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Neurocrit Care


Emergency Neurological Life Support: Acute

Non‑traumatic Weakness
Aimee M. Aysenne1* and Shahana Uddin2,3

© 2019 Neurocritical Care Society

Acute non-traumatic weakness may be life-threatening if it involves the respiratory muscles or is associated with auto-
nomic dysfunction. Most patients presenting with acute muscle weakness have a worsening neurological disorder
that requires a rapid, systematic evaluation and detailed neurological examination to localize the disorder, create a
differential diagnosis, initiate treatment or stabilize the condition to prevent further deterioration and optimize out-
comes. Additionally, urgent neuroimaging and laboratory investigations are needed to confirm the diagnosis. Because
acute weakness is a common presenting sign of neurological emergencies, it was chosen as an Emergency Neuro-
logical Life Support protocol. For each diagnosis, key features of the history, examination, investigations and treatment
are outlined in the included tables or in the “Appendix”.
Keywords: Neuromuscular weakness, Acute weakness, Respiratory failure, Autonomic dysfunction

Introduction relevant features and considerations are included. Also in

The differential diagnoses of acute non-traumatic weak- this section are specific pediatric considerations.
ness range from imminently life-threatening to slowly The second section describes the ENLS algorithm and
progressive conditions. The approach to this presenta- immediate management considerations including pri-
tion comprises synchronous resuscitation with relevant orities, practical steps and emergent investigations. This
examination and investigations to develop an individual- section also expands on specific circumstances includ-
ized treatment plan. ing time critical conditions, nursing and prehospital
Time-sensitive diagnoses must be considered early to considerations.
ensure optimal patient outcomes with prompt initiation Traumatic weakness and disorders of chronic weak-
of therapeutic interventions or transfer if necessary. A ness are not discussed in this chapter. Also, this module
detailed history and comprehensive neurological exami- is meant to give a broad framework for the principles of
nation may help localize the disorder and narrow the diagnosis and emergent management of acute non-trau-
differential and relevant investigations can confirm the matic weakness, which can be adapted to reflect global
diagnosis. and regional variations based on the local availability of
The first section of this article describes neurologi- diagnostic tools and treatments.
cal assessment and patterns to consider to help localize
the problem and guide the clinicians to a diagnosis. This Differential Diagnosis
broad range of conditions is discussed in this chapter and A detailed history and comprehensive neurological exam-
in the “Appendix”, where supporting tables outlining the ination are important but may not be practical in the pre-
hospital and immediate resuscitation period and may
be completed when the patient’s airway and ventilation
*Correspondence: have been stabilized. However, at a minimum, obtain the
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Tulane University, New Orleans, patient’s last known well time and perform a brief neuro-
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article logical examination to form a workable and realistic list
of differential diagnoses. If possible, asking the patient or myasthenia gravis is contingent on the degree of coop-
a witness the timeline of onset, where the person is weak, eration of the patient to provide their best effort.
if there are any sensory symptoms including numbness Motor strength testing may be cursory in an acute
or tingling, and any associated symptoms is helpful. For setting including lifting the arms and legs off the bed.
children, a developmental and family history obtained Pronation of the arms when held in an extended posi-
from the parents may help in early evaluation for the first tion quickly denotes more distal than proximal mus-
acute presentation of metabolic or neurodegenerative cle weakness with a high degree of sensitivity. Detailed
disorder with muscle weakness. motor strength testing of each muscle group will help
better localize the lesion. Establish whether the weak-
ness is symmetrical or asymmetrical, whether it is affect-
Neurological Examination ing the proximal or distal extremities. Because weakness
Determining the pattern of weakness and associated can affect the muscles of ventilation, having the patient
findings on clinical history and examination help to local- attempt to count as high as possible on exhalation of a
ize the anatomical lesion. Each anatomical lesion has dif- single breath is a rapid assessment of strength of these
ferent disease processes that affect that location. Brain muscles. Forced vital capacity of 1.0 L is roughly equal to
lesions or global metabolic processes such as toxins may counting from 1 to 10, and counting above 20 is normal
affect consciousness. While the clinical examination may [4, 5].
be limited in confused or obtunded patients, it should be Tone may be either increased or decreased (flaccid)
possible to elicit certain features in all patients including and is tested by passively moving the patient’s neck and
whether the deficit affects the face, arms, legs or a com- extremities. Reflexes are tested by rapidly tapping on the
bination; whether the deficit is unilateral or bilateral; the tendon of a muscle to watch for response.
presence or absence of reflexes; and whether there is a The sensory examination is most complete when test-
gross sensory deficit. These findings will help determine ing different modalities such as pain/temperature, light
the anatomical region affected. Figure 1 and Table 1 dif- touch, vibration and proprioception. In an emergency
ferentiate anatomic regions including the brain and spi- situation, light touch and pain are most useful and can be
nal cord, the anterior horn cell, the peripheral nerve, done quickly by running a soft material along the patient’s
neuromuscular junction (NMJ) and muscle. skin or, if a greater degree of stimulation is required for
Key elements of the neurological examination include testing, pinching the patient can be used. Care must be
state of consciousness, language disturbances, cranial taken to not injure the skin by twisting or puncturing.
nerve involvement, motor strength, tone, reflexes, sen- Coordination may be tested by asking the patient to
sory, and coordination. touch his or her nose, extend the arm, then touch the
State of consciousness is easily assessed on every examiner’s finger and by having the patient slide his or
patient based on his or her ability to interact with the her heel along the shin from the knee to the ankle and
examiner. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and the FOUR back up to the knee. Gait is usually deferred in emer-
score formalize these findings and add a quantitative gency situations, as it may be unsafe to have the patient
measurement [1–3]. Formal language testing may be lim- stand while weak. Table 2 describes components of the
ited in an emergency situation but may include the abil- neurological exam.
ity to follow verbal commands, naming, repeating and During the neurological examination, it is important
reading when the situation is more stabilized. The cranial to differentiate between an upper motor neuron (UMN)
nerves control the movements of the face including the and a lower motor neuron (LMN) lesion, although this
eyes, mouth and swallowing. Having the patient follow may be difficult in the acute setting. In well-established
the examiner’s finger in an H pattern tests extraocular UMN lesions (brain and spinal cord), hyperreflexia,
eye movements. Asking the patient to smile, protrude the increased extremity tone and a positive Babinski sign
tongue, and say “ah” while observing the movements of (great toe extension with lateral plantar stimulation) are
the palate and uvula test the remaining cranial nerves. In seen on examination. In comparison, LMN lesions (from
an intubated patient, an in-line suction catheter and oral the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord to the mus-
suction catheter can test cough and gag reflexes. cles) cause a flaccid, areflexic weakness and, with time,
Interpretation of the motor examination should atrophy and fasciculations (involuntary contractions or
account for the patient’s age, capacity to understand twitching of muscle fibers). However, in the acute phase,
commands and degree of cooperation. In infants, the UMN lesions may mimic a LMN lesion: flaccid paralysis,
examination will rely primarily on observation. The apha- normal or reduced tone, and unreliable reflexes. There is
sic patient with a stroke, migraine or encephalitis may often not enough time for atrophy to be evident, and fas-
not understand the command. Grading of weakness in ciculations are rarely seen.
Fig. 1 Localization along the neuroaxis

