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1. Leaders in People & Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4

2. María Paula Bonilla’s best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

3. Silvia Infante’s best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7

4. Mª Ángeles Aguilar’s best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9

Made by:

María Paula Bonilla Silvia Infante Mª Ángeles Aguilar

Talent Manager Head of People People Director

Best practices in Employee Engagement 2

1. Leaders in People & Culture

María Paula Bonilla

Talent Manager at Platzi

Psychologist in the professional adventure of supporting the growth, commitment and

development of the people who make up Platzi. With experience in the tech sector, she knows
better than anyone how to contribute to the strengthening of organizational culture, improve
the employee experience and address the human management of tech talent.

Silvia Infante

Head of People at Minka_

This expert in people and talent has been developing the maximum potential of organizational
culture in fast-growing companies for 9 years, helping to structure their people processes and
attract the best talent. In her own words "I understand the importance of supporting a
company, promoting its culture, values and teamwork".

Mª Ángeles Aguilar

People Director at Nailted

Psychologist specialized in people management positions with the mission of creating the
perfect work environment for employees to feel enthusiasm for their team and company.
With a vision of HR focused on practices that foster confidence and initiative of employees, to
create high performance teams, agile, committed and happy with the purpose of the

Best practices in Employee Engagement 3

2. María Paula Bonilla’s best practices

María Paula Bonilla

Talent Manager at Platzi

1. Building bonds: Cultivating plants.

Invest time in creating spaces at individual and group level, where the purpose is that people
can interact, get to know each other and discuss different topics. Create a work environment
where there is "psychological safety".

How can we do it?

● 1:1 meetings: conversations on professional development, not on tasks and activities.

● Personal maps: questions on various topics to get to know a person.
● Team buildings: definition of projects or objectives as a team.

What are the benefits?

● Improving communication among people.

● Knowing talents different from those of their role.
● Promoting diversity.
● Building trust.

Best practices in Employee Engagement 4

2. Giving and receiving feedback: Water the plants everyday.

Building an environment where feedback can emerge naturally and constructively is one of
the most interesting challenges.

How can we do it? Creating frequent dynamics to give and receive feedback:

● Train your team on how to give and how to receive.

● Establish the company values as the basis for any interaction.
● Eliminate behaviors that break the psychological safety of the team.
● Cultivate confidence in every way, every day.

What are the benefits?

● Encouraging innovation and experimentation within the teams.

● Strengthening confidence in oneself and others.
● Losing the fear of making mistakes. The mistake becomes an opportunity to learn.

Best practices in Employee Engagement 5

3. Silvia Infante’s best practices

Silvia Infante

Head of People at Minka_

1. Listen and get to know the team, the subcultures of our company.

Employees' perceptions and expectations change over time as they experience changes in
their roles and responsibilities, so we must follow up well from the start.

How can we do it?

● Make a good Onboarding with its phases so that the new members feel committed to
the mission from the beginning.
● Create figures of internal accompaniment to promote dynamics of new knowledge and
personal development.
● Give access to communication channels where the employee feels listened to and can
express themselves freely.
● Define employee roles and expectations to let them know that they are contributing to
overall objectives.

What are the benefits?

● Engaged team: They understand how their work benefits the company as a whole.
● High-performance team: Employees have tools from the start to perform their roles
for optimal results.
● Team with high energy levels: These proposed dynamics will not only provide a
cheerful environment but also an atmosphere of recognition.

Best practices in Employee Engagement 6

2. To face the challenges of the future we must implement practices focused on:

● Inclusion: teams will become increasingly diverse and inclusive.

● Communication: We will have to create efficient communication channels with people
who really want to talk. "New generations prefer texting to answering a call."
● Individual co-creation: The pandemic led us to develop a new generation of excellent
individual contributors and fewer and fewer group leaders.
● Constant education: To keep pace with the evolution of new technologies, people will
increasingly feel the need to learn new things every day and will need to partner to
create lifelong learning pathways for their advancement in the workplace.
● Hybrid workplaces: Dynamic workplaces according to remote work and office space.

Culture will be our secret recipe for attracting and retaining talent, including selling more and
positioning ourselves as a good solution. This includes strengthening company identity and
company values. Therefore, we must treat talent as scarcer than capital.

Best practices in Employee Engagement 7

4. Las mejores prácticas de Mª Ángeles

Mª Ángeles Aguilar

People Director at Nailted

1. What do we mean by Employee engagement? Employee engagement should be

understood on the basis of 4 pillars:

● Culture: We must recruit our team based on our company purpose, mission and vision
so that the entire team feels a sense of belonging.
● Managers: We must work on the middle layer of leadership in order to have good
managers who help employees to grow and achieve their results.
● Alignment strategy: We must have a well-polished work methodology that establishes
the co-creation of all members of the company.
● Role definition: We must offer well-defined positions and clear expectations of that
role in order to establish clear goals.

How can we land this in our companies?

● Culture: establish a clear and inspirational purpose and based on it establish the
company's objectives in order to stay on track and recruit our team accordingly.
● Managers: Give them training to be good leaders and provide them with tools such as
Nailted so that they can do 1:1 and thus create bonds of trust, fostering growth
feedback from the Onboarding.

Best practices in Employee Engagement 8

● Alignment strategy; Implement common work methodologies for all teams so that
there are no growth "frontiers" and encourage transparency, such as the OKR system
and agile methodologies.
● Role definition: Offer in the same job offer a road map of objectives for the position
where the expectations and responsibilities of the vacancy are visible.

Best practices in Employee Engagement 9

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