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List of Included S y s t e m a ti c S e c o n d a r y S t u d i e s

Study ID Reference
S1 Brito, M. S., Silva, F. G., G. Chavez, C. V. F., Nascimento, D.
C., & Bittencourt, R. A. (2018). FLOSS in software engineering
education: an update of a systematic mapping study. In Proceed-
ings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
(pp. 250-259).
S2 Alves, D. D., & de Souza Matos, E. (2017). Interaction Design
in Free/Libre/Open Source Software Development: a systematic
mapping. In Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-10).
S3 Stol, K. J., & Babar, M. A. (2009). Reporting empirical research
in open source software: the state of practice. In IFIP
International Conference on Open Source Systems (pp. 156-
169). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
S4 Wen, S. F. (2017). Software security in open source development:
A systematic literature review. In 2017 21st Conference of Open
Innovations Association (FRUCT) (pp. 364-373). IEEE.
S5 Sulaman, S. M., Oruˇcevi´c-Alagi´c, A., Borg, M., Wnuk, K.,
H¨ost, M., & de La Vara, J. L. (2014). Development of Safety-
Critical Software Systems Using Open Source Software–A
Systematic Map. In 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on
Software Engi- neering and Advanced Applications (pp. 17-
24). IEEE.
S6 Chahal, K. K., & Saini, M. (2016). Open source software evolution:
a systematic literature review (Part 1). International Journal of
Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP), 7(1), 1-27.
S7 Hauge, Ø., Ayala, C., & Conradi, R. (2010). Adoption of open
source software in software-intensive organizations–A systematic
literature review. Information and Software Technology, 52(11),
S8 Syeed, M. M., Kilamo, T., Hammouda, I., & Syst¨a, T.
(2012). Open source prediction methods: a systematic literature
review. In IFIP International Conference on Open Source
Systems (pp. 280-285). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
S9 Steinmacher, I., Silva, M. A. G., & Gerosa, M. A. (2014). Barriers
faced by newcomers to open source projects: a systematic review.
In IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems (pp.
153-163). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
S10 Chahal, K. K., & Saini, M. (2016). Open Source Software Evo-
lution: A Systematic Literature Review (Part 2). International
Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP), 7(1),
S11 Franco-Bedoya, O., Ameller, D., Costal, D., & Franch, X. (2017).
Open source software ecosystems: A Systematic mapping. Infor-
mation and software technology, 91, 160-185.
S12 Mulazzani, F., Rossi, B., Russo, B., & Steff, M. (2011).
Building knowledge in open source software research in six years
of confer- ences. In IFIP International Conference on Open
Source Systems (pp. 123-141). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
S13 Breivold, H. P., Chauhan, M. A., & Muhammad, A. (2011).
Babar. In A systematic review of studies of open source software
evolution. Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) (Vol. 10).
S14 Castelluccia, D., & Visaggio, G. (2013). Teaching evidence-
based software engineering: learning by a collaborative
mapping study of open source software. ACM SIGSOFT
Software Engineering Notes, 38(6), 1-4.
S15 H¨ost, M., & Oruˇcevi´c-Alagi´c, A. (2011). A systematic
review of research on open source software in commercial
software product development. Information and Software
Technology, 53(6), 616- 624.
S16 Acun˜a, S. T., Castro, J. W., Dieste, O., & Juristo, N.
(2012). A systematic mapping study on the open source software
devel- opment process. In 16th International Conference on
Evaluation & Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2012)
(pp. 42-46). IET.
S17 Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., & Saada, M. (2019). Critical
barriers to business intelligence open source software adoption.
International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR),
10(1), 59-79.
S18 Schilling, A. (2014). What do we know about FLOSS developers’
attraction, retention, and commitment? A literature review. In
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(pp. 4003-4012). IEEE.
S19 Lee, T. K., Wei, K. T., & Abd Ghani, A. A. (2016). Systematic
literature review on effort estimation for Open Sources (OSS) web
application development. In 2016 Future Technologies
Conference (FTC) (pp. 1158-1167). IEEE.