After performing a neurological examination, refer to ••  Hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia (Tables 10, 11 in

Table 1 and Fig. 1 to ascribe the appropriate anatomic “Appendix”) [9–11]
localization. ••  Postictal Todd’s paresis (Table 12 in “Appendix”) [12,
••  Hemiplegic migraine (Table 13 in “Appendix”) [14,
Additional Patterns of Weakness
••  Brown-Sequard syndrome (Table 14 in “Appendix”)
••  Acute stroke: ischemic, hemorrhagic, or subarachnoid [16, 17]
hemorrhage [6]
••  Intracranial mass (Table 9 in “Appendix”) [7, 8]
••  Meningitis/encephalitis
Table 1 Physical examination findings for each anatomic localization of weakness
Localization Pattern of weakness Sensory loss Reflexes Acute etiologies

Cerebral cortex, brain- Distal > proximal, extensors > flexors, May be present depending on whether Elevated; however, reflexes may be Acute stroke: ischemic, hemorrhagic or
stem or spinal cord hemiparesis or single limb sensory tracts or cortex are involved decreased initially but later increase subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intracranial mass
Postictal Todd’s paresis
Hemiplegic migraine
Spinal cord Distal > proximal, extensors > flexors, May be present depending on whether Elevated; however, reflexes may be Transverse myelitis
paraparesis, quadriparesis, rarely sensory tracts are involved; loss of decreased initially but later increase Spinal cord infarction
hemiparesis sensation below a certain spinal level is Spinal cord compression: epidural abscess,
diagnostic disc herniation, tumor
Anterior horn cell Proximal and distal, fasciculations are Absent Decreased if muscle bulk is severely ALS, polio, West Nile Virus
prominent decreased; increased in ALS
Peripheral nerve In the distribution of the nerve, or Variable Absent or decreased Guillain–Barre syndrome
diffusely present as stocking/glove Vasculitic neuropathy
weakness Toxin-induced
Nerve compression syndromes
Acute diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus
Neuromuscular junction First in eye muscles, neck extensors, Absent Normal, decreased if muscle is paralyzed Myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton myes-
pharynx, diaphragm, followed by more thenic syndrome, botulism, tick bite,
generalized weakness organophosphate toxicity
Muscle Proximal Absent Normal unless muscle severely weak Acute myopathy, Rhabdomyolysis, myositis
Table 2 Key assessments
Examination component Key maneuvers and findings

State of consciousness Interaction with examiner

Glasgow Coma Scale
FOUR score
Language Following verbal commands, naming, repeating and reading
Cranial nerves Follow the examiner’s finger in an H pattern
Ask the patient to smile
Protrude the tongue
Say “ah” while observing the movements of the palate and uvula
In an intubated patient, in-line suction catheter and oral suction catheter can test cough
and gag reflexes
Motor strength Lift the arms and legs
Pronation of the arms when held in an extended position
Detailed motor strength testing of each muscle group
Single-breath count for muscles of respiration
Tone Passively move the neck, arms and legs: may be either increased or decreased (flaccid)
Reflexes Rapidly tap on the tendon of a muscle
Sensory Different modalities include pain/temperature, light touch, vibration and proprioception
Pain and light touch in emergencies
Coordination Finger to nose to finger
Heel to shin

