commands gusts to 30. Punch button Six left the office after providing

6 JUNE 1976
the Accident Investigation Team " I think we're going backwards things turn brown?"
his version of the accident. The here . Look at the historical " I want to tell you ... all of
board members sat silent until aspect of airc raft accidents. " you . about a new system under
one of them. the Electronics He dug into his briefcase. development at Electronics
Data Evaluator. stood up and withdrawing a sheaf of papers . Development Command ." The
stowed the numerous record - "Seventy-five years ago . in Data Evaluator once again dug
ings. computer readouts and 1923. the Air Force accident into his briefcase . "Right now.
visual recording tapes into a rate . based on accidents per we are testing an Auto Divert
large black briefcase . "Well . hundred thousand hours of fly- System that will permit the
there you have it. gentlemen . ing time. was 430. In 1953. it Squadron Mission Controller to
It's obviously one more case of was 24 . In 1 973. it was 2 .3. divert aircraft without the pilot's
a well-meaning young jock Last year. we had a rate of 0 .7 assistance. The computer auto-
ignoring the advice of the best -- 43 accidents . Thirty-six of matically computes the air-
Electronic Pilot Support these accidents were caused by craft's fuel state. divert base
Systems ever built. Fifteen human factors . Pilots ran into and en route weather condi-
million dollars of scrap iron is thunderstorms . made bad land- tions. and programs the Nav
the result of one bad judg- ings and just plain screwed up Center to place the aircraft into
ment." in 1923 ... and they are still do- the divert base's ALS window
The young Fl ight Safety Of- mg it today. Sure. flying train- for approach and landing . Just
ficer . who had kept his silence Ing programs have improved. think of the advantage to the
until now. disagreed. "Jim. I but the real difference .. . the field commander ... and it will
don 't think it's that simple . real improvement in our ac- take a load off the pilot's mind
Maybe Rick just couldn't hack it cident rate . has resulted from to know .... "
be cause he's spring-loaded to improved technology." " What!" the Safety Officer
the 'AUTO' function . Maybe "Your statistics are im - jumped to his feet. "You mean
we've designed machines so pressive . Jim. but if you to tell me a guy on the ground.
damn capable, our jocks are eliminate all pilot judgments. with the help of electronic
forgetting how to drive an air- you 've eliminated the pilot. Un- wizardry. is going to be able to
craft. Maybe .... " less we give the aircraft back to send a pilot to another base
"Whoa! Hold it. Bobby." The the pilot. how the hell is he without the pilot's assistance ...
EDE specialist sat back down . supposed to operate when that's bloody ridiculous!"
" Bobby. I hate to tell you this.
but we're toying with the idea
of making the system non- in-
terferable - not even by the air-
craft operator .... "
The young captain stared at
the EDE . His ashen face
tightened and he quietly ex-
cused himself. The entire inves-
tigation team flinched when the
outer office door slammed
The room was once again
silent except for the shuffling of
papers as everyone. except the
EDE . packed up their paper-
work . The electronics man
shrugged helplessly. "How else
are we going to eliminate these
dumb accidents? How are we
supposed to .... "
Before he could finish . he
was alone .

interest items,
tac tips
with morals,
for the
TAC aircrewman
One sword keeps another in the sheath.
George Herbert

