Is Education The Responsibility Only of Teachers

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Is education the responsibility only of teachers?

It is evident, that nowadays one of the most essential part of our lives is education.
Everyone is responsible for their own way of getting knowledge, but some people consider teachers
as those who are decision-making in the process of studying.
One of the biggest problems is that students are positioned as costumers of learning and it is
assumed that teachers must offer them education as services. In exchange for tuition students should
be handed learning that has meaning, purpose and value in their future. Teachers cannot control
learning process whenever only learners can do that. Learning cannot be imposed upon or given to
students. It is something that they have to do only for themselves as such, it makes sense that they
take responsibility for their own learning. In general, it means learners have to invest their time,
energy, motivation and focus to develop understanding. They have to struggle with and overcome
obstacles to learning that exist within themselves.
Educational process is fundamentally a social process. We need the emotional and
intellectual support of others to overcome some difficulties. This is where educators come for.
Teachers can create a sense of emotional safety and security, professors provide mentorship and
give us feedback to help to get to the very end of the route. At every step of our learning journey
our ability to accept responsibility for our learning is possible because educators have taken on their
responsibility to provide the support we need.
To sum up, I do agree that education depends more on students than on teachers. Everyone
should be accountable for his own studies and depend only on himself. A teacher’s role is setting an
example by being helpful and understanding to his or hers students.

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