Acute hemiparesis is partial paralysis affecting only one Quadriparesis/plegia is symmetrical weakness of all
side of the body. Acute hemiplegia is complete paralysis four limbs. Paraparesis/plegia is a symmetrical weakness
of one side of the body. Acute hemiparesis and hemiple- of both lower limbs. Often, this is related to a spinal cord
gia are localized anatomically to the brain or the spinal dysfunction. See ENLS Spinal Cord Compression module.
cord. If the brain is involved, muscles of the face includ- The anterior horn of the spinal cord houses the con-
ing movement of the eyes and the ability to speak and nection between the upper and lower motor neurons.
swallow are included in the condition while they are Conditions that affect these cells can cause examination
spared in processes of the spinal cord. findings of both UMN and LMN and spare sensory neu-
In the patient with acute onset hemiparesis or hemiple- rons. There is a limited number of disease processes that
gia, stroke is the most important emergency etiology to affect this area: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or
diagnose. See ENLS modules on stroke care (ENLS Acute “Lou-Gehrig’s disease”, enterovirus D68, polio, and West
Ischemic Stroke, ENLS Intracranial Hemorrhage and Nile virus [29–34]. These are rare conditions and require
ENLS Subarachnoid Hemorrhage) for information about expert consultation where available. Only 29 cases of
treatment. While stroke is the most common, other dif- polio have been reported worldwide in 2018 [35].
ferential diagnoses must also be considered, as manage-
ment varies. The history and demographic of the patient Proximal Weakness
will narrow the diagnosis, and examination findings pro- ••  Acute myopathy (Table 20 in “Appendix”) [36]
vide further clues. A blood glucose level and a non-con- ••  Myasthenia gravis (Table 21 in “Appendix”) [37–39]
trast head computed-tomography (CT) scan are part of ••  Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS)
the initial workup. ••  Botulism
••  Acute diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropa-
Quadriparesis/Paraparesis ± Sensory Level thy (DLRN) (Table 22 in “Appendix”) [40–42]
••  Transverse myelitis (Table 15 in “Appendix”) [18–20]
••  Spinal cord compression Proximal weakness is weakness predominantly affect-
••  Acute West Nile virus associated paralysis ing the axial muscles, deltoid and hip flexors. Acute prox-
••  Spinal cord infarction (Table 16 in “Appendix”) [21] imal weakness classically presents with difficulty rising
••  Syrinx from a chair or brushing hair. Patients may have difficul-
••  Drug ingestion (nitrous oxide inhalation) ties flexing and extending their neck. The most common
••  Generalized weakness: electrolyte and glucose abnor- cause is myopathy, followed by disorders of the neu-
malities (Tables 9, 10, 17, 18, 19 in “Appendix”) [7–9, romuscular junction such as myasthenia gravis, LEMS
22–28]) and botulism. DLRN typically affects only the lower
extremities and may be the presenting feature of diabetes Distal Weakness
mellitus [40–42]. ••  Guillain–Barre syndrome (Table 23 in “Appendix”)
A key clinical examination finding of myasthenia gravis [50–58]
is fatigability causing increased weakness with use of the ••  Vasculitic neuropathy (Table 24 in “Appendix”) [59,
muscle, while LEMS may gain strength with repeated 60]
activation. Electromyography shows characteristic find- ••  Toxin-induced peripheral neuropathy (Table 25 in
ings in both conditions. Myasthenia gravis is much “Appendix”) [61]
more common than LEMS. This condition is caused by ••  Nerve compression syndromes [62, 63]
anticholinergic antibodies in the neuromuscular junc-
tion and is typically treated with acetylcholine esterase Distal weakness is weakness mainly affecting the hands,
inhibitors, namely pyridostigmine and immunosuppres- wrists and feet. Patients have decreased grip strength and
sion with steroids and other steroid sparing agents. Clini- drop objects or develop gait disturbance due to foot drop.
cal findings include ptosis, dysphagia and hoarseness in Weakness that is severe can affect muscles of respira-
addition to proximal muscle weakness. Patients may be tion and of the airway. Depending on the etiology, these
admitted with myasthenia crisis, which involve respira- patients may progress to quadraparesis and have involve-
tory failure. In these cases, stop pyridostigmine as this ment of the diaphragm. Peripheral neuropathies can pre-
can increase secretions, worsening breathing and delay- sent with sensory symptoms if sensory nerves are also
ing weaning of the ventilator if necessary. Increasing involved. The pattern of weakness and history are of great
immunosuppression including steroids or adding plasma significance and often lead to the diagnosis. Of the many
exchange or intravenous immunoglobulins are the main- types of peripheral neuropathy, autoimmune demyelina-
stay of treatment [38, 39, 43, 44]. Noninvasive mechani- tion, vasculitic and toxin are most likely to induce acute
cal ventilation may be considered if the patient is able to weakness.
manage secretions and the time course suggests that the Guillain–Barre syndrome, or acute inflammatory
crisis is rapidly reversible. If the patient requires intuba- polyneuropathy (AIPD), is the most common acutely
tion, an additional consideration is the choice of paralytic progressive peripheral neuropathy. History is often sig-
agent [45]. Caution must be used to avoid medications nificant for an upper respiratory or gastrointestinal infec-
that worsen myasthenia gravis, most commonly beta- tion or vaccination in the weeks preceding symptom
blockers and antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones and onset. Symptoms usually start in a stocking glove dis-
macrolides. LEMS is typically a paraneoplastic illness tribution and may progress rapidly to include the mus-
related to an underlying lung cancer and has a worse cles of respiration including the diaphragm and airway.
prognosis [46]. Intubation is paramount in these cases, and noninvasive
Botulism is a neurotoxin that acts at the neuromus- positive pressure ventilation should not be attempted.
cular junction to cause weakness. Clostridium bac- Autonomic instability is common and should be carefully
teria create the toxin in specific conditions including monitored. Acute flaccid paralysis and areflexia or dimin-
improperly canned foods and wounds from intravenous ished reflexes are hallmark characteristics of the physical
drug use. Spores in honey can be gastrically absorbed in examination. Diagnosis is made with lumbar puncture
infants under one year of age. Iatrogenic cases have been showing increased protein without leukocytosis and is
reported. Symptoms usually start with the face and upper augmented with electromyographic studies and spe-
extremities and spread downward. Pupils are classically cific antibody testing. A variety of underlying conditions
involved but may be spared. Respiratory failure may can cause or mimic Guillain–Barre syndrome including
occur. Diagnosis is made via stool sample while electro- Campylobacter jejuni infection, influenza vaccine, Lyme
myography studies may help. Treatment is with support- disease, Chikungunya virus, Zika virus and the quadriva-
ive care and botulism antitoxin. Cases should be reported lent human papillomavirus vaccine [50–58].
to public health authorities as outbreaks are possible, and Peripheral nerve syndromes can cause acute weak-
as botulism may be a bioterrorism agent [47–49]. ness. Compression including compartment syndrome is
Tetanus is another toxin that affects the neuromuscu- a common cause. Knowledge of the innervation of each
lar junction, but instead of weakness, causes sustained nerve is paramount to making the diagnosis. When more
contraction. The incidence has decreased worldwide due than one peripheral nerve has been affected, this is called
to the availability of the tetanus vaccine. Patients may be mononeuropathy multiplex and is more commonly a vas-
exposed via wounds. Electromyography findings confirm culitic immune-mediated process. These conditions are
the diagnosis and treatment is supportive [49]. rarely neurological emergencies [62, 63].
Monoparesis Unique Pediatric Considerations
••  Acute stroke The core principles of protecting the airway and clini-
••  Intracranial mass (Table 9 in “Appendix”) cal localization apply equally to the evaluation and acute
••  Postictal Todd’s paresis (Table 12 in “Appendix”) stabilization of children with weakness. Important differ-
••  Nerve compression syndromes ences from the presentation and etiologies in adults will
••  Diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy be highlighted here and are summarized in Table 3.
(Table 22 in “Appendix”) In young children, symptoms may be variable, includ-
ing refusal to walk, restlessness, irritability, waking
Monoparesis refers to paralysis of a single muscle, mus- repeatedly from sleep, wanting to frequently be held
cle group or limb. or loss of milestones. As with adults, the presence or
Acute paralysis involving a single limb may be caused absence of reflexes, signs of bulbar weakness or a sensory
by a central or a peripheral lesion. Historical and exami- level are critical elements of the physical examination.
nation factors may help to localize the lesion. For exam- In young children, it may be difficult to assess a sensory
ple, sudden onset right arm weakness with an associated level indicative of spinal cord localization. In children, the
dysphasia is most likely to result from a central lesion, inability to walk may be due to weakness, pain or ataxia,
whereas wrist drop in the right hand, with hypoesthesia and these distinctions can be a challenge to make in the
on the back of the hand after falling asleep with the arm field or emergency department (ED). Expidited care with
over the back of a chair, results from a peripheral nerve an expert in pediatric neurology may be needed.
compression syndrome. Common causes of acute non-traumatic weakness in
children include acute transverse myelitis, seizure, acute
Generalized Weakness demyelinating encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Guillain–
Acute generalized weakness may occur due to acute Barré syndrome (GBS), myasthenia gravis and migraine
metabolic disorders including sepsis, electrolyte distur- [19, 57, 70]. While stroke in children is rare compared
bances, anemia or endocrine disorders. Marked hyper- to adults, this should be considered early in the differen-
glycemia may rarely present with an acute hemiplegia, tial diagnosis for all children with acute non-traumatic
but the majority of electrolyte disorders result in sym- weakness, especially those with established risk factors
metric involvement. Hypoglycemia must be excluded including sickle cell anemia, congenital heart disease or
early, but it should be noted that most of these patients a prothrombotic disorder. When a vascular insult is con-
are confused or have a decreased level of consciousness sidered in a previously healthy child, a vascular dissection
[9–11]. Other electrolyte causes that must be considered is more likely than spinal cord ischemic injury as anterior
include hyponatremia and hypernatremia (Table 17 in spinal artery infarcts are rare in children [71].
“Appendix”), hypermagnesemia (Table 18 in “Appendix”)
and hypophosphatemia (Table 19 in “Appendix”) [22, 23, Initial Management
25–28]. Thyroid function studies may be helpful. Specific The ENLS suggested algorithm for the initial manage-
vitamin deficiencies can cause generalized weakness but ment of acute non-traumatic weakness is shown in Fig. 2,
are usually not emergent. Central nervous system infec- and a summary checklist is outlined in Table 4.
tion (meningitis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis) may When using the algorithm, begin with simultaneous
cause weakness and is diagnosed with lumbar puncture. assessment of the history and physical. A team-based
See ENLS Meningitis and Encephalitis module. A pos- approach is recommended as with any medical emer-
tictal patient or a patient in status epilepticus can also gency. Pertinent historical elements include the last
present with focal or generalized weakness. See ENLS known well time and date, the anatomic region that is
Status Epilepticus module. There is typically little confu- weak, and assessment of the airway, breathing and cir-
sion about the diagnosis, but if there is no history avail- culation (ABCs) of stabilization as well as a blood glu-
able leading up to the presentation of a weak patient, the cose check. From there, use the neurologic examination
diagnosis may be more elusive. Acute weakness is also to assess whether the patient has global weakness or an
a prominent feature of certain organophosphate toxic- upper or lower motor neuron injury. Strength, tone and
ity and envenomations, though the latter is exceedingly reflexes are important examination maneuvers for this
rare (see Tables 26 and 27 in “Appendix”) [64–68]. Finally, distinction. Remember an upper motor neuron lesion can
specific drugs may cause acute weakness including slow mimic a lower motor neuron injury early in the process.
clearance of neuromuscular blocker given during intuba- Next, localize the lesion to the brain, spinal cord, nerve,
tion [69]. neuromuscular junction or muscle based on pattern of
weakness. This may not be evident in the first few hours
of the emergency. Always circle back to assess airway and
muscles of respiration as the condition may change over neurological examination. If any adverse signs are pre-
time. Laboratories should be sent as outlined in the algo- sent, it is prudent to consider a team approach to patient
rithm (Fig. 2) and checklist (Table 4). MRI or CT imaging management akin to cardiac arrest teams or trauma
with and without contrast as renal function allows may teams, which allows stabilization and assessment to be
need to be emergently obtained. Depending on the likely carried out simultaneously by appropriate specialists. If
differential diagnosis and local healthcare systems, trans- a team-based approach is not possible, then a system-
fer to an appropriate facility with the necessary imaging atic ABC approach should be followed. When there is
modalities and/or relative medical expertise will need to uncertainty regarding the respiratory status and rate of
be considered at various points in this initial assessment. deterioration, it is generally safer to consider elective
The “Appendix” includes tables for various disease intubation and initiation of ventilatory support, particu-
states that may be used as a reference when considering larly if transfer to specialist center is likely. Alternatively,
the patient’s diagnosis. Additional laboratories may need the patient should be admitted to an area where support
to be sent depending on the suspected diagnosis. Finally, can be implemented without delay, such as an intensive
it should be noted that healthcare providers must circle care unit or high-dependency care wards. It is important
back to the start of the algorithm as the patient’s ventila- to perform and document at least a focused neurologi-
tion and neurological examination may have declined in cal examination as the signs and symptoms may later be
the interim requiring intubation. masked by the use of drugs such as sedative and muscle
relaxants. If the patient is alert, protecting their airway
and respiratory failure is mainly due to diaphragmatic
Assessing Ventilation and the Need for Urgent Intubation and intercostal muscle weakness, a trial of noninvasive
and Ventilatory Support ventilatory support (NIV) may be considered to augment
In cases of acute weakness, respiratory compromise is respiratory efforts, until the precipitating condition has
either due to altered consciousness or weakness of the been treated and resolved. For example, a patient with a
muscles of respiration, including the oropharyngeal myasthenia gravis crisis may recover quickly, but a quick
muscles and diaphragm. See Table 5 for details. Assess- recovery is unlikely in a rapidly deteriorating patient with
ment of the patient’s ABCs, with appropriate resuscita- Guillain–Barre syndrome or stroke, where it would be
tion measures, takes precedence over a comprehensive preferred to proceed directly with intubation. Intubation

