Características Asociadas Con La Actividad Física Entre Niños y Adolescentes Con Parálisis Cerebral Unilateral Que Caminan de Forma Independiente

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Characteristics associated with physical activity among

independently ambulant children and adolescents with unilateral
cerebral palsy
1 Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Herston, Qld; 2 Children’s Health Queensland, Queensland Health,
Brisbane, Qld; 3 School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld, Australia.
Correspondence to Louise Mitchell at The University of Queensland – Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre Level 7, Block 6 Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
Herston, Herston, Queensland 4029, Australia. E-mail:

This article is commented on by Peterson on pages 114–115 of this issue.

PUBLICATION DATA AIM This study aimed to quantify the contribution of physical, personal and environmental
Accepted for publication 4th June 2014. characteristics to physical activity among independently ambulant children with unilateral
Published online 22nd August 2014. cerebral palsy (CP).
METHOD One-hundred and two children with unilateral CP (52 males, 50 females; 52 right
ABBREVIATIONS hemiplegia; mean age 11y 3mo, range 8–17y [SD 2y 4mo]) classified at Gross Motor Function
LIFE-H Assessment of Life Habits Classification System (GMFCS) levels I = 44 and II = 58 participated. Physical activity was
Mob- 28-item Mobility Questionnaire measured over 4 days using ActiGraph accelerometers recording as activity counts. GMFCS,
Ques28 functional strength, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), mobility limitations (MobQues28), age, sex,
MVPA Moderate to vigorous intensity Assessment of Life-Habits recreation domain, Participation and Environment Measure for
physical activity Children and Youth (PEM-CY) and environmental characteristics were considered for
PEM-CY Participation and Environment selection in a linear regression model. These served as independent variables which were
Measure for Children and determined using a backwards selection procedure.
Youth RESULTS Younger age, male sex, increased performance on the 6MWT, and increased
SEIFA Socio-Economic Indexes for participation in the home and community measured using the PEM-CY were significantly
Areas associated with activity counts (p<0.001). However, the model fit was somewhat weak
6MWT Six-minute walk test (R2=0.32), indicating that much of the variation was unexplained. Older age and reduced
community participation were associated with high inactivity (p<0.001).
INTERPRETATION Physical activity interventions should primarily target adolescents and
females. Walking endurance and participation in the home and community may represent
modifiable characteristics to increase physical activity.

Regular participation in physical activity is important for dren with CP and disabilities. Personal characteristics such
physical, mental and social health in all children and ado- as self-esteem and perceived competence are known to influ-
lescents, including those with a disability.1 Cerebral palsy ence participation in sports and physical activity.5,7 Family
(CP) describes a group of disorders of movement and pos- characteristics, including lifestyle, available time, positive
ture which cause activity limitations, attributed to non- role modelling and financial resources also influence partici-
progressive disturbances that occur in the developing fetal pation in physical activity.5,7 Within the community, physi-
or infant brain.2 As CP is the most common physical dis- cal activity can be further limited by a lack of nearby
ability in childhood,3 participation in regular physical facilities, transportation, suitable activity programmes,
activity should be promoted to enhance health, function equipment or social support.5,7 Typically, barriers to physi-
and fitness. Despite the importance of regular participation cal activity have been identified through qualitative studies,
in physical activity, children with CP are less physically and there has been limited research aimed at quantifying the
active than children with typical development.4 influence of personal, family or environmental characteris-
For children with disabilities including CP, gross motor tics on physical activity in children with CP. Where this has
functional limitations are likely to affect physical activity.5–7 been undertaken, severe functional limitations measured at
Children with CP also typically present with reduced car- Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) lev-
diorespiratory fitness and muscle strength which may influ- els IV or V and low body mass index have been found to be
ence daily function and contribute to reduced physical associated with reduced reported physical activity.9 Higher
activity.8 There are, however, many more factors beyond GMFCS level (Level III), bilateral distribution of motor
impairment contributing to reduced physical activity in chil- impairment and not participating in a sporting club on

© 2014 Mac Keith Press DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12560 167

