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Tilgate Forest Golf Club Seniors

Wednesday 20th September 2023, away match versus Rookwood

Competition Result:

Group 1: Keith White and Martin Seale: lost 2-1

Group 2: Bryan Foster and Gordon Harrison: won 2-1
Group 3: Terry O’Sullivan and Alec Steven: lost 1-0
Group 4: Steve Allum and Bob Usher: won 2-1
Group 5: Ray Brown and Chris Burton: won 1-0
Group 6: Bill Lowther and Keki Singporewala: won 3-2

Tilgate won 4 – 2

A very enjoyable day experienced by Rookwood & Tilgate Seniors teams. Thank you to our club
captain Keith White for organizing this away match with Rookwood. The day started off at 07:45 with
provided coffee and mingling of players from both sides.
First tee off was at 8.32 as per the order above, Groups 5 &6 tee’d off from hole 17th. It was windy yet
warm and no rain during the round, a pleasant autumn’s day of golf.

Lunch was sandwiches and chips.

Below are photos of the day;

Rookwood Captain’s speech and raising of glasses to Tilgate

Captain Keith White speech, raising of glasses to Rookwood and customary joke recital

Nearest to the pin winner Ray Brown – 8th hole

Nearest to the pin winner Rookwood – 11th hole

Nearest to the pin winner Rookwood – 13th hole

Nearest to the pin winner Rookwood – 16th hole

Photos of seniors

Photos of seniors


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