Table 3 Pediatric considerations

Assess risk factors including known history of migraine, epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, GBS
Assess vascular risk factors for known diagnosis of sickle cell disease; congenital heart disease; prothrombotic disorder
Presence of recent illness (possible post-infectious demyelinating disorder)
Assess rate of onset of symptoms; transverse myelitis may be fulminant in onset in children
Priority on assessment of bulbar weakness and protection of the airway
Identify presence or absence of deep tendon reflexes
Observe for signs of pain or ataxia which may mimic weakness in infants
Sensory examination is often unreliable in children
Look for signs of muscle or limb pain
Acute empiric treatment
If reflexes are present, consider transverse myelitis, ADEM, Todd’s paralysis, myasthenia gravis or stroke (significantly less common in children)
If reflexes are diminished or absent, consider early GBS or transverse myelitis with spinal shock
Protect airway and start intravenous fluids until imaging or lumbar puncture performed
Treatment for confirmed transverse myelitis or ADEM (methylprednisolone) Myasthenia or GBS (IVIG or plasma exchange) are similar to adults
Diagnostic studies
For the patient with history and examination suspicious for stroke, obtain MRI with diffusion imaging
For the patient with signs of muscle pain, obtain creatine kinase to evaluate for myositis
For the patient with diminished or absent reflexes obtain MRI of spine:
If the history and imaging are consistent with transverse myelitis, lumbar puncture can be performed electively
If the MRI is not diagnostic, obtain lumbar puncture to evaluate for GBS or transverse myelitis
Fig. 2 ENLS acute non-traumatic weakness protocol

Table 4 Acute weakness checklist for the first hour


☐ Assess and manage airway, breathing, and circulation

☐ Characterize the weakness by neurological exam
☐ Localize the lesion to create a differential diagnosis of the causes of weakness
☐ Initial labs: Glucose, electrolytes, Ca, Mg, PO4, BUN/Cr, LFTs, PT, PTT, CBC, and ABG
☐ Special Labs: TFTs, CPK or CK, ESR, parathyroid hormone, GGT​
☐ Relevant MRI and CT imaging

should always be performed by trained and skilled per- No single parameter independently predicts the need for
sonnel. It is prudent to remember that hypoxemia and intubation; rather, the constellation of signs and symp-
hypercapnia occur late with neuromuscular respiratory toms with a temporal trend should be evaluated. Certain
failure, and ventilation should be assessed frequently for salient points that are specific to intubation of patients
increased weakness or signs of distress. presenting with acute weakness are listed in Table 7 [45,
Table 6 outlines factors to consider when deciding on 69]. Also, see the ENLS Airway, Ventilation, and Sedation
whether to intubate a patient with acute weakness [4, 5]. protocol.
Table 5 Causes of respiratory compromise

