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Name ID

1 Demelash Armide DBUE/1002/11

2. Fasika Moges DBUE/965/11

3. Hailu Getachew DBUE/1000/11

4 Melese Sisay DBUE/1006/11

5 Yohannes Abate DBUE/995/11

Period of internship: March 04, 2023 to June 21, 2023 G.C

University Advisor: Mr. Halid Awell

Company supervisor: Mr. Mered

JUNE 22, 2023 G.C

Intern final report 2023

As fifth-year electrical and computer engineering students, we collectively undertook
our internship experience at Dashen Brewery Share Company from February 2023 to
June 2023. Throughout the internship period, we were guided by Mr. Halid (academic
advisor) and Mr. Mered (company advisor). We confirm that our work is original and
adheres to the internship report writing guidelines provided by the university's
industrial linkage office of the institute.
Demelash Armide

Fasika Moges

Hailu Getachew

Melese Sisay

Yohannes Abate

As the advisor , I declare that I manage and organize their work through the course of this report

and all works included in this and other related materials are his own work and noplagiarism

is takes place.
Mr. Mered (Companay advisor)

Mr. Halid (Academic advisor)

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First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to GOD for granting us the strength to
fulfill our responsibilities as interns and complete the report and project within the stipulated time .
We are also grateful to our school advisor, Mr. Halid, for his valuable comments and suggestions, as
well as to Mr. Mered (Advisor from the company), and the entire supervisory team for their
wholehearted supervision during our company attachment period. Without their guidance, it would
have been very difficult to prepare this report and project to the standard we have achieved. Addition
ally, we would like to express our gratitude to the operators at Dashen Brewery Share Company who
have provided us with invaluable advice, suggestions, inspiration, and support. We must mention the
wonderful working environment and the collective commitment of the company's employees, which h
as enabled us to effectively handle various tasks. Finally,we would like to thank our parents and famil
ies for their endless love, encouragement, and understanding shown throughout this entire journey.

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Table of Contents
Declaration ........................................................................................................................................i
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... ii
List of figure.....................................................................................................................................v
List of table ..................................................................................................................................... vi
Acronym......................................................................................................................................... vii
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of Dashen Brewery S.Co. ................................................................................. 1
1.2 Vision, Mission and Value Statement of Dashen Brewery S.Co. ......................................... 2
1.2.1 Vision.............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Value ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objective ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General objective ............................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Main product of the company ............................................................................................... 4
1.5 The end user of the company ................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Work flow of the company.................................................................................................... 5
OVER ALL ABOUT INTERNSHIP .............................................................................................. 8
2.1 Objective of the internship .................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 General objectives .......................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 How we get into the company............................................................................................... 8
2.3 production process of the company....................................................................................... 8
2.4 The section of the company we have been working............................................................ 5
2.5 Procedures we have been using while performing my tasks .............................................. 60
2.6 Challenges faced ................................................................................................................. 61
2.7 Measures Taken to overcome the Challenges ..................................................................... 61
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 62

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INTERNSHIP BENEFITS GAINED ........................................................................................... 62

3.1 Theoretical and Practical Skill ............................................................................................ 62
3.2 Team playing skills ............................................................................................................. 62
3.3 Interpersonal communication skills .................................................................................... 63
3.4 Leadership skills.................................................................................................................. 64
3.5 Work Ethics ......................................................................................................................... 65
CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................................... 66
IDENTIFIED PROBLEM AND PROPOSED SOLUTION ........................................................ 66
4.1 problem identification ......................................................................................................... 66
4.3 Arduino microcontroller based liquefied petroleum gas leakage alert system via sms ..... 66
4.3.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 66
4.3.2 Statement of problem ....................................................................................................... 67
4.3.3 Literature review........................................................................................................... 67
4.3.4 Objective of the project ................................................................................................ 68
4.3.5 Scope of the project ...................................................................................................... 69
4.3.6 Significant of the project ............................................................................................ 69
4.3.7 Limitation of the study.................................................................................................. 70
4.3.8 Methodology and material used.................................................................................... 70
4.3.9 System design and simulation ...................................................................................... 80
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 85
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................ 85
5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 85
5.2 Recommendation................................................................................................................. 86
5.3 Future work ......................................................................................................................... 87
References ..................................................................................................................................... 87
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 88

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List of figure
Figure 1Dashen breweries org structure ......................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 plant management structural organization........................................................................ 5
Figure 3 general management system of dashen brewery share company ..................................... 6
Figure 4 Air compressor flow diagram ......................................................................................... 16
Figure 5 CO2 recovery flow diagram ........................................................................................... 17
Figure 6 Refrigeration system ........................................................................................................ 18
Figure 7 electrical boiler ............................................................................................................... 20
Figure 8 Fuel boiler....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 9 biogas boiler ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 10 power flow in dashen brewery Share Company ........................................................... 23
Figure 11 mash filter ..................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 12 plate heat exchanger ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 13 beer membrane filter..................................................................................................... 38
Figure 14 filtration process flow diagram..................................................................................... 39
Figure 15 Synchronous motor....................................................................................................... 43
Figure 16 crate washer .................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 17 filler machine ................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 18 filling step ..................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 19 Empty bottle inspection................................................................................................ 48
Figure 20 crowner machine........................................................................................................... 50
Figure 21 Labeler Machine ........................................................................................................... 52
Figure 22 keg machine flow diagram ........................................................................................... 55
Figure 23 keg filler section ........................................................................................................... 56
Figure 24 PLC module .................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 25 Control cabinet ............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 26 Indicator light ............................................................................................................... 58
Figure 27Methodology.................................................................................................................. 71
Figure 28 System block diagram of proposed system .................................................................. 72
Figure 29 Arduino uno pin description......................................................................................... 72
figure 30 liquid crystal display ..................................................................................................... 75
figure 31 MQ-6 gas sensor............................................................................................................ 75
figure 32 Gas sensor construction................................................................................................. 76
figure 33 Fig 33:buzzer ................................................................................................................. 78
figure 34 block diagram of power supply ..................................................................................... 79
figure 35 GSM modem SIM900D ................................................................................................ 79
figure 36 flow chart of the project ................................................................................................ 81
figure 37 simulation of overall system.......................................................................................... 82
figure 38 simulation result without gas leakage ........................................................................... 83
Figure 39 simulation result with gas leakage................................................................................ 84

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List of table
Table 1: Main product of the company ........................................................................................... 4
Table 2 buzzer pin configuration .................................................................................................. 78
Table 3 Gsm mode code............................................................................................................... 80

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BBT……………………………………………………………….Bright Beer Tank
BMF………………………………………………………………Beer Membrane Filter
CCT………………………………………………………………Cylindroconical Tank
CIP………………………………………………………………..Clean In Place
EBI……………………………………………………………….Empty Bottle Inspection
FBI……………………………………………………………….Full Bottle Inspector
HL……………………………………………………………….Hector Liter
LCD……………………………………………………………. Liquid Crystal Display
LPG……………………………………………………………..Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LVSG…………………………………………………………..Low Voltage Switch Gear
MID……………………………………………………………Machine In Device
PE………………………………………………………………Photo Electric Sensor
PLC…………………………………………………………….Programmable Logic Controller
PVPP……………………………………………………………Poly Viny Poly Peptide
SBR……………………………………………………………..Sequential Batch Reactor
S.C...……………………………………………………………Share Company
SCADA………………...........................Supervisory Control And Date Acquisition System
SF……………………………………………………………….Security Filter
UBT…………………………………………………………….Unfiltered Beer Tank
UV……………………………………………………………..Ultra Violet Ray
VDK…………………………………………………………..Vicinal Di Ketone

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Executive Summary
During our internship period at Dashen Brewery S.C., we worked collectively within the company
's three main departments: brew house, packaging, and utility. The raw material handling process
involves the intake of malt and its milling. In the brew house, the malt is processed in the millstar,
and the brew house section concludes with the transfer of cooled wort from the Eco stripper to the
fermenter. The key processes in beer production include yeast propagation, fermentation, and
filtration. In the bottling department, empty bottles are fed into the Depalletizer, and the final
product (bottled beer) is palletized by the crate. The kegging plant comprises four stations for draft
beer production, and one significant distinction between bottled beer and draft beer is the
pasteurization temperature. The utility department serves as the backbone of the company,
handling tasks such as heating raw water, CO2 recovery and purification, cooling through the
NH3 plant, steam production through the boiler, and wastewater treatment to ensure
environmental safety.One of the main objectives of maintenance management is to minimize
productivity losses and costs resulting from equipment malfunctions and inadequate maintenance.
Supply chain management is responsible for overseeing all activities from suppliers to customers,
ensuring suppliers' service quality, installation, and support capabilities are met. Quality assurance
is maintained at every stage of production in Dashen Brewery, aided by the presence of sensors
and PLC, which contribute to the company's modernization and technological advancements.In
this internship report, we aim to provide an overview of our internship experience and the overall
benefits we gained during the four-month internship period at Dashen Brewery. Furthermore, this
report includes a project on an Arduino microcontroller-based liquefied petroleum gas leakage
alert system via SMS.

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1.1 Background of Dashen Brewery S.Co.
Debre Birhan Dashen Brewery Share Company was established in November 2015. It is named
after the mount Ras Dashen(Ethiopia‟s highest mountain which is 4630 meters high).Dashen
Brewery Share Company is located at the city of Debre Birhan, which is 130km far from our
capital city Addis Ababa. Its first brewery factory which is located at the historical town of
Gonder was established in June 2000 GC. Dashen first plant started to supply its Dashen Bottled
Beer and Draught Beer since June 2000. At the startup period the first plant had a production
capacity of 300,000 hl per annum now 950,000 HL per annum recently. The new plant(Debre
brhan plant) also started to supply its production on Nov 15, 2015 with the total construction
outlay including the building and machinery, was completed for 2.5 billion ETB have a capacity
of production two million hectoliters in its first year and three million hectoliters after that.
Dashen Breweries (both Debrebrhan and Gonder plant) is owned by the Amhara National
Regional state Rehabilitation/Development organization (Tiret corporate) which comprises 49%
and the other is Duet a UK investment company and Vasari Global, Africa –focused
multinational consumer goods company, jointly own the remaining 51%.Debreberhan dashen
brewery S.C Company took two years and three billion birr to set up this plant on a 12 hectare
land at tebase area in Debrebrhan. So, this plant was invigorated on November 15, 2015 by our
former Prime Minister Hailemariyam Desalegn. Now a day this company produces three two
free beer brands. Those are Dashen, Balageru and Jano beer. This company takes three
international recognize certification ISO9001, ISO14001and diamond eye award. As a result of
relentless effort of its professionals, its high-tech technology and appropriate strategy designed to
penetrate the seemingly congested local market. Moreover it is the first company in the Africa
and 3rd Company in the world due its high technology and automation. So, this brewery has a
production capacity of 3,000,000 hl (hectoliter) of beer per annum with its three different brands
(Dashen, Balageru and Jano) with in a high quality through its modern automation and high –
tech technology.
Beer is an alcoholic beverage that is produced from malted barley or barley, hops, water and
yeast are the main raw materials to produce hopped cold wort that is ready for fermentation so,

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Beer production is one of the industrial processes in our country among the different beer
industries found in Ethiopia. Dashen brewing factory is the most popular one and this beer
factory used sophisticated technologies for the production of Dashen beer (from malt), Balageru
(from barley) and Jano beer(from barley and malt).Dashen brewery has three main sections
under the production process these are brew house, packaging and utility. The main purpose of
brew house is wort production and fifty percent of the beer production process is performed, the
main activities done in brew house are malt cleaning, milling, mashing, mash filter, wort boiling,
trub separating , wort cooling, fermentation, filtration and pasteurization. Here we have seen that
this brewery factory use a flash pasteurization than tunnel pasteurization the packaging section is
responsible for DE palletizing, unpacking, washing, filling, labeling, packing and palletizing of
the bottles and crates. This is the last section of the brewing process. The most important section
of the brewing process is the utility which is responsible for water and waste treatment (to
recycle the water in the company and to treat the waste before they are sent to the environment),
steam generation (through single electrode, 4 diesel and one biogas boiler), compressed air (used
for the pneumatic system and other purpose), Co2 recovery (used in packaging) and cooling
room. we have seen that. Under this process many advanced technologies from different
companies are used i.e. Krones (Germany Company), Meura from Belgium, Talbot Engineering
from South Africa.
1.2 Vision, Mission and Value Statement of Dashen Brewery S.Co.
1.2.1 Vision
To Be Ethiopia‟s number one Brewing Company in terms of
 Quality of product
 Customer service
 Employer of choice
1.2.2 Purpose
 Delighting Consumers
 Enriching Communities
 Enhancing Ethiopian Progress

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1.2.3 Value
A. Ownership
 We accept personal accountability to meet business needs and work as one Team.
 We think and act like owners, doing the best for Dashen, serving customer and
community needs.
B. Trust
 We respect and value one another and have confidence in each other‟s capabilities
and intentions.
 We share ideas openly and can challenge the status quo.
C. Integrity, Being our World
 Our word is our bond-we keep our promises and our actions, are always true to our
 We always act with integrity.
D. Leadership Development
 We are all transformational leaders of Dashen delivering results, developing
ourselves and our people.
 We perform at our best, to high standards and we always align.
E. Passion for Edge & Winning
 We are driven to execute brilliantly, at pace and to a high standard. We strive to be
the best and to win in the market.
1.3 Objective
1.3.1 General objective
 To support the socio-economic development and the overall development wellbeing
of the country in general.
 Dashen brewery has customer focused orientation.
 Dashen brewery has prevalence of accountability.
 Dashen brewery has well trainees and counted work force.
 It gives rules for the economic-environment friendly beer.

