Three Days of Black Blood

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Three Days of

Black Blood
hree Days
of Black
Blood is an
for 1st-level
The player characters stumble
upon the fishing village
of Fairshell and find out it
is going to be attacked by
the Black Blood pirates in
three days’ time. Can the
adventurers protect the
fishermen and their families
from the attack, Seven

Writing Thiago Rosa

Color Art Mark Bulahao
Editing Felipe Real
Layout Xanditz
Getting the Party Involved in conversations with the fishermen, they
soon notice a split in opinion: around half the
The easiest way to get the players involved
fishermen think Duke Montenegro is a tyrant
in this adventure is having them be natives to
who is ripping them off by taking their fish and
Fairshell. They might be childhood friends raised
the other half think pleasing the benevolent Duke
in the village who left it to pursue the training
is their only chance at making the village more
who made them adventurers. When they return
relevant and therefore richer.
home, they find out their skills are going to be
Halfway through the discussion, a raven arrives,
needed to protect their home from invaders.
flapping its wings and screaming. “Galuni is on fire!
Another possible hook is that they were sent
The Black Blood pirates attacked Galuni! They will be
by Duke Montenegro to pick up fresh cod for his
here in two days! Let’s drive them back!”
weekly piccata. This way, if they want to get paid
The PCs might manage to calm down the
for their troubles, they need to stay and help the
raven or the fishermen with interaction skills
fishermen deal with the pirates.
(DC 15). A success gives them 1 fortification
A final possibility is that they just stumble
point. What they can gather from raven and
upon Fairshell in its hour of need. Brought there
from the fishermen is that Galuni is a nearby
by fate, the only reason they have to help the
town, a lot bigger than Fairshell, but still small
fishermen is the goodness of their hearts—or
(around 100 inhabitants). The raven is called
perhaps a personal fondness for fresh cod.
Nino; he was the familiar to a wizard and he
Fortification Points insists the pirates are coming this way and will
Three Days of Black Blood

arrive in around two days. The fishermen agree

EN World TRAILSeeker

During the first two days of the adventure,

with him and any divination magic used with
they players are supposed to take actions to
these intentions will prove him correct.
fortify Fairshell’s defenses. When they succeed in
these efforts, they get fortification points. The fishermen are not warriors. Without
the PCs’ help they are all going to die. There is
These points are going to determine the
not enough time to get help from any nearby
modifier players will roll against the pirates when
community. Nino offers to help in the upcoming
they finally attack in order to save Fairshell.
battle, but it becomes clear very quickly that he is
not much of a help.
First Day:
Dark Wings, Dark Words Second Day:
Fairshell is just a small fishermen village with A Fighting Chance
around 30 inhabitants. It is not close to important
During the second day, the PCs will get a
roads or urban centers; its fish are not especially
chance to help the fishermen defend themselves.
rare or tasty; its land is not featured in any
This could take the form of training, building
legends; and it is not home to a powerful hero.
fortifications or encouraging them. Basically, they
Fairshell is really nothing more than an average
players can use their skills or Perception to help,
village, home to hardworking folk that have lived
as long as they can explain how that is going to
a peaceful life up to now.
When the PCs arrive at Fairshell, they
Possibilities include:
will probably be looking for a tavern or inn.
There is no such thing in the village, but many  Showing the fishermen good hiding spots
fishermen are at the bay, either getting ready to (Stealth),
fish or coming back from work, depending on
 Building barricades (Crafting),
when the PCs arrive. When they start engaging
 Rallying them for battle (Performance or  On a critical success, the players’ efforts man-
Diplomacy), aged to hold the pirates back completely. No
 Teaching them about fight formations (Mili- fishermen dies in the attack and they kill the
tary Lore), attacking pirates (except for Nandra) as well.
 Taking advantage of terrain (Nature), After the first attack wave is defeated (or if
 Intimidating cowardly folk into fighting someone attacks Nandra in melee) she calls 2x
(Intimidation), orc warriors and 6x orc brutes for another attack
 Finding good supplies (Survival) or while she retreats to her ship.

 Pointing out what are the best spots to place The final battle is against Nandra and the
barricades (Perception). remaining pirates. If the players follow her into
the ship, remember that Nandra and the Black
The DC is typically going to be 15; a critical
Blood pirates are used to the sway, but the PCs are
success grants 2 fortification points, a success
not! Movement requires an Acrobatics check for
grants 1 fortification point, and a critical failure
Balance (DC 10).
causes them to lose 1 fortification point. Allow one
check per player, but if they have a very good idea
for a second check you might allow that player to
spend a Hero Point to make another check. If the player characters defeated the pirates
without burning the ship, the biggest possible reward

Third Day: Black Blood is the ship itself. Moving it from Fairshell might
prove difficult without knowledge or supplies, but it

