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DATE: June 21, 2022


1. Flocculation test unit:

The equipment allows for the well-known jar test to be conducted on water samples
requiring treatment to determine the convert coagulant dosage on laboratory scale as to full
scale operation.
Ordering specification

 Beach top flocculation & coagulation test unit with led illumination & integral control
 Six stirrers with independent variable speed motors.
 Striver speed 0-200 rpm.
 Removable striver assembly for easy removal of beak as & to facilitate cleaning.
 Six beaker.
 Six test tubes
 Test tube stand

Demonstration capabilities

 Determination of optimum coagulant dosage.

 Determination of optimum PH.
 Exact mining of tine & intensity on aggregation.
 Exact coagulation test in conjunction with activated carbon.

 Stirrer easily
 Low voltage operation
 LED illumination
 Improved teaching

 Used to determine optimum coagulation dosage
 Can be used to determine the optimum PH
 Six independent & variable striver speed motors.
 LEP illumination

Figure 1Flocculation test unit

2. Water treatment anaerobic digestor:

An Aerobic treatment process involve bacteria that function only in the absence of
air, there process are becoming more popular in the water treatment industry as they have
considerable advantages in aerobic process, including low sludge production tolerance of
stop / star operation, production of a useful fuel (methane) & relatively high throughput.


The Arm filed anaerobic digester is designed as a bewcntop traing facility & as a mean
of providing operational process data for plant design purposes.

 A beutop anaerobic digester for waste water treatment.
 Equipped with SL packed bed upward reactor
 Each reactor has a gas sampling & convention facilities.
 Thermostatic cut out set to 110oC



3. Aeration apparatus

Aeration (aerification) is the process by which all is circulated through, mixed with or
dissolved in a liquid or substances.

Aeration of liquid (usually water) is achieved by passing the liquid through all by means
of fowtaus, cascades, paddle wheels or cones passing are through the liquid by means of the
venture tube, aeration turbines or tubes.

4. Ion-exchange

Ion exchange is are exchange on ions between tow electrodes and electrolyte or
between are electrolyte solution & a complex, in most cases the term is used to donate the
process of purification separation & decontamination of aqueous & other ion-containing
solution with solids polymeric or mineialic ion-exchange.
Typical ion-exchanges are ion-exchange resins, zeolitizes, montmorillonite, clay & soil
lumus ion-exchanger are either action exchanger in which exchange positively changed ions
(cations) anion exchanges which exchange negatively charge ions (anions).


Figure 3Ion exchange apparatus

5. High speed centrifuge

Centrifuges are essential instrument widely used in laboratories across the world in
this process the centrifugal force is used to separate substances to different densities,
regardless of the sample size, theses sophisticated centrifuges are bowed to increase sample
throughout while shortening run twines.

6. UV visible spectrometer

UV visible spectroscopy refers to absorption or reflective spectroscopy. This means it

uses light in the ultra violet visible spectral region Mollclues contains -electron or non-
bonding electrons (n-electrons) can absorb energy in these spectral regions to excite there
electrons to anti-bonding molecules orbitals. The more easily the excited electrons the longer
wavelength of light it can absorb. UV / Vis spectroscopy is routinely used in analytical
chemistry for quantitative determination of analytes.

Figure 4 UV visible Spectrometer

7. COD reactors

Chemical oxygen demand COD reactors test is commonly used to indirectly measure
the amount of organic compounds in water. Most application of COD determines the amount
of organic pollutants found in surface water (lakes & revers) or waste water.

8. Test tube shaker

It is used to mix, blued or agitate substance in a tube by shaking their. It is mainly used in
the field of chemistry and biology. A shaker conatus an oscillates bound that is used to place
the flasks, beaker.

9. Chromatographs

Chromatography is used to separate mixtures of substances into their components.

All forms of chromatography work on the same principle they all have the station any phase
(solid, liquid) and mobile phase. This technique ii normally used to separate and identify
chemical compounds.

10. Automatic titrator

Titration is quantitative chemical analysis. It is used determine a unknown concert

action of known substance.

11.Flue Gas analyser A flue gas analyser measurers and displays

the products of combustion from both domestic & commercial fossil fuelled appliances.

To find the optimum dose of coagulant (Fecl3) for treatment of given waste
water experimental unit.

