Mine by Twilightdream: Forewords

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Mine by TwilightDream

Forewords Characters MinHyuk from CN Blue and Krystal Jung

Description Characters: Minhyuk from CN Blue and Krystal Jung with Choi Minho. BEWARE: it's kinda sad... :( She was supposed to be mine mine and no one elses. But what happened? Why is she in another mans arms? Why is she smiling at him why is she kissing him? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I know well be together again someday. Until then, never forget me, okay? I love you Krystal. Youre mine and I am yours only yours. ======================================================================== Hmm, if I remember correctly, you used to date him, right?she said, looking thoughtful, Such as shame. I always thought you two made a perfect match. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minhyuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1 =Minhyuks POV= She was supposed to be mine mine and no one elses. But what happened? Why is she in another mans arms? Why is she smiling at him why is she kissing him? She should be in my armsIm the one who should see her smile Im the one she should be kissing. Me and no one else. I stared at the newspaper before me. Youngest Most Successful Businessman, Choi Minho, to be married to Supermodel Krystal Jung The headlines stated clearly. I shook my head bitterly when I saw a picture of them they seem so happy she seems so happy My heart clenches whenever I see her smile to him. Who else can I blame but myself? I let her go and that was the biggest mistake I ever made. But still she never fails to take my breath away theres never a time that my heart doesnt skip a beat when I see her smiling and laughing. Minho you better take care of her Shes yours now. Always make her happy. If you ever make her cry, Ill come and kill you with my own hands then bring you back to life only to kill you again. Damn it! I cursed out loud, crumpled the newspaper and threw it in to the trash bin. I felt my vision grow blurry and something hot and wet roll down my face. I laughed bitterly. Pathetic! I snarled, Maybe she left me, because Im too pathetic. Crying wont bring her back! Im so pathetic I hastily wiped away the tears. Minho, you selfish idiot! You were my best friend. I trusted you to take care of her during my absence. But what did you do? You fell for her! You stole her from me!

Damn it! I cursed again and punched the nearby wall. Tears rolled down my face, but I let them be. My knees trembled and I slowly sank to the floor. I cried, knowing no one will see. Amidst my tears and reminiscing, something silver caught my attention. I picked it up carefully. I stared at it for what seemed like hours. Slowly, I held it over my wrist and hesitantly slashed it hard. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to come. But nothing came. I opened my eyes and looked. It was there. The deep wound with blood oozing out of it. But where was the pain? I gave a frustrated cry and slashed again, with more force this time. But still, the pain did not come. I kept on slashing, growing more frustrated each time I could not feel the pain. I stopped, finally, when I had trouble breathing. Countless cuts adorned my bloody hand. I gasped. I bit down on my lower lip harshly. Pain theres too much pain! Help me! Please, someone! I wanted to cry out, but my throat felt too dry. My vision started to dim and I felt myself falling to the floor with a thud. Minhyuk! Krystal is that you? Oh, god oh, god! Hold on, Minhyuk! Krystal I managed to say. Oh, god, Minhyuk, what have you done? I felt her tears fall on my face as she cradled my head. Am I dreaming..? No, Minhyuk Im right here Im real. Im right here. She held my hand. She feels so warm... I smiled sadly. I feel so tired and sleepy, Krystal. No, dont do that. Dont sleep! Helps on the way, hang on okay?

But Im so tired. Please, dont! Damn it! Dont close your eyes! Look at me, Minhyuk! Look at me! Look at my face and DONT close your eyes! Mianhe, Krystal I love you At least, before I go, I truly knew that you were mine mine all along My eye lids felt so heavy and I slowly closed my eyes. Minhyuk, dont you dare close your eyes! Dont you dare leave me! Damn it, Minhyuk! Listen to me! Dont close your eyes! I smiled tiredly. Lets meet each other again, ne? Minhyuk? Minhyuk, dont scare me like this! I know well be together again someday. Until then, never forget me, okay? I love you Krystal. Youre mine and I am yours only yours. Minhyuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 2 Is That What Your Heart Says? =Krystals POV= I sighed heavily and clenched my fists. What the heck is wrong with me? Im supposed to be happily going through wedding magazines, picking out my gown and all that, yet, why? Just staring at this building makes my heart skip a beat. Aish, stupid heart of mine! Stop it! You stopped beating for him a long time ago, why do you choose to jump back to life now? STOP IT! I hit my own chest and sighed heavily again. This method is definitely NOT working I end up looking like an idiot. You okay, Krystal? I turned and forced out a smile.

Yeah, Minho. With a smile, he took my hand and led me into one of the shops. I secretly looked back and I felt lonely. Like a part of me was missing. Can anyone help me? Everything is just so confusing! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MINE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as we stepped inside the shop, showers of compliments and congratulations greeted us. One of the shopkeepers led us to a couch and we sat down as they began discussing the details of the wedding. I let my mind wander, completely aware of the fact that Minho would be able to handle everything. My eyes roamed around the place and stopped on the table before us, my gaze landing on a magazine. It wasnt because it was one of those perfect wedding mags, no. It was because of the cover itself. I slowly reached to pick it up, my hands trembling and I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked at the photo closely and it made me hold my breath. He was still the same. He was still as handsome as ever. But he will never be mine nor will I become his. Minhyuk It was a total slip of the tongue. A stupid mistake, thats all there is to it. I learned to forget him a long time ago. He was the first one I loved and he was the first one to break my heart. I cant count how many tears Ive shed because of you, how much damage youve caused. I hate him, dont I? Then why?! Why are the tears trying to escape my eyes? I thought I promised long ago that I will never cry again for him WHY?! How stupid am I for still needing you? Hes handsome, isnt he? I looked up, startled, as the shopkeeper spoke. Y-yeah. Hmm, if I remember correctly, you used to date him, right? she said, looking thoughtful, Such as shame. I always thought you two made a perfect match.

P-pardon? The woman smiled. Minhyuk came here once and asked us to make customized couple rings. After that, I saw you meet him outside my shop. You two looked so sweet. That one, she pointed to my hand, thats the ring he bought. I shook my head and tried to cover it. N-no, its not. Everything ended between Minhyuk and I a long time ago. Krystal, I froze and looked at Minho, is that the truth? Is everything really over? I hung my head low and whispered, I-I dont know I see Minho let out a sigh, Krystal, lets just stop this. My head snapped up. What do you mean Lets just stop this, Minho? Lets stop before its too late. We cant keep lying to ourselves, Krystal. YOU cant keep deceiving yourself. NO! I shook my head, I love you, Minho! I really do! Is that what your heart says, Krystal? Or did you let your mind take over? For the first time, Im at a loss for words. Go, Krystal. Go back to him. He needs you. He smiled reassuringly. What about you, Minho? He shook his head, Dont worry about me, Ill be fine. I hesitated. As long as youre happy, then Im happy. I felt tears well up in my eyes as looked at him. Thank you. I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and stood up.

Go, before its too late. Ill be cheering you on, Krystal. Minho said and smiled. Thank you. With that, I rushed out and ran across the street and into one of the buildings. I immediately rushed to the front desk. Hi, is Minhyuk here? Oh, Ms. Jung, long time no see! Minhyuk is home right now. And oh, The man smiled, here are the keys you told me to hold on to. I smiled and got the keys before making my way to the elevator. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MINE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My heart is beating so fast that it might pop out of my chest any second now. I stopped in front of his door and knocked. No answer. I tried again and still got the same result. Although it may seem rude, I got out the keys and opened the door widely. Silence greeted me and somehow, it made me feel so nervous. I proceeded to the kitchen, taking slow and cautious steps. Minhyuk? No answer came. I turned and my breath got hitched in my throat. Minhyuk! I ran to his side and cradled him in my arms. Oh, god oh, god! Hold on, Minhyuk! I got my phone from my pocket with trembling hands. I couldnt really understand what I said to myself, the next thing I knew was that I was desperately holding onto Minhyuk who seemed to grow weaker and weaker by the second. Oh, god, Minhyuk, what have you done?

Tears made its way down my cheeks and some stray ones landed on his face. I have to admit, even in the face of death, he looked absolutely handsome. Mianhe, Krystal I love you I froze. Minhyuk, dont you dare close your eyes! Dont you dare leave me! Damn it, Minhyuk! Listen to me! Dont close your eyes! How useless. I feel so pathetic. I can only watch on helplessly as his eyes slowly closed. Lets meet each other again, ne? Minhyuk I cant lose you! I just got you back I cant I remained frozen as his eyes closed completely and his body turned limp and his breathing ceased. Minhyuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MINE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It takes a minute to like someone..... ...An hour to love someone... But to forget someone takes....FOREVER.

Fallen Memories
by cbp4815


Forewords Chapter 1: Fallen Memories: Chapter One Chapter 2: Fallen Memories Chapter 3: Fallen Tree of Memories

Chapter One
Jessica's POV I looked up at the tree. I frowned as I saw the orange colored leaves dropped one by one. This tree gave good memories and bad memories. I couldn't do anything but let those memories wash over my brain. *Flashback* "Hurry up! Hurry up!" I yelled to my friends, Tiffany and Taeyeon and my little sister, Krystal. "Unnie, it's just a picnic," Krystal explain. "You're just a picnic, Krys! I'm going to find a place to sit. Try to be faster and catch up to me, slowpokes!" "And the Ice Princess strikes," Taeyeon said while sighing. "I'm not a picnic! I'm a girl!" Tiffany and Taeyeon couldn't do anything but smile at Krystal's strangeness. ---Back To Jessica As I looked around, there was no place to sit! There were people everywhere or stuff everywhere or dog dumpings everywhere! Then, it appeared. It was big, but not too big that we couldn't play around with the branches, it was shady but we still had some light with the streaks of sunlight, and it had a nice view. I walked towards it. Wait, cross that out. I ran towards it. Today it was a Sunday, that's when the park is SUPER busy so anybody who was looking for a spot could've taken that one and I would have to look again. Once I reached there, I grabbed the blanket I was holding and spread it out. I looked through my bag and grabbed a water bottle. I took a drink and waited. Taeyeon had the food while Tiffany brought stuff like a soft mallet to play Cham, Cham, Cham, a first aid kit just in case one

of us got hurt, and a small makeup kit. You know, when we're trying to look better. Krystal, she just came for fun. As I waited, a small cocker spaniel approached me. I looked around. No one was headed towards it and there wasn't a tag or collar around it's neck. I picked it up and smiled as it licked my face. "Aigoo, you're so cute! I'm going to call you... ACK!" I fell on my back and looked up. There was a huge golden retriever and a cute guy in front of me. Also, the unnamed dog was by my side. Anyways, there was a cute guy in front of me! I hope an other dog could do the same actions later! "Mianhae! Are you okay, miss?" he asked. "Um, I guess," I replied. "I'm sorry! I guess my dog just likes your dog," he said. I glanced over to my right and saw the two dogs chasing each other in medium sized circles. "Here." The guy let out his left arm and as I held onto his hand, he pulled me up. "Thanks," I thanked him. "No problem. So, it seems our dogs like each other. Why don't we make some play dates... for them?" "Sure. How about tomorrow at 5:30? Same place we are at right now?" "Sounds okay with me. My name's Lee Donghae," "I'm Jessica," "So, how about on Friday, I meet you here and we have a play date without the dogs?" "Is that a cuter way of asking me out?" "I guess. Your answer is?" That three letter word came out of my mouth. Yes. That word began leading me to happiness and sorrow.

After Donghae told me the other details for our date for each other, he took off and I sat there smiling with my new dog who I was going to call, Jumpy. He/She made Donghae's dog jump on me and that's how we met. Not to mention, Jumpy is a little jumpy now. Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Krystal finally found me and well, they found me smiling. "Unnie, why are you smiling?" Krystal asked. "You look like a doof, Jessi," Tiffany said with a smile. "Jessica? Who's dog is that?" Taeyeon inquired. I just kept on smiling. This was going to be great. ----Skip to Play Date Day "Jumpy! Which one looks cuter? This or this?" Today I was going to meet Donghae and his dog and well, I have to look cute! Jumpy moved to the left which means she like the one on her left better. I picked out an other outfit and asked again. I kept on doing it until 4:00. That was when I had to start everything. After about 27 outfits, I finally found the one. It was cute and casual and perfect for the event. I took a shower then did my makeup and hair. It was about 5:25 so I grabbed Jumpy and my keys and went to that tree. I finally reached the tree after 3 minutes. Donghae wasn't there. I waited and waited. After ten minutes, he came. Unlike me, he looked fancy? He had a white dress shirt with a baby blue vest over it, beige paints, and black shoes that shone like two black buttons. "Wow, I just wore this," I said while looking at my outfit. "I think you look great," he complimented. Jessica's Outfit: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/_SweetDelight/Jessica/snsdjessica-japan-genie.jpg "So, time for the doggies to play!" I said. "Also, time for us to get to know each other better," he added. I nodded my head and smiled. Donghae and I happily sat down as we watched our dog play. Eventually, we learned more about each other.

Chapter Two

I walked up to the tree and slightly touched the rough bark. It didn't change one bit. The tree was still like the tree a year ago. That just made memories take over even more. *Flashback* "So Donghae, how long have you been the owner of your dog?" I asked. "About two years. How about you?" "About six years," "Really?" "No, just about twenty-one hours," Looking at him smiling at me just made me happier. "How old are you?" he inquired. "I'm twenty-three. How about you?" "Oh, I'm twenty-six," "Oh, should I call you Oppa then?" "Y-yeah. That would work perfectly," I just smiled at how adorable he could be. "So Jessica, what did you name your dog?" "I named h... it Jumpy," "Is 'it' a boy or girl?" "I haven't checked," "Wait, you've had 'it' for about a day already and you don't know it's gender?" "I'm not that well with dogs. I'm only familiar with a few breeds and yeah," "Oh, okay?" "Um, do you mind helping me find out?" "That's strange but sure," We walked towards Jumpy and the other dog and well Donghae checked her belly... I think. "Jumpy's a boy," "Oh, what about your dog?" "Fishy's a girl," "Fishy? What kind of name is that?" "I know, it's stupid. It's my nickname and well, I couldn't think of anything else," "Oh. Well, it's pretty late. I should probably go home and cook for my sister," "Let me walk you home," "My house is only three minutes away. I think I can handle it myself," "Oh, then at least let me walk you half the way," "Fine. Then I'll walk on my own, deal?" "Deal," I picked up Jumpy while Donghae put a leash around Fishy. We then headed towards my house... kind of. --- While walking There was a long silence that was no broken for a while. "Um, I guess I can handle it from here," I told him. "Okay. Bye," He leaned towards me and I was filled with joy. "Is he going to kiss me?" I asked myself.

I closed my eyes adn well I was surprised when he only gave me a hand shake with my free hand. "Ugh, if only he kissed me!" I thought. I opened my eyes and smiled at him then left for the rest of the way," I couldn't stop thinking about him. His eyes that was as brown as dark chocolate, his hair that went along perfectly with his facial features, his voice that was deep but it still had a soft side to it, and his personality was great. He was everything I wanted. I couldn't wait to see him again. Day by day, I looked forward to see him. I couldn't believe it, I fell rock hard for him. I fell in love with him. Bad news is, that was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. --- Friday I woke up with a huge grin on my face. Today was the day I've been waiting for all week. It was Friday, the day where I get to see Donghae again on our date. I quickly ate then got ready even though the date was eight hours away. "Krys! Help me get ready!" I screamed. After a few seconds, Krystal came into my room and made her way towards my closet. "Okay, just wait out here," she said. I looked inside my closet and saw Krystal looking at my dresses. I went to my bathroom and got out my makeup kit and my headbands. I walked back to my bedroom and sat down on my bed. "Unnie! I found some cute things, just wait for five more minutes!" Krystal shouted. I just waited patiently as Krystal came out of my closet with about ten dresses attached to her arms and hands. "Okay, let's begin," she said while giving me a smile. Krystal and I made outfits, destroyed outfits, and destroyed some perfectly good dresses. In the end, Krystal and I made a huge mess and a masterpiece. -- At the Park Once I reached the edge of the park, Donghae came towards me and put a blindfold around my eyes. "What's going on?" I inquired. "You'll see," he replied.

I just let out a heavy breath and went along with it. After about 15 steps, he took off the blindfold but covered my eyes with his hands. He took his hands off a few seconds later. I looked at him in surprised. The tree was a new resturaunt! It had a small table with a silky white cloth, two chairs with a floral pattern cushion on it, china that looks brand new, a candle in the middle of the table and about twenty other smaller candles around us (but not to close that we might make an accident). "Would you like to eat?" he asked. I just nodded my head. "What are you in the mood for?" "Fish," I replied. He just gasped at my answer. "How could you?" "What?" "I'm a fish!" "Oh, are you like Arial? Are you a merman who encoutered a an octopus and well, turned into human but could talk?" "Um, no. That's just what people call me," "Oh," "Um, anything else you want to eat?" "Sushi?" "What's with you and fish?" "You know I'm talking about the one made with seaweed, right?" "No," he replied. He leaned down a little bit and grabbed something out of under the table. He took out meat (cooked and in a container) out of something. He then put more things on the table. Rice, seaweed, noodles, handdeok (Korean Pancakes and in a small bag with wrap around it), and a crab. (Cooked. NOT ALIVE! Pretty creeped out by it. In a medium sized container. Not that big.) "Wow, are you Mary Poppins or something?"