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weekend days have also been associated with lower ambula- What this paper adds
tory activity in children with CP.6 Studies such as these are • Increased walking endurance is associated with increased physical activity.
important in determining the influence of potentially modi- • Increased participation in the home and community is associated with
fiable characteristics on physical activity that can help guide increased physical activity.
the development of interventions to increase physical activ- • Increasing age and reduced community participation are associated with
high inactivity.
ity for this population.
This study aimed to quantify the extent to which physi- titions of sit to stand, lateral step up using a 20cm step and
cal, personal and environmental characteristics are associ- half-kneel to standing over a 30-second period. A composite
ated with physical activity in a group of independently score was created summing repetitions from each task which
ambulant children with unilateral CP. was used to create a single variable in the linear modelling
procedure. The 6MWT was performed using standardized
METHOD verbal encouragement along a flat, straight, 10m corridor
Participants with cones marking the turn-around at each end as per Ma-
This study describes a cross-sectional analysis of baseline her et al.15 and the distance in metres recorded. The Mob-
assessments from 102 children from the Mitii Australia Ques28 is a parent-reported questionnaire which scores
study for which recruitment, methods, outcome measures, limitations for indoor and outdoor mobility activities, for
and their psychometric properties and analysis has been example, riding a bicycle or walking on uneven surfaces with
described in detail in the study protocol.10 In brief, 102 a total score calculated using the formula: MobQues28 = (Σ
children (52 males, 50 females; mean age 11y 3mo, range Item scores/112)*100.16
8–17y [SD 2y 4mo]) with unilateral CP and classified at Personal characteristics included participant age and sex,
GMFCS levels I and II.11 As Mitii is primarily an upper- and recreational participation measured using the Assess-
limb intervention, children were excluded if they had under- ment of Life Habits (LIFE-H) recreation domain. The
gone upper-limb botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT-A) LIFE-H assesses a person’s ability to perform everyday
injections or surgery in the previous 2 or 6 months, respec- tasks producing a domain-weighted score ranging
tively. Additionally, children were excluded if they had from 0 to 10, calculated using the formula: Domain
unstable epilepsy or medical conditions which would Score = (ΣScores*10)/(number of applicable life habits*9).
prohibit Mitii training. Written and informed consent was The recreation domain of the LIFE-H assesses the child’s
obtained from parents or guardians and all participants ability to participate during recreational tasks, such as
>12 years of age before entering the trial. Ethical approval indoor and outdoor sporting or play activities, and the level
was obtained by the Medical Ethics Committee of The of difficulty and assistance required during participation.17
University of Queensland (2011000608), The Royal Chil- Environmental characteristics were measured using the
dren’s Hospital Brisbane (HREC/11/QRCH/35) and the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and
Cerebral Palsy Alliance Ethics Committee (2013-04-01). Youth (PEM-CY), which examines the frequency of partic-
Australian clinical trials registration number: ACTRN12 ipation in home, school and community environments (cal-
611001174976. culated by the mean participation frequency within each
domain on a scale of 0–7, representing never participates
Procedures and materials to daily participation), and the extent to which features of
Physical activity was recorded using an ActiGraph GT3X+ these environments are perceived to support or challenge
tri-axial accelerometer (ActiGraph Corporation, Pensacola, the young person’s participation.18 Environmental and
FL, USA) initialized according to manufacturer specifica- family characteristics were also recorded via a parent or
tions to record step counts and accelerations at a frequency caregiver questionnaire including demographic information
of 100Hz in 5-second epochs. ActiGraph units were fitted such as household annual income, family structure includ-
on an elastic belt worn at the level of the iliac crest on the ing number of siblings, maternal and paternal education,
mid-axilla line of the least impaired side of the body and and the school environment (special education or main-
participants were instructed to wear the device for all stream primary and secondary school). Postal code was
waking hours for four consecutive days (including two recorded and converted using Socio-Economic Indexes for
weekend and two week days where possible). During this Areas (SEIFA) providing a relative index of socio-economic
time, parents registered the wear time of the device on an advantage and disadvantage.19
activity diary. Accelerometers have good validity and
reliability for children with CP.12,13
Physical characteristics thought to be associated with Statistical analysis
physical activity were GMFCS levels I or II,11 physical activ- Acceleration data were downloaded to a personal computer
ity capacity measured using functional strength and 6-min- and manipulated in ActiLife software v6 (ActiGraph Cor-
ute walk test (6MWT), and mobility limitations measured poration). Device wear time was validated by visually
using the 28-item Mobility Questionnaire (MobQues28). inspecting the activity diary and comparing to acceleration
Functional strength was tested according to the protocol data in ActiLife. All representative and complete data
outlined by Verschuren et al.14 which records maximal repe- (where >8h of data were recorded each day) were included

