Erasmus Soruları

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Soru 1

2 Puan
The first part of the journey starts from ___
1. the Channel Tunnel
2. London
3. Paris
4. London to the Channel Tunnel


Soru 2
2 Puan
They will pick up some more passengers ___
1. from nowhere
2. in London
3. near the Channel Tunnel
4. in Paris


Soru 3
2 Puan
How long will it take to get to Paris?
1. over an hour
2. about four hours
3. about two hours
4. about one hour


Soru 4
2 Puan
What should passengers do with their passports?
1. leave them with their steward
2. show whenever needed
3. carry them at all times
4. lock them away


Soru 5
2 Puan
The breakfast tomorrow morning will be served ___
1. when they are passing by the mountains
2. in the restaurant
3. in their cabins
4. before 7 a.m.


Soru 6
2 Puan
When should passengers be in the restaurant car for dinner?
1. 8.15 p.m.
2. 7.45 p.m.
3. 8.30 p.m.
4. 8.00 p.m.


Soru 7
2 Puan
What will the passengers do when the train gets to the Italian border?

1. go on a tour
2. change trains
3. have a short break
4. have lunch in a local cafe


Soru 8
2 Puan
At the stop when they get to the Italian border, passengers will ___
1. have more than five hours there
2. see a museum and a castle
3. see an old church
4. not visit any local places


Soru 9
2 Puan
Passengers can ___
1. take their food to the restaurant
2. eat and drink on the train
3. do whatever they like
4. have their drinks in the lounge


Soru 10
2 Puan
What should passengers not do?
1. leave the train before it gets to Italy
2. be late to get to their trains
3. move anywhere on the train apart from their cabinets
4. open their cabin window




Soru 11
2 Puan
It was only after she had overcome her shyness that she started to make some friends.
1. Her ability to make friends helped her to overcome her shyness.
2. She felt much more confident when she had a few friends.
3. As her shyness gradually decreased, more people wanted to be friends with her
4. Until she overcame it, her shyness had prevented her from making friends with


Soru 12
2 Puan
No one under eighteen is allowed in the club, and you will be no exception.

1. The rule that those under eighteen are forbidden from entering the club is applicable
to you, too.
2. No one in the club is under eighteen, but you are an exception.
3. The club is only for people over eighteen, so you might not be allowed in
4. Now that you are eighteen, you will be allowed in the club


Soru 13
2 Puan
It isn't just that the level of education of this school is high, it’s that it’s also been consistent
for years
1. Not only are the standards good in this school, but also it has maintained those
standards over the years.
2. The level of education in this school, which is usually quite high, shows only slight
variations from year to year.
3. The standard of education is not high in this school, but at least all the students are
at the same level.
4. It may be typical that the school has set itself such a high average for this year, but it
certainly isn’t proper.


Soru 14
2 Puan
It wasn’t the best film I’ve ever seen, but it was definitely above average.
1. I’ve never seen such a good film in such an ordinary cinema
2. I can only remember ever seeing one film better than that one
3. The film was better than most, though I have seen better ones
4. I’ve seen a lot of boring films, but that one is the worst

Soru 15
2 Puan
We narrowly avoided an accident with a coach by managing to stop quickly.

1. If the coach hadn’t stopped so suddenly, we wouldn’t have had the accident.
2. It was such a narrow road that we nearly had an accident with a coach
3. The gap we had left between us and the coach was too narrow to avoid an accident
4. We would have had an accident with a coach if we hadn’t come to a stop so quickly.


Soru 16
2 Puan
It’s more than a couple of years since I last went there.
1. I had never been there until the year before last.
2. I have visited them twice over the last two years.
3. I haven’t been there since my visit over a few years ago
4. I have never stayed there for longer than two years.




Soru 17
2 Puan
In order to install the new heating system, …………………………. .
1. that will considerably increase the bills this winter
2. there won’t be enough hot water to take a bath
3. which the upstairs neighbours highly recommended to us
4. the builders had to make a number of holes in the wall for the pipes


Soru 18
2 Puan
You may find it difficult to operate the machine ……………………..
1. as if you knew which button to press in order to start it
2. even though there is a good instruction booklet with it
3. no matter how complex it certain functions are
4. or it is best to leave it someone else


Soru 19
2 Puan
…………………… , you should check the taximeter carefully.
1. Make sure that the route is definitely the right one
2. Since there is no way to check petrol levels
3. Because all vehicles are equipped with modern speed devices
4. If you want to avoid paying more than the journey really costs





Soru 20
2 Puan
Of Turkish descent born in Bulgaria, Naim Suleimanov was a boy wonder who set his first world
record in weight lifting at the age of 16. Because of his small stature, he was nicknamed ‘The
Pocket Hercules’. He missed his first chance at Olympic success in 1984 when Bulgaria joined the
Soviet boycott of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Soon afterward, the Communists in Bulgaria
forced its Turkish minority to take Bulgarian names, and he was then known internationally as
Naum Shalamanov. While on a trip to the World Cup Final in Melbourne in 1986, Suleimanov
defected and reappeared in Turkey, where he applied for citizenship. He also changed his name
from the Bulgarian Suleimanov/ Shalamanov to the Turkish Süleymanoğlu. A battle over which
country he would represent in the 1988 Seoul Olympics arose. The Bulgarian government asked
for, and received $1.000.000 from Turkiye to allow Naim to compete for Turkiye.