"Are you a Disney lover or something?" I just laughed at his comment. "You look gorgeous tonight," he told me. I looked down at what I was wearing. A beige dress that went up to my knees and 2 inch high heels. My blondehair was curled loosely and I wore makeup that really made my eyes pop out. (Real photo. Coming Soon) "Thanks. You look great yourself," I replied back. He just smiled at me as we made the food. *Flashback* The date was amazing. We eventually fell super hard for each other and well, dated each other. Our relationship was perfect. Well, it was perfect for the first nine months. After that, things started to get crazy. *Flash Back* I was sitting in our apartment we rented after our six month annirversary. "Aish, Lee Donghae! Answer already!" I thought to myself. It was eleven- twenty six and Donghae wasn't home from practice. He auditioned for SM Entertainment and well, he made it! He's going to be in a group called Super Junior. He would practice everyday but Sundays and come home around nine-fourty. Today was different. Today he didn't come home before nine- fourty. Today he didn't greet me by the door and hug me. Today, he wasn't here. "Is he working extra hard?" I asked myself. "Maybe he's trying to get better?" "Maybe he's trying to be the best of best for me?" I could only think of good scenarios right now. The bad thoughts were kicked out of my mind as the good ones were in. *Cold Noodles Song Plays* I went over to my coffee table to get my phone. I flipped it open and saw something unbelievable. "Sica, I'm home!"

I looked over and saw Donghae looking all neat and tidy with roses covering his hand. "GET OUT!" I screamed coldly. He jumped back at my sudden outburst. Tears fell from my eyes heavily. I didn't think that he would do that to me. I guess I have to move on. "GET OUT!" I screamed once again. "What's wrong, Sica?" "Don't call me that again! GET OUT NOW!" He slowly walked out glancing back every once in a while wondering what was going on. Days passed and I didn't even contact him once. All of that ended when I asked him to meet me at the tree that began it all. Now, it was going to end it all. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to let him go.

Chapter 3
Fallen Tree of Memories
I looked at it one more time and looked away. It gave so much pain just by looking at it and remembering the bad times at this tree. I kept repeated that action until I couldn't take it anymore. *Flashback* "S... Jessica, what's wrong?" Donghae asked innocently. I just snorted at him and took out my phone for later. "I know you're in Super Junior and you have the hard practices and everything but you could spare a few hours with me!" I told him coldly. "Um, I tried but-" "But you were too busy with this girl?" I put up my phone and showed him a picture of him and a girl kissing. He was speechless by it. I just gave him a glare while he was trying to think of another lie. "We're through, Donghae," I told him in English. *Flashback* Even though it was the right thing to do, I wish I could still cuddle in his arms. I wish I could be full of bliss again. I wish I could still have someone like him.

"Jessica?" a male voice said surprised. I turned to my right and there he was. Mr. Lee Donghae, the cutie in Super Junior, the most perfect guy, and the cheater. "What do you want?" I coldly replied. "I've been thinking about you day and night and well, I regret my mistake! I want you back. Now that I see you here, I know you still remember me too. What do you say, Jessica?" This was my moment to have him again. This was my moment to cuddle in his arms again. This was my moment to be full of bliss again. "No," "N-no?" "You got that right. You cheated on me and didn't want to spare some time with me! Why would I take you back? Now if you excuse me, I need to go to Japan to do my new song," I walked away, grabbing my suitcases left on the grass with me. I left Lee Donghae back there, at that tree, regretting his mistake even more. It was his lost. Now, I'm Jessica Jung, Ice Princess of SNSD, the second oldest, one of the main singers, and the one who will never make a mistake like Lee Donghae ever again. ----

Do You Remember?
by Block-ster


Forewords Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5: First place in MF challenge. :D

DESCRIPTION. Minho and Krystal were best of friends but everything changed when Krystal fell for Minho. She didn't want to keep these feelings from him, so she chose to confess everything. Which concluded to the end of their friendship because Minho didn't feel the same. They turned to complete strangers, Minho not acknowledging Krystal's presence every time they bump into each other at school. Krystal tried talking out with him a few times, but received the cold shoulder. What happens when Krystal chose to move on, and Minho finally admitted his feelings after realising how much Krystal means to him, after remembering what they've been through together.. Starring: Choi Minho Krystal Jung Co-starring: Luna Park Kwon Yuri

Chapter 1 I love you. These are the final words that I had last said to him. These last three words are like the trigger point that ended our friendship. Maybe to the others, these three words are words of confession, words of affection, words that are meant to be said in a heart racing moment. But to me, these are words of that are meant to be the final conversation between us; these are words of frustration, anger and exhaustion. Sorry And lastly, this is the only word that has been ringing in my ear for the past five months. Perhaps this whole conversation is just simply a whole retarded stupid rejection. But to me, its the worse heartbreak ever. And finally I understood what they mean by, sometimes, the things that hurt you the deepest isnt the worse insult. But, it is the simplest word, coldest expression and that numbing sensation. That is a confession to my best friend, a friend who I had been with for the length of five years. Have you ever tried to controlled your feelings for someone that whom you are very close to? You simply knew the answer, but the more you tried to control your feelings, the harder you tried to keep away and hide your feelings, the stronger that feeling will grow, and in the end? It would just go boom! and explode by some minor incidents that happened. Stupid isnt it? I thought too. Tak, tak, tak. I can still feel the heavy raindrops hitting hard onto my body. As if, punishing me for falling in love with my bestest friend. As if, trying to hit me and keep me awake, telling me to stop day dreaming- its impossible. However, it was that day that I decided. I dont want to keep these feelings to myself any longer. I couldnt keep it inside of me anymore. The contents, that feeling- love, for him is flowing out of my heart. Dont. I gripped tightly onto the end of his shirt. Feeling the rain flowing from my head down to the end of my long hair, as they drip down, tak, tak, tak. It was as if they are substituting my tears that just couldnt roll down from my stubborn eyes. Krystal? that shocked expression on his face. My guess is correct. He never knows, he never knew.

Dont go I repeated myself again, as I looked up at his pretty face. That face that captured many hearts. But, it was not this face that captured mine; it was his gentle personality, caring attitude. Why are you being like this? he asked, with his eyebrows furrowed together. She needs me. he said in a harsh tone. It was like an order, like a command to let go of my hands. Yeah, I know it, I know it perfectly. He doesnt like me. He was taken, by a girl, an absolutely gorgeous one. A girl with an angelic face, feminine appearance, perfect body line, girlish attitude and lastly, a brilliant mind. But the main point is, she is a girl that is so different from me, a girl that is completely opposite from me, that type of girl who only can capture his heart. Yeah, I know it, so well, so perfectly. But, sometimes, there are things that cannot be controlled. I cannot always be that friend to support him, I cannot always be that friend to be around him, to joke with him, and neither can I be that friend who would always treat him as only just a friend. But, I too, was a normal girl who would fall in love with a guy that has a great looking pretty face, a guy with a great caring personality, a guy who treats a girl well. I too was a girl who would fall in love with that someone who she longs to be with, who she thinks that she could rely on, who she could think of as a prince charming, a knight, a hero, a lover. But in the end, the selfish wish of mine didnt come true. Well, I guess, the whole thing about wishing upon a meteor star is just crap bullshit that would only fool silly little girls who believe in those nave fairy tales. I was once belonged in that group of silly little girls when I had just fallen in love with my best friend. But now, I had my eyes wide open. There is no Cinderella in this world. The gorgeous people still falls in the same category while the ugly looking ones are forbidden to get involve or to taint their beautiful world. I lay on my bed as perspiration slowly starts to evaporate away. Again, yes, again, I was awoken by that scary nightmare that would come to haunt me down every night. That explains my dark circles around my eyes. However, though I had already awoken from that terrifying nightmare, but why did that scene continued to play in my head and even worse, that rainfall from that night still continue hitting onto my bare skin as I stared up at the ceiling with my arms wide open, is this a mistake? Is falling in love with my best friend a mistake? Chapter 2 Krystal! a familiar voice called my name as the footsteps get louder and louder. Luna! I smiled brightly as I greeted my second best friend- next to him of course. Hey, you know Harry Potters last movie Part one had just come out from the theatres? Wanna watch it later?

She is a hardcore fan of Harry Potter. Not only she has the whole series of Harry Potter like what normal Harry Potter fans will have, she also has their keychain, water bottle, T-shirt, poster and had even went to Harry Potter Theme Park, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter where all the ride and facilities are part of Harry Potter world. Last but not least, she has written all kind of Harry Potter fanfictions. Creating couples and stories that you will not be able to find it in the Harry Potter series like having Draco Malfoy being together with Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger betrayed Ron Weasley and ended up with Harry Potter but she had never written anything about Ron Weasleys sister, Ginny Weasley since she hated her for no reason. But I would guess its all because she is going to end up with Harry Potter? Okay, this might all sound crazy and stuff, but the craziest thing she had ever done is to actually couple up Snape and Dumbledore. Well, that just simply makes her a hardcore crazy Harry Potter fan. Sure. I smile lightly until we saw a familiar figure with a gorgeous looking woman hooking her arm around his. Hey Krystal, isnt that Minho? Luna adjusted her glasses as she wince her eyes a bit. Just before I could give a proper reply, a gush of wind blew against my face and POOF, it was like magic and I ended up in front of Choi Minho- my (ex) best friend. Ahnyeong Minho! Luna greeted him heartily as she then started to examine the girl beside him, this is Yuri. Kwon Yuri. Minho introduced her enthusiastically as he look at Luna, pretending that I didnt exist. Ahnyeonghaseyho. She bowed at 90 degree as she greeted both me and Luna. As expected from the girl from a rich family. Not only just having an angelic face, a feminine appearance, a perfect body line, a girlish attitude and a brilliant mind, she is also well-mannered, polite and has the type of personality that no one could ever dislike. Wanna go watch Harry Potter together with us later? Luna asked Minho, ignoring the presence of that girl who just greeted us as I bowed lightly to show my apologetic for my friends rude behaviour. Im going to watch with my girlfriend later. Sorry about it. Emphasizing the word, girlfriend, he then placed his hand around his girlfriends waist as he bowed a bit. Min-but before I could finish what I want to say, he just simply grabbed his girlfriend and walked off. Without even listening to what I have to say, or can I say in this case, didnt even want to listen to what I have to say.

So, those three words could just blow off a friendship that lasted for five years? So this is just how fragile our relationship is. So you can forget everything that has happened to us in these five years. So, you are this cold-blooded Krystal Luna looked at me, looking apologetic. Im sorry. I thought that he would have gotten over with that and would talk to you again. Its okay Luna. I tried to convince my friend standing in front of me that I am okay. But, am I really okay? This is not the first time that I had received his cold shoulder. Truthfully, I had actually tried to talk to him, tried to start a conversation with him. But, never once did he reply me. Its always just him walking away, leaving me there standing like a retarded fool waiting for a reply that I would never ever get to hear. Lets go. I then turned myself around as I placed my arm around Lunas neck as the flashback of that girl greeting us just now appeared in my head again. It is her. That girl that caused me to get all jealous and in the end, me exploded and thus revealing my feelings for him. I was using so much effort just to try to hide away these feelings for him. Why is it so easy for her to just turn around and then these feelings would come leaking out? This is so unfair... so unfair Umma. Appa. I placed my chopsticks down as I run in deep thoughts before I began my speech. I will follow your wish and head to the States to further my studies. Finally, I had made the final decision. This is the decision I had made after thinking through for the past five months. My parents had already suggested this to me ever since last year and they hoped they I can go to the States to further my studies and after that, to marry the successor of Lees enterprise, ajusshi Lees son whom I had met once during my childhood period though I dont really remember his name or even his looks. Really? What made you agree to this? You have always been very against the idea of going to the States, let alone the ideal of you getting married to Lee Joon. So thats his name. Lee Joon- my future husband-to-be. Guess I have to start memorizing this name; wouldnt it be embarrassing for me to not know my fiancs name? Well, isnt it good to marry a family that has the same level of status and reputation as us? It could do us good too. I pretend to act normal as I just squeeze out a reason or two. Glad that you had actually thought through this. Im proud of you, my daughter. Appa smiles as he looks at me.

Alright appa. Im going back to my room since I had finished my dinner. I slowly walk off as I snorted at myself. Status? Reputation? Do you even once care about things like this Krystal Jung? I thought to myself as I shake my head lightly. Just admit it, you agree to this and it was all because you want to run away from here, from this heartbreaking place, from him, from Choi Minho. I scanned through the contacts in my phone as I saw this name, Minho. What am I thinking? Wanting to bid him goodbye? Wanting to tell him that Im leaving. So what exactly am I anticipating for? For him to stop me? You know thats impossible Krystal, you know exactly that he has no feelings for you Krystal. So why are you behaving like this? I then laugh at myself again; it was because of this, thats why Im leaving. Chapter 3 Wae? the person on the other line asked, not in concern but in frustration. Its because of him right? I sighs a bit as I played with the soccer ball on my bed. You knew exactly what is going to happen to you when you go to the States. So you are just going to let your parents control your future? she ask again with her voice volume up. Luna So just because of Choi Minho, you are going to ruin your future? Is it even worth it? she reprimanded me lightly as I kept silent. Do you even know this Lee Joon? Well, I had only met him once during my childhood. I replied lightly; still continuing to play with the soccer ball. You dont even know him well and you agreed to marry him? Are you crazy? she then again volume her voice as I can imagine her walking up and down of her room as she ruffles her hair violently leaving her hair in the state of a crazy woman. If you are some kind of old virgin who still havent got married at the age of 40, I will say go for it. But how old are you? You are only 16! Like hello?! she began blabbing on and on until I heard a scream from her, JUNG KRYSTAL! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING? Woah, woah. Luna, youve got to calm down. Chill girl! I bring back the phone to my ear when she finished roaring. Krystal, youve got to listen to me. Dont go to the States! Dont. she then stated firmly.

But My appa had already booked the air ticket for me and he had already informed the school that Im leaving abroad. I said cautiously as I knew she will be blasting with anger after hearing what I had said. MWOH?! she never fails my expectation. When are you leaving? The week after Sunday I replied even cautiously this time. Oh my god! Its less than a fortnight girl! Your appa sure is afraid that you will change your mind and cannot bear for you to stay in Korea for a single minute huh. She said angrily as I can feel the heat coming out from the phone. Okay girl. Give me a night to swallow this down my stomach. I will talk to you again tomorrow! and with this, all I could hear after that angry voice was, teet teet.. teet I put down the phone then picked up the soccer ball on my bed. This ball is the reason and the object that let us met. But if I knew that this would be coming, I would never ever let myself touch soccer ball nor will I allow myself to fall in love with this sports. Krystal! the ferocious voice rang into my ears as I turned around nervously waving my hand awkwardly, squinting my eyes and forcing out a smile, Ahnyeong Luna. Ahnyeong huh. She said through her gritted teeth as she pinches my ears lightly. Why didnt you inform me before you made that decision? How dare of you! She then rolled up her sleeves, preparing to give me a good beating, as if threatening to kill me as I can almost thought of what she was thinking. She is going to send me to the hospital before I could even reach to the States safe and sound. Luna! Relax! Relax Luna! I screamed in fear as I picked my legs and ran as fast as I could. I guess this is the only skill that I could find useful from learning soccer. Alright, so what do you intend to do when you reached the States? Luna has finally calmed down after chasing me around the whole school upside down as I pass her a can of drink. Well, I guess I am going to go with my fathers wish and does some business course so I can help out with the company in the future. I replied with a sip of orange juice.

How about Soccer? she asked, looking at me sincerely. Im going to quit it. Coolly, I said. Are you serious? she rested her arms against the back of the seat as I replied with a nod. Thats just as tough as me quit reading and watching Harry Potter you know. I smiled lightly as I knew how hardcore she is to read the whole of Harry Potter series more than 70 times. Well, some habits have to be changed if you want to continue and get on with life. I said as I took in a deep breath. This is a decision that takes a lot of determination; I cannot let this determination to waver at a time like this. She didnt reply, instead she just shook her head. How unlikely of her. Usually, she would scream and yell the head out of mine when she heard me saying this kind of stuff. But I guess, she did feel that determination in me and all she can do is to remain silence, take a sit back and see what I have to say, what I have to do. Chapter 4

I was carrying my luggage as I head over to the check in counter where I can hand my luggage over to them and then wait for the time to head on to the air plane. Well I guess, thats the end, its the end. Finally, I can get to move on with my life without to hear anything or to do anything regarding this single person, Choi Minho. I was standing at the middle of the airport as I take a good look at the entrance of it. I was trying to picture the whole of Seoul, the whole of Korea where fresh memories, sweet memories, bitter memories, heart breaking memories took place at. My home town, this precious piece of land. And lastly, this will be the place where I will be throwing two names away, Choi Minho and Kwon Yuri. The two people who upset me the most, the two people who gave me the heart pain the most as flashbacks came running into my brain like a storm. -FlashbackKrystal! he chirped as he came hopping towards me.