The instructor pilot is a very important person. The flight was a two-ship air-to-mud mission.
If you don't believe me. just ask one. Seriously, Everything was normal until reaching the range
though, the IP has a tough job. He's a father- entry point when the flight was notified that the
figure. psychologist, teacher ... and damn good range was closed due to weather. Thunder -
pilot. Unfortunately, his concern with these first storms.few to scattered. were located between
three images sometimes adversely affects the the winery range and "'Nameplate." Returning
latter. Sometimes the IP is so busy instructing, to base, tops of the thunderbumpers were esti-
he lets his own proficiency slip. mated to be above 40,000 feet and still grow-
We review many incident/accident reports ing. Due to their height and length. the flight
that involve instructor pilot errors. There are lead chose a path between two radar returns.
several reasons for this. Many high-risk profiles While in the clouds, the wingman observed
(stalls, adverse/yaw, unusual attitude recoveries, lightning strike the lead Phantom. During post-
back-seat landings) that many of us see once flight inspection, the lens cover and bulb for the
during upgrade training are routine to the IP. IPs left and right position lights were found to be
fly functional check flights and other missions broken on both aircraft. In addition, a small pin-
that require the squadron's best. There is one size hole was found in the tail section of the
more reason some IP-involved accidents occur ... loader's right external fuel tank. The cost ...
instructors sometimes get non-proficient. This S214.20 and 28 manhours.
may sound contradictory, but it's true. One in- We were lucky ... this time. Each year, the Air
cident in TAC, involving an instructor pilot. Force loses aircraft and aircrews due to
resulted in the following unit action: thunderstorm penetrations. A short quote from
'Sorties are being scheduled for the specific TAC Supplement 1 to AFR 60-16 is appropriate:
purpose of increasing instructor pilot profi-
ciency." There is no peacetime mission in this
It is not unusual for IPs to fly several command which requires intentional
consecutive missions without getting any stick penetration of a thunderstorm. When
time. If this sounds familiar, you had better start penetration of observed or reported
stealing some stick time from the student. You thunderstorms appears to be unavoidable,
owe it to yourself .... and him. pilots will delay a scheduled mission or
8 JUNE 1976
proceed to a suitable airfield predicated on
mission requirements. Aircraft enroute will
hold until able to proceed or divert to a
suitable alternate. Aircrews will use all When are you . as an aircrew member. incapa-
available facilities (PFSV. radar. PIREPS) to ble of hacking a mission because of illness? In
avoid areas of thunderstorm activity. most cases. you are the only one who can make
Nuff said . that decision . Sure. the Flight Surgeon can
ground you. but he has to see you first. If your
symptoms aren 't obvious to others. you can get
away with flying even though you shouldn't ...
LAU-68S GO PCS ... AGAIN usually.
A recent fatal aircraft accident revealed that
The Oscar-Deuce departed his holding point the pilot failed to obtain medical assistance
and completed the range checklist procedures despite the fact that physiological incapacitation
prior to directing the fighters to the prebriefed may have been a factor in the accident. Don 't
target. While on base leg. the pilot positioned fool around with self-medication if you feel
his armament switches to fire a marking rocket. under the weather - you've got good medical
On final. he turned on the master arm switch . experts as close as your Flight Surgeon 's office.
and when delivery parameters were met. pressed Use them .
the pickle button. What happened? One each
LAU-68 rocket launcher went PCS .
The pilot recovered the 0-2 from the dive and
rechecked his armament switches . At this time.
he noted that the rocket fire / drop switch was in
the "drop" rather than the "fire" position .
Another identical incident happened 11 days
later at a different location . The FAC marked
several targets with four rockets from the right
LAU-68 . After the fourth pass. he safe J the right
side and armed the left. During the next hot
pass. he pickled the left LAU-68 off the aircraft .
The pilot immediately safed all armament
switches before noting their position. After land-
ing. the pilot stated he probably placed the left
pylon switch to "drop" instead of "fire ." Since he
was uncertain . a functional check of the system
was performed. No discrepancies were found .
These two incidents cost the Air Force over
$1 .600 and jeopardized the lives of personnel
on the ground. Take the time w insure the arma-
ment switches are set properly. It may save an
embarrassing moment ... could even save
someone 's life .
The following quiz is designed to test your fa-
miliarity with various information contained in
Flip Publications, AFR 60-15, and AFR 60-11.
Score one point for each correct answer. A total
of 15 points is possible. If you get less than four
correct, don't go near the flight line. Four to six
correct answers, you can fly in field grade
weather. If you hacked six to nine, you're cleared
in hot. More than nine correct? You should be
teaching the Instrument Refresher Course. Watch
out ... it's not easy. Answers are on page 30.

2. Which enroute low altitude US Chart does

not contain a legend?
•••••••••• a. L-1, L-2
•••••••••• b. L-27, L-28

L- 15, L-16
L-7, L-8
.. .. ..... .


The dots surrounding the airway are:

3. You are flying a low level and see a downed
aircraft. On the ground near the wreckage is the
symbol ~ . This means:
a. Official time zones
b. Area of heavy precipitation a. Require fuel and oil
c. Airway restriction (airway penetrates special b. Am proceeding in this direction
use airspace) c. Airman 1 C requires help
d. a and c d. Require firearms and ammo

10 JUNE 1976
4. Match the following Flip symbols:

~ a. Doubtful accuracy

~ b. Minimum Crossing Altitude

fo c. Fix or Intersection

(4) d. Visual Flight Path


(5) ..... ...... .. ....... e . Control Zones within which fixed -wing special
VFR is prohibited
(6) .......
··-- ~--· f. Minimum Reception Altitude

_______ ,... g. Combined FIR and ADIZ

(8) + h. Preferred single direction jet route

X i. Official time zone

(10) TTTTT j . Radial outbound from a UHF/ VHF radio aid

5. While scanning the horizon for bandits, you

suddenly spot a friendly which had sneaked cle-
verly into tight formation on your left wing. The
other jock is waving his hand back and forth in
front of his face and right ear. He's telling you
he 's having problems with his:

a. Fuel system
b. Cockpit temperature
c. Radio
d. Muscle control

6. You're taxiing your Phantom into its parking ~

spot and the marshaler gives you this signal: L-("
He 's telling you:

a. Turn to right
b. Look what the mascot did
c. Turn to left
d. Move ahead

13ad, Plate fo-13t
By Mai Gary M. Burge
123c1 TRW/SE
Standiford Field (ANG)

entered the anvil at Angels three seven .

Dropping out the bottom I had scarcely eleven.
The minutes between seem like hours on end,
Boxed in by the weather I thought was my friend.

The airspeed is up ... whoops, now it's down,

The altimelpr says we're approaching the ground.
Reliving thoP briefings, through which I had snored,
Thanks to thor's mighty roar, I'm no longer bored.

The static is deafening, lights flashing so bright,

The hail drumming fiercely like a gun in the night.
Now my eyesight is failing, or is it my mind?
Holt) me, my Buddha, get out of this bind.