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1.4 Main product of the company

The main products of the factory are Dashen beer, Balageru beer, Jano beer, draught beer
(locally called draft beer) spaintgrain (byproduct for animal feed) and cellar. From this products
Dashen beer, Balageru beer and draught beer are mostly known. The below products are
different in preparation and their contents.
Table 1: Main product of the company

Product Brand Alcohol content Raw material Expire Date

Dashen beer 4.8 Malt,Hop, Water, yeast About a year
Bottled beer Balageru beer 5.2 Barly,Hop,Water,yeast
Dashen draught 4.8 Malt,hop,water,yeast
draught Balageru 5.2 Barly, hop,water,yeast About a month

1.5 The end user of the company

The end users or customers are every person aged above 21 years old. There is no any limit or
boundary in order to be a customer for Dashen beer. The products are distributed across the
country in four regions. These regions are:-
Region 1: covers Amhara, Benishangul and Afar region.
Region 2: this covers the whole Tigray region.
Region 3: covers central and western part of Ethiopia.
Region 4: east and southern part of Ethiopia.
Dashen brewery exports its products to the following foreign countries:
 Southern Sudan
 Israel
 Australia
 California, Chicago in America

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1.6 Work flow of the company

Figure 1 Dashen breweries org structure

Figure 2 plant management structural organization

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Maintenance Department – carries out the following task and activities:-

 Maintenance of production equipment‟s and machineries
 Maintain and ensure calibration of inspection, measuring and testing equipment
Finance Department – carries out the following task and activities:-
 Ensure all sales are invoiced properly and accurately
 Ensure all purchases are properly authorized, paid and accounted
 Ensure all transactions are accurately recorded in the accounting records

Figure 3 general management system of dashen brewery share company

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Procurement and Property Administration Department – carries out the following task and
 Evaluates and select suppliers based on their ability to supply product in accordance with
the organization's requirements
 Records of the results of evaluation and any necessary actions arising from the evaluation
are maintained
Quality Department – carries out the following task and activities:-
 Meet regulatory and statutory requirements to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
the quality management system and ensure customer satisfaction continually
 Produce and avail quality products preferred by customers with respect to price and on
time delivery at the right place
Production Department – carries out the following task and activities:-
 Required verification, validation, monitoring, inspection and test activities specific to the
product and the criteria for product acceptance

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2.1 Objective of the internship
2.1.1 General objectives
The main objective of the internship program is to convert theoretical knowledge into practical
skill by applying all the courses taken in the past eight semesters. The overall internship
experience is all about understanding the company‟s background, main products, main
customers, overall organization, management system, raw material identification, main raw
material supplier, by-products, maintenance system and overall work flow of the company.
2.1.2 Specific objectives
Some specific objectives of the internship are listed below.
 Improve competency
 Practical exposure to link with theoretical knowledge
 Understanding of basic organizational structure and general process in the industry
 Opportunity to improve social competencies
 Transfer of theoretical knowledge into practical skill
2.2 How we get into the company
At the end of February 2015 E.C, when we were 5th-year electrical and Computer Engineering
students, our university organized an internship program for all engineering students. According
to the schedule, the department prepared and provided internship placement letters for us to
submit to our preferred companies. Dashen Breweries was our first choice, and we submitted
the internship letter to the company. After receiving acceptance from Dashen Breweries, we
submitted it to the department and made the decision to work there.
2.3 production process of the company
Beer is alcoholic beverage that is produced from malt or barley, hop, yeast and water. Brew
house is the major process center of the brewery, which is equipped with intricate network of
pipelines, tankers, pumps and corresponding control & regulation systems. Brewing starts in this
section where the grist is mixed with brewing water and boiled to mash. The extract of the mash
will be boiled in the formation vessel. To mix wort with hops for the establishment of beer
flavor, and after going through all the required stages in the brew house, the beer wort will be

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transferred to the fermentation storage via the wort chiller unit. The main purpose of brew house
is for sweet wort production and fifty percent of the beer production process is performing the
main activate done in brew house are wort production, fermentation, and filtration. Packaging is
by far the most technically and financially demand area of any brewery‟s operations. In this
report explores some of the aspects involved in developing a successful packaging operation
includes filling, labeling, washing, packing and un packing, de palletize and palletize operations
of breweries. From the empty store pallet which stored in the warehouse previously loads of
returned bottles are presented to a de palletize either directly or fork lift truck but here in current
situation using fork lift. In case the origin of the returned bottle is from the customer and new
bottles came from china, India or local factory. Varies mechanical and electrical principle design
configuration and control methods can be used in such machines according to the situation needs
and the supplier chose. The present tendency is to use proximity and photo electric sensor
connected to programmable logic controller (PLC) which control the action. Under Packaging
department several machine will run and operated with their own working principle. These
machines will operate using electro pneumatic system so the requirement such as air and electric
will supplied from the utility. And water for cleaning also supplied from the utility.
Raw Materials
There are 4 main raw materials for brewing beer. These are: -
1. malt or barley
2. hop
3. yeast and
4. water
Malt or barley
The malted barley is the primary source of starch. The barley grain before malting contains very
high amounts of beta-amylase unlike wheat; rice and sorghum. The α-glycol (amylase and
amylopectin of the starch) are the most important carbohydrates in barley. Proteins are especially
important for malt ability, yeast nutrition, foam, taste, and the stability of the beer. The malt used
for Dashen beer and barely which is used for Balageru beer and Jano. These enzymes break
down starch to simple sugar so the yeasts can ferment it. Due to the following reason malted
barley more preferable than other grains.
 High water absorption and low water sensitivity

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 High sprouting by time of malting

 High yield extract during malt
 It has high starch and protein content which need for nutrition
 It contains small amount of oil (fat) which cause foam damage the husks of barley
 malt Malted barley has high complement of enzyme for convert starch to sugar
 Malted barley gelatinizes at low temperature
Hops are the small green cone like fruit of vine plant. They provide bitterness to balance out all
the sugar in the wort and provide flavor. Hop is one of the most important and expansive raw
material in brew factory its scientific name is Humulusiupulus. Although hop is dioeciously
(they are separate male and female plant) but only the female plant is cultivated by hop growers
because the part important to beer making is its female flower the composition of hop is
extremely important for quality of beer production.. The hops flower is a plum-sized cone that
looks similar to miniature artichokes they aid in the removal of excess proteins in the
unfermented beer.
 They are a natural preservative.
 They improve foam stability of beer.
 In general hops contain several characteristics that brewers desire in beer. These include(
Bitterness that balances the sweetness of the malt, Acidity that acts as a preservative,
Strong floral, citrus, and herbal aromas that give the beer its unique smell)
There are different types of hops used in the beer factory, but here in Dashen Debrebrhan
brewery iso hops, hop pallets and IK hops are used from Germany. Dashen brewery uses
Hallertau hop imported from Germany. Pellet hop packaged in aluminum bag weighted 5 kg.
Additives are any substances added to impart desirable characteristics to the product such as: -
H3PO4: - Used for PH adjustment since the malt enzymes are affected by PH and to inactivate
Caramel: - Used for color adjustment.
CaCl2: - Used for adjusting PH of hot water for mashing.
Anti-foam: agent that can be used during fermentation to eliminate messy blow off it can also be
added in during boiling to reduce the risk of blow over.

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Yeast is unicellular micro-organism that has the ability to degrade starch to alcohol and carbon
dioxide. Besides making alcohol and carbon dioxide yeast has a great influence on taste and
character of beer. There are two major types of yeasts.
 Top fermented yeas
 Bottom fermented yeast
Top Fermented Yeast: - In this type of fermentation, saccharomyces uvarium yeast issued,
since the yeast go up to the beer surface and forms a thick foam layer. The optimum fermentation
top fermented yeast is suitable for ale beer.Temperature is approximately 20 C
Bottom Fermented Yeast: - Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is preferable. During fermentation
is optimum fermentationthe yeast is deposed at the end of the process. Approximately 1 0 c
temperature for bottom fermented yeast which is used for almost any common beer known as
lager beer. The main difference between the beers produced from either yeast variety is that top)
fermented yeast is able to give a flowery and fruity taste. Yeast prefers cooler temperatures (1 0 C
and will precipitate at the bottom of the tank. Dashen brewery uses this kind of beer
Breweries use large amounts of water .it is the most important raw material for brewing since
beer is 95% water. Water quality has a great effect on the beer quality. It should be
dematerialized and free from any microorganism. It is the most useful and highly consumed
substance. For brewery using two types of water
 RO water and
 Dearated water.
Water is the most useful and highly consumed substance. It is not only used for brewing, but also
used for different purposes about 3 to 5 times greater water used than the volumes of beer
produced apart from brewing sparing and dilution liquors.
Utility section comprises many plants. It is known as the backbone of the factory and gives all
necessary requirements to each section. The main sections of the utility are:-
 Water /Waste water treatment plant

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 Electrical distribution
 Boiler
 Cooling system
 CO 2 recovery plant
 Compressed air system
Water treatment and west water treatment
A. Water treatment
Water treatment is collectively the industrial-scale process that makes water more acceptable for
an end-use, which may be for drinking or industrial use. The objective of treating water
 reducing or remove contaminants or impurities from the water
 to use water effectively and decrease lose
 to reduce environmental hazards Breweries use large amounts of water
It is the most important raw material for brewing since beer is 95% water and also for cleaning
purpose. Debre Birhan Dashen brewery plant uses borehole water for brewing and some other
purpose, the bore holes is 10km away from the plant. It is underground water usually contains
dissolved minerals and salts. Underground water should be treated before used for brewing or for
drinking purpose since it contain dissolved minerals, suspended solids and pathogenic micro-
organism. The borehole water is pumped to the reservoir tank which is found in compound of the
plant .the water pumps to raw water tanks from the reservoir tank for treatment. In raw water
tank water is only treated by ClO 2 the disinfected water then heads to media filtered.
Raw Water Tank In this tank ClO 2 was added to remove pathogen, microorganism in each tank
and remove microorganisms in which cause disease like protozoa bacteria and other
Media Filter
The raw water stream is treated by 2 off epoxy coated steel with dual- media filtration units. The
units have parallel configuration and 5 valve manifold for effective flow and backwash control.
The dual- media bed entraps particles in the water which are lifted and removed from the bed
during a backwash cycle. The product of the sand filters is a high quality.

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Treated Water Tank

It used a store the treated water from multimedia filter. It can use store water before transferred
in to activated carbon filter. Treated water used for many purpose like – Filtration backwash -
Service water - Wash water - Reverse osmosis.
Activated Carbon Filter
The tank is packed with activated carbon. It can remove odor, color, and test and also it can
remove chlorine from the water, because chlorine is not necessary in brewing industries.
Ultra Violet Light (UV)
Microorganisms are killed induction with ultra violet light ray. The process clean and reliable but
the equipment is cost is high and treated water production is low. The treatment layer thickness
must be small. Turbidity and color limit the effectiveness of UV. High germ (microorganism)
present corresponding high irradiation needed.
Reverse Osmosis:-
It is the application of pressure to concentrate solution which causes the passage of liquid from
concentrated solution across a membrane. The water enters, gets closed with antiscalant (to
protect the RO membrane), and passes through a 5 micron cartridge filter to remove any fine
solids which may be present in the water. The membrane allows the passage of water, but not the
dissolved solid and also not contains Mg+2, Ca+2. The liquid produced is demineralized water
which used for clean steam generator in brew house and boiler house.
B. Waste water treatment plant
Wastewater treatment is the process of converting wastewater- water that is no longer needed or
is no longer suitable for use- into bilge water that can be discharge back into the environment.
Waste water is full of contaminants including bacteria, chemicals and other toxins. There are two
wastewater treatment plants namely chemical or physical treatment plant, and biological
wastewater treatment plants. Physical wastewater treatment plant is mostly used to treat
wastewater from industries, factories and manufacturing firms.
Channel Screen
The whole plant waste will disposed in the screen .the screen channel separate the suspended
solid from the liquid effluent. The suspended Solid will be disposed using screw conveyor.
Transfer pumps the waste liquid will pump into equalization tank.

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Tank Equalization tank have agitator to homogenize the effluent. PH test is held from sample
taken from the tank .determination of PH is important because efficiency of certain treatment
methods depend on it. Especially in case of biological treatment for better result the waste water
PH should be on the range 6-9. Chemicals are added in order to adjust the PH on the range.
Caustic and hydrochloric acid are used as PH adjuster.
 If the PH is below 6 caustic is added
 If the PH is above 9 hydrochloric acid is used. These chemicals are delivered and stored
in bulk storage area. And transferred with their own pumps to Equalization tank
Biological Treatment Processes
All biological treatment processes make use of microorganisms to decompose (break down) the
contaminants in wastewater. The compounds that can be decomposed and what they are
decomposed to depend on the species of microorganism used. It is almost always the case that
the microorganisms used are bacteria. There are three general types of bacteria that can be used
for wastewater treatment, and they are grouped according to require oxygen requirements.
Aerobic means “with oxygen,” so aerobic treatment means that all the bacteria involved in
removing the contaminants will use oxygen (O 2) to do this at some point. If the contaminants
are represented as COD, then the basic reaction taking place in an aerobic system is:
COD + O 2 CO 2 (gas) + H2 O (liquid)
An anaerobic system is the opposite of an aerobic system. So in an anaerobic system, there
should be no oxygen. Bacteria will therefore decompose contaminants without oxygen. The
reaction can be represented as:
COD + H2 O CH4 (gas) + C02 (gas)
This is a slower process than when oxygen is used, and results in significant differences between
aerobic and anaerobic processes. There are advantages and disadvantages to both though. With
aerobic systems, a larger amount of contaminants can be removed so that the final water quality
is very good; however large areas of land are required, and the amount of sludge produced is
very high – about half of the waste is converted into bacterial solids/biomass/sludge. Anaerobic
systems cannot remove nutrients like nitrogen and phosphates and the final water quality is not
as good as for aerobic systems. However, anaerobic systems can be placed on much smaller
areas of land, and produce much less sludge per ton of waste treated.

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Anaerobic Digester
This tank have 90% have treatment efficiency. Treatment is done by adding bacteria called
methanogenic. Cow dung is used as source of these bacteria‟s. Those Bacteria used the sludge as
there food source. When the bacteria are consumed the sludge then the water starts to clarify.
The following output will produce during anaerobic digester: methane, carbon dioxide and
further liquefied liquid (water). The Methane produced is sent to gas fire boiler.
Methane up Flow Reactor (MUR)
It is a reactor used to produce methane gas for biogas. The flow to the mixed feed/recycle to the
MUR is measured by flow meter and is controlled between 0 and 100m3 /h by control valve. As
the biogas is produced the rise in the line pressure is detected by pressure transmitter and at set
point the flare stack ignition system is initiated.
Sequential Batch Reactor
These is a device in which the water is subjected to intense aeration using aerator.SBR have 97-
98% treatment efficiency. Certain substance is regarded as particularly damaging to the
environment. All substance which is regarded damaging to the environment removed or changed
to un harmful substance in this batch reactor. Substance which is regarded as harm full is the
 All oxidisabel substances are substance which is degraded but sufficient amount of
oxygen is required. If they pass untreated may result foul smell and kill microorganisms.
 Phosphors compounds together with nitrogen promote the formation of algae and should
change into phosphates.
From waste water treatment the following characteristic result will expected;
 PH 6-9 value
 Total suspended solid, inlet area and equalization tank < 5ml and in the anaerobic
digester will<200mg/l
 Volatile fatty acid, in late area and equalization tank <2500mg/l and in the anaerobic
digester will<0
 Sludge volume, in let area and equalization tank <5ml and in the anaerobic digester will
<1ml and at the fine result the treated water characteristic will becomes.
1. Chemical oxygen demand 250mg/l
2. Biogas oxygen demand 60mg/l

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3. Phosphate 5mg/l
Air Compressor
Air from the atmosphere is sucked by micro tower and filtered by dust filter in order to remove
undesired particle. The filtered gas is transferred to vacuum suction by pressure difference which
enables to transfer the sucked air to desired location. The air is transferred to compressor in order
to be comprised. The comprised air transferred to reservoir tank in this tank water is removed by
manually opening the valve. After water is separated from air, air transferred to first air filter this
filter remove water and dust particle. After separate water, air is transferred to dryer. Drier is
used to dray air by heat energy in order to avoid moisture content. Then the dry air transferred in
to 2nd and 3rd air filter in order to remove moisture content completely. Finally the comprised air
stored in to vertical air receiver tank. Generally compression takes place in compressor actually
the compression of gas from low concentration to high concentration or from low pressure to
high pressure at the same time temperature of air rise from low to high. After air is compressed it
stored in vertical receiver tank and used for pneumatically valve, sieves in malt pretreatment and
packaging like palletizer, Depalletizer, packer and unpacker.

Air from the Air Receiver tank First air

environment compressor filter

Vertical air 3rd air filter Second air

receiver filter Dryer

Figure 4 Air compressor flow diagram

Carbon Dioxide Recovery
In this plant carbon dioxide produced during fermentation as a byproduct. Carbon dioxide
recovery plant consist of foam it must be separated by foam separate in which the foam particle
carried over are removed while the gas collect in a large carbon dioxide container. Then the
trapped carbon dioxide inters in to balloon (storage). Balloon has liable sensor to adjust the start
point. When amount of carbon dioxide in the balloon is 15% the transfer of carbon dioxide from
balloon to boost compressor is stop and also the amount of carbon dioxide is between 16- 64%
the compressor automatically start up, but the amount carbon dioxide in the balloon is greater
than 91% the third compressor startup due to over load of gas.