Minho! I yelled in excitement as this is the first time we are going to watch a movie together. But soon, the tone of my voice falls as my lips starts to form a frown as I saw her standing beside him. This is? my voice started to tremble a bit. Meet my girlfriend. He smiles brightly, we are officially together since yesterday. You are the first to know! he then whispered into my ears as I shook hands with her, unwillingly. -End of FlashbackThough you gave me those heartbreaking moments, those hurtful feeling, but because of you, I realized that actually Krystal Jung is also a person who could actually fall in love with a guy like you, I realized that actually Krystal Jung had actually been through those excitement of being in love one whole-sidedly, I realized that actually Krystal Jung could actually act so crazy when she is jealous. Thanks for letting me discover so many different sides of her, and above all, thank you for giving her all these precious memories and strong sweet stingy feelings that she might not ever feel it again. For that, I thank you. And now, she is going to leave all these memories that she treats it like her life here in this piece of land, back to you. Passengers boarding the airplane to America please come on board now. The plane will be leaving in 15 minutes time. The announcement made, I turned my body around, this time facing the departure gate. First step I take- Ahnyeonghasehyo, Nan Choi Minho imnida. The first tear rolled down my eyes. Second step I take- You like soccer too? I can teach you! the second tear rolled down my eyes. Third step I take- Krystal, want to come and see me in the competition? the third tear rolled down my eyes. Fourth step I take- I will win this match, just for you. The fourth tear rolled down my eyes. Fifth step I take- There is a grain of rice on your face. The fifth tear rolled down my eyes. Sixth step I take- Here you go. Are you leaving it for supper? the sixth tear rolled down my eyes.

Seventh step I take- Krystal, there is this someone that I had fallen for. The seventh tear rolled down my eyes. Eighth step I take- Whenever I sees her, my heart will go bathump, bathump, bathump nonstop. The eighth tear rolled down my eyes. Ninth step I take- Meet my girlfriend. The ninth tear rolled down my eyes. Tenth step I take- Sorry The tenth tear rolled down my eyes. With each and every step I took, with each and every step nearer to the entrance of the departure door, a drop of tear will trickle down my eyes as memories for the last time rolled like a movie tape in my head. And finally the last step- Goodbye Minho, my forever best friend I said to him as the door opened. Krystal! with this, I froze. Isnt that I immediately turned around with face filled with tears as I saw a man panting hardly as he walks towards me- Choi Minho. Minho I opened my eyes twice the size I would normally have as I stood there, stunned. Im sorry Krystal, forgive me. I love you he then pulled me into his embrace as I felt the warm temperature of his body. This then made me realized that this wasnt a dream, it was all reality, they were true. Do you remember Minho? Our precious memories, the time that we spent together. I asked as tears continued to roll down my eyes. I do, I do. I tried to erase all our memories when you confessed to me, but. The more I tried to erase, the more I cant and the more I thought about you and it was then I realized my love for you he tighten the hug as I tried to break free. What about Yuri unnie? I asked, looking down on the floor. We are over. Be together with me, stay here. Dont go. I looked up at his beautiful face but this time there is a red mark there.

What happen to your face? I asked in concern as I quickly touch it gently. Thats just something to make me realized that I cant live without you, its a trigger point to that realization. He said as he looked at the person standing far away from us, behind him. It was Luna. I smiled again as I could imagine the whole scene of what happened between them. I then looked back at his face as his face came closer and closer and soon, a kiss that is even sweeter than the sweetest chocolate, the tastiest candy happened as I placed my hands around his neck and his hands around my waist. So I guess, wishing upon a meteor star actually do work after all. Im going back to be that group of silly little girls. Though I belong there, though Im silly, but, I am a happy silly little girl who had happiness grabbed firmly on her two hands.

Love Does Not Wait

You, Hyerin, infinite, teentop etc.

Another fanfic from me!! I know.. I rushed in completing my fanfic titled "That someone is you".. I'm sorry for that suckish ending. Well.. here it goes.. You (Hyemi) had a twin named Hyerin. You guys trained in for the same company which is 'Woolim Entertainment'. The both of you were close like glue...but when you guys debuted as a duo.. many people started noticing you..only you. She started to get jealous of the attention the public gives you. So.. twin or not..she decided to break it up with you... as siblings and as a duo. Then what surprised you is that she signed a contract with 'Top Entertainment' which gave her so much popularity..but.. with that.. she still doesn't feel happy.. she left her one and only twin because of popularity.


You guys must be wondering who's the guy?? Well.. I still haven't had planned it..

Vote?? But.. I'm focusing only to guys in the boy group called "INFINITE" and "TEEN TOP" This story will revolve around you and your twin.. but don't worry.. the lead female character will surely have a partner. ^_^ Characters: You or Hyemi - A very good and nice big sister to her twin Hyerin. 15 seconds older than her twin. Will do anything for her infamous twin. Selfless and a very outgoing person that's why everyone loves her. Hates bitches. Honest and very straightforward. Hyerin - Your twin who loves you. But..because of her jealousy..that love turned into hatred. Her dream : Become famous. REALLY FAMOUS not only in Korea but also international.

Chapter 1: Hyemi and Hyerin Hyemi's POV "Unnie!" My twin catched my attention as I stopped dancing. I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "We're going to debut soon!!" She said, enthusiastic. I smiled at her. I pinched her cheeks. "You sure are so happy." I told her. "of course! Our dream will finally come true!!" Correction.. it was her dream.. not mine actually. I only wanted to protect her..that's why I chose to become a trainee too. "That's good then." I said as she went to the others to tell the good news. "Congratulations. I heard you're going to debut soon." A voice said. I turned around and saw Sunggyu oppa. "Thanks." I smiled. "Don't ever forget me when you debut huh?" He asked. I chuckled at his silliness. "Look who's talking.. you guys already debut and about to make a comeback.. were you talking about yourself? haha." He grabbed me by my wrist and let me sit on the couch. "I need to practice oppa!" I whined. He suddenly hugged me, my eyes widened. "Let me just hold you like this." He said as I hugged him back. Wanna know what's our relationship?? You're curious right? right? Well.. we're just friends since childhood. To put it simple, he's my childhoodfriend along with Hyerin.. but I'm closer to him than Hyerin is. "What are you talking about oppa?" I teased him. He finally let go and scratched his head. "Well.. I just feel like hugging you." He smiled in a very dorky way. I chuckled. "You're so weird." I said and went back to dancing. After practice, I went out with Hyerin for dinner. "Unnie.I can't wait!" She said for the 10th time. "I know.." "Aren't you excited? We'll be idols!" She said. "Of course I am. But.. I'm scared too. Will the public accept us??" I asked. "Of course!" I smiled..she's always the confident one while I'm the not-so-confident one. "By the way unnie.. Manager Park told me earlier that our duo name would be 'Twinkle' (I know..it's lame but I couldn't think of any good duo name..it's better than nothing right? I got Twinkle from the word Twin..haha.. )" She informed me. I nodded as I took a bite. "What's our concept?" I asked. "I don't know.. cute concept? Nah! I hate those.. mature one? or maybe we'll be into ballad more." She answered. "I hope we're into hip-hop or rnb." I said. "You know I can't dance like you do." She pouted. "But you can sing better." I told her to make her feel better. She smiled. "Nope.. Both of us can sing..no one's better.. we're equally great."

I'm happy I have a twin sister like her. ^_^ Chapter 2: Dense Hyemi's POV "In less than a month, you and your twin Hyerin will debut. So.. please.. do your best in the remaining training days." Mr. Park informed me as I bowed. "Yes sir." He smiled. He patted my head. "You're like a daughter to me, no need to call me sir. You can call me dad like what Hyerin calls me. I nodded. "Okay....dad." "So??" Sunggyu who was beside me asked. "So??" "What happened with your talk to Park ahjusshi?" He asked. "Ahjusshi? Sunggyu oppa..he's our CEO of Woolim Entertainment." I reminded him. "Yeah yeah..so how many days are left before you debut?" He asked. "He told me...in less than a month." I answered. "Hmm.. Not enough time.." "What do you mean? Hyerin and I have been practicing and training for like 5 years now." "I've been trained for more than 6 years." He boasted as I playfully punched his arm. "AW!" He winced in pain. "That doesn't even hurt!" I pointed out as he grinned like a child. Sunggyu's POV "I'm happy for you." I told her honestly. "Thanks." "Don't ever forget me when you debut!" I told her. "Of course! How could I forget an annoying person in my life for how long I've been with him?" I pinched her cheeks which she totally hates. "Yah!" She glared at me as I let go of her cheeks. I tenderly smiled at her. "Hyemi! Time for practice!" I heard the instructor informed Hyemi as I sighed. She's been practicing for the whole day already! Why won't the instructors give them a break?? She stood up and bid goodbye. I hope...she really won't forget me... like how I didn't forget her when I started becoming an idol. "Why won't you just confess?" I jumped in surprise when someone said that. And that someone is no other than... Hyerin with Sungyeol. They looked at me with those teaseful looks. I raised an eyebrow. "Wait.. why aren't you practicing?" I asked Hyerin. "well.. The instructor told me to fetch Sungyeol oppa.. when we saw you here.. sitting dramatically." "Dramatically?" I asked. "Yeap. Unnie must be kinda dense when it comes to love... but I am not. I know when a guy likes a girl by telling how he looks at her." "So?" "Well.. so.. I could tell you like her..right oppa?" She turned to Sungyeol who just nodded.

"Well.. that's none of your business anymore Hyerin. Go practice! Your unnie must be waiting for you!" I pushed her and Sungyeol to the practice room. Chapter 3: MyungSoo Hyemi's POV "Man! I'm tired with all those dance practice!" I said as I laid on my bed lazily. I looked at the ceiling. Two more days before our debut. I'm excited...but at the same time I'm really nervous. How would the public accept us? Our first music video will be released tomorrow... I'm really nervous. I grabbed my laptop, placed it on my bed and surf the internet. I searched the article where we were introduced. "New duo twins entitled 'Twinkle' will finally debut at Music Bank this week!" I clicked that and started reading the comments. "I can't wait!! I heard they were good." "Twins? Man! Two adorable and sexy twins to debut!" "Another one? Korea should make all their citizens there as idols." "A duo and not a group? Finally! Something new for a change!" I smiled at the last comment I've read. At least some people are anticipating for our debut. I shut down my laptop and off to dreamland!~ The next morning.. "UNNNIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My oh-so-hyperactive-twin called me. She's my alarm clock too btw. "What?" I asked, annoyed she ruined my sleep. "Our last day before our debut! Let's go out! Manager gave us a one day break from those tiring trainings and practice!" She exclaimed as I went back to sleep. "UNNIE!" She whined and pouted. "Unnie here is very tired.. I wanna sleep Hyerin-ah." I told her. She pouted more. Okay..I give up. In less than 5 minutes, I was already dressed. "Why did I agree again?" I asked, sighing. "Because... you can't resist your lovely twin!" With that, she dragged me out. After a day of being with Hyerin..we were tired from all that shopping! Man! I have a shoppaholic sister! "Hyemi-ah." That voice... Myungsoo oppa. I blushed at how sweet he called me. Okay, I'm not his girlfriend.. it's just that.. i have this tiny tiny crush on him. "Myungsoo oppa."

He smiled at me. "Good luck on your debut tomorrow. Do your best." OH MY! I could just die right now! "Thank you sunbae-nim." I bowed. "No need to bow. Afterall, we're still friends right? I'm sorry I didn't have anymore time to hangout with you and Hyerin-shi." "it's okay. Of course..you're an idol now." I reassured him that it was totally fine. "Well.. I got to go now. Talk to you later!" He said and went off. "Wow.. The tomboy Hyemi is actually blushing!" Sunggyu teased me as he walked towards my way. "You saw and heard all of that?" I asked. "Of course! Wow.. I thought you don't have any crush with him anymore?" "I don't." I simply said. "Then?? Explain how you acted earlier." He challenged. "Well.. that was... ugghh.. okay. I still have this tiny little crush on him! But that's nothing! I just admire him as an idol." I answered. He shook his head as a sign of disagreement. "YOu do know... that he stopped hanging out with you and your twin after we debuted 'coz of his busy schedules right?" I nodded. "Well.. I hope he has time now.. if that's what makes you happy." Huh? "Forget what I just said. I got to go now. Sleep early Hyemi-ah. And do your best tomorrow." What was that just now?? Chapter 4: Good News Hyemi's POV Mr. Park, CEO of Woolim Entt. suddenly called us for a meeting before our debut tomorrow. I heard my sister yawned as we patiently waited for him. It was already 8 in the evening. And Hyerin and I must get a lot of sleep before tomorrow. "I'm sorry twins for calling you this late." Mr Park apologized. We smiled. Even though he's the CEO, he's not like the others.. where they treat their artists as slaves and not as persons. "It's okay Mr. Park." I said. "Yeah daddy." My sister always calls him that. I just couldn't call him that.. it's awkward. "Well.. we released early this morning your music video.. and I have good news." He said as we waited for him to continue. "THE PUBLIC LOVES YOU!" Our eyes widened. Really?? "Cheongmal (Really?)?" He nodded. My sister jumped in excitement. Suddenly Mr. Park took out his laptop and showed us the comments of our music video. "Wow.. different. At least..they're different from the recent groups now." "They're so pretty and cute!! Twinkle fighting!!" "Hyemi and Hyerin? The HyeHye twin!"

"Twinkle? Cute name for two cute girls!!" "Wow.. Hyerin noona can sing and Hyemi noona can dance! And now that's what you call talent." "Twinkle fighting! Can't wait for you debut tomorrow!! We'll be cheering for you!" "By now.. we're still thinking of a name for your fan base." Mr. Park said as we nod. I turned my attention to my twin who was grinning like a kid. "It's good that most of the netizens accepts you. Even in other countries." Mr. Park smiled as we bowed and left. "WAHH!!! YES! I CAN'T WAIT UNNIE!" Hyerin said in excitement. "I can't wait either." Chapter 5: Debut Hyemi's POV "This is it." I murmured as my heart was beating so fast. "Unnie.. I'm nervous." Hyerin said. I looked at her and smiled. She feels the same way as I do right now. I held her hand. "We can do it." I encourage her and led her to the stage. I looked at all the audience..they were..cheering for us..some were just watching us. Hyerin started to sing... I closed my eyes and started singing with her. (Yeah..their debut song was a ballad one.. with a mix of..rnb.. is that even possible?? Well..just act like it does.. kekeke) After that..we were back in the backstage were the other artists were... we were waiting for the final idol groups perform and the mcs to announce the K-chart winner. And obviously.. i know..we were not one of those candidates.. and we didn't even get to placed any rank in the chart. I sighed..well..it's our debut song anyways..and our song was only released few days ago..so I shouldn't expect much. DBSK/Homin, the last one to perform finished their performance with a bang! man! They were beyond awesome! Totally my favorite idol group as of now. hehe. One of the Music Bank staffs told us to gather around the stage. I nodded along with my twin we went behind the other groups. "Who were the candidates tonight oppa?" I asked Sunggyu oppa who was right beside me. He shrugged. "Must be IU and DBSK." He answered nonchalantly. "And..tonight's K-chart winner is....................."

{Pretend that your and your twin's picture is SNSD's.. and you were against up to DBSK}

"TWINKLE!!" My eyes widened as the MCs announced who the winner is. "HUH?" I asked, dumbfounded. "Congrats." Sunggyu oppa smiled at me as he pushed me in front. The MCs gave us the microphones. "Uhh.. We weren't really expecting this..especially tonight's our debut day." I started. "Thank you to all the fans who started supporting us few days ago when our debut song was released!" My sister continued as tears from our eyes were falling 'coz of the happiness we

were feeling right now. I couldn't explain how I am happy right now. Our debut day...is our first k-chart win. "Gomawo!" We bowed as our song was playing. Sunggyu oppa gave me a boquet of flowers. "Thank you oppa!" I thanked him as he smiled at me and left with the other Infinite members. Going home... Infinite members were running up to us while we were grinning like kids. "Yah! You guys didn't even tell us we were up against DBSK sunbae-nims!!" I heard Hyerin whined. Sungyeol scoffed. He pinched her cheeks. "You guys were amazing! Legends! haha.. the first duo not to mention idols who won first on their debut day! Mr.Park must be proud with you two that he would treat us tomorrow for a feast!" Dongwoo said..a little bit exaggerated.. but that's how he is. I giggled. "Thanks guys." I formally thanked them. "For what? We didn't do anything. All your hardwork paid off." Sunggyu oppa said as I pinched his cheeks. The others went 'Ayiee'. "YAH!" Chapter 6: Unfair Hyerin's POV I yawned as I looked at Shindong and Gyuri who were mcing Shim Shim Tapa. I'm bored.. Why should I be here? Mr. Park told us to watch how they MC..and host since Hyemi unnie and I will be hosting a radio show soon. Wouldn't that be boring? "hey.. have you heard about Twinkle?" I heard a fan said to his friend. "Of course man! That Hyemi girl was hot! Hotter than fire." He complimented my sister. Of course she is..but..wait.. we just exactly look alike.. what's the difference? "What are you saying? They're twins!" "Even though they're twins.. I find Hyemi hotter than the other girl." "Other girl?" "I forgot her name. Nah.. not worth remembering. I heard she can't even dance." Are they seriously going to continue talking about me?? Arggh.. whoever those guys are..I'm so going to kill them! "Yeah. I heard that too. In one of their debut stage.. Hyemi was the only one who danced.. while Hyerin just.. I couldn't even describe it as dancing.." SERIOUSLY??!! "I agree. ohh.. I wish I could bang Hyemi." He said , fantasizing. I angrily stood up from my sit. "What's the matter?" My twin asked as she removed the earphones that were plugged in her ears earlier. "I'm tired. Can we go home?" I asked her as she nodded, smiling. "I'll just tell the stylists and the staffs about it." With that, she went to find our manager.

