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BSCS 1st / MCS 1st Course Name: Discrete Structure Department of Computer Science

Credit Hours: 3(3-0) Barani Institute of Management

Course Code: CS-335/CS-708 Sciences (BIMS)

Course Objectives:

 Introduce students to mathematical reasoning, the art and practice of understanding and
formulating logical arguments and constructing and evaluating proofs.
 Present computer algorithms that implement step-by-step solutions to many of the abstract
problems discussed in class.
 Introduce students to the art of mathematical modeling, representing a real-world problem as
equations or abstract problems that can be solved using the other components of the course.
 Discuss numerous applications of mathematical modeling to real-life problems from computer
science, biology, linguistics, and other fields.

Course Description:

The objective of the Discrete Structure is to develop student’s ability to think abstractly. This requires
that student learn to use logically valid forms of arguments, to avoid common logical errors. It
provides the theoretical basis for Computer Science. It includes fundamental definitions, notations,
basic tools and techniques to formulate and express a problem mathematically

Recommended Books:

“Discrete Mathematics with Application” by Susanna.
Reference Books

1. K.H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, (5 th Edition), McGraw Hill 1999.
2. “Discrete Mathematical Structures” by B. Kalman Prentice Hall (1996).

Marks Distribution:
Theory Total Marks: 60
Assignments /Quizzes : 12 marks
Mid Term : 18 marks
Final Term : 30 marks

Assignments and quizzes: Approximately 4 assignments and 6 quizzes shall be given during the
semester. The quizzes shall preferably be unannounced. The duration of each quiz shall be about 10
minutes. No make-ups will be offered for missed quizzes. The graded quizzes shall be returned in the
next lecture and the graded assignments shall be returned within a week. The assignments shall clearly
reflect the indigenous work of the student. Plagiarism is not allowed which may result in cancellation of
an assignment, in addition to reporting the matter to the management for appropriate action.

Mid-Term Examination: A midterm exam of minimum 1 hour & 15 minutes duration will be held
that will cover all material covered till the midterm

BSCS 1st / MCS 1st Course Name: Discrete Structure Department of Computer Science
Credit Hours: 3(3-0) Barani Institute of Management
Course Code: CS-335/CS-708 Sciences (BIMS)

Attendance Policy: 75% attendance is mandatory; deficient students will not be allowed to appear in
the final examination.

Office Hours: Wednesday: 9:15-11:15 am

Lecture Breakdown

Lect Topics

1 Introduction/importance of Discrete Mathematics. Logic, Simple Statements

Compound Statements, Truth Table Basic Logic Connectives, Tautologies &


Logic Equivalence (DeMorgan’s Law), Principle of Substitution, Laws of the Algebra

3 of Propositions
Translating Word Statements to Symbolic Notation & Vice Versa, Negation of
compound statements. Conditional statements, biconditioanl statements
5 Part-1 Arguments and their simple applications, Digital logic circuits.

6 Part-2 Arguments and their simple applications, Digital logic circuits.

Set Theory: Set & its descriptive, tabular & set builder notation, Sets of Numbers (N,
W, Z, E, O, P, Q, Q*, R), Empty and Universal sets
8 Venn Diagram Operations on Sets (Union, Intersection, Difference, Complement)

9 Venn diagram and Truth Table representation of set operations

10 Superset, Subset, Set Equality, Algebra of set operations

Proving equality of two sets (using Venn diagram, Truth Table, Laws of Algebra of
Sets)) Power set, Partition of a set

12 Ordered pairs, Cartesian product, Binary relation, Universal/empty relation

13 Arrow diagram and matrix, matrix representation of a relation

14 Functions and Functions Machines, Types of Functions

15 Principle of Mathematical Induction, Relations and their properties-I

16 Principle of Mathematical Induction, Relations and their properties-II

BSCS 1st / MCS 1st Course Name: Discrete Structure Department of Computer Science
Credit Hours: 3(3-0) Barani Institute of Management
Course Code: CS-335/CS-708 Sciences (BIMS)

Mid Semester Exam (Week 8-9)

17 Sequences with their application and Examples
18 Series with their application and Examples-I

19 Series with their application and Examples-II

20 Introduction to Trees, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree

21 Tree Traversal Inorder, Postorder, Preorder

22 Cardinality , Combinatorics

23 Sampling, Permutation with Examples Combination and Selection

24 Counting and probability: Definition, Basic terminology, Examples

25 Graph and Trees: Graph (Introduction), Basic Terminology

26 Types of Graphs , Paths and Circuit

27 Kruskal Algorithm , Prims Algorithm

28 Spanning Tree, Minimum Spanning Tree

29 Matrix Representation of Graphs, Isomorphic Graphs

30 Eulerian Graph

31 Hamiltonian Circuit

32 Order Of growth (Big ‘O’, Big Ω, Big‘θ’)

Final Term Exam (Week 18-19)

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