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GPI0010.1177/13684302211028293Group Processes & Intergroup RelationsObaidi et al.

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Intergroup Relations I
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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

The “Great Replacement” conspiracy: 2022, Vol. 25(7) 1675­–1695

© The Author(s) 2021

How the perceived ousting of Whites Article reuse guidelines:

can evoke violent extremism and
DOI: 10.1177/13684302211028293


Milan Obaidi,1 Jonas Kunst,1 Simon Ozer2

and Sasha Y. Kimel3

Increased immigration and demographic changes have not only resulted in political pushback, but also
in violent attacks against immigrants. Several recent terrorist attacks committed by White supremacists
invoke rhetoric around a deliberate attempt to make Whites extinct and replace them with non-Western
immigrants. Yet, while it is widely acknowledged among extremism researchers that this perception
of orchestrated extinction or replacement has tremendous potential to lead to violent extremism, its
consequences have not yet been directly examined. Using the Scandinavian context (e.g., Denmark and
Norway), in two correlational studies and one experiment, we provide evidence that this perception
is associated with the persecution of Muslims, violent intentions, and Islamophobia. Further, we
demonstrate that these associations are mediated by symbolic threats. Conspiracy beliefs that one’s
group is being replaced seem to drive hostile intergroup attitudes. We discuss the societal implications
of this finding (i.e., generating fear, polarization, and hostile public opinion towards immigrants).

“Great Replacement” conspiracy, Islamophobia, majority-minority society, radicalization, threat
perceptions, violent extremism

Paper received 3 February 2021; revised version accepted 8 June 2021.

Most of all show the invaders that our lands

1Oslo University, Norway
will never be their lands, our homelands are 2Aarhus University, Denmark
our own and that, as long as a White man 3California State University, San Marcos, USA
still lives, they will NEVER conquer our
lands and they will never replace our people. Corresponding author:
Milan Obaidi, Department of Psychology, University of
(Brenton Harrison Tarrant Oslo, Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 Oslo, Norway.
[the Christchurch terrorist], 2019). Email:
1676 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

Europe is no longer Europe, it is “Eurabia,” the media, and the general public (Bellware,
a colony of Islam, where the Islamic 2019). For example, recently leaked emails show
invasion does not proceed only in a physical the former White House senior advisor Stephen
sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense. Miller promoting far-right extremist, White
nationalist ideas, and anti-immigrant rhetoric
(Oriana Fallaci quoted in Varadarajan, 2005).
through the conservative website Breitbart.
On Friday March 15, 2019, Brenton Harrison Importantly too, he appeared fixated on the pros-
Tarrant entered two mosques in Christchurch, pect of a “White genocide” (i.e., a conspiracy
New Zealand. There, he gunned down over 50 theory associated with White supremacists prop-
Muslim worshipers. The morning before the agating the idea that the White race is dying due
massacre, Tarrant released a manifesto entitled to growing non-White populations; Bellware,
the “Great Replacement.” In it, he accused liberal 2019). Second, in recent years, extreme-right par-
politicians of deliberately engineering the extinc- ties have sought to leverage the majority group’s
tion or replacement of White Westerners through fear of replacement. For instance, the conspiracy
mass immigration of non-Whites. Rooted in has been fundamental in fueling “nativist” cam-
Nazi-era writings, this conspiracy, which also paigns like the one by Alexander Gauland,
argues that a “race war” is inevitable (Williams, coleader of the far-right Alternative for Germany
2017), has recently been repurposed by the far Party who, before the 2017 German election,
right (Serwer, 2019). Indeed, it gained promi- made “The Great Replacement” the title of a
nence in 2011 with the publication of Le Grand news release (Bennhold, 2019). Third, although
Replacement by Renaud Camus—a book (Camus, considerable research has examined the impact
R, 2011) that has been argued to have played a of the perceived size of outgroups on one’s hos-
vital role in Tarrant’s radicalization (Davey & tility towards those same groups (e.g., Alba et al.,
Ebner, 2019). Importantly, this conspiracy has 2005; Craig & Richeson, 2014a, 2014b; Danbold
had world-wide reach. For example, the 2019 & Huo, 2015; Outten et al., 2012), it appears that
Walmart El Paso shooter who killed 20 people the specific impact of perceiving that there is a
and wounded 26 others near the US–Mexican planned attempt to replace one’s group with
border wrote in his manifesto that “in general, I another has not yet been examined. Importantly,
support the Christchurch shooter and his mani- the “Great Replacement” is fundamentally dis-
festo. This attack is a response to the Hispanic tinct. Whereas demographic changes and out-
invasion of Texas” (Arango et al., 2019). Likewise, group size are linked to concerns about loss of a
the recent shooters in the US including privileged majority status and disruption of the
Charleston, Pittsburgh, and Poway as well as in existing social hierarchy (Mutz, 2018), the replace-
Munich, Germany used similar language and jus- ment conspiracy theory taps onto the perception
tifications (Chavez et al., 2018; Miller, 2019). that White people are facing existential decline
Examining whether and how the prevalence —even extinction—because of the planned pro-
of extreme anti-immigrant attitudes is impacted liferation of immigration. Finally, research on
by rhetoric adopting aspects of the “Great how perceived demographic shifts impact violent
Replacement” conspiracy (i.e., the argument that extremism specifically (i.e., “a violent type of
White populations are being replaced at an ethnic mobilization that aims to elevate the status of
and cultural level through mass migration; Davey one group, while excluding or dominating its
& Ebner, 2019) is of great theoretical and practi- ‘others’ based on markers, such as gender, reli-
cal interest for several reasons. First, such ideas gion, culture and ethnicity”; Bak et al., 2019, p. 8)
are no longer limited to the outer fringes of the is largely missing. Thus, understanding the impli-
public discourse, as the proponents of this con- cations of this conspiracy is of urgent societal
spiracy can now be found in mainstream politics, and theoretical importance.
Obaidi et al. 1677

