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a tankönyv és a munkafüzet párhuzamos felhasználásával

heti 2 óra


Young Stars 4

Hét Tananyag Funkciók és az óra Nyelvi szerkezetek Szókincs Eszközök és Kulcskompetenciák -

célja Grammar structures Vocabulary anyagok Kapcsolódási pontok – Fejlesztési
Functions and aims of Aids and feladatok
the lesson materials

1 1 Bevezetés az A tankönyv Tankönyv,

iskolai évbe áttekintése, a hozzá munkafüzet
tartozó segédletek
bemutatása, a
tanévben elsajátítandó
rendszerezése, a
2 Hello, activity Learn greetings and What’s your name? Hello / Hi, Goodbye / SB
1-5 how to introduce My name is … / I’m + name Bye, CD-player &
oneself How are you? red, yellow, green, blue, CD or IWB &
Inquire about one’s Fine, thank you. And you? orange, black, white, IWB material
name How old are you? Don’t sit down, Don’t Flashcards
Ask and answer about I’m + number stand up, Close the
one’s well-being What colour is it? door, Don’t open the
Ask and answer about It’s … window, Open your
one’s name Have you got …? Yes, I have. / book
Revise the colours No, I haven’t.
Revise the numbers 1-
Revise the questions
and short forms of the
verb have got
Give and follow
orders / instructions /
3 Hello, activity Express likes and bag, pencil, ruler, book apple, one, two, three, four, SB
6-8 dislikes orange, banana, pear five, six, seven, eight, CD-player &
Identify classroom nine, ten CD or IWB &
objects IWB material
2 4 Module 1 – Introduce adjectives I’m tall. pretty, funny, young, SB Szóbeli interakció:
Song related to physical He/She/It is funny. old, tall, short CD-player &
appearance We/You/They are young. CD or IWB & A tanuló legyen képes nonverbális
Describe a person, an IWB material elemekkel támogatva
animal or a thing beszédszándéka kifejezésére
Revise the verb to be egyszerű nyelvi eszközökkel,
(affirmative) fokozatosan bővülő szókinccsel.

Tudjon a számára ismert témákról

egyszerű kérdéseket feltenni,
illetve a hozzá intézett kérdésekre
egyszerű nyelvi eszközökkel

A tanuló legyen képes minta

alapján, egyszerű nyelvi
eszközökkel, begyakorolt
beszédfordulatokkal, rövid
párbeszédeket folytatni társaival a
tanult témákról.

Vegyen részt rövid, egyszerű

szövegek közös előadásában.
Törekedjen a célnyelvi normához
közelítő kiejtés, intonáció és
beszédtempó elsajátítására.

5-6 Module 1 – Introduce adjectives Are you angry? angry, scared, tired, SB
Young Stars related to feelings and Yes, I am. / No, I’m not / Yes, bored, clean, dirty, big, CD-player &
appearance we are. / No, we aren’t. small CD or IWB &
Talk about one’s mood Is he/she/it tired? IWB material
Revise the verb to be Yes, he/she/it is. / No, Flashcards
(Questions Short he/she/it isn’t.
answers, Negative) Are they bored?
Yes, they are. / No, they
I’m not angry.
He/She/It isn’t tired.
We/You/They aren’t bored.
3 7-8 Module 1 – Identify actions I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They talk, skateboard, sing, SB
Our world Talk about ability can draw / can’t dive. dance, paint, draw, dive CD-player &
Can you paint? CD or IWB &
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. IWB material
9 Module 1 – Identify actions fly, walk, run, jump, SB

