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lndlan Journal of Commumty Medicine Vd XXV, h&.1, Jan.

-Mar ,200O


Sandip Kumar Ray’, Akhil Bandhu Biswas**, Samir Das Gupta”‘, Dipankar Mukherjee”“,
Satish Kumar***” , Biswajeet Biswas*, Goutam Joardar”
‘Department of Commumty Medicine. Medical College, Calcutta
“R G Kar Mechcal College, Calcutta
“‘NRS Medlcal College Calcutta
““Survclllance Officer, WHO
““‘ProJect Officer, UNICEF, Calcutta
Research question What 1s the nutrmonal status of the children under five years of age and dietary pattern of the famlhes
Objective Rapld assessment of the magmtude of the problem of malnutntlon m a munlclpal area of North Bengal and also to assess dietary
pattern and average calorie Intake
Study destgn Cross-secttonal study based on 30 cluster sampling techmque
Settmgs Mumclpal area ot Shgun
Partlclpants 316 underfive chtldren m 30 clusters for assessment of nutrltlonal status and 92 famlhes for assessment ot dietary pattern
Results Prevalence ot malnutrltton was observed to be 62 97% and prevalence of severe degree of malnutrltlon was 6 65%. more so
amongst 12-23 months ot age and amongst females Average calone intake was 2271 7 K cals and nearly halt (47 8%) of the studied IJ
famlhes were getting less than 2400 K cals

Introduction: evaluation, was followed The random number and

The magmtude of the problem of malnutrltlon samplmg Interval were 1397 and 7180 respectively. 30
amongst children under 5 years of age IS high throughout clusters were ldentlfied by using the standard techmque3
the country and also m the state of West Bengal Natlonal Sample size:
Family Health Survey data (1992-93) projected that 56 8%
ctuldren (O-4 years) suffered from malnutrltron m West For assessment of the nutrltlonalstatu\ of the children
Bengal with 18% havmg severe grades’ Most of the under 5 years of age, the prevalence of malnutrltlon in
information on the magmtude of the problem of earher studies m urban areas of West Bengal was
malnutrltlonwas avallable mamly from the rural areas considered for sample size calculation In one urban area,
Therefore, as per the recommendation of the slate level 7 6 % prevaleme w a s observed4 5 It was used for
workshop on nutntlon’, a survey was undertaken m the determmatlon of sample size, which was calculated to be
Slllgurl mumclpal a r e a with t h e objective o f rapldly 126, based on the formula 4PQ/L*, where P IS the
assessmg the mdgmtude of the problem of malnutrmon as prevalence, Q IS 1-P and L IS the permlsstble error I e. 10%
well as dietary pattern of the famllles Some m the present study The sample size was multlphed by
epldernlologlcal factors associated with malnutrltlonwere design effect on nutrltlonwhlLh was 2”
also explored To study dietary pattern, the sample size was
Material and Methods: determmed based on the data of the lowest magmtude of
Slllgurl IS a sub-dlvlsional town m the DarJeelmg poor which was around 50% as per Bapna (1990-9 I)’ Thus,
dlstrlct ot the state of We\t Bengal The then Slllgurl sample srL!e was found to be 400 Consldermg the average
Mumclpal Corporation had 30 wards with a population of family-sizeof 5, around 80 famllles were to be covered to
2,15,382 Ward-wise population w a s obtamcd from the have an adequate sample size of 400 Therefore, m each
mumclpal authorltles and formed the samplmg frame 30 cluster 2 6 I e 3 famllles were randomly choosen for
cluster samplmg technique, as followed m case of UIP studymg chetary pattern

Indian Journal of Community Medicine Vol. XXV, No.1, Jan.-Mar., 2000

Pretested proforma was used for data collection. questionnaire using 24 hours recall method.
Weight of the children was recorded by Salter weighing
Results and Discussion:
tiachine. Grading of malnutrition was done as per IAP
classification’. Age was assessed either from records or by A total of 316 under five children and 92 families
asking question and comparing it with local events were studied for observing nutritional status and dietary
calendar. The diet survey was carried out by oral pattern respectively.