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Boost compressor used to transfer carbon dioxide from storage in to gas washer. In gas washer
carbon dioxide washed (showered) by process water to remove odor, color and other impurities
aroma of the gas. In gas washer tank water and gas separated with gravity difference, meaning
the density of gas lower than density of water then water removed at the bottom by pneumatic
valve. Then after separation of gas and water, gas transferred in to carbon dioxide compressor,
but water transferred in to waste water treatment. In carbon dioxide compressor the temperature
of carbon dioxide rapidly increase it reaches 140 0 c and also pressure increase meaning that
temperature and pressure directly relationship.
Due to high temperature carbon dioxide need condenser this carbon dioxide condenser condense
by ammonia by shall and tube heat exchanger in which carbon dioxide in on tube side and
ammonia on the shall side. In this heat exchanger pressure approximately 18 bars and
temperature reaches 240 this condensed carbon dioxide is following by gravity in to.
Storage tank this condensed carbon dioxide also needs extra cooling by glycol. The cold carbon
dioxide need dryer in order to remove moisture content of carbon dioxide. After that the
condensed carbon dioxide need re boiler in order to remove amount of oxygen mix with carbon
dioxide next to this carbon dioxide need cooling in order to change the gas in to liquid the liquid
carbon dioxide store in carbon dioxide storage. This storage can hold 60hl liquid ammonia, but
the gaseous carbon dioxide need condenser to change the hot gas in to cold gas by evaporative
condenser this cold gas used for brew house for carbon blinding, packaging in filler.

Co2 gas
Foam Co2 balloon Boost washer
Co2 from
separator compressor
Shall and tube
heat exchange
Liquid Cooling Co2 Reboiler Dryer Pre cooler with

Hot gas Condenser Brew house


Figure 5 CO2 recovery flow diagram

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Refrigeration or Cooling
Refrigeration is the process of removal heat energy refrigerant is a closed circuit during its flow
through the circuit refrigerant change state twice. When the refrigerant is liquid it evaporate to
gas after that gas condense again to liquid up on the computation two cycle starts all over again.
It is a continuous process. Main components of cooling system are:-
Compression takes place in the compressor and actually the compression of gas from low
pressure to high pressure at the same time temperature of gas rise from low to high.
In condenser the refrigerant gas condense to liquid at high pressure and temperature to liquid
condensation takes place from saturated gas to saturated liquid. The condensed heat is transferred
to the atmosphere.
High pressure ammonia passes through expansion valve and enters to the economizer vessel with
intermediate pressure 4 bar to 4.5 bars. When high pressure ammonia pass through the expansion
valve some portion vapor to gas and the reaming liquid ammonia gas coded and fully liquid pass
to pressure separator.
Plate Heat Exchanger
In this unit ammonia and glycol exchange heat glycol gain heat from hot ammonia than glycol
transferred to yeast propagation tank, wort cooler, flash pasteurization, but ammonia transfer in
to low pressure separator. High pressure ammonia receiver liquefied in to evaporative condenser
will collect in to vessel cold high liquid receiver.

Figure 6 refrigeration system

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Boiler Room
Steam boiler is one of the most important parts of utility department. Steam boiler or simply a
boiler is basically a closed vessel into which water is heated until the water is converted into
steam at required pressure. In boiler water is converted to steam by the application of heat. Every
boiler should fulfill the following requirements:
 Safety- The boiler should be safe under operating conditions.
 Accessibility- The various parts of the boiler should be accessible for repair and
 Capacity- the boiler should be capable of supplying steam according to the requirements.
So here in Dashen brewery plant boiler de apartment is one of the utility units.
The steam which produced in boiler is sent to different part of the plant such as in brew
house ,packaging ,cold block, and for de aerated tank .
Dashen brewery plant uses 3 different types of boiler such as:
 Fuel fired boiler
 Bio gas boiler
 Electric boiler
Depending on their construction boiler can be divided in to two
 Water tube boiler
 Fire tube boiler
Water tube boiler: in this type of boilers water circulates through the tubes and hot products of
combustion flow over these tubes. we have seen that this brewery uses a water tube boiler.
Fire tube boiler: in fire tube boiler the hot products of combustion pass through the tubes, which
are surrounded by water.
Softener is a common pre-treatment for boiler feed water or RO water. Softeners are allowed to
make the softening of water by ion exchange resins. The resin added is sodium or potassium
zeolite. It is significantly reduced or completely eliminates the hardness of water. The hardness
of water happens due to its mineral content. The minerals are (Ca+2, K+1, Na+1, etc.). Hard
water cause corrosion and scalant. After 50000L pass through the softener, the softener wash
itself by ordinary salt. There is lever sensor on the top of softener tank which monitor the level of
water passing to the condensate tank.

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Condensate tank
Condensate tank use Condensate water from the boilers. If there is no condensate water from the
boiler then it Receive the treated water from the softener and the produce a highly improved
De aerated tank
De aeration is a process of removing oxygen and other corrosion causing gases from the feed
water. In this process free CO 2 is also removed.
There are two chemicals add to this tank:
 Oxygen scavenger is used to prevent oxygen pitting corrosion in the de aerated tank.
Sodium bisulfate is used as oxygen scavenger
 Anti-scalant is used to remove scalant and other corrosive causing gases from de aerated
Electric boiler
Electric boiler is types of boiler that uses electric city as a source of heat through water to create
steam. Electric boiler uses 11MVA receive from the substation and it passes to electric boiler by
two tubes each has 3 electrodes. The water is supplied from de aerated tank by circulation pump.
The water pumped into electrode coils at this time heat transfer take place in the steam chamber.
It is a high efficiency, high quality steam boiler and 12 ton/hr steam generated.

Figure 7 electrical boiler

Fuel boiler
It is types of boiler that uses water tube heated externally by fire. The fuel pumped from the two
fuel tanks (each tank have 50,000L fuel) to the day tank by fuel transfer pump then to the fuel
boiler by fuel supply pump. The water from de aerated tank pumped into fuel boiler by using

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four pumps. Fuel is burned inside the furnace crating hot gas which is heated water in steam
generating tubes. The heated water rises into steam drum then the steam is passing into steam
tank and the water return to the fuel boiler. There are 3 fuel boilers each has a capacity of
generating 4 ton/hr steams. This fuel boiler is used when the power from the EELPA is

Figure 8 Fuel boiler

Biogas boiler
It is a type of boiler that uses water in tube process heated externally by the fire. The process is
same as fuel boiler but it uses biogas (methane) from waste water treatment. The water from de
aerated tank is pumped into biogas boiler by two pumps. Biogas is burned inside the boiler and
heated the tube then the water is rises in to steam drum after that the steam is pass into steam
tank and the water is return to biogas boiler. The biogas boiler is generating 1.5ton/hr.

Figure 9 biogas boiler

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Steam tank
It receive steam from electric boiler, fuel boilers and biogas boiler to distribute the steam to
packaging, cold block, brew house, keg line and de aerated tank through the five input and
output stream lines. The condensate water in steam tank is returned to condensate tank.
Electrical distribution
Electrical power is the main drive of any industrial production process. so that this power is
distributed in the entire industries based on their requirement. The electrical power supplied for
the Dashen Brewery Company is 33 kV gained directly from high transmission power lines of
EEPCO substation. This high voltage is transmitted to the two parallel connected three-phase
transformers. The two transformers share the 12MVA and 10MVA load, their working principle
is based on the principle of parallel connection of transformer. The transformers primary winding
is star connection and the secondary winding is delta connection. The first transformers step
down the supply to 11 kV voltages which are directly supplied to the electrode boiler. The other
12MVA transformer distributes the power to the three 2.5MVA transformer and the other
2.5MVA is kept as spare for future uses. Each of the transformers has switch gear and also has
Change over switch which uses to isolate the transformer when maintenance is required. When
there is power fluctuation there is reserved diesel A.C generator which generates about 1.8MW
and couples to the transformers by bus coupler. The four generators is synchronized in the
synchronization panel. Out of the four generators the two generators are always stand by. When
the power from the EEPCO is disconnected the generator will run to supply the required power.

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132kv from
sub station

33kv to

2.5MVA 2.5MVA 2.5MVA

TR1 TR2 TR3 11 Kv

380/400V 380/400V 380/400V

To electric

Local control

Figure 10 power flow in dashen brewery Share Company

Main components under electrical distribution:-
Distribution sub-station transfers power from the transmission to the distribution system of
Dashen brewery factory. Dashen brewery power house refers to the main electric power station
for the company which comprises two big step-down transformers, emergency generator, bus
coupler, power factor corrector, and other electrical control elements.
Power factor corrector; It is defined as the ratio of the real power flowing to the load to the
apparent power in the circuit and it is a dimension less number between 0 and 1. In case of
Dashen beer factory the power factor is 0.8.
Real power: - is the capacity of the circuit for performing work in a particular time.

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Apparent power: - is the product of the current and voltage of the circuit. The significance of
power factor lies in the fact that utility companies supply customers with volt amperes, but bill
them for watts. Power factor below 1.0 require a utility to generate more than minimum volt
amperes necessary to supply the real power. This increases generation and transmission costs.
Power factor correction units consist of capacitors which act as reactive current generators. By
providing the reactive power, they reduce the total amount of power you must draw from the
network. For the same working power (kW) they can reduce the reactive power (kart) and the
apparent power (kVA) so that the company will then provide with improved/increased power
factor. By this method the power factor and then the electric power can be stabilized. Switchgear
is the combinations of electrical disconnect switches, fuses, circuit breakers used to control,
protect and isolate electrical equipment‟s in an electrical power system (in Dashen at power
Over current Protection
Fuses: In the control circuit, over current protection1 (high current draw and/or a short circuit) is
provided by either fuses or magnetic breakers. When fuses are used they can be placed on the
primary or secondary windings. In some cases, both primary leads are fused, and in a few cases
the primary and secondary windings are fused.
Breakers:-Breakers, like fuses, provide over current protection for the control circuit. The
breaker is usually wired into the primary side of the transformer and may be part of several
breakers used to provide protection to other electrical components in the pumping installation. In
order to allow power to pass through the breaker, the operating lever is placed in the “ON”
position. This mechanically closes the contacts in the breaker. When current passes through this
device, a magnetic field is developed in the bar. The intensity of this field is focused through a
large piece of metal at the end of the movable arm. When the current exceeds a predetermined
amount, the magnetic field will pull the bar to the right, releasing the lever and the trip
mechanism, allowing the spring to pull the contacts open. This will disconnect power to the
control circuit. To reset the breaker, it must first be placed in the “OFF” position and then
returned to the “ON” position. Breakers are rated in amps. The maximum, normal operating
amps that the breaker will allow to pass is written on the end of the control lever.
Control Relays: Control relays are electro-mechanical devices used to turn pilot lights on and
off, control mechanical equipment, and send signals from a sensing.

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Overload Protection: Overload protection devices are designed to monitor the amperage to a
motor. If the amperage exceeds a predetermined level and stays there for an adequate amount of
time, the overload device will disconnect the power to the motor starter coil, stopping the motor.
The connection between the overload circuit and the power circuit is physical and not electrical.
Bus coupler: - is a device which is used to couple one bus to the other without any interruption
in power supply without creating hazardous arcs. It is achieved with the help of circuit breaker
Switches: A mechanical switch generates an on/off signal or signals as a result of some
mechanical input causing the switch to open or close. Such a switch might be used to indicate the
presence of a work piece such as bottle and crate on a machining table, the work piece pressing
against the switch and so closing it. The absence of the work piece is indicated by the switch
being open and Its presence by it being closed the input signals to a single input channel of the
PLC are thus the logic levels: Work piece not present: 0Work piece present: 1 The 1-level might
correspond to a 24 V DC input, the 0-level to a 0 V input. When the switch is open the supply
voltage is applied to the PLC input; when the switch is closed the input voltage drops to a low
Limit switch: - use a mechanical actuator input, requiring the sensor to change its output when
an object is physically touching the switch. It can be actuated by a cam, roller, or lever, in our
company it is used in caser , un caser, filler and labeler machines where opening and closing of
each door are on and off for a specific length interval.
Liquid-level switches:-are used to control the level of liquids in tanks. Essentially, these are
vertical floats that move with the liquid level, and this movement is used to operate switch
contacts. Examples in brew house they control level of tank device such as a float switch to
another component such as a motor. The control relay is the key component in a motor control
system. The contacts may be normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC). The control relay is
composed of a single iron core electromagnet which operates an armature. The armature is used
to open and close one or more electrical contacts. A control relay may have all NO or NC
contacts or having a combination of normally open and normally closed contacts. The control
relay above has one normally-open and one normally closed set of contacts both Operated by the
same electromagnet. A spring is usually used to hold the contacts in one position. Operation
When the electromagnet is energized, the iron core attracts the armature and pulls it to the core.
This opens the normally closed contacts and closes the normally open contacts. When the power

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is shut off, the spring pulls the contacts back to their normal position. The most important feature
of the control relay is the fact that the pair of contacts is not electrically connected to the coil or
each other. There are independent circuits. The contacts and the coil are connected physically.

A. Brewing process
Brewing process is the main process in the brewery industries. In the Dashen Brewery brewing
process comprises four main departments this are:-
 Brew House
 Fermentation
 Filtration
Brew house
This section covers from malt storing tank (silo) to wort cooling session. There are 8 silos with
500ton capacity, silo 1 and 5 for barley (for Balageru brand) and the other 6 for malt (Dashen
and Jano brands). Silos for barley have fan because moisture from the barley condensate at the
top which causes micro-toxins infects the barley and causes spoilage and it affects beer.
Malt Treatment
Malt is transferred from one silo in to other by mechanical conveyers
1. Chain conveyer
2. Screw conveyer
3. Bucket conveyer
Chain conveyer
It is transport device for horizontal and inclined. The troughed chain conveyer is transporting
device for horizontally and also inclined transport. When the chain moves it carries the malt with
it. Chain conveyer has advantages and disadvantage.
Advantage it's power consumption is equal or better than other conveyer.
Disadvantage the trough is not completely empty after each usage.
Screw conveyer
It used for horizontal transport of malt. When rotating the screw push the barely or malt gently
forward to the discharge position provided in the form of discharge slide. Advantage of screw
conveyer even if it uses high energy usage it used to transfer short distance in malting. It‟s an
inexpensive conveying device for horizontal transport. Disadvantage there must be 3to5 mm

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clearance between the trough and path of the screw otherwise the screw scraps against the
trough. Consequently, it is impossible to empty the trough completely.
Bucket conveyer
It is transporting device used for vertical transportation of malt. Advantage of bucket conveyer
(bucket elevator)
 It is low energy usage
 It is the cheapest conveyer for vertical transport
Disadvantages of bucket conveyer
 The bottom trough is never completely empty
 The trough must be cleaned
There are two types of treatment; primary and secondary treatments.
1. Primary treatment:
Magnetic separator: - Used to separate metallic materials in malt or barley.
Destoner: - Used to remove sand and stone, separated from the grain.
Cyclone separator: - Used to separate the dust particle from feed air using cyclone
system. Cyclone consist cylindrical upper part into which air is blown tangentially.
2. Secondary treatment
Drum sieve:
 Used to remove unwanted materials that passes primary treatment
 It also collects dusts and removes it
Milling is the process of breaking the malt in to smaller fragments In order to give the malt
enzyme the opportunity, during mashing, to act on the malt contents and break down them.
Before the malt enters in to the milling it should be transported from the silos to the milling
machine this is done through the transporting mechanism.
After the malt/barley is transported from the silos to the milling machine the milling of the malt
/barley is started. Principle of milling is called FIFO (first in first out) which means the
barley/malt which came first goes to milling first and out from the milling first, this principle
helps to avoid spoilage. Malt/barley came from the silos pass those two treatments goes to
weaver which measure 25kg and goes to milling session. Milling type is hammer mill. With a
Sieve size vary 2.2- 4.5mm, most of the time sieve size for Dashen is 4.5mm, and for Balageru is