I growled as I remembered those jerks who were talking about me and my twin. Seriously? I'm way hotter than my twin. To be honest..i know i can't dance. But i'm not that bad either! I sighed. They're not worth your time. I should just forget and ignore those comments. They're just... blind anyways. When unnie came back, we went home as soon as we can. I don't want to come back there. ARGHH!! -I was totally bored so I decided to surf the net. I typed on Youtube.com and searched for our debut performance last night. CLICK. I played it. Wow! We were kinda good. Kekeke. I'm not bragging or anything..but just stating a fact. ^^ I scrolled down and read the comments. "Hyemi-unnie so awesome! She can sing and dance! A full package!" Really? "Twinkle hwaiting! I can't wait for their performance later on at Inkigayo. Hyemi 3>" Hyemi again??! >.< "Hyemi noona marry me!" Stupid ass-hole. Did he think my twin would marry some strange internet guy? "Hyemi from Twinkle hwaiting!!" Are they doing this on purpose?? Why do they keep on encouraging Hyemi ONLY? It's seriously pissing me off. "Hyerin and Hyemi unnie.. you guys were the best of the best!" At last! At least someone still appreciates my talent! "Hyemi sure can dance while hyerin can't. It's okay..at least she has the voice." I closed the window and growled. "Why do they keep on complimenting my twin?? Why won't they notice me?? I looked like my twin anyway..maybe I'm a bit prettier.. and more talented. >.< This is unfair! I should do my best more! I should get more noticed than my twin. I sighed as I took a long shower. Chapter 7: Hearts Hyemi's POV I woke up feeling a bit tipsy. Man! haha. whatever. I stood up, grabbed a towel and went inside the bathroom. It took me long enough to finish taking a nice long bath. I looked at the time, it

was already 9 in the morning. Where is Hyerin? Lol. Maybe she's busy practicing or she went to Infinite's dorm. I grabbed my jacket and left my room. I looked around the building. Heart shaped paper form was pasted on the wall and 'Happy Valentine's Day Twinkle' was written in it. I smiled at the message. Infinite must have done this. They're so sweet. I walked to Infinite's room and chuckled thinking about them. "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY HYEMI DONGSAENG!!~" They all chorused. I saw Hyerin eating breakfast with Sungyeol. "Thanks guys. Same too you." I smiled at them as they let me in. They were all eating breakfast as I joined them. "YUM!!" I looked at Hyerin who was busy talking to Sungyeol. Something's fishy~ Hehe "Happy valentine's day monster." I looked at Sunggyu who was holding a rose, waiting for me to accept. I smiled at him as I accepted it. "Thanks oppa. You're so thoughtful." I pinched his cheeks. He grinned. "Just for you monster." I chuckled. "AYYIIEE!" I heard the guys teased us. Hyerin's POV I smiled at how they teased unnie. They looked good together. "Hyerin-ah.. don't you think they suit each other?" I nodded. I looked at Sungyeol. I frowned. He didn't even gave me a rose. I know..we're not together..but he was the closest to me in Infinite. Well.. it's fine..at least.. He's by my side. That's what it all matters. "Hyerin-ah. There's no schedules today right?" Hyemi sat beside me. "Nope." I shook my head. She suddenly smiled at me. "Don't worry.. Sungyeol prepared something for you..he's just shy. But he's going to give it to you later. So don't feel down." She whispered that made me blush. I looked at Sungyeol who was busy talking to Infinite. "Really?" I asked. Unnie smiled, grinning. I can't wait! Sunggyu's POV "You should give your gift already to Hyerin." I told Sungyeol. "But..will she accept it?" He asked, nervously. "Of course!GO!" I pushed him near Hyerin. Hyerin jumped a little. "Ugghh.. Happy hearts day." Sungyeol shyly greeted Hyerin as he gave the rose. Hyerin accepted it with a big smile on her face. "Thank you oppa!" Suddenly, she hugged him so tight that made Sungyeol BLUSHED SO MADLY! I laughed as I saw them. Hyerin likes him... and Sungyeol likes her. They sould get together! ^_^

Chapter 8: JunHyung Hyemi's POV I'm nervous right now! Wanna know why?? I am here right now in the studio of Star Golden Bell Challenge. I was wearing the uniform where artists and guests there wore. And.. on top of that.. I'm the only one here. I meant..from Woolim Ent. I know the others by face and name..but not their personalities. I hope my twin is with me right now. Or Sunggyu oppa or any member from infinite! >.< I'm dead! "Annyeonghaseyo!" I heard a voice greeted me. I looked at him.... it was Junhyung from BEAST! My eyes widened. Without thinking, I bowed and introduced myself. "Annyeong-haseyo! I'm Hyemi from Twinkle." I said. I heard him chuckled. "You're really funny and not to mention cute." He complimented me that made me blush. AHH! Stop making me blush! "Thanks sunbae-nim!" I said. He flashed me his one million dollar smile. STOP MAKING ME GO CRAZY! PLEASE! with cherry on top! haha "By the way.. I really love your dancing skills." He said out of nowhere. "Thank you sunbae." I thanked him once again. "And.. you sing really good and rap awesome! You're too cool for a girl! I like you." He said bluntly. MAN! Did he just confess? "Uhhh.. Thanks." I said, uncomfortable. Man! He's making me crazy! Crazy in love! LOL "Be ready in 5!" I heard the staffs announced. We all nodded. "Ummm.." "It's nice to meet you Hyemi-shi. I hope we could meet more in the future." He winked before he went to sit where he was assigned to. I sat in front of Dongwoon of BEAST and Lee Joon (back). This is getting me really uncomfortable. I'm not really used to be around idols. Not to mention... hot ones! "Annyeong-haseyo! THis is Star golden bell challenge!" The host started. We all clapped. "Ohh.. We have a new idol from a duo. Let's all welcome Hyemi in her first broadcast and first appearance in a variety show!!" I looked at the camera and smiled. I bowed and clapped my hands with the others. "Annyeong haseyo! Choneun Hyemi imnida from Twinkle!" I introduced myself to everyone. "Wow. You're really pretty! I never imagined twins debuting. Really new in Korea. So how does it feel to debut with your sibling/twin?" The female host asked me.

"Hmm.. I'm really happy and thrilled. I always wanted to debut with my sister ever since I started training under a company. And.. we knew each other the best.. so..it's all good." I answered politely. "Nice. There are a lot of sibling idols but there's no sibling idols that were under one group." The others nodded. "So.. Hyemi-shi, I heard you've been receiving a lot of love mail ever since your debut? So how does it feel to have so many male fans??" I froze. "Uhmmm.. To be honest.. I don't know what to feel. Thankful?" I heard the others chuckled at my silly answer. "I really like Twinkle's song titled 'Lost in Love'. It has a ballad feel with a bit of rnb. And.. it's a big hit! You even won an award in Music Bank on your debut day right? MAN! You guys are awesome!" Joon commented. I bowed at Lee Joon meaning, thank you. "Now..let's begin..." After the broadcast of SGBC, I thanked all the staffs and other sunbaes. I sighed. At last! It's all over! YES! I wanna go home and hug my pillow for the night! HEHE Chapter 9: Twin Hyerin's POV I looked at Hyemi unnie getting dressed up. I looked at her confused. Where is she going? "What's up unnie?" I asked casually as I grabbed a toast. "OH..Morning Hyerin. Manager told me to dress up for SGBC recording later on." She answered. WHAT? She get to guest SGBC by herself? WIthout me? "Oh.. Good luck then." I said and acted like I don't care. I sighed. She's been getting all the attention lately. There's no more left for me?? AISH! That sucks! I was walking when I saw my manager probably waiting for my sister. "Manager Kim! Why can't I go with Hyemi unnie?" I asked and pouted. "I'm sorry Hyerin.. SGBC only invited her and I can't do anything with it if they want her. Don't worry..I'll convince them next time for you to come." She smiled. "AISh." I muttered under my breath and went to Infinite's dorm. "OPPA!" I called Sungyeol oppa. "Yes?" He looked at me. "I'm bored. I have no schedules today." I sighed as I sat beside him on the sofa..watching. "How about your sister?" "She's going to be in SGBC while I'm here." I frowned. Silence... By the way.. Sungyeol and I have been going out ever since after Valentine's. ^^ Good news right?? Well.. I love him too..so there's no harm? haha or is there?

"Oppa.. how much do you love me?" I asked him out of nowhere. He gulped. "I love you like there's no tomorrow." He flashed me his killer smile! WAHHHHHHHHHH I stayed in silence until the other members came in and intrude. >.< "Oh.. Hyerin-shi..you're here. Where's your twin?" Sunggyu oppa asked me. Why have they been asking about her lately?? Why won't they ask about me more?? My twin here and there. GRRR "She's nowhere to be seen here right? She have a packed schedule today.." I answered nonchalantly. Sungyeol oppa elbowed me and told me to answer nicely. I shrugged. Why would I? I'm pissed off that they have been asking me about where my unnie is. Just because she's a lot more popular than me..doesn't mean she's prettier. I stood up, angry at everyone who just asked about my twin. Chapter 10: JunHyung Hyerin's POV "AHH!" I yawned as I waited in the backstage with my twin. We were waiting for our turn to perform in Inkigayo. I'm sleepy. "Next up is TWINKLE!!!" On cue, we went on the stage with warm smile on our faces. We were performing our second track in our digital single, 'The story I didn't know.' (I know it's IU's song..just imagine them singing) It was a ballad song which a lot of emotions should be expressed while singing. I was doing my best since singing is my profession and my passion. We were the last to perform. All the artists/idols gathered on the stage, waiting for Sulli along with Jo kwon to announce the winner. I sighed as I know we won't win this time. Oh come on! We're still rookies! "And the mutizen award goes to........."

"TWINKLE!!" My eyes widened as they announced who the winner was. "HUH??" I asked, still surprised as my twin dragged me in front near the mcs. I was given a mic and I started to thank fans who were supporting us and made this all possible. "Gomawo-yo!!"

Backstage.. "Congratulations on your debut and your win." HoMin sunbaes congratulated us. I felt my cheeks blushed 'coz of the hot men right in front of us. KYAHH!! By the way..I love Yunho's a-bs!! Man! I sounded like a total byuntae! Haha "Thank you sunbae-nim." I bowed together with my twin. "Keep up the good work." With that, they left. I looked at Hyemi-unnie. I smiled at her as she smiled back. "We won." I said. She happily nod. "I know..and i'm really happy." "Me too." "We're also happy for you." Infinite oppas said who came out of nowhere. They laughed. "Man! You guys are a hit! You've won again on your debut day!" Sungyeol oppa said acting jealous of us. I giggled. "Don't worry oppa..there's always next time." I teased him. ----Hyemi's POV Man! I am so tired!! I was about to close my eyes and went to dreamland when I felt my phone vibrate. I grabbed my phone and looked at the person who texted me. From unknown number, Congratulations on your second win on your debut day!! ^^ Hmm.. I don't know what to say.. but amazing!! Keep up the good work! Love, Junhyung. How did he got my number?? To Junhyung, Thank you sunbae-nim... :D Umm.. how did you get my number?? From, Hyemi From Junhyung, SECRET! ^^ IF you wanna know..let's meet up tomorrow at a cafe near (insert a place here) . 10am sharp. Don't be late. I'll be hwaiting! Good night!! I giggled at his text. He sounded so cute.

To Junhyung, Sure! I would love to hear how you got my number. Good night too Junhyung-shi!! Chapter 11: Let Hyemi's POV I was panting when I got to the Cafe. I'm 5 minutes late. I was looking around the cafe.. looking for Junhyung-sunbaenim. I stopped when I saw something familiar. Junhyung! He was wearing sunglasses and a loose shirt. I smiled as I went near him. (She was also wearing disguise or she would me mob by fans..crazy ones) "Annyeong!" I warmly greeted him. He smiled. "Sit." He ordered as I obeyed obediently. "What do you want?" He asked as he scanned through the menu. "Umm.. Anything would be fine." I answered, shyly. "There's no anything here. So..tell me specifically what you wanted." He said. I pouted. "Hmm.. Cafe latte?" He nodded. "Desserts?" He asked. "Uhmm.. I'll have brownies?" I don't want to order anything expensive. >.< Junhyung told the waiter our orders. After ordering, he looked at me with a smile. I looked at him curiously. "You're really pretty up-close." He complimented that made me blush. He chuckled. "So.. how's being an idol?" He asked as I thought about it. "I guess..it's fine." I answered. "Hmm.. I heard you were getting a lot of projects." He said. I nodded. "Not that much. But it's really tiring especially if it's a commercial filming." I told him. He would have understand that since he already passed through that. "by the way sunbae-nim. How did you got my number?" I asked him changing the subject. He scratched his head. "Well... I asked your sister for it and she gladly gave it to me." He plainly answered as the waiter placed our orders on the table. Hyerin gave my number to him?? After eating we went to a playground near the cafe. "Hmm.." "Want to be my friend?" I was surprised when he asked that. "What?" I looked at him. "Let's be friends Hyemi-shi." He extended his arm and waiting for me to response. I smiled and took his hand. "Of course Junhyung-shi." "Now you can call me Junhyung oppa." He said as I smiled. "Yes Junhyung-oppa."

Chapter 12: We Got Married Hyerin's POV I stared at my manager after what he told me. "Cheongmal?" I asked, excited. Manager nodded and smiled. YES! I'm going to be in a show called 'We got married' , and you know who I'm paired with?? Well, I don't know either. But..I can't wait. "Manager..please tell me who my partner is.." I used my pout. "Please." "No. It's a surprise." "OPPA!!!" "What?" Sungyeol oppa looked at me with an annoyed look. He probably knew already I'm going to be virtually married to someone. "Don't be mad oppa." I pouted. "Mad? Why would I?" "Oppa.." I looked at him and he sighed. "Just don't be too close with whoever you're soon to be husband." He reminded me as I nodded. "Of course." I kissed him on the cheek and left. "Unnie!" "What??" She asked as she was drying her hair. "I'm going to be on We got married!!" I jumped in excitement. My sister smiled at me. "That's great!!" She sound enthusiastic. Well, now it's my time to shine sis. I won't let the spotlight be taken from me. Just kidding!! "So..when will the filming start?" She asked, curious. "Tomorrow." "Okay then. Get a good night sleep sis. You should have your beauty sleep for your soon to be husband." She winked at me as I chuckled. "Annyeong-haseyo!" I greeted the WGM staffs. I looked at them, they were busy preparing that they didn't even bother to greet me back. Whatever. I'll just be nice. "Annyeong-haseyo! Hyerin-shi imnid!" I introduced myself to the crew. They greeted back with those busy looks on their faces. I sighed. I guess..this is how life is if you're not that popular....YET. Wait till i get popular..you guys are so going to regret ignoring me. "So.. when will I meet my husband?" I asked, making a topic. One of the crew looked at me. "Annyeong-haseyo Hyerin-shi. I'm Yumi btw. Well, we're still waiting for he husband. But we'll start filming soon so.. don't worry." She smiled at me and I smiled back in return. At least..she bothers to answer my question. But..I wonder..who my husband will be. I can't wait! (ohh..bad hyerin..forgetting about sungyeol. lol) "Annyeong-haseyo! I'm sorry for being late."

Chapter 13: Joker Hyerin's POV My eyes widened at the sight of a Teen top member. "Chango-shi, it's good you're here. The stylist will take care of your make-up and outfit now." Changjo nodded as he went with the stylists. "Annyeong-haseyo! Changjo here. Hope we can be good friends." He greeted me too politely. I greeted him back. My heart skip a beat when he held my hand. It was for the filming of WGM. I felt myself blushed. Why am I feeling this?? I can't like him! I Have Sungyeol oppa already! I'm a nappeun yoja ! >< After filming, we bid goodbyes and exchanged numbers. "YIPEE!" I squealed in delight as I got his number. "So..how's the filming?" Manager asked. I smiled. "it was the best! IT's my first time filming for a variety show. And it feels so good." I told him honestly. "That's good. You're having fun..but pretty soon.. you're going to get tired of it." He told me. "How can i? Through this show..I could get popular in no time!" I reasoned. He shook his head in disagreement. "This show ain't just about popularity boost. It's for your future.. show people who you really are." He told me as I rolled my eyes. "yeah yeah." Hyemi's POV iamthekingofrap : Annyeong BABY!! I looked at the screen.. Junhyung oppa chatted with me. babyhyemi : Annyeong oppa! Wth did you just called me?? *pouts* iamthekingofrap : baby~baby~ You're my baby.. kekeke. babyhyemi : WAH!! iamthekingofrap : Wah?? Why wah baby? something wrong? babyhemi : Yeah! Something's wrong with you! *pouts* iamthekingofrap : What's wrong with me?? What's wrong with me loving you?? kekeke ^^ babyhemi : .... iamthekingofrap : loss of words?? babyhemi : nahh..haha.. just kidding.. it's really funny how you keep on joking. That's why you were called JOKER. iamthekingofrap : So..you think I'm just joking?? Believe it or not babe, I, YONG JUNHYUNG, THE AMAZING JOKER IS NOT LYING ON HOW HE FEELS FOR YOU. I AM SINCERE. babyhemi : ummm..

iamthekingofrap : *smiles* Don't worry babe.. I'm not forcing you to give an answer already.. take your time...but remember.. I will always be there for you through thick and thin.. babyhyemi : i need to go now.. bye I immediately logged out. He's just joking I am pretty sure about that. How could he possibly fall in love with me in just a month?? I blushed at the thought of him liking/loving me. Darn it! He's making me crazy!! Why does that joker had to be so hot?? Chapter 14: Terminated Hyerin's POV "i'm sorry to say this.. um.. your episode in wgm with Changjo will end or stop." My manager told me as I looked down. "What?" I asked in disbelief. It can't be! We only released the first 3 episodes of WGM! "I'm sorry Hyerin-ah.. the show's rating has decreased ever since you guys were on WGM." "NO! IT ONLY HAS STARTED! THEY'RE JUST... BEING.. UNREASONABLE! WHY??!!" I asked. "Your unnie..you know she's on a show called 'Invisible youth' Right??" (Just imagine that WGM and IY are on different channels on they're airing on the same time..so the shows are rivals) I nodded. "SO?" I raised an eyebrow. "WGM has been loosing their fans because of Invicible youth which citizens prefers because of the appearance of your sister. They all seem to like her more than you. That's why.. they wanted your episode in wgm to be stop and they will replace someone else." My manager explained. I had enough of this! Hyemi this..hyemi that! URGGHH! I seriously hate her now! She's taking all the spotlight to herself and never give me some. "I quit!" I shouted. My manager's eyes widened. "WHAT?" He asked as I left the room. I quickly went to our CEO's office. When i entered, there was my unnie talking to the CEO. The CEO smiled as unnie said something. What the heck is she doing?? I fakely coughed to get their attention. The CEO looked at me mentionning me to sit down beside unnie. I do what i was told. "So..what brings you here Hyerin-shi?" He asked me kindly as Hyemi unnie elbowed me. "I need to talk to you appa in private." I looked at unnie who got the signal and left. "So?" "I wanna end my contract." I told him.