The DO, himself, met my craft on the ramp,

Recording the fact that my suit was still damp
But that wasn't the end, he really was sore,
It was my end he was after, 'cause I bent his Fox-Four.

"Aha,-scoffed the SOF, and Mobile quickly agreed,

"Busting regs without thinking is what did in his steed,-
At the Commander's debriefing my backside wa,p warm,
But it sure as hell beat that or. thunderstorm'

Recounting this tale to the powers that be,

I felt very humble, and on bended knee
I repent, I believe, and now I can see -
Thunderstorms are,indowd, a bad place to be.

THE GREAT SURVIVAL KIT BOOM -AGAIN may take a little longer' to get a maintenance
stand ... but it can save you from a nasty fall. By
Two IR specialists were working inside the the way ... did you know falls are the second
cockpit of a Photo-Phantom when one of them largest cause of accidental death in the U.S .?
dropped an allen wrench behind the "D" handle Automobile accidents are in the lead with
on the front right side of the rear cockpit sur- drownings running third.
vival kit. The crew chief was notified and shown
where the wrench was located. The crew chief DO THE JOB RIGHT
decided to remove the survival kit pack in order
to retrieve the wrench .. . without - calling for The Sluf. had returned from an air-to-ground
egress specialists. He removed the pin from the gunnery mission with a hung BDU-33 . During
emergency harness release handle. cleared all postflight inspection. the MER breech gun was
pin lanyards from the seat portion of the bucket discovered missing . The MER was removed and
and raised the emergency harness release the release linkage was inspected for wear or
handle 2 to 3 inches. at which time. the evidence of malfunction . No abnormal wear was
guillotine cartridge fired ... as designed! noted. and all parts were found to function
Once again . we 've managed to fire a survival properly. However. a small amount of unburned
kit . As we've stated before - the kit will work powder residue was found within the MER ...
every time . if the handle is pulled . this is abnormal. In order to get residue where it
Please ... take our word for it. When in doubt. was found . the breech gun would have to be
call in the experts. moving out ·of the MER as the ejector cartridge
fired. Low back pressure in the breech gun
would result if the breech gun was not locked
ITS A LONG WAY DOWN into position . or the latching mechanism
malfunctioned . allowing the breech gun to move
The airman was hand-cleaning the backbone substantially aft as the cartridge fired . There was
of a Phantom. In an effort to reach the vertical no evidence of a nonstandard cartridge charge
fin. he leaned over to one side. lost his grip. and which might have overpowered the latch
fell to the concrete ramp . The good news was mechanism and caused latch separation . Muni-
that the crew chief landed on his feet. The bad tions had received a post-load inspection and an
news was that he sustained injury to his right end-of-runway (EOR) inspection ... but no one
leg. hip. and back . discovered the improperly installed breech gun.
This accident may not have occurred had What's it take to prevent a dropped object?
maintenance stands. been utilized . It's a long way Just follow the Tech Orders ... in other words .
down from the top of an F-4. F-1 5. F-1 05 . etc. It do your fob right. It's that easy.
F-100 Super Sabre
The Hun . . . first of the modern century series . . . first
operational fighter to beat the speed of sound . . . pri-
marily designed for air-to-air, the Hun found its home on
the deck - close air support and ground attack - for the
friend lies ... first of the fast FACs ·- the Mistys - in SEA .
. a welcome sight to many a ground pounder to look up
and see a flight of four rolling in . . . versatile, rugged,
lethal ... the Hun is still a great lady among fighters.

vious ups·tream protection existed). Unfortu-
nately. there were two jobs under way at the
same time and instructions were inadvertently
and improperly given to restore power to the
lines without coordination with the crew at the
utility pole. When the power suddenly came on.
thSlre was a blinding flash . However. the ground -
ing wires and other protective measures taken
by these airmen protected them from certain
electrocution. These professional airmen worked
by the book with full respect for the hazards of
their job . They are alive today -- and that's

the good,
the bad,
and the ugly
By Lt Col Gerald B. Hurst
Comdr. 834th CES
Hurlburt Field, FL

Airman Jones was at home off-base and de-

Recently at a TAC base. two young Civil cided to clean and perform some repairs on his
Engineering airmen assigned to the Exterior .22 caliber bolt-action rifle. Jones had owned
Electric Shop were called upon to perform the rifle for many years and was familiar with
repair work on an electrical distribution power firearms much the same as any American youth
pole. Both airmen were first-termers with less who has participated in rifle shooting activities .
than three years service . There were five dif- He worked the bolt to check whether there was
ferent safety devices between the source of a cartridge in the rifle and supposedly seeing
electrical power and the job site : power to the none. closed the bolt and proceeded to work on
the utility pole had been cut by two open the rifle. A crack in the rifle stock was cause for
switch es at two separate substations . and there concern. and in order to inspect the rigid ity of
were three circuit breakers which would also the stock. Jones placed the rifle butt on the
provide prote ction . Both airmen conscientiously floor. While sitting on a couch with the muzzle
f ollowed checklist procedures and installed pointed at his abdomen . he applied pressure to
proper grounding wires as called for by the the barrel to determine the degree of play in the
book (even though they were aware that the pre- broken stock. Suddenly the rifle accidently dis-

18 JUNE 1976
charged . The .22 caliber bullet entered his lower safety measure had been grossly disregarded.
abdomen . passed through his kidney and liver The NCO was dead - this incident can only be
and exited from his back. He was alone at the described as UGLY.
time. but was able to call for assistance and was
rushed to the hospital for surgery. Luckily, there
was no. extensive damage to vital organs . and
the airman recovered. Not a tragic incident- but
label this scene BAD.

