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Nonlinear Dyn


Trigonometric shock waves in the Kaup–Boussinesq system

Sergey K. Ivanov · Anatoly M. Kamchatnov

Received: 12 December 2021 / Accepted: 22 February 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022

Abstract We consider the modulationally stable ver- with a fairly smooth and large initial profile is accompa-
sion of the Kaup–Boussinesq system which models nied by a gradual steepening of the profile followed by
propagation of nonlinear waves in various physical sit- the wave breaking and formation of a dispersive shock
uations. It is shown that the Whitham modulation equa- wave (DSW). Theoretically, DSWs, also called undu-
tions for this model have a new type of solutions which lar bores in fluid mechanics applications, can be rep-
describe trigonometric shock waves. In the Gurevich– resented as modulated nonlinear periodic waves and,
Pitaevskii problem of evolution of an initial discon- consequently, the process of their formation and evo-
tinuity, these solutions correspond to a nonzero wave lution is described in the Gurevich–Pitaevskii approx-
excitation on one of the sides of the discontinuity. As a imation [1,2] by the Whitham theory of modulations
result, the trigonometric shock wave propagates along [3] (for reviews see, e.g., [4,5]).
a rarefaction wave and we consider the problem of the The original formulation of Gurevich and Pitaevskii
analytical description of such an evolution. Our analyt- approach was applied to description of expanding col-
ical results are confirmed by numerical calculations. lisionless shocks (plasma analogs of DSWs) in frame-
work of the Whitham-averaged equations for the inte-
Keywords Solitons · Wave breaking · Dispersive grable Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) Eq. [6,7]. Due to
shock waves · Whitham modulation equations · universality of the KdV equation, this approach can
Kaup–Boussinesq system naturally be applied to many other physical situations
and it was extended to many other nonlinear wave
equations. For example, when the condition of a uni-
1 Introduction directional propagation of the KdV approximation is
relaxed, shallow water waves are described by various
Dispersion in nonlinear systems can dramatically affect forms of the Boussinesq Eq. [8]. The most convenient
wave’s profile evolution leading to a host of new phys- for our purposes form of these equations was derived
ical wave structures, such as solitons and dispersive by Kaup [9]; this is the so-called Kaup–Boussinesq
shock waves. In particular, it is well known now that (KB) system which is also integrable by the inverse
in such systems a typical evolution of an initial pulse scattering transform method. Periodic solutions of the
KB system were obtained in Ref. [10], and the corre-
sponding Gurevich–Pitaevskii theory was extended to
S. K. Ivanov (B) · A. M. Kamchatnov
Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences,
the KB case in Refs. [11–13].
Troitsk, Moscow 108840, Russia


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S. K. Ivanov, A. M. Kamchatnov

In applications of the Gurevich–Pitaevskii approach linear equations (see [9]) with a free spectral parame-
to concrete water wave problems, the KB equations ter λ:
with negative dispersion are used. However, the dis-
persion relation for this kind of equations corresponds 1
ψx x = A ψ, ψt = − Bx ψ + B ψx , (3)
to a dynamical instability of small wavelength pertur- 2
bations of a fluid with constant depth h 0 . There exists
another form of the KB system with positive dispersion where
1 2 1
h t + (hu)x − 14 u x x x = 0, A=h− λ− u and B = − λ + u . (4)
(1) 2 2
u t + uu x + h x = 0,
If h(x, t) and u(x, t) correspond to a one-phase peri-
where h is the local depth of the water layer and u odic in x and t solution of the system (1), then
is a local mean flow velocity. For this equation, the it is parameterized most conveniently by the values
dispersion relation of linear waves reads λi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, which determine the structure of the
spectrum of the second-order differential equation in
ω2 = h 0 k 2 + k 4 , (2) Eq. (3). We introduce the polynomial