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3.5mm.Milled barley/malt is called grist, which goes to grist bin tank. Capacity of malt grist bin
tank is 8ton whereas barley grist bin tank is 4ton.For Dashen beer brand 108ton malt is milled
and for Balageru beer brand 98ton barley is milled to produce 4800hl beer.
The purpose of milling;
 To get efficient extraction
 To separate and remove unwanted particles
 To facilitate the mixing and mashing process
 To get maximum starch conversion
 To increase surface area which increases contacting area
Mashing is a process of mixing malt or barley grist with water at a temperature around 45-55 to
form a mixture. Mashing is important step cause only soluble part of malt or barley can pass into
the beer therefore it is necessary to convert the insoluble material in the grist into soluble one
during mashing.
Tanks/vessel use in this process:
 Machine in device(MID)
 Machine in vessel(MIV)
 3 mash tunes(mash tune 1,mash tune 2,mash tune 3)
Mega machine (machine in device )
Process description
Mash in device:-the grist (milled barley or malt) is thoroughly drenched with warm water or
weak wort. If the mash filter has done CIP then use warm water, but in a process use weak
wort, because it has about 30 p of extract so it is very important to use to increases wort gravity.
The temperature in mash in device is 45 0 c.
Steps in mash in device CIP
1. Checking start condition
2. Pre-filling
3. Stabilization
4. Mashing in
5. Rinsing
6. After run

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7. Emptying
8. Sanitation
9. Draining
Features of MID
Water/grist ratio:-refers to the amount of water (L) divided by amount of grist (kg).
 2.3-2.5L water for 1kg of malt grist, and 1.7-2.1L for 1kg of barley grist.
 If too much water is added here then it is difficult to obtain high gravity Wort required.
Mash oxidation:-reaction of mash with oxygen which results staling flavor in beer.
Temperature of MID:-affects target mash temperature required for enzyme activity influenced by
the specific heat of mash, water temperature of grains and the Wort.
Mash in vessel (MIV)
In this vessel gelatinization process takes place which means producing jelly and sticky
structure. Starch granules take water and swell up then burst with help of agitator (Three phase
induction motor with a gear box). The temperature in this vessel is 53 0 c.
 photolytic enzymes activate
 beta-glucanase enzyme activate
Mash tune
we have seen that three different mash tune vessels are available which has its own
process connected together i.e. the output of mash tun1 is in feed for mash tune 2 and the output
of mash tune 2 is in feed for mash tun3. The mash obtained from the machine vessel is feed to
the mash tune 1.
Mash tune 1
In the first mash tune vessel liquefaction (It is the reduction in the viscosity of the long chain
glucose in starch) reaction takes place, and here the temperature is 63 0 c. Beta amylase activated
at this temperature. Since the temperature increases from 53 0 c to 630 c the mash becomes liquid.
Here, agitator is used and the required temperature is achieved through steam from boiler.
Mash tune 2
In this vessel scarification reaction begins, the temperature for Dashen is 72 0 c. at this
temperature all the enzymes activate.

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Mash tune 3
In this vessel scarification reaction ends and mash transferred to mash filter. The temperature for
dashen is 800 c and for Balageru is 840 c. Before transferring to mash filter scarification must be
checked this is done by using iodine test. If the iodine test is negative which means when iodine
drop is added to the mash if its color doesn‟t change the starch is completely converted to sugar
but if there is a color change to blue-black or purple it means there is starch. P H had to be
checked here and the standard is 5.1-5.3.
Mash filter
Mash filter is a device which used to separate the wort and spent grain. The wort can be
separated in to three groups based on concentration of wort (gravity of wort). The high
concentration goes in to wort holding vessel, the medium concentration goes in GIS tank and the
low concentration goes in to week wort tank, but GIS return to mash filter through sparging
where as weak wort directly goes in to mash in device.
Mash filter operation step
1. Checking starting conditions: both mash inlet and wort outlet lines are closed.
2. Filling: only low mash inlet and low wort outlet channel is working.
3. Filtration: all low and high mash inlet and wort outlet channel is working. 58hl wort is
4. Pre compression: Compressed air is passed through tin plastic tube and enters to all
membranes to compact the spent grain uniformly.
5. Pre sparging: compressed air drain valve is on and the air is leave from the membrane, which
is used to prevent the collapsing of the spent grain during pre sparging. Hot water/GIS are
sparging on the membranes and it is passed through the mash inlet channel.
6. Sparging: Mash is sparged with GIS (gravity increasing solution). From sparging 107hl wort
is produced. It has three sparging phases.
7. Compression: Compressed air is passed through tin plastic tube and enters to all membranes
to compact the spent grain uniformly and the hydraulic system compress the membrane.17hl
wort is produced.
8. Header rinsing: hot water is entered to the low mash inlet channel and leaves at the high
mash inlet channel and sent to the spent grain hopper. Still both the high and low weak wort

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outlet is on. Compressed air is also passed through tin plastic tube and enters to all membranes to
collapse the spent grain.
9. Emptying: Compressed air is again passed through tin plastic tube and enters to all
membranes to collapse the spent grain. Both high and low weak wort outlet channels are on. Low
mash inlet channel is also on and the water is drain to the ground by passing through this
10. Decompression: compressed air is leaves from the membrane and drain to the environment.
Low mash inlet channel is also on and the rest water is drain to the ground by passing through
this channel.
11. Spent grains discharge: there is no incoming compressed air to the membrane, but
compressed air valve is on the transfer the spent grain to spent grain silo during spent grain
discharging step.

Figure 11 mash filter

There is three mash filters in this room but they will not do all the above process simultaneously.
For example they will not fill at the because the amount of mash obtained from the mash tune 3
is not enough to fill the three mash filter at the same time. So, if mash filter 1 is filled first then
the other mash filter one of mash tune2 or mash tune3 will be in filling step in and only if mash
filter ends filling and transferred to the next steps.
Holding Tank
It‟s a vessel used as storage of wort in this tank (vessel) they will added caramels for color to
make the beer color are green? Before the wort transferred in to formation vessels isomerizes
hop added in the line automatically. Then after that the wort is transferred in to formation vessels

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Formation vessel
Wort is brought to boil and the flowers of female hop plant are added. Bitter resins and aromatic
hop oil are released the variety of hop. The amount added and the point or points in the vessel at
which they are added the all contribute to the flavor of beer. They add bitterness which added
early to the boil, flavor if added in the middle and aroma when added at the end. The temperature
is around 91 due to high temperature the concentration of wort increase and high volatile
compound removed.
The Principal change that occur during wort boiling
 Inactivation of malt enzyme
 Sterilization of the wort
 Extraction and isomerization of compound derived from hop
 Coagulation of protein material in the wort
 Formation of poly phenol complex‟s Formation of flavor and color complexes
 Fall in wort PH
 Concentration of wort gravity through evaporation of water
 Evaporation of volatile compound in the wort derived from mashing.
It is a conical shape vessel or tank which facilities the sedmanintation process means separation
of solid from liquid through gravity, separation of coagulation protein, separation hop trub.
Copper fining helps those trub to coagulate and settle to the bottom. Clear goes to ecostripper
with overflow and trub goes to trub tank. But before going to trub tank the tank must be free
from oxygen so we have to use CO 2 to purge oxygen.
Eco stripper
Eco stripper is a device which used to separate clear wort. The wort contains malt, water, hop
but malt contains the element like sulphur, phosphorus and like which is removed in this device
to the atmosphere, because the element is high volatile. And this device removed poly phenol
that causes turbidity of beer.
Heat Exchanger
Is a device which used to exchange heat between hot wort and cold water in this cooling process
dashen brewery used plate heat exchanger the working principal of plate heat exchanger is hot
wort pass through one side and the cold water pass through the opposite side of the hot wort. i.e.

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hot wort loses heat energy and the cold water will gain heat energy. Therefore the wort become
cold its temperature is between 30-400 c. this cold wort transferred in to fermentation tank with a
catalyst of yeasts.
Purpose of wort cooling
 Causes cold trub precipitation and hence removal
 Cools down for pitching to happen without killing off the yeast
 Allows addition of air into the wort for yeast growth
 Prevents excess color formation
Wort cooling parameters
 Wort outlet temperature
 Wort flow rate
 Exit water temperature
 Totalized wort volume
 Cleaning cycle of the heat exchanger

Figure 12 plate heat exchanger

CIP for brew house
Clean in place (CIP) is a method of cleaning the interior surface of pipes, vessels, process
equipment, filters and associated fitting without dis assembly. In this brewery factory CIP is the
most important process and it is done through automatic system based on the schedule for each
Chemicals used in brew house CIP process are:-
 Caustic
 Acid

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 Hot water
Mega machine (MID), mash in vessel (MIV), weak wort tank those three tanks CIP is done
together. Three mash tunes CIP done together. Mash filter and GIS tanks CIP done together.
Holding vessel, formation tank, Clarisver CIP done at the same time. Eco stripper CIP is done
CIP steps
1. First every tank is soaked for example mash filter soaked for 4hr
2. Rinsed with hot water (800 c)
3. Neutralization by acid (phosphoric acid)

B. Fermentation
It is the process of conversion of fermentable carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide by
yeast. The cold wort from the heat exchanger is send to the fermentation tank (CCT) because the
wort must be fermented in order to get ethanol and carbon dioxide which is the product of the
fermentation. During this process many undesired byproducts is produced such as diacetyl
(VDK) which is by product of yeast, ester, and Sulphur compounds. These by products have a
considerable effect on the taste, aroma, and other properties of the beer. The process of
fermentation is measured by decrease of extract. There are 12 CCTs (fermentation tank) in
dashen brewery with 6400hl capacity but it is filled up to 4800hl the rest space is filled with air.
We have seen that this tank is jacketed in order to overcome the environmental influence. It has
also a cooling system that uses ammonium this coolant is used for the tank due to its high
storage. However in this process yeast plays a vital role so this yeast must be propagated and
stored sufficiently. We have seen that Dashen brewery has Yeast propagation tank and
yeast storage tank. In this tank there are three temperature sensors at the bottom, middle and top
level of the tank. Within the temperate of around 5.4 0 c, 7.80 c and 16.60 c at the bottom, middle
and top of the tank respectively
Yeast Propagation
yeast propagation is the process multiplying the yeast by giving them food (wort) and air in
order to be the yeast in aerobic phase-in this phase the yeast replicate themselves until the food is
consumed at all. Before the yeasts inserted in propagation tank first those yeast is reproduced in
the laboratory through yeast extract agar and they are added to the 5liter wort tank. Then after the

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yeast reproduce in the small tank they are added to the three yeast propagation tank which has
the capacity of 4, 40, 400hl respectively. Once the content of the simple sugar reduced the yeast
is transferred to the next propagation tank because the sugar level of the second tank is greater
than the first tank. Since yeast needs the sugar in the wort in order to reproduce them.
Steps under yeast propagation process
Lag phase: - yeast adapts to their new environment, taking stock of the available sugar, oxygen,
and other nutrients. Yeast consumes all the available oxygen to produce unsaturated fatty acids
and sterols required for cell membrane synthesis.
Logarithmic phase:-
 Cell population increases at logarithmic rate because of excess substrate.
 Yeast growth rate is at maximum
Stationary phase: - this phase is where cell mass becomes constant. In the fermentation process
45% of yeast is used this is called yeast consistency and from this 95% of yeast are live this is
called yeast viability.
Yeast storage
There are 4 yeast storage tanks each has a capacity of 160hl and 1 surplus tank used for the
storage of dead yeast. Actually in this brewery company this yeast is selled to the customer for
animal feed.
Fermentation step;
1. Gases from Chosen CCT purged with air and drained finally air is also purged.
2. Filling:-Since yeasts, air, wort meet in line then they go to fermenter. Parameters in filling are
O2 amount, temperature, pressure. O 2 is 16mg/l, temperature for dashen is 1100 c and for balageru
is 1000 c, and pressure is 0bar.
3. Fermentation: - yeast metabolizes fermentable sugars in the wort to produce alcohol and
carbon dioxide.
Primary fermentation- C6H12O6 → 2CH3CH2OH + 2CO 2
In this stage yeasts breakdown sugar, produce alcohol, carbon dioxide and also them Produce
VDK (there by product).
Secondary fermentation: - when extract level becomes constant yeast eats their By-
product (VDK), and when its level reaches 0.2ppm it goes to cooling.

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Parameters in fermenter are temperature (180 0 c), pressure 0.25bar, and oxygen (0mg/l). CO 2 is
recovered to utility. If it has foam then there is foam trap which is used to trap CO 2 .
4 Cooling: - ammonia is used as a cooling agent. Its temperature lowered to -10 c. Cooling is used
to settle yeast. Then flocculated yeast is harvested.
5. Maturation: - stays for 3 days with -10 c temperature to develop aroma and flavor.
6. Matured beer
7. Emptying
Product and bi product obtained from fermentation
 Ethanol alcohol
 CO2 and VDK is the bi product of this process.
CIP under this process Chemicals used
 Caustic
 Process water
 Acid

C. Filtration
The beer from the CCT is then passed through a filtration system to remove surplus yeast and
protein. Filtration is a separation process in which the yeast cells and other turbidity causing
materials still present in the beer are removed from the beer. At the same time substances are
removed which would, in the course of the next few weeks or months, themselves precipitate and
make the beer turbid. Filtration stabilizes flavor and gives the beer its polished shine look. When
tax determination is required by local laws, it is typically done at this stage in a calibrated tank.
Filtered beer is qualified to be stable. That means there is no active process going on since all
conditioning has stopped when the yeast and other enzymes are removed in the process.
Filtration can also remove poly phenol and haze material at the same time substance are removed
which would themselves precipitate that makes beer turbid.
Un filtered beer tank
Cellar from CCT goes to unfiltered beer tank which is a buffer tank with capacity of 300hl.
During production the main function of the UBT is to create a larger system volume to keep a
low concentration of solids.
Reason for filtration of beer

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 For test stability

 For foam stability
 For uniformity of product
 For long shelf life
 For polished shine look
 To get qualified stable beer
Dashen brewery share company use four main filtration process these are:-
1. Beer membrane filtration
2. Security filtration
3. Poly vinyl poly peptide
4. Bag filtration
Beer membrane filtration
Used to filter yeast protein without heal influence that trap protein and yeast that is greater than
5ppm in size this filtration can filter 400hl/hr in dashen.
Advantage of beer membrane filtration
 The quality un changed by filtration
 For natural fresh test
 To ensure complete confidence in beer stability
 For its marketable It is recently become very economical
Advantage of using BMF:-
 No phase change involved
 Energy requirement is low with Labor is low with Low beer loss
Its disadvantages are:-
 Equipment cost is high
 Membrane fouling effect
 High flow rate damage shear sensitive materials

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Figure 13 beer membrane filter

Security filtration
Used to remove yeast, protein and haze particle that is less than 5ppm to ensure complete
confidence in beer stability and marketing BMF filtration and security filtration also known as
primary filtration.
Poly vinyl poly peptide filtration
It is also known as secondary filtration to ensure satisfactory clean and bright beer without any
visible particle or haze. PVPP is water insoluble powder used to remove poly phenol responsible
for turbidity to preserving high quality of beer.
Filtered beer then goes to Carbo-blendeing session where it is mixing of CO 2 + beer +DAW
Reason for blending
 Adjust fermented beer for the brand alcohol level
 Achieve the brand profile after blending
If bitterness unit is not between 15-17 and ISO hop (isomerized hop) is added, and if we didn‟t
meet the desired color then caramel is added. Then there is bag filter which filters if there is any
Bright beer tank
Filtered beer then goes to BBT which is a buffer tank with capacity of 2600hl.