The “Great Replacement” and Study of Radicalization at King’s College London,

Violent Extremism “they [the GI] promote an idea that is taken by
some people to justify violence. It is not directly
In recent years, the “Great Replacement” con- responsible for the violence—but it enables it”
spiracy has not only gained prominence among (Neumann quoted in Bennhold, 2019). Moreover,
right-wing extremists but has also found a foot- according to the 3N model of radicalization
hold among right-wing populist political parties (Bélanger et al., 2019), the “Great Replacement”
in Europe. For example, while evoking anti-Mus- conspiracy is likely to lead to violence by way of
lim and anti-immigrant sentiment, such ideas three factors: need (i.e., one’s desire for signifi-
have been espoused by the former leader of the cance), narrative (i.e., an ideological framework
Danish People’s Party Pia Kjærsgaard, the Prime that provides moral justification), and network
Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán, the Italian (i.e., the presence of others who share similar
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, and the leader views). More specifically, when Whites’ need for
of the far-right movement Rassemblement significance is lost, such individuals may be more
National Marine Le Pen (Alduy, 2017; Kingsley, likely to believe the narrative that violence is an
2019; Kjærsgaard, 2020). Various conservative acceptable way to restore it and to want to join a
intellectuals and far-right organizations have also network of like-minded individuals (e.g., right-
utilized language that stokes fear about the wing extremists).
decline of the “White race” and “White identity.”
For instance, in an interview in the Wall Street The Relationship Between
Journal in 2006, Mark Steyn, a prominent propo- Outgroup Size and Outgroup
nent of “Eurabia” (i.e., a term coined to describe
an alleged Islamization and Arabization of
Europe), claimed that by the year 2025 “Europe Increasing racial and ethnic diversity has trig-
will be 40 percent Muslim and much of what we gered a sense of cultural loss or threat among
loosely call the Western world will not survive Whites which, in turn, may precipitate this
this century” (Steyn quoted in Carr, 2006; see also group’s animosities towards other racial and eth-
Steyn, 2005). Meanwhile, anti-Muslim organiza- nic groups (Craig & Richeson, 2014a, 2014b;
tions such as the German PEGIDA movement Danbold & Huo, 2015; Jardina, 2019). Whereas
and the European White-nativist movement it has been demonstrated that both the perceived
Generation Identity (GI) have espoused similar and actual size of a minority group are associ-
views. For example, GI—one of Europe’s fastest ated with outgroup prejudice (e.g., Allport, 1954;
growing far-right movements that advocates for Blalock, 1967), within the European context,
an ethnically and culturally homogenous research suggests that it is specifically the per-
Europe—portrays immigrants as invaders while ceived size of the group that predicts negativity
playing a prominent role in promoting, popular- toward the foreign population (Strabac, 2011; see
izing, and disseminating the “Great Replacement” also Krueger & Pischke, 1997). Such findings are
conspiracy (Cox & Meisel, 2018; Feder & supported by several additional studies carried
Maplestone, 2019). out in the European context. More specifically,
Although scholars have dismissed the demo- these studies found a positive relationship
graphic projections propagated by the “Great between the relative size of outgroups and dif-
Replacement” as erroneous and nonscientific ferent derogative manifestations against them
(see Alba, 2018; Alba et al., 2005), some warn that (e.g., Schlueter & Scheepers, 2010). For instance,
this conspiracy may have tremendous potential to the perceived relative size of a minority group
lead to violent extremism (see Davey & Ebner, was associated with ethnic exclusionary practices
2019). For instance, according to Peter Neumann, and strict immigration policies among majority
Director of the International Center for the members (Gorodzeisky & Semyonov, 2009), a
1678 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