168 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2015, 57: 167–174

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in the analysis and where activity counts values of zero (Table I). Of the 102 participants enrolled in the study, 99
occurred for >20 minutes, this was deemed as non-wear completed a baseline assessment. Of those, 91 returned
time and excluded from the analysis using ActiLife valid ActiGraph recordings (89%). On average, participants
software algorithms. Vertical axis activity counts were con- recorded 438 (234) counts/minute, were inactive for 8:26
verted to activity intensity using Evenson cut points20 to (1:55) hours and participated in 0:43 (0:25) hours MVPA
provide a total of daily time spent inactive (≤100 vertical daily. Results for differences in physical activity by
counts/min), at light intensity (101–2295 vertical counts/ GMFCS level, age and sex are presented in Table II.
min) and at moderate to vigorous intensity (MVPA; ≥2296 Pearson and Spearman correlations were calculated to
vertical counts/min). To account for differences in wear select variables correlated with physical activity counts
time between participants, wear time was standardized to (Table III). From this, variables selected for stage one of
12h using the formula: (time spent in activity state/wear the linear regression model included 6MWT, PEM-CY
time)*12. Average activity counts/minute, standardized home, school and community participation, age, sex and
inactive time and MVPA over 4 days were used for the lin- SEIFA score (Table III) and were significantly associated
ear regression modelling. with physical activity counts (p<0.001; Table IV). Two
Data were collated in Microsoft Excel 2010 (Microsoft extreme multivariate outliers were identified using Maha-
Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) and analyzed using lanobois’ distance and therefore removed. In both
IBM SPSS v22 (IBM Corp., New York, NY, USA). Contin- instances, both participants recorded low functional
uous data were examined for normality by visually inspect- strength scores and low school participation. Homoscedas-
ing histograms and with the Shapiro–Wilk test. All of ticity was examined via several scatterplots and these
these variables were normally distributed. As physical activ- indicated reasonable consistency of spread through the
ity data were normally distributed and variances were distributions. Colinearity between variables was not found
equal, differences in physical activity between groups were with all correlations and colinearity statistics within accept-
calculated using independent t-tests and linear regression able ranges. Variables selected using the backward selec-
was performed. Standard multiple linear regression was tion procedure for inclusion in the final model were
calculated using the following steps: variables were corre- 6MWT laps, PEM-CY home and community participa-
lated with activity counts using Pearson or where non- tion, age and sex. There was a significant association
normally distributed, Spearman correlation coefficients (q); between selected variables and physical activity counts
variables with q>0.20 were entered as independent vari- (p<0.001). However, model fit was somewhat weak
ables into a direct linear regression model; since no a (R2=0.32), indicating that much of the variation was unex-
priori hypotheses had been made to determine the order of plained (Table IV). A secondary series of analyses were
entry of predictor variables, a backward selection proce- conducted for children who participated in high levels of
dure was employed which selected up to five variables with physical activity and those who were highly inactive, with
significant regression co-efficient values p<0.20; and correlations and results of the regression analyses presented
another linear regression analysis was conducted with the in Tables III and IV.
selected variables to form the final model. Assumptions of
the model were checked, including normality, co-linearity, DISCUSSION
homoscedasticity and Mahalanobois’ distance. For the This study aimed to quantify the extent to which physical,
primary analysis, activity counts served as the dependent personal and environmental characteristics were associated
variable, with age, sex, GMFCS, functional strength with physical activity in a group of independently ambulant
composite score, 6MWT laps, MobQues28 total score, children with unilateral CP. Overall, characteristics associ-
LIFE-H, PEM-CY home, school and community score, ated with increased physical activity were younger age,
household income, siblings, parent education and SEIFA male sex, increased walking endurance, and increased par-
score considered as independent variables in the model. ticipation in the home and community measured using the
Where required, categorical variables were dummy coded: PEM-CY. Looking more specifically at participants record-
sex (0: males, 1: females), household income (0: <$50 000 ing high levels of physical activity or inactivity, high levels
annually, 1: >$50 000 annually). Secondary analyses were of MVPA were associated with younger age, male sex and
completed with two subsets of data: first, where children increased community participation measured, whereas high
participated in high levels of physical activity (≥40min levels of inactivity were associated with older age, and
MVPA daily), with time spent in MPVA as the dependent reduced community participation.
variable; and second, where children were predominantly The personal characteristics which most influenced
inactive with ≥75% of time spent inactive, with time inac- physical activity in independently ambulant children with
tive as the dependent variable. Data are presented as mean unilateral CP were sex and age. This is consistent with
(standard deviation) and a was set at 0.05. previous research in children with CP6,9,21 and children
with typical development22 where males and children
RESULTS <13 years old generally participate in more physical activity
Participants were children and adolescents with unilateral compared to females and adolescents. Interestingly, in the
CP classified at GMFCS levels I = 44 and II = 58 current study, while sex was associated with increased