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This is a process of heating and rapid cooling which is used for prolongs shelf life of the beer
and destroys any bacteria or other organisms in the beer. in this brewery company both Draught
and bottle beer is pasteurized by means of a special heat exchanger called a flash pasteurization.
Beer can be pasteurized in two ways:
1. Flash pasteurization
2. Tunnel pasteurization
But in the Dashen brewery flash pasteurization is used that means the beer is sterilized by a high
temperature 720 c and 630 c for the bottle beer and draught beer. In the brewing house there are
two pasteurizer for the bottle beer since packaging section two sections and one pasteurizer for
the keg machine. Pasteurizer buffer tank is used to store beer that comes from BBT‟s for filling.
This involves heating up beer to pasteurizer the beer to the desired pasteurizing units.
After heating up the beer and maintaining it at pasteurization temperature in the heating loop of
the flash pasteurizer, the beer is cooled down in two steps, first by heating up the cold incoming
beer and second by a glycol cooling section the beer temperature becomes 5 0 c. The incoming
beer heated up in this way is after wards heated up further by means of steam heating section.
The buffer tank ensures constant flow of pasteurized beer to filler. Pushing of beer towards filler
is done by regulating pressure inside the buffer tank.

Un filter beer BMF Filtered beer Security filter PVPV

tank tank
Pasteurization BBT Caro blinding Bag filter

Figure 14 filtration process flow diagram

D. Packaging
It is one of the biggest sections of the company which comprises both production team and
maintenance team departments. The automation system is also the other parts of the company.
Many electrical machines are available in this section. Those machines are two robotic machines,
bottle and crate washer machine, filler machine, packer and un packer machine and labeler
machine. we have seen that the above machines are controlled by different sensors, photocells
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backups and encoders through the PLC system. Under Packaging department several machine
will run and operated with their own working principle. These machines will operate using
electro pneumatic system so the requirement such as air and electric will supplied from the
utility. And water for cleaning also supplied from the utility. Generally, packaging process has
worked in to two lines which have a capacity of producing 45000 bottles per hour. However the
capacity of the line is depend on the efficiency of the bottle beer filling machine. In this room
both bottle beer and draught beer is packed. The entire packaging room is installed by the
Germany Company called Krones.
The machines we have been working in this room are:-
1. Depalletizer machine
Depalletizer machine in the Dashen brewery named as Krones Modlupal. Where Krones is the
name of the Germany company .which installed the entire packaging section of this brewery. The
Depalletizer machine de palletizes staked packs from the pallet and placed them on discharge
table. It works by pneumatic system by comprised air at pressure of 5.5-6 bar working capacity
of 65500 crates per hours. It has also small machine also known as raw separator when the fork
lift transfer the crate that contain empty bottle in the roller conveyer transfer the crate in to the
grad place that is also known as safety center. This machine has a pneumatic gripper that transfer
crate from the roller conveyer in to plate conveyer at once the griper can hold 10 crate its load is
easy to transfer because crate contain empty bottle. To hold the crate that contain empty bottle
the griper need two piston. This machine uses a servo motor as a main drive and uses many
PE(photo electric sensor) for the accurate and efficient working this electrical component is
integrated with the mechanical pneumatic system under the controller of PLC (programmable
logic controller).This machine is controlled by both automatic and manual system through the
operator panel board and main panel board. The machine area is safely guarded with a door
switch with interlock system. So main components of this machine are
PE sensor: it is a photo electric sensor which has a reflector when the reflector is covered it will
send a signal that something (especially crates) is present to the PLC. So, based on the code
written the process will continue.
Sound sensor: - this is a sound sensor which is placed around pallet magazine in order to sense
the sound of forklift which contains a pallet.

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Servo motor with absolute encoder: - This motor is a special motor used when a sharp
movement of the motor is required. This motor is installed at the top of the palletizer machine In
order to move the gripper up and down.
Mechanical pistons: This mechanical piston is used in order to pick the one layer crates from
the palletize to the row separator section.
Row separator: - this will separate the 10 crates that form a layer.
Conveyor: it is a transport mechanism that used to transfer the crates from one section to other
section. We have seen that two type conveyor are used these are Roller conveyor it is used in
order to transfer the pallet from Depalletizer to palletizer. And a crate conveyor to transport the
crate from row separator to un packer machine. These two conveyors are driven by 3phase
induction motor and sew euro drive motor.
2. packer machine
Un packer is modern and versatile packing robotic machine named as Krones smart packer.
With various gripper head system allow to unpack various bottles. Un packer machine is used to
remove empty removal bottles from the plastic crates. This machine has a full capacity of 54000
bottles per hour. The crate with empty bottle from the Depalletizer is transported to this robotic
machine through the crate conveyor. Then the PLC checks the states of the conveyor through the
PE sensor that means crate overload, in front of un packer, bottle overload and the presence of
crates that are ready to enter un packer by three photocells. And the PLC checks the number of
crates on centering frame by two photo cells. When the number of crates is above and below five
the robot stops their operation, but it can be restarted manually by operators. There are also other
photocells on the gripper head that are used as input devices for the PLC to position of crates.
Main components of this machine
 Gripper carrier: - Used to carry the Gripper head
 Gripper head: - there is 5 gripper head each contains 24 gripper caps.
 Insertion frame: - used to align the crates and Gripper head.
 Bottle guide: - this is used as bottle shaker.
Driving system: -
Vertical driving system (hoist drive):- in this driving system two induction type motors are
used together with the incremental encoder (count the revolution of the shaft).

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Horizontal driving system (Oscillating crank):- it will drive the gripper horizontally. This uses
proximity sensor in order to check the motors movement at 180°.
Working pressure: - this machine uses 3phase electrical power for driving the motors. And also
a pneumatic system is used for the 120caps at the gripper head. Each cap receives 5.5bar
pressure in order to hold the bottles safely until they are unpacked from the crates and placed to
the bottle convey or synko each caps has a seal which is made of a spring type rubber.
Sensors: - PE sensor is used in order to check the backup and to detect whether 5crate is present
or not because this machine unpacks 5 crate or 120bottles in one revolution. Inductive sensor is
also used in the insertion frame for the proper alignment of the crate and gripper head. Ultrasonic
sensor is also used in the packer machine in order to guide the bottles.
3. Washer machine
Bottle washer
This machine is used in order to wash the bottle that come from the customer before they enter in
to beer filling machine. Actually there are two types of bottle washer machine are available this
 Single end bottle washer machine: - bottle feed and discharge is on the same side. Such
Washer machine operated with one operator. Most Soft drink company‟s use this type of
washer Machine
 Double end bottle washer machine: - bottle feed and discharge have their own side.
This Type of washer machine operated with two Operators.
So that dashen brewery uses a double end bottle washer machine in this case the bottles are fed
and discharged at different locations, thus ensuring the best possible hygienic conditions.
Objective of bottle washing;
1. To clean soluble material; example:-dust, debris, cigarettes etc.
2. To clean microorganisms
3. To clean residual material; example:-oil, grease, naphtha
Bottle washer machine sub divided in to three parts .This bottle washer machine is named as
lavatec K.D it works on both electrical and mechanical principles. Main components of the
machine will be divided below as Electrical component and mechanical components.

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Mechanical component
 Pneumatic valve:-this is used to drain the water which is used for the washing of the
 Pump: - used to pump the warm, cold, fresh waters and caustic to and from the machine.
 High pressure jetting: - it is a rotating material used to rinse the internal parts of the
bottle after the bottle is socked in the caustic.
Electrical components
Driving motor: - A synchronous motor is used as a driving motor. There are 9 motors each with
an encoder and torque meter in order to read the speed and force of the motor respectively. The
first and last motor is used for in feed and discharging of the bottle the remaining motors used as
a carrier of the bottle in the post treatment of the bottles. Here a synchronous motor are doubly
exited type and have direct current in their field windings and ac armature windings.

Figure 15 Synchronous motor

 Photo cell: - this sensor is used at the in feed section used as a safety. If anything crosses
that area the sensor will sense that and stop the entire process so that RED light will glow
that shows the washer machine is stopped. At this time the operator have to solve the
problem and reset the machine by using HMI operator panel board.
 Inductive sensors: this sensor also used in the in feed section in order to sense any
metallic or aluminous label in the bottle. Because when more aluminous label is entered
in the caustic bath a hydrogen gas will be created that is more explosive and danger for
the entire machine. When more aluminous label is sensed then a special motor is
energized through the PLC in order to sac the hydrogen from the bath.
 Temperature sensor: is used to measure the temperature of the water and the caustic in
the washing process.
 Pressure sensor: used in order to measure the pressure of the water which is pumped.

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 Conductivity sensor: it is used in the caustic tank in order to measure the conductivity
of the caustic which has the main effect in the washing process.
 Level sensors: it is used in order to measure the level of the water and caustic in the
Process under washing of the bottle:-
Three main processes are formed under washing process.
1. Pre-treatment: - where soluble materials (dust, debris, cigarettes) are cleaned with 35-
550 c temperature water.
2. Main treatment: - where microorganisms and residual materials are cleaned. Two sub
divisions those are caustic 1 and caustic 2 with 80-850 c temperature. Bottles are soaked
for 6-8min.
3. Post treatment: - where it is the final treatment/cleaning which is used to clean if there is
any dirt missed. post caustic sub divisions are; post caustic 1 and post caustic 2 with 45-
750 c temperature, warm water 1 with temperature 32-400 c, warm water 2 with 25-320 c
temperature, cold water with 18-250 c, fresh water below 220 c. Working principle is bottle
from post caustic come upside down and there is water line which has holes those holes
spurge water in to the bottle.
Factors affecting bottle washing
1. Temperature: - if there is high temperature difference between pre-treatment and main
treatment then the whole bottle part cracks. If there is high temperature difference between
main treatment and post treatment then bottle bottom part breaks.
2. Chemical agents: - chemicals used are: - caustic, WPS/stabilon, dippex CIT, polix XT.
Stabilon: - it is anti-foaming agent. If its concentration is low it forms high foam. If
its concentration is high it makes the bottle shiny.
PolixXT: - it is anti-scaling agent. It is added when the machine is working for
prevention. It is a temporary anti scaling.
Deppex CIT: - used to remove scale. This chemical is used when production is
stopped which is in maintenance period.
3. Mechanical effect: - if water pressure is low then cleaning effectiveness will be poor.
Pressure is low when their blockage on line or if pump fail.

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4. Conductivity: - which is concentration of chemicals. For example caustic conductivity

mostly is 90ms. If its concentration is low then bottle leanness is poor, and if the
concentration is high then forms scum on bottle surface.
5. Speed: - if speed is high then cleanness of bottle will be poor. But if speed is low then
production capacity will be low.
6. Contacting time: - if contacting time is low cleanness is poor. But if contact time is high
then production capacity will be low. Finally bottle is checked with phenolphthalein if it
changes color this indicates that the bottle is not clear.
Crate washer
This machine named as Krones linajet used to wash crates by using water to clean the crate. This
is done by using water and applying high pressure spray from different direction and finally the
washed crate become inverted upside down for removing broken glass and unwanted (dirty)
things. This machine has the capacity to wash 4000 packs per hour.

Figure 16 crate washer

4. Filler machine
Filler machine a machine used to fill beer and carbon dioxide to empty bottle those beer and
carbon dioxide coming from brew house but bottle coming from bottle washer machine. Beer
fillers are always counter pressure fillers because this filler are used for CO 2 containing drinks.
The bottle from the washer machine discharge are will not directly enter in to the filler machine
they must be inspected in the more complicated, costly and very important machine called empty
bottle inspection.

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Figure 17 filler machine

Filling unit
1. Roller
2. Suspension
3. Seal, centering bell
4. Vent tube/level probe
5. Protective dividers
Machine frames
Rotor structure: - During the rotor rotates, the fixed beer delivery pipe, the counter pressure
gas, air for lifting elements, vacuum connection and CIP connection must be connecting
1. in feed screw
2. in feed star wheel
3. middle star wheel
4. discharge star wheel
Filling process lines
 product line
 cip line
 steam line
 𝐶𝑂2 line
 cold water line
 sterile air line

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First evacuation

Purging with co2

Second evacuation



End of filling

Figure 18 filling step
First evacuation
The bottle is pressed, air-tight, against the filler head by the centering bell and vacuum valve is
opened by a fixed stop. Within a very short time 90% evacuation of the bottle is achieved. A
vacuum protection device which is raised by the centering bell prevents collapse of the vacuum
when no bottle is raised.
Purging with CO2
As a result of actuation of the roller lever the gas valve is briefly opened and CO 2 passes in to the
bottles from the filler bowl and purges the bottle.
Second evacuation
The process described for phase 1 is repeated and again an approximately 90% vacuum is
produced. This vacuum sucks out the still present air with the CO 2 from the bottle.
Counter pressurizing
The process used in phase 2 is repeated but for a longer time. The flowing in produces a high
CO2 concentration in the bottle after the two-fold evacuation simultaneously the pressure in the
bottle is raised to the same pressure as that in the filler bowl.
After the pressure equalization between bottle and filler bowl, the roller lever opens, via the
outer spring, the valve seal. The beer can now flow down ward because of height difference and
is deflected by the deflected cone against the bottle wall flows down the wall in a thin film. The
co2 displaced flows back in to the co2 bowl through the air pipe.

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Pressure venting, sniffing to prevent immediate over foaming, the pressure in the bottle is slowly
decreased by opening the pressure release valve which is connected to the nozzle.
Empty bottle inspection (EBI)
EBI is a machine which is used to inspect the washed bottle properly with the help of CCD
camera and sensors. It is small, very complex and expansive machine used to separate unclean
bottle, foreign bottle, broken bottle and liquid contain bottle by capturing the bottle in camera.

Figure 19 Empty bottle inspection

 Foreign container detection unit
 Rejection system for foreign containers
 Side-wall inspection unit, module 1
 Main module with through passage station and internal inspection units
 Rejection system for broken containers
 Rejection system for dirty containers
Modern empty bottle inspection use camera to record an image of a part of a bottle. In EBI 13
parameters which is base, inner side wall, neck finish, side wall 1, contour, SM-K1, HF caustic,
IR oil, IR residual liquid, Cap neck finish, Container, color & Scuffing. Then compare that image
through a computer system with a mask of how that part of the bottle should look. If there is a
difference between the image and the mask the bottle is rejected.
Foreign bottle detection unit with P.E sensor;
Detection of over height and under height containers as well as broken and fallen-over

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 The two P.E. sensors located above each other detect the container height. If a container
is detected as being over height or under height, depending on the machine design, it will
be rejected, or the machine will be stopped.
 In addition, the ensuing P.E. sensors check whether there is a broken or fallen-over
Mouth inspection: - Checks the neck finish of containers with crowns for contamination, rust
deposits, Cracks, and chipping positions through passage station.
Side wall inspection (1 and 2):- It is concerned with detecting dirty on the side of the bottle,
labeler which may be inside or outside of the bottle or foreign objects such as pens or straws.
Method of operation: The side wall is inspected in two modules. One is located at the in feed
and one at the discharge using an LED panel light, the container wall is illuminated from top to
bottom by projecting light through it. One CCD camera per module is used for inspection. Using
special optical components, each camera produces a three-view image of the container. A single
complete image of the container's side wall is then produced by the image processing system.
The image data are then analyzed. Rotating the containers in the through passage station allows
gapless all-around inspection.
Residual liquid inspection: - It sometimes occurs in the bottle washer that a foreign object such
as a label, allow caustic to enter the bottle but prevent the caustic from completely draining out
when the bottle is inverted.
Method of operation:
The container passes through the high-frequency measuring station. The antenna with the HF
receiver measures the different conductivity levels of the different media in the containers. More
energy reaches the antenna when there is liquid in the container, so a higher signal is sent to the
receiver. If the analyzed signal exceeds the set threshold value, a signal will be transmitted to the
rejection system.
IR Residual liquid inspection: - The receiver measures the amount of incoming infrared light.
Liquids absorb more infrared light than glass or plastic. If there is liquid in the container, then no
infrared light or only a small quantity will reach the receiver.
Contour, Height, and Color Detection with Camera: - Position: Stand-alone module on the
conveyor ahead of the machine in feed.