Beaker, test tube, pipette, beakers balance, Turbidity unit, with six beakers.
Chemical used
Ferric chloride (fecl3)
Calcium carbonate (caco3)
2Fecl3 + 3ca (HCO3), 2FeCoH), 3cal12+6con.

Turbidity is the measure of total disable solids (TDS + TSS). Normally measured in the wall
(NTU) (Nephelometric Turbidity unit).

Coagulation vs Flocculation
The main difference between the coagulation and flocculation is one is coagulation is
chemical process while flocculation is the physical process.

 Turbidity & PH of the giver water sample were find out and noted

 600ml of sample water was taken in all

 Six beaker.
 1000 ppm Fecl3 was prepared and a different value of coagulant was added to all the
 The flocculation unit is turned on and all the beakers were put into the unit.
 Speed of agitator is set on 90 RPM and wait for 5-10 minutes (coagulation process).
 Now the speed is set at 15 RPM for 5 mints (flocculation process)
 Now the unit is turned off and wait for sedimentation
 After sedimentation take the turbidity values to find out optimum does of coagulant.
Observation and Calculation:

FeCl3 (1000 ppm) Sol = Beaker Initial NTU Coagulant Dose Final

Turbidity (ml) turbidity

1 1 609 5 4.19
2 2 821 10 2.08
3 3 580 15 4.79
4 4 621 20 7.42
5 5 803 25 2.09
6 6 840 30 1.29
Coagulation time = 5 mints
Coagulation speed = 90 rpm
Flocculation time = 15 mints
Flocculation speed = 5 rpm
Optimum dosage = 20 ml
final turbidity

final turbidity

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

As, we increase the dose of coagulant the turbidity decreases to a certain limit and the
start increasing due to the reason because after this limit coagulated start acting like waste in

 Take the sample to check the turbidity for middle of beakers.

 Standardized the turbidity water before taking retains


In investigation as the mixing speed effect on coagulation flocculation and


Flocculate with six beakers, turbidity unit

Synthetic chemical
Caco3 500ppm solution
Chemical coagulant

Fecl3 1000 ppm solution

Chemical reaction

Fecl3 + CaHCo3 fe (OH3) + Cacl3 + CO2

Flocculation unit
A beach top maintained flocculation

1. Take 2 beakers and fill with 600 ml of synthetic waste water
2. Add 10 ml of coagulant Fecl3 to each beaker.
3. Adjust the propeller speed for coagulant at 80 RPM
4. Insert the propeller in the beaker and stir for 5 min
5. Give 15 minutes for flocculation by reducing the speed to 15 RAM
6. After flocculation process is achieved give 15 min for settling
7. After settling process is achieved, note down the final turbidity by turbidity meter.
8. Now take two another beaker with same vital turbidity & adjust it propeller speed to 160
9. Give 15 mins for flocculation & 15 min for settling and note down final turbidity in end
10. Increase propeller speed to 240 RPM for another two beakers contain same solution of
same initialturbidity and note down ferial turbidity by repeating same procedure.
11. Construct a graph showing relation by speed & fixed turbidity.

Observation and Calculations:

Coagulant dose = 10 ml
Coagulant Time = 5 min
Flocculation Time = 15 min
Settling Time = 15 min Beaker speed(PPM) Initial Final

Turbidity(NTU) Turbidity(NTU)
1 1 80 487 9.11
2 2 80 487 8.12
3 3 160 487 9.96
4 4 160 487 6.88
5 5 240 487 19.55
6 6 240 487 10.28


Final Turbidity(NTU)



Final Turbidity(NTU)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Result & Discussion

This shows the effect of change in speed of propeller on the turbidity of waste
water sample. It is observed that as the speed of propeller is increased from 80 to 240
RPM as increase in turbidity was also observed. The reason is that at high speed the
reaction b/w coagulant and waste water despot accomplish.

It was conducted from the experiment that by increase in propeller speed the turbidity
also increase. At high speed of 240 RPM. The turbidity was maximum. However by decreases the
speed to 80 RPM the turbidity also decrease which shows that 80 RPM was option speed.
To determine the most suitable coagulant for given sample of waste water.


