Entreprenurial Marketing

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Entrepreneurial Market

. Entrepreneurial marketing is the overlap between entrepreneurship and

marketing . It is the behavior by any individual and / or organization to establish
and promote market ideas while developing new ones to create value llle Styles
For example , clothing stores that advertise new fashions and garments that
customers can purchase immediately in their stores can be classified as business -
to consumer companies . More examples include businesses like grocery stores
online retailers and cosmetics companies
2 What is the concept of marketing ? Marketing concept is a set of strategies
that the firms adopt where they analyse the needs of their customers and
implement strategies to fulfil those needs which will result in an increase in sales ,
profit maximisation and also beat the existing competition
3. What are the objectives of marketing ?
The purpose of a marketing plan is to have a defined path to go to obtain new
customers , strengthen relationships with current customers and clients , increase
sales , improve retention and increase brand awareness .4 cs of entrepreneurship
The 4 Cs of entrepreneurship marketing are a framework that helps
entrepreneurs understand and implement effective marketing strategies. These 4
Cs are:
The customer is at the core of any marketing strategy. Entrepreneurs need to
understand their target customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors. They
should identify their target market segments and create buyer personas to
develop a deep understanding of their customers. By understanding their
customers, entrepreneurs can tailor their marketing messages, products, and
services to meet their needs effectively.
Cost refers to the price that customers are willing to pay for a product or service.
Entrepreneurs need to determine the optimal pricing strategy that aligns with the
value they provide and meets customer expectations. Pricing decisions should
take into account factors such as production costs, competitor pricing, perceived
value, and overall profitability goals.
Convenience focuses on the ease and accessibility of purchasing and using a
product or service. Entrepreneurs should consider how to make their offerings
convenient for customers, such as through distribution channels, delivery options,
user-friendly interfaces, and customer support. By providing convenience,
entrepreneurs can enhance the overall customer experience and increase
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Communication involves the marketing messages and channels used to reach and
engage with customers. Entrepreneurs need to develop effective communication
strategies that convey the value proposition of their products or services to the
target audience. This includes branding, advertising, public relations, social media,
content marketing, and other promotional activities. Clear and consistent
communication helps build brand awareness, attract customers, and foster long-
term relationships.
By incorporating these 4 Cs into their marketing strategies, entrepreneurs can
enhance their chances of success by understanding their customers, offering
competitive pricing, providing convenience, and effectively communicating their
value propositions

4 ps of entrepreneurship marketing
The 4 Ps of entrepreneurship marketing, also known as the marketing mix, are a
set of fundamental elements that entrepreneurs consider when developing their
marketing strategies. These elements include:
This refers to the goods or services that an entrepreneur offers to their target
market. Entrepreneurs need to ensure that their product meets the needs and
wants of their customers. They must consider factors such as product features,
quality, design, packaging, and branding.
Price refers to the amount of money that customers are willing to pay for the
product or service. Entrepreneurs need to determine the optimal pricing strategy
that allows them to cover their costs, generate profits, and remain competitive in
the market. Factors such as market demand, competition, production costs, and
perceived value play a role in pricing decisions.
Place, also known as distribution, refers to the channels and methods through
which entrepreneurs make their products or services available to customers.
Entrepreneurs need to consider the most effective distribution channels, such as
direct sales, online platforms, retail stores, or partnerships with other businesses.
The goal is to ensure that the product is easily accessible to the target market.
Promotion involves the activities entrepreneurs undertake to communicate and
promote their products or services to their target market. This includes
advertising, public relations, sales promotions, personal selling, and other
marketing communication strategies. Entrepreneurs must develop a promotional
mix that effectively reaches their target audience, raises awareness about their
product, and persuades potential customers to make a purchase.
By considering and effectively managing the 4 Ps, entrepreneurs can develop a
comprehensive marketing strategy that helps them identify and meet customer
needs, differentiate their products from competitors, and achieve their business
What are the 7 dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing
The concept of the seven dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing was
introduced by Morris, Schindehutte, and LaForge in their book "Entrepreneurial
Marketing: A Construct for Integrating Emerging and Established Perspectives"
(2002). These dimensions provide a framework to understand the unique
characteristics and challenges faced by entrepreneurs in marketing their products
or services. The seven dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing are as follows:
This dimension focuses on identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities.
Entrepreneurs need to constantly scan the environment, assess market gaps, and
uncover new opportunities for their ventures.
Innovation plays a crucial role in entrepreneurial marketing. It involves creating
new and unique products, services, or business models that offer a competitive
advantage and provide value to customers.
Entrepreneurs often face resource constraints, including financial, human, and
technological resources. This dimension emphasizes the efficient utilization of
limited resources and finding creative ways to leverage them to achieve
marketing objectives.
Entrepreneurial orientation:
This dimension refers to the mindset and characteristics of entrepreneurs. It
includes traits such as risk-taking propensity, proactiveness, and a strong desire
for autonomy and achievement.
Entrepreneurs need to develop effective marketing strategies to achieve their
goals. This dimension involves strategic decision-making, target market selection,
positioning, and the development of competitive advantages.
Building and managing networks is essential for entrepreneurs to access
resources, form partnerships, and reach customers. This dimension focuses on
developing and leveraging relationships with customers, suppliers, distributors,
and other stakeholders.
Performance: The final dimension is performance, which encompasses the
measurement and evaluation of marketing activities and their impact on business
outcomes. Entrepreneurs need to track key performance indicators (KPIs), adapt
their strategies based on feedback, and continuously improve their marketing
These seven dimensions collectively provide a comprehensive framework for
understanding the unique marketing challenges faced by entrepreneurs and help
guide their decision-making processes