Several years ago. a Senior NCO of the 666th Mishaps like the three described have hap-
Fighter Squadron went out to disarm an ejection pened in various forms and situations over and
seat. Sergeant Smith had several years over . Anyone with a few years in the Air Force
experience in egress systems and was NCOIC of can recall similar accidents in which procedures
the Egress Shop . He climbed the aircraft ladder were disregarded and good safety practices
and proceeded with the disarming. As the were not employed . Perhaps we dwell too much
sergeant was leaning over and above the seat. on the BAD and the UGLY. and do not em-
the egress system fired . The seat. in its upward phasize the GOOD . In day-to-day activities of ac-
path. ripped away the canopy and catapulted complishing our Air Force mission. there are
him approximately 40 feet from the aircraft countless instances that go unnoticed in which
where he impacted the concrete ramp . Sergeant people did the right thing and nothing happened
Smith was killed (probably dead before hitting but the desired end result- and that's the way it
the ramp) . Investigation determined that Smith should be . But accidents and tragedies will
had failed to insert the safety pin prior to dis- continue until emphasis and respect are placed
connecting a critical system actuator . Further. on safe operating practices by you . the indi-
sin ce no checklist could be found at the scene. vidual. In addition to loss of Air Force dollars . it
it was assumed Smith had worked without is your neck! Which is your choice •••
·,enefit of the required checklist . A time-honored the GOOD, the BAD, or the UGLY? ___::,...
By Lt Col Harold Andersen
HQ TAC Physiological Training Coordinator

unprotected) skin to the sun. This exposure

contributes to. and is an essential part of. two
other pastimes : girl-watching (by guys) and guy-
watching (by girls). It also contributes to skin
problems . The short-term problem is sunburn

THE and over the long-term ... skin cancer.

The main objective of all this sunni(lg is to ac-
quire a "tan" which should / must be " deep. "
" even. " and "bronze" in .nature (read the ads for

GREAT suntan lotions). Tanning is done by certain wave

lengths of ultraviolet light which stimulates the
production of melanin. a brown/black pigment.
in the skin. This is a slow process . As far as is
known. no preparation will produce a tan faster

AMERICAN than would otherwise be possible . "Suntan"

preparations cannot accelerate the rate of de-
position of melanin. This is a function of a
number of factors ... but is not stimulated by

smearing greasy kid stuff on the outside!
While the "tan" is being acquired. the sun-
bather should avoid sunburn . Many people
believe it necessary to suffer through a case of
sunburn in order to tan. but this is not so . The
burning rays of the sun are of a different wave
length - some of the ultraviolet that hits the skin
will cause tanning , some will cause a burn. It
would be nice to block out burning rays and let
The "Great American Pastime" - is it baseball? tanning rays pass through to the skin . however.
Football? Basketball? Not by a long shot! The no preparation has yet been found which can
real favorite pastime. for Americans of all ages. accomplish this ... the wave lengths are too
is sunbathing: exposing the bod to the glorious close together . When the redness of sunburn
sunshine ... at the beach . while boating , attend- subsides. the residual tan is not a product of the
ing sporting events. lounging or working in the sunburn ; what you see is the tan that was ac-
backyard. Summer clothing. these days. is quired at the same time as the sunburn .
designed to expose vast expanses of naked (and The best procedure is to tan slowly and avoi '