Flocculation unit

i. CaCo3 – 500 ppm solution
ii. Coagulant Fecl3 and AL, CSO4)3
1. Fill six beakers with 600ml of waste water/synthetic waste water (CaCo3 +H2O
2. Find turbidity of sample using turbidity meter.
3. Add 2, 4, 6 ml of Fecl3 to first three beakers and the same amount of Al, (So4)3 to another
three beakers.
4. Insert paddle into each beaker and turn on flocculate.
5. Adjust paddle speed to 90 RMP and wait for 5 minutes till coagulation process is achieved.
6. Now adjust the paddle speed up to 15 RPM for 5 minutes so the setting starts.
7. Remove the paddle and give it 15 minutes sedimentation.
8. After sedimentation process is completed check the final turbidity of each one.
9. Now compare the turbidity of both coagulators & find the optimum coagulant amongst
Fecl3 and Al2 (SO4)3
Observation and Calculations:
Speed = 90 RPM
Time = 5 minutes
Speed = 15 RPM
Time = 15 minutes

S.N Beaker Coagulant dose (ml) Final Turbidity (NTU)

1 1 2FeCl3 111.4

2 2 4 FeCl3 73.11

3 3 6 FeCl3 10.63

4 4 2Al2 (SO4)3 112.1

5 5 4Al2 (SO4)3 29.34

6 6 6Al2 (SO4)3 72.56

Result & Discussion

By the results of table 1, it is observed that at dose of 2ml coagulant Fecl3 the turbidity
determined was 111.4 NTU whereas at coagulant dose of 2ml. Al, (So4)3 turbidity was 112.1 NTU
similarly at 6ml coagulant does of Fecl3 turbidity found was 10.63 NTU and for same coagulant.
It is conducted that FeCl3 was the optimum coagulant does as it shows a rapid decrease
in turbidity as compared to Al2 (So4)3 However some expectation in reading were due to some
personal or experimental errors.
Estimation of biological oxygen demand (BOD) as Mg/L in given waste sample.

Required equipment
Weighing balance, incubator at temperature (+18oC), BOD Bottle (300ml) Burette,
pipette, graduated cylinder, volumetric flask, titration flask.
Na2SO3 5H2O; 0.0lM solution
Indicator starch indicator (2010_ 2g/100d.
H2SO4 (concentrated 98%)
MnSO4 480 gm/L
The experiment is used for alkali iodide, Azide solution the alkalis used may be NaOH,
KOH iodide may be KI or NaI the Azide solution is NaN3.
Required ratios
NaOH / KOH + KI / NaI + NaN3
500gm + 135 gm + 40gm
Minimum allowable limit of BOD is 80mg/L. In case the BOD content exceeds the
prescribed limit it must be treated before discharged.
i. Take 2 bottle of 30ml volume.
ii. Fill both the bottle with waste water.
iii. Turn on the incubator at temperature + 18oc
iv. One of them is treated for first day dissolved oxygen.
v. Find dissolved oxygen after 5 day.
Observation and Calculations:

DO2 = =
P = Na, S, O3, = 0.025
Eq wt of O = 8
CF = 1000
ml of sample = 250 ml
A = 10.5 ml

DO2 = =

DO2 = 8.4
 Add 2ml MnSo4 solution & shake the bottle by gentle inversion.
 Add 2ml of Alkalized solution & shake by gentle inversion.
 Add 2ml of H2So4 and also mix by inversion to dissolve precipitator.
 Take 250 ml from 300ml solution / mixture and transfer titration flask.

 Add 4 drops of starch indicator and shake well to mix (yellow to colorless)

It is conducted that FEcl3 was the optimum coagulant does as it shows a rapid decrease
in turbidity as compared to Al2 (So4)3 However some expectation in reading were due to some
personal or experimental errors.
Estimation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) as mg/L in the given water

Open reflux method

i. 250 ml round bottom flask
ii. Water both
iii. Water tap
iv. Burette
v. Pipette
vi. Graduated cylinder.
i. Standard ferrous Ammonium Sulphate 12 hydrate (o.oIM Molar mass)
ii. Standard of K2 Cr2 O,
iii. H2 SO4 98%
1. Measure 50ml of water sample in the graduate cylinder.
2. Transfer the water sample to round bottom flask.
3. Measure 25ml 0.0IM k2cr2 O, solution and add this to water sample.
4. The round bottom flask is then set to water both & reflux is collected.
5. Take 83ml of H2SO4 98% pure and is added slowly to sample generated.
6. This process continues for 2 hours (digestion).
7. Cool the sample and add few drops of indicator.
8. Titrate with standard ferrous ammonium sulphate (FAS) sol.
Continue titration until the colour changes from yellow to blue.

