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Nowadays anime and manga has become very popular in the world because
breaks barriers about prejudices these types of drawing in the past usually
people said that the anime it was only for children and that's a lie because
anime has many genres for all ages.

We can say that anime and manga is a forms of entertainment that originated
in Japan and began in the 70 and 80. Currently, the popularity of anime and
manga has been increasing throughout the world.
Thanks to its creation, it has made it possible for big industries like pixar and
disney to learn from them and greatly influenced the world of

more movies that we can see may reference a story created for a mangaka or
animator of Japanese origin or a person who draws in this style. For this
reason, I believe that anime and manga's future popularity will never fail and
the industry will continue to shine and possibly be able to snatch the position
of the American comic I'm choosing this topic because I am very fan the
anime and manga generally comics. Since I was a girl always liked anime and
manga I always have said that I was going to travel to Japan and live there in
the future.

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