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It is always spring time in the hearts that love God and that is the reason, there is a fragrant
wave pervading everywhere and the rays of gladness penetrating every nook and corner of
this holy place. Yes, dear friends, there is a throbbing joy and vibrating love enveloping our
hearts, as we celebrate the feast of our venerable Mother St. Clare.
We warmly welcome each one of you to this solemn celebration.
Clare was the third of 5 children born to a wealthy family of Assisi. The spirit
worked within and framed Clare into a most pure Vessel. Docility to her parents, generosity
and compassion for the poor and she found joy in prayer, night and day.
Clare a young girl of nobility and wealth chose most austere poverty and the hidden
life of prayer. Her ardent love towards God and towards humankind and every living creature
is praise worthy. A motherly person, she was sensitive to every human and divine value and
wished to acquire it at any cost.
It is difficult to determine when and how Clare first met Francis- the popular young
man who had turned his back on the military establishment and from the business world, but
she probably heard him proclaim his message of penance and peace in the cities of Assisi.
Even in her youth her attention was directed to the heavenly things. Thus, on Palm
Sunday March 18, 1212, when all the young ladies of Assisi customarily dressed in their
finest and proudly processed to the Bishop for a Palm branch, rather than approaching the
bishop Clare remained in her place, prompting him to come to her. She accepted the Palm of
Martyrdom in imitation of the suffering Christ. She was setting out with Christ and as the
processional hymn echoed round the church everywhere, it must have lifted Clare’s heart in
wave of worshipping love.
On the following day, she went to Portungula where St. Francis and his brothers
received her commitment to follow there in the pursuit of the Gospel life. For at that time
mounting the wall of church at St. Damiano, he says ‘come and help in building of this
monastery of St. Damiano, for in time to come, there will dwell here are ladies by whose
marvellous and holy living the Lord will be glorified throughout His holy church.
Thomas Celano proceeds to praise Clare and her sisters for their seated fort practice
of charity, humility, virginity, abstinence, silence, patience and contemplation. Thus the Lady
Clare truly shone in untarnished purity entered the brightness of eternal light as patron of
Clare was a strong, thoroughly convinced and heroic woman who would not the let
the purity of Fancis’ Charism die, despite of the enormous forces and her own. She is the
living witness that strongly shapes the consciousness of the Franciscan family and during that
period and becomes an unwittingly creative inventor of the religious order.
Dear friends, as we the sons and daughters celebrate the feast of our Mother Clare,
let us ask the same grace from the Lord to follow her footprints, to meet Jesus more closely.
Let us pray earnestly for ourselves and for every member of our institutes during this
Eucharistic celebration that our mission may be fulfilled and may we have a discerning spirit
in all that we do. May our mother Clare, help us to be truly Christ bearers in our daily life,
bringing Christ into every sphere of our life and relationships.
Saint Clare of Assisi (1194-1253) is venerated as patroness of eye diseases, good weather,
homemakers, knitters and needle workers, and television. But Clare is perhaps best
remembered as the closest follower and dearest friend of Saint Francis of Assisi. More than
eight centuries ago, she founded the Poor Ladies of San Damiano which is now known
colloquially as the Poor Clares. Perhaps more than any other Franciscan, Clare most
faithfully lived the gospel life of prayer, fellowship, simplicity, and service.
Although Saint Clare lived all of her post-conversion life within the confines of a cloister, she
was a person of great courage, faith, and perseverance. When mercenary soldiers attempted to
breach the walls of her convent, she confronted them with the Blessed Sacrament and they
retreated. When a bishop asked her to compromise her principles and accept gifts of property
and riches, Clare declined and said: “I must be absolved from my sins, but not from my
obligation to follow the Poor Christ.” And when a pope refused to approve her strict rule of
life, she declined to die until the rule was approved. Just two days after it was given papal
authorization, she quietly and contentedly passed away.
Many centuries later, we can still call on Saint Clare to pray for us, for our Church, and for
our troubled world during times of adversity, scandal, and uncertainty. The following prayer
was written years ago by an anonymous Poor Clare in Jamaica Plain. It speaks beautifully to
the remarkable soul who cast aside the spirit of the world in order to faithfully live the
adventure of the gospel. This weekend, let us join our hearts and voices as we pray:

Saint Clare,
ardent lover of Jesus
in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
help us to grow in love
for Christ Jesus, our Redeemer.
With your strong faith and unwavering hope,
gather our wounded Church,
our suffering world,
and all people
into your loving heart and lift us up to Jesus
with your absolute confidence in his merciful love.
Saint Clare, help us to be like you:
peaceful, kind, gentle,
strong, patient, and persevering
in the face of all difficulties.
Trusting in your powerful intercession,
we confidently praise and thank God, our Father,
for all of the blessings we have received.
Glory, praise, wisdom, and thanksgiving,
honor, power, and might to our God
for ever and ever. Amen.
May the powerful intercession of Saint Clare of Assisi bring us closer to Christ and to the
Church. May her prayers comfort us, empower us, and protect us as we strive to live the
Gospel of Christ. Saint Clare of Assisi, pray for us! May the Lord give you peace!

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