Let’s play Ask and answer swim, climb CD-player &
questions about ability CD or IWB &
practise the IWB material
pronunciation of the Flashcards
letter u
4 10 Module 1 – Provide students with purple, brown, grey, SB
Cross- cross-curricular pink, gold, silver, mix CD-player &
curricular information on Art CD or IWB &
Revise and learn new IWB material
colours Flashcards
Learn how to mix
Recognise capital
letters and full stops in
11- Module 1 – Identify and use hungry, thirsty, fat SB
12 Story adjectives CD-player &
Listen and read for CD or IWB &
pleasure IWB material
Revise and consolidate Flashcards
vocabulary and
structures presented
in previous lessons
5 13 Module 1 - Revise and consolidate SB
Revision vocabulary and CD-player &
structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
14 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 1 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
15 Module 2 – Identify family I’ve/You’ve got a cousin. son, grandson, SB Hallott szöveg értése:
Song members He’s/She’s got an uncle daughter, CD-player &
Revise the verb have We’ve/They’ve got a daughter granddaughter, CD or IWB & A tanuló kövesse a kissé
got (Affirmative) and a son. grandfather/grandad, IWB material komplexebb formában elhangzó
Revise the indefinite grandmother/granny, Flashcards nonverbális elemekkel támogatott
article a/an uncle, aunt, cousin célnyelvi óravezetést.

A tanuló értse meg az osztálytermi

tevékenységekhez kapcsolódó,
bővülő szókinccsel
megfogalmazott, nonverbális
eszközökkel támogatott, rövid és
egyszerű tanári utasításokat.
Értse meg az ismert témákhoz
kapcsolódó, egy-egy rövid
mondatból álló kérdéseket,
néhány rövid mondatból álló

6 16- Module 2 – Talk about appearance Have you got fair hair? straight hair, fair hair, SB
17 Young Stars Identify facial features Yes, I/we have. / No, I/we curly hair, moustache, CD-player &
Revise the verb have haven’t. beard, freckles CD or IWB &
got (Questions, Short Has he/she/it got freckles? IWB material
answers, Negative) Yes, he/she/it has. / No, Flashcards
he/she/it hasn’t.
Have they got straight hair?
Yes, they have. / No, they
I/You/We/They haven’t got
curly hair.
He/She/It hasn’t got freckles.
7 18- Module 2 – Identify clothes and I-me, you-your, he-his, she- handbag, watch, T-shirt, SB
19 Our world accessories her, it-its, we-our, you-your, coat, jeans, skirt, dress, CD-player &
Talk about possession they-their shoes, boots CD or IWB &
Talk about objects that This is a dress. – These are IWB material
are near us and not dresses. Flashcards
near us (singular and That is a shoe. – Those are
plural) shoes.
20 Module 2 – Identify toys Whose ball is this? It’s Ron’s ball, doll, computer SB
Let’s play Talk about possession (ball). game, monster, robot, CD-player &
Practise the Whose dolls are these? kite, toys CD or IWB &
pronunciation of the They’re Tina’s (dolls). IWB material
diphthong oo Flashcards
21 Module 2 – Provide the students head, eyes, nose, SB
Cross- with cross-curricular mouth, ears, shoulder, CD-player &
curricular information on Music toes, knee CD or IWB &
and Science IWB material
Revise/Learn the parts Flashcards
of the face and body

Learn how to use
commas and the
conjunction in a
8 22- Module 2 – Identify parts of the teeth, ankle, feet, SB
23 Story face and body stomach, play CD-player &
listen and read for CD or IWB &
pleasure IWB material
revise and consolidate Flashcards
vocabulary and
structures presented
in previous lessons
24 Module 2 - Revise and consolidate SB
Revision vocabulary and CD-player &
structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
9 25 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 2 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
26 Star Skills Revise, consolidate SB
(Modules 1-2) and practice CD-player &
vocabulary and CD or IWB &
structures presented IWB material
in previous lessons
27 Module 3 – Identify activities I’m studying. She’s Studying., She’s SB Ismerje fel rövid, egyszerű
Song happening at the He/She/It’s playing. cleaning., He’s watching CD-player & szövegekben az ismerős szavakat,
moment of speaking We/You/They’re cleaning. TV., They’re listening to CD or IWB & fordulatokat, és legyen képes
music., He’s reading. IWB material ezekből a lehetséges tartalomra
Flashcards következtetni.