Characteristics Associated with Unilateral CP Louise E Mitchell et al. 169

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Table I: Physical, personal and environmental characteristics of partici-
surveys indicate males spend more time playing video
pants with independently ambulant cerebral palsy
games.23 More research would be useful to determine the
influence of sex on inactivity in children with CP.
Characteristics Number (n) In the current study, physical characteristics including
Physical GMFCS, mobility limitations and functional strength were
GMFCS level generally not associated with physical activity. Walking
I 44
endurance, however, was found to be a significant, albeit
II 58
Functional strength 46 (21) small (B=6.8), predictor within the linear regression model.
6MWT While this is a cross-sectional study and therefore causal
Metres 378 (76)
associations cannot be made, according to these findings
Speed (km/hr) 3.8 (0.8)
MobQues28, mean (SD) 90.4 (8.9) targeting an increase in physical capability may produce
Personal characteristics modest increases in physical activity. This finding is of
interest given the children selected in the current study
Females 50
Males 52 were independently ambulant, meaning it is likely that they
Side of hemiplegia would achieve the majority of their physical activity
Left 50
through ambulatory activity, for example during activities
Right 52
Age (y, mo), mean (SD) 11y 3mo (2y 4mo) of daily living, walking or running for play, or moving
Children (<13y) 68 within a school environment. Previous research has con-
Adolescents (>13y) 33
firmed that higher energy costs of walking were associated
LIFE-H recreation, [max=10] mean (SD) 7.6 (2.4)
Environmental characteristics with levels of physical activity in children with CP24 and
PEM-CY, [max=7] mean (SD) reduced levels of cardiovascular fitness are typical in this
Home participation 5.2 (0.6)
population.8 Potentially, gains in physical activity could be
School participation 3.3 (1.0)
Community participation 2.3 (0.9) made by increasing walking capacity, by reducing the
School type energy cost of walking through improved biomechanics as
Special education 5
well as increasing cardiovascular fitness. Conversely,
Primary 60
Secondary 33 increased cardiovascular fitness and walking endurance
Other 4 would be a desired outcome of increased participation in
physical activity, highlighting the multidimensional nature
Yes 85
No 12 of physical activity.
Maternal education The frequency of participation in home and community
Secondary not completed 16
activities was associated with physical activity in the cur-
Completed secondary school 13
Trade/vocational education 34 rent study. The relationship with community participation
University education 24 was particularly strong (B=54.3), contributing a larger
increase in physical activity in the regression model than
Paternal education
Secondary not completed 16 age (B= 22.6) and at a similar level to sex (B= 60.3).
Completed secondary school 12 Community participation also demonstrated an inverse
Trade/vocational education 35
relationship with inactivity in those participants who spent
University education 24
Missing the majority of their time inactive. To our knowledge this
Household income is the first time this finding has been reported in children
<$25 000 11
with CP. The community section of the PEM-CY asks
$25 000–$50 000 12
$50 000–$75 000 17 questions about the frequency of participation in activities
>$75 000 53 such as neighbourhood outings, organized physical activity,
SEIFA score, mean (SD) 1003 (70.9)
unstructured physical activity or getting together with
Data are n (%) or mean (SD). GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classi- other children. While not measuring physical activity per
fication System; 6MWT, six-minute walk test; km/hr, speed mea- se, it is logical that a child with increased participation in
sured in kilometres per hour; MobQues28, 28-item Mobility
Questionnaire; LIFE-H, Assessment of Life Habits recreational these activities is likely to be more active and record a higher
domain; PEM-CY, Participation and Environment Measure for Chil- level of both planned and incidental physical activity. Con-
dren and Youth; SEIFA score, Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas versely, children who do not typically engage in these activi-
measure of relative advantage and disadvantage derived from
postal code. ties are likely to be more inactive. Exploring barriers to
participation in home and community environments is
therefore critical to increasing a child’s participation and
physical activity it did not appear to influence sedentary physical activity. For example, for younger children many of
behaviour in a secondary analysis of highly inactive partici- the community activities mentioned in the PEM-CY would
pants. This is similar to evidence from typically developing require adult support to enable full participation, such as
children, where it is unclear whether females or males are assistance with transportation or financial support. Previous
more sedentary.23 While objective data suggests that teen- research has identified a lack of access to transportation, lack
age females are more inactive than teenage males, subjective of time and financial restrictions as barriers to participation