"WHAT?!" he asked, surprised. "WHY?" "I have enough! You know it's not working! I'm not getting popular! All the media and people see is my unnie! I had enough! I hate being out of the spotlight while she has it." I told him. "That's why we're doing everything we can to shove your ass in the spotlight with your unnie." He tried to stop me but it didn't work. "I had enough i told you appa. I don't want to be with her anymore.. I had to finish WGM as soon as they want to without giving me a second try! I don't want to be with her..or near her..i don't want to do anything with her! So.. I want to terminate our contract appa. I'm sorry." With that, I left tears escaping from my eyes. Darn it! Why do i have to cry?? I looked at unnie who was standing right in front of me. "Are you sure?" She asked as she couldn't believe what she just heard a while ago. I smirked as i wiped the tears from my eyes. "Of course." Chapter 15: Hurt Hyemi's POV "NOI!" I panicked as I saw Hyerin packing her things. I grabbed her wrist and tried to stop her. "What do you think you're doing??!!" She shouted at me as she freed herself from my grasp. "Why are you doing this? Let's talk about this first." I begged. "NO!! I had enough! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S BLOCKING THE SPOTLIGHT?? YOU'RE MY SISTER..YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT ME! NOT STEAL THE SPOTLIGHT AWAY FROM ME!" My eyes widened. Is that it?? "What??" I asked. "I stole the spotlight??" I asked her as she sighed. "You didn't know?? Myy gosh unnie! You're so clueless! or you're just acting like that for not me to blame you? Well it's not working." She said as she closed her luggage. "What are you talking about?? I don't know anything! Why are you acting like this?? We're twins Hyerin-ah! This is our dream to be in a duo!! Our dream to be idols TOGETHER! And now you're leaving!" I shouted as she ignored me and went out. I ran after her. "Move." She warned me as I shook my head and blocked her. "I have no time for this unnie!" "Then don't leave!! What will happen if you leave??" I asked as she rolled her eyes. "Well.. you'll have all the attention. Isn't that what you want??" "That's not what i want! That's what you wanted! Not me!!" "Now..you're passing me that selfish dream of yours??" "What are you saying??!! I have never ever dreamed of being an idol. I just became one for you!! For I to protect you from all those anti fans!! Can't you understand that?" Tears attempting to fall from my eyes as I said those words.

"Don't. Stop! I had enough already!! I don't care! I just wanted to be out here! And.. I already signed a contract at TOP media. So..don't bother try stopping me." She said. "HOw about Sungyeol?" I asked. I am desperate. I don't want her to leave. "Sungyeol?--" "--You can have him." She said and left. I cried on my knees. Why??? Why did she has to leave?? What did I do wrong?? My eyes widened as I saw Sungyeol behind me. He was staring...particularly at nothing. "Sungyeol--" I was cut off by him. "So..She decided to leave...and it's your fault!!" He blamed me. "WHAT??!! How??" I asked as I glared at him. "You wanted the spotlight all to yourself! That's why!!" He shouted at me. "DON'T EVEN SHOUT AT ME! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!! HOW DID IT BECAME MY FAULT?? I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!!!" I shouted back as he pushed me and walked away. I'm so angry at many things right now. Chapter 16: Its Not Her Fault Hyemi's POV I sighed as I practiced singing for my solo debut. Ever since Hyerin switched company, I have been training for my solo debut.. "I really miss her. A LOT." I murmured as I finished singing. It's been 2 months since Hyerin.... left me. I've been feeling so lonely.. even with Infinite and Junhyung oppa by my side. "Good. That's all for today Hyemi-shi, you must be tired. Go on rest for the whole day." My music instructor said. I nodded and left the practice room. How is she doing right now?? I've been sending her so many text messages, but she didn't even bother to reply, even a single one. Why is she being like this? Hyerin's POV "Watch it freak!" Sunmi snapped as I almost stepped on her foot. Man! This is so hard! Getting along with bitches... Ever since I left that stupid company, TOP company decided to put me into a new group which consists of 4 members. Seriously, all of them are bitches! I have never ever got along with them ever since I decided to stay here. To be honest, i missed my twin. I growled as one of my girl group mates stepped on my foot. She didn't even bother to apologize! What a bitch! "Okay! THat's it for today. You guys may rest." She informed us as I grabbed my face towel and immediately left.

"What's up Hyerin?" Changjo casually greeted me. I smiled at him. He has always been there whenver i'm feeling down. "Hey Changjo oppa." "So..how's practice?" He asked as he sat beside me. "Practice? It was..." "it sucks right?" He continued for me. I let out a sigh. "Don't worry.. you'll get along with them soon. They're not just.. really open to the idea of you replacing their bestfriend who was supposed to debut with them." He told me. "I know. But..it's not appropriate for them to treat me like garbage. It's..unfair. I didn't do anything to them." I reasoned. "You're right. But.. juust understand them. Sooner or later..they'll get over with it." "What if they don't?" I asked. "Then... they have to. Or else they will be dealing with the undefeatable Changjo!" He made a superman pose. I giggled. "Thanks for making me feel better." I told him. "Just for you." I felt guilty all of a sudden. 'Just for you' was the line Sungyeol oppa used to say to me. I.... I left him..without explaining why. I left him.. in pain. I tried to contact him..but he didn't even bother to answer one of my calls nor my text. I'm sorry Sungyeol oppa. I hope you'll move on from a devil like me. Hyemi's POV "Sungyeol oppa." I called his attention. The other guys were trying to stop him from drinking more soju. "STOP IT HYUNG!!" Sungjong whined as he tried grabbing the bottle from Sungyeol's hands, but failed. "I don't wanna cry no more~~" He sang as tears were falling from his eyes. He haven't got over her. I pity him actually. He did love her a lot. I heard Sunggyu sighed. "What should I do with him?" He asked me. I shook my head desperately. "I don't know." I answered. "If Hyerin didn't leave, he won't be like this. What is she thinking leaving like that just because she didn't get any popular??!!" He blamed it all to my twin. "Don't blame her! It's not her fault. IT's mine." I told him. "It's not your fault. NEVER. Because you're not selfish like her." I shook my head. He's wrong... it's not her fault... it's her heart. Chapter 17: The Debut Hyerin's POV "Tonight is our debut...let's get it right. Got it?" Our leader, Sera told us with a leader aura. "And..especially you Hyerin, even though you've already debut previously with your twin, it doesn't mean you have to goof around and let us do all the hardwork. That's why you were

forced to move here..you did not get any popular while you were with your twin. Because she's better than you right?" I clenched my fist as she said those words. I smirked and raised an eye brow. "Are you sure about that? I? Didn't get popular? Why would you think that this group would get noticed by netizens if it wasn't for me? Remember? The comments in an article about our upcoming debut? I was the only one they could recognize. I, Hyerin was the only one they could recognize even until now." She scoffed. "Well.. you were once in a duo right? Maybe some did recognize you.. because you were a failure." She talked back. "Sera Shin. Even though you're our leader, i won't hesitate to kill you if you ever say bad things about me right in front of my face. And..don't get jealous of me. You'll be shining too...... after the world ends." She glared at me. I waved and smiled to make her angrier. Hyemi's POV "Annyeong-haseyo!" I greeted everyone right in front of the camera. I am on Star Golden Bell Challenge right now. The male MC started introducing the other guests as I looked at Junhyung who was right in front of me. I smiled. (wooo...what's up between them?? haha) "So.. Hyemi-shi, i know this is a sensitive question. But.. how did you feel about Hyerin's withdrawal?" The female host asked me as I froze. I had been ignoring those questions ever since people and fans started asking me that. I... "I think it's a bit personal." Junhyung answered for me as everyone looked at us. They were confused and curious I could tell. "oohkay. So.. Junhyung-shi, why would you answer for Hyemishi?" "Because I want to. And..it's true..you're being too... straightforward. It's inappropriate to ask such questions." He coolly answered. I pinched him on the shoulder. He moaned in pain silently. Unfortunately, that little skinship was caught in the camera. "ohhh.. what's up between the two of you?I could smell some romance." Joon teased us. I blu shed. I denied that I and Junhyung oppa were going out. We weren't really. So... why should I lie? kekekeke "Then..what's your relationship?" "We're best of friends." Junhyung, once again answered for me. "oh really?" Joon started teasing us again right in front of the camera. Now Star Golden Bell challenge's episode for today is like an episode for me and Junhyung..we were always being the topic. T_T Poor us. Hyerin's POV

Hyemi.. my so called twin.. you've became a slut ever since I've left? Are you happy now you've got the spot light? Don't worry.. I'll get that spot light from you whatever it takes. I'll be the one who's going to destroy your life right now. I smirked. Chapter 18: Weve Met Hyerin's POV Our debut stage was a blast! I guess. There were some fans who were cheering for us... some. I remembered when I debuted as a member of Twinkle. We had one an award on our debut stage..fans loved us..a lot. I sighed. I guess.. this is a starting point of my fame. "That was a blast girls!Good job!" Our manager told us as we bowed as a thank you. "Nice Teen girls!~" Changjo said as the other teen top members agreed. (Yeah..their group name is Teen girls.. i know it sucks..haha..any suggestions for the girl group name?) "I know Oppa! We did really great!~ Except for Hyerin here.. who was unusually inactive." Minah said as she rolled her eyes at me. "She did great!" Changjo defended me. "oh.. the exhusband is protecting her..so touching." Minah said sarcastically as I clenched my fist. One more insult...i'm going to punch her. "Come on girls! TIme to celebrate!!" Manager said as we went to a restaurant to celebrate. Hyemi's POV "So.. what are we doing here Junhyung oppa?" I asked as I looked around at the fancy restaurant. "What else? To eat!" He answered. "Eat? But..we could eat somewhere else.. this place looks expensive." I reasoned. "No! We're going to eat here and that's final! Don't worry..it's my treat." He told me. "About...my confession.." He started. I was avoiding this topic. I was about to say something when he stopped me. "No! Don't say anything yet. I know you're just going to change the subject... but please.. I only wanted your answer. Is it a yes or a no?" He hopefully asked me. I sighed. "I'm sorry oppa.. I don't know. I like you..but being an idol... with so many fans out there.and paparazzi.. I don't know if i can..." To my surprise, he smiled at me. "It's okay. I know what you mean. I won't force you. But i want you to know that I'm going to wait for you..forever." I stood up from my sit and excused myself to the restroom. "Unnie?" My eyes widened as I saw my twin outside the restroom. What is she doing here? And unnie?

Chapter 19: Soon Hyerin's POV "unnie." I suddenly said out loud. "What..?" She asked... still shocked to see me here. I smirked. "So..how are you unnie? Did you had fun being a solo? You won't have to scold me anymore.. you don't need to wake me up in the morning just for our early schedules. So... how's being a solo? are you going for a solo debut?" I asked her as I put on a teasing look on my face. "What do you mean? DO you know how much Sungyeol missed you? He's insane right now! He can't think straight! He's drunk every night! And..I am sad and devastated that you left me alone! If it weren't for our appa(CEO of Woolim), I would have left and stopped being an idol." She told me as I rolled her eyes. "Stop acting. I know you loved the attention Infinite is giving you. Wow..Sungyeol? Missing me?? Well, isn't that your chance to be close to him? He's out of his mind! Maybe..he might love you! He might think you as me..ain't that great??" Suddenly she slapped me on my right cheek. I looked at her in disbelief. MY eyes widened when I saw her tears falling. "What?? Sungyeol?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME LEE HYORIN!! WAKE UP!! PLEASE! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??!! WHY DID YOU BECAME LIKE THIS?? FYI, I DON'T LIKE SUNGYEOL! AND NO, I DON'T LIKE THE ATTENTION INFINITE IS GIVING ME!! I'm unhappy because of you! YOU LEFT ME!! And you're thinking of me like a bitch?? I AM NOT LIKE THAT!! YOU'VE CHANGED...I DON'T KNOW YOU ANYMORE!" With that, she walked inside the restroom. I scoffed as I went back to my sit where my other groupmates was. "What took you so long?" Changjo asked me. "Huh?" Hyemi's POV Eotteokhae?? What should I do to change my sister back to whom she was before!! She's insane and crazy right now!! T_T Being famous...is not what I've wished for. I hated the attention to be honest! I hated it! "What happened?" Junhyung asked me when I told him we should leave. Right now, we were inside his car. I stayed silent. "Tell me. What happened." He sounded calm but i can feel deep inside he's worrying about me. "HUh?? What do you mean? Nothing happened." I lied. But he didn't bought it. "Don't lie to me Lee Hyemi. I knew you've been crying...what happened? You saw your twin didn't you?" He asked like he had witnessed our 'reunion'. I sobbed silently.

"I don't know why oppa..why she's like that. I don't know what turned her to an evil twin!! We were supposed to be together forever! We were supposed to stick like glue! But no... she left..because.. i was getting all the attention while she wasn't." He hugged me. I hugged him back and sobbed. I heard him sigh. "She needs a wake up call. Don't worry..she'll wake up soon." He told me. "But..she..hates me! My other half hates me!" I told him. "No..she doesn't hate you. She's jealous of you. You're getting popular..while she isn't. Don't worry... everything's going to be all right." "How?" "When time comes..I know..she'll realize what she have done wrong. She'll realize you're the one who she can depend on.." I hope that time will come soon. I don't want to be a rival of my twin in the idol world. Especially...I'll be debuting as a solo artist soon. Chapter 20: Gone Crazy Hyemi's POV GAH! I'm going to debut as a solo singer with Lee Joon of MBLAQ! 0.0 It's not that I hated the idea...but...we're not that close. And it seems that I'm not comfortable around him. Wanna know the title of 'our' song? Gone Crazy (originally by Song Ji Eun of Secret) Lee Joon will be the crazy stalker guy while I will be his ex lover who doesn't want him no more. The song is kinda creepy..but i like it the way it is. GYAH!! By the way..we'll be filming the music video today!! I'm with Lee Joon oppa right now and the director. I was here with make-up artists surrounding me and doing my make-up while Lee Joon was talking to the director. And oh yeah! My hair color is dark green! Cool right?? Haha I love it so much!!! "Wah! Your skin is so ... soft and white." One of the make-up artists complimented me. "Thank you." I smiled at her. She's nice.. After that, I was all ready. "Okay..first.. Lee Joon .........." (Watch this ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OQi40pprB4 ) That would be the music video! "Thanks for today!!" I thanked everyone including the staffs who worked hard for today. "Annyeong-haseyo Hyemi-shi!" Lee Joon greeted me happily. "Annyeonghaseyo sunbae" I greeted him back. "No need to be formal to each other. Let's be friends!" He smiled, I smiled back at his sudden attitude. "You're a great singer. Really." He complimented me. I blushed. "Thank you sunbae." "So..how did i do for our music video Mimi?" He asked. I was surprised at my new nickname. "mimi?" I muttered. He smiled. "Yeah. Mimi..that will be your nickname! I will be the only one who's allowed to call you that! Hear me?"

