Chapter IV (Final)

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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the findings of a study titled “Investigating the Impact of

Extreme Heat to the Learning Environment and Academic Performance of Grade 10

Learners.” The discussion in this chapter revolves around several key questions: How much

does extreme heat affect the learning environment of Grade 10 learners in Alangalang

National High School? What are the students’ perceptions of the learning environment during

extreme heat conditions? How much influence of extreme heat affects the students’

concentration, focus, motivation, and overall well-being? Are there any changes in their

academic performance due to the extreme heat? Researchers surveyed 105 participants that

resulted the basis for identifying meaningful themes and patterns.

Throughout the presentation and discussion of the findings, a sequential approach was

followed, aligning with the research questions that guided the study. It's important to note

that participant confidentiality was maintained during the study.

Have you ever felt

physically uncomfortable or
fatigued due to extreme heat Frequency Percentage
in the learning environment?

Yes 99 94.28%
No 6 5.71%
Effects of Extreme Heat in the Learning Environment of the Learners

Table 1 presents the data on the learners physical comfort experiencing extreme heat

in their learning environment.

Based on the table presented above, it can be implied that among 105 Grade 10

learners, 99 (94.28%) of the students felt physically uncomfortable or fatigued due to extreme

heat in their learning environment. While only 6 (5.71%) have answered otherwise. This

simply means that majority of the students affects their learning environment due to extreme


Students Perceptions of the Learning Environment during Extreme Heat Conditions

This section presents the students perceptions of learning environment during

extreme heat conditions, which is based only during summer season of school year 2022-

2023. The results are presented in Table 2.

How frequently have you

experienced extreme heat
conditions during your time Frequency Percentage
at Alangalang National High
Very Frequently 47 44.76%
Frequently 53 50.47%
Occasionally 5 4.76%
Rarely 0 0%
Very Rarely 0 0%
Total 105 100%
Table 2.1

Students Perceptions of the Learning Environment during Extreme Heat Conditions

Table 2 .1 shows the results indicated that a significant number of Grade-10 students

at Alangalang National High School have experienced extreme heat conditions during their

time. Among the 105 respondents, 47 (44.76%) reported experiencing extreme heat

conditions very frequently, while 53 (50,47%) experienced it frequently. A smaller number of

students reported experiencing extreme heat occasionally (5), while none of the respondents

reported experiencing extreme heat conditions rarely or very rarely. These findings suggest
that extreme heat is a recurring issue for the students at Alangalang National High School,

warranting attention and potential measures to address this concern.

Have you ever witnessed any

health-related issues among
students or teachers as a Frequency Percentage
result of extreme heat in the
Yes 97 92.38%
No 8 7.61%
Table 2.2

Students Perceptions of the Learning Environment during Extreme Heat Conditions

According to the data collected, 97 (92.38%) of respondents have reported witnessing

health-related issues as a result of extreme heat in the school, while only 8 (7.61%) of

respondents indicated that they had not observed any such issues.

Table 2.3

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Air Conditioning 0 0%
Electric fans 105 100%
Shaded Areas 17 16.19%
Others 2 1.90%
Measures in Place at the School to Mitigate the Effects of Extreme Heat

The table above summarizes the measures in place at the school to mitigate the effects

of extreme heat, the primary measure reported by the participants to mitigate the effects of

extreme heat at school is the use of electric fans, which was mentioned by all respondents

(100%). Shaded areas were also mentioned by 17 (16.19%) respondents, while air

conditioning was not reported. Additionally, 2 (1.90%) respondents mentioned other

unspecified measures in place.

Table 2.4

Based on your answer in the

question number 5, do you
think this measurement/s Frequency Percentage
is/are enough to mitigate the
effects of extreme heat?
Yes 41 39.04%
No 64 60.95%
Measures in Place at the School to Mitigate the Effects of Extreme Heat

Table 2.4 shows that 64 (60.95%) of respondents do not believe that the measures

currently in place at the school are sufficient to mitigate the effects of extreme heat. While 41

(39.04%) of the respondents answered otherwise. This implies that the prevalence of electric

fans, as mentioned by all respondents, may not be seen as adequate by those who responded


Effects on the Students’ Concentration, Focus, Motivation, and Overall Well-being

This portion shows the effects of extreme heat on the students concentration, focus,

motivation, and overall well-being. The results are presented in Table 3.

Table 3.1

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1
being the lowest and 5 being
the highest, how would you
rate the impact of extreme Frequency Percentage
heat on your ability to
concentrate and focus in the
5 – Highest Impact 21 20%
4 – High Impact 44 42%
3 – Moderate Impact 33 31%
2 – Low Impact 7 7%
1 – Lowest Impact 0 0%
Concentration and Focus

It can be observed from Table 3.1 that the impact of extreme heat on their ability to

concentrate and focus in the classroom is rated as follows: 21 respondents (20%) rated it as

having the highest impact (5), 44 respondents (42%) rated it as having high impact (4), 33

respondents (31%) rated it as having moderate impact (3), 7 respondents (7%) rated it as

having low impact (2), and no respondents rated it as having the lowest impact (1). Overall,

the majority of respondents indicated that extreme heat has a significant impact on their

ability to concentrate and focus in the classroom, with a notable portion rating it as the

highest impact.