170 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2015, 57: 167–174

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Table II: Differences in physical activity by Gross Motor Function Classification System level, age and sex in independently ambulant children
with CP

GMFCS level Age Sex

I II p-value Children Adolescents p-value Females Males p-value

Wear time 11:59 (1:53) 11:27 (1:56) 0.01a 11:29 (1:50) 12:09 (2:05) 0.01a 11:37 (2:02) 11:48 (1:50) 0.41
Counts/min 427 (199) 446 (264) 0.46 474 (240) 357 (209) <0.001a 375 (206) 494 (247) <0.001a
Step counts 8128 (3940) 7390 (3448) 0.06 8096 (3631) 7000 (3800) 0.01a 6957 (3722) 8423 (3542) <0.001a
Inactive 8:38 (1:07) 8:40 (1:11) 0.94 8:20 (1:03) 9:14 (1:09) <0.001a 8:50 (1:10) 8:41 (1:06) 0.001a
Light activity 2:39 (0:52) 2:35 (0:52) 0.70 2:53 (0:46) 2:07 (0:50) <0.001a 2:33 (0:53) 2:43 (0:49) <0.001a
MVPA 0:43 (0:23) 0:44 (0:28) 0.39 0:47 (0:26) 0:39 (0:25) <0.01a 0:37 (0:23) 0:51 (0:25) <0.001a

Data are mean (SD). aDenotes p<0.05 when groups compared with independent t-tests. GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification
System; MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity.

Table III: Association between physical activity or inactivity and physical, personal and environmental characteristics in independently ambulant
children with cerebral palsy

Activity counts (n=91) High MVPA (n=39) High inactivity (n=31)