S20 Wu, H., Shi, L., Chen, C., Wang, Q., & Boehm, B. (2016).
Maintenance effort estimation for open source software: A
system- atic literature review. In 2016 IEEE International
Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)
(pp. 32-43). IEEE.
S21 Alasbali, N., & Benatallah, B. (2015). Open source as an innova-
tive approach in computer science education A systematic review
of advantages and challenges. In 2015 IEEE 3rd International
Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in
Education (MITE) (pp. 278-283). IEEE.
S22 Amrollahi, A., Khansari, M., & Manian, A. (2014). How Open
Source Software Succeeds? A Review of Research on Success of
Open Source Software.
S23 Magdaleno, A. M., Werner, C. M. L., & De Araujo, R. M. (2012).
Reconciling software development models: A quasi-systematic
review. Journal of Systems and Software, 85(2), 351-369.
S24 Shahrivar, S., Elahi, S., Hassanzadeh, A., & Montazer, G. (2018).
A business model for commercial open source software: A system-
atic literature review. Information and Software Technology, 103,
S25 Rashid, M., Clarke, P. M., & O’Connor, R. V. (2019). A
systematic examination of knowledge loss in open source
software projects. International Journal of Information
Management, 46, 104-123.
S26 Bakırlıo˘glu, Y., & Kohtala, C. (2019). Framing open
design through theoretical concepts and practical applications:
A sys- tematic literature review. Human–Computer Interaction,
34(5-6), 389-432.
S27 Uyaguari, A., Espinosa-Gallardo, E., J´acome-Guerrero, S.
P., Espinel, P., Cabezas, C. F., Almeida, G. I. A., & Calder
´on, F.
A. C. (2018). Open Source Web Software Architecture Compo-
nents for Geographic Information Systems in the Last 5 Years: A
Systematic Mapping Study. In International Conference on Infor-
mation Technology & Systems (pp. 688-699). Springer, Cham.
S28 Cesar Brand˜ao Gomes da Silva, A., de Figueiredo Carneiro,
G., Brito e Abreu, F., & Pessoa Monteiro, M. (2017). Frequent
releases in open source software: A systematic review.
Information, 8(3), 109.
S29 Rasool, G., & Fazal, N. (2017). Evolution prediction and process
support of OSS studies: a systematic mapping. Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 42(8), 3465-3502.
S30 Chru´sciel-Nogalska, M., Smekta-la, T., Tutak, M., Sporniak-
Tutak, K., & Olszewski, R. (2017). Open-source software in
dentistry: a systematic review. International journal of technology
assessment in health care, 33(4), 487-493.
S31 Adewumi, A., Misra, S., Omoregbe, N., Crawford, B., & Soto,
R. (2016). A systematic literature review of open source software
quality assessment models. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1-13.
S32 Nascimento, D. M., Almeida Bittencourt, R., & Chavez, C.
(2015). Open source projects in software engineering education: a
mapping study. Computer Science Education, 25(1), 67-114.
S33 Franco-Bedoya, O., Ameller, D., Costal, D., & Franch, X. (2014).
Measuring the quality of open source software ecosystems using
queso. In International Conference on Software Technologies (pp.
39-62). Springer, Cham.
S34 Aminpour, F., Sadoughi, F., & Ahamdi, M. (2014). Utilization of
open source electronic health record around the world: a system-
atic review. Journal of research in medical sciences: the official
journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, 19(1), 57.
S35 Yin, H., & Pfahl, D. (2017). Open innovation in software
require- ments engineering: A mapping study. In 2017 8th IEEE
Interna- tional Conference on Software Engineering and Service
Science (ICSESS) (pp. 5-10). IEEE.
S36 Morandini, M., Siena, A., & Susi, A. (2014). Risk awareness in
open source component selection. In International Conference on
Business Information Systems (pp. 241-252). Springer, Cham.
S37 Teixeira, J., & Baiyere, A. (2014). Crafting a systematic literature
review on open-source platforms. In IFIP International Confer-
ence on Open Source Systems (pp. 113-122). Springer, Berlin,
S38 Gezici, B., O¨ zdemir, N., Yılmaz, N., Co¸skun, E., Tarhan,
A., & Chouseinoglou, O. (2019). Quality and Success in Open
Source Software: A Systematic Mapping. In 2019 45th Euromicro
Confer- ence on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications
(SEAA) (pp. 363-370). IEEE.
