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Analyzing the Case Studies

Hello all:
I hope everything is fine at home and at school.
Please take the time to read/analyze all the case studies that is being presented to you on Slate, both
individually and in groups. And then select only one. However, all case studies should be presented. I
want you to present it in class so that your classmates have an opportunity to give you feedback/Audit
you. Keep in mind that this work is the cornerstone of your project management skills development as
you progress to execution/control, monitoring phases of your project, and, eventually, project closing/or
realization phase. As you are doing this work consider your Capstone project.
Please follow instructions as you are undertaking actual work.
*Prerequisite knowledge based.
• Read and understand the skill set for developing project charters.
• Read up on and learn how to construct a scope management plan, taking into account the
project's inputs, outputs, and tools and techniques you'll need to be familiar with.
• Read the case studies first individually, then in a group.
Required work to be completed:
1) You will create a potential project charter based on the reading and findings of your
case studies. When establishing the specifications/acceptance criteria for your project
charter, and one group member should sign it off. be methodical in your documentation.
2) Create an analyze of the stakeholder requirements for your case studies.
3) Create a plan for managing the project's scope.
4) Create the project's WBS. Keep a methodical approach.
5) Create a WBS dictionary for your WBS.
6) Create a plan for managing stakeholders.
7) Create a document stakeholder priority.
8) Calculate the cost of your deliveries.
How, if at all, the case studies could be enhanced in accordance with project management principles.
presented as a list of points.

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