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Loum hein non prv Peniplinsiaetit siig Science 8 Name: Buoyant Force Lab PURPOSE To determine if the buoyant force is equal to the weight ofthe water it will displace. HYPOTHESIS: The buoyant Force is egual to th Ww PRE-LAB QUESTIONS 41. Whats Archimedes’ principle? An obyect immersed in a ffaid is buoyed up bya force quel to the weight af Puid obis placed bs the object — 2. What is the definition of weight? Mass~ A measure OF the amount of matter in an object Weight A weasure oF che tutioud force wcting on av abjet 3. What instrument is used to measure Weight? iy... no weber ‘4. What is the unit of measurement for weight? Mezston, - '5. What formula is used to relate mass and weight? Identify each variable and its unit of measurement. Wemng wz Weight Cin W) in =m, Cen Kg) = gtavi tutional Force cous tant 98 Wx MATERIALS + 250-ml. beaker ‘electronic scale +2.N dynamometer ‘universal clamp ‘retort stand + overfiow can +200-g weight fitted with a hook moe OO 1. Weigh the empty beaker and record its mass. 2. Hang the dynamometer about 0.6 m above the surface of the table, using the universal clamp and the retort stand, 3. Set the dynamometer to 0 N. 4. Fill the overflow can to the spout with water. 5. Place the beaker under the spout ofthe overflow can. ‘6. Hook the 200-9 weight to the dynamometer and record its weight. 7. Lower the dynamometer into the overflow can until the weight is completely submerged. Record its weight again. Weigh the beaker with the overflow water using the electronic scale and record its mass. ‘9. Clean up and put away the materials. © OBSERVATIONS Mass of the empty beaker; 7. 49) Mass of beaker with displaced water._3 Z| 7 4 wea water Position of obj weigh ‘object in the air 2,00 N in the water 175 SSpir tien evan cote ANALYSIS 1. Calculate the mass of the water displaced. (Mass of beaker with displaced water ~ Mass of empty beaker) Mise = 32175 - . , Wie = 32179 - 249 = [24.684 . Calculate the weight of the water displaced. W = mg DH 84 = 0246S uy W=ms =O, O2408 Ky x GEN/xe = 4 3. Use the following formula to calculate the buoyant force acting on the object: Buoyant force = Weight of the object in the air - Weight of the object in water 2.00N - 1.75 4, Compare your answer for #2 and #3. Does the buoyant force equal the weight of the displaced water? Explain your answer and include any possible experimental errors. ~The F water as % wt 2 bucyant Porce was O26 2 They ave ab, th, the Sanve. = Sources Peveort Mot all the witer dripped out of sdout Bt wai EB, WOT Nk? EGR Heigl th TERS acti The 2 Obset would sink because ts weight C2MW) is much greater hen the huasaat force (0,25H) Fi > £, CONCLUSION h é , 2 ~- yank te of, dé. 2 Dre bagi force wt 7 A the weight of wi dis placet was 0 2 wv — Sepsis uate

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