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Introduction 1914) and second (September 1939) World War, inter-

There are times in astrological study when one stands national crises impact on the world scene as the war of
amazed before the preciseness of astrological forecasting independence of Israel and the Arab-Israeli wars (May
ability, but also the inability of human nature to keep 1948, October 1956 invasion of Lebanon in June 1982),
the necessary distance to think “out of the box” and see coups in Eastern Bloc (Communist coup in Czechoslo-
the exact manifestation of events without being influ- vakia in February 1948 and intervention in Hungary in
enced by the present. One such case has happened to October 1956), regional conflicts such as War of the Falk-
me as well, back in 2009. It was the time when Saturn lands in April 1982 all share a common denominator. The
and Pluto made their square from the signs of Libra and effort to overthrow the established political order by forc-
Capricorn, and I was asked to study this influence and es based on force of arms, or at least non-legal means.
make a prediction for the immediate future. This brought The list lengthens and continues with more events in
about an entire study, where I examined the events of the Greek history known as the Asia Minor disaster in
20th century linked to the aspects of Saturn and Pluto, a September 1922, the coup in Cyprus in July 1974, the
study which amazingly led to the conclusion that Saturn parliamentary defection in July 1965, or the fall of the
Pluto aspects were linked to something I called “Wars of Mitsotakis government in September 1993. And of
interests.” course, we left the last major event of the 21st century till
Although amazing in itself, the study was followed by today, September 11.
forecasting mainly for the Greek political scene, which,
although quite accurate regarding the select-
ed sensitive times, were rather fuzzy in the
description of their manifestation. Seeing
this sensitive time now from a distance the
events that took place at that time seem quite
more clear; especially as they are connected
to another important Saturn Pluto event. The
practical bankruptcy of Greece and the IMF-
EU support program for its economy.
I encourage you to read through this study,
therefore, to see how important these aspects
are in modern history and how they shape
the events that take place in economy and
politics of nations and states.
International Events with Saturn and
Pluto in 20th Century
August 1914, September 1939, February and
May 1948, October 1956, April and June
1982, September 2001. What do these dates
have in common in the history of the 20th
century? Significant events in the history
of mankind as the start of the first (August

ISAR International Astrologer, August, 2017; Vol 46 #2 - Page 71

In all the above charts and in others seen
in the Appendix of the article, the strike is
usually indicated by some aspect of Mars or
Uranus. The background, however, is always
related to the rule of either conflict or coop-
eration in the matter of interest. Traditionally,
Saturn is the planet of the state. State entity
that has certain boundaries and given legal
status. It has a government with structure,
which supports and carries out its function. A
national economy is based on mass produc-
tion (which we call traditional capitalism).
Pluto, on the other hand, is a more recently
discovered planet and is associated with what
we call international capital. Oil companies,
for example, or companies which control re-
sources generally is one of the themes of the
power that comes through them. With Pluto in
Capricorn, the international funds and the in-
ternational banks have a tendency to get into
crisis, i.e. the competition for the pipelines
maximizing, and the international compa-
nies are generally attacking what’s called the
What do these events have in common from an astrolog- nation-state.
ical point of view, so you can see them here all together
Pluto, however, apart from the international interests is
on the same page? The factor that links them in our view
most clearly associated with international terrorism. Be-
is the background of the contradiction to (or support of)
cause we might have associated terrorism and overthrow
interests, which are indicated by the aspects between
with the Left and Uranus in the 70s, or Neptune to mass
Saturn and Pluto. In the chart of the First World War (pre-
ideologies, today’s Islamic terrorism is more related to
vious page) we see that Saturn and Pluto’s conjunction
becomes progressively narrower. Here we
have a case where states marched hand in
hand with the economic interests and actual-
ly sought and supported the war.
The chart of the Second World War (above),
on the other hand, comes despite the will of
the States (square), since there are revision-
ist forces in Europe pressing for change.
The most the striking example is the An-
glo-French intervention in Suez in 1956
(chart in next column). The square is sepa-
rating, as Nasser representing the national
government (Saturn) is already attacking
Multinational Capital (Pluto) by taking the
canal. Once Saturn shows the will to leave
the aspect, Pluto feels free to respond and
counterattacks (this is an indication that
Saturn aspects sometimes stop things from
happening instead of making them happen;
instead they happen when Saturn leaves
the grip or, in this case, the defense on or
against the other planet).