Oropharyngeal weakness: poor cough reflex leads to aspiration
Airway failure (airway collapse)
The diaphragm is responsible for approximately two-thirds of ventilatory effort
Consider oropharyngeal weakness with increased secretions
Assessing diaphragmatic weakness with formal pulmonary function tests may be valuable, as gas exchange abnormalities (hypoxia and hypercarbia)
may be a late marker of functional respiratory deterioration
Consider bedside pulmonary function tests (vital capacity, maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure/force) to quantify neuromuscular respiratory
Continue to regularly assess the patient as his or her clinical condition may deteriorate rapidly

Table 6 Factors to consider in the intubation decision a GCS score or FOUR score and a prehospital stroke scale
score such as the Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen,
General Cincinatti Prehospital Stroke Scale or VAN screening [1–
Decreased level of consciousness 3, 6, 72–74]. Determine when the patient was last known
Increasing generalized muscle weakness
Dysphagia to be normal (date and time) as it is extremely important
Dysphonia for diagnostic and treatment purposes. If toxin exposure
Dyspnea on exertion and at rest is suspected, document the type and location of the expo-
Subjective sure. Remove exposures if possible. Always assess a blood
Rapid shallow breathing sugar level and treat hypoglycemia.
Weak cough Prompt recognition of a stroke should activate a ‘stroke
Interrupted speech (gasping for air) call/system’ for expedited ED care and/or expert neuro-
Use of accessory muscles logical opinion. It is helpful to know hospitals that are
Abdominal paradoxical breathing
Orthopnea certified in stroke care such as Primary or Comprehen-
Weakness of trapezius and neck muscles: inability to lift head from bed sive Stroke Centers in the USA. More detailed guidance
Inability to perform single-breath count: count from 1 to 20 in single for the initial and prehospital ischemic stroke assessment
exhalation (FVC 1.0 L is roughly equal to counting from 1 to 10)
Cough after swallowing may be found in the ENLS Acute Ischemic Stroke module.
Objective Regardless of diagnosis, the first steps should be per-
Decreased level of consciousness (have a lower threshold to control the formed urgently, if possible involving a team of providers
airway if patient requires transfer or movement to unmonitored areas) to allow simultaneous assessment, stabilization and ini-
Hypoxemia tiation of emergency interventions.
Vital capacity < 1 L or 20 mL/kg, or 50% decrease in VC in a day
Maximum inspiratory pressure > − 30 cm H ­ 2O
Maximum expiratory pressure < 40 cm H ­ 2O Step 1 ABC: airway/breathing/circulation including
Hypercarbia (a late finding) blood glucose.
FVC forced vital capacity, VC vital capacity Step 2 History: onset and progression of symptoms,
when was the patient last known well.
Step 3 Focused neurological examination to establish
Prehospital Considerations affected anatomical region.
In any patient presenting with weakness, it is imperative
to consider early whether: Nursing Considerations
Nurses are an integral component of assessment and
1. Is this a localized issue unlikely to affect respiratory treatment of any patient including those with acute non-
muscles or have cardiovascular effects (autonomic traumatic weakness. Nursing responsibilities vary region-
function)? ally with roles defined by national standards and cultural
2. Is this a rapidly progressive disorder? norms. Nursing education should include content aimed
3. Is this a time-sensitive diagnosis? at developing neurological assessment skills and history
taking to effectively utilize nurses as team members. As
The diagnosis may not be immediately apparent—but part of the initial assessment, nurses may help to obtain
there are indicators in the history and examination which history, start IV access, draw laboratories and administer
should ring alarm bells and mandate urgent evaluation, initial medications. Importantly in a patient who is weak,
extreme vigilance and close monitoring. As allowed, obtain nurses are relied upon as the people who most frequently
assess changes in clinical status. In some situations, this
Table 7 Special considerations for intubation

Special considerations for intubation

Rapid sequence induction/intubation is advised
Avoid use of succinylcholine if there is evidence of underlying progressive neuromuscular disease (e.g., Guillain–Barre, chronic muscular weakness, or
prolonged immobility)
Consider sedation only or 1.0–1.4 mg/kg rocuronium as an alternative
Succinylcholine will be relatively ineffective to achieve muscle relaxation in myasthenia gravis. Either a higher dose (approximately 2.5 times standard
dose) of succinylcholine can be used or half-dose of non-depolarizing agents (rocuronium 0.5–0.6 mg/kg)
Consider noninvasive ventilation as a temporizing measure in a neurologically stable patient, while the diagnosis is established or with a known neuro-
muscular condition expected to have rapid resolution (e.g., myasthenia gravis exacerbation)
Prepare atropine/glycopyrrolate, fluids and vasopressors (risk of associated autonomic instability)
See the ENLS Airway, Ventilation and Sedation protocol for additional information

improving or decompensating, and if the treatments pro-

Table 8 Acute weakness communication with assessment
and referral vided have improved the condition.