Observation and Calculations:

A=ml of Sample
M-Molarity of FAS
8=Equivalent weight of oxygen
1000=Conversion Factor
ml of sample 50 ml

K2Cr2O7 =0.01M

Equivalent wt of O2 =8

Three condition are necessary for COD
1. Acidic medium (C2SO4)
2. High oxidation (K2C2 O7)
3. High temp (150oc
 Handle chemical carefully
 Wear mask and gloves
19.2 mg/L of cod was present water sample.
Estimation of chloride CL as Mg/L in the given water sample by Argentometric

Weighing balance, Graduated burette, Graduated pipette, titration flask, burette and
Standard Ag No3 (O.DM) solution
(Molar mass / L) 107 + 14 +48 = 169 g/l = 0.0IM.
Standard NaCl (0.0IM) solution
(Molar mass / L) 23 + 35.5 58.5 g/L = O 58gl = 0.01
(K2Cr O4) (2070) 2g / 100ml.
Standardization of AnNo3 (0.01M) 1.69 g/L using NaCl (0.01M solution.
i. Take 10ml of 0.01M NaCl sol in titration flask.
ii. Add few drops of indicator
iii. Start titration and continue titration till color change (yellow to brick color)

4. Use formula
C1V1, = C2V2
0.1x10 = C2 x V2
i. Take 50 ml of water sample in a titration flask
ii. Add few drops of indicator K2 Cr O4
iii. Fill the burette with 0.0lM of AgNo3 sol.
Start titration and continue till color change.

Observation and Calculations:

A = ml of AgNO3
M = molarity of AgNO3
35.45 = moles of Cl
1000 = conversion factor
10 ml NaCl + indicator + Titration with AgNO3
C1V1 = C2V2
0.01⨯10=C2⨯volume of AgNO3
C2 = 0.008M

A=12.6 ml

Cl = 68
AgNo3 + NaCl AgCl NaNo3 + AgCr O4

Note that
Physical parameter
TDS TSS conductivity
TS PH volatile

Cl BOD No3 / NO2
Sulphate COD Arsenic
Nitrate NH3

Elemental analysis
All element by Atomic Analysis (inorganic) cathode lamp needed for every element
For organic we use GLC, GC. UV, UV

68 mg/L of chlorides war found in waste water.
Determine the regeneration and backwashing efficiency of action exchange
resin in softening of water.

Regeneration efficiency is Na + ions that are attacked with the resin.
Ion exchange unit, beaker titrant
10% NaCl sol, 10% caco3 sol KOH / NaOH 0.01M EDTA, music acid.

 Volume V2 and V10 are opened for backwashing
 Water flowrate is set at 50-70 ml / min
 After appearance of golden color pump is stopped.
 NaCl sol is pumped into resin column.
 Valves V, and V6 are opened at first stage
 After this value V10 is opened.
 Regeneration is done for 15 mins.
 Value V2 and V10 are opened for softening
 Hand water is allowed to more through colum
Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions are exchanged with Na+ ion.

Observation and Calculations:

S.N Volume of Volume of EDTA Hardness (mg/L)
H20 (ml) (ml)

1 50 18 440

2 50 13 360

3 50 15 300
4 50 12 240

5 50 20 400

Regeneration efficiency is 99.67% so it confirms that it is the most efficient process.
Almost all the regeneration ions are were replaced by Ca+2ions in softening process
To determine the mixing effect and co-efficient of absorption and oxygen
transfer rate by keeping are flow rate constant

10% Na2 CO3
1% cobalt chloride
Aeration take
 Dissolved oxygen, solids and organic compound in water are hazardous and
environmental regulation set limit for there, so oxygen transfer determination is
1. Fill 10L volume of sample in take
2. 0.5 m/L of cacl2
3. Keep the air flow rate constant
4. After some time internal, check DO with help of motor (oxygen Mol)
Mixing is carried out for some time