A tanuló legyen képes a megértést

segítő feladatokra támaszkodva a
lényeget és néhány konkrét
információt kiszűrni ismert témájú
rövid, egyszerű szövegekből.

A tanuló legyen képes néhány, a

megértést segítő alapvető

stratégia egyre önállóbb

10 28- Module 3 – Talk about activities Are you eating? She’s planting a tree., SB
29 Young Stars happening at the Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. / Yes, I’m feeding the fish., CD-player &
moment of speaking we are. / No, we aren’t. He’s fishing., They’re CD or IWB &
Ask and answer Is he/she/it drinking water? eating., He’s drinking IWB material
questions about Yes, he/she/it is. / No, water., It’s flying., He’s Flashcards
activities happening at he/she/it isn’t. watering the flowers.,
the moment of I’m not eating. help, child-children,
speaking He/She/It isn’t drinking water. balloon
Introduce the irregular We/You/They aren’t fishing.
plural noun: child-
11 30- Module 3 – Talk about activities read-reading She’s making a cake., SB
31 Our world happening at the make-making He’s having CD-player &
moment of speaking get-getting breakfast/lunch/dinner., CD or IWB &
Introduce spelling He’s getting dressed., IWB material
rules for the Present It’s sleeping. Flashcards
32 Module 3 – Ask about the time What’s the time? It’s two o’clock., It’s half SB
Let’s play Tell the time (o’clock, It’s (two) o’clock. past six., It’s a quarter CD-player &
half past and quarters) It’s half past (six). to four., It’s a quarter CD or IWB &
practise the It’s a quarter to/past (four). past four. IWB material
pronunciation of the Flashcards
sound /i:/
33 Module 3 – Provide the students football, paint, player, SB
Cross- with cross-curricular chase, kick, touch, CD-player &
curricular information on PE throw, He’s wearing a CD or IWB &
Learn how to use helmet. IWB material
question marks and Flashcards
exclamation marks in
12 34- Module 3 – listen and read for ant, grasshopper, She’s SB
35 Story pleasure doing her homework., CD-player &
revise and consolidate It’s carrying food., It’s CD or IWB &
vocabulary and snowing. IWB material
structures presented Flashcards
in previous lessons
36 Module 3 – Revise and consolidate SB
Revision vocabulary and CD-player &

structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
13 37 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 3 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
Module 4 – Identify places in a Where’s the toy car? library, bank, pet shop, SB Összefüggő beszéd:
Song town in, on, under, behind, in front toy shop, people CD-player &
Identify location of, next to, between CD or IWB & A tanuló legyen képes elmondani
Ask and answer about IWB material rövid, egyszerű szövegeket.
the location of places Flashcards
in a town Társaival közösen legyen képes
előadni egyszerű szöveget,
párbeszédet, tanári segítséggel.

A tanuló legyen képes saját

magáról, számára ismert
témákról, a környezetében
előforduló tárgyakról,
élőlényekről, eseményekről
röviden, összefüggően,
nonverbális elemekkel támogatva

39 Module 4 – Identify sea animals I-me, you-you, he-him, she- look, give, come, find, SB
Young Stars Introduce the object her, it-it, we-us, you-you, they- fish, shark, dolphin, CD-player &
pronouns them aquarium, camera CD or IWB &
Identify actions Look at him! He’s tall. IWB material
14 40- Module 4 – Express You must be quiet. be quiet, be careful, SB
41 Our world obligation/prohibition You mustn’t take photos throw rubbish, take CD-player &
photos, have a shower, CD or IWB &
swimming pool, IWB material
museum, rubbish bin Flashcards
15 42- Module 4 – Say the numbers from How much is the (jacket)? twenty, twenty-one, SB
43 Let’s play 20 to 100 It’s €22. twenty-two, twenty- CD-player &
Ask about prices How much are the (boots)? three, twenty-four, CD or IWB &
Practise the They’re €45 twenty-five, twenty-six, IWB material
pronunciation of the twenty-seven, twenty- Flashcards

sounds /ŋk/ and /ŋ/ eight, twenty-nine,
thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,
seventy, eighty, ninety,
a hundred

