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i oo ae GHATS eg @BCS SCHEME cal LTT Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Aug./Sept.2020 Operation Research 1SMEt Time: 3 hrs. Na Max. Marks: 80 Note: i) For Regular Students: Answer any, Se, full questions irrespective of modules. - i) For Arrear Students : Answer any RIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question E ‘from each thodule. = t iii) Use of normal distribution table is allowed. | os z » = Bo a Define operation researéh.and explain all phases of Operation research, (05 Mar g2 b. Old hens can be brdught at Rs.20 each and young;one at Rs.50 each. The old hens lay 3 ¢4 ane per week and yoting-one lay 5 eggs per weeks,Each egg being worth of one rupce and thi _ 8 aise. A hen, 208 4 per week to feed. Heshas only Rs.800 to spend for hens. How many 2h each kind shod id be buy to give a profit of'nore than Rs.600 per week. Assuming that . #8 cannot hagdl fore then 200 hens, oe the above problem as LPP model. (11 Mar Ee 53 «e - £8 2 a. Explain the limitations of operati IsFsearch (05 Mar ~ 3 b. Solve the below given LPP graphically and find thew jue ot + Zi 28 Minimize Z=1.5x, +2548 > 4, Peane bs -~ 28 23 (0 Mar 3 a. Solve thexpelow given LPP by x M method. zy Maxi 2K, -x; s are < cc A 43x, 26 yp da” x, Tt e v e av = b. Define slack, suspluS and artificial variable, (05 Aer” a 4a. Explain nay you resolve degeneracy in simplex method (or b. Solve the below given LPRaky vo phase method. Minimize Z 3x, -x, xx ie 22 ’ = Aap 1of3 then” 7 ¥ ae Dr. M.S. Sheshgir College of Engineering & Technology, Library, Belagavi 5 2 o Sa a ce 1SMESL ve Solve the following transportation problem sat find the Minimum transportation cos. [ Warehouse | Wi [ W2 ] W3 | Wa | Fa eastory caput, TF 19 [30 [30 [oly 7 ih 70 | 30 [40 [60 9 Try 40 | 8 [720 | 18 | Warehouse 5) 8 Paps | Requirement_| Ive the following assiguifient problem and find Jobs. Time each man would take to perform each fi my 26,17 TTT] glow” 28] 4 [26 19 [18 [1s 26 | 24 | 108 (16 Marks) Ap Module-d uy y Explain the Fulkerson’s.tule for number of nodes. «2 (03 Marks) ‘Time estimates in weeks for PERT net work. {given below. Calculate the following: (i) Total expected time forthe critical pat A> (ii) Standard deWiation and varience for the:project Abeer (iii) Probability:of project completion fitleast 4 weeks earlierthan expected time (iv) Ifthe project due date is 19 was, ‘what is the probability of not meeting the due date? Activity | to | tm. wT 1-2 1-3 1-4 3-3 34 tp, ft (11 Marks) ‘he queuing system deséription parameters. (05 Marks) yairman finds that the time spent on his jobs has an exponential distribution, with viinutes. If he’repairs set in the order in which they come in and if the arrival of toximately Poisson with an average rate of 10/8 hrs day, what is repairman’s ‘etme each day, How many jobs are head ofaverage st just brought in? "tae jarks) 20f3 \giti College of Engineering & Technology, Library, Belagavi 10 Module-5 15ME81 1, Explain maximini and minimaxi principle and also explain characteristics of Game theory. b. Solve the following game graphically. Player ‘ aalaby 1-5 UY] 84 Player Explain the assumptions mad joathile solving sequencing problems. b, Find the sequence that minim (0S Marks) (11 Marks) (08 Marks) imizes the total elapsed time ‘T’ required to complete the following tasks. Each taskipag be processed in any two machines A. B and C in any order. Tasks cer A 23 [4[s[6[7 “a 26] s [3tsl716 Se cls [alir{s papey4 abens AGRE os ms tesa Colne of Ecnsing & Tesi, Ly, Balas (11 Marks) Question PAPER, SoLuTLoNs Say Spuakion Buuul. Ave ep 2020, CISMEeS1) B lay shooken Poort, \r Gane Abiriol oo tte appliahn, HH cderttce melheds to pretlimns arrziry ker eT cee Cr mea rE | Syatinn 4 Men, Mokinis ard retinol, ty frowicle Be the quolg ement p hase i a) Delerminahion. of cperahon, Ln this Steps vodtoblis nrtweol fre ao men, mecelai ne ord maleroals abr (dentified [ Cy) Detrm nahion of effective. measure, Jn Has steps tnter solotion . between the vatrable ore es tol thet and arr furthy: efi neo ara particnlar Meret dare 77 the Ajectte function: (CJ Foun ulation « dh this chp, objective fun ctiey & com gs ornt eqwot om OL erctiuctea . Or 2 De cearely Phose: Ww Hee chp optima elabiun anal ced ond compathl varobly are dictum. 