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Method of operation
Using an LED panel light, the container wall is illuminated by projecting light through it. The
contour and the height of the container are captured and inspected by a CCD camera. In addition,
the color of the containers can also be checked. The measured color value of the container is then
compared with a set-point.
Base Inspection: - Detection of contaminants, damage, and foreign objects on the container base
as well as stress cracks in returnable PET containers. Using additional filter sets, also pieces of
film or glass fragments can be detected in glass containers.
UV Coating Detection with Sensor: -Detects transparent glass containers with and without UV
protection position at the conveyor belt ahead of the machine in feed.
EBI has 3 pushers
1. Pusher 1 used to reject not similar bottle (foreign bottle)
2. Pusher 2 used to push broken bottle at different side
3. Pusher 3 used to push not clean bottle and liquid containing bottle in to bottle washer
Crowner Machine
Crowner is a bottle closing machine which is built in to the same block as the filler and they are
equipped with servo motor drive to ensure synchronous operation. The bottles are closed with
crown cork. The crown cork passes on a magnetic conveyor band, a slide conveying device in to
the storage hopper of the bottle closer and is there brought into the correct orientation by sorting
device. The closing element is lowered by the curved track on to the bottle until the crown cork
rests on the bottle mouth. Then the spring forces the closure on to the bottle and closing cone
force it down. It is used to close full bottle. It has 18 cork head to cork the bottle its speed is very
fast relatively filler machine, because filler machine can fill 120 bottles per cycle but cork
machine can cork bottles per one cycle 18.

Figure 20 crowner machine

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1. Sorter
2. Cap feed unit
3. Twist tube
4. Cap chute
5. Transfer plate
6. Container plates
7. Centre star wheel
8. Neck star wheel
9. Capping heads
10. Gears of the height adjustment
Full Bottle Inspection
It has sensor this sensor send message for cheek mate, this cheek mate used to cheek under fill,
over fill of bottle and also cheek uncork bottle if it present. Next to that cheek mate send
message to pusher sensor then pusher separate under fill, over fill and uncork bottle.
Dryer is used to dry up the bottle which comes from the filler. Dryer remove moisture from the
bottle by flashing dry air on to the bottle to suit the bottle for labeling.
5. Labeler Machine
Labeling is tagging label on the bottle for the purpose of decoration and for displaying
information about the beer to the users. The information may include the product name, alcoholic
content, and the input material of labeler machine
1. Glue
2. Labels
3. Packed bottle beer

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Figure 21 Labeler Machine

Labeling machine features
 Labeling type: - kroners Topomatic labeling machine
 Container table diameter 1,800mm
 Capacity: - Maximum machine output is 49,500 containers per hour
 Variant 1: - up to three labeling stations, each capable of attaching one label (may be
neck or body)
 Variant 2: - up to three labeling stations with motorized height adjustment, each capable
of attaching one label.
 Automatic label -magazine loading Optimum brushing-on section on the large container
table Laser jet printing (printing of production time and best before)
Benefits of the machine
 High labeling precision
 Low glue conception
 High performance
 Hygiene
 User friendliness
 Time saving
 Stable value
 Flexible for the future
Components of labeling machine
 In feed worm
 In feed star wheel

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 Labeling stations (magazine)

 Container table
 Discharge star wheel
 Control cabinet
 Cold glue labeling station
 Machine table and drive
 Center guide
Date coder
It is small machine used to print the manufacturing date and expiring date of the beer date coding
works with ether video jet or laser jet Dashen currently use video jet from safety aspect. The
bottle must keep codes readable for a longer period of time. This means codes must remain
readable even on a bottle that has been handled and stored for a long period of time.
6. Packer
Packer is modern and versatile packing robotic machine, with various gripper head system allow
to pack and unpack various containers in to plastic boxes. This packer machine is used to for
glass bottles gripper head system. Packer machine is used to place filled glass bottles in plastic
create. Thus this packer machine runs from 5 to 6 (currently 5.5) bars pressure and there are two
packer machine line with a working capacity of 54,000 bottles/ hr. system controlled by plc.
Palletizer is a robotic machine which is work by electro pneumatic system. Mainly used in
packed production factory to reduce down time, maintaining high efficiency, improve quality of
finished product, assure customers full satisfaction. Palletizer is a machine which provides
automatic means for stacking cases of goods or products on to a pallet. Modern palletizer are
equipped with such parameters speed, clamping force, ensure dynamic, secure and careful
products handling. Thus this palletizes and de palletizes machine runs from 5.5 to 6bars pressure
and a working capacity of 65,500 per hours.
7. Palletizer
Palletizer is a robotic machine which is work by electro pneumatic system. Mainly used in
packed production factory to reduce down time, maintaining high efficiency, improve quality of
finished product, assure customers full satisfaction. Palletizer is a machine which provides
automatic means for stacking cases of goods or products (bottled beer) on to a pallet. The
Palletizer is designed to automatically palletize a layer of 10 crates to the pallets until the layer is

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6 and goes through the discharge of the pallet conveyor and loaded by forklift. In the dashen
brewery this machine named as Krones Modlupal which is the same as the depalletizer machine.
Both palletizer and de-palletizer have same capacity of 65500 bottles per hour or 2730 crate per
Main parts of the palletizer machine
1. In feed conveyor; this will accept the crate from packer which is going to be palletized.
2. Pusher; this will push the crate in the order of 3, 3, and 4 crates at a time to the grouping
3. Grouping station; in this area the crate that are pushed by the pusher is grouped together
in order to make one layer.
4. Gripper system; the gripper system is equipped with pneumatic grip bars that are
arranged on four sides, and is designed to pick up a pack layer. For palletizer, the gripper
system has 10 pneumatic pistons that are because the load of the layer is high, but in the
depalletizer only two pistons are used because the load is simple since it contains crates
with empty bottle.
Method of operation
The pack layer is transferred from the grouping system level to the palletizing station by means
of the gripper system. When the first pack layer is placed on the pallet, the gripper system is
positioned with the help of a sensing movement. The gripper system moves down until it is a
short distance above the pallet, and then slowly approaches the pallet with the help of a retro-
reflective P.E. sensor. The retro reflective P.E. sensor is mounted on the lead machine. When the
pack layer contacts the pallet, the grip bars and the gripper hooks (optional) are opened. The
position for depositing all the other pack layers is calculated by the controller.
Keg packaging
External Washer: before external washer the keg is turned upside down. The keg is set on the
roll conveyer. If is first rinsed with water, then washed with concentrated caustic and last it is
washed with hot water.
Pre cleaning: cleaning the keg before internal washing period for supporting internal washer.
Internal Washer and filler: internal surface of keg washed by hot water, caustic and acid
(disinfection). Before filling internal part of the keg is washed with hot water then dried with

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steam. After this sterilization of keg by pressurized carbon dioxide fill the keg. After filling the
keg turned back to its position.
Weighing belt: the keg is then weighed to check for under fill (30 L). It should be 40kg.

BBT Keg External Kag Pre cleaning

packaging washer

Weighting belt Internal washer and

filler of keg
Figure 22 keg machine flow diagram
CIP in this session
Chemicals used in this session are
 Acid
 Hot water
 Cold water
 Caustic
 Mixed
1. cold water pre rinsing
2. cold water draining
3. caustic circuit period
4. caustic return purging
5. Hot water interline
6. hot water draining
7. Acid circuit period
8. acid return purging
9. hot water circuit period
10. beer pipe cools down period

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Figure 23 keg filler section

Common features of all packaging machines:-There are many components which found in all
machines in this room. But the most common and not described in the above are HMI, control
panel (MCC), indicator lamp.
HMI: it stands for human machine interface which is used for the operator in order control the
entire machine. It also shows what the internal machine will look like. in each machine there is
an operator panel board (HMI) which enables the manipulate the machine.
Control cabinet:-It is a cabinet which contains electrical components to the motor and
equipments through electrical connection by using cables. These cables are used for the
interconnection. Two cables are used these are power cable and control cable.
Power cable: - used to connect the motor to panel component and panel to main supply. control
cable :-used to connect the control circuit.
Electrical components of control cabinet
 Bus bar: - incoming power is connected to bus bar and distributed from bus bar. it is
normally made by aluminum.
 Miniature circuit breaker:- MCB is a protecting device used before the feeder. This is
selected according to the capacity of the feeder.
 Over load relay:-It is used for the protection of motor from the over load. It senses the
load current and trips if it exceeds the limit. Current limit has to be set manually and
should be 80% of the full load current.
 Contractor:-It is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an electrical power
circuits. It has a much lower power level than the switched circuits, such as 24v coil
electromagnet controlling a 230v motor switch.

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 Programmable logic controller:-it is an industrial digital computer which is adapted for

the control of manufacturing processes such as assembly line , robotic devices or any
activity that requires high reliability control and ease of programming and process fault
diagnosis. There are many PLC modules from those in this brewery company Siemens
PLC module is widely used.

Figure 24 PLC module

 Input out Put module: - this module is very important when we have a process which
has more input and output because the PLC has small number of input port all the input
from the process will not be directly connected to the PLC so that they first grouped and
they will have a group address. Then this grouped input (sensor) is connected to the input
card (module). The PLC will access each input first by their group address and their
respective address given in the code.
 Rectifier: - This is a circuit that converts the AC power to DC. Because a DC power is
needed for activating the PLC, sensor and the contactor. We have seen that a 3 phase
rectifier is installed in the most control cabinet of this brewery company.
 Variable Frequency drive (Danfoss type):- it is a type of adjustable speed drive used
in electro-mechanical drive system to control AC motor speed and torque by varying
motor input frequency and voltage. This drive receives a 3phase AC supply and it will
rectify the AC power to the DC then through the inverter it will convert the DC to the
adjustable frequency AC power. In this brewery we see that danfoss type is used to drive
the 3phase induction motor. Using this drive gives the motor a long live and good
protection of them.
 Automation PC:-This is a special type of pc in which all operating system of the system
is comprised under this pc.

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Figure 25 Control cabinet

Indicator light

This is a light which are commonly used equipment in industrial manufacturing and process
control environment to provide visual indicator of a machine state or process events to machine
operator, technicians, production manager and factory personnel. Most of the time this light is
made from the LED and incandescent lamp.

Figure 26 Indicator light

 Red light: - indicates failure condition such as an emergency stopper machine fault.
 Yellow light:- Warning such as over temperature and over pressure condition
 Blue: - External help request where an operator might be requested raw material,
maintenance personnel assistance.
 Green: - Normal machine or process operation.
Packaging engineering
This is one of the engineering team which includes Maintenance planner, Mechanical supervisor,
and Electrical supervisor and Automation engineer. Mechanical supervisor includes the machine
specialist and shift mechanics. The electrical supervisor has the responsibility to control all
electrical artesian (shift electrician) it also solve the problem which is not handled by the
artesian. The automation engineer is responsible for the entire automations of the packaging
Maintenance planner
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Maintenance means the act of maintaining, the state of being maintained, care or upkeep of
machinery, the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, the process of
keeping something in good condition and the work of keeping something in proper condition. In
the packaging department maintenance is the main issue to.
 Maximize performance of production equipment efficiently and regularly.
 Prevent breakdown or failures
 Minimize production loss from failure
 Increase reliability of the operating systems
There are 3 main types of maintenance
1. Preventive maintenance
2. Corrective maintenance
3. Breakdown maintenance
 Preventive maintenance:-It is a daily maintenance (cleaning, inspection, tightening and
lubrication) design to retain the health condition of equipment and prevent failure through
the prevention of deterioration. Periodic inspections or equipment condition diagnosis, to
measure deterioration. It is further divided in to periodic and predictive maintenance.
 Corrective maintenance: - It improves equipment and its components so that preventive
maintenance can be carried out reliably. Equipment with design weakness must be re
designed to improve reliability or improving maintainability.
 Breakdown maintenance: - It means people are waiting until equipment fails and repair
it. Such a thing could be used when the equipment failure does not significantly affect the
operation or production or generate any significant loss other than repair costs.
2.4 The section of the company we have been working
There are 3 rooms each room have their section so we have been working the follow section.
1. Brew house room that consist of section;
 Brew house
 Wort cooling
 Yeast propagation
 Fermentation
 Filtration
 Pasteurization

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2. Packaging room that consist of section;

 De palletizer
 Un packer
 Washer[bottle and crate washer]
 Filler
 Labler
 Packer
 Palletizes
3 .Utility room consist of section
 Water treatment
 Waste water treatment
 Co2 recovery
 Air compressor
 Refrigeration
 Boiler room
2.5 Procedures we have been using while performing our tasks
The Company has its own routine to perform the maintenance activity. However, in order to
improve our problem solving skills we used the following procedures while performing o u r task
.  Reading maintenance history of the machine
 In order to have hints about how and what is exactly happened on the machine, we read
and ask the duty engineer before we tried to engage in the task
Reading the Manual and electrical drawing of that machine
In order to understand and verify the standard operation of the machine we read the
manual of the machine.
Inspecting the machine by visual inspection
By inspecting the machine while it is performing its task we try to identify the problems
that cause the malfunction of the machine.
Root cause Analysis
By observing the effect or the problem of the machine we tried to list the causes that creat
the problem and identifying the root causes of the problem.
Discussing with colleagues

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In order to have common understanding on the problems we discussed with o u r colleagues

and collect Information that we didn‟t encounter while solving the machine.
Reading the blueprint of the machine
In order to assist the disassembly of the machine, we read the blueprint of the machine
and update o u r information about the machine.
Assisting the Disassembly of the machine
After finding the problem we assist and participate during disassembly of the machine.
Inspecting the machine component
Cleaning the machine component
Together with daily labor and colleagues we clean the machine components that are used again
Assisting the Assembly the machine
After replacing worn-out components we assist and assembly the machine
according the drawing.
Adjusting the machine
After assembling of the machine we adjust the machine with colleagues to insure that the
machine is operated according to its desired task.
2.6 Challenges faced

The first challenge was the perspectives of the management staffs about the internship
students and because of this they didn‟t allowed me to enter in to the filling and packaging
section during weekly maintenance day for the first three weeks, and most of the time they
didn‟t allowed us to practice how operates the machines rather than observing. The other
challenge was there were many intern students in the company and it was difficult to get a
particular task for an individual.
2.7 Measures Taken to overcome the Challenges
In order overcome the challenge we follow the following measures and finally we develop trust
and a good relationship with workers and management staffs.
 By working hardly beyond the specified working time.
 By doing every task even if it is not concerned me.
 Giving positive suggestion and friendly commenting the tasks.