44 Module 4 – Provide students with Go straight., Turn right., SB

Cross- cross-curricular Don’t turn left., Stop., CD-player &
curricular information on Social Cross the street here., CD or IWB &
Studies Put your seatbelt on. IWB material
Learn how to use the Flashcards
conjunctions or and
but in a sentence
45 Module 4 – listen and read for shopping centre, SB
Story pleasure restaurant, bookshop, CD-player &
revise and consolidate meet, map CD or IWB &
vocabulary and IWB material
structures presented Flashcards
in previous lessons
16 46- Module 4 – Revise and consolidate SB
47 Revision vocabulary and CD-player &
structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
48 Board game Revise vocabulary and WB
structures through a
board game
17 49 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 4 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
50 Star Skills Revise, consolidate SB
(Modules 3-4) and practice CD-player &
vocabulary and CD or IWB &
structures presented IWB material
in previous lessons
51 Revision Revising the Student’s
Modules 1-4 structures, functions book,
and vocabulary workbook
presented in module

18 52 Mid-term test Értékelje a diákok témazárók
fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
53 Module 5 – Introduce everyday I always play football on go shopping, go to the SB A tanuló legyen képes néhány
Song activities Mondays. cinema, do karate, play CD-player & egyszerű nyelvtani szerkezetet és
Talk about habitual He/She sometimes goes to the tennis, play the guitar, CD or IWB & mondatfajtát használni.
actions cinema. ride my bike IWB material
Introduce adverbs of We/You/They never go to Flashcards A tanuló legyen képes munkáját
frequency (always, school at the weekend. egyszerű nyelvi eszközökkel
sometimes, never) bemutatni.

Törekedjen a célnyelvi normához

közelítő kiejtés, intonáció és
beszédtempó elsajátítására.

19 54- Module 5 – Introduce everyday Do you always get up early? get up early, brush my SB
55 Young Stars activities Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. teeth, drive a car, have CD-player &
Ask and answer about Yes, we do. / No, we don’t. a lesson, take the bus, CD or IWB &
habitual actions Does he/she walk to school? walk to school IWB material
Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she Flashcards
Do they drive a car?
Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
I don’t drive a car.
He/She doesn’t get up early.
We/You/They don’t walk to
56- Module 5 – Introduce occupations What do you do? driver, farmer, nurse, SB
57 Our world Ask and answer about I’m a farmer. / We’re farmers. cook, waiter, singer, CD-player &
a person’s occupation What does he/she do? farm CD or IWB &
He’s/She’s a singer. IWB material
What do they do? Flashcards
They’re nurses.
I’m good at skateboarding.
I’m bad at singing.
20 58 Module 5 – Introduce the months When is your birthday? January, February, SB
Let’s play of the year It’s on 16 July. March, April, May, June, CD-player &
Introduce the ordinal July, August, CD or IWB &
numbers from first to September, October, IWB material

thirty-first November, December, Flashcards
practise the 1st-31st
pronunciation of the
Present Simple
endings (-s, -es) and
their sound
59 Module 5 – Provide students with winter, spring, summer, SB
Cross- cross-curricular autumn, snowman, leaf- CD-player &
curricular information on leaves CD or IWB &
Geography IWB material
Learn the position of Flashcards
the subject in a

21 60- Module 5 – listen and read for basket, stone, present, SB

61 Story pleasure vegetables CD-player &
Revise and consolidate CD or IWB &
vocabulary and IWB material
structures presented Flashcards
in previous lessons
62 Module 5 – Revise and consolidate SB
Revision vocabulary and CD-player &
structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
63 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 5 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
22 64 Module 6 – Identify food There’s a pineapple. grapes, peach, mango, SB Olvasott szöveg értése:
Song Talk about countable There are some pineapples. pineapple, cherry, CD-player &
nouns I want some strawberry CD or IWB & Legyen képes ismert szavak néma
Revise plurals grapes/peaches/cherries. IWB material olvasására és megértésére,
Flashcards valamint tanári minta után a
szavak helyes felolvasására.