I smiled awkwardly. "Uhmm.. you did great.Joon-shi." "Call me Joon oppa or oppa." He insisted. "Oppa..you did great." "Aren't I creepy?" He asked. "Not much." "Oh..so do you want me to be the creepiest stalker out there?" I shook my head. "If you'd become the creepiest stalker..then I would be the creepiest singer ever!!" I told him. "You're totally my type." he said out of nowhere. I looked at him, totally shocked. "What?" I asked in disbelief. "You're my type. Ideal girl." He said 'Ideal Girl' in english with accent. "Uhh.." I was speechless. "Too bad you're going out with Junhyung." "I am not going out with anyone particular oppa!! I'm as free as a bird." I told him. He flashed me his one million dollar smile. "It's good then." He stood up and left, leaving me confused. Is he for real?? (Please Please I know..Lee Joon doesn't do rap...let's just pretend okay?? This is a fanfiction anyways..I just want to use other artists.. for the rapping part..) Hyerin's POV "WAH! HAve you heard MBLAQ's new song 'Again'?" Seri asked Soojin. Soojin nodded and acted like a fangirl. "WAH! G.O OPPA WAS THE HOTTEST!!" "NO! MIR OPPA WAS THE HOTTEST!" Seri said. "OPPA? SERI UNNIE..YOU'RE 2 YEARS OLDER THAN MIR!" "SO what??!" Seri pouted. Honestly..Lee Joon is the hottest in MBLAQ but he's the most arrogant one there. I hated his ego. "I don't think MBLAQ is that hot." I commented. Both of them glared at me like they want to kill me alive. "Are you crazy??!! How can you say that?? MBLAQ is the hottest group EVA!!" Seri said. "That's what you said about TVXQ." I backfired. "Well.. MBLAQ is the second!" Seri glared at me once more. "Then..how about Big bang?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Big Bang...AH! GAH! I HATE YOU FOR RUINING MY FAN GIRL MOOD!" With that, she walked away. I love making her angry. It boost my energy..haha.. I'm mean aren't I? I know that already. But seriously..that Seri..is not loyal to one group. Unlike me.. I'm loyal to BEAST. (SAY WHAT??!!!!!) Chapter 21: Debut? Hyemi's POV Tonight's my debut as a solo. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was already ready... I took a deep breath before standing up. I can do this!! Hyemi hwaiting!~ I was cheering myself up!

"Fighting!"I raised my fist and made a fighting cheer thingy. "Be ready in a minute!" One of the staffs informed me. I nodded and smiled at her. She's really nice.. the staff here in Mubank. "Music Bank!!!" The two MCs of Music bank said in chorus. "WAH! Sunghyun-oppa, we have a new solo artist tonight going to perform a very creepy yet addictive debut song with one of the hottest guy in a popular boy group!" Jihye said. "Right! She's also not new to the kpop world! She had already debuted before but she's in a duo called Twinkle. And now she's back as a solo artist!" "Hyemi-shi performing her solo debut song 'Gone Crazy' with Lee Joon of MBLAQ!" I started singing when suddenly... all the lights in Mubank turned off. I looked around but can't see a thing. It's really dark!! Man! Why does this have to happen on my debut day? It sucks! Suddenly someone, probably a staff of Mubank told us to stay calm and they'll fix the problem soon. I sighed. "Mimi?" A voice said. Lee Joon oppa was right behind me. I could see him even in the dark because of his white top. "Are you okay?" He asked, concerned and worried. I nodded and smiled. "Yes. I am fine. Why?" I asked. "Well.. i know it sucks.. postponing your debut." He told me. "Oh.. haha.it's fine i guess." I told him. "Don't worry..you still got a lot of time in the world with me." He whispered the last two words. I shook the thought of him liking me in that way...you know what that means already. But I wonder... what happened to the light system of Mubank? (Mubank=Music Bank..Mubank is just the shortcut name of Music Bank) Hyerin's POV I smirked as my plan worked. It was a coincidence that my sister was going to perform after our performance. "Now now unnie.. it's just the starting point." I murmured as I hid in our dressing room. Oh..I am good at this thing..it's a good thing that..that staff guy went to the restroom on the time Hyemi was about to perform. Then..I had the chance to turn off all the lighting system.. haha.. Chapter 22: Seri Hyerin's POV "Well done Hyerin-shi." A voice said while she clapped her hands. I turned around and saw no other than.. SERI??!!

"I never thought you would step so low like this to defeat your twin." She said. I looked down. "And..wow.. you're ruining her..your own blooded twin." "So..is this fun?" She asked. I looked at her, more like glaring at her. "Well..is it fun watching me doing things like this?"I asked her back. She looked at me, totally amused. "What are you trying to say now Hyerin? I admit..I could be a bitch sometimes..but I would never step so low just like you have. I never thought you were a loser." "First of all Seri. I am not a loser." "Then why are you doing this?? You thought I didn't follow you while the others were playing?" "I don't care if you did follow me. I only care to ruin my sister's reputation in front of many people. And..i'm just starting." I smirked. "You're a mean bitch twin. What if the media finds out you were doing this mean things to her?" She asked. "Well..would they believe you? I am her twin btw. No one would even had the idea..that a twin would do anything to ruin her twin's image." "Even so! You're the worst. Why did TOP media accepted you anyways?" "Well..I am talented unlike you who only knows is to nag." I replied. "What?" She asked me in disbelief. "You're not talented. You're not even qualified to be an idol." I told her once more. Is that enough? "Well..At least I am not a trying hard twin who's trying to ruin someone's else image because of her jealousy she feels towards her. You're a useless jealous twin." With that, she left. "Are you alright??!!" A panicking Changjo greeted me when I returned to our dorm. "Yeah." I replied nonchalantly. I walked passed him without saying goodnight. GAHH! Seri found out I was the cause why Hyemi couldn't continue her debut in Music Bank earlier on. What should I do to keep her mouth shut? Hyemi's POV I sighed as I remembered what happened earlier. I saw...Junhyung oppa.... kissing....... .. ... .... ..... SNSD's Yoona. I don't know why..I feel so hurt...and betrayed. He told me he was going to wait for me... but he didn't. Instead I caught him kissing Yoona from SNSD on my way home. I don't know why it hurts though..my heart. I was already betrayed by my twin..and now..Junhyung oppa whom I put my trust..but now..I don't know whom to trust.

Chapter 23: SGB Hyerin's POV "YAH! Wake up loser!" I heard Soojin yelling at me. "What??!!" I got up from bed and looked at her with an annoyed look. "Breakfast is ready." She informed me. I growled as i stood up and went to the kitchen. I looked at Seri who was busy watching the news. "oh.. by the way..manager told us to get ready since we're going to film for Star Golden Bell Challenge later on." Minah said as she took a bite of her food. "Really?? All of us??" Soojin asked, enthusiastic about the idea. I scoffed. She looked at me. "Yes. All of us. What's up with you Hyerin?" Soojin asked me. I shrugged as I pushed the plate in front of me and put on a disgusted face. I could feel the others glaring at me right now at how I acted. "You're ungrateful. Why did you just put on a disgusted face on Minah's cooked breakfast.?" Seri asked. (Oh yeah..Seri's the leader) "Well.. I hate eggs." I told them. I crossed my arms. "Then.. you just have to tell us. No need in putting on a disgusted face like that. You worthless piece of trash." Seri said. That's it! I punched her right on the face. "Oopps my bad." I smirked before running away. Seri's POV "Are you okay?" Minah asked me worriedly. I glared at Hyerin's retreating figure. She's so gonna get it later. "It's a good thing she didn't punched you that hard. That girls needs to be taught a lesson or two." Soojin said. "I know. Honestly..I don't like her. She's mean." I said. "I know what you mean. I heard she left Woolim Ent. because she's jealous of her twin but she did not want to admit it." Minah said. "She is jealous of her twin's rising popularity that's why I hate her. Instead of appreciating her twin...she walks off like that ruining her twin's future." "How did you??" "Know? I saw her...Music bank incident..remember?" The two nodded. "She's the cause." I simply told them. They gasped. "How could someone be so mean??" Minah asked innocently. "Jealousy." I replied. "She's that jealous?? Man! She's mentally sick!" Soojin commented. I nodded. She is actually. Later on... Recording of SGB.. "Annyeong-haseyo! We are Teen girls!" We chorused as the camera was focused on us. "Oh.. one of the rising girl groups in S. Korea." The female host said.

"So..how does it feel to be on your first live show?" Lee Joon asked. "Well.. it's a great experience." I answered. "I had been so curious ever since Hyemi-shi from the duo group Twinkle visited SGB.." The male host cut her off. "Was in the duo. They've been separated..remember?" He reminded her. "Oh yeah. Sorry for my mistakes. Well, my point is.. why did Hyerin-shi left the duo?" All of the sudden, the other guest's attention was focused on Hyerin. I smirked. How will she answer that question?? "I left the duo because of my twin. We don't get along after we debuted. Because... ever since we debuted..she started bragging about her popularity and she just became so arrogant." Hyerin answered. I looked at her, more like I was glaring at her. On live television..she lied? "Oh..that was an unexpected answer from you." The others felt uncomfortable. "If you still want to ask me about my twin and I's relationship..i would gladly tell you that we're not talking to each other anymore. I hated her guts." She continued. Chapter 24: SungGyu Sunggyu's POV "Sunggyu-ah. I'm sorry to disturb you right now..but I need your help." Hyemi's new manager, Mrs. Shim said. I looked at her confused. Help? "Help? What help?" I asked. "It's about Hyemi. She locked herself in her room..and.. I don't know what she's been doing there for more than 5 hours already! She missed her schedules for today." She told me, obviously worried about Hyemi. "Hyemi? What's the problem?? did something happen yesterday?" I asked. "I think..it's about the interview of Hyemi's twin, Hyerin." She replied. "What about it?" "I actually don't know... I heard her muttering HYerin's name yesterday with a sad face." "YAH! Hyemi! Open the damn door!!" I shouted as I tried to open the door. "Isn't there any key for this darn door?" I asked Mrs. Shim. She nodded. "GO AWAY!!!!!!!" I heard her yelling. Did she cry?? "What's the problem??" I asked her still outside her room. Few minutes passed, finally Mrs. Shin has the key. I grabbed the key from her grip and wasted no more time in opening the door. When I turned the knob, opened the door, revealing a crying Hyemi. What happened?

Without hesitation, I ran up to where she was. I lift up her chin, and wiped the tears away using my fingers. "Tell me. What happened??" She told me everything... about her twin's interview at SGB and about Junhyung, seeing him kissing Yoona the other day. I clenched my fist, ready to attack her twin and Junhyung but Hyemi stopped me from attacking Hyerin. I hugged her without thinking. "It's going to be okay. I'm here...I'm always here for you." I whispered. She held me closer. "I'm scared." She honestly told me. "My twin... she... left me and betrayed me...junhyung oppa...fooled me... I don't know who to trust anymore." "I'm here... I won't leave you. You can trust me." I won't hold back anymore.. "I love you Hyemi." She looked at me, with wide eyes. Chapter 25: SeungYeol is Back! Sunggyu's POV "I love you." I confessed to her. She looked at me with those big confused eyes. "i love you too." She told me back. "Not in a brother-sister way Hyemi. I've loved you ever since you started training here with Hyerin. And..I couldn't hold back anymore. I just had to let this out before it's over." I explained. She's speechless. I knew it. She doesn't see me in that way! Our friendship is ruined and it's all because of my stupidiness! "I know..you don't feel the same way..but I'll patiently wait for you. Not like Junhyung. I will not be like that. I love you sincerely, and I promised you that I won't ever hurt you or make you cry even a single drop. Please give me a chance." "I don't know oppa. I can't think straight right now. Could you...go out for the meantime? I need to think." I nodded in understanding. "I'm not hurrying you up. So take all your time monster." I kissed her on the forehead and left her room. I sighed. "So.. wow. I heard all of it." Sungyeol said. "Where did you come from?" I asked. "I was about to ask Hyemi something when I found you two hugging each other and you confessing to her hyung." He glared at me. I wonder why? "Haha. I wished she would give a chance though." I said trying to break the awkward atmosphere. "But don't fall in love too hard.. or you'll get hurt in the end like you wanted to kill yourself. You're going to be a hopeless person when you fall in love." He advised. I shook my head. "Love is the most wonderful feeling there is. And if I do get hurt, well, that's inevitable. Everyone who falls in love undergo the feeling of pain and betrayal. It's one of the test whether if your love for each other is strong that no one could ever break you apart. And.. if I do get

hurt..well.. I'll just have to endure it and move on with my life. I'm still young btw." I told him. He looked shock. "Am I too chatty?" I asked as he shook his head. "Wow. When did you started talking like that hyung?" He asked, amused. "When I started to love someone." TOO CHEESY!!! He put on a disgusted look on his face. "You're too cheesy and corny. Love changes you hyung. You're too... far from the Sunggyu hyung I've known. But.. thanks for all those talk and words you've said. You're right... if I got hurt, it's still not the end. I'm still young so there's still a lot of time to move on." I nodded. "But hyung.." I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "What if... I fall for Hyemi?" He asked as my eyes widened. "WHAT??" He smiled at me. "Just kidding hyung. She's all yours." I ruffled and messed his hair. I smiled. The old Sungyeol is back. "There's still a lot of fishes out there.. Hyerin's not the only one and surely Hyemi is not available." I told him. "I know I know. It's bad if I took your precious jewel in your life. You might kill yourself." He joked. I laughed. But he's right though.. haha Seri's POV "WHAT'S UP WITH YOU?" Hyerin looked at me, uninterested. "What's up with me? What do you mean?" She asked me as she flipped through the magazine. (Setting: VAN) "Why did you lie? Why did you have to do that? Isn't that too much?" I asked. "What do you mean? This is none of your business whether I wanted my twin to look bad in front of many people! Why would you care anyways? You're not even blood related to her!" "But..that's obsurd! That's too much! Okay, I am not blood related to her, but YOU ARE! How could you do such a mean thing to your own twin?" I asked in disbelief. "Well..that's none of your business Seri. Back off, don't mess up with my life." She told me as I glared at her. She went back reading the magazine she was holding. "She's an evil jealous sister." Soojin whispered. I agree. I rolled my eyes. The others were awfully quiet. Soojin was busy listening to her ipod while the others were sleeping. I can't sleep! Is she trying to ruin our image too? Hyerin said so many bad things about her twin..and some may misunderstood her intentions.. well.. I don't like her intentions too..but.. it might be our downfall. We're not even rising yet.. and yet we're already failing. It's all her fault! Why does she have to be in our group?? I HATE HER SO MUCH! SHE"S A JEALOUS TWIN!

Chapter 26: Please Sungyeol's POV Darn it! Sunggyu hyung made his move already. I was not joking when I asked him what if I fall for Hyemi. I sighed. I'm too slow. Oh well, I'm still young. It's a good thing I didn't fall for Hyemi that hard like I fell for Hyerin. Flashback "Oppa! Stop drinking please!" Hyemi pleaded. The hyungs were not around and I was left alone in our dorm. I took another shot. "I had enough of getting hurt! I WANNA FORGET EVERYTHING THERE IS ABOUT LOVE!" I shouted as I looked at Hyemi who was glaring at me. "Stop it." She snatched the wine glass from my hand. "You stop it. You're ruining the fun Hyemi.." I said, half drunk already. "No. This is not the solution Sungyeol. You might forget her for a little amount of time..but after that, you'll end up remembering her no matter how you wanted to forget her badly. Why won't you just try to move on??" She asked. "I...don't want to. Because I, Sungyeol will never ever fall in love anymore! Love stinks! I hate it! It hurts!" A tear fell from my eyes. "Sungyeol." She grabbed my right hand and held it. My eyes widened at the sudden contact. I blushed. "You can't hate love. You're just devastated and heart broken. But that wound on your heart can be fixed if you want to. You need to be strong and surely alcohol doesn't solve your problems. It's sad to see you like this. We're still young you know. We can still find a lot of partners out there. You don't need to be in a rush. Everyone's been worrying about you.. especially Sunggyu. He's the closest to you. Please, stop making us worry. Don't worry, we're here for you..all the time." She smiled at me. She makes sense. "Thanks Hyemi-ah." End of Flashback What have I got myself into?? I shouldn't fall for her. But..I couldn't get her face out of my mind! WAH! Hyemi's POV What should I do? Sungyyu oppa loves me? "Hyemi-ah, be ready at 5." My manager informed me. "For what?" I asked her. "Did you forget something?? Have you forgotten that you're going to be performing with Junhyung from B2ST next week on Music Bank since Lee Joon will be busy with MBLAQ's comeback?" "Junhyung? Yong Junhyung?" I asked, confirming if it's really him. "Yes. It's Yong Junhyung from the boy group 'BEAST'." She confirmed. WHY DO I HAVE TO??

"Do i have to? Couldn't you find someone else?? Even if that someone is not yet popular." She shook her head. "Yong Junhyung volunteered in replacing Lee Joon for a while." She told me. WHAT?? "Uhm.. Could you just get..someone else?? Please. How about Hoya oppa??" I asked her. "Infinite also going to have their comeback next week. And.. they don't have time for rehearsals now." "How about.. someone from Teen Top??" I asked her. "Teen Top? Ah! Infinite's rival from TOP media? I don't know if they're free right now." She hesitated. "Please unnie..." "Why? Don't you like Junhyung? Aren't you close with him?" She asked as I shrugged. "Oh well. I'll try to contact their manager." She told me. Chapter 27: Ricky Hyemi's POV "It's a good thing that L.Joe from Teen Top doesn't have any schedules right now. So he's free." Mrs. Shim told me. I hugged her. "WAH! THANKS UNNIE!!" I said happily. I jumped up and down from the happiness. I looked at Mrs. Shim who was looking at me oddly strange. "Do you like L.Joe or something?" She asked as I shook my head. I don't want to be alone with Junhyung.. I hate him. "Good you're already ready. I already informed L.Joe and told Junhyung that we had found a replacement already." I nodded as I went inside the van. Along the way, I was listening to my song 'Gone Crazy'. I smiled. Byunghyun's POV (YAY!!) I was waiting for Hyemi-shi at the dance/singing studio. I can't wait to work with her! "WAH! I hope I can rap too hyung." Ricky who was beside me whined. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. By them, I meant Ricky, Changjo and Chunji. "I wanna see Hyemi!" Chunji said. "Hyemi and Hyerin are twins. Why won't you just look at Hyerin?" Ricky asked. "Well.. even though they are twins.. there are still some facial features they differ from each other. And I like Hyemi. She's really good at dancing and singing. I heard she can also rap." Chunji replied. I nodded. Agree. I watched her at SGB where she danced while singing. She's wow! She's my type of girl. "Boohoo. I'm going to rap for her." I teased them. The three of them glared at me. "Well then.. We're not going to go. We're going to rap too." Changjo insisted. "But..you guys can't rap." I reasoned. It's fun teasing them. "Well, we can try. right?" Chunji said. I sighed. They won't give up. Few minutes passed...