and the system (1) does not suffer from this kind of 
P(λ) = (λ−λi ) = λ4 −s1 λ3 +s2 λ2 −s3 λ+s4 , (5)
instability. Moreover, the system (1) appears as an
approximation to the nonlinear polarization dynam-
ics of a two-component Bose–Einstein condensate [14]
where si are the standard symmetric functions of its
as well as to dynamics of magnetization in magnetics
four zeros λi ,
with easy-plane anisotropy [15], so it deserves thor-
ough investigation.   
The Riemann problem of evolution of initial dis- s1 = λi , s2 = λi λ j , s3 = λi λ j λk ,
continuities for the system (1) was studied in Ref. [13]. i i< j i< j<k
Here, we consider the initial states of a different type: s4 = λ 1 λ 2 λ 3 λ 4 .
we assume that on one side of the initial discontinuity
the profiles are represented by periodic solutions rather
than by uniform distributions, as it was supposed in the
standard Riemann problem [13]. This means that our Then, the physical variables are expressed in terms of
theory describes spreading out of the front of the non- the function μ(x, t),
linear wave excitation along the rarefaction wave. This
opens a new route to analytical description of wave u(x, t) = s1 − 2 μ(x, t),
structures arising from more complex initial states than 1 (7)
it is traditionally considered. h(x, t) = s12 − s2 − 2μ2 (x, t) + s1 μ(x, t),

provided μ = μ(θ ), θ = x − V t, satisfies the equation

2 Periodic solutions and Whitham equations

In this section, we review briefly the results from the μθ = 2 −P(μ) (8)
theory of the periodic wave solutions of the system (1)
in necessary for us form and present the Whitham
equations governing their modulation dynamics (more
details can be found in Refs. [10,11,13]).
The KB system (1) is completely integrable, and it 1
V = s1 = λi . (9)
can be represented as a compatibility condition of two 2 2


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Trigonometric shock waves

The real zeros λi are ordered according to the λ2 − λ1

μ(θ ) = λ2 − . (16)
inequalities 1 + (λ2 − λ1 )2 θ 2

λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ λ3 ≤ λ4 (10) In a similar way, in the second case μ oscillates in

the interval
and solutions of Eq. (8) can be expressed in a standard
way in terms of elliptic functions. The real solutions of λ3 ≤ μ ≤ λ4 , (17)
Eq. (8) correspond to oscillations of μ in one of two
possible intervals, λ1 ≤ μ ≤ λ2 or λ3 ≤ μ ≤ λ4 . The and in the limit λ1 = λ2 we arrive at the nonlinear
wavelength of these solutions is equal to trigonometric solution
 λ2 dμ 2K (m) (λ4 − λ3 ) cos2 W
L= √ =√ , (11) μ(θ ) = λ3 + ,
λ1 −P(μ) (λ3 − λ1 )(λ4 − λ2 ) 1+ λ4 −λ3
sin2 W
λ3 −λ1 (18)

where W = (λ3 − λ1 )(λ4 − λ1 ) θ.

(λ2 − λ1 )(λ4 − λ3 ) Again for λ4 − λ3  λ4 − λ1 we obtain the small-

m= (12)
(λ3 − λ1 )(λ4 − λ2 ) amplitude harmonic wave limit

and K (m) is the complete elliptic integral of the first 1

kind [16]. We shall not list here all possible solutions μ(θ ) ∼
= λ3 − (λ4 − λ3 ) cos[(λ3 − λ1 )θ ]. (19)
and confine ourselves to some limiting cases necessary
for further discussion. At last, for λ3 → λ1 the solution (18) reduces to the
Let μ oscillate in the interval algebraic soliton:

λ 1 ≤ μ ≤ λ2 (13) λ4 − λ1
μ(θ ) = λ1 + . (20)
1 + (λ4 − λ1 )2 θ 2
and the other two zeroes are equal to each other,
λ3 = λ4 . Then, the elliptic functions reduce to the In strictly periodic solutions, the parameters λi are
trigonometric ones and we obtain constant and in slightly modulated waves they become
slowly varying functions of x and t which change little
(λ2 − λ1 ) cos2 W in one wavelength and one period. Evolution of λi is
μ(θ ) = λ2 − λ2 −λ1
1+ λ4 −λ2 sin2 W (14) governed by the Whitham equations

W = (λ4 − λ1 )(λ4 − λ2 ) θ.
∂λi ∂λi
+ vi = 0, i = 1, 2, 3, 4. (21)
∂t ∂x
If we take the limit λ2 − λ1  λ4 − λ1 in this solu-
tion, then we get the small-amplitude limit of harmonic
The Whitham velocities vi can be computed by means
of the formulas
1 L
μ(θ ) ∼
= λ2 − (λ2 − λ1 ) cos[(λ3 − λ1 )θ ]. (15) vi (λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , λ4 ) = 1 − ∂λ V,
2 ∂λi L i
i = 1, 2, 3, 4. (22)
On the other hand, if we take the limit λ2 → λ3 =
λ4 , then the argument of the trigonometric functions Explicit expressions for Whitham’s velocities vi can be
becomes small and we can approximate them by the easily obtained after substitution of the phase velocity
first terms of their series expansions. This corresponds V and the wavelength L given by Eqs. (9) and (11) (see,
to an algebraic soliton of the form e.g., [13]). We need only the limiting formulas here.


