Ge Module Prelim Word Unit 4

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In this unit, you should be able to

 Analyzed crucial qualities of the
Filipino moral identity in their
own moral experiences
 Identify universal values and
why they are important for
human survival
 Recalled defining moments in
their moral formation
 Identified and articulated each
stage of moral development
 Checked their personal growth
 Recalled immediate responses to
• Filipino Values moral dilemmas
 Differentiated responses based
Filipino values are our cultural values. They sum up our responses to the and
on reason meaning of based on
human life in the context of the cultural setting. They show our strengths and weaknesses
as a people.

Filipino Cultural Values

Cultural values are "our distinctive way of becoming human on this Filipino values
particular place andare our cultural
Unit 4: values. They sum up our responses
Filipino values spring from our peculiar way of viewing life—its origin, its meaning, and its purpose.
to the meaning
God's life in
Foremost among our values is pananalig sa Maykapal. The Filipino puts
hand. He believes that his destiny, or suwerte, depends on God
his trust
the context of the cultural setting.
They show our strengths and
• 's wishes.
The Filipino expresses concern for others through pakikipag- as a people.
kapwa, pagmamahal sa
familia, and pagmamahal sa bayan. He believes in himself and in his abilities.

 The Filipino way: Filipino Moral Ideal

The Filipino believes moral integrity is the essentiality of "becoming human". It is above
the desire for material enrichment.
This moral expectation is similar, though with much lesser significance, with such

 Filipino Values

 Filipino Cultural Values

Cultural values are "our distinctive way of becoming human on this particular
place and time.

Filipino values spring from our peculiar way of viewing life—its origin, its
meaning, and its purpose. Foremost among our values is pananalig sa Maykapal.
The Filipino puts his trust entirely in God's hand. He believes that his destiny, or
suwerte, depends on God's wishes.
The Filipino expresses concern for others through pakikipag- kapwa,
pagmamahal sa familia, and pagmamahal sa bayan. He believes in himself and in
his abilities.
 The Filipino way: Filipino Moral Ideal

The Filipino believes moral integrity is the essentiality of "becoming human". It is

above the desire for material enrichment.
This moral expectation is similar, though with much lesser significance, with such
concepts as "magpaka-lalaki", or "magpaka-babae", implying that man and
woman have different traits and capabilities. Just as a man or a woman must act
in accordance with the demands ol their respective gender, a person ought to
live up to the demands of his humanity or "pagkatao"pagpapakatao.

Man As Person ( Universal values )

 Man has an intellect that separates him from all brute creation. Man has the
ability to think before doing a particular action. Man may foresee the
consequences of his actions. He has the capacity to know what is right and what
is wrong.
 Ethics is the study of man as a moral being. What goals we assign to ourselves,
what actions we choose to do, and how we treat others – depend on how we
understand ourselves as a human being. Socrates is wise indeed for proposing
that the starting point of wisdom is “to know oneself”.

• Character is often taken as synonymous with personality. This is correct if
personality is taken as the sum-total of the psychological systems in an
individual which enable him to adjust to his environment. Character, however,
refers the person's choice of values and his intelligent exercise of his freedom.

Moral Character
• Character is the will of the person directing him towards a recognized ideal. This
is how human actions are significant because they actualize man's potential to
be what he truly is as a rational being. When a person falls short of the
expectation, he is said to have bad character. On the other hand, a person who
lives up to the ideals of his humanity is said to have good character, or moral

• Character is not the product of a moment's inspiration, but a disciplined

tendency to choose the right thing in any given circumstance. It is adherence to
what is true, beautiful, and good in us.

• Moral Distinctions

• On the basis of their conformity or non-conformity with the norm of morality,

human acts are either moral, immoral, or amoral.

• Moral actions are those in conformity with the norm of morality. They are good
and permissible actions, such as working, studying, paying debts, telling the
truth, loving someone, etcetera.

• Immoral actions are those which are not in conformity with the norm of
morality. They are evil and prohibited actions, such as cursing, cheating, stealing,
lying, etcetera.

• Amoral actions are those which stand neutral or indifferent to the norm of
morality. These acts are neither good nor evil, but they may become evil
because of circumstances. Playing basketball becomes morally wrong when it
causes a student to miss his class. Drinking wine is amoral, but excessive drinking
is wrong.

• Sources of Morality

• The Morality of Human Acts depends on:

• The Object

• The end of intention of the agent

• The Circumstances

• Moral Accountability

• A morally good act requires the goodness of the object, of the end and of the
circumstances together. An evil end corrupts the action even if the object is
good in itself such as praying and fasting in order to be seen by men.

• Human acts, they are voluntary, are accountable acts. Actions are imputed on
the doer as its principal cause and, therefore, deserving of either reward or
punishment. Human acts, because they are voluntary, are accountable acts.
Actions are imputed on the doer as its principal cause and, therefore, deserving
of either reward or punishment.

References and Internet resources:

Ethics and The Filipino: A Manual on Morals for Students and Educators Second
Edition ( 2008 ): Agapay, R.
Ethics: Standard of Human Conduct ( 2007 ). Corpuz, R.

Internet Sources:

Title: Filipino Values – understanding culture by: Axxis Lorena

That’s it for the Prelim Grading Period!


Pat your shoulder and say, I did really well.

Midterms, Here I come!


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