Three Days of Black Blood

EN World TRAILSeeker
As the third day dawns, the PCs can see a
could at the very least be sold at the closet port.
sloop approaching. They only have a couple of
hours to make their last arrangements: orcs are Aside from the pirates’ equipment (including
about to attack. Nandra’s magic weapon), the Black Blood treasure
includes 2d10 x 10 sp, and might include a hook
The first wave of attack is a group of 6x orc
to your next adventure.
brutes followed by Nandra from behind. She stays
within 60 ft. of her men, but only attacks with Nino could travel with the characters for a while
her hand crossbow, assessing the threats before if they have fun with him. Otherwise, you could
engaging in melee. Keep count of how many have his master arrive to take him back. Looks like
fortification points the players have amassed. Use he survived the attacked and took his time getting to
this as the modifier for a check against DC 15. Fairshell. Nino is not going to be happy with that.
 On a critical failure, the players hindered If the characters were hired by Duke
more than they helped. Their advice put the Montenegro and explain what happened, even
fishermen in harm’s way and the barricades the peculiar noble understands how important the
they built blocked their escape. 2d10 fish- PCs’ actions were. He pays them 100 gp beyond
ermen die at the first wave and the player whatever they had discussed before the adventure.
characters have to fight all the orcs.
 On a failure, the players’ efforts did not NPCs
improve the fishermen’s chances. 2d6 fisher-
men die during the first attack wave and the
player characters have to fight all the orcs. Back in Galuni, Nino was a familiar to small
 On a success, the players’ efforts slowed the town wizard named Serge. Unlike most familiars,
he is incredibly outspoken and more than a little
pirates down considerably. Only 1d6 fish-
inclined to joining fights. Since he is no better at
ermen die during the first attack wave and
fighting than any other raven, he just flies away
they manage to take down 1d6 orcs as well.
as soon as he notices he is in over his head. He realms—a pragmatic orc. She cares only about
wanted to be familiar to a battle mage of some money and gathering treasure.
sort, but liked Serge’s company better. Born in the Black Blood tribe, Nandra never
Duke Montenegro wanted to spend her life in the mountains.
She longed for the wealth of human lands, but
Nobility usually holds itself to very high dared not march against well-defended human
standards. That’s probably why Duke Ferdinand communities.
Montenegro is despised by pretty much everyone
Nandra’s life changed forever when a small
else. Ruling over lands so unimportant even his
sloop grounded on the beach next to her clan’s
castle would be considered a backwater, Montenegro
lands. Her chief took the treasure within after
doesn’t really care about much. He indulges in
killing the crew, but she saw the ship as the
luxury as much as he can, doesn’t do much for his
biggest treasure possible. She convinced some
people but doesn’t do much against them as well.
of her tribe mates to follow her and took to the
Many people under Montenegro’s rule don’t even
seas, now able to attack defenseless human
notice they are under his so called protection. communities with low risk and high rewards.
Among Montenegro’s luxuries, however,
there is one he simply can’t do without. On the Captain Nandra Creature 2
first day of every week, the duke eats a fancy cod [CE] [MEDIUM] [HUMANOID] [ORC]
piccata with his guests. However, someone from
Perception +11; darkvision
his household has been stealing from the pantry.
Languages Common, Orc
Montenegro doesn’t really care about finding the
Three Days of Black Blood

Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +6, Survival +5

EN World TRAILSeeker

thief, but what he really wants is his fresh cod. That

Str +4, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2
might make him hire the adventurers to secure it
Items +1 orc necksplitter, hide armor, hand
from Fairshell, a village that sits in his domains.
crossbow, 10 bolts
Duke Montenegro probably won’t feature AC 19; Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +7
directly into the story much, even if he hired the HP 32
PCs. He has no plans to leave his castle or visit Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Fairshell. The village, however, is divided precisely Ferocity [reaction]
because of their opinion about him. If the PCs have Speed 25 feet
been sent by Montenegro, they will be able to tell Melee [one-action] +1 orc necksplitter +11 (forceful, sweep),
the locals that he is not what either group thinks. Damage 1d8+5 slashing
Melee [one-action] fist +10 (nonlethal), Damage 1d4+4
Black Blood Pirates bludgeoning
The Black Blood Pirates are a band of sixteen Ranged [one-action] hand crossbow +8 (60 feet), Damage
orcs bent on plundering. They have set sail a few 1d6 piercing
months ago, after Nandra took part of the Black Battle Cry [one-action] (auditory, concentrate, emotion,
Blood tribe with her. The small town of Galuni mental) Bellowing mightily, Nandra gives
was their first victim. herself and all the Black Blood pirates within 60
feet a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls
Twelve of them are orc brutes and four of them
until the start of her next turn.
are orc warriors. The difference is that they are used
Sea Legs Nandra does not need to make
to life on the sea and don’t have to make Acrobatics
Acrobatics checks to keep her balance aboard
checks to keep their balance on the ship.
her ship, since she is used to the sway.
Captain Nandra
Vicious, cunning, and completely ruthless.
Nandra is the nightmare of most human

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