Acute weakness communication with assessment and referral Transportation

☐ Salient history and examination findings When moving patients with acute weakness, it is impor-
☐ Airway status and any respiratory issues tant to remember proper positioning of neck and extrem-
☐ Relevant labs and imaging (if done) ities, as the patient may unable to position him or herself
☐ Cause of weakness if known; differential diagnosis if not known in a safe and comfortable manner. Head of bed should
☐ Treatments provided be elevated to 30 degrees to avoid aspiration. Continued
☐ Trajectory of disease process assessments throughout the patient’s acute period cannot
be overstated, even during transport. Providers should be
aware of any additional equipment that may be necessary
during transport. This includes monitor equipment for
may be continuous, every few minutes, or every hour. heart rate with telemetry if possible, blood pressure, and
Patients must be in an area of the hospital that allows oxygenation as variability of autonomic and respiratory
for intensive monitoring in the dynamic phase of illness. status can occur. If the patient has been shown to have
When neurological changes are detected by a nurse, the unstable vital signs, medications may be needed during
provider should notify other team members who can transport to continue to stabilize the patient. The patient
help determine next steps in management. If there is new should have access to supplemental oxygen as needed
acute weakness on a patient who was otherwise neuro- and potentially more advanced airway equipment if the
logically well, consider activation of a stroke alert. situation requires. All team members should be made
aware prior to the transport of an unstable patient.
Healthcare providers should follow a checklist of items
(Table 8) to communicate their initial assessment of the Clinical pearls
patient with acute non-traumatic weakness to the admit-
• Team-based approach to the patient with acute non-traumatic weak-
ting hospital staff or consultant. Provide the patient’s age, ness is best.
history of present illness and neurological examination • Use the neurological examination to help localize the lesion.
findings. Include information on the patient’s airway and • A differential diagnosis can be generated based on localization.
respiratory status (i.e., respiratory rates, oxygen satura-
• Respiratory failure may occur with an acutely weak patient.
tion); ABG results; note any “Ds”: dysarthria, dysphagia,
• Frequent assessments are needed early in the disease course as the
dysphonia and dyspnea; provide pulmonary function test patient’s condition is evolving.
results (vital capacity, maximal inspiratory and expiratory • Autonomic instability may occur.
pressures); progression and trajectory of changes; if intu-
bated, list the ventilator settings; and chest X-ray results.
Author details
Sign out abnormal laboratories provide imaging results 1
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA,
and inform what diagnostic tests are still pending comple- USA. 2 Department of Critical Care Medicine, King’s College Hospital, London,
tion. If known, provide the etiology of the acute weakness UK. 3 King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre, London, UK.
and, when not known, a list of potential considerations.
Summarize any treatments provided or planned. Note The authors are grateful for the contributions and insight provided by the fol-
the trajectory of disease process indicating if the patient is lowing reviewers: Christina Watford, BSN, RN, CCRN; Joshua N. Goldstein, MD,
PhD; Christopher M. Ruzas, MD; Natalie Gofman, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCCCP; Christi Conflict of interest
DeLemos, MSN, CNRN, ACNP-BC. None.

Author contributions
All authors contributed to drafting and/or revising the manuscript. Appendix
Tables 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
Source of Support
None. 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27.

Table 9 Intracranial mass [7, 8]

Hemiparesis is uncommon with brain tumors
Other symptoms of brain tumors vary widely from headaches, seizures, nausea, ataxia and cognitive dysfunction
Focal neurological deficits may present late and follow a predictable pattern based on structural disease
Manifestations may be subtle, particularly in the early stages
As with other UMN lesions, weakness is generally more pronounced in flexors of lower extremities than in extensors and more pronounced in extensors
than flexors in upper extremities
Transient weakness may represent a postictal state, as in postictal Todd’s paresis
Fever, headache and focal neurological deficit is characteristic of a brain abscess
Detailed neurological examination may help localize the lesion and create a list of differential diagnoses
CT head with and without contrast to identify tumor, exclude other diagnoses, look for associated hemorrhage and assess for bone or vascular involve-
MRI with and without contrast usually required
Consider functional MRI, perfusion MRI, PET and SPECT imaging, depending on the situation
Involve neurological clinicians
Peritumoral vasogenic edema responds to glucocorticoids (dexamethasone IV 10 mg stat then 4 mg IV every 6 h)
Corticosteroid use should be avoided prior to biopsy or surgery if either a primary CNS lymphoma or infectious process is part of the differential diag-
Manage raised ICP in the standard stepwise approach
If there is evidence of intra-tumoral hemorrhage, correct any coagulopathy and control BP
Brain abscesses require targeted anti-microbial treatment and sometimes drainage

Table 10 Hypoglycemia (serum glucose < 3 mmol/l; < 50 mg/dl) [9]

Insulin regimen
Oral hypoglycemics
Liver disease
Any cause of hypocortisolemia
Generalized nonspecific weakness
Many forms of focal neurological deficit possible including re-expression of previous lesions
Tremor, palpitations, anxiety, sweating, hunger and paresthesia
Decreased consciousness
Blood glucose level (more accurate from venous or arterial blood rather than capillary and measured in a blood gas analyzer)
CT head
20 mL IV 50% dextrose
Repeat if necessary
Oral carbohydrate if patient safe to swallow
Alternatively, 1 mg glucagon IM or IV
Table 11 Hyperglycemia [10, 11]

History of diabetes
Possible precipitating events (e.g., infection, ischemia, surgery, critical illness)
Diabetic regimen and compliance
Neurological symptoms primarily occur when plasma osmolality is greater than 320 mOsm/kg
Neurological symptoms may include hemiparesis, focal motor deficits, decreased consciousness and seizures
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) usually evolves rapidly, over a 24-h period
Symptoms of hyperosmolar hyperglycemia syndrome (HHS) develop gradually with polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss for several days before presen-
Level of consciousness may be reduced
Detailed neurological examination may reveal focal motor and sensory deficits including aphasia, hyperreflexia, hemianopia and brainstem dysfunction
Other findings associated with HHS include evidence of volume depletion
Patients with DKA may present with hyperventilation and abdominal pain
Serum glucose
Plasma osmolality
Serum electrolytes (with anion gap), urea and creatinine
Complete blood count with differential
Urinalysis, and urine ketones by dipstick
Serum ketones (if urine ketones are present)
Blood gas (if urine ketones or anion gap are present)
CT head to exclude other causes
Fluid replacement to correct hypovolemia and hyperosmolality
Insulin infusion
Close electrolyte monitoring with potassium, magnesium and phosphate replacement
Treat precipitant (e.g., sepsis)

Table 12 Postictal Todd’s Paresis [12, 13] Table 13 Hemiplegic migraine [14, 15]

History History
Follows seizure Typical hemiplegic migraine attacks start in the first or second decade of
More common when seizures prolonged (status epilepticus) life and include gradually progressing visual, sensory, motor, aphasic
Can last seconds, but often has a duration of hours and often basilar-type symptoms, accompanied by headaches
Examination Most patients also have attacks of migraine with typical aura without
Weakness always present, but wide variation in location, severity, dura- Aura may consist of a fully reversible motor weakness
tion, tone reflexes and sensory involvement The weakness may resolve before the headache starts or may persist for
Investigations days
To exclude other forms of weakness May be preceded by a prodrome of affective symptoms 24–48 h prior to
the migraine
Treatment May be accompanied by ipsilateral numbness or tingling, with or without
Supportive a speech disturbance
Neurological examination assessing for other causes of hemiplegia
The short-time course and full reversibility of deficit are key components
Diagnosis of exclusion
CT or MRI to exclude other etiologies
Early neurologist involvement
Anti-emetics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and non-narcotic
pain relievers
Triptans and ergotamine preparations are contraindicated because of
their potential vasoconstrictive effects
There is no evidence for antiplatelet agents
Table 14 Brown-Sequard syndrome [16, 17] Table 16 Spinal cord infarction [21]