general dislike and negative behavioral intentions 1998; Lyons, 2008; Stacey et al., 2011). This is in
toward outgroups (i.e., not buying a car from an line with newer findings illustrating that domi-
immigrant; Schlueter et al., 2008), opposition to nant groups (e.g., White men) become less toler-
civil rights for legal migrants (Scheepers et al., ant (Danbold & Huo, 2015) and express higher
2002), support for racial segregation (Card et al., degrees of anger and fear of racial minorities
2008), a decrease in prosocial behavior (e.g., when they are exposed to demographic projec-
donations; Adida et al., 2016), support for far- tions suggesting that they will become a numeri-
right and extremist voting (Dinas et al., 2019; cal minority (Outten et al., 2012). For instance,
Steinmayr, 2018; Vertier et al., 2018) as well as Whites report higher levels of prototypicality
anti-foreign (Semyonov et al., 2006), anti-immi- threat when they are exposed to information
grant (Schneider, 2008), and anti-Muslim atti- about their group’s numerical decline, leading to a
tudes (Savelkoul et al., 2010). Further, a recent rise in prejudice and hostility toward immigrants
natural experiment showed that mere exposure and racial minorities (Danbold & Huo, 2017).
to a large number of refugees makes the autoch- Taken together, there is robust evidence in
thonous population (i.e., in this case, native both European and non-European contexts that
Greeks) more hostile toward refugees, immi- people develop outgroup bias toward groups that
grants, and Muslim minorities (Hangartner et al., are perceived to be growing in size. However,
2019). Yet, despite considerable research linking research has yet to directly test whether extreme
outgroup size to outgroup bias in a European anti-immigrant resentment is rooted in a belief
context, research linking this to extremism spe- that one’s group is being replaced or may become
cifically, is limited. As far as we know, the only extinct specifically. Moreover, despite the anecdo-
study to examine this relation used data from tal associations between the discourse of the
various terrorism databases and found that the “Great Replacement” conspiracy and extremism
number of domestic right-wing terrorist attacks (i.e., the rise of the anti-immigrant far-right and
in a country was related to increased immigration neo-Nazi political organizations and far-right vio-
flows, yet only in terms of non-European immi- lence), to the best of our knowledge, empirical
gration (McAlexander, 2019). Moreover, this studies of this link are lacking. Furthermore, the
study did not directly examine the link between association with intergroup hostility more broadly
perceived replacement and anti-immigrant (e.g., Islamophobia) also appears to be a neglected
resentment. Further, the study was based on sec- area of research.
ondary data and, as such, it cannot establish cau-
sality, nor does it rule out spurious associations
The Potential Mediating Role of
and alternative explanations.
Outside the European context, experimental Symbolic and Realistic Threats
studies and nationally representative samples Several scholars have proposed that the impend-
(e.g., General Social Surveys in North America) ing racial demographic change associated with
have also demonstrated a link between the per- outgroup negativity and antiminority attitudes
ceived numerical size of minorities and various (e.g., Blalock, 1967; Craig & Richeson, 2017;
outcomes. More specifically, it has been linked to Craig et al., 2018; Danbold & Huo, 2015;
support for conservative ideologies (Craig & Schlueter & Scheepers, 2010) is mediated by per-
Richeson, 2014b), the Tea Party (Willer et al., ceived threat to the economic, social, and cultural
2016), far-right political candidates (Mutz, 2018), standing of the dominant group (Craig &
and anti-Black and anti-Hispanic attitudes (Alba Richeson, 2014b, 2017). This suggests that major-
et al., 2005). Furthermore, research demonstrated ity group members not only use the relative group
a link between the level of hostility toward size to make inferences about their group’s loss
minorities (e.g., Hispanics) and a recent increase of power and hierarchical status but also see the
in migration of minority groups (Green et al., demographic changes as threat to their
Obaidi et al. 1679

