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Customer Value Proposition

The customer value propositions of Westside can be classified into different types of
customer value as follows:

1. Functional/Instrumental Value:
- High-Quality Products: Westside offers a wide range of clothing and lifestyle
products, emphasizing quality and durability. Customers can rely on the functional
value of these products for their daily needs.
- Diverse Product Selection: Westside's diverse product range ensures that
customers can find functional clothing and accessories for various occasions and

2. Experiential/Hedonic Value:
- Fashion-forward Selection: Westside's trendy and fashionable clothing items
provide customers with an experiential value, allowing them to express their
personal style and stay up-to-date with the latest fashion trends.
- Pleasing Shopping Environment: The aesthetically pleasing store layout and decor
contribute to the hedonic value of the shopping experience, making it enjoyable and
visually stimulating.


1. Functional/Instrumental Value:
-Affordability: Zudio's primary value proposition is functional as it offers budget-
conscious customers practical and affordable clothing and accessories for everyday
2. Experimental/Hedonic Value:
-Youthful and Trendy Styles: Zudio provides trendy and youthful clothing options that
add an element of hedonic pleasure to the shopping experience for those looking for
affordable yet fashionable attire.

Market Segmentation
Both Zudio and Westside segment their markets based on a variety of factors, including
demographic (age, gender, income, location), psychographic (lifestyle, values, interests), and
behavioural (shopping habits, brand preferences).


Young Adults: This segment is typically made up of people in their 20s and 30s who are
looking for stylish and affordable clothing that will help them look their best.

Families: This segment includes parents and their children of all ages. They are looking for
clothing that is both stylish and comfortable, and that can be worn for a variety of occasions.
Value-Conscious Consumers: This segment includes people who are looking for high-quality
products at affordable prices. They are not afraid to shop at discount retailers or to buy
private label brands.
Tier II and III City Residents: This segment includes people who live in smaller cities and
towns. They are looking for access to trendy fashion products at affordable prices.


Young Professionals: This segment is typically made up of well-educated people in their 20s
and 30s with high incomes. They are looking for stylish and affordable clothing to help them
look their best at work and in their social lives.
Fashion-Forward Consumers: This segment includes people who are passionate about
fashion and love to follow the latest trends. They are looking for unique and stylish clothing
that will make them stand out from the crowd.
Plus-Size Consumers: This segment includes people who wear sizes larger than what is
typically available in mainstream stores. They are looking for fashionable and flattering
clothing that is available in their size.

Once Zudio and Westside have identified their key market segments, they then target their
marketing efforts accordingly. For example, to reach the young adults segment, Zudio and
Westside advertises on social media and in magazines that are popular with this groupAnd
to reach the value-conscious consumers segment, Zudio and Westside offers discounts and

Zudio positions itself as a value fashion retailer that offers high-quality, trendy clothing,
footwear, and home accessories at affordable prices. Westside positions itself as a leading
fashion retailer that offers high-quality, stylish clothing at affordable prices.

Both Zudio and Westside are successful fashion retailers with a strong focus on market
segmentation, targeting, and positioning. By understanding their target markets and
developing marketing strategies that are tailored to the needs and preferences of those
markets, Zudio and Westside have been able to build successful businesses.

Strategies For Westside And Zudio To Enter Global Markets.

Westside is a popular Indian fashion retailer with over 200 stores in India. The company has
a strong brand reputation and a loyal customer base, while Zudio is a value fashion retailer in
India that is known for its affordable and trendy clothing, footwear, and home accessories.

Westside and Zudio is well-positioned to enter global markets, but there are a few things the
company should keep in mind:

Here are some strategies for Westside and Zudio to enter global markets:

1. Conduct market research

Before entering any new market, it is important to conduct thorough market research to
understand the competitive landscape, the needs and preferences of consumers, and the
regulatory environment. This will help Westside and Zudio to develop a successful market
entry strategy.

2. Choose the right markets

Westside and Zudio should carefully select the global markets they want to enter based on
factors such as the size of the market, the growth potential of the market, and the level of
competition. They should also consider the cultural compatibility of the market with their

3. Adapt their product mix and marketing strategy

Westside and Zudio need to adapt their product mix and marketing strategy to meet the needs
and preferences of consumers in global markets. For example, they should offer different
sizes and styles of clothing to appeal to consumers in different markets. They will have to
adapt their marketing campaigns to reflect the cultural differences of their target markets.

Here are some specific strategies that Westside and Zudio could implement to enter global

 Open stores in key global markets. Westside and Zudio could start by opening
stores in key global markets with large Indian populations, such as the United States,
Canada, and the United Kingdom. They could also consider opening stores in other
emerging markets with a growing middle class, such as China and Brazil.
 Partner with global online retailers. Westside and Zudio could partner with global
online retailers, such as Amazon and eBay, to sell their products to consumers
worldwide. This would allow them to reach a large number of consumers without
having to invest in their own e-commerce platforms.
 Launch global e-commerce platforms. Westside and Zudio could launch their own
global e-commerce platforms to sell their products to consumers worldwide. This
would give them more control over their brands and their customer experience.
However, this would also be a more expensive and time-consuming option.
 License their brands to international retailers. Westside and Zudio could license
their brands to international retailers to sell their products in their stores. This would
be a relatively low-cost and low-risk way for them to enter global markets. However,
it would give them less control over their brands and their customer experience.

Whichever strategy Westside and Zudio choose, it is important for them to have a clear
understanding of their target market and to develop a marketing strategy tailored to that

market's needs and preferences. They should also be prepared to invest in their global
expansion efforts.

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