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Sentence structures

Level 2

A sentence is how we organise what we write. Writing would be
hard to understand without sentences. It is important to know
how they work. Sentences begin with a capital letter. They end
with a full stop. You need to vary your sentences. If you don’t,
your writing will be boring to read.

By now you should know the basics of punctuating sentences. However,

to add more information, express more complicated ideas, or even just
to keep your reader interested, you will need to be able to use a range of
different ways to join what you want to say together.

This topic will remind you about the main types of sentence: simple,
compound and complex. It will also show you how to use them for
variety and clarity (and so you don’t sound like a robot!).

At this level you are expected to understand the structure of simple,

compound and complex sentences. These will form part of your Writing
assessment for Functional Skills English where each piece of writing
needs to be grammatically correct.

Before you start, it might help you to look at Spelling, grammar and
punctuation: Sentence structures at Level 1.

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