Variable Correlation (q) p-value Correlation (q) p-value Correlation (q) p-value
GMFCS 0.31 0.77 0.12 0.43 0.05 0.79
Functional strength 0.08 0.49 0.09 0.53 0.07 0.70
6MWT (metres) 0.24 0.03b 0.14 0.33 0.18 0.34
MobQues28 0.01 0.97 0.03 0.87 0.30 0.11
Age 0.40 <0.001b 0.33 <0.01b 0.51 <0.01b
Sexa 0.41 <0.001b 0.22 0.04b 0.17 0.36
LIFE-H recreation 0.02 0.89 0.06 0.69 0.09 0.61
PEM-CY home 0.31 <0.001b 0.03 0.79 0.22 0.24
PEM-CY school 0.30 <0.01b 0.08 0.58 0.09 0.65
PEM-CY community 0.38 <0.001b 0.22 0.15 0.25 0.18
Household incomea 0.11 0.31 0.10 0.49 0.09 0.63
Siblingsa 0.03 0.77 0.01 0.97 0.04 0.85
Maternal educationa 0.03 0.82 0.01 0.98 0.09 0.61
Paternal educationa 0.06 0.56 0.13 0.42 0.02 0.22
School typea 0.14 0.20 0.09 0.37 0.04 0.82
SEIFA score 0.23 0.04b 0.03 0.87 0.11 0.54
Represents a categorical variable or variable which was not normally distributed and therefore a non-parametric test (Spearman Rank)
was performed. All other variables were normally distributed and correlation was calculated using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Denotes p<0.05. MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; 6MWT, six-minute
walk test; MobQues28, 28-item Mobility Questionnaire; LIFE-H recreation, Assessment of Life Habits recreational domain; PEM-CY, Partici-
pation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth, SEIFA score, Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas measure of relative advantage
and disadvantage derived from postal code.

in physical activity in children with CP, which supports the development, where there is a suggestion that socio-eco-
current findings.5 Other potential barriers to physical activ- nomic status influences physical activity. Children with typi-
ity are a lack of access to, or awareness of, appropriate sport cal development from low socio-economic status
and exercise opportunities in the community, such as clinics demonstrated a trend towards increased sedentary time and
or sporting groups which cater to the needs of a child with a lower physical activity compared with children from higher
disability.5 Individual barriers were not examined in the cur- socio-economic status, although this was found to be non-
rent study and further research would be required to confirm significant when body mass index was considered.25 While
what factors contributed to reduced participation. In addi- non-significant in the current study, increasing access to
tion to participation frequency and involvement, the PEM- physical activity opportunities which may be influenced by
CY enquires about supports and resources available within cost or community support is important to consider in chil-
the environments that would enable participation. This tool dren with CP.
could be useful for clinicians identifying barriers and In saying all this, it should be noted that while signifi-
enablers which may be limiting individual children’s partici- cant, the linear regression modelling between the variables
pation specific to each environment. of interest and physical activity accounted for only 33% of
While non-significant, there was a negative association the variance in physical activity. This highlights the multi-
between physical activity counts and lower socio-economic factorial nature of physical activity participation, as there
status measured using the SEIFA index derived from postal are likely to be many more factors contributing to physical
codes. This aligns with the research in children with typical activity than the variables explored. Both clinicians and

Characteristics Associated with Unilateral CP Louise E Mitchell et al. 171

Table IV: Multiple linear regression models for characteristics associated with physical activity measured using accelerometer activity counts and for participants with high moderate to vigorous physical
activity and high levels of inactivity

Activity counts (n=91) High physical activity (n=39) High inactivity (n=31)

Model 1 Final model Final modela Model 1 Final model

B (95% CI) p-value B (95% CI) p-value B (95% CI) p-value B (95% CI) p-value B (95% CI) p-value

Constant 473.84 ( 21.67 to 969.35) 0.06 443.03 (204.98 to 681.09) <0.001 0.89 (0.51 to 1.26) <0.001 7.64 (5.43 to 9.86) <0.001 8.52 (7.64 to 9.41) <0.001