History History
Sudden onset hemiplegia with contralateral loss of pain and temperature Acute quadraparesis or paraparesis with a sensory level corresponding
Incomplete hemisection causing Brown-Sequard syndrome plus other with level of cord infarct
signs and symptoms is more common than the classical form No historical suspicion of trauma or infection
Non-traumatic causes include 60% of patients present with pain that localizes to the level of injury
Extramedullary spinal neoplasm May be associated with aortic surgery or procedures
Herniated cervical intervertebral disc Risk factors: female sex, atrial fibrillation with no anticoagulation, hyper-
Transverse myelitis tension, hypercholesterolemia, type II diabetes, smoking, hypercoagu-
Examination lable states
Ipsilateral weakness Examination
Ipsilateral loss of proprioception and vibratory sensation Anterior spinal artery syndrome is most common: loss of motor function
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation and pain/temperature sensation, with relative sparing of propriocep-
Investigations tion and vibratory sense below the level of lesion
Initially presents with a flaccid paralysis and loss of deep tendon reflexes
MRI Usually bilateral weakness, occasionally unilateral
CT myelography if MRI contraindicated Posterior spinal artery syndrome: loss of proprioception and vibratory
Treatment sense below the level of the injury and total anesthesia at the level of
Spinal precautions if from traumatic injury injury; weakness usually mild/transient
Surgery with spinal cord decompression Other variants possible
See ENLS Spinal Cord Compression and ENLS Traumatic Spinal Injury Investigations
Protocols MRI is diagnostic, showing an ischemic lesion defined as a well-demar-
cated T2-weighted hyperintensity matching an arterial territory of the
Spinal angiogram recommended if vascular malformation suggested
from MRI
Table 15 Transverse myelitis [18–20] Other investigations are as for ischemic stroke, i.e., prothrombotic and
vasculitis screen, toxicology screen, echocardiography, duplex ultra-
History sonography of the cervical arteries, chest X-ray, electrocardiography,
The development of isolated spinal cord dysfunction over hours or days 24-h Holter electrocardiography
in patients in whom there is no evidence of a compressive lesion Treatment
Segmental spinal cord injury caused by acute inflammation, usually Supportive treatment only
thoracic cord Corticosteroids are currently not recommended, as the current literature
50% have preceding infection, often viral indicates minimal benefits outweighed by the risks of this treatment
Can occur in multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica Consider antiplatelet agents in patients with underlying vascular risk
Symptoms usually develop over hours factors or comorbid vascular disease to prevent more secondary
Present with weakness and sensory disturbance below the level of the atherothrombotic events
Back pain with bladder and bowel dysfunction is common
Evidence of myelopathy, with weakness and sensory symptoms that cor-
respond to a specific level
Increased or decreased sensation may be present Table 17 Hyponatremia, hypernatremia [22–26]
MRI is diagnostic; however, negative MRI does not exclude diagnosis
Hyponatremia: diuretic overdose, hypervolemia, CHF, cirrhosis, SIADH,
Treatment cerebral salt wasting and water intoxication
Many patients are treated with IV methylprednisolone, IVIG or plasma Hypernatremia: dehydration, pituitary insufficiency, iatrogenic sodium
exchange supplementation
Lethargy and confusion are most common neurologic manifestations
At either extreme in serum sodium concentration, seizures and coma
may occur
Depressed level of consciousness or delirium
Serum sodium levels
Hyponatremia: fluid restriction, stop diuretics, avoid rapid correction of
serum sodium
Hypernatremia: IV fluids if hypovolemic, hypotonic solutions prefer-
able, avoid rapid correction to normal, if urine specific gravity is low
consider pituitary insufficiency and administer DDAVP
Table 18 Hypermagnesemia [25]

Typically follows excessive magnesium administration in context of renal impairment
More likely when supranormal magnesium levels targeted (e.g., in management of pre-eclampsia)
Lethargy and confusion are most common neurologic manifestations
As concentrations rise, generalized weakness develops, which progresses to involve muscles of respiration resulting in respiratory failure
Hyporeflexia: early loss of deep tendon reflexes often precedes other signs
Flaccid quadraparesis involving all muscle groups
Lethargy, confusion
Serum magnesium levels
Cease magnesium administration
IV calcium gluconate or chloride if symptoms severe
IV fluids
Consider dialysis

Table 19 Hypophosphatemia [27, 28]

Hypophosphatemia may occur with
Intracellular shift: re-feeding syndrome, respiratory alkalosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, rapidly growing malignancies, osmotic diuresis, certain drugs includ-
ing diuretics, malabsorption, renal tubular acidosis
Increased urinary excretion: primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism, osmotic diuresis (e.g., hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome), diuretics, renal
tubular acidosis, transplanted kidneys, congenital defects or Fanconi syndrome
Decreased intestinal absorption: diarrhea, malabsorption syndromes, phosphate binders (e.g., aluminum hydroxide)
Decreased dietary intake: anorexia nervosa or chronic alcoholism
Weakness may present as a painful proximal myopathy
Other neurological symptoms may include changes in mental function, seizures and neuropathies
Other features may include arrhythmias, skeletal muscle weakness, respiratory failure, rhabdomyolysis, leukocyte dysfunction, sepsis and sudden death
Proximal muscle weakness is common, though any muscle group may be involved, alone or in combination, ranging from ophthalmoplegia to proxi-
mal myopathy to dysphagia or ileus
Muscle pain is common
Weakness may be so profound as to mimic Guillain–Barre syndrome [70]
Confusion, seizures and coma may occur
Impaired cardiac contractility may occur, leading to generalized signs of myocardial depression
Serum phosphate
Hypomagnesemia is commonly associated
Hypercalcemia if hyperparathyroidism
Urea, creatinine, other electrolytes
Rhabdomyolysis screen
Correct precipitant
Replace total body phosphate with careful IV sodium or potassium phosphate
Table 20 Acute myopathy [36] Table 21 Myasthenia gravis [37–39]