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Pluto. Underground, ruthless emotionally, if we consider Saturn Pluto aspects in the Greek history
the emotional state of the bombers, affecting mainly the
In the Greek environment, the aspects between Saturn
civilian population in the context of total war, terrorism
and Pluto seem to manifest more as political crisis and
today is purely plutonic and attacking the state.
collapses of government via the implication of financial
The most glaring example of this conflict is the chart of or political interests. Such examples are:
September 11th; a chart where a big triangle in the air
a) The chart of the Asia Minor Disaster. Not many
dominates, signifying a global media event, or global
remember that a navy coup had happened only
plan. The big triangles (Grand Trines) are not always so
two days before the big fire in Smyrna, which
good in such cases, because they might suggest long-term
is partly to blame, for not having Greek ships in
plans behind the action of squares in the chart (an exam-
Smyrna to evacuate the refugees
ple is like the chart of the beginning of the Second World
War). They also make it easy for the plans to proceed, b) The military coup in Cyprus, in 1974. This
whereas a Saturn or a Uranus square would either slow brought about the invasion by the Turks a few
things down and put obstacles in the way, or cause a reac- days later.
tion from people and cancel the plans. c) The defection of Konstantinos Mitsotakis from
In the September 11 chart (below) Saturn again has just
th the United Centre Party Government of George
left the opposition with Pluto. As with the Suez crisis, Papandreou in 1965. This for most current Greek
this is also an event happening when Saturn leaves the as- historians was the beginning of the events, which
pect. So, this is also a case where Plutonic forces initiate finally led to the military junta in 1967.
action once they feel they’ve escaped the monitoring eye d) As a turn of the Wheel of Karma the fall of
of the state. Konstantinos Mitsotakis government in 1993,
which was directly linked to alleged
corruption of the government and illicit
dealing with Siemens Company.
Could we be expecting something
similar in October with square Saturn
- Pluto? Let’s see the charts in detail
before proceeding. Let’s take a look at
these events however, before we enter
into further conclusions.
(Note: the initial study of Saturn Pluto
was written back September 2009, and
in October the Karamanlis government
lost the election by Socialists. Two
years later, we found out the Prime
Minister Papandreou had already con-
ducted secret meetings with IMF leader
Mister Stross Kahn. Everybody knew
Greece was heading towards IMF, but
the Greeks themselves.)
The chart of Asia Minor Disaster has a
big triangle with Venus (international
relations) in Scorpio in trine to both
Pluto and Uranus. This could be inter-
preted as illicit arrangements between
Further examples to link the start of war conflict to a Sat- powers of interests and revisionist powers. Indeed in Asia
urn Pluto aspect can be found as well. The Saturn - Pluto Minor the foreign powers didn’t even bother collecting
aspect is not always tight enough to justify a direct link to the refugees from the seawaters. Saturn in square to Pluto
a struggle between state and terrorism or state and inter- indicates the national state struggling against powers,
national capital. But there is always an underlying pattern which want it to submit. This is not only the way some-
of attempting to change things using violence. one from Greece would see this event. Nationalism in