Table 3.2

How does extreme heat

affect your motivation to
Frequency Percentage
actively participate in
class activities?
Increases Motivation 0 0%
Slightly Increases 1 1%
No Effect 15 14%
Slightly Decreases 64 61%
Decreases Motivation 25 24%

Based on the table presented above, none reported an increase in motivation. Only 1

(1%) respondent mentioned a slight increase in motivation, while 15 (14%) respondents

stated that extreme heat had no effect on their motivation. However, a significant number of

participants, 64 (61%) in total, reported a slight decrease in motivation, and 25 (24%)

respondents experienced a noticeable decrease in motivation due to extreme heat. These

findings suggest that extreme heat generally has a negative impact on motivation levels for

participating in class activities, with a majority of respondents reporting a decrease or slight

decrease in motivation.

Do you think that extreme

heat affects your overall
satisfaction with your
Frequency Percentage
learning experience at
Alangalang National High
Yes, Significantly 0 0%
Increases Satisfaction
Yes, Slightly Increases 0 0%
No Noticeable Effect 23 22%
Yes, Slightly Decreases 58 55%
Yes, Significantly 24 23%
Decreases Satisfaction
Table 3.3

Effects on the Students’ Concentration, Focus, Motivation, and Overall Well-being

Based on the Table 3.3 , it can be observed that extreme heat has a notable impact on

the overall satisfaction of the learning experience at Alangalang National High School.

Among the respondents, none reported a significant increase in satisfaction due to extreme

heat. Additionally, no participants noted a slight increase in satisfaction. However, 23 (23%)

respondents indicated that extreme heat had no noticeable effect on their satisfaction levels.

On the other hand, a majority of 58 (55%) participants reported a slight decrease in

satisfaction, while 24 (23%) respondents stated that extreme heat significantly decreased their

satisfaction with the learning experience at the school. These findings suggest that extreme
heat has a predominantly negative impact on the overall satisfaction of Grade 10 learners at

Alangalang National High School.

Effects of Extreme Heat to the Academic Performance of the Learners

This section exhibits the results of data gathered regarding the effects of extreme heat

to the academic performance of the learners. The results are presented in Table 4.

Table 4.1

Does the hot climate affect

your scores in written tests Frequency Percentage
and performance tasks?
Yes 46 43.80%
No 59 56.19%
Written Tests and Performance Tasks

As reflected in the Table 4.1, it can be determined that the hot climate may have an

impact on scores in written tests and performance tasks. Among the participants, 46

individuals (approximately 43.8%) answered "Yes," indicating that they believe the hot

climate affects their scores. Conversely, 59 respondents (approximately 56.2%) answered

"No," suggesting that they do not perceive the hot climate to have an influence on their


Table 4.2

Have you noticed any Frequency Percentage

changes in your academic
performance during periods
of extreme heat compared
to cooler weather?
Yes, a Significant 0 0%
Yes, a Slight Improvement 4 4%
No Noticeable Change 58 56%
Yes, Slight Decline 32 30%
Yes, a Slight Decline 11 10%
Academic Performance during Periods of Extreme Heat Compared to Cooler Weather

It can be gleaned from the table that none of the respondents reported a significant

improvement in their performance. However, 4 (4%) respondents reported a slight

improvement in their academic performance during periods of extreme heat. The majority of

the respondents, 58 (56%) in total, reported no noticeable change in their performance. On

the other hand, 32 (30%) respondents experienced a slight decline, and 11 (10%) respondents

reported a slight decline in their academic performance during periods of extreme heat

compared to cooler weather.

Table 4.3

Have you ever missed or

skipped classes due to Frequency Percentage
extreme heat discomfort?
Yes, frequently 12 11%
Yes, occasionally 10 10%
No, never 83 79%


The aforementioned table shows that 12 respondents (11%) answered "Yes,

frequently," 10 respondents (10%) answered "Yes, occasionally," and the majority of 83

respondents (79%) answered "No, never." These findings suggest that a minority of students
experienced regular or occasional class absences due to extreme heat discomfort, while the

majority did not encounter such issues.

Participants shared their experiences and insights, emphasizing the impact of extreme

heat to their learning environment and academic performance. One of the key observations

from this study is that the majority of students at Alangalang National High School are

affected by extreme heat, leading to various consequences. The report highlights that students

witness health-related issues due to the extreme heat, indicating the potential risk it poses to

their well-being. This emphasizes the need for effective measures to ensure a safe and

conducive learning environment for students. Moreover, this study reveals that extreme heat

adversely affects students' ability to concentrate and focus in the classroom. This finding is

crucial as concentration and focus are essential for effective learning. The majority of

respondents rated the impact of extreme heat as the highest, indicating its significant

influence on students' academic performance. Additionally, a majority of respondents

reported a decrease or slight decrease in motivation due to extreme heat. Motivation plays a

vital role in students' engagement and enthusiasm for learning. The negative impact on

motivation suggests that extreme heat can hinder students' overall satisfaction with their

learning experience. Furthermore, the researchers found out that extreme heat may also have

an impact on students' performance in written tests and performance tasks. While a majority

of respondents reported no noticeable change, it is important to consider the potential long-

term effects of extreme heat on academic achievement. It is worth noting that some students
experienced class absences due to extreme heat discomfort, albeit a minority. While this issue

may not be prevalent among all students, it should not be overlooked, as even occasional

absences can disrupt the continuity of learning and hinder academic progress.

In light of these findings, it is imperative for Alangalang National High School to

address the recurring issue of extreme heat and its impact on students' learning environment

and academic performance. Potential measures could include improving ventilation systems,

exploring alternative cooling methods, and implementing heat management strategies to

create a more comfortable and conducive atmosphere for learning.

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