20 JUNE 1
burning. It's not difficult to do. but it does re- new cases of skin cancer per ye"lr)!
quire some timekeeping : Start with a 1 5 - 30 There are several types of skin cancer caused by
minute exposure. use 15 minutes if the ex- overexposure to the sun. a couple of which are
posure occurs near midday and longer ex- malignant. Squamous cell carcinoma and basal
posures for early A.M . (before 1 0) or in later cell carcinoma account for approximately 97%
afternoon (after 4). The second exposure can be of all skin cancer cases (and about 30% of
increased by 50% of the first day's exposure (22 deaths from skin cancer) . Malignant melanoma.
- 45 minutes). and follow the same procedure which recently has been tentative ly linked to
for the third and succeeding exposures. Re- sunlight overexposures. accounts for the rest ...
member. some body parts tend to burn more 3% of the cases. but 70% of the deaths. Skin
easily than others. not only lips. ears. nose. but cancer is relatively easy to diagnose. which
also back of knees. kneecaps. and tops of the probably accounts for the comparatively · low
feet. death rate (about 1% of yearly cancer deaths. or
There are a number of factors which. when 5.000 lives lost).
known and understood. can assist the sunbather Even if you are lucky enough to escape skin
in making intelligent exposure decisions. City cancer. don't assume you are home free . Other
sun tends to be less potent than desert sun be- detrimental effects from sun on the skin include :
cause the dirt. smog and other pollutants in the premature aging. wrinkling. slackness. thicken-
city atmosphere act as ultraviolet filters . Haze or ing and keratosis (hard. horny wartlike growths) .
clouds will retard burning- but make no mistake All result -in ugly, senile-type skin . even in
about it. you can get a sunburn on a cloudy day otherwise young and middle-aged adults .
if the exposure is long enough . Latitude is an Finally. if you are on prescribed medication .
important factor; the sun's rays are more nearly you should check with your physician to be sure
vertical as we proceed south towards the equa- it will not increase your sensitivity to the sun's
tor. so that an exposure which is safe in Maine rays . There are many substances which will
would cause a burn in Florida or Puerto Rico . cause you to burn with shorter exposure :
Time of day is also related to the slant of the salicylates. barbiturates. thiazine tranquilizers
sun 's rays. Since they are more nearly vertical at (Thorzine). throzide diuretics (Diuril). a urinary
noon. the burn potential is greater . Finally. the antibiotic (Ne Gram) ; also tetracyclines
type of skin being exposed: fair "Scandinavian" (Declomycin). and sulfonamides. To top it off.
skin is more easily damaged than darker "Medi- some perfumes which contain oil of bergamot or
terranean " skin. oil of citrol will increase your sensitivity!
The role of suntan preparations should be to Herpes simplex is a virus which causes.
control the exposure. If you plan to be out all among other things . "fever blisters " or "cold
day. protect all exposed parts once you have sores. " Sunlight has long been recognized as
completed your allowable exposure time. Cover ne of the most common precipitators of these
up with liberal applications of a reliable. effec- ugly
tive screening agent and wear lightweight pro- unknc
tective clothing. mant
In picking the screening agent. those which brin~
contain "PABA" (para-aminobenzoic acid) are famil
among the best. Baby oil offers negligible your tan . ut:::::.•\:l••ou ,v -~·.. .
protection . Zinc oxide can give good sunburn on. the fever blisters which may develop will
protection if applied liberally to those small most likely have the opposite effect.
sensitive areas (nose. ears. lips. etc). While you're pursuing the "Great American Pas-
Statistically speaking. the millions of Ameri- time" this summer. use a little care and com-
cans who seek "fun in the sun" each year are monsense . Don't overexpose yourself - espe-
leaving themselves wide open to skin cancer . cially on those first excursions to the beach. and
This is the most common form of cancer ... mak- control your exposure to the sun with a good
ing up about one-third of the new case$ of " suntan" preparation . You'll look and feel a lot
cancer diagnosed each year (about 300 .000 better. _:::;;.

INhilo Ibis article is rlirecterJ lorrarrJs f.• . '-
., ,. l•<•s,
opp •es lo •II I'DirJ focilities ... check it •ut.

ALe after Years in operational squadrons, I can

How · - How~ver,
attest to the fact that this is not an uncommon
attitude. since assigned to Flight Test
at HI I/ AFB, I ve learned Quite a bit about the
system ... and the factors Which contribute to
many times have You heard aircrews or these complaints. I've also Picked up on some
crew chiefs voice complaints such as "Th . .
I . IS a,. InformatiOn Which never gets to the aircrew 01
Pane lUst got back from IRAN and it's' in Worse

:hape than before it /eft, .. or "My bird got back the crew chief I'd like to Pass on a little bit
Works .. ..
rom the three Weeks ago and it's still in about how the Depot Maintenance Program
the hangar ? Having recently arrived at Ogden

<rst of all, the O/d IRAN concept 11nspeq
as Necessary) is no longer in existence,
ow We CaiJ it PDM (Programmed Depoi
Mamtenance) Hard to believe, maybe, but this is