ISAR International Astrologer, August, 2017; Vol 46 #2 - Page 73

tion of the slow transit of Saturn to Pluto, which
created the pattern and the Sun/Uranus square,
which acted as a trigger that brought about the
A similar analysis is possible for the day of
the parliamentary coup back on July 15, 1965,
(which is considered to have opened the way for
the military junta two years later). With Saturn
in opposition to Uranus and Pluto and Jupiter
forming a T-square to those two, this led to a
great conflict giving substantial magnitude to the
events. The trigger for the events this time is not
a Sun/Uranus aspect, but a big trine of a weak
Sun in Cancer in trine to Saturn and Neptune, a
triangle very convenient for the establishment
(indeed they saw this as a restoration to order).
But also, in smaller scale events, such as the fall
of the Mitsotakis government in 1993 due to the
defection of parliament representative Simpilid-
is, we have the predisposition of the conflict of
interests (chart on next page). This time it was
a huge contract assigned to Siemens for digital
Turkey also considered Greek invasion at that time as a telecommunications. A Saturn/Pluto square again
threat from international capital powers, which in their and again, once Saturn is separating from the aspect,
view used Greece as a lever to achieve their goal to anni- Pluto gets his chance. And the Mars/Uranus square pro-
hilate Turkey. vides the necessary trigger; a sudden and violent break of
A few days later, on October 9, when Mars opposes negotiations (Mars in Libra).
Pluto (chart above) and makes a T-Square with Saturn
and Pluto, the crowd is protesting in Athens and requires
the execution of traitors. In Turkey the same aspect is
expressed as state violence (Mars in Capricorn)
towards the refugees (Pluto = death in Cancer
= Moon = people). As we can see the aspects
are not expressed in all countries the same way,
but depending on the local situation, they are
expressed differently.
The chart of the coup in Cyprus (chart in next
column) in 1974 that led to the invasion by the
Turks also shows a square of Saturn to Pluto.
Only this time Saturn is in a weak state (in Can-
cer). The aspect is separating with a relatively
wide orbit so one could consider this not being
the cause of the event. Instead, it would seem
more likely to turn to the square of Sun and
Uranus. However, although this, the Sun/Ura-
nus square, is most likely related to indicating
the day of the coup, it is the Saturn/Pluto square
that shows the several months of conflict be-
tween the government of Cyprus and EOKA B
(a paramilitary organization, which persecuted
Turkish Cypriots and wanted unification with
Greece), and which created both the situation
and the excuse for the invasion. The combina-
Page 74 - ISAR International Astrologer, August, 2017; Vol 46 #2
the EU during the past years.)
December 16, 2009, the Sun closing
in to a conjunction to Pluto, forms a
T-Square with Saturn and Uranus. At
the same time Mars is in opposition to
Jupiter. Remember this is about the time
when Turkey will be evaluated as a valid
delegate member of the EU.
December 25, 2009, Sun is now in exact
conjunction to Pluto and Venus still at
the top of the T-Square with Saturn and
Uranus. Mars is still in opposition to Ju-
piter, Neptune and Chiron. (2017 Note:
December 2009, the former Finance
Minister of Greece confesses that the
Greek government expects bankruptcy.)
A difficult time, therefore, starts after
October this year, full of events. The
past gives us an idea what to expect, but
sometimes what we see is so pessimistic
we prefer to close our eyes and carry on
with our lives. In any case, this astrolog-
ical study had the aim to prove that the
clash of interests as well as the antago-
Fall of the Mitsotakis government nism of interests with states. or terrorism
to states, is a continuous source of events which appear in
the world during various periods and bring about violent
changes to the status quo, including political or financial
Predictions for 2009-2010 shock.
So, after all this study, what do we make of Saturn/Plu- Let’s get back to 2017
to aspects? It was an aspect to be seen three times from
Having said all that, it seems I’m back at the same place
October 2009 to August 2010. What would it do? Would
now in 2017, as I am facing again yet another Saturn Plu-
it bring down governments? Would it signify a military
to aspect I have to offer some insights about. This time
intervention for matters of oil or terrorism? Would it start
it’s a conjunction of Saturn Pluto, a conjunction in the
an attack to a sovereign state? Would it start a new world
sign of Capricorn. This opens yet another chapter for re-
search as the conjunction could signify the beginning and