3: Action phace The managurs who tobe invelwol mM the Cnteg rated System wll implement he cotahin arol wit! aralace tHe ovteons 8 tcy). Given Rate of old hen = 3 20|- Rot, up Pours hen = By s0/- Eggs lord by old hen =3 |mecy Sqqo Cod by Pre hen = Sfweck Rok of aaa Bs hZ0 Feecling Cut = By 4 [week Max. amount (0 spend =Ls Eoo- Prope per week =More than 2o 6 ovf- Max. hens Can te hand/eel = 200No¢ Kt ay be the at hens, % lee no Young heng Con siclertig. the Prf.l. Ba Bw (3% 45%) 4 (44%) Con HialeAirg investment Don +0%_ S E00 Lindi tation va hen : H+ S200 hry, when “Oy 2c AzEL 3 (0/2) zo 472 .2C,¢0) ae q The wees Dre x Z(3% 9) £2 (0505) ge for) Zpe USK34+15Kor Goo ie Zp= PSADS 42xS40:5 - & Bet WSKO 425 xe HS Min @ = Ep = 4 wunb Colby te Ae Porblers 45 fr) = Z) = Aim 5 OSs o> oS wun . mone (2) = 0°17 425% Gon stroanh, 20% FH%. = phe ao $00 ea Q 2c) Limitakion of spaotion - 1. OB mods are only 44 es Sroddye ark oherodd ee Naa Aires aus oo ahe valde ef a rechten 0 pantranlar- citi con be aocntoined Orbe OF Conduct nge emperi Bic eee 3. The folm ulab om wit ae mobve cu cutesy foots rae te amumed: Aven, rin(2)= Sy +2-5%_ 43% BS CECE Az, © ; ene, Detornnt rire the ee andi rate i Conchorwrk €4 a4 Bete mil whet ae 3423 2 Go . W20 9 Be, Mex @@) - 2G - 1% S14}, atv. ee 4G t3IG Se. SC Ue My 8 Sele, A uy tbe Anke Max(Z) = WPA ~ 2G 40S) £05) HMA EMA BGM +A, =. 4%G+ 4%4+S,=6. At AS, thy =G- MN % 7$1$2 Ai Ar= 0 stl. Conther a. Tle mobic. Oy a A SS, S$, A, A, & M Ay Sees 6 S; ae ! ° ; : 6 ne ee 6 I cae CG -2 -/ @ oom zHigj An. Ae o M. MM. Mm. Gi E%O Lo-hmy) o-M 0 0 : © (1-3) ho bethe erdenily Bilt He beanty a M orsoddte « & 1 MorplunS Ahktrras Verios leo by bly Ge t> fcr Oo -4. | #-10 q = “4 fe f Q.4@) Degen cy Pia) Sinpl« Method . Digenmiary un LPP in Seal OCU. whey, a slope ek vadrottic baw 10 Vale AE Ws contias stoge fe frrdivg bare foarte Crt Ken | . 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Since AU VoWalls an probe, the obwe ee Km 2 ophrat. a Ee opkr~of Treantpestedinn God Z = (OKO +lOK24 BOK Tt 4OKT FRxG +29412. = S48]_~ Bo. Ase omen prrolem io nt there in Sila wylebus . a QF. @). es Fularen's rate te Numbetsig Ihe nvee,, Santee ON eriter, Nehenl. ; (SES ie Oa ie | os. ? Og a oo 4): Oe 1 Alum ba He cterbhy nr ao. 7 2 Sucemnvel, On need dy Pernt Thu nara fry coud, art Ss 31 the loxgerd No» " shintd Le Fitey Aha le hinds and pvc. (6). ven» Ackints| +o] [tial dp. ‘tet EE 117, Alea ener ney 14 | Blo Ng 25a eee) a eee 4-6 2 See Ve eerie Shep, \ \ <9 Jae kg. | re oa sli leo. \#? bic & | s-0 tt \ 6 wy? ° 2-0. eo ao 4o-(to th4n HP |) aon . sip 2. cpm : 8S (lage rare eee ~ Sq -+8([-%) = - 13%) +E > Smy—-4CI-%) 3 FY-G- OC eg ln) ial > -—% + (1-H) D-T%GHE- DS Sy — Ci-G) = BGS. arp Pp On 8 (a) Aevumbhien modk In Seuuwicy Pevblum. 1 Orly ore oprabdn is conrad mb ona machine ata Pparhrelor Hime . O €och opatin One shoved, much be Comyalutid (2) shy operothiins rrmt be completed tepte U5 susececding opaalsr - (4) Orly ene madinn of each type aralalt. (Ss) Provzeraing Hine aht 2 of 16) Bole of- prrboordiig thee oprobd 4 (6) Fob menmul time wo rughcted . (4) Coe ye Sn- proun inventory uml Se - tol {%b) Given, Tove 1 oe 3 4G a cua A [te 6 FS B SF 6 rte a\7 8 7 & 7 8 8 . ie | eres canbe conpletid on any te > r = & @ ai] , 7 +6 6 ive . 4 u 2 3 % e ! ! 9 a oO | i 2 os 2, os -u alk 7 oe = b : d =6 = a, Conn denis e wa nian patel eas = ais ig éj-r | Ate Ta 13 Vie, hig Sphmum chetegy one . ACA tg, Teg) BC Vig 10 $2100) Veluwe of thy game V2 -Sx| + On!3 = 8 [#13 a Mc A By [ok on WG) to |22 22 \29 24 \3s aS) 40 ee i sv \S3. It in char. from th ohne Glelotsn - Hho oclhac or cm Asolo to ophirnod Shee eT. 3 [6 Eu) Totes aan Pee ae howko Ideal time fr Me A= 2hour Tdsel Ho! br Me © = 07 how. SO” Dept - vf Muh: Ergg. 1 - Preparer By Ry. H Ish gobs, DEAN ACADEMIC? Powp. Dre Reg Munnetla.

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