S39 Syeed, M. M., Hammouda, I., & Syst¨a, T. (2013). Evolution
of open source software projects: A systematic literature review. J.
Softw., 8(11), 2815-2829.
S40 Kalliamvakou, E., Weber, J., & Knauss, A. (2016). Certification
of Open Source Software–A Scoping Review. In IFIP
International Conference on Open Source Systems (pp. 111-
122). Springer, Cham.
S41 Petrov, D., & Obwegeser, N. (2018). Adoption Barriers of Open-
Source Software: A Systematic Review. Available at SSRN
S42 Gandomani, T. J., Zulzalil, H., Ghani, A. A. A., & Sultan,
A. B. M. (2013). A systematic literature review on relationship
between agile methods and open source software development
methodology. arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.2748.
S43 Edison, H., Carroll, N., Conboy, K., & Morgan, L. (2018). An
investigation into inner source software development: Preliminary
findings from a systematic literature review. In Proceedings of the
14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (pp. 1-10).
S44 ˚Ardal, C., Alstadsæter, A., & Røttingen, J. A. (2011).
Common characteristics of open source software development
and applica- bility for drug discovery: a systematic review.
Health Research Policy and Systems, 9(1), 1-16
S45 Bilal, M. A. Q., Ahmed, S., & Shahzad, F. (2011). A Systematic
Mapping On Selection Of Open Source Software License: Eco-
nomic And Social Perspective. Journal of Theoretical & Applied
Information Technology, 25(2).
S46 Baabad, A., Zulzalil, H. B., & Baharom, S. B. (2020). Software
architecture degradation in open source software: A systematic
literature review. IEEE Access, 8, 173681-173709.
S47 Lenarduzzi, V., Taibi, D., Tosi, D., Lavazza, L., & Morasca, S.
(2020). Open source software evaluation, selection, and adoption:
a systematic literature review. In 2020 46th Euromicro Conference
on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)
(pp. 437-444). IEEE.
S48 Napole˜ao, B. M., Petrillo, F., & Hall´e, S. (2020). Open
Source Software Development Process: A Systematic Review. In
2020 IEEE 24th International Enterprise Distributed Object
Comput- ing Conference (EDOC) (pp. 135-144). IEEE
S49 S´anchez, V. R., Ayuso, P. N., Galindo, J. A., & Benavides,
D. (2020). Open Source Adoption Factors—A Systematic
Literature Review. IEEE Access, 8, 94594-94609.
S50 Kaur, R., Chahal, K. K., & Saini, M. (2020). Understanding Com-
munity Participation and Engagement in Open Source Software
Projects: A Systematic Mapping Study. Journal of King Saud
University-Computer and Information Sciences.
S51 Talib, M. A., Einea, O., Nasir, Q., Mowakeh, M. F., & Eltawil,
M. (2019). Enhancing computing studies in high schools: A
systematic literature review & UAE case study. Heliyon, 5(2),
S52 Gomes, L. A. F., da Silva Torres, R., & Cˆortes, M. L. (2019).
Bug report severity level prediction in open source software: A
survey and research opportunities. Information and software
technology, 115, 58-78.
S53 Canedo, E. D., Tives, H. A., Marioti, M. B., Fagundes, F., & de
Cerqueira, J. A. S. (2019). Barriers faced by women in software
development projects. Information, 10(10), 309.
S54 Edison, H., Carroll, N., Morgan, L., & Conboy, K. (2020). Inner
source software development: Current thinking and an agenda for
future research. Journal of Systems and Software, 163, 110520.
S55 Haider, S., Khalil, W., Rashid, N., & Khalid, S. (2020). Success
Factors for Open-Source Software Development from Vendor’s
Perspective: An Empirical Study: Success Factors for OSSD. Pro-
ceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and
Computational Sciences, 57(4), 1-11.