Legyen képes rövid szöveg közös

megismerése és feldolgozása után
az önálló olvasására.

Legyen képes bekapcsolódni
olvasást igénylő játékos nyelvi

Legyen képes az olvasott szövegre

vonatkozó egyszerű feladatok
Legyen képes a különböző műfajú,
egyszerű, autentikus szövegek
lényegének megértésére.

65- Module 6 – Identify food There is some cheese. salad, cheese, spaghetti, SB
66 Young Stars Ask and answer about There are some peas. meat, steak, chicken, CD-player &
countable and There isn’t any juice. soup, rice, peas CD or IWB &
uncountable nouns There aren’t any cherries. IWB material
Is there any rice? Flashcards
Are there any pizzas?
23 67- Module 6 – Identify food from What’s your favourite food? sausage, cheeseburger, SB
68 Our world different parts of the My favourite food is spaghetti. crepe, pancake, CD-player &
world omelette, noodles, CD or IWB &
Ask and answer about yoghurt IWB material
food preferences Flashcards
69 Module 6 – Identify food What would you like? tea, coffee, milk, salt, SB
Let’s play Ask for and order food I’d like some tea, please. pepper, sugar CD-player &
practise the Can I have some coffee, CD or IWB &
pronunciation of the please? IWB material
short e Flashcards
24 70 Module 6 – Provide students with fork, spoon, knife, plate, SB
Cross- cross-curricular cup, glass, bottle, cut CD-player &
curricular information on Home CD or IWB &
Science IWB material
Learn the position of Flashcards
adjectives in a
71- Module 6 – listen and read for share SB
72 Story pleasure CD-player &
Revise and consolidate CD or IWB &
vocabulary and IWB material
structures presented Flashcards
in previous lessons
25 73 Module 6 – Revise and consolidate SB

Revision vocabulary and CD-player &
structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
74 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 6 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
75 Star Skills Revise, consolidate SB
(Modules 5-6) and practice CD-player &
vocabulary and CD or IWB &
structures presented IWB material
in previous lessons
26 76 Module 7 – Talk about places I/He/She/It was at the park amusement park, SB Legyen képes felfedezni az ismert
Song Talk about the past yesterday. forest, beach CD-player & szavakat és kifejezéseket idegen
Ask and answer about You/We/They were at the CD or IWB & forrásban.
the past amusement park yesterday. IWB material
Were you at home yesterday Flashcards Legyen lehetősége az önálló
afternoon? célnyelvi olvasás élményét
Yes, I was. / we were. megtapasztalni.
No, I wasn’t. / we weren’t.
Was he/she/it at the park Alakuljon ki érdeklődése a
yesterday? célnyelvi kultúra irodalmi,
Yes, he/she/it was. művészeti alkotásai iránt.
No, he/she/it wasn’t.
Were they at school yesterday
Yes, they were. / No, they
77- Module 7 – Talk about actions that I played football last weekend. wait, arrive, see-saw, SB
78 Young Stars happened in the past. He/She went to the go-went, late, finish my CD-player &
Introduce irregular amusement park last homework, airport CD or IWB &
verbs in the Past Saturday. IWB material
Simple We/You/They saw our cousins Flashcards
last week.
27 79- Module 7 – Talk about ancient They didn’t have pancakes for love, hear-heard, come- SB
80 Our world people and breakfast. They had eggs and came, have-had, make- CD-player &
civilisations some fruit. made, eat-ate, CD or IWB &
Introduce the negative My mother didn’t make a chopsticks, hut IWB material
form of verbs in the chocolate cake. She made a Flashcards

