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Help Mary Schultz, a Journalist from City Times

Part A

Mary is a journalist from City Times, a leading newspaper in New York. She
has been sent on a work assignment to China for covering preparations for Beijing
Olympics. Her work mainly involves conducting interviews of local people and
taking pictures to support her story coverage.

She is required to submit all her daily work to the employer’s Server,
physically, located in Brooklyn. In addition, everyday, she needs to access a set of
special software installed on her machine located in her cubicle at her office in
Brooklyn to process the snaps taken at Beijing. In short, she cannot simply use email
services to attach her stories and supporting snaps to her emails and send them to the
newspaper agency in New York.

Suggest a networking solution for Mary to address her problem. Write down a
detailed execution of your proposed solution. Make sure to address all the connection
related aspects (such as security, protocol, access, etc.) with valid theoretical base as
part of your supporting arguments.

Part B

For Mary who is in Beijing, one of the cheapest ways to get in touch with
latest happenings in the world is through internet.

Using the concepts related to locating a document/website on the internet

through server communications (root name server, authoritative name server and local
ISP server) illustrate the detailed path traveled by a website access request in the form
of a UDP packet released by a personal computer (PC) in a cyber-cafe in Beijing, for
locating and accessing website, a news channel’s website.

Hint: MSSN website server is located in Palo Alto, California.

Part C

During Mary’s stay in Beijing, she prefers to pay for her expenses by swiping
her credit card issued by Slave Cards. However, she needs to pay off her monthly
installments of credit cards through internet.

Write down in detail the roles played by Application Layer, Presentation

Layer and Session Layer (from OSI Architecture) running on a machine in her hotel
room in Beijing, China.
Q2. CDMA Communication

Stations A and B are expected to communicate using Code Division Multiple

Access (CDMA).

Binary chipping sequences for A and B are 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 and 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1


Message that needs to be transmitted is 1 0

Part A
Firstly, find out whether stations A and B can form a pair required to
communicate using CDMA. Show the procedure in detail.

Part B
Find out a message encoded using CDMA. Show the procedure in detail.

Part C
Demonstrate decoding process by Station B for the same encoded message. Show
the procedure in detail.

Q3. Network Building

University at Fiesta is in the process of setting up a Fiber Optics LAN for its
Information Studies department.
Following are the specifications of this network:
a. Bandwidth: 5Mega bits per second (Mbps)
b. Maximum distance between end-to-end nodes: 1.5 meters
c. On an average, data files that need to be transferred on this LAN sizes:
900 Kilo Bytes (900KB) (NOT Kilo bits)
d. 3 Active Repeaters
e. 2 Routers
f. 1 Passive Repeater

Part A
List all the possible factors that could influence the performance of this LAN.

Part B
Calculate the values for all the possible factors (mentioned in the answer of Part
A) that could influence the performance of this network.
Show all the mathematical formulas for each type of performance affecting factor.
Substitute appropriate values into them.
Make sure to take care of units.
Hints: You are allowed to make assumptions supported by appropriate reasoning.
Slides from Network Building might be helpful.
Q4. Networking Hardware and Data Communication
You are recently hired by Ferizon Corporation. Your job title is Data
Communication & Networking Hardware Expert.

The first task on your job is to propose an execution plan for hardware
deployment that will be used to establish regular data communication among the main
administrative office and company’s two sub-units, namely marking and manufacturing.
All are physically located in the circumference of 500 meters.

Marketing unit has 3 personal computers (PCs) and 4 laptops. Ability to move in
the work space is desired for marketing employees using laptops.

Manufacturing unit has 15 personal computers. Due to a specific business process

at Ferizon, 6 employees with PCs in their cubicles need to share data in a pre-decided
sequence. Only one of those 6 employees can report manufacturing updates to rest other
9 people (hence their 9 PCs) in the organization.

There is also one central server located in the main administrative office. PCs
from marketing and manufacturing need to submit requests via the central server located
in the main administrative office.

Propose a plan of hardware deployment (types of wires, LANs, hardware devices,

etc.) and implementation considering given constraints. Also, suggest some solutions for
efficient data communication. Draw an appropriate topology for better understanding of
your solution.

Hint: You might want to consider the slides from the entire first half of this course

Q5. TCP/IP Architecture

Illustrate three types of addressing mechanisms implemented under TCP/IP.

Q6. Internet
Explain the significance of Web Caches (Proxy Servers) in detail.

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