JUNE 1976
considerably more than the typical Air Force find unsatisfactory. Even though many items
nomenclature change. Commanders and may not be repaired. we feel that the customer
maintenance honchos are aware of the change . should know exactly what kind of product he is
but I don 't think all line crews understand the getting . It's not uncommon for us to write up 25
difference . Under the old IRAN procedure. the to 30 squawks on a first- hop FCF. These discrep-
aircraft was thoroughly inspected and any disc- ancieS may range from missing decals · and
repancies were fi xed at the depot . Now. the only light bulbs to mach acceleration and flight con-
items fixed at the depot are those negotiated by trol problems . Flight test aircrews must be satis-
the customer (TAC / ANG / etc) . Exceptions are fied with the aircraft before it is sold back to the
safety of flight items which are always fixed. Spi- user. We review all corrective action and agree
raling labor cost is the primary reason for not to all carried-forward items . It generally takes
repairing every discrepancy. The customer MAJ- two to three flights to satisfy this final quality
COMs cannot afford the current $26 .00 plus / hr check.
labor rate at the depot for maintenance items The delivery crew. bringing an airplane to Hill
which can be accomplished at the field level. for PDM. or any project for that matter. can
What does this mean to the TAC aviator and really improve the end product of work accom-
maintenance people? It means that when an air- plished by thoroughly writing up any problems
plane is picked up at Hill. everything won't be encountered en route . It is much easier for our
perfe ct. For example . the only INS requirements maintenance people to repair most systems
are normally a platform and heading reference. while the aiorcraft is on the production line rather
The only radar requirement is a basic navigation than waiting for us to find the problem during
capab ility ... will it paint or not? It also means flight testing. This also helps to save flow time
that when the aircraft arrives at home station . it on the aircraft while it's here . an results in get-
will probably be down for a period of time while ting it home sooner. We also suggest that when
items carried forward in the 781A and Hare picking up an airplane to return home. the air-
cleared . We also get many aircraft in for special crew should thoroughly review the forms . payi ng
proje ct work. which don 't undergo PDM. E- particular attention to items carried forward . The
models in for leading edge slat modification may launch crew foreman or any of the aircrews at
have only that proje ct and safety of flight items Flight Test will be able to answer any questions
accomplished . On a number of older C- and D- which may arise.
models. we are performing a connector replace - If we can help with any problem either arriving
ment project. All the electrical connections in or departing from Hill . we can be contacted on
the aircraft. in the vicinity of 3200 . are replaced . 361 .4 MHz during normal hours . We have the
This modification work has drastically affected capability to provide SOF or emergency
the economic situation at the depot . So many assistance if required . We also provide a local
manhours are committed to mod projects that a area departure briefing prior to returning home
significant number of formerly required tasks with a PDM aircraft. Stop in and see us at Fl ight
have been deleted from the normal PDM work Test. It takes about 5 minutes to cover pertinent
package . local area flying considerations . Fi nally. we are
Our working philosophy here in the Flight Test here to insure that people in the field are getting
Branch is to be as thorough as possible. When the best possible product . We want you to be
we FCF an aircraft. we write up everything we satisfied . ~


Depot Maintenance
Near miss!
By Capt Marty Steere

The flight of Phantoms was performing a night a particular restricted area are. or have good
ground attack mission on one of TAC's air-to- clearing habits . If an inquisitive private pilot. on
ground gunnery ranges (inside a restricted area) . a night pleasure flight. sees airborne flares and
The mission progressed normally until the 30 - bright little fashes on the ground ... he may
degree bomb event. Number two was on final investigate further.
for a 30-degree pass when the range officer Because of the high potential for midair colli-
called out traffic southeast of the bomb circle . sions near TAC bases. TACR 60-3 was published
Due to darkness. the range officer could not ac- on 22 September 1975 . This regulation es-
curately determine the distance from the range tablished the midair collision avoidance program
or the altitude of the aircraft. within TAC and is encumbent on TAC units par-
Number two aborted his pass at approximately ticipating in flying operations . OPR for the reg
3. 700 feet AGL. Just prior to bottoming out on is TAC Director of Air Traffic Control and Direc-
the pulloff. the jock in the front cockpit saw a tor of Operational Plans and Support (DCF/
light aircraft in the left front quarterpanel . He DOX). and it is directed mainly towards wing
continued his pulloff and started a left turn. The staff members . However. you. too. can get in-
light aircraft passed approximately 100 feet volved. Some TAC wings plan to host an annual
below the F-4. The light aircraft. without strobes "Fly-ln. " General aviation pilots are invited to fly
or a rotating beacon operating. pressed on. into a base for a weekend . Briefings are
Since it was dark. and because it was not conducted on the wing's mission. training areas.
under ARTCC control. the light aircraft was not departure and arrival routes . the flight charac-
identified . During that same night. the range of- teristics of their aircraft. Some wings give simu-
ficer observed four other light aircraft in the lator rides to the civilian pilots so they can be-
vicinity of the range complex. come familiar with the complexity of TAC fighter
Hurling your body toward the ground at night aircraft. If your wing is hosting one of these
is exciting enough without having to dodge gatherings. make sure you attend . Talk to the ci-
bugsmashers. And don't think this was the first vilian pilots about your problems when flying a
time civilian aircraft have penetrated restricted tactical mission . The exchange of information is
airspace. Last year. Caliente EW range was the healthy and the civilian pilots are most recep-
scene of another near-miss . Imagine the sur- tive.
prise of 'ole Blue Two in fighting wing. going Whether or not you decide to participate in
850 fps and up pops a twin Cessna. co -altitude. direct communication with your civilian coun-
12 o'clock and 1.500 feet . Not a whole lot of terparts. here's a few things to think about . Look
time to decide which way to go and get away for light aircraft to be where they shouldn't. at
from the other aircraft. any altitude. in any weather condition . even in
Wh ile there are many good. experienced civil restricted airspace . Use everything you have
aviation pilots. there are also many more who available to avoid other aircraft ... radar. traffic
are inexperienced . Flying is fun ... but expensive . advisories. and every eyeball in the flight. Even if
Because of this. many private pilots don't fly you do all the right things. I'm still not
frequently enough to hone their skills to a fine guaranteeing. you won 't ever have a near-miss ...
edge. These pilots may not know where but it'll sure give you better odds . _..:::.....
restricted areas are located . what the hazards of