"Sorry I am late." Hyemi apologized. We were just staring at her. SHE'S PRETTY! Prettier than her twin. Darn it! She's really beautiful. "It's okay." Ricky was the first one who stood up and introduced himself. "I'm Ricky. You're younger than me by a month right? YES! You can call me Oppa!" Ricky sounded excited. "Ohhkay. Ricky oppa." She hesitated. I stood up and grabbed her hand. "Let's go practice." I smiled at her. She must be surprised at the sudden physical contact. "Okay." After practice. "WOW! You're good!" I complimented her skills. "You sounded better live than the studio version!" Chunji told her. "Thank you" She thanked us and bowed. "Agree! WAH! Chingu, you're so amazing!" Ricky put an arm around her shoulder. "Hands off her Ricky." I told him. He didn't do what I told him to do. I glared at him. "Why?? haha. I like her." He told me. "I like her too!" Chunji admitted. I looked at Changjo who was sitting on one side, staring at us. I wonder why he's quiet. He's not like this. "Thanks for working hard L.Joe-shi." "Oppa." I corrected her. "OH.. L.Joe oppa thank you for working with me even though it was such a short notice." She's really humble. Why shouldn't I work with a multi-talented teen idol? It's my chance to boost up my popularity. "You worked hard too my dear." I gave her a smile. "Hyemi-ah, you should work with me too. Let's sing a ballad song soon." Chunji told her as she nodded. "okay Chunji--" "Oppa" "Chunji Oppa." After that, she left. "Wow! SHE'S AWESOME!" Ricky said excitedly. "When are you going to practice with her again?" Chunji asked me. I shrugged. "I don't know." Chunji pouted. "Tell us hyung! You're unfair! You just wanted to be alone with her!" Ricky whined. "Who's awesome?" Seri asked who was already beside us in the dining hall of TOP media Company. "Hyemi." I answered. "HYEMI??!" Hyerin asked, surprised. "She was here?" Seri asked as the three of us nodded. "She's really awesome noona!" Ricky informed them. I could feel Hyerin glaring at Ricky. Chapter 28: Jealous Hyerin's POV Hyemi unnie was here?? Why would she come here?? "Ljoe, why would she come here?" I asked him. "Oh.. I'm going to substitute Lee Joon hyung for the rapping part of Hyemi's solo debut song 'Gone Crazy'. And..since it was such a short notice, her manager told us that she'll be the one who's going to come here so that I don't need to get ready since she got a lot of schedules later on." He answered.

"She's not awesome nor amazing." I told then as I took a bite. "You're just a jealous bitch." I head Soojin muttered. I looked at her, and glared. "Don't ever call me that. I, Hyerin will never get jealous over her." I emphasized every word. "if you're not, what the hell was that?" Soojin asked. "What that?" "SGB, you told everyone that your twin is arrogant and whatsoever." She replied. "Well, I had to tell everyone the truth right??" I smirked. "The truth?? The truth? You're just making her look bad. Right Seri unnie?" Soojin turned to Seri who was staring at us for a while. "Yeap. You're a jealous freak. Don't you remember the things you've said on her debut day? OH yeah! She didn't even had the chance to debut on Music Bank. Remember the incident?" "OH! I remembered that! The lights were suddenly turned off!" Ricky answered. "You guys, wanna know who did that?" Seri asked them as they eagerly nodded. She pointed at me. I scoffed. "You're pinpointing now? Ain't that bad?" I asked. "Hyerin, all of us here know your true identity except for Changjo here who's blind because he likes you. Don't act innocent 'coz you're awfully not. Why won't you just admit that you're jealous over her? I won't blame you, she's more talented, more prettier and definitely a better person than you!" I angrily stood up. "I'm going now. I have no more appetite 'coz of someone here." With that, I left them. I AM NOT A JEALOUS FREAK! Seri's POV "WOW! YOU'RE SO COOL UNNIE!" Soojin complimented me. "it serves her right though." L.Joe said. We nodded. "Ain't that a bit too much?" Changjo asked. I shook my head. "It serves her." "But noona, is it true that she's the one who turned all the lightings off?" Ricky asked. Curious Ricky. Typical. I nodded. "Why won't you believe me?" "It's just that..they're sisters..Twins to be exact..so how could she do something like that to her own blooded sister?.. It's too much." Ricky explained. "I know. She's really mean..and a jealous freak." Soojin added. "I'm thankful that I don't have a sister like her." I said. "You don't have a sister." Ricky pointed out. "I know! That's why I'm glad I don't have one!" "Okay Okay noona! We get it!" I rolled my eyes. One more bad thing Hyerin will do to ruin her sister..I'm going to reveal the video I captured of Hyerin doing all those mean things back at MuBank.

Chapter 19: Nothings Over Hyemi's POV I smiled as I watched my favorite oppas (Infinite) practicing their comeback song track titled 'Nothing's Over'. I looked at their manager who was recording the dance practice for Inspirits. It was all Sunggyu oppa's idea. I smiled as he looked at me with his cute eye smile. I love him! Oopps I forgot to announce it..but we were kinda going out. :) It's been a week since I told him I'll give him a chance and yeah.. in no time, I fell for him, not literally though. kekeke "Okay! Good! I can't wait to post this video on youtube!" Their manager exclaimed. When they were finished practicing, Sunggyu oppa went over to where I was sitting. "You did great oppa." I complimented him. It's true though. He improved a lot! ^^ "How about me??" Sungjong asked as he jumped up and down. Typical active maknae. "You did great too oppa!" I exclaimed. He pinched my cheeks. "If you weren't hyung's girlfriend, I would probably go for you! haha." Sungjong teased. Sunggyu glared at him. I giggled at them. "Hyemi-ah, aren't you going to get ready for your performance later on at Inkigayo?" Mrs. Shim suddenly butted in. I sighed. "Couldn't I not go? I'm really tired unnie." I pouted. "That's not going to work on me. You've been lazy ever since you've gone out with Mr. eye smile here." She pointed at Sunggyu who was arguing with Sungjong. "But unnie--" "No buts Hyemi. Get ready.. you've already missed yesterday's schedule. You can't miss this one now. Byunghyun has been anticipating performing with you." Mrs. Shim said. "Okay okay." I stood up and told Infinite oppas I need to get going. I kissed Sunggyu oppa on the cheeks before going out. Sunggyu's POV "WAH! I envy you HYUNG!" Sungjong whined. "Why is that?" I asked. "You got a talented not to mention cute and pretty girl friend." I laughed. "You'll get one soon." "Can I have her?" He asked. "No." I shook my head. "She's mine." "Manager hyung, could we go and watch Hyemi at Inkigayo later on?" Sungyeol asked. "Hm.. I guess that would be fine. Infinite supporting their little sister." Oh yeah, ever since the video of us with Hyemi at Lotte World was revealed, Hyemi was titled as 'Infinite's little sister'. "YES!!!" The others got ready in no time while I was already finished too. When we got to the van, I plucked my earphones on my ear and listened to Hyemi's song 'Gone Crazy'. "Hyung." Sungjong poked my shoulder. I looked at him. "You're selfish." He joked. "Share Hyemi too. You can't have her all to yourself you know." He continued while I ignored him. At Inkigayo.

We were wearing disguises btw. So... we won't get any extra attentions while the idols are performing. "WAH! It's Hyemi's turn!" Sungjong informed us. I intensely watched her as she started singing. I glared at L.Joe who was TOO CLOSE to Hyemi. "WAH!! ByungMi moment!" One fan who was holding a poster with Hyemi's and L.Joe's picture together, exclaimed. I scoffed. "jealous?" Sungyeol who was right beside me, asked me. I shook my head. Okay..a little bit. "He's too close to Hyemi." Sungyeol stated. I can see that with my own eyes Sungyeol. No need to rub it on my face. When L.Joe started rapping ,he suddenly held Hyemi's hand. Is this what they've been practicing???? I glared at L.Joe, hoping my glares could kill him any time but unluckily, it didn't. "WAH! BYUNGMI FIGHTING!!" The fans chanted. Some fans started to sing along with the song. "Hyemi is really pretty hyung. I want her." I heard some guy fan talked. "I know. I've been following her ever since she was in Twinkle..and I wished I was that pink dude who was rapping for her." The guy nodded. Well too bad guys, SHE'S MINE! I smirked. When the performance ended, we decided to go backstage to surprise Hyemi. kekeke Chapter 30: Sung Brothers Hyemi's POV Backstage.. "Thank you oppa for performing with me." I thanked Byunghyun. "It's a pleasure working with you.I hope to perform with you again.." He smiled at me while I smiled back. I was about to say something when suddenly someone hugged me from behind. "You did great babe." A voice whispered into my ear. Sunggyu oppa. "Thanks oppa" I turned around and hugged him back. L.Joe fakely cough. "Um..I guess..I need to go now. Bye Hyemi-shi." With that, Byunghyun oppa left. Leaving Sunggyu oppa and me cuddling on the couch. "I really wanna let the whole world know that the beautiful, talented and cute female solo artist is mine." I sighed. "Oppa! You know it would be hard for us if that happens. Your fans might kill me." I joked. "No they won't. It's the other way around." He said as he held my hand and played with it. I smiled at my cute boyfriend. "HYEMI DONGSAENG!!! LET GO OF HYUNG'S HAND! YOU'RE MINE!!" Sungjong suddenly butted in and pushed Sunggyu oppa away from me. I giggled. "mine." He hugged me possessively. He

always do this to make Sunggyu oppa mad. Sunggyu oppa got up from the ground and glared at Sungjong. "Let her go right now." Sunggyu oppa said, emphasizing each word. "NO!" Sungjong insisted. Sung moment! haha "Stop fighting will you?" Being the leader-like, Myungsoo had stopped them. "Oh..L oppa, you're here too." "Everyone's here. They just visited BEAST sunbaenims." L said. I nodded. Oh yeah, they were a bit close to beast. Man! Speaking of beast, I remembered that jerk Junhyung. I never talked to him even once after I saw him kissing Yoona. Darn him! lolz. Seri's POV "That was a great performance guys! You did great!" Being the leader, I had the responsibility in lighting up the mood whenever my members are feeling down. We were expecting to be on top 10..but failed. We didn't got in. I sighed. "There's always next time guys. We just have to do our best!" I looked at Hyerin who had her fist clenched when Hyemi was announced as the winner of the mutizen award. Well, she's good so it's expected that she'll win it. "What's up with you jealous freak?" I asked her. She turned her attention to me and glared at me. "What did you just called me?? I AM NOT A JEALOUS FREAK FOR THE tenth time!" She yelled. "Oh really?? Then...what's up with you glaring at your twin when she won the mutizen award??" "None of your business." She answered plainly as I rolled my eyes. "If I were you.. appreciate her. You don't have to be jealous of her. You should admire her... she's been a great model to a lot of people." I told her. "Like I care?" "Of course..why would a jealous twin like you care?" "If L.Joe oppa didn't performed with her, she wouldn't have won the award you know. L.Joe is just helping her to boost up her popularity." She stated I shook my head. "it's the other away round Hyerin." A voice corrected her. "Teen Top has been gaining a lot of fans ever since our collaboration. It's a good thing Lee Joon hyung had their comeback." L.Joe stated. I agree. "I don't care. I don't care." Hyerin said twice. "Jealous freak." I muttered under my breath. Chapter 31: I Hate Her Hyemi's POV

I woke up at unnie's screaming. I sat up straight and looked at her. "It's so early!!" I whined. Mrs. Shim sighed. "Go take a bath now Hyemi. Did you forget that you have to do a filming with ZE:A? Their comeback is near." She reminded me. Oh yeah.. ZE:A... Infinite's rival. "Why do I have to be the girl in their mv?? Ain't ZE:A rival with Infinite?" I asked as I tried to make excuses. "They are rivals in the entertainment world..but not in real life. They are actually good friends." She corrected me. I growled. Unnie grabbed my arm and pulled me up. When I was already right in front of unnie, she pushed me inside the bathroom. After taking a bath, I was ready. "Good." She smiled at me as she handed me my breakfast. I took a bite and yawned. "I'm still sleepy." I mumbled. When we arrived at our destination where the mv will be recorded, I was greeted by Hyungshik. I looked at him and smiled. "Annyeong-haseyo! Hyemi imnida!" I politely introduced myself. He smiled at me and introduced himself. "It's a pleasure to be working an international and a sensation." Kevin said as I blushed at the compliment. I thanked them. When I was done with the make-up and wore the outfit for the music video, ZE:A was already filming. I watched them as they filmed for the dance version. They're not bad. And.. honestly..they're stunning. When they were finished, they immediately told me to get ready. I am so nervous. I have never worked with them before nor met them before. I let out a sigh when all the filming was finished! I am so exhausted. I bowed in front of ZE:A and thanked them for all the hardwork. They all smiled at me. "It's a pleasure working with you Hyemi-shi." Junyoung, the leader said as I nodded. "Well.. I think I need to go now. Thanks a lot!" With that, I bid them goodbye and left. "So..How's filming with them?" Mrs. Shim asked me when we got into the van. "I guess it was fine. They were really nice." I replied. "OH... I guess you're excited to work with 9 hot guys again..hm?" She smirked. I shrugged. Mrs. Shim teased me a lot to other boy groups/idol even though I have Sunggyu oppa already. Hyerin's POV "AISH! Why are we going to do a cute song for our next single??!!" I complained. "To try new things Hyerin-ah." Seri explained. "But.. cute concept is for..immature people.. I hate cutesy. It makes me wanna go and puke a lot." I told her. She glared at me. "Would you stop complaining?? It's not our choice!" She retorted. "if I was back in Woolim Ent. they would listen to me!" I told her. "THEN GO BACK! WE DON'T NEED YOU HERE YOU KNOW!" I slapped her. "What's wrong with you?? I DID NOT DO

ANYTHING TO YOU! DO YOU HAVE ANY GRUDGE AGAINST ME?? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MAKE YOU HATE ME HUH??!!" I asked her. She rolled her eyes. "YOU WANNA KNOW?? I HATE YOU FOR REPLACING OUR BESTFRIEND! SHE WAS FORCED TO QUIT BECAUSE OF YOU! AND..THE WAY YOU ACTED TO YOUR OWN TWIN! IT SICKENS ME! I HATED IT! THAT"S WHY!" She answered. "IS THAT EVEN MY PROBLEM??! SO WHAT IF I REPLACED HER? MAYBE SHE'S NOT WORTHY ENOUGH TO BE IN THE GROUP THAT'S WHY!! AND.. THE WAY I ACTED TO MY TWIN IS NOT OF YOUR BUSINESS MISSY!" With that, I stormed out of the studio. What's wrong with people taking on my twin's side??!! MY TWIN IS TAKING ALL THE THINGS I WANT! I went back to our dorm and laid on the bed, crying. I hate her! She makes everyone hate me! EVERYONE HATES ME BECAUSE OF HER! Why does she have to be so...perfect?? I hated it! T_T Chapter 32: CEO Hyemi's POV "Hyemi-ah!!" Sungjong oppa called my attention as he ran towards to where I was and hugged me tight. "What's wrong oppa?" I asked. "Sunggyu hyung is bullying me!~" He whined as he hugged me tighter. "Let her go." Sunggyu glared at Sungjong who was not moving a bit. "Or else.. no food for you tonight." He warned him. He let go of me without hesitation. Sungjong hid behind me. "Hyemi-ah..help me from this demon. He's going to kill me!!!" "Oppa. What are you doing to Sungjong?" I asked as he rolled his eyes. "Hyemi-ah..don't get in our way. He needs to be taught a lesson." "What did he do this time?" I asked. "He..stole a picture of you from my phone and send it to his!" "Picture? Sungjong oppa could get pictures of me in the internet. What's the problem with that?" Sunggyu oppa suddenly blushed. "Well..that picture was...stolen." My eyes widened. "How do i look in that picture oppa!!?" "You really look cute there Hyemi..Sunggyu hyung took a picture of you while you were sleeping. kekeke." Sungjong giggled. I clenched my fist. I looked at Sunggyu oppa with a runnow-look. "I..I..need to go now!" Sunggyu oppa did not wasted any time and ran away. "Here Hyemiah..look!" Sungjong showed me the picture. WAH! "He seriously saved that picture?? I'M GOING TO KILL SUNGGYU!!" I ran after him. "Haha..I really think it's cute though. Makey this my wallie on my phone!" Sungjong said as he ran after us.