Observation and Calculations:

Speed Time(min) t1 t2 Ct1 Ct2 Dt1 Dt2 K R
0 0 2 0 0.5 2.1 1.6 1.31 5.78
2 2 4 0.5 1 1.6 1.1 0.43 8.01
4 4 6 1 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.36 6.71
90rpm 6 6 8 1.3 1.4 0.8 0.7 0.15 7.29
8 8 10 1.4 1.6 0.7 0.5 0.35 7.7
10 10 12 1.6 1.7 0.5 0.4 0.26 4.8
0 0 2 0 0.8 2.1 1.3 0.552 4.2
2 2 4 0.8 1.2 1.3 0.9 0.42 7.8
4 4 6 1.2 1.4 0.9 0.7 0.29 5.4
180rpm 6 6 8 1.4 1.6 0.7 0.5 0.39 7.29
8 8 10 1.6 1.9 0.5 0.2 1.05 19.6
10 10 12 1.9 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.79 14.7
 Use stagnant water temperature should be below 20oC
The coefficient of absorption and oxygenation capacity increase with increase of stirrer
speed and decease with time.

Determine the effect of air flowrate on KS and R

Aeration tank
10% Na2CO3
5% cobalt chloride
Let is suppose we have a stagnant water and ion contains dissolved oxygen, organic
matter into organic organism Due to its attic condition bacteria and algae are formed at the top
of water, there this bacteria and algal react and cause produce hazardous gases and causes in
borne diseases.
Equipment Description
 Take capacity 24.5L
 Paddle striver
 Air pup with fitter and silence assembly
 3 diffuses
 Springer tube
 Tremble table
 Sigel stone
1. Take some volume of waste water (tap water_
2. Take 10L of tap water
3. Add 1.5mL of Na2 So4 (sodium sulphate) per liter of sample.
4. Now add 0.5mL/L of cobalt chloride.
5. Maritain constant stirrer speed.
6. Oxygen flow rate should vary according to equipment
7. After sometime, check the amount of Do by DO meter
8. Take reading and calculation for finding results.

Observation and Calculation:

t1 t2 Ct1` Ct2 Dt1 Dt2 K P

0 2 0 0.2 2.2 2 0.047 1.38
2 4 0.2 0.8 2.0 1.4 0.17 4.98
4 6 0.3 1.0 1.4 0.9 0.22 6.44
6 8 1.3 1.6 0.9 0.6 0.20 5.86
8 10 1.6 1.4 0.6 0.8 0 0
10 12 1.4 2.2 0.8 0 0 0

t1 t2 Ct1` Ct2 Dt1 Dt2 K P

0 2 0 0.5 2.2 1.7 0.13 3.8
2 4 0.5 0.8 1.7 1.4 0.1 2.93
4 6 0.8 1.3 1.4 0.9 0.22 6.44
6 8 1.3 1.9 0.9 0.3 0.20 8.70
8 10 1.9 2.2 0.3 0 0 0
10 12 2.2 2.2 0 0 0 0
Demonstration of anaerobic digester

Anaerobic digestion is a complex chemical reaction caused but in no of steps by several
microorganism requires no or little oxygen to live.
During this process bio-bas is produced (gas mainly composed of CH4& Co2) Gas depend
upon the amount of organic water feed and temperature. It occur in 4 steps.
1. Hydrolysis
Complex organic matter decomposes into simple organic molecules using water to split
the chemical bonds between structures.
2. Acidogensis
Chemical decomposition of carbohydrates by enzymes, bacteria in the absence of O2
3. Acetogensis
The fermentation product are converted into acetate Co, and H2 by lactogenic bacteria
4. Methauogasis

Biogas is formed by acetate H2 and CO2 by methanogenic bacteria.

Equipment parts
 2 reactor
 Buffa reaction
 Gas collection vessel
 Heat supply
 Temp controller.

Anaerobic digestion is used as part of the process to treat biodegradable waste and
sewage sludge. As part of an integrated waste management system, anaerobic digestion reduces
the emission of landfill gas into the atmosphere. Anaerobic digesters can also be fed with
purpose-grown energy crops, such as maize.

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