Between September 2nd and September 6th, 2009, a the end of a cycle. What do the conjunctions of Saturn
T-Square is formed between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto and Pluto mean? What does the sign of each conjunction
and a grand cross between Mercury, Mars, Pluto and have to tell us about it? Do we have historical data about
Uranus. Mars could work like a trigger for some sud- Saturn Pluto conjunctions?
den event (2017 note: September 2nd, former PM Kostas
It seems like the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto is a
Karamanlis declared elections, pressured by the EU for
long time event. In the last 300 years the conjunctions of
taking economic measures for the country’s debt.)
Saturn and Pluto happened in the following signs in the
November 2nd, 2009, the Moon makes a Grand Square following years. Following the astrological data some
out of the Saturn/Pluto/Uranus T-Square, but at the same speculation is made on the possible relative event.
time, a Mars/Jupiter opposition becomes a T-Square
1712-1714: Sign of Virgo -- Treaty of Utrecht – End of
with the intervention of Sun and Mercury. This could be
War of Spanish Succession – Rise of Austria as a super-
another day where everyone will be ready to pick a fight.
power – Fall of Spain
(2017 note: November 11th, the infamous Euro group
1749-1751: Sign of Sagittarius – End of War of Austrian
summit takes place where EU members turn to Greece
Succession – Rise of Prussia as a superpower – Fall of
with the infamous phrase “the game is over” referring to
the inaccurate data the Greek governments were giving to
ISAR International Astrologer, August, 2017; Vol 46 #2 - Page 75
1785-1787: Sign of Aquarius – 1783-Treaty of US Inde- the looser of the previous cycle that tries now to get even.
pendence – Fall of France into debt and revolution The European Union is another economic super power,
1818-1820: Sign of Pisces – 1815-Fall of Napoleon – which seems to be in crisis and under threats from both
Congress of Vienna US and Russia. If I may attempt a projection, one could
1850-1852: Signs of Aries and Taurus – 1854-Crimean suspect a scenario of coordinated attacks for the econom-
war – Humiliation of Russia ic or political disintegration of the European Union. The
1882-1884: Sign of Taurus (marginal) – Bismarck – Ger- fact that the horoscope of EEC for January 1st, 1958 or
many rises as a new power the one for the European Union January 1st, 1993 is under
1914-1916: Sign of Cancer – Out of World War I England the sign of Capricorn could be a link to the conjunction.
rises as the main superpower, Monarchic Russia declines
On the other hand, the US under the sign of Cancer and
1946-1948: Sign of Leo – After World War II USA and
with natal Pluto in Capricorn, could also be the candidate
USSR rise as super powers
for the power, which loses in this power struggle. More-
1981-1983: Sign of Libra – 2nd cold war – Ends up with
over, the position of Saturn/Pluto conjunction near 24th
Russia declining – Power which rises (maybe too close in
degree of Capricorn is in a rather close conjunction to
time to realize)
the 27th degree of US natal Pluto in Capricorn. So the US
If the above analysis is correct, the conjunction of Saturn could also be a candidate. Russia on the other hand with
and Pluto seems to imply formalization (Saturn) of new its current chart of December 25, 1991 doesn’t seem to
power balances. Each cycle seems to introduce a new have degrees threatened by this conjunction.
super power taking head in the struggles with other super
Another way to examine this is to examine the chart of
powers. This usually is accompanied by a treaty (Sat-
the exact Saturn/Pluto conjunction January 12, 2020
urn); a treaty, which the beginning Saturn Pluto cycle is
using AstroCartoGraphy techniques (ACG map below).
attempting to preserve, while other powers are trying to
This shows with a rather frightening accuracy that this
conjunction is angular of North America and mainly the
Signs don’t seem to give more information on the kind of United States. In fact both MC and ASC lines for Sat-
power that establishes, though. We can’t seem to make a urn and Pluto are passing over North America and are
difference into which power rises, for example, depend- crossing over Canada somewhere, whereas the MC line
ing on the sign. Therefore, it is difficult to attempt any is passing through New York. The symbolism is rather
prognosis on that basis. What seems to be a pattern, how- too accurate to ignore and needs to be considered very
ever, is that the power that lost in the previous cycle – in carefully.
other words the looser - is trying to get even in the next.
What are the main super powers of today, however, in or-
der to foresee the struggle for power? The United States
and Russia still play an important role, with Russia, being

