2021BPNL003 (Shimla Development Plan)

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2021Bpln003-Ch. Vanlalmuanpuia
Contents of introduction

01 02 03
Planning area
Context Methodology profile

04 05 06
Demographic Economic Vision and
profile profile Development
Perceived and established by the British during colonial period in
the first half of 19th century as their Summer Capital, Shimla
acquired global fame by the time British left in 1947. Located at a
commanding site in the interior Himalayas, connected by road, rail
and air, it has emerged a preferred destination for the tourists
from all over the world. Known as the 'Queen of Hill Stations', it has
become a multifunctional city along with dominance of tourism,
administrative and institutional activities. Over the years Shimla
City has become -congested and crowded and requires meticulous
approach to harness its tourism potential, on one hand and to
rehabilitate the spill-over functions suitably with public
participation, on the other
Project Background
The development plan is prepared considering AMRUT objectives:
i. To Ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured
supply of water and a sewerage connection;
Developed with a lot of taste by the British, Shimla has retained its ii. To Increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery
old world charm due to conservation/renovation of various heritage and well maintained open spaces (e.g. parks);
buildings like the Gaiety Theatre, Railway Board building, Garton iii. To reduce pollution by switching to public transport or
Castle, Vice Regal Lodge etc. To preserve its unique identity, the constructing facilities for nonmotorized transport (e.g. walking
Municipal Area has been divided into Green, Core and Non-Core areas. and cycling). One purpose of the Mission is to improve governance
Building restrictions are in force in the core and green area. This has through a set of Reforms. During the Mission period, 11 Reforms
enabled the conservation of rich green cover, which makes Shimla an will be implemented, of which Preparation of Development Plan
attractive destination. using GIS is one of the most important reforms
Methodology for the Preparation of Development Plan, 2041
Project Monitoring and Review: The Consultant’s work has been
monitored and reviewed by the Consultancy Evaluation and Review
Committee (CERC) under the Chairmanship of the Director, TCP (as a
requisite in RFP document). The other memebers of the CERC are
State Town Planner Member, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation,
Shimla Member, Town & Country Planner, Shimla Member, Chief
Planner, TCPO/MoUD or his representative Member and Town &
Country Planner (HQ).
Stakeholder/Public Consulations : The main purpose of the
Stakeholder Consultation Meetings and Workshops was to get the
brief understanding about the Shimla from the local people and
prima facie understand the issues that the people of Shimla are
facing and to get a holistic idea of socioeconomic profile of the
Consultation meetings with representative of the
Ghanahati, Shoghi,Kufri Special Areaand MC Shimla Council
Shimla Planning area profile The population of Shimla is around 2.41 lakh as per census 2011. In
the event of growth in population due to capital city and
The entire planning area comprises of a total of 375 villages.
administartive heqd quarter of the State , and the resulting need
to ease traffic chaos, regulate construction activities and provide
services infrastructure to the residents, a perspective strategy
has been chalked out to uphold the original character of Shimla,
on one hand and to make it technologically a viable and
competitive modern city
Location and Regional Connectivity
Shimla is located at an
elevation of 2130 m
above mean sea level on
a ridge, it is the largest
hilltop town of northern

It is situated on the last Traverse spur of the Central

Himalayas, at 31°40 north to 31°100 north latitude and 77°50
east to 77°150 east longitude. It is 87 kilometers from Kalka.
Shimla Planning Area is spread over an area of 22,450
Hectares. It has a panoramic view and scenic beauty all
around. The city is an unique combination of hills, spurs and
Demographic Profile
The total population of the Shimla Planning Area in addition to the three Special Areas namely Kufri, Shoghi and Ghanahatti, the
Additional Planning Area and Jutogh Cantonment Area is about 2,41,429 persons (as per Census of India, 2011).
This constitutes 29.6% of the total population of the district Shimla which was 8,14,010 persons as per Census 2011. As per census of
India, population of Shimla Municipal Corporation in 2011 was 1,69,578 of which male and female were 93,152 and 76,426 respectively.

The Population Growth rate of Shimla Planning Area

including the newly added villages of Additional Panning
Area in 2007, was 17.92% between 2001 to 2011, while the
entire planning area demonstrated a growth rate
between 15-25%, Ghanahatti Special Area had a growth
rate of just 4.08%, the lowest of all.

However, the population growth rate of Shimla Planning

Area (including MC Shimla, Kufri, Shoghi and Ghanahatti
As can be seen from the map above, the population growth rate Special Areas) has been observed to have slowed down
has been higher in the areas, which are outside the MC Shimla since the year 2001 as the growth rate has decreased to
and adjacent to National / State Highways and the arterial roads. about 18% in 2011 from 35% in 2001.
economic Profile
Shimla being a Capital of State is known for administration and commercial activities, apart from tourism and institutions. Shimla
is the only major urban centre in Himachal Pradesh connected with rest of India both by rail and road. It is also well connected with
rest of Himachal Pradesh. All these factors have made Shimla a goods collection and distribution centre. Relevance of Shimla as a
commercial centre is increasing with increase in population and urbanisation.
Primary Activities
Farming and Horticulture are the main primary activities observed at a large scale in the villages
in additional planning area as well as in Kufri, Ghanahati and Shoghi Special Areas because of the
low rate of Urbanization in the region.

Primary Economic Activity in the

Shimla Planning Area

Secondary Activities
Shimla town has majorly small scale and service industries. The major factors that had been limiting the industrialization are the
inhospitable geographical features, inadequate and exorbitant cost of transport facilities and the absence of market in proximity.
However, the traditional small scale industries like wool spinning, weaving, basket making
and metal work, that use the local resources are still lingering but in vain without attaining
progress. Presently there are about 450 small scale and service industries operating in
Shimla Planning area. These units are classified under the seven broad categories. About
2300 workers are employed in them.
Types of industries and units
Vision and Development Strategy
The development plan is prepared considering AMRUT objectives:
i. To ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage connection.
ii. To Increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open spaces.
iii. To reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for nonmotorized transport.

Swot analysis
Strengths - Shimla is one of the most popular tourist destinations at national and international level
Weakness - Lack of Proper Junction Design results in traffic congestion & bottleneck situation
Opportunities - Treated Sewerage might be useful for power generation in the near future.
Threats - Residential and Tourist density of most of the wards in core Shimla area are already high in comparison to URDPFI Norms

Vision for Shimla

Living environment through Optimal Use of Resources
proper planning and design
Maintain its Character & Image

• Reduce Pressure on the Core City Area. • Protection of eco – sensitive areas
• Effective Implementation of Building • Development of more footpaths Development of Shimla as – tourism
Bye Laws. • Conservation of heritage buildings network Centre
• Identification of newer areas for the • Introduction of Urban Design Guidelines • Encouragement to eco-tourism
future development. • Development of Pedestrian Public • Diversify the New economy
• Strengthening the existing Road spaces
Network, Proposals of New Roads, • Development of more open spaces-
Improvement in public Transportation parks & Garden

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