What are the essential characteristics of entrepreneurial marketing

Entrepreneurial marketing is a strategic approach to marketing that is specifically
tailored to the needs and challenges faced by entrepreneurs and startup
businesses. It focuses on leveraging limited resources and innovative techniques
to effectively market products or services in a competitive environment. Here are
some essential characteristics of entrepreneurial marketing:
Entrepreneurs often have limited financial and human resources. They need to be
resourceful and find creative ways to market their offerings effectively. This may
involve using low-cost or guerilla marketing tactics, leveraging social media
platforms, or building strategic partnerships.
Entrepreneurial marketing emphasizes the importance of innovation in both
product development and marketing strategies. Entrepreneurs need to
differentiate themselves from established competitors by offering unique value
propositions and finding innovative ways to reach and engage their target
Customer-centric approach:
Understanding customer needs and preferences is crucial for entrepreneurial
marketing. Entrepreneurs focus on building strong relationships with customers,
conducting market research, and gathering feedback to adapt their products and
marketing efforts accordingly. They strive to create value and deliver exceptional
customer experiences.
Agility and adaptability:
Entrepreneurs operate in a dynamic and rapidly changing business environment.
They must be agile and adaptable to respond to market trends, customer
demands, and emerging opportunities. Entrepreneurial marketing involves
constantly monitoring and evaluating marketing strategies, adjusting them as
needed, and quickly capitalizing on new opportunities.
Speed and responsiveness:
Startups often operate in fast-paced environments where speed is critical.
Entrepreneurial marketing emphasizes the need for quick decision-making,
efficient execution, and responsiveness to market changes. Entrepreneurs need to
be proactive, seize opportunities promptly, and rapidly iterate their marketing
approaches based on feedback and data.
Growth-oriented mindset:
Entrepreneurial marketing is driven by a growth-oriented mindset. Entrepreneurs
have ambitious goals and a strong drive to expand their businesses. They focus on
scalable marketing strategies that have the potential to generate significant
growth and impact. This may involve leveraging digital marketing, data analytics,
and automation tools to reach a broader audience.
Risk-taking and resilience:
Entrepreneurs understand that taking calculated risks is an inherent part of
building a successful business. They are willing to experiment with new marketing
ideas, venture into uncharted territories, and learn from failures. Resilience is
essential in the face of setbacks and challenges, allowing entrepreneurs to adapt,
learn, and persist in their marketing efforts.
These characteristics collectively define the essence of entrepreneurial marketing,
enabling entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of the market, effectively
promote their offerings, and drive sus,tainable growth for their venture
sGuerillabuzz,viral entrepreneural marketing
Guerrilla marketing, buzz marketing, and viral marketing are all strategies used in
entrepreneurial marketing to generate attention and buzz around a product,
service, or brand. Let's explore each of these concepts:
Guerrilla Marketing:
Guerrilla marketing involves unconventional and low-cost tactics to promote a
product or brand. It focuses on creating memorable and engaging experiences
that grab people's attention. Guerrilla marketing campaigns often take place in
unexpected places or use unconventional mediums to reach the target audience.
Examples include flash mobs, graffiti art, public stunts, or interactive installations.
Buzz Marketing:
Buzz marketing aims to create a "buzz" or excitement around a product or brand.
It leverages word-of-mouth and social influence to generate interest and
anticipation among consumers. Buzz marketing campaigns often involve
influencers, opinion leaders, or brand ambassadors who create and spread
positive conversations about the product through social media, events, or other
Viral Marketing:
Viral marketing involves creating and spreading content that is highly shareable
and spreads rapidly among a large number of people. The goal is to create a viral
effect, where people voluntarily share the content with their networks, leading to
exponential growth in brand awareness. Viral marketing campaigns often use
humor, emotional appeal, or unique concepts to capture people's attention and
encourage them to share the content.