Table I: Age-wise distribution of malnutrition. &

Age in months Nutritional status

Normal Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV

No(%) No( %) No(%) No(%) No( %)

O-5 (n= 18) 1 l(61.1) 4(22.22) 3( 16.67) 4-J 4-J

6-l 1 (n=39) 16(41.03) I 2( 30.7) 6(15.38) 4( 10.26) l(2.56)

12-23 (n=62) 16(25.81) 17(27.42) 23(37.09) 6(9.68) 4-l

24-35 (n=68) 23(33.82) 23(33.82) 20(29.41) l(l.47) l(l.47)

36-59 (n= 129) 51(39.53) 45(34.88) 25( 19.38) 6(4.65) 2( 1.55)

Total (n=3 16) 117(37.03) 101(31.96) 77(24.37) 17(5.38) 4( 1.27)

Overall prevalence of the malnutrition in children later two studied areas. ICDS surveys conducted at various
under 5 years was found to be 62.97% and prevalence of areas on different occasions also reported similar types of
severe degree malnutrition (Grade III and IV) was 6.65%. observations on malnutrition among children aged 1 to 6
Prevalence of malnutrition in the present study, appeared to ycars4.
be comparauvely lower than the earlier studies in Calcutta Overall prevalence of malnutrition was highest
slums (7S.68%)J.s and Ausgram tribal community of West (74.19%) in the age group 12-23 months. followed by 24-35
Bengal (79.9%)J while the overall prevalence was more or months (66.18%) and 36-59 months (60.47%). But the trend
less same with that of a rural community of Gosaba Block was somewhat different in case of severe degree of
(66%)J.-‘. This could be due to better literacy rate in these malnutrition (Grade III and IV) which was highest in 6-l I
two areas. months of age group (I 2.82%) followed by 12-23 months
Similarly, the prevalence of severe degree of (9.68%) age group. Higher prevalence of severe degree in
malnutrition was also found to be highest in tribal area 6-11 months age group could be due to delayed initiation
(9.26%) followed by Calcutta urban slum area (8.10%) and or faulty complementary feeding practices. However, no
lowest at Gosaba rural area (4.33%)4,“. Findings of the case of severe degree of malnutrition was observed among
present study as regards severe degree was in between the the infants aged O-5 months. The findings of present study

Rapid assessment of nutritional status 15 Ray S.K. et al

Indian Journal of Community Medicine Vol. XXV, No.1, Jan.-Mar., 2000

corroborated with the findings of the studies carried out in observed in prevalence of severe degree of malnutrition,
other areas in relation to severe degree of malnutrition which was almost double in female children (8.47%) in
amongs children under 2 years of ageJ’. Special attention comparison to male children (4.3%). Studies at Ausgram
should be paid to this group of beneficiaries, mainly through
block also revealed similar trcndsJ. Similar observations
ICDS scheme.
were noted in a number of ICDS surveys carried out in this
Sex-wise distribution:
decade which also showed that prevalence of malnutrition
64.74% males and 61.58% females were
was more in females than in male children’. This could be
malnourished. For overall prevalence of malnutrition, the
sex differential was not statistically significant (p >0.05), due to the neglect of female children particularly with
but statistically significant sex difference (~~0.05) was respect to intra familial food distribution.

Parental literacy and malnutrition:

Table II: Parental literacy and malnutrition.

