The Earthquake: Colegio Cerro Grande Miss Marta Pía Rivera La Serena English Department

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Colegio Cerro Grande Miss Marta Pía Rivera

La Serena English Department

Unit 3: Project - Question Bank

8th Grade

In order to start your project, you need to answer the following questions about disasters:

1. Name and type of disaster. (Drought, wildfire, earthquake, etc.)


2. Where it happened? (City, country)


3. When did it happen? (Date)

Wednesday septembre16, 2015, AT 7:54 p.m.

4. Description of the disaster:

The Coquimbo earthquake was an earthquake that occurred at 19:54:31, on Wednesday,

September 16, 2015, which reached a magnitude of 8.4 on the RICHTER scale. The epicenter was
located 37 km northwest of Los Vilos and 37 km southwest of the commune of Canela, in the
Coquimbo region. It was perceived from the Atacama Region in the north to the Araucanía
Region in the south. And also in some areas of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay.

The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA) decreed a "tsunami
alarm" for the entire Chilean coastline.

5. Consequences in the environment or people’s lives.

A regional total of 11 deaths, 27,722 homeless, 2,440 houses destroyed and 2,705 houses with
severe damage, were some of the consequences of the earthquake on September 16, 2015.

6. Mention three (3) possible solutions or predictions for the future using WILL or BE GOING TO.

1. willingness of the authorities to improve evacuation routes.

2. the people who inhabit the areas subject to flooding have the will to move to higher areas.

3. At the time of evacuation, have the will to help evacuate people with disabilities or the

Colegio Cerro Grande Miss Marta Pía Rivera
La Serena English Department

7. Do you have extra information? You can write it here:

During the first 30 days after the earthquake, more than 1,400 aftershocks with a magnitude

equal to or greater than 3 were recorded, more than 2,000 after two months, 2,674 after six

months, and over 4,200 a year after the megashock occurred. The first major aftershock occurred

five minutes after the main event. It reached a magnitude of 6.3 ML and its epicenter was

located 40 kilometers southwest of Canela Baja. For its part, the largest aftershock registered a

magnitude of 7.1 MW, on September 16, 2015 at 8:18 p.m. local time. Experts say that these

events will continue to be recorded instrumentally for about a year.

On June 6, 2016, two aftershocks of the magnitude 5.6 and 5.5 Richter earthquake were

generated with a time lapse of only five minutes, and which had an epicenter north of Tongoy,

but nevertheless due to Its shallowness was felt with great intensity in Coquimbo and La Serena,

reaching a Mercalli magnitude of VI degrees and even determining a preventive self-evacuation

in coastal localities.

8. Attach and hand out this page with one draft of your visual project, materials needed and
everything you have planned for next class.

Remember: This question bank is your classwork 1 so it impacts on your final mark. You
must hand in this document to your teacher as you are responsible for it.
Colegio Cerro Grande Miss Marta Pía Rivera
La Serena English Department

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