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Blood Worksheet

1. What are the three formed elements in the blood?

Erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs), Leukocytes (white blood cells or WBCs), Platelets (thrombocytes)

2. What are the three functions of the blood?

Transport, protection an regulation

State whether the following characteristics describes a RBC, WBC, or platelets:

3. also known as leukocytes __________

4. has an average life cycle of 120 days RBC

5. deficit of these results in anemia RBC
6. involved in a cascade reaction __________
7. also known as erythrocytes __________
8. donut shaped, non nucleated RBC
9. involved in fighting infection WBC
10. contains hemoglobin to transport Oxygen __________
11. form from stem cells in red bone marrow __________
All three

12. causes fibrinogen to become fibrin __________


Match the following types of white blood cells to their function:

13. neutrophils e a. produce antibodies
14. eosinophils d b. release histamine
15. basophils b c. cellular immunity
16. monocytes f d. fight parasitic infections
17. T lymphocytes c e. phagocytes, respond first to infection
18. B lymphocytes a f. phagocytes within tissue (macrophages)

19. Type A blood carries:

a. A antibodies, and A antigens
b. A antibodies and B antigens
c. B antibodies and A antigens
d. None of the above
20. Type B blood carries:
a. B antibodies and B antigens
b. A antibodies and B antigens
c. B antibodies and A antigens
d. None of the above

21. Type AB blood carries:

a. A antibodies, B antibodies, no antigens
b. A antigens, B antigens, no antibodies
c. A antibodies, B antibodies, A antigens, B antigens
d. None of the above

22. Type O blood carries:

a. A antibodies, b antibodies, no antigens
b. No antibodies, A antigens, B antigens
c. No antibodies, no antigens
d. None of the above

23. Which blood type is the universal donor? Why?

The universal donor blood type is O negative123. This means that it has the lowest risk of
causing serious reactions for most people who receive it.

24. Which blood type is the universal recipient? Why?

The blood type that is considered the universal recipient is AB positive. This is because
AB positive patients can receive red blood cells from all blood types without experiencing
any immunological reactions

25. Describe what happens during hemolytic disease of the newborn referencing Rh
Rh disease, is a condition that occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of a
pregnant woman and her fetus, specifically related to the Rh factor (RhD antigen). Here's what
happens during HDN

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