Normal Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV

No(%) No(%) No( 5670) No(%) No(%)

Literate (n=2 13) 9 l(42.72) 69(32.39) 39( 18.3 I ) I l(5.16) 3(1.41)

Illiterate (n=103) 26( 25.24) 32(3 1.07) 38(36.89) 6(5.83) l(O.97)

Total (n=3 16) 117(37.03) lOl(31.96) 77(24.37) 17(5.38) 4( I .27)

Literate (n=142) 64(45.07) 40(28.17) 30(21.13) 6(4.23) 2( I .4 I )

Illiterate (n= 174) 53(30.45) 61(35.06) 47(27.01) I l(6.32) 2(1.15)

Total (n=3 16) 117(37.03) lOl(31.96) 77(24.37) 17(5.38) 4( I .27)

S u b s t a n t i a l d i f f e r e n c e s i n t h e prevalcncc of status of children.

malnutrition were observed among children belonging to Number of siblings, sibling interval and nutritional
illiterate fathers (74.76%) and literate fathers (57.28%) status:
which was statistically significant (~~0.05). It was revealed
It was observed that 56.07% children with two or less
further that the prevalence of malnutrition among the member of siblings,’ were malnourished. On the contrary
children of literate mothers was comparatively lower 71.33% children were malnourished when number of
(54.93%) than the illiterate mothers (69.55%) and the siblings were 3 or more. The difference was statistically
difference was also statistically significant (p<O.O5). Severe significant Q~cO.05). Relationship between sibling interval
malnutrition was also more prevalent in children belonging and nutritional status was also studied. Among the children
to illiterate parents. These findings were indicative of a with sibling interval of less than 36 months, 68.7% children
strong association between parental literacy and nutritional were malnourished. However, the prevalence rate was

Rapid assessment of nutritional status 16 Ray S.K. et al


Indian Journal of Community Medicine Vol. XXV, No.1, Jan.-Mar., 2000

significantly less (~~0.05) in children with sibling interval malnutrition and infection. ?

of 36 months or more. Earlier, studies by Ray et al at both Morbidity due to infectious diseases and nutritional
urban and rural areas also reported higher prevalence of status:
malnutrition in families having more than 3 siblingsY”‘.
Enquiry was made regarding occurrence of some
Immunisation status and malnutrition: major childhood morbidity over a recall period of 15 days.
A significantly higher (p<O.O5) prevalence of It was noted that 37.9% children suffered from diarrhoeal
malnourished children were observed amongst partially episodes. Out of them 75% were having different degrees of
immunised and non-immunised children (81.25% and malnutrition and it was significantly (~~0.05) higher than
88.23% respectively) in comparison to fully immunised the overall prevalence rate (62.97%). Prevalence of severe
children (62.07%). Severe degree of malnutrition was also degree of malnutrition was also more than double (14.58%)
significantly higher (~~0.05) among partially immunised in children who suffered from diarrhoea than the overall
and non-immunised children (12.5% and 1 1.76% prevalence of severe degree of malnutrition (6.65%) which
respectively) in comparison to the fully immunised children was also statistically significant (~~0.05). Among the
(6.89%). This implies that partially and non-immunised children with acute respiratory tract infection, 69.98 percent
children were at higher risk of malnutrition as they were not were suffering from malnutrition with 8.32% having severe
protected against the vaccine preventable diseases degree of malnutrition and both were significantly higher
including measles and contributing to the vicious cycle of than the overall prevalence (~50.05).
+ . . .
Dietary intake pattern: i
, .
Table III: Dietary intake pattern:
Project Area No. of Cereals Pulses GLV Roots Other veg. Fruit Milk Flesh Poultry Sugar/ Oil
families tubers food product Jaggery
Siligurt 92 515.5 34.2 33 132 58.2 101.4 105.1 31.7 5.9 32.6 36.1
(urban) 5‘,
cu=354.7 I’
RDA ,: 460 40 40 50 60 - I50 - - 30 40

GLV = Green leafy vegetables, CU = Consumption unit, RDA = Recommended daily allowances

Diet survey was undertaken in 92 families which regards cereals and starchy foods consumption while it did
constituted a total of 354.7 consumption units. Average not corroborate with the findings related to green leafy
intake of different categories of food-stuff per consumption vegetables consumption4.“.
unit was calculated. Cereals and starchy foods formed the Average calorie intake per consumption unit (CU.) *
main bulk of their diet. Intake of cereals and roots and tubers was found to be 2271.7 K.cals. which is 94.6% of RDA for
were found to be higher than the ICMR recommended daily a sedentary worker as per ICMR recommendation. It was
allowances’*. Intake of pulses, green leafy vegetables, milk further observed that almost half (47.8%) of the studied
and oil was less than the recommended daily allowances”. families were deprived of the basic minimum calories
Findings of the present study corroborated with the other requirement (2400 K.cals.) indicating more vulnerability to
studies carried out at Ausgram, Gosaba and Calcutta as widespread malnutrition and infection,

