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Lesson 13: New France from

1663 to 1701
Economic Diversification
◼ Importance of diversifying the economy
▪ France was too dependent on fur trade; need to develop new industries

◼ New industries in the colony

▪ New seed ( ax hemp) Animal husbandry (cows pigs)

▪ Artisanal work and crafts work

▪ Ironworks and mining (copper and coal)

▪ Breweries (beer)

▪ Tanneries (leather)

▪ Ship building

◼ Success or failure?
Failure; low demand (already had in Europe) and expensive(high shipping costs)

Reorganization of the Fur Trade
◼ Everyone can participate = entry of the Coureurs de bois.
▪ Coureurs de bois
▪ Sold fur illegally (no permit)
▪ Problem caused by the Coureurs de bois
▪ Selling too many beaver pelts = decreased value of fur

◼ Congé system & the Voyageurs

▪ Goal: Supply Demand Price
▪ Congé system
▪ 25 trade permit/year were issued to keep the supply of fur low

◼ Beaver Crisis 1696

Coureurs de bois continue to sell fur illegally; decrease its value
▪ Supply Demand Price
▪ Consequence
▪ Closed trading posts and reduced hunting territories
Territorial Expansion
◼ Three motivations to expand the territory:
▪ Expand trade networks to collect fur

▪ Claim land before the English colonized it

▪ Evangelize indigenous people

◼ Five regions of New France

▪ Canada
▪ Acadia
▪ Pays D’En Haut
▪ Louisiana
▪ Illinois Country
Indigenous warfare and diplomacy
◼ Alliances and First Nations culture
▪ Trade alliance = military alliance
▪ Rituals & gift giving
▪ Indigenous people performed liales and gave gift to French, to
symbolize their respect and value of the alliance

◼ Iroquois Confederacy vs. French

▪ Issue in the Pays D’En Haut
Iroquois were trying to disrupt trade networks and French’s indigenous allies were ghting

each other
▪ Problem?
Negative impact on fur trade; French needed to resolve the issues in this region
Peace agreement between French and 40 indigenous group

◼ Great Peace of Montreal 1701

▪ Three agreements
▪ All fur obtained in pay s D’en haut, had to be traded to the French
▪Iroquois had to remain neutral in any con icts between the English and French
▪Governor of New France would resolve any issues between the indigenous group that sig

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