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Solution Manual for MIS Cases Decision Making 4th

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Case 25
Natalie’s Tours
Spreadsheet Case Difficulty Rating: ★★★★

Case Overview
Natalie’s Tours is a small tour company located in a popular tourist destination. The tour
company operates year round and offers a variety of tours, such as bird watching, haunted
walk, and local cuisine. As the business continues to grow, Natalie Harper hires your students
to build a tour database for her. To build the database to Ms. Harper’s specifications, your
students design and populate Customer, Reservation, and Payment tables. Students will
design Tour, Guide, Scheduled Tour, and Customer forms. To satisfy Ms. Harper’s information
requirements, students prepare several queries, as well as Scheduled Tours, Payment Receipt,
and Scheduled Tours by Guide reports. To successfully build the database, students should be
familiar with advanced report design, aggregate functions, autolookup queries, calculated fields
and controls, command buttons, form and subform design, and parameter and select queries.

Students use the partially created Tours4 database and the ToursData4 spreadsheet. The
Tours4 database currently includes Tour, Guide, and ScheduledTour tables. Solutions are
provided in the ToursISSolution4 and ToursTYDSolution4 files.

Teaching Tips

The Customer form may prove challenging for some students. Students are required to include
two buttons on the Customer form. The buttons allow Ms. Harper to print an individualized tour
schedule and payment receipt for the current customer. Although macros are not necessary to
accomplish the printing of these reports, you might encourage your students to investigate how
macros can facilitate report printing. The solutions files use macros. Alternatively, ask your
students to investigate how to reference a form control from a query.

Information Specifications Question 3 asks students to prepare a tour schedule for the week of
November 3, 2008 for each guide. For each guide, the tour schedule should print on a separate
page. Depending on the background of your students, you may want to take a few minutes
during class to discuss the Force New Page property.

As an additional requirement, consider asking your students to include a Print Tour Schedule
button on the Guide form. When the Print Tour Schedule button is pressed, the guide’s weekly
tour schedule is printed.

On the Payments subform, only the payment amount is currently entered for each customer. As
an additional requirement, you can encourage your students to include a payment date and a
comments field. Your students can then enter payment dates and comments.

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Instructor’s Manual Natalie’s Tours Page 25-2

To individualize this case, ask your students to become a guide for the tour company. You can
also require your students to enter reservations and payments for five of their friends.

Storage Specifications, Input Specifications, and

Information Specifications Solutions

The Storage Specifications section requires students to finish developing the Tours database for
Ms. Harper. The partially completed Tours database includes populated Tour, Guide, and
ScheduledTour tables. Your students add Customer, Reservation, and Payment tables to the
Tours database.

In the Input Specifications and Information Specifications sections, your students prepare Tour,
Scheduled Tour, Guide, and Customer forms and design Scheduled Tours, Payment Receipt,
and Scheduled Tours by Guide reports. Figures 1 - 4 provide examples for the forms. Sample
reports are available in the solutions files.

Figure 1: Tour Form

Figure 2: Guide Form

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Figure 3: Scheduled Tour Form

Figure 4: Customer Form

In addition to the specifications mentioned above, students will use their databases to provide

In addition to the specifications mentioned above, your students provide Ms. Harper with
information about her tour company. Suggested answers for these questions are provided
below. As your students have the option of preparing reports for the following questions, their
answer formats may vary.

1. What times are the tours currently offered? Ms. Harper needs the tours sorted in
ascending order by tour time. The results should display both the tour name and tour

Figure 5 shows the qryTourTimesISQ1 results.

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Figure 5: Tour Times

TourName TourTime
Bird Watching 6:00 AM
Waterfall Tour 7:00 AM
Boat Tour 9:00 AM
Italian Cuisine Tour 10:00 AM
Garden Walk 10:00 AM
Haunted Walk 11:00 AM
Cemetery Walk 1 1:00 PM
Horseback 2:00 PM
River Walk 2:00 PM
Cemetery Walk 2 3:30 PM
Captain Hash Mansion Tour 4:00 PM

2. Who is the tour guide for each tour given during November? Sort the results by tour
date, then by tour name and then by guide.

Students may find that a report helps organize this information. The
rptNovemberTourSchedule report provides a suggested answer and is available in the
solutions file.

3. What is each guide’s tour schedule for the week of November 3, 2008? Ms. Harper
wants each guide’s results printed separately. For each guide, Ms. Harper needs to
see the tour name, tour date, tour time, and tour size.

Figure 6 provides Clint Fabian’s tour schedule. The report is available in the solutions files.

Figure 6: Clint Fabian’s Tour Schedule

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4. What is the most popular tour? Base your answer on the total number of people
having participated in each tour.

Based on the qryMostPopularTourISQ4 results shown in Figure 7, the Cemetery Walk 2 tour
appears to be the most popular tour.

Figure 7: Popular Tours

TourID TourName SumOfPartyNo
3 Cemetery Walk 2 35
6 Boat Tour 30
4 Garden Walk 26
1 Haunted Walk 22
2 Cemetery Walk 1 20
8 Horseback 19
5 River Walk 18
9 Italian Cuisine Tour 17
7 Waterfall Tour 13

5. Which tours are offered in the afternoon? Which tours are offered in the morning?

Figure 8 shows the qryAfternoonToursISQ5a results. Figure 9 shows the

qryMorningToursISQ5b results.

Figure 8: Afternoon Tours

TourName TourID TourTime
Cemetery Walk 1 2 1:00 PM
Cemetery Walk 2 3 3:30 PM
River Walk 5 2:00 PM
Horseback 8 2:00 PM
Captain Hash Mansion Tour 10 4:00 PM

Figure 9: Morning Tours

TourName TourID TourTime
Haunted Walk 1 11:00 AM
Garden Walk 4 10:00 AM
Boat Tour 6 9:00 AM
Waterfall Tour 7 7:00 AM
Italian Cuisine Tour 9 10:00 AM
Bird Watching 11 6:00 AM

6. What is the average tour size?

According to the qryAverageTourSizeISQ6 query, the average tour size is 4.55.

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Test Your Design Solutions

The Test Your Design section requires students to add two new tours and make reservations for
two customers, as well identify tours without reservations and identify guide availability.
Suggested answers for the Test Your Design questions are provided below.

1. During the week of November 3, 2008, which tours did not have reservations?

Figure 10 shows the qryToursWithOutResNov3Week results.

Figure 10: Tours Without Reservations

TourID TourName
10 Captain Hash Mansion Tour
11 Bird Watching

2. Beginning January 1, 2009, two new tours will be offered. Enter the following
information into the Tours database. (Assign the next available TourID and make any
other necessary assumptions.)

The new tours have been added to the ToursTYDSolution4 file.

3. The following customers have made reservations. Enter their reservation data into
the Tours database.

The customer reservations have been added to the ToursTYDSolution4 file. Payments
were also added to the database.

4. Sally Dungar cannot give the Cemetery Walk 2 tour on November 3, 2008. Which
guides are not scheduled for any tours on November 3, 2008? Prepare a list.

Figure 11 shows the qryGuidesAvailableNov3TYD4 results.

Figure 11: Available Guides

GuideID GLastName GFirstName
G013 Boland Lavender
G005 Carlile Lorraine
G003 Kemp Cherry
G007 Meade Rex
G008 Merritt Deona
G010 Ott Sally
G009 Palazzo Gayle
G011 Tytenicz Peter
G004 Wade Bill

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