Rapid assessment of nutritional status Ray S.K. et al

lndlan Journal of Community Medlclne Vol XXV, No 1, Jan.-Mar ,200O

Conclusion: 5 Ray SK, Blswas AB, Kumar S Comparative study of

The present study findmgs amply reveal that problem household food sccurlty and nutrItIonal profile of
of malnutrltlonIS multlfaceted and has lmks with various under five chddren m a rural & urban commumty of
4ocIo-economic a n d dcmographlc f a c t o r s So a West Bengal Indian Journal of Pubhc Health, 1997,
multlprongcd dttack mvolvmg VLLIIOUS depdrtments IS of 42 136-47
utmost concern m order to reach the goal of reducmg 6 Wavne W Dame1 Blostatlstlcs - a foundation for
malnutntlon to half by the end of this century Therefore. an analysis m Health Sciences, 5th EdItIon 1987. 23-60
drea \pcclflc Integrated dccentrallscd pldnnmg as well as 7 Bapna SL Optlon for ensuring household food
sensltlsatlon WOI kshop for the perlpherdl level functIonarIes security rn India, Article prepared for UNICEF, N
on nutrltlon Ielated Issues based on “Triple A” approach Delhi, 1993, l-37
should be planned” a n d conducted with the above 8 Nutrmonal sub-commlttce o f I A P , R e p o r t o f
per$pcLtlve Convenor, Indian Pcdlatr I972,9 360
Acknowledgement: 9 Ray SK, Lahlrl A, Mukhopadhya BB A short
Authors deeply acknowledge UNICEF Calcutta for commumcatlon on some aspeLts of under 5-year
their support and Prlnclpal Medlcal College, Calcutta for cllnlc services at Goda pen-urban commumty, Indian
hmdly pcrmlttlng authors to carry out the study J Commumty MedIcme, 1985, 14 I l4- I I8
References: IO Ray SK, Mukhopadhyd BB Some correlates of
1 Natlonal Family Health Survey International nutrltlonal status of under-fives attendmg a clmlc at
Institute ot Population Sciences, Bombay 1994, I- I7 Rayan village at Burdwan, Ind J Pub H, 1986,30 25
2 Ray SK Report of the Nut1 Itton Workshop, Nutrltlon II Ray SK, De Sarkar S, Lahm A, Mukhopadhya BB A
Sensmsdtlon W o r k s h o p - R e p o r t submItted t o cross-bectlonal study of undernutrltlon In O-5 year age
UNICEF, Deptt of Community Medlclne, Mcdlcal group m an Urban slum Commumty, Ind J Pub H,
College, Calcutta, 1995. I - I9 1987,31 168
3 Govt of India Evaluate service coverage, Trarmng I2 G o p a l a n C , Sastrl B V . Balasubramaman S C
Module, 1992. 6-17 Nutrltlve value of Indian foods, Natlonal Institute of
4 Nutntron, ICMR, Hyderabad, 1985, IO
Ray SK, Blswas AB A strategy development on the
basis of nutrItIonal proflle and household food I3 Reddy V, Rao P, Asastrl GS, Kashlnath K Nutrltlon
security of vulnerable population m West Bengal, trends m India Natlonal Institute of Nutntron, ICMR,
Deptt of Commumty Medlcrne. Medlcdl College, Hyderabad, 1993, l-32
Calcutta, 1994, Report submltted to UNICEF, I4 UNICEF, The state of the world’s children Oxford
Calcutta, 9-40 Umverslty Press, 1998,40-4 I.

Rapid assessment of nutritional status 18 RaySK &al

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