Past Simple banana cake.
Introduce irregular
verbs in the Past
81 Module 7 – Talk about sports Did you play tennis yesterday? play basketball, play SB
Let’s play Ask and answer about Yes, I/we did. / No, I/we table tennis, play CD-player &
actions that happened didn’t. baseball, go CD or IWB &
in the past Did he/she go to the park windsurfing, go sailing, IWB material
practise the yesterday? sports centre Flashcards
pronunciation of the Yes he/she did. / No, he/she
Past Simple ending -ed didn’t.
Did they see their
grandparents last weekend?
Yes, they did. / No, they
28 82 Module 7 – Provide students with bicycle, train, carriage, SB
Cross- cross-curricular wheel, horse, travel, use CD-player &
curricular information on Social CD or IWB &
Studies IWB material
Learn to use the Flashcards
conjunction because
and the adverb too in
83- Module 7 – Listen and read for sing-sang, nightingale, SB
84 Story pleasure emperor, ill CD-player &
Revise and consolidate CD or IWB &
vocabulary and IWB material
structures presented Flashcards
in previous lessons
29 85 Module 7 – Revise and consolidate SB
Revision vocabulary and CD-player &
structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
86 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 7 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
87 Module 8 – Identify animals Cheetahs are faster than crocodile, giraffe, hippo, SB Íráskészség:
Song introduce the hippos. cheetah, lion, whale, CD-player &

comparative form of fast-faster thin, scary CD or IWB & Különböző nyelvi tevékenységek
adjectives thin-thinner IWB material során legyen képes lemásolni,
scary-scarier Flashcards illetve leírni rövid szavakat,
good-better mondatokat.
bad-worse Legyen képes bekapcsolódni írást
igénylő játékos nyelvi

A tanuló legyen képes ismert

témáról rövid, egyszerű
mondatokat írni.

Legyen képes megadott mintát

követve különböző műfajú és
életkorának megfelelő témájú
rövid szövegek alkotására.

Legyen képes írásbeli válaszadásra

személyes adatokra vonatkozó
egyszerű kérdésekben.

30 88- Module 8 – Introduce vocabulary Tom is the youngest student in win, winner, award, SB
89 Young Stars related to sports my class. team, strong, weak CD-player &
introduce the strong-the strongest CD or IWB &
superlative form of scary-the scariest IWB material
adjectives good-the best Flashcards
introduce the bad-the worst
superlative form of
irregular adjectives
31 90- Module 8 – Identify wild animals gorilla, tiger, monkey, SB
91 Our world identify landscapes high mountain, river CD-player &
CD or IWB &
IWB material
92 Module 8 – Introduce free-time What are you going to do go camping, go skiing, SB
Let’s play activities tomorrow? tent, sleeping bag, CD-player &
Identify sports I’m going to go shopping. torch, skis, poles, board, CD or IWB &
equipment I’m not going to go to the sail IWB material
Practise the beach. Flashcards
pronunciation of the
silent diagraphs gh and

the silent k
93 Module 8 – Provide students with camel, elephant, live, SB
Cross- cross-curricular hump, trunk, grass CD-player &
curricular information on Science CD or IWB &
Learn how to use IWB material
intensifiers (very, Flashcards
really, so) in sentences
32 94- Module 8 – Listen and read for save, princess, country SB
95 Story pleasure CD-player &
Revise and consolidate CD or IWB &
vocabulary and IWB material
structures presented Flashcards
in previous lessons
96 Module 8 – Revise and consolidate SB
Revision vocabulary and CD-player &
structures presented CD or IWB &
in previous lessons IWB material
33 97 Board game Revise vocabulary and WB
structures through a
board game
98 Témazáró Értékelje a diákok témazárók
Modul 8 fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-
99 Star Skills Revise, consolidate SB
(Modules 7-8) and practice CD-player &
vocabulary and CD or IWB &
structures presented IWB material
in previous lessons
34 100 Revision Revising the Student’s
Modules 5-8 structures, functions book,
and vocabulary workbook
presented in module
101 Év végi Értékelje a diákok témazárók
témazáró fejlődését (teacher’s
resource CD-

102 Játék
103 Quiz
104 Játék
105 Videó
106 Film
107 Film
108 Az év végi Éves értékelés


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