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Emilio Martinez

Professor Van Sant

History 1301
November 21,2021
Wars of Nation
As President Abe Lincoln takes office after the Election of 1860, he faces both

secessions within the states and wars erupting from everywhere. Lincoln begins to talk of

abolishing slavery, angering the south and the men who believe slavery built their nation or had a

hand in the frame of their lands. Soon it started to become a bigger problem as the southern

states threatened secession from the United States in order to keep slavery within their regions.

The south (the confederates) and the north (the union) soon went to war in which became known

as the Bull Run Battle or Picnic battle.

While many had believed it would be an easy win for the union and quite short, they

couldn’t have been more wrong for it lasted almost four to five years. Though many had come to

watch and be entertained they soon realized this was going to be a blood bath and would have to

scurry for safety. The Confederates and the Union while in battle were being killed off fast and

in many gores some ways, resulting in new ways to preserve the body for their family. This led

to the embalming of bodies in order to preserve the body of family members who had died

during the battle.

Not quite long after former slaves and African Americans were allowed to enlist within

the army helping them within the battles they were to fight. They were to help either the south or

north within the battles and to also die in the honor of their regions. But even after the battles,

slaves within the south were forced back into plantations to go back to regular labors given to


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