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S. K. Ivanov, A. M. Kamchatnov

sharp border of the region with wavy elevation h and

flow velocity u. Generally speaking, evolution of an
initial discontinuity between the wavy states, that is
between the one-phase solutions of the equation under
consideration, belongs to the class of two-phase prob-
lems which demand development of the modulation
theory of quasi-periodic solutions. Such a problem in
its full generality is very difficult and although some
its general principles were established long ago (see,
e.g., [17]), it has not find real applications yet. Instead,
some degenerate particular problems were studied as,
Fig. 1 Sketches of the behavior of the Riemann invariants in for example, propagation of solitons along wavy back-
trigonometric dispersive shock wave solutions of the Whitham ground (see, e.g., [18–21]). Here, we shall also con-
equations with λ3 = λ4 . Vertical dashed lines labeled by s−
and s+ define the edges of the trigonometric shock wave. The
sider a degenerate problem of developing trigonometric
corresponding wave structure is shown in Fig. 2 shock along a varying rarefaction wave. Before turn-
ing to the oscillatory solutions, let us consider first the
dispersionless limit.
In the limit λ2 → λ1 (i.e., m → 0) we obtain For smooth enough wave distributions, we can
neglect the last dispersion term in the first equation of
(λ4 − λ3 )2
v1 = v2 = 2λ1 + , the system (1) and arrive at the dispersionless equations
2(λ3 + λ4 − 2λ1 ) (23)
1 1
v3 = (3λ3 + λ4 ), v4 = (λ3 + 3λ4 ),
2 2 h t + (hu)x = 0, u t + uu x + h x = 0, (25)
and in the other limit m → 0, i.e., λ3 → λ4 , we have
which coincide with the well-known shallow water
1 1 equations. First of all, this system admits a trivial solu-
v1 = (3λ1 + λ2 ), v2 = (λ1 + 3λ2 ), tion for which h = const and u = const. We shall
2 2
(24) call such a solution as a “plateau.” We introduce the
(λ2 − λ1 )2
v3 = v4 = 2λ4 + . so-called Riemann invariants
2(λ1 + λ2 − 2λ4 )
u √
Having received the basic equations, we can now λ± = ± h. (26)
proceed to the description of nonlinear trigonometric
dispersive shock waves for the KB system (1). Using these dispersionless Riemann invariants, equa-
tions (25) can be written in the following diagonal form

3 Trigonometric shock wave

∂λ± ∂λ±
+ v± (λ− , λ+ ) = 0, (27)
Here, we consider formation of the trigonometric ∂t ∂x
shock wave patterns. In case of conventional initial con-
ditions with uniform distributions on both sides of the where
initial step-like discontinuity, such trigonometric struc- 1
tures are not generated [13]. However, there exist quite v± (λ− , λ+ ) = (3λ± + λ∓ ) . (28)
natural initial conditions for which this kind of solu-
tions does appear. Let the initial conditions have the These dispersionless variables are required for the cor-
following form. On the one side of the point x = 0, rect choice of the initial state.
we have constant distributions of h and u, and on the We assume that at the initial moment of time the
other side there is a non-modulated nonlinear periodic profile is divided into two parts by the point x = 0.
wave described by four constant parameters λi . This We consider two types of the initial profile. First, for
means that we are interested in evolution of an initially x < 0 we have a plateau characterized by the constant