3 . The initial heading may be refined by roll ing
out on a heading nearer the bearing pointer if
the desired fi x is nearer the TACAN than your
position . Conversely. you should roll out on a
heading nearer the desired rad ial fix if further
Capt M. C. Kostelnik from the facility than your present position .·
Test Project Officer 4 . Determine a precise heading by visualizing
4485th Test Squadron the aircraft position in relation to the desired fi x
Eglin AFB, FL on the RMI or similar instrument . This will es-
tablish a no-wind heading to the desired fi x. Ap-
ply any known wind drift corrections .
5 . Adjust aircraft heading as necessary and
proceed to the fix .
QuESTION: What are the procedural steps for It is apparent from the above guidance that
performing a TACAN fix -to -fi x maneuver? the real key to a successful maneuver lies in the
ANSWER: It is generally accepted that there are determination of a precise aircraft heading (Step
no procedural steps defined for the TACAN fi x- 4) . There are several well known techniques like
to-fi x maneuver. AFM 51-37 does . however . the "Pencil Method " or the " Percentage Method"
provide the following guidance as a starting which will assist the pilot in the sele ction of a
point for pilot technique: suitable initial heading. Once the initial heading
1. Tune the TACAN equipment . has been selected . however. there is a very use -
2 . Initially turn to a heading appro ximately ful tech ique called the " RATIO METHOD " wh ic h
halfway between the head of the bearing pointer is worthy of your consideration . The te c hniqu e is
and radial on which the desired fi x is located. essentially a means of evaluating your initial or

26 JUNE 1976

Popeye TACAN Fix to Fix

040°/60 DME
... II ....
A 50-40/20=10f20=Yi .
... •I .. A"
.... II
A' 45-40/20=5/20=~
A" 55-40/20=15/20=% 55 DME

I :"
CORRECTED ·.•.. I .:
080°/40 DME

subsequent fix-to-fix solution headings. The we reach 060° radial (20° from the desired). in
technique can be demonstrated by the following order to have the same ratio (1 /2). the DME
example and visualized on the accompanying must have changed to 50 (40 + 10 : 50; 10
sketch . DME/20° = 1/2). If the DME is greater than 50 .
Assume that you want to intercept the 080° your initial heading is incorrect (you have not
radial at 40 DME . Following AFM 51-37 decreased the DME rapidly enough) and should
guidance. you arrive at an initial fix-to-fix head- be adjusted by a turn towards the bearing
ing. perhaps further refined by the "Pencil" or pointer . If your DME reads less than 50 (you
"Percentage" Method . In order to use this tech- have decreased your DME too quickly). you
nique. note your present position in terms of the must adjust your initial heading by turning away
radial and DME upon which you are located. In from the bearing pointer towards the desired
this example. let's assume you are on the 040° radial. The amount of heading change required
radial at 60 DME and you want to hit the 080° depends on the magnitude of the error and
radial at 40 DME. At this point. you have a 20 varies with groundspeed and distance from the
DME difference (60-40 - 20) and are 40°from TACAN station. Experience has shown that a
the desired radial (080 - 040 = 040). This gives change of 5 to 10 degrees will generally provide
you a ratio of 20 to 40 or 1 to 2. If. in fact. your satisfactory results under most circumstances . If
heading is correct and you are proceeding in a your DME reads 50 (in which case. you really
straight line fix-to-fix to the 080° radial at 40 don't need this aid). the ratio will be a constant
DME . this " RATIO" must remain a constant . So. 1/2. and your present heading is taking you in a
to use the "RATIO METHOD." continue on your straight line towards the fix. Make corrections
present heading and check the ratio again at a when course errors become apparent. repeat the
convenient time when your present position has "RATIO METHOD" as often as convenient and
changed . Let's assume we check the ratio when proceed direct to the fix. ......>-

F-105 By Maj AI Adams
35th TFW/DOV
George AFB, CA

SITUATION: convinced that it's a good single engine

You are number two Wild Weasel on a SAM philosophy to " not mess with it as long as it's
suppression mission during a RED FLAG strike still running ." Ninety-seven percent is the ap-
on the Nellis Tactical Range . It's been " burner." proximate power setting required to fly final in
"jink." "break." and "take -it-down " ever since an F-1 05G . Now that you are clean. it should be
you checked in on the strike frequency . The no sweat. right?
SAMs. MIGs. and Triple A are all alive and well How about option C before you do anything
on the Tonopah EW Range today. drastic. like punching off the stores? The Dash
Thud 02 is Bingo and . after three attempts One says that the emergency fuel system should
through the comm jammer. lead acknowledges be used any time failure of the normal fuel con-
with a wing rock and turns for home . The trol system is suspected . The system may be
combat egress is fine. but why can 't you catch selected at any RPM or throttle setting . The only
up? A glance at the gauges shows only 97% limitation that would apply to your RTB is to
RPM and low EGT with the throttle at military. move the throttle slowly to avoid exceeding RPM
How do you keep up with the rest of the and EGT limits. Burner is still available should
Weasels? you need it.
OPTIONS : The D choice has few possibilities . The last
A. RTB in minimum burner time a tanker was there when you needed it was
B. Jettison external load and fly home at 97% on the way back from "Downtown ." If this was
C. Select Emergency Fuel really your day and a KC-135 did come by troll-
D. Call Los Angeles Center for a tanker ing for thirsty Thuds ... could you hang on with
ANALYSIS : only 97% RPM? Besides . your problem is power.
Option A would probably get you halfway not fuel (assuming you eliminated option A) .
home in a hurry. Liberal use of afterburner in Old Thud Drivers have to be wise. It's smart to
the target area is probably the reason you were select emergency fuel when you suspect a fuel
the first to Bingo . The reduced RPM dictated go- control problem . Don't hesitate to use an al-
ing outboard with the throttle early in the battle . ternate method when the primary may be on the
Option B is probably a good choice if you 're blink . ~