Hyerin's POV "Hyerin-ah..seriously you got attitude problem." TOP media's CEO told me. Seri complained my actions to him that's why I am standing right in front of him in his office. "But.. I don't like cutesy!" I complained. He shook his head and tssk. "All girl groups went to cutesy. So nyeo shi dae, top girl group in S. Korea and internationally, went to cutesy from their strong one(into the new world), Secret , the group who's topping the charts went to cutesy too after a upbeat song, also Sistar,from Push Push to Shady Girl. Trying all concepts are really fun you know." "So?? I still hated the idea! Miss A didn't undergo to a cute concept and yet they're really popular! Same thing to 2NE1! They got the strong look." I said. The CEO sighed. "You know what Hyerin, this is not Woolim Ent. anymore, you can't do what you want here you know." He told me. "ARGHH! Alright alright! I'll do that stupid cutesy song!!" Even though I don't want to..I have to. He's right, I'm not in Woolim Ent. anymore. I can't have what i want to here.. Sometimes I missed being in Woolim Ent. It's fun there. "So..how's the talk with the CEO?" Changjo asked me. I'm thankful to him, he's always there for me. "It didn't went well. In the end, i have to follow him. I have to do that cute concept thing even though I don't want to." I replied. "Don't worry bout that... you'll get used to it Hyerin. I know you can. Oh! And you can try new things for a change! Won't that be fun?" He asked, trying to enlighten my mood. "I guess. BUt.. I don't want to do that aegyo thingy..I hated it!" "You won't if you don't want to." Chapter 33: A Day With SeungYeol Oppa Hyemi's POV "UNNIE!!" I greeted my favorite female cousin and hugged her. She looked surprised. "Oh.. you're here Hyemi-ah." She smiled at me. "I missed you so much Seohyun unnie!" I exclaimed. I broke off the hug and smiled at her. "You've became a lot prettier unnie." "Thanks. You too." She looked so much prettier and her face was glowing more than the last time I saw her. "So..How's your husband unnie?" I asked. She looked suddenly down. "I..he's okay I guess." Suddenly I remembered that they already finished the last episode for We Got Married. "I'm sorry unnie. I did not mean to--" "it's okay." She reassured me. "So..How's life being an idol Hyemi-ah?" She changed the topic. "It's fine I guess." I remembered Hyerin. "Don't mind Hyerin. She really needs a wake up call. She's so mean for doing that..you know..the things she said about you at SGB." I looked away.

We chatted for like 10 minutes and sadly she still had a schedule so yeah, she bid goodbye and left. I am left alone here in our dorm. I am so bored. I'm on break right now till tomorrow I have no schedules! I guess it's great but it's too boring. Infinite oppas have schedules right now.. yeah..they were filming their comeback music video. I sighed. There's no one to play with here. I walked through the hallways of the dance studio. I stopped when I heard someone singing. A very unfamiliar voice. I opened the door of that studio and saw...Sungyeol oppa? I thought they are filming the music video for Nothing's over? When he noticed my presence, he stopped singing. "OH..Hyemi-ah, you're here." Sungyeol oppa acknowledge my presence. "Wow.. I..I'm speechless. You should have more lines oppa!" I enthusiastically said. He scratched his head and blushed. "Thanks." "Oh..by the way, i thought you guys were filming for Nothing's Over music video?" "Oh.. it was cancelled." He told me. "Then..where are the others??" I asked. "I don't know." He simply said. He must feel sad because he doesn't have any line in their song Nothing's over. "You know what oppa..how about we do a collab together? A duet performance?" I offered him. He looked at me, totally interested. "It's a waste if you won't show the world that you can actually sing." I reasoned. "I guess..I'm not that good." "What are you saying?? You're really good oppa! I love your voice!" He suddenly laughed. "Thanks for making me feel better. I was really depressed by the arrangement of the lines..and i didn't get any. So thanks for making me feel better." He smiled at me. "No problem oppa! You wanna hang out?" "Sure!! I would love to!" With that, I dragged him outside our company building, of course with our disguises. We were at the bench, eating ice cream and looking at the kids playing. (Setting: Public Playground) "Thanks for the fun day Hyemi-ah." Sungyeol thanked me. "It's no biggie oppa." I smiled at him. "Hyemi-ah...How much do you love Sunggyu hyung?" He asked. My eyes widened in shock. "Um..I don't know. All i know is i love him A LOT that I'll do everything and anything just for him." I answered. "Wow..that was..sweet." "SUNGYEOL OPPA?!" A voice said. I turned around,my eyes widened at the person right in front of us.

Chapter 34: Im Sorry Hyemi's POV "SUNGYEOL OPPA?!" A voice said. I turned around,my eyes widened at the person right in front of us. "Hyerin?" I muttered her name under my breath. Sungyeol oppa looked so shocked. "Wow. I've heard you're going out with Sunggyu oppa..but what are you doing with Sungyeol oppa, alone?" She asked me, emphasizing the word 'alone'. "Well..that's none of your business Hyerin." Sungyeol oppa said that made Hyerin's eyes enlarged. "The last time I saw you oppa..you were begging me to not go and leave you and now..you've changed. Is it because of her?" She asked, pointing at me with a disgusted face. "I never knew you had low standards-" I slapped her before she could say anything. "Are you here to insult me again? Humiliate me?" I asked her as she glared at me. "Humiliate you?" She scoffed. "Oh please Hyemi, I am not that free to ruin your career. For your information, I am a busy idol. And I have no time for anything else." She continued. "Stop it Hyerin. Let's go Hyemi." Sungyeol oppa said as he dragged me away. "Why is she like that?" I asked as Sungyeol oppa and I were at the Woolim lobby. "Don't mind her." He advised me. "Oppa..I am sorry ..it's all my fault. If i didn't asked you to go out..we would never have to see her." I apologized. He smiled at me. "It's not your fault. Things like this happen for a reason. And..I am so thankful to you Hyemi-ah. I thought I was going to cry and beg again when I saw her...but..no, I did the exact opposite. I guess..I have finally moved on." "That's great!" Hyerin's POV I can't believe this! Why would my no-good twin be with my ex? IS she trying to seduce him when I heard she's with Sunggyu oppa? And......... Sungyeol oppa changed. He... doesn't want me anymore. When I got home, I straightly went to my room and cried. I haven't cried for years..and now I am crying because of him. I realized..I really do love him. I said those words because I am extremely jealous of my twin. She already has Sunggyu oppa but she's going for Sungyeol too. Sungyeol oppa, would you ever forgive me? Did you already had a change of heart? I looked at the picture frame I hid inside my locked drawers. It was a picture of me and Sungyeol oppa, after practicing and training. We were still young back then in this picture. I was like 10 years old and he's like 12. I missed him a lot..I admit. I have never loved anyone else but him. I may be a bitch and a meanie..but I sincerely love him. It's not LOVED..it's LOVE. I'm sorry oppa for breaking your heart..and leaving you like that. I guess..you have moved on already..I guess..that's good.

WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?? I HATED THAT IDEA! I WANT TO BE THE ONLY GIRL IN YOUR LIFE! ME..HYERIN, WOULD BE THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD MAKE YOU SMILE! Myserious person's POV I smiled as I successfully took a picture of the twins. One where they were glaring at each other and another one when Hyemi slapped Hyerin. I could earn a big amount of money because of this. And that's what I am going to do.... Chapter 35: Lies Hyemi's POV The next day, my manager called me for an urgent meeting. I wonder what it is. "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS??!" My manager looked at me with shocked and angry expression on his face. Sungyeol oppa was also present. I looked at the picture, my eyes widened. This was taken yesterday! "I need an explanation." Mrs. Shim said. "I..I" I stuttered. "This is all Hyerin's fault! I guess she planned all this! Paying a person to took a picture of Hyemi when she slapped her because she was too much! She was insulting Hyemi." Sungyeol explained. "Well..that's what happened. But..you do know how the press think right? They've clearly wrote that the twins were fighting over Sungyeol and.. Hyemi getting revenge for what Hyerin did at SGB." Well..that was written in the article. I looked at the newspaper. Who took the photo? It can't be Hyerin..she's not that.. mean. "If this is all Hyerin's doing...i have no choice but to sue her for the damage she had done. And..I'll reveal all the bad thing she has done." Mrs. Shim told us. "I am so going to kill her." I heard Sungyeol oppa mumbled. "But ..for now. All your activities Hyemi will be cancelled. And you can't go outside. Hear me?" I nodded. "If Hyerin didn't do this..you could've still continue your promotions." Sungyeol oppa said. "It's okay. And I have a feeling Hyerin didn't do this." "You,I and Hyerin were the only ones there yesterday..she must have hired someone and got all this planned out. She's so evilly smart. She's gone overboard. She's gone over the line." Sungyeol oppa glared at the newspaper and crumpled it. He threw it in the garbage can. Hyerin's POV "You're fired! You need to quit being a Teen Girl member. Don't worry, I'll tell the public you need to pursue your education and such/" Mr. Park, our manager said. I looked and glared at the article and picture that was on the newspaper. "Mr. Park.. let Hyerin explain her side please.. you couldn't just fire her" Seri said.

"That's right Mr. Park.. you should let me explain first." I defended myself as Mr. Park was fuming with anger. "Then explain. If your reason isn't appropriate and reasonable..you must quit." "Hyemi wanted to take revenge on me so she slapped me right on the face. The article is right except for the fact I was fighting with her because of Sungyeol. I was in a relationship with Sungyeol before and he loved me a lot..so Hyemi got jealous when she saw me and slapped me. I was trying to apologize and everything but she didn't gave me a chance to explain and slapped me right on the face. That's what happened." I lied. Seri looked at me in disbelief, totally not believing me. Manager Park let out a sigh. "The press wanted an interview of you with them later on..be ready to tell the truth. If that's the truth..tell them. If this won't work out..you know what to do." With that, he let us out of his office. "Why did you lie?" Seri asked as she was glaring at me. "Is that your problem? Why would you care? And how would you know what really happened yesterday when you're not there?" I asked her back. "I could tell you were lying that's why. And.. you do know I hate liars. They suck. You'll get punished for causing a sin." "I don't care." With my confidence left, I left her. Seri's POV You're not going to continue this anymore Hyerin-ah. I am going to expose to the media who you really are and all the things you did to your own twin. You've crossed the line already. I can't let someone like you ruin someone like her. No I can't! Chapter 36: Truth Hyemi's POV WHAT?! We were now being interviewed for what has happened yesterday..and Hyerin just lied to what really happened. "That's what happened. I was trying to apologize to my twin for telling the world her true colors..but all she did was slapped me. I understand her since I've done a bad thing..but I couldn't help it. I was the victim here.." "STOP LYING YOU BITCH!" Sungyeol yelled at her, making the press go wild. "Oppa...I'm crushed that you still hate me after you dumped me like that. You're now saving her ..it still hurts me like hell. I've gone through a major depression ever since you broke up with me." She lied, making all the press believed her. Sungyeol oppa looked so shocked. "Why are you lying to the press?" I asked, still the presses were going wild with taking pictures and recording everything. "Unnie..please forgive me with all the things I've done..and I'll forgive you with all those mean things you've done."

"STOP THIS HYERIN! YOU'VE GONE OVER THE LINE" a voice shouted making all the press turned their attention to her. Seri? "What's the meaning of this?" Hyerin looked so shock. Seri grabbed all the attention and she started. "Hyerin..stop all these innocent act of yours. I have an evidence where you wanted to destroy your own twin's career. I've warned you before..if you didn't stop all this bad things, I'll expose you right? Well..this is the right time. don't blame me.." I gasped when the video ended. I looked at Hyerin who was glaring at Seri. "Why?" I turned to Hyerin and asked her. "Why?? NOW YOU'RE ASKING ME WHY? YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?? BECAUSE YOU WERE GETTING ALL THE ATTENTION! I WAS LEFT ALONE BEHIND..I WAS LIKE YOUR BACKUP DANCER AND SINGER! ALL THE NETIZENS AND THE PEOPLE HERE IN KOREA ONLY NOTICED YOU AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOU! DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS LIKE?? NO..YOU DON'T COZ YOU HAVEN'T EXPERIENCED IT! BUT I HAVE!THAT'S WHY I QUIT AND WENT TO ANOTHER COMPANY! TO START A NEW JOURNEY OF MINE! MY ONLY WISH WAS TO BE FAMOUS..BUT YOU'RE ALWAYS ON THE WAY! THAT'S WHY!" She confessed as tears started falling from her eyes. I was speechless. Sungyeol oppa looked so shock too. "But still Hyerin-ah..it's not the right thing. You should have just tried your best." Seri explained. Hyerin looked away. Now..the press and the people around us were going wild with taking pictures and asking us foolish questions. "Ms. Hyerin-ah, you were jealous of your twin right? That's why you've done thosee things. I never thought a star like you would be jealous to your twin and do mean things." One interviewer said. Hyerin glared at him and kept silent. "Ms. Hyerin-shi. What would you call yourself? Isn't that a crime?" "Ms. Hyerin-shi. Is it fun seeing your twin being like that?" "Ms. Hyerin-shi, I heard you did all those things 'coz you're a jealous freak." "STOP!" I told them. "Please stop this. You guys are also going overboard. And..isn't it rude to say things like that to her?" I defended my twin. When the interview ended, I quickly approached Hyerin. I tapped her shoulder, when she turned around ,she looked shocked. "What do you want?" She asked rudely, Sungyeol by my side. "Let's stop this Hyerin-ah." I told her. She laughed. "Stop what?! Don't you get it?? I admit, I am a jealous freak! It's because my twin is so perfect unlike me! I AM A USELESS TRASH! THAT'S WHY OUR PARENTS DISOWNED US! IT'S BECAUSE OF ME! IT'S MY FAULT!"

"It's not your fault Hyerin-ah." I hugged her. "I don't want to continue this anymore..whatever fight we had. Let's stop it. Let's get back being the close twin we were before we debut. Please." I practically begged. "I am sorry unnie..I don't know what got into me. I am truly sorry..and this time I am not acting. I am sorry for all the things I've done to ruin you..I am sorry unnie..for the sins I've caused..I am sorry for betraying you unnie.. I am too greedy and selfish..I shouldn't have been born in this world with a selfless sibling..I am so sorry..I know you can't forgive me with all those things I've done..but I hope you can still recognize me as your twin..and..promise me you'll never ever leave me..please unnie." She cried as she said those words. I patted her back. I sobbed. "Of course..I would never ever leave you. Let's start a new journey together as Twinkle. And don't worry..I have forgiven you already." With that, we started a new journey where the both of us were always together. I am glad that we're back together as twin duo. Our Daddy, whose the owner of Woolim Ent, gladly accepted Hyerin again so we happily started and continued the twinkle duo. I am really happy. Oh! And Hyerin got back with Sungyeol. But it wasn't easy at first.. Sungyeol oppa was hesitant..but Hyerin did all her best to show she still love him a lot! Oh about Junhyung? He admitted to me that he did kissed Yoona but he was drunk at that time. Well, I told him it was okay and I've already moved on. He looked so sad and down when I said that but he wished me happiness. I felt so guilty at first..but..if he didn't did that, we could be together now. By the way, Hyerin and I were also close to Teen Girls even though Hyerin quitted. Seri became my closest friend in Teen Girls. The others are not that bad either. And..I was also close to Teen Top especially L.Joe. He's like my long lost brother. kekekeke. I also found out that he used to like me..but he's with Seri. He told me he got attracted to her when she revealed all the things Hyerin has done. And..I am happy with Sunggyu oppa by my side. We were all a happy family with Infinite by our side. "Thanks unnie for all." Hyerin thanked me as she hugged me. I smiled. "GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!" Sungjong, the hyper maknae suggested. Infinite boys came up to us and did a group hug. FLASH! Mrs. Shim took a picture of us and smiled. I couldn't ask for more..all my wishes are already fulfilled. And it's not the end of our journey..it's just a start.

Chapter 37: I don't know why (Love does not wait 2nd version) PREVIEW Hyemi's POV I looked at the clear blue sky. I smiled as I remembered how Byunghyun oppa and I met. Flashback My heart kept thumping irregularly when we arrived in front of SBS building. Dugeun Dugeun(thump thump). "We're here Hani-ah." Manager oppa informed me. I nodded. I took a deep breath before going out. I did a fighting pose with my fist. I got inside the building and was shocked to see all boys from the rookie group, Teen Top. Who's my virtual husband? "Annyeong-haseyo!" I greeted them while bowing. (Koreans usually do that right?) They greeted me back and introduced themselves one by one. "Uhm..so..who's my husband?" I awkwardly asked. They smiled. "Well, noona... I am!" Ricky cheerfully said. I looked surprised. My husband is younger than me by a year?? Is that even possible here in We Got Married. He was smiling at me but I feel like something's fishy. "Why? Not happy that I'm your husband?" Ricky pouted. I pinched his cheeks and told him, "Of course not. I was just surprised." I smiled at him. "Well.. I'm sorry to disappoint you noona..but I'm not your husband even though I wish I was." "Well..who's my husband?" The pink hair dude called L.Joe raised his hand. "Ohh.." I looked at him and studied his face. He's not bad, he's actually good-looking. "Pd noonas! Can't I just be noona's husband instead of pinky hyung?" "YaH!" The PD shook their head signing no. Ricky pouted. L.Joe coughed. "Well..you may go now guys. This is my time with my new wife." He coolly said. WTH? He's a bit too rude. He shouldn't have said it like that. "Good luck men! Congratulations Hyemi-ah." They chorused. I bowed and bid goodbye. I stared at L.Joe who was also staring at me. What is this? A staring game? "Uhm.. So..what should we do now?" I awkwardly asked. "Hm.. let's hang-out and get to know each other more." He suggested. I looked at my wrist watch. It was already 9 in the evening. I should be sleeping right now and yet..I'm here filming We Got Married. I sighed. Being an idol is really tough. "Sure." I agreed. We got inside our van and went to our destination. End of Flashback

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