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The internship period has been the most educational and challenging time for us. We have realized how well
we have understood the literature, theories, and formulas covered in our previous courses. However, when it
comes to the real world, it was difficult to assess our own competence. It is understandable that, alongside
theoretical knowledge, practical experience is crucial in the real world. Familiarity with the workflow is
essential for understanding our role effectively and making competent decisions.
During our internship, we have gained valuable benefits. These benefits are discussed below.
3.1 Theoretical and Practical Skill
When w e first started on the company everything was new for us . It was really fascinating and
inspiring to see and experience the lessons we have been learning for the past five years. As it
‟s commonly practiced, most of the courses we took in class dealt with the theoretical side
of it. ispent most of our time with the Dashen brewery electricians to develop
our practical skills, theoretical skills, working procedures, proper use of materials and
identifying the right materialfor the right purpose. This internship program provided us
with the opportunity to expand our horizon, broadening our intellectual knowledge and gives a
chance to improve our theoreticaland practical knowledge from this grateful experience.
Therefore, we gained the following essential things. Understanding of different electronic
devices working principle and interconnection understand how to control and distribute
huge power system in industry Able to apply our basic electrical knowledge to the solution
of more advanced electrical engineering problems. Familiar and understand about the
programming logic controller (PLC) architecture, Reading electrical drawing which is very
essential when one electrical component is failed it must be checked through its
wiring diagram. So, reading electrical wiring diagram is veryessential for
an electrical engineer.
3.2 Team playing skills

Teamwork is also a very important interpersonal skill to have in workplace. All the company
workers collaborate with each other and share ideas with them to come to a common goal. This
skill was developed easily and rapidly. It begins when we was in campus. Some assignments given

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were done in groups. This helps to handle different characters of the persons we worked with.
The reason behind this is our work tasks did not allow communicating with colleagues only, but
also co-operated us with the persons we worked with. Even each work task was done and
completed as a team. In the work that we have been engaged, we had to communicate and
work with the Engineers, electricians and the operator moreover we communicate
with all the office organizational structure directly or indirectly. we understand that for the
proper functioning of a team, each member should have:
a) Good communication skill
b) Self-confidence
we also deeply understand that listening, cooperating with people in our
workplace, communicating our thoughts and feelings and it also means w e can come to
solutions on problems and also increase productivity of the company. Teamwork basically knows
us is not the onlyone at our workplace and that other people have ideas, knowledge and
feelings too and we all are working toward the same common outcome. Teamwork means
knowing that even though some people might be different than us it is still possible to make a
common goal happen by setting those differences aside. we should be able to express our
own opinions in a thoughtful and specific manner and also be able to listen to others and share
ideas to help one another. Teamwork is veryimportant to any workplace because there would be
no workplace if we did not have teamwork and everyone working together. Everyone has their
own unique role, but each person‟s individualrole must be recognized and appreciated.
3.3 Interpersonal communication skills
Participants in all activities of our workplace (in Dashen Brewery) process of maintenance and
control system, specialized knowledge can be very beneficial, particularly in large and
complicated problems, since engineers in various specialties can provide valuable services.
Asking is a vital part of understanding, regarding to this communicating with every staff member
is unavoidable. we have been asking and working with different people who had different levels
of skills and expectations. When we was working in a large and complex problems coming
across associates, that have different duties and expectations, is unavoidable. So in order to
perform anyactivity one should communicate wisely and effectively. Development
of effective communications and mechanisms for resolving conflicts among the various
participants will be handy. Even within a single profession such an electrical engineering,
there are quite distinct
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groups of specialties in maintenance, control system, automation and other subspecialties. Good
communication and coordination among these participants is essential to accomplish the overall
goals of the task. The fundamental challenge is to enhance communications among individuals,
groups and company so that obstacles in the way of improving interpersonal relations may be
removed. It was challenging to be liberated enough to ask questions and observe the practical
part of the process. But after few weeks‟ environment was familiar and w e work hard in
our communication capability. we believe that going into a new working environment would
not be difficult after this experience: Every day we were connecting with specific working
class. This improves understanding the thinking of the peoples around us. And finally we were
the one who communicate with everyone in the company even with the office staffs. This was
one of the mainthings that helped us to improve our theoretical and practical skills.
3.4 Leadership skills
Being as an intern students,we have experienced leadership skills. A leader is a person who has
strong principles, courage, and dedication to a clear vision. A person who is in the position
Leadership seeks optimal solution to problems and should be smart enough to manage those
individual whom he/she is leading and must possess leadership quality and ability to handle
interpersonal relationships effectively within a company to increase productivity. During our
internship period, we have understood and developed the following leadership techniques:
 we have seen how each worker is control and organized to perform its day to day
activities. Among all other managements we have understood that human resource
management is the most important one.
 w e have actually observed the method of controlling; the working time and amount of
work done by each worker so that the work proceeds according to the work plan.
 For effective leadership we understood that personal values like confidence, effective
communication and devotion are very important.
 we understood that Leadership is a skill to guide, control and monitor peoples. Finally,
what we grasp is becoming a leader is not easy because it takes a conscious
commitment and consistent effort to develop one‟s leadership skills. But on the positive
side, anyone who is willing to make the effort can become good leader.

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3.5 Work Ethics

 w e strictly followed rule and regulation of the factory
 w e were availing ourselves on time
 w e gave all cares for the staff while communicating
 Handling all equipment‟s in right way not to damage the nature of the equipment‟s and
miss-management of resources.

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Every companies and organizations have some variety of problems and challenges in different
aspects while struggling to be productive. but it is difficult to find problem in dashen brewery
since it is fully automated and recently built company, In doing so we have identified
some problem.
4.1 problem identification
In o u r internship period we try to identified some problem in dashen brewery share company.
 Lack of automatic dosing of anti scalant and oxygen scaravant
 Lack of automatic detection of liquefied petroleum gas in boiler room
 failure of motor due to varies reason
4.2 proposed solution
It is difficult to solve all these identified problems of the factory at same time. due to this reason
w e a r e forced to propose a solution on “Arduino micro controller based liquefied
petroleum gas detection alert system via sms” .
4.3 Arduino microcontroller based liquefied petroleum gas leakage alert
system via sms
4.3.1 Background
In human‟s daily life, environment gives the most significant impact to their health
issues.therefore,environment and industry air quality issues are critically discussed to increase
the awareness and responsibility regarding the threat on the environment towards public and
workers health. Most of dangerous gas such as carbon monoxides (co), refrigerant gas and
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are colorless and odorless compound that are produced by
incomplete combustion. Therefore, gas detector device is needed in order to inform the safety
situation continuously. Carbon monoxide, often referred to as a “silent killer” is an injurious gas
and its prolonged exposure to living being can lead to brain damage and even death. The
harmfulness of CO on both, the concentration of the gas and exposure time thus, a small
concentration of the CO when exposed for a long period of time can be fatal just like a large
concentration of CO for a small period of time. Fires are most common source of CO [1].in

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smaller concentration (e.g. 100ppm) it may cause a headache and dizziness after a couple hours
of exposure. Higher concentration of (3200ppm) may cause headache and dizziness after 5-10
min and death within 30 min. very high concentration (12800ppm) cause unconscious after a
couple of breaths, following by death in less than 3 min.[2]the indoor dangerous source are leak
source of CO,CO 2 and CH4 ,which may be gas tank or the fire site. The essential gas of coal gas
is CO and alkane gas. The burning of chemical material or decorative material will emanate CO,
CO2 and alkane gas. The danger of these gas arising is from two aspects, one is the toxicity of
these gases themselves, the other side is that the accumulation of this gas will easy be ignited.
The position of gas tank or pipeline is usually fixed, so it is easy to inspect, yet the fire site is
random, and it will be difficult for inspection. [3] The danger of the CO gas is the same as the
LPG and other dangerous gas in the environment. Gas detector is detecting device. it only detect
if there is a gas leakage or the leaking concentration.
This is what is running situation in our day to day life, a thought of finding some solution to this
problem come up with this idea of giving the alert about gas leakage as soon as possible so, a
thought from taking responsibility of society and factory worker came our project ”Arduino
microcontroller based gas leakage alert system via sms”.
4.3.2 Statement of problem
Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is a highly flammable chemical that consists of mixtures of propane
and butane.LPG is used for cooking at home, restaurant, and certain use for industry. They have
certain weaknesses that make the gas leakage occur. the leakage only can be detected by human
nearby and if there are no human nearby, it cannot be detected. but sometimes it cannot be
detected by human that has a low sense of smell. Thus, this system will help to detect the
presence of gas leakage furthermore, gas leakage can cause fire that will lead to serious injury or
death and it also can destroy human property.
4.3.3 Literature review
Oyedeko K.F.K. [2], proposed a model using MATLAB software programming to study
the transient flow analysis within the various pipeline. The mathematical equations are used for
the measurement of pressure, flow and temperature for both upstream and downstream ends in
the system to detect the leakage. The simulation and testing of a proposed model provides
satisfactory results by blowing an alarm system with the SCADA network for online monitoring

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of the pipeline. The efficacy of the model is greatly affected by the performance of the observer,
Zhao Yang [3], has developed a leakage detection model using three conservation law in
hydromechanics and the state equation for the study of transient simulation model and volume
based model. Parameters such as pressure, flow and temperature are used in the model for
observation and are acquired through SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
system. Experiment were carried using the various factors which influencing the leakage
position. The test result from the experiment concludes that the leakage and outlet presence are
more important parameters compared to the coefficient of frictional resistance and pipeline
diameter. The more leakage increases, the closer leakage point approaches pipeline outlet.
Leakage location is closer to outlet when pipe-line outlet pressure becomes bigger.
Eungyeong Kim [4], developed a new neural genetic classification algorithm (NGCA)
performs better than the genetic algorithm (GA) and artificial neural network (ANN)and
implemented experimentally to for accurately recognizing the odor using pattern recognition in
order to enhance the selectivity of gas sensor arrays. The proposed system can enhance the
reproducibility, reliability, and selectivity of odour sensor output, so it is expected to be
applicable to diverse environmental problems including air pollution, and monitor the air quality
of clean-air required buildings such as a kindergartens and hospitals.V. [5], has developed a system for detection of gas leakage incorporated with the
tripping mechanism of main power supply to avoid any explosion due to it. The developed
system used transmitter and receiver module interfaced with the microcontroller programming.
The developed system has implemented and tested to conclude that the working of the system
depends upon the concentration of gas present in the system. As the concentration level of the
gas reaches to the threshold, the main power line gets shut-off and the alarm sounds loudly.
Jitendra Sharma [6], proposed a system that senses the gas leakage through gas sensor and
sends the signal through microprocessor to the relay. After the gas leakage has exceeded the
threshold value, the relay sends a signal to trip the power to prevent accident.
4.3.4 Objective of the project General objective
To design and simulate Arduino microcontroller based liquefied petroleum gas leakage alert
system via sms.

Electrical and computer Engineering (control stream) Page 68

Intern final report 2023 Specific objective

 To design SMS centered Alert method send SMS alert missives to restrict
mobile number enter inside the Arduino program
 To design a project that will fabricate a sound alarm during gas outflow and
rest the alarm once gas outflow is regulated
 show status in an LCD using a 16×2 LCD component and to rest the gas supply
using Solenoid controller
 To Displaying gas outflow status that signifies if the gas is in normal stage or
4.3.5 Scope of the project
The main scope of the project is developing Arduino microcontroller based gas leakage alert
system via sms. the entire system is based on the interface of different hardware such as Arduino
microcontroller as a controller ,GSM modem that make the system efficient and user friendly.
And also the scope of this project had been performed in order to achieve the objective of this
 Design and simulation of liquefied petroleum gas leakage detector controlled by Arduino
Uno using MQ-6 gas sensor to detect the presence of gas leakage to give real time
response we use GSM module.
This system can be implemented in residual area, in different industries and restaurant. Besides
that, this system also exposes to the community about the important of LPG leakage detector to
be used because it can help to avoid any dangers of gas leakage that not only can give effect to
the user but to the other person too.
4.3.6 Significant of the project
These project solves many problem in different area especially in large and small manufacturing
companies and also this project is very useful in day to day life :-
 Adds extra safety for personal .
 It makes your remote place secure from GAS leakage by taking proper action when we
get alert.
 To ensure adequate security for households, offices and industries.

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4.3.7 Limitation of the study

The device has become a bit costly then its low valued counterparts as emphasis were given on
providing safety by detecting as many gases as possible. As a result the device has become
bigger in size. On the other hand, for different industries, some other kinds of gases may be
used leaked which will require additional gas sensors to detect leakages. However, the design
can act as a backbone for all these optimizations which are application specific.
4.3.8 Methodology and material used Methodology
The idea of this project is conducted through a study of the literature with a focus on the single
units of the systems and their integration. This project is aimed at taking into consideration
technology appropriateness, cost, impact on environment, and etc.
In designing this system different hardware and software component is used .The hard wares are
Arduino microcontroller, gas sensor(MQ-6), liquid crystal display (LCD), GSM modem, LED,
buzzer and battery(power source). These hard ware components are connected together as
designing point of view to give proposed result. The software part used are proteus professional
7 and arduino software for the overall controlling purpose. The generalized methodology used in
this project is shown by flow chart.

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Concept generation

System design


Fig methodology used in project Evaluating

Figure 27 Methodology System block diagram
This concept describes how the system is designed with appropriate components so that it can
function as desired. While designing the Arduino microcontroller based gas leakage alert system
via sms, selection of appropriate element whether hard ware or software, is required to achieve
required set point. This system is mainly composed of an Arduino Micro controller, LED, LCD,
power supply and BUZZER as shown on designed system block diagram.

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Power supply





Figure 28 System block diagram of proposed system Material used
The system block diagram is a simple schematic connection of component making up the
system. Each of components in the system block diagram is composed of either a single or many
electrical components to make system meet specific requirement as described below.

Figure 29 Arduino uno pin description

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2,Power (Barrel Jack)

Arduino boards can be powered directly from the AC mains power supply by connecting it to the
Barrel Jack (2).

3,Voltage Regulator
The function of the voltage regulator is to control the voltage given to the Arduino board and
stabilize the DC voltages used by the processor and other elements.

4. Crystal Oscillator
The crystal oscillator helps Arduino in dealing with time issues. How does Arduino calculate
time? The answer is, by using the crystal oscillator. The number printed on top of the Arduino
crystal is 16.000H9H. It tells us that the frequency is 16,000,000 Hertz or 16 MHz
5.17 Arduino Reset
You can reset your Arduino board, i.e., starts your program from the beginning. You can reset
the UNO board in two ways. First, by using the reset button (17) on the board. Second, you can
connect an external reset button to the Arduino pin labeled RESET (5).

Pins (3.3, 5, GND, Vin)\

6,7,8AND 9
 3.3V (6) − Supply 3.3 output volt
 5V (7) − Supply 5 output volt
 Most of the components used with Arduino board works fine with 3.3 volt and 5 volt.
 GND (8)(Ground) − There are several GND pins on the Arduino, any of which can be
used to ground your circuit.
 VIN (9) − this pin also can be used to power the Arduino board from an external power
source, like AC mains power supply.

10,Analog pins
The Arduino UNO board has six analog input pins A0 through A5. These pins can read the
signal from an analog sensor like the humidity sensor or temperature sensor and convert it into a
digital value that can be read by the microprocessor.
11,Main microcontroller
Each Arduino board has its own microcontroller (11). You can assume it as the brain of your

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board. The main IC (integrated circuit) on the Arduino is slightly different from board to board.
The microcontrollers are usually of the ATMEL Company. You must know what IC your board
has before loading up a new program from the Arduino IDE. This information is available on the
top of the IC. For more details about the IC construction and functions, you can refer to the data
12,ICSP pin
Mostly, ICSP (12) is an AVR, a tiny programming header for the Arduino consisting of MOSI,
MISO, SCK, RESET, VCC, and GND. It is often referred to as an SPI (Serial Peripheral
Interface), which could be considered as an "expansion" of the output. Actually, you are slaving
the output device to the master of the SPI bus.
13,Power LED indicator
This LED should light up when you plug your Arduino into a power source to indicate that your
board is powered up correctly. If this light does not turn on, then there is something wrong with
the connection.