In entrepreneurial marketing, these strategies can be effective in reaching a

broader audience, especially when traditional marketing budgets are limited. By
utilizing creativity, innovation, and the power of social networks, entrepreneurs
can generate significant exposure for their products or brands. However, it's
important to note that these strategies require careful planning, understanding of
the target audience, and a well-executed campaign to achieve the desired results
1. Better Qualified Leads
Your marketing and sales teams wasting their energy, time and leads on
unqualified leads is never going to end well. Marketing will blame sales for not
using the right materials or approaching poor leads too quickly, while sales will be
claiming that the marketing content isn’t good enough in the first place.
When your sales and marketing teams are aligned and in regular communication,
information can be flown freely from department to department. Your sales team
can tell the marketing team what is and isn’t working so that the marketers can
adjust strategies based on what they’ve been told.
If both teams also implement the lead scoring method - with software that allows
them to do it - it means they can both focus on only targeting the best-qualified
leads and not wasting time on the bad ones.
2. Better Engagement and Stronger Relationships
The more both teams communicate, the stronger their work and personal
relationships will become so they’ll eventually learn to trust each other. Rather
than focusing on separate activities, implementing one shared vision and goal
means they can rely on each other to hit their targets.
Working together means campaigns can be more impactful, leads can be handled
a lot better and potential buyers are more impressed. It shows that sales and
marketing actually work a lot better when they’re together and not entirely
focusing on their own specific goals.
3. Accurate Buyer Personas
Sales and marketing teams are responsible for attracting, nurturing, delighting
and closing deals in inbound marketing. That means both teams need to be on the
same page for added success. Teams that aren’t on the same page and don’t
communicate effectively find that the buyer personas don’t match up to the
audience they’re targeting.
A huge benefit of sales and marketing working together means that marketing
can help generate content that will capture the audience the sales team are
chasing. By understanding customers better and having accurate buyer personas,
both sales and marketing will have shared ownership and can help deliver a better
and smoother buying experience.
4. Better and Clearer Feedback
By having constant communication between sales and marketing, unifying them
means a strong relationship is established. This can then lead to open lines of
communication which creates a better opportunity to effectively refine strategies
down the line.
By having that communication and trust between both means, they’ll both be
more comfortable when asking the other team to make adjustments. For
example, it could be the sales team asking the marketing team to adjust the
criteria for quality leads.
By having clear and better feedback channels between sales and marketing, both
teams become more receptive, they’ll focus on their shared goals. And most
importantly, those Christmas parties won’t be awkward because they’ll actually
begin to like each other.
5. Stay Ahead of the Competition
A lot of marketing teams take time out to analyse what the competition is doing,
from website changes to blog posts so they know what the trends are and where
they stand in comparison.
By working together, your marketing team can keep your sales team informed of
the tactics being used and the positioning of the competition. This allows your
sales team to properly address why your products or services are far superior to
the competition when they speak to prospects.
6. Increased Revenue
HubSpot has reported that misalignment between both sales and marketing
teams costs a staggering $1 trillion a year. That’s primarily down to 79 percent of
leads never converting into sales because of a lack of nurturing. Of the leads that
do get passed to sales teams, though, 73 percent of them are never contacted.
At the same time, HubSpot has also found that organisations with excellent sales
and marketing alignment close 38 percent more deals and achieve 27 percent
faster three-year profit growth. They also achie

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