It is clear from the passage that, in order for Naim to compete in the 1988 Seoul
Olympics, _______.
1. a large amount of money was paid to Bulgaria
2. Turkiye applied for his citizenship
3. he went to Melbourne
4. Turkiye gave him a new name


Soru 21
2 Puan
Of Turkish descent born in Bulgaria, Naim Suleimanov was a boy wonder who set his first world
record in weight lifting at the age of 16. Because of his small stature, he was nicknamed ‘The
Pocket Hercules’. He missed his first chance at Olympic success in 1984 when Bulgaria joined the
Soviet boycott of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Soon afterward, the Communists in Bulgaria
forced its Turkish minority to take Bulgarian names, and he was then known internationally as
Naum Shalamanov. While on a trip to the World Cup Final in Melbourne in 1986, Suleimanov
defected and reappeared in Turkey, where he applied for citizenship. He also changed his name
from the Bulgarian Suleimanov/ Shalamanov to the Turkish Süleymanoğlu. A battle over which
country he would represent in the 1988 Seoul Olympics arose. The Bulgarian government asked
for, and received $1.000.000 from Turkiye to allow Naim to compete for Turkiye.

It is clear from the passage that, although Naim was born in Bulgaria, ___
1. his mother and father were born in Turkiye
2. he didn’t like Bulgarian culture
3. his ancestors were Turkish
4. he has always had a Turkish name


Soru 22
2 Puan
Of Turkish descent born in Bulgaria, Naim Suleimanov was a boy wonder who set his first world
record in weight lifting at the age of 16. Because of his small stature, he was nicknamed ‘The
Pocket Hercules’. He missed his first chance at Olympic success in 1984 when Bulgaria joined the
Soviet boycott of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Soon afterward, the Communists in Bulgaria
forced its Turkish minority to take Bulgarian names, and he was then known internationally as
Naum Shalamanov. While on a trip to the World Cup Final in Melbourne in 1986, Suleimanov
defected and reappeared in Turkey, where he applied for citizenship. He also changed his name
from the Bulgarian Suleimanov/ Shalamanov to the Turkish Süleymanoğlu. A battle over which
country he would represent in the 1988 Seoul Olympics arose. The Bulgarian government asked
for, and received $1.000.000 from Turkiye to allow Naim to compete for Turkiye.

Naim did not compete in the 1984 Olympics games because ______
1. he had defected from the Soviets whilst in Australia
2. he wasn’t good enough at that time
3. the Soviets were not entering any athletes into the games
4. the sporting community did not like communists


Soru 23
2 Puan
Although many people smoke because they believe cigarettes calm their nerves, smoking
releases epinephrine, a hormone which creates physiological stress in the smoke, rather than
relaxation. The use of tobacco is addictive. Most users develop tolerance for nicotine and need
greater amounts to produce a desired effect. Smokers become physically and psychologically
dependent and will suffer withdrawal symptoms including changes in body temperature, heart rate,
digestion, muscle tone, and appetite. Psychological symptoms include irritability, anxiety, sleep
disturbances, nervousness, headaches, fatigue,and cravings for tobacco that can last days, weeks,
months, years, or an entire lifetime.

We can understand from the passage that _______

1. cigarette smoking calms the smoker
2. when one smokes, he will be relaxed.
3. non- smokers are more liable dangers of smoking
4. smokers suffer from physiological stress as they smoke


Soru 24
2 Puan
Although many people smoke because they believe cigarettes calm their nerves, smoking
releases epinephrine, a hormone which creates physiological stress in the smoke, rather than
relaxation. The use of tobacco is addictive. Most users develop tolerance for nicotine and need
greater amounts to produce a desired effect. Smokers become physically and psychologically
dependent and will suffer withdrawal symptoms including changes in body temperature, heart rate,
digestion, muscle tone, and appetite. Psychological symptoms include irritability, anxiety, sleep
disturbances, nervousness, headaches, fatigue,and cravings for tobacco that can last days, weeks,
months, years, or an entire lifetime.