History History
Typically present with symmetric proximal muscle weakness, malaise and History of myasthenia gravis (but may have not been diagnosed)
fatigue Acute decompensation may be spontaneous or precipitated by infection,
No sensory complaints except occasional myalgia surgery or tapering of immunosuppression
Metabolic causes: periodic paralyses, hypo- and hyperkalemia, hypophos- Drugs may precipitate symptoms, including certain antibiotics, beta-
phatemia blockers and magnesium
Inflammatory causes: rhabdomyolysis, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, Excessive treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors may paradoxically
infectious causes cause weakness and increased secretions worsening respiration acutely
Toxic etiologies: alcohol, corticosteroids, statins, retroviral agents, colchi- A myasthenic crisis refers specifically to worsening symptoms causing
cine, cocaine, heroin potential respiratory failure
Endocrine causes: Addison’s disease, Cushing’s disease, hypo- or hyper- Examination
thyroidism, hyperparathyroidis
85% of patients have involvement of the eyelids and extraocular muscles,
Examination resulting in ptosis and/or diplopia
Symmetric proximal muscle weakness Weak, flaccid facial muscles
No sensory disturbance other than myalgia Nasal speech with impaired bulbar reflexes
Fever may be present in rhabdomyolysis, polymyositis, and infectious Neck and proximal limb weakness may occur
causes Respiratory failure occurs in 1%
Other findings specifically associated with associated endocrinopathies Respiratory examination may reveal evidence of aspirated secretions or
may be present infection
Investigations Investigations
CK with isoenzymes (may not correlate with clinical condition) Ice pack test (e.g., ice on affected eyelid improves ptosis)
Electrolytes, calcium, magnesium ACh receptor antibodies if diagnosis uncertain, present in 85% of cases;
Serum urea, creatinine and electrolytes anti-MuSK is present in the majority of those without anti-ACh antibod-
Complete blood count ies
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Pulmonary function tests
Aspartate aminotransferase Consider arterial blood gas
Urinalysis: myoglobinuria Consider CT chest (thymoma may affect breathing)
Specific workup for individual endocrinopathies Treatment
Consider EMG, nerve conduction velocity testing and muscle biopsy
For acute decompensation, admit to ICU
Treatment Frequent forced vital capacity measurement
Remove or treat any precipitant If respiratory involvement, withdraw anticholinesterase medications
Safely correct electrolyte abnormalities Plasmapheresis or IVIG
Vigorous hydration for rhabdomyolysis High dose steroids (e.g., 80 mg prednisolone)
Consider other immunosuppressants
Table 22 Diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy [40–42]

Diabetes mellitus with proximal weakness in the quadriceps, hip adductors and iliopsoas muscles
Asymmetrical pain in the hip, buttock or thigh
Often occurs in conjunction with significant recent weight loss
Associated with poor glycemic control
Patients without distal symmetrical polyneuropathy most often have sudden, unilateral onset
Occasionally the initial presenting feature of diabetes mellitus
Proximal lower limb muscle weakness and wasting
Minimal sensory loss is observed
Knee-jerk reflex is absent, with commonly preserved ankle jerks
Ankle jerks may also be absent, with underlying distal symmetrical polyneuropathy
Fasting blood glucose and Hb A1c
Imaging of lumbosacral spine to exclude other causes
EMG and nerve conduction studies
Optimize glycemic control
Physical and occupational therapy

Table 23 Guillain–Barre syndrome [50–58]

Usually follows 2–4 weeks after mild respiratory or gastrointestinal illness
Typically symmetrical ascending paralysis
10% present with upper limb or facial weakness
Respiratory failure occurs in approximately 10% and oculomotor weakness in 15%
Limb paresthesia is common (80%)
Dysautonomia occurs in 70%
Absent deep tendon reflexes
Signs of respiratory failure
In acute motor axonal neuropathy variant, sensation is preserved and occasionally deep tendon reflexes
Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy has more sensory symptoms
Other rarer variants exist
CSF analysis: elevated protein, normal cell count
Nerve conduction studies
Glycolipid antibodies may be associated with different subtypes
Supportive care
Plasma exchange and IVIG are equivalent in efficacy, and both improve outcome. Choice depends on local availability, patient preference, risk factors
and contraindications
Corticosteroids have no benefit and may worsen the condition
Table 24 Vasculitic neuropathy [59, 60] Table 26 Organophosphate toxicity [64–66]

History History
May be part of systemic vasculitis or a non-systemic vasculitic neuropathy Insecticide exposure (e.g., malathion, parathion, diazinon, fenthion,
Asymmetric or multifocal painful sensorimotor neuropathy is most com- dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos, ethion)
mon presentation Nerve gas exposure (e.g., sarin, VX, soman, tabun)
May present as mononeuritis multiplex or a sensorimotor neuropathy, Ophthalmic agents (e.g., echothiophate, isoflurophate)
which may or may not be symmetric Anti-helminthics (trichlorfon)
Typically sensory symptoms of pain, burning or paresthesias precede Examination
weakness of muscles supplied by the affected nerve
Sensory symptoms virtually always present Fasciculations with paralysis
Constitutional symptoms, including weight loss, anorexia, fatigue, arthral- Bronchospasm, bradycardia, miosis, lacrimation, salivation, bronchorrhea,
gia, myalgia, and fevers occur in approximately two-thirds of patients urination, emesis and diarrhea
At 48–72 h, neck flexion weakness, decreased deep tendon reflexes,
Examination cranial nerve abnormalities, proximal muscle weakness and respiratory
Detailed neurological examination reveals a flaccid asymmetric paresis insufficiency may develop
with sensory abnormalities in variable distributions At 1–3 weeks, ascending flaccid paralysis may develop (delayed neuropa-
Lower limbs are more commonly involved than upper limbs thy)
Distal involvement is more frequent than proximal Investigations
Cranial nerve involvement occurs in 8% of patients, typically involving
the facial nerve RBC acetyl cholinesterase (if available) for severity and to guide oxime
Proximal symmetric polyneuropathy is least frequent presentation therapy
Investigations Treatment
Vasculitic screen, including erythrocyte sedimentation rate, anti-nuclear Remove contaminated clothes
antibodies, extractable nuclear antigens, rheumatoid factor, anti- 100% oxygen
neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, hepatic enzymes, renal function Intubation (no succinylcholine)
tests, serum complement serum immunoelectrophoresis (or immuno- Atropine 2–3 mg IV stat, then double the dose every five minutes until
fixation) and quantitative immunoglobulins, cryoglobulins, Hepatitis B bronchospasm and secretions are controlled; an infusion may be
antigen and antibody, Hepatitis C antigen and CBC (anemia) required, and glycopyrrolate is an alternative
Nerve conduction studies and EMG If pralidoxime is considered, it must be used in conjunction with atropine.
Nerve and muscle biopsy A response to atropine should be established before pralidoxime is
Treatment Loading dose: 2 g over 15 min
Consider combination therapy with steroids and cyclophosphamide in Maintenance dose: 500 mg/h as a continuous infusion
liaison with treating neurologist Consider benzodiazepines for the prevention and treatment of seizures
Manage neuropathic pain with agents such as pregabalin, gabapentin,
amitriptyline, nortriptyline or carbamazepine

Table 25 Toxin-induced peripheral neuropathy [61]

Many drugs and industrial chemicals may cause distal axonopathy
Drugs include alcohol, amiodarone, chloramphenicol, disulfiram, isonia-
zid, lithium, metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, nitrous oxide, thalidomide,
vincristine and thallium. Dose, duration of exposure and host factors
affect outcome
Presentation is often with pain, paresthesia, and hypoesthesia in the feet
and distal weakness and gait disturbance
Autonomic dysfunction may be present
Sensory changes in glove and stocking distribution
Distal weakness that progresses proximally
Hyporeflexia, symmetrical loss of ankle jerks first
May be evidence of CNS involvement
Nerve conduction study
Serum levels for suspected toxin
Consider nerve and muscle biopsies
Prevent ongoing exposure
Supportive care
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