28 JUNE 1976

Maintenance Safe~ Award

Staff Sergeant Gary K. Baldwin, 834th Avionics
Maintenance Squadron, 1st Special Operations
Wing, Eglin AF Auxiliary Field No. 9, Florida, has
been selected to receive the Tactical Air Com-
mand Maintenance Safety Award for this month.
Sergeant Baldwin will receive a certificate and
letter of appreciation from the Vice Commander,
Tactical Air Command.


Crew Cl.tief Safe~ Award

Airman Terry Smith, 23d Organizational
Maintenance Squadron, 23d Tactical Fighter
Wing, England Air Force Base, Louisiana, has
been selected to receive the Tactical Air Com-
mand Crew Chief Safety Award for this month.
Airman Smith will receive a certificate and letter
of appreciation from the Vice Commander,
Tactical Air Command.


Ground Safe!J Award of tl.te Ouarter

Staff Sergeant James C. Crenshaw, 823d Civil
Engineering Squadron (Heavy Repair), Eglin AF
Auxiliary Field No. 9, Florida, has been selected
to receive the Tactical Air Command Ground
Safety Award for the first quarter 1976. Sergeant
Crenshaw will receive a certificate and letter of
appreciation from the Vice Commander, Tactical
Air Command.

Fleaglegram responses from the front

Fleagle Dear Anon

Your picture on page 12 of the April issue is un- Your Fleaglegram leaves a few questions
doubtedly one of your finest poses. Next to the A- unanswered, such as the type of aircraft, time of the
70, you are my favorite bird. Suggested topics for week the aircraft transited the base, whether or not
future back cover studies are: wingman considera- the limited service had been "no tamed, " and whether
tions / capabilities or near-miss / midair hazards. You or not the aircrew performed the required inspec-
look sierra hotel in your "fighter bird" gear. Keep up tions. I agree that if full transient services aren't
the great work. available, this information should be available to the
aircrew, but it's not only the flight crew's responsi-
Capt Fred Drake
bility to insure the checks are completed, in many
23 TFW j SEF, England AFB LA
cases, the Dash-One requires them to physically
perform the checks. Most aircraft Dash-Ones and/or
Dear Fred checklists outline the required preflight, postflight,
Glad you liked my svelte stance ... I know I'm and servicing instructions. For fighter-type aircraft
sleeker than a Sluff I've talked to my pen pal, Stan that don't carry Tech Orders, T/ A will have them
Hardison, and we're trying to incorporate your ideas. available. Money is short and manning cutbacks are
How about a story from some of your A-7 buddies? affecting everybody. It would be worth the aircrew's

time to get familiar with aircraft inspection require-
ments before they launch on a TD Y. ~

Fleagle g~
Recently one of our tactical aircraft returned from
another base with the following info write-up in the
781: "Postflight and preflight not accomplished due
to lack of experienced personnel." The immediate Answers to AIRCREW QUIZ
thought that came to mind is "have we so reduced
our personnel in an effort to save money that we
can't afford a preflight or postflight of our aircraft." l.c 2. b 3. d
The enroute supplement stated that transient alert
service at that base was available 24 hours daily. It
did advise us to expect extensive delays for minor
4. (1) h (2) f (3) b (4) j (5)

maintenance and servicing between Friday (6) g (7) d (8) a (9) c (10) e
afternoons and Monday mornings and holidays .
Maybe if this and other units are so short on
maintenance and transient alert personnel, they
should put out the word to the world so we don't
5. c 6. c
plan on stopping there.

30 JUNE 1976


SAC ri.r-
thru APR thru APR
thru APR
1976 975 1976 r1975 1976

TOTAL ACFT. ACCIDENTS 1 11 4 0 4 I3 0 2





83 33 TFW TAC 136 ARW ANG
49 127 TFW ANG 135 TASGP ANG
34 56 TFW TAC 126 ARW ANG


1 wit 6
TAC --
I 15

.1. 7.9
3.1 3.5 5.3 6.4 : 6.1

15 5.3 2.8 5.3 3.7 4.7 6.8 5.8 5.1 5.1 5.5 5.4 5.4
16 10.5 5.0 6.5 4.9

15 oo 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.9

16 0 0 11.3 8.1


TAC Tally
! ·: c:::::n::::J

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