Page 76 - ISAR International Astrologer, August, 2017; Vol 46 #2

Is this method of predicting reliable, however? Does it shows that there is an over 50% connection of Saturn/
explain previous fall of powers? Let’s take a look at pre- Pluto conjunctions to the destruction or re-build of a
vious exact conjunctions. super power, an indication which should be taken into
consideration very seriously.
ü November 8, 1982, Saturn and Pluto ascend
over Iran giving a hint about which was the new The horizon is open and the coast is clear now in my
power that mattered. view to project on the immediate future and the highest
possibility of the US losing grip over world power in the
ü August 11th, 1947 exact conjunction in quite a
next Saturn/Pluto conjunction. It will be very interesting
similar way with 2020 descends over Northern
to see how exactly this destruction or regeneration will
America, involving US in the power struggle of
take place, especially as we have both culmination and
that era.
rising of Saturn/Pluto conjunction over North America,
ü October 4th and November 1st 1914 and May 19, which is due to maximize the effect of this event.
1915, Saturn and Pluto ascend over disintegrating
Ottoman Empire and Monarchic Russia. They
also culminate over the US. Further Events Charts related to Saturn and Pluto for your
own study.
ü May 22, 1883, doesn’t seem to match some
world history power shift, but what’s frightening Invasion of Lebanon – June 6, 1982, 12:00 pm, EET,
is that it the area of rising is not very far from the Beirut, Lebanon. (Saturn conjunct Pluto)
area where the Krakatoa volcano erupted August
Falkland War – April 2, 1982, 12:00 pm BST, Falkland,
26th 1883 (!). Further research might be needed
United Kingdom (Saturn conjunct Pluto)
for possible connection of Saturn/Pluto aspects to
volcano eruptions, but as I’m not an expert in the 1956 Uprising in Hungary – October 23, 1956, 12:00 pm
field, I leave the readers to this sole evidence. CET, Budapest, Hungary. (Saturn square Pluto)
ü June 6th and November 11th 1851 and February Mahatma Ghandi Assassination – January 30, 1948,
10th 1852, don’t seem to match a known shift 12:00 pm IST, New Delhi, India (Saturn conjunct Pluto)
in power, as they rise over India or Indonesia. Japanese Invasion of Manjuria – September 18, 1931,
However, the discovery and the rush for Gold in 12:00 pm AWST, Beijing, China (Saturn oppose Pluto)
Australia is an event dated back at that time.
2nd Spanish Republic – April 14, 1931, 12:00 pm UT,
ü May 5th and October 5th 1819 and January 11, Madrid, Spain. (Saturn Oppose Pluto)
1820 have different areas they influence. The
first rises over Indonesia and culminates over Communist Revolution in China – November 7, 1931,
the Pacific; the second culminates over Greece, 12:00 pm AWST, Beijing, China (Saturn oppose Pluto)
Africa and Eastern Europe and could be linked
to disintegration events in the Ottoman Empire Biography: Vassilis Papadolias
like the Greek Revolution, the Turkish Russian
War and the Egyptian autonomy. The third rises A Mayo School of Astrology graduate with distinction
over the same areas and culminates over China, for both natal and mundane astrology, Vassilis
Indonesia and Australia. Papadolias mainly works as an astrology tutor in
Greece. Selective publications can be found in English
ü 1785 to 1787 conjunctions seem to influence as the «The Miliband Brothers I presume» article in
areas like Indonesia, Africa and South Ameri- the Astrological Assosiation webpage (https://www.
ca.1750 conjunction culminates over Brazil and
rise over the Pacific Miliband.php). or contributions to the Primers Section for
ü September 23rd, 1713, the conjunction rises over Ed Perone›s
Spain (!), which is exactly the power, which lost Vassilis holds an electronic bookshop in Blurb (http://
in the treaty of Utrecht. and also coordinates
So as we go back in time, we see a deteriorating connec- the NewAgeAstrology English group in Facebook
tion to European and US events, which is rather logical, (
as Europe and US played a less and less important role English/). Contact him on
to world history, especially before 1800, but even back in
1713 a connection to a losing super power is still there.
Although not a 100% connection, this short research

ISAR International Astrologer, August, 2017; Vol 46 #2 - Page 77

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