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Trigonometric shock waves

Fig. 2 Evolution of the trigonometric shock wave with the ini- Dashed lines illustrate envelopes of the wave structure, and ver-
tial parameters h L = 0.3, u L = 0 and λ3R = λ4R = 0.85. Figures tical dashed lines indicate the edges of the trigonometric shock
show the initial state (left column) and wave profiles for depth h wave (x− and x+ ). We have dark solitons of the elevation h and
and flow velocity u for t = 100 (middle column) and t = 200 bright solitons of the flow velocity u at the soliton edge of the
(right column). Red (thick) curves show the result of numerical shock. The corresponding diagram of the Riemann invariants is
calculations, and blue (thin) ones show the analytical solutions. shown in Fig. 1

dispersionless invariants λ− = const, λ+ = const, and

for x > 0 we have a non-modulated wave described by
Eq. (14) (see Fig. 1 and the left column in Fig. 2). We
shall denote the parameters of this periodic wave as λ1R ,
λ2R , and λ3R = λ4R . The second type of the initial state
is similar: we have a non-modulated wave described
by Eq. (18) with λ1L = λ2L = const, λ3L = const,
λ4L = const for x < 0 and a plateau with λ− = const,
λ+ = const for x > 0 (see Fig. 3 and the left column
in Fig. 4).
We turn now to the study of situations when the dis-
persion effects are taken into account. In order to sat- Fig. 3 Sketches of the behavior of the Riemann invariants in
isfy the matching conditions, the only possible solution trigonometric dispersive shock wave solutions of the Whitham
equations with λ1 = λ2 . Vertical dashed lines labeled by the
arising from a given initial state may be a trigonometric symbols s− and s+ define the edges of a trigonometric shock
shock wave. Trigonometric shock wave can be repre- wave. The corresponding wave structure is shown in Fig. 4
sented approximately as a modulated nonlinear peri-
odic wave in which parameters λi change slowly along
the wave structure. In such a modulated periodic solu-
tion two equal Riemann invariants are changing and e.g., [22]). This type of DSW was first reported in
the other two remain constant along the entire shock. Ref. [23] where the evolution of a step problem was
Thus, in our case the constant Riemann invariants and studied for the focusing modified KdV equation. In
the Riemann invariants at the boundaries of the struc- Ref. [24], these (trigonometric) DSWs were called con-
ture should have equal values. This situation resem- tact DSWs. The trigonometric shock waves for the KB
bles the so-called contact discontinuity which plays an system are described by the modulated finite-amplitude
important role in the theory of viscous shocks (see, nonlinear periodic solutions (14) or (18). The evolution
of the trigonometric shock wave is determined by the


Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.

S. K. Ivanov, A. M. Kamchatnov

Fig. 4 Evolution of a trigonometric shock wave with the initial Dashed lines illustrate envelopes of wave structure, and verti-
parameters h R = 0.3, u R = 0 and λ1L = λ2L = −0.85. Figures cal dashed lines indicate the edges of the trigonometric shock
show the initial state (left column) and wave profiles for depth h wave (x− and x+ ). On the contrary to the case of Fig. 2, now we
and flow velocity u for t = 100 (middle column) and t = 200 get dark solitons of both the elevation h and the flow velocity u
(right column). Red (thick) curves show the result of numerical at the soliton edge of the shock. The corresponding diagram of
calculations, and blue (thin) ones shows the analytical solutions. Riemann invariants is shown in Fig. 3

Whitham equations (21). In our case of the step-like ini- where the last formula determines the dependence of
tial conditions, we have to find self-similar solutions for λ4 on ξ , which can be represented in the explicit form
which all Riemann invariants depend only on ξ = x/t,

and the Whitham equations reduce to 1
λ4 (ξ ) = ξ + λ+
+ λ−
dλi L − λ L )2 + 2(λ L − λ L )2 .
(ξ − λ+ − + −
· [vi (λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , λ4 ) − ξ ] = 0, i = 1, 2, 3, 4.

Here ξ varies within the interval s− ≤ ξ ≤ s+ with

If, for instance, we consider the first type of ini- L + λL

3λ+ (λ+
L − λ L )2
− −
tial condition, then in this situation, shown in Fig. 1, s− = , s+ = 2λ4R + L + λ L − 2)
2 2(λ+ −
trigonometric shock wave has two equal parameters
λ3 = λ4 and the invariants λ1 and λ2 are constant
along the whole wave pattern including the shock
region. We assume that there is a plateau with dis- where λ4R = λ3R is the maximum value of λ4 (ξ ) defined
persionless Riemann invariants λ− L and λ L to the by the right boundary condition for the trigonometric
left of the trigonometric shock wave. Thus, we have shock wave. The wavelength in this case is given by
v3 (λ−L , λ L , λ (ξ ), λ (ξ )) = v (λ L , λ L , λ (ξ ), λ (ξ )) the formula
+ 4 4 4 − + 4 4
= ξ . Consequently, we obtain 2π
L= . (33)
(λ4 (ξ ) − λ−
L )(λ (ξ ) − λ L )
4 +
λ1 = λ−
, λ2 = λ+
L − λ L )2
− (30) Substitution of λi into Eq. (14) with subsequent sub-
v4 = 2λ4 − = ξ,
L + λ−
L − 2λ4 stitution of the resulting expressions into Eq. (7) yields


