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6 Rules for

The following six rules

must be observed if we
intend to make the most
of kanban’s potential for
factory improvement.

Downstream Processes withdraw

items from Upstream Process

The relationship between downstream and upstream

processes is like the relationship between customers
and markets.
Customers go to markets for shopping and pick what
they need, and then markets replenish their shelves with
the withdrawn quantities.

Imagine if markets did not replenish their shelves!

What would happen?!

Upstream Processes produce only

what was withdrawn

Upstream processes must always produce in direct

relation to downstream production. In other words, the
previous process should produce only what was needed
by the next process, only when needed, and only in the
amount needed.

Send only 100 percent Defect-

Free Products

Quality is built in at each process, and processes should

never send any defective goods downstream.

Passing the quality buck not only creates confusion at

downstream processes, it also conceals problems at the
defect-producing process and ultimately brings
disorder to the entire factory.

Establish Level Production

Production leveling is a method that eliminates

variation in flow at different processes and helps
maintain stable, smooth production.

This is different from the kind of balancing of load that

occurs in a mass production system when using a
planning method called Capacity Requirements

Rather, it is the thorough balancing of product models

and volumes within the framework of the production

Workshop Indicators

Kanban should also move with the goods to ensure

visual control.

Use Kanban to Discover Needs

for Improvement

By gradually decreasing the number of kanban in

circulation, we can better reveal missing items and line-
stopping problems, which we need to follow up with
causal analyses and improvement measures.

Reference: JIT implementation manual by HIROYUKI HIRANO

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Mohammad Elshahat | Operational Excellence Coach

I Help You Launch & Execute Winning Lean Six Sigma Projects
to Improve Performance and Generate Hard Savings

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