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Read the story about Romeo and Juliet and put the verbs into the past simple tense.
Preberi zgodbo o Romeu in Juliet in glagole v oklepaju postavi v navadni preteklik (Past Simple).

In the town of Verona, Italy, in the late 1500s, ………..……………. (live) two families,
the Capulets and the Montagues. There …………………………. (be) an old quarrel
between these two families, and they …………..…………. (hate) each other very much.

One day, Old Capulet, Juliet's father, ……….………………. (give) a costume party. The
Montagues …………….…………. (not be) invited, of course, but Romeo – a Montague
- ……..……………………. (put on) a mask and ……………..………….. (slip) into the
party. At this party Romeo …………..………………. (meet) Juliet, and immediately
…………………………… (fall) in love with her. He later …………….……………….. (find
out) that she …………………… (be) a Capulet. But Romeo …..…………………………..
(love) her anyway.

That night he ……………………….. (go) to her house, because he ……………………..

(want) to see her again. He ……………….. (be) afraid to go in so he ………………………
(wait) under the balcony until she ………………………… (appear). During the ¨balcony
scene¨ they …………………………….. (confess) their love for each other. They
………………………… (spend) the night together, and the next day Romeo's friend Friar
Lawrence ……….…………… (marry) them secretly.

On the day of the wedding, Romeo …………………… (have) a fight with his wife's cousin
Tybalt and …………………… (kill) him. For this, Romeo ………………………………….
(have to) leave Verona. He …………………….. (decide) to travel to Mantua.

Juliet's father ……………………………………. (not know) of his daughter's marriage, so

he ………………………… (want) to marry her to another young man named Paris. Juliet
……………………………….. (not want) to marry this man. So she
……………………..……….. (make) a plan. She …………….…………………. (decide) to
take a sleeping potion and pretend to be dead. After three days, when the potion wore
off, she would wake up. She …………..………………………. (plan) to escape from the
family tomb and run away with her husband.

Then she ………………..…………….. (send) a message to her husband, and

……………………………. (take) the potion. But Romeo …………………………………..
(not get) the message on time because the messenger …………………….. (cannot) find

Bad news …………………………. (travel) fast. When Romeo …………………………….

(hear) that his wife was ¨dead¨, he …………………………… (go) to her tomb. He
……………………..………. (break in), …………………….. (kiss) his Juliet one last time,
……………………….……….. (drink) the poison and ……….…………………. (die).
When Juliet …………………………………. (wake up), she ………………………………..
(see) her husband ………….…………….. (be) dead so she ……….……………………
(kill) herself with Romeo's dagger. They …….………………………. (not be) yet fourteen.

Finally, because both their children ……..………………. (be) dead, the two families
…………………………. (make) peace.

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