According to the passage, epinephrine is _____

1. a hormone which causes relaxation in the smoker
2. a hormone which stimulates distress in the smoker
3. a drug used against the side effects of smoking
4. an addictive which helps people to feel relieved

Soru 25
2 Puan
Although many people smoke because they believe cigarettes calm their nerves, smoking
releases epinephrine, a hormone which creates physiological stress in the smoke, rather than
relaxation. The use of tobacco is addictive. Most users develop tolerance for nicotine and need
greater amounts to produce a desired effect. Smokers become physically and psychologically
dependent and will suffer withdrawal symptoms including changes in body temperature, heart rate,
digestion, muscle tone, and appetite. Psychological symptoms include irritability, anxiety, sleep
disturbances, nervousness, headaches, fatigue,and cravings for tobacco that can last days, weeks,
months, years, or an entire lifetime.
The main topic discussed in the paragraph is ________
1. facts about cigarette smoking
2. how beneficial smoking is to our health
3. advantages of smoking
4. quitting smoking




Soru 26
2 Puan
The July heat in Adana is _____; it is so hot that you can’t go outside during the day.
1. tasteful
2. valuable
3. delightful
4. unbearable


Soru 27
2 Puan
Erin was very disappointed when the shop assistant said that the dress she wanted was not
available in her ______ .
1. size
2. style
3. model
4. expectation


Soru 28
2 Puan
You shouldn’t treat people _____ , everyone deserves tenderness, tolerance and
1. passionately
2. practically
3. recklessly
4. harshly

Soru 29
2 Puan
My brothers have a fierce _____ going on between them; they both want to outdo the other in
1. competition
2. argument
3. controversy
4. occasion


Soru 30
2 Puan
If you want a chance at getting the job, you must be dressed _____ for the interview- don’t
wear a T-shirt and blue jeans.
1. appropriately
2. promptly
3. casually
4. formerly


Soru 31
2 Puan
In 1881, Oscar Wilde published a selection of his poems, but these ____ admiration in only a
limited circle.
1. objected
2. regarded
3. attracted
4. deceived


Soru 32
2 Puan
More countries today ____ importance to moving forward on issues like biological weapons.
1. attach
2. postpone
3. initiate
4. recollect


Soru 33
2 Puan
Today political leaders must work more ____ with each other to end growing environmental
1. closely
2. merely
3. especially
4. vitally


Soru 34
2 Puan
Hibernation lasts weeks or months, which allows animals to _____ energy during the winter.
1. oppose
2. emphasize
3. conserve
4. undergo




Soru 35
2 Puan
Dentist: You don't seem to brush your teeth regularly.
Patient: ---------------
Dentist: You know how bad they are for general health, don't you?
Patient: Of course, I do. But I can't stop myself.
1. I don't but I promise that I will from now on.
2. I'm warning you. You can't insult me like this.
3. Actually, I do, but I eat a lot of sweets.
4. I've brushed my teeth regularly since I was a child.


Soru 36
2 Puan
Jake: How did you like the movie you saw last night?
Karen: I can't say it was the best I've ever seen.
Jake: ---------------
Karen: Certainly not. Do not waste your time.
1. What do you mean by saying it depends?
2. Hadn't you read the reviews before you went to see it?
3. I knew I could always count on you.
4. Then you wouldn't recommend it, would you?


Soru 37
2 Puan
Napoleon was a very famous general. He also did a great deal to bring law and order back to
his country. _____ People remember how he was defeated in the Russian campaign and how
he died on the island of St. Helena.
1. But somehow it is his failures that he is known for
2. He kept this title of Emperor until his death.
3. The importance of the French Revolution is still being discussed
4. Napoleon's rise to fame was fast

Soru 38
2 Puan
There has been much debate as to whether history should be treated as a branch of science
rather than of literature......... Moreover, as regards part of the argument, the minds of the
contestants have not met, the propositions advanced by the two sides being neither mutually
incompatible nor mutually relevant. There is, however, a real basis for conflict in so far as
science claims exclusive possession of the field.
1. Even scholars of the ancient past were trying to define fine arts and its relation with
other fields
2. As with most such discussions, much of the matter in dispute has referred merely to
3. We can thus henceforth call the two an integral part of science
4. From sometime literature and history got along with each other


Soru 39
2 Puan
(I) Seeing her newly-born baby for the first time is surely the happiest moment in a mother's
life. (II) And the latest technology is able to provide virtually every couple with the opportunity of
having a baby. (III) But for many women around the world this moment is filled with shame and
distress. (IV) This is because baby girls in theThird World are seen as second class. (V) Thus their
lives are filled with problems, from the denial of education and the right to own property, to
violence and physical abuse.
1. I
2. III
3. IV
4. II


Soru 40
2 Puan
(I) Life expectancy depends on many things, including diet and access to health care. (II) Overall,
however, it reflects the conditions under which life is lived. (III) In some countries, life is so
difficult that the average person cannot hope to live out five decades. (IV) With a few exceptions,
most of the world's countries have lost large percentages of their natural ecosystems to
development and agriculture. (V) Many of these countries are in Africa, due to the terrible poverty,
famine, and civil war that afflict that continent.
1. II
2. I
3. III

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