14,TX and RX LEDs

On your board, you will find two labels: TX (transmit) and RX (receive). They appear in two
places on the Arduino UNO board. First, at the digital pins 0 and 1, to indicate the pins
responsible for serial communication. Second, the TX and RX led (13). The TX led flashes with
different speed while sending the serial data. The speed of flashing depends on the baud rate
used by the board. RX flashes during the receiving process.
15,Digital I/O
The Arduino UNO board has 14 digital I/O pins (15) (of which 6 provide PWM (Pulse Width
Modulation) output. These pins can be configured to work as input digital pins to read logic
values (0 or 1) or as digital output pins to drive different modules like LEDs, relays, etc. The
pins labeled “~” can be used to generate PWM.
AREF stands for Analog Reference. It is sometimes, used to set an external reference voltage
(between 0 and 5 Volts) as the upper limit for the analog input pins.
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is an electronic display system. A 16x2 LCD display is a very

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basic system and commonly used in various devices and has 16 column and 2 rows a
lot of combination occurred like 8*1, 8*2, 10*2, 16*1…. But the most used one is 16*2 LCD so
we use it here LCD‟s are preferred over seven segments and other multi segment LEDs. The
advantages of LCDs are as follows;
 LCDs Very compact, light and economical.
 They are easily programmable.
 A number of characters can be displayed.
 Low power consumption.

figure 30 liquid crystal display

Introduction to Gas Sensor
A gas sensor is a device which detects the presence or concentration of gases in the atmosphere.
Based on the concentration of the gas the sensor produces a corresponding potential difference
by changing the resistance of the material inside the sensor, which can be measured as output
voltage. Based on this voltage value the type and concentration of the gas can be estimated. The
type of gas the sensor could detect depends on the sensing material present inside the sensor.
Normally these sensors are available as modules with comparators as shown above. These
comparators can be set for a particular threshold value of gas concentration. When the
concentration of the gas exceeds this threshold the digital pin goes high. The analog pin can be
used to measure the concentration of the gas.

figure 31 MQ-6 gas sensor

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Different Types of Gas sensors

Gas sensors are typically classified into various types based on the type of the sensing element it
is built with. Below is the classification of the various types of gas sensors based on the sensing
element that are generally used in various applications:
 Metal Oxide based gas Sensor.
 Optical gas Sensor.
 Electrochemical gas Sensor.
 Capacitance-based gas Sensor.
 Calorimetric gas Sensor.
 Acoustic based gas Sensor
Gas Sensor Construction
Of all the above-listed types, the most commonly used gas sensor is the Metal oxide
semiconductor based gas sensor. All Gas sensors will consist of a sensing element which
comprises of the following parts.
1. Gas sensing layer
2. Heater Coil
3. Electrode line
4. Tubular ceramic
5. Electrode

figure 32 Gas sensor construction

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The purpose of each of these elements is as below:

Gas sensing layer: It is the main component in the sensor which can be used to sense the
variation in the concentration of the gases and generate the change in electrical resistance. The
gas sensing layer is basically a chemiresistor which changes its resistance value based on the
The concentration of particular gas in the environment here the sensing element is made up of a
Tin Dioxide (SnO 2 ) which is, in general, has excess electrons (donor element). So whenever
toxic gases are being detected the resistance of the element changes and the current flown
through it varies which represents the change in concentration of the gases.
Heater coil: The purpose of the heater coil is to burn-in the sensing element so that the
sensitivity and efficiency of the sensing element increases. It is made of Nickel-Chromium which
has a high melting point so that it can stay heated up without getting melted.
Electrode line: As the sensing element produces a very small current when the gas is detected it
is more important to maintain the efficiency of carrying those small currents. So Platinum wires
come into play where it helps in moving the electrons efficiently.
Electrode: It is a junction where the output of the sensing layer is connected to the Electrode
line so that the output current can flow to the required terminal. An electrode here is made of
Gold (Au –Aurum) which is a very good conductor.
Tubular ceramic: In between the Heater coil and Gas sensing layer, the tubular ceramic exists
which is made of Aluminum oxide (Al2 O3 ). As it has high melting point, it helps in maintaining
the burn-in (preheating) of the sensing layer which gives the high sensitivity for the sensing layer
to get efficient output current.
Mesh over the sensing element: In order to protect the sensing elements and the setup, a metal
mesh is used over it, which is also used to avoid/hold the dust particles entering into the mesh
and prevent damaging the gas sensing layer from corrosive particles.
Gas Sensor Working
The ability of a Gas sensor to detect gases depends on the chemiresistor to conduct current. The
most commonly used chemiresistor is Tin Dioxide (SnO 2 ) which is an n-type semiconductor that
has free electrons (also called as donor). Normally the atmosphere will contain more oxygen than
combustible gases. The oxygen particles attract the free electrons present in SnO 2 which pushes
them to the surface of the SnO 2 . As there areno free electrons available output current will be
zero. The below gif shown the oxygen molecules (blue color) attracting the free electrons (black

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color) inside the SnO 2 and preventing it from having free electrons to conduct current.
When the sensor is placed in the toxic or combustible gases environment, this reducing gas
(orange color) reacts with the adsorbed oxygen particles and breaks the chemical bond between
oxygen and free electrons thus releasing the free electrons. As the free electrons are back to its
initial position they can now conduct current, this conduction will be proportional the amount of
free electrons available in SnO2, if the gas is highly toxic more free electrons will be available.It
is a piezoelectric buzzer which has a piezoelectric diaphragm of three terminals which are related
to the self-drive circuits. Using suitable resonant circuits, a large output sound can be obtained.
Such buzzers are used in gas alarms, burglar alarms, etc. In this detector the buzzer gives the
output sound when the LPG gas is detected by the sensor. So the buzzer serves as the audio
output of the detector.

figure 33 :buzzer

Table 2 buzzer pin configuration

Pin Number Pin Name Description
1. Positive Identified by(+) symbol or
longer terminal lead. Can be
powered by 6V DC.
2. Negative Identified by short terminal
lead. Typically connected to
the ground of circuit.

Buzzer Features and Specifications

 Rated Voltage: 6V DC
 Operating Voltage: 4-8V DC
 Rated current: <30mA

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 Sound Type: Continuous Beep

 Resonant Frequency: ~2300 Hz
 Small and neat sealed package
Power supply
Power supply is to convert one form of electrical energy to another and, as a result, power
supplies are sometimes referred to as electric power converters. In the AC/DC power conversion
a rectifier is used to convert the transformer output voltage (AC) to a varying DC voltage, which
in turn is passed through an electronic filter to convert it to an unregulated DC voltage. The filter
removes most, but not all of the AC voltage variations; the remaining voltage variations are
known as ripple to get +5V DC input for the Microcontroller.
Schematic diagram

Step down Bridge Filter

transforme regulator Power supply

figure 34 block diagram of power supply

GSM Modem SIM900D

GSM modem just accepts certain commands through a serial interface and acknowledged .these
commands are called AT commands. There is a list of AT commands to instruct the modem to
perform its functions. Every command starts with “AT” That‟s why they are called as AT

figure 35 GSM modem SIM900D

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Table 3 GSM modem code

The Arduino GSM Shield allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet, make/receive voice
calls and send/receive SMS messages. The shield uses a radio modem M10 by Quectel
(datasheet). It is possible to communicate with the board using AT commands. The GSM library
has a large number of methods for communication with the shield.
4.3.9 System design and simulation System design
The system Arduino micro controller based liquidiefy petroleum gas detector and alert system
was designed using Arduino microcontroller which is commanded by program /code/, it analyzes
the code and gives the required output with reference to the program loaded on it. It is used as
main controller block for equipment that are used for this project. Knowing this the system
design is started from analysis of problem and selection of available technology used to solve the
problem as discussed in methodology. Hence the selected technology is Arduino micro
controller, the designation process start from the general flow chart of the system which put on
ground how the system must have to operate to give proposed solution.
System flow chart
The goal of the project is to develop a smart automatic gas leakage detection system. The system
is designed for homes, offices, in small and large industries etc. In this system, there will be an
alert system for every individual floor. It is designed to detect sudden gas leakage. It will contain
necessary sensors for detecting gas leakage. When the system will detect gas leakage for a room
it will take following steps.
 Scan Gas & Display in LCD
After activation, the device will continuously scan gas and show the result in the LCD

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display. If there is no gas, then the display will show - „No Gas Leaking‟. If there is any
gas found, the display will show - „Gas leaking‟.
 Detection of Gas If there is presence of any gas the display shows „Gas Alert‟.
 Start Alarm
 When the sensor finds any gas leakage in room or where the device is installed, it
immediately sends notification on mobile. There will be an automatic messaging system
which will send SMS to two different cell phone numbers.
 Stop Alarm & Reset If the gas sensor cannot find any gas leakage, then it shows that
there is no gas leaking and keeps on scanning for gas.


Don‟t detect gas detect gas

Gas sensor

“GAS LEAK” mgs
displayed on LCD
displayed on

No sound Buzzer
emitted Sound

No Msg is Msg sent to

sent to saved phone
phone number

figure 36 flow chart of the project

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Working principle of system

The working of any advanced system is mainly dependent on the microcontroller which controls
the entire functioning of the device. In this case the Arduino Uno microcontroller acts like a
conditional switch. It performs two set of action depending upon the condition present. It triggers
the buzzer and the LCD to display the message “Gas Leak” when the leakage of the gas is
detected by the sensor. The other action is to display the message on LCD “No Gas Leak” when
the leakage of the gas is not detected by the sensor. If the sensor detects the presence the gas in
the vicinity the GSM module will send “Gas Leak” message to the relevant contacts. If no gas is
detected by the sensor in the vicinity then the GSM module will not send any messages. GSM
module is included in this device to make the stakeholders aware about the leakage of gas taking
place at their house in their absence so that necessary actions can be implemented immediately to
prevent an accident.

figure 37 simulation of overall system

NB: For simulation purpose we substitute MQ-6 liquefied petroleum gas sensor with
potentiometer in order to vary the value from high threshold value to low threshold value. And
to notice the sound clearly we use speaker instead of buzzer.

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authorized person we use virtual terminal but in implementation we used operator phone or
person that are working in that area.

Case-1, when the sensor senses low amount the LCD display “No gas leak”. And also the
buzzer not emitting a sound. then GSM module also don‟t send message to authorized person.

figure 38 simulation result without gas leakage

Case-2 when the sensor senses high amount ,then “gas leak “ is displayed on the LCD and
immediately the buzzer emitted sound and also GSM module sends message about the condition
to the authorizer person of given phone number.

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Figure 39 simulation result with gas leakage

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5.1 Conclusion
Dashen Brewery Share Company used to produce the qualified beer through modernized plant
with a series of process being unique for production of hangover free beer. The company plant
selected Debre Birhan town for its convenient, continuous spring water source. Dashen brewery
share company design is conducted to study the general production process starting from the raw
materials of malt, hop, yeast, and water and need chemicals, packaging, and utility. The input
malt is tested its starch content in laboratory and through a lot of treatment for removal of the
impurities of the malt for easily crushing and avoiding clogging of pipes and other processes
tends to the hammer miller for preparation of the milled malt for mashing tun in order to activate
the enzyme with the optimum temperature, pH and contact time for easily producing the extract.
The mash filters separate the wort and the spent grain and able to transport the holding tank and
formation tank for colorization, terminating enzyme activity and avoiding the unwanted
materials by the wort boiling and the boiled wort could be clarified and settled. The plate heat
exchanger able to cool the wort for suitable temperature of the yeast. After the yeast is pitched
for the fermentation for process, producing the alcohol and carbon dioxide. Then the fermented
beer is able to filtrate the yeast with the help of filter aids.The prepared beer goes to the bright
beer tank for some time in order of storage and the packaging room accepts this beer from the
brew house. The beer is filled after flash pasteurized a long time for increasing the shelf time.
Finally, the beer is labeled and able to transport to the storage house.
Debre Birhan Dashen brewery has three main levels of excellence, these are;-
 It uses the latest and high cost technology machine.
 It uses malt caramel, not sugar addition.
 It uses three times filter (BMF, SF, and PVPP)
Gas leakage detection system is commonly use in home, commercial and industrial sectors and
high raised buildings also. In this system, we have described a new approach for gas leakage
detection system atlow concentration. The leakage is detected with the help of gas sensors. It

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also sends notification SMS to the users which can alert the users that there is gas leakage in the
floor. In the other view of point, a gas leakage detection system with SMS and alarm is costly
device. The proposed Arduino based gas leakage detector provides high and fast response than
the manual operation during the critical situations. The system can be installed for detecting the
various leakage gases at residential, hotel restaurants, other commercial commodities and
industrial area to avoid imperiling of human lives.
5.2 Recommendation
We understand that the internship program provides mutual benefits for both the students and the
hosting company, Dashen Brewery, in many ways. Therefore, we strongly recommend that both
the company and our university continue to offer this internship program for engineering students
. This recommendation is based on our observations during our participation in the internship
program. Such as;-
 Even if the electrical boiler is 99.9% efficient in converting water to steam it take above
half of electric consumption of the company which is a great deal and economically
demanding. So, we recommend to use other energy source like fuel from spent
grain. Brewers‟ spent grain is the leftover portion of grains that were used in the
brewing and malting process of beer production and accounts for 85% of the total by-
product waste of the brewing industry. Currently, the majority of brewers spent grain is
used as animal feed rather than bioethanol fuel.
 we recommend during the purged of dead yeast from the fermentation should be filtered
before it goes to thermolazation tank because it contains 87.13% of beer from one CCT.
 During beer packaging; the beer returned from FBT should be recycled since it is normal
Lastly there is no pocket money from company and the money given for us from university is
not sufficient. So we recommend both company and university that they have to solve this
problem for future generation.

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5.3 Future work

There are many ways in which this gas leak detector can be modified and made more complex
by including more advanced features into it. The other modification which can be implemented
in this gas leak detector is using a tripper circuit which will trip off the main supply once
The gas leak is detected. During a gas leak it is dangerous to switch any appliances as it may
spark and this tripper circuit helps to reduce the electrical hazards that can be caused due to a gas
leak. A robot has been used in replacing human for handling various tasks in a hazardous and
dangerous workplace where human life may at risk. A mobile gas sensing robot can be
constructed to sense the leakage of gas through pipelines as the robot can move on a track which
is situated along the length of pipeline. This technique further increases the overall efficiency of
the system and makes the system a perfect gas leak detector providing overall safety of the

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[1] Wolfgang Kunze, Technology brewing and malting, 3rd edition, 1999.
[2] Oyedeko K.F.K. , model using MATLAB software programming to study the transient
flow analysis within the various pipeline.
[3] Dos Santos, P., Azevedo-Perdicoúlis, T., Ramos, J., Jank, G., De Carvalho, J., &Milhinhos,
J. (2010). Gas Pipelines LPV Modeling and Identification for Leakage Detection. In Proceedings
of the 2010 American Control Conference Year
[4]. Ramya, V. (2012). Embedded system for Hazardous Gas detection and Alerting.
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, 3(3),
[5]., has developed a system for detection of gas leakage incorporated with the
tripping mechanism of main power supply.
[6]. Jitendra Sharma, a system that senses the gas leakage through gas sensor and sends the
signal through microprocessor to the relay
[7]. Z. Yang, M. Liu, M. Shao, and Y. Ji, “Research on Leakage Detection and Analysis of
Leakage Point in the Gas Pipeline System,” Open J.
[8] Debre Birhan Dashen brewery operating training manual,2008
Saf.Sci. Technol., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 94–100, 2011

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#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int sensor=A5;
int speaker=8;
int valve=7;
int gas_value,Gas_alert_val, Gas_shut_val;
int Gas_Leak_Status;
int sms_count=0;
void setup()
lcd.print("Gas Scan - ON");
void loop()
void CheckGas()
gas_value=digitalRead(sensor); // reads
the sensor output (Vout of LM35)if(gas_
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lcd.print("No gas leak ");

lcd.print("gas leak ");
void SendTextMessage()
while(sms_count<3) //Number of SMS Alerts to be sent
Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //To send SMS in Text Mode
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+251925317587\"\r"); // change to the phone number you
Serial.println("Gas Leaking!");//the content of the message
Serial.println((char)26);//the stopping character
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+251925317587\"\r"); // change to the phone number
using you
Serial.println("Gas Leaking!");//the content of the message
Serial.println((char)26);//the message stopping character

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sms count++;

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