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Trigonometric shock waves

the modulated periodic solution which represents the (λ+

R − λ R )2
− λ+
R + 3λ R

s− = −2λ1L + R + λ R + 2)
, s+ = .
trigonometric shock wave structure. Comparison of the 2(λ+ − 2
obtained analytical solution with numerical calcula- (36)
tions is shown in Fig. 2 for different values of time t.
The envelopes of the modulated wave do not depend on Parameter λ1L = λ2L is determined again by the ini-
the phase θ , and we see excellent agreement between tial conditions at the boundary with the non-modulated
the analytical and numerical results. To match the posi- wave. The wavelength is given here by the formula
tion of the leading soliton in the analytical approach
with its actual numerical position, we have introduced 2π
into the phase some initial phase θ0 as a fitting param- L= . (37)
eter. Surprisingly enough, such a fitting leads to the (λ1 (ξ ) − λ−
R )(λ (ξ ) − λ R )
1 +
excellent agreement of the analytical and numerical
results along the entire wave structure. This means that Our analytical results and numerical simulations for the
the slow phase shift along the shock is very small in corresponding wave structures are compared in Fig. 4.
the case of trigonometric DSWs. This is a new fea- Now the trigonometric shock wave is located between
ture compared with more standard cnoidal shock waves the edge points x− = s− t and x+ = s+ t indicated by
where the phase shift leads to considerable cumulative the dotted lines. One can see that the numerical calcu-
effects in positions of the individual wave crests (see, lations (red thick) agree with the analytical curve (blue
e.g., similar plots in Ref. [13]). One can see that the thin) very well not only for the envelopes but also for
trigonometric shock wave is located between the edges the positions of the individual wave crests after fitting
with coordinates x− = s− t and x+ = s+ t. This wave the position of the leading soliton.
matches at its left edge with the left plateau and at its Although the wave patterns look similar, one should
right edge with the non-modulated periodic wave. notice that in Fig. 2 the distribution of u(x, t) tends
In a similar way, we can consider the second type to a bright soliton at the soliton edge of the shock,
of the initial conditions. For this case the trigonometric whereas in Fig. 4 we get a dark soliton of u(x, t) at
shock wave has λ1 = λ2 . A diagram of Riemann invari- this edge. In both cases, the variable h(x, t) takes neg-
ants is shown in Fig. 3. Obviously, we get a situation ative values and that limits application of the developed
symmetric to the previous one. Now the trigonometric theory to water waves. Nevertheless, it is applicable to
shock wave matches the plateau characterized by the other physical situations such as nonlinear shocks in
values λ−R and λ R of the Riemann invariants at the right
two-component Bose–Einstein condensates or in mag-
edge and it matches the non-modulated wave with the netics.
values λ1L = λ2L = const, λ3L = λ− R and λ L = λ R of
2 +
the Riemann invariants of the Whitham system at the
4 Conclusion
left edge. The solution of the Whitham equations takes
the form
In this paper, we have considered the cases in which
the trigonometric shock waves arise when their evolu-
R − λ R )2

v1 = v2 = 2λ1 + R + λ R − 2λ )
= ξ, tion is governed by the integrable Kaup–Boussinesq
2(λ+ − 1 (34) system. The initial state contains a nonlinear peri-
λ3 = λ−
= λ−
, λ4 = λ+
= λ+
, odic wave which significantly extends the set of wave
patterns which can be generated in various physi-
or cal situations. Our results can find applications as an
approximation to the dynamics of polarization waves

1 in two-component Bose–Einstein condensates and in
λ1 (ξ ) = ξ + λ+
+ λ−
− magnetic systems with an easy-plane anisotropy which
(35) are not constrained by the condition that h must be pos-
(ξ − λ+
R − λ R )2 + 2(λ R − λ R )2
− + − itive.

Author contributions All authors contributed equally to this

where ξ varies in the interval s− ≤ ξ ≤ s+ with work


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S. K. Ivanov, A. M. Kamchatnov

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14. Ivanov, S.K., Kamchatnov, A.M., Congy, T., Pavloff, N.:
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