S56 Vogel, B., Dong, Y., Emruli, B., Davidsson, P., & Spalazzese,
R. (2020). What Is an Open IoT Platform? Insights from a
Systematic Mapping Study. Future Internet, 12(4), 73.
S57 Chua, B. B., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Applying a systematic lit-
erature review and content analysis method to analyse open
source developers’ forking motivation interpretation, categories
and consequences. Australasian Journal of Information Systems,
S58 Ju´nior, R. S. C., & Carneiro, G. D. F. (2020, May). An
Extended Secondary Study to Characterize the Influence of
Developers Sentiments on Practices and Artifacts in Open
Source Software Projects. In International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 339-359). Cham: Springer
International Publishing.
S59 Machado, M. D. R., Cardoso, C. N., & Canedo, E. D. (2019,
September). How Undergraduate Students Perceive the
Relevance of Open Source Software Literature. In Proceedings
of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
(pp. 12-16).
S60 Canedo, E. D., & Santos, G. A. (2019). Factors affecting
software development productivity: An empirical study. In
Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering (pp. 307-316).
S61 Yılmaz, N., & Kolukısa Tarhan, A. (2022). Quality evaluation
models or frameworks for open source software: A systematic lit-
erature review. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 34(6),
S62 Quispe, M. (2022). A Systematic Review About Quantitative Met-
rics for the Usability Evaluation of Retail E-commerce Web Sites
Based on Open Source Platforms. In International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 484-503). Springer, Cham.
S63 Trinkenreich, B., Wiese, I., Sarma, A., Gerosa, M., & Steinmacher,
I. (2022). Women’s participation in open source software: A
survey of the literature. ACM Transactions on Software
Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 31(4), 1-37.
S64 Ariza, J. A´ ., & Pearce, J. M. (2022). Low-Cost Assistive
Tech- nologies for Disabled People Using Open-Source Hardware
and Software: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Access.
S65 McClean, K., Greer, D., & Jurek-Loughrey, A. (2021). Social
network analysis of open source software: A review and categori-
sation. Information and Software Technology, 130, 106442.
S66 MILOUDI, C., CHEIKHI, L., & ABRAN, A., IDRI, A. (2022).
Open source software maintenance effort estimation: a
systematic mapping study. Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology, 17(6), 3843-3861.
S67 Dawood, K. A., Sharif, K. Y., Zaidan, A. A., Abd Ghani, A.
A., Zulzalil, H. B., & Zaidan, B. B. (2019). Mapping and Analy-
sis of Open Source Software (OSS) usability for sustainable OSS
product. IEEE Access, 7, 65913-65933.
S68 Cosentino, V., Izquierdo, J. L. C., & Cabot, J. (2017). A system-
atic mapping study of software development with GitHub. Ieee
access, 5, 7173-7192.
S69 Castro, H., Costa, F., Ferreira, L., A´ vila, P., Putnik, G. D.,
& Cruz-Cunha, M. (2022). Data Science for Industry 4.0: A Lit-
erature Review on Open Design Approach. Procedia Computer
Science, 204, 877-884.
S70 Farias, V., Wiese, I., & Santos, R. (2021, November). Power
Relations Within an Open Source Software Ecosystem. In Inter-
national Conference on Software Business (pp. 187-193). Cham:
Springer International Publishing.
S71 Miloudi, C., Cheikhi, L., Abran, A., & Idri, A. (2020). Mainte-
nance effort estimation for open source software: Current trends.
S72 Chaudhary, S., Kaur, P., Talwar, S., Islam, N., & Dhir, A. (2022).
Way off the mark? Open innovation failures: Decoding what really
matters to chart the future course of action. Journal of Business
Research, 142, 1010-1025.
S73 Dall-Orsoletta, A., Romero, F., & Ferreira, P. (2022). Open and
collaborative innovation for the energy transition: An exploratory
study. Technology in Society, 69, 101955.
S74 Munir, H., Wnuk, K., & Runeson, P. (2016). Open innovation
in software engineering: a systematic mapping study. Empirical
Software Engineering, 21, 684-7

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