172 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2015, 57: 167–174

Age (y) 24.01 ( 39.04 to 9.16) 0.01b 22.62 ( 36.85 to 8.38) <0.01 0.02 ( 0.05 to 0.01) 0.07b 0.19 (0.12 to 0.26) <0.001b 0.10 (0.03 to 0.16) <0.01
Sex (male 55.51 ( 121.59 to 10.58) 0.10b 60.27 ( 124.77 to 4.24) 0.06 0.18 ( 0.30 to 0.06) <0.01b NA NA
as reference)
6MWT 7.57 ( 2.62 to 17.76) 0.14b 6.76 ( 3.10 to 16.59) 0.17 NA NA NA
PEM-CY 5.77 (0.54 to 10.99) 0.03b 5.85 (0.67 to 11.03) 0.03 NA 0.04 ( 0.28 to 0.35) 0.82 Excluded
PEM-CY 60.99 (17.38 to 104.59) <0.01b 54.31 (14.10 to 94.52) <0.01 0.08 (0.01 to 0.15) 0.04b 0.25 ( 0.45 to 0.05) 0.01b 0.04 ( 0.20 to 0.14) 0.69
PEM-CY 15.83 ( 53.38 to 21.73) 0.40 Excluded NA NA NA
SEIFA score 0.01 ( 0.43 to 0.44) 0.98 Excluded NA NA NA
MobQues28 NA NA 0.01 ( 0.03 to 0.01) 0.43 Excluded
F (df) 5.02 (7,75) <0.001 7.00 (5,77) <0.001 8.11 (3,79) <0.001 10.47 (4,77) <0.001 4.91 (2,28) 0.02
R2 0.33 0.32 0.24 0.35 0.26
All variables included within the initial modelling procedure were significant and therefore retained in the final model. Assumptions of the model were checked, including normality, co-lin-
earity, homoscedasticity and Mahalanobois’ distance. bDenotes p<0.2 and variable included in final phase of modelling. B, unstandardized coefficient; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval for
unstandardized coefficient; NA, not applicable as variable not identified for selection in the model; 6MWT, six-minute walk test; PEM-CY, Participation and Environment Measure for Chil-
dren and Youth; Excluded, p>0.2 in initial model and therefore excluded from selection in final model; SEIFA score, Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas measure of relative advantage and
disadvantage derived from postal code; MobQues28, 28-item Mobility Questionnaire, F, F statistic; df, degrees of freedom; R2, R square value for regression model.

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researchers should ensure that interventions targeting an ing endurance or increased community participation. It is
increase in physical activity should be similarly multi- unlikely that there is simply one causal direction. Nonethe-
dimensional and ideally tailored to the individual. This less, identifying which characteristics appear to most influ-
may be an increase in strength or cardiovascular fitness, to ence physical activity allows for the development of
increase walking endurance for one child or it may be targeted interventions to increase physical activity.
increasing community participation through the identifica-
tion of appropriate sporting programmes for another child. CONCLUSION
What the research suggests is identification of barriers and Characteristics associated with increased physical activity
facilitators of physical activity specific to each individual were younger age, male sex, increased walking endurance
and troubleshooting ways these can be overcome or and increased participation in the home and community
accommodated to encourage physical activity participa- measured using the PEM-CY. This information can be
tion.5 used to guide clinicians to identify children who may be at
Some limitations of study must be acknowledged: only risk of reduced physical activity and provide a starting
independently ambulant children with unilateral CP were point for identifying areas which should be targeted to
selected for participation. This group was selected to allow increase physical activity.
for a more homogeneous sample given that the characteris-
tics associated with physical activity for children with more A CK N O W L E D G E M E N T S
severe motor impairment may be quite different. Further Funding was provided by Smart Futures Coinvestment Program
research is necessary to confirm the generalizability of Grant from the Queensland Government: ‘EBrain’ (RB; JZ); Aus-
these results. This study was also conducted as part of a tralian Postgraduate Award (APA) (LEM); and NHMRC Career
larger, clinical trial meaning assessment burden limited the Development Fellowship Level 2, no. 1037220 (RNB). All sources
inclusion of additional child-reported variables as well as of funding are project grants or stipends for researchers. The
information on lower limb interventions. The data were funding bodies had no involvement in the study design, analysis
also collected from a cross-sectional sample, meaning cau- or interpretation or data, writing of the manuscript or in the deci-
sal associations between variables are unable to be made. sion to submit the manuscript for publication. No conflict of
There may be the potential for the associations demon- interest such as financial gain exists between the authors of this
strated in fact to represent reverse causality, for example, article and the companies producing the equipment that is the
high levels of physical activity resulting in increased walk- focus of this research.

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