socioeconomic and cultural standing in society. (McAlexander, 2019; Piazza, 2017; Schneider,
Indeed, members of majority groups often per- 2008). Crucially, recent correlational evidence sug-
ceive the growing number of minorities as either gests that symbolic threats might rally support for
symbolic threats (i.e., to a group’s culture, norms, outgroup violence to a greater extent than realistic
values, religion, and identity; Blinder, 2013; threats (Obaidi, Kunst, et al., 2018). This research
Semyonov et al., 2006) or realistic threats (i.e., to is also in line with the literature on immigrant
a group’s physical and material welfare; Ashmore, exclusion, showing that immigrant exclusion is
& Del Boca, 1976). Through intercultural interac- driven primarily by symbolic threat perceptions
tions—such as international immigration—fear- rather than realistic threat perceptions (Bansak
driven and defensive reactions can emerge in et al., 2016; Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014).
relation to cultural mixing and the experience of Hence, in the current paper, we predicted that the
cultural contamination (Torelli et al., 2011). In perceived demographic increase of immigrants
relation to this, perceived symbolic and realistic and Muslims, in particular as propagated by the
threats are significant as they can have largely “Great Replacement” conspiracy, would be more
destructive effects on such intergroup relations strongly associated with symbolic (rather than
by activating negative attitudes and behavior realistic) threat perceptions and this, in turn,
addressed toward outgroup members (Stephan & would be related to extreme types of outgroup
Stephan, 1993). Indeed, the predictive power of hostility (e.g., violence).
symbolic and realistic threat perceptions for out-
group hostility and aggression has been estab-
The Present Research
lished by a long line of research (Bueno de
Mesquita, 2007). For instance, the anticipated To the best of our knowledge, the present set of
decreasing gap in racial demographics between studies is the first to investigate the relationship
majority and minority groups in the US led to between perceived replacement of the White
threat perceptions among White Americans, autochthonous population and outgroup nega-
resulting in negative racial attitudes and emotions tivity of any kind. All studies were conducted in
(Craig & Richeson, 2014a; Myers & Levy, 2018; the Scandinavian nations of Denmark and
Outten et al., 2012). Relevant to the present Norway as both are experiencing an increase in
paper, various studies document that the relation- anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment, and
ship between outgroup size and outgroup nega- “Great Replacement” rhetoric (Bilefsky, 2006;
tivity is mainly mediated by perceptions of Lange, 2016; Pedersen, 2019). For instance,
threatened group interests (Craig & Richeson, Denmark is well known for the Muhammad cari-
2014a, 2014b, 2017; Outten et al., 2012; Quillian, cature published by the newspaper Jyllands-Posten,
1995; Schlueter & Scheepers, 2010; Schneider, which was meant to be a response to the per-
2008). More specifically, previous research has ceived Islamization of Denmark and its threat to
shown that the impending “majority-minority” Danish cultural norms (Hervik, 2012). Further,
shift can trigger more cultural threats (Craig & in Denmark, politicians, the media, and the pub-
Richeson, 2017a; Danbold & Huo, 2015). lic have—for a long time—adopted anti-Muslim
Research also supports the link between sym- and anti-immigration rhetoric, which closely
bolic and realistic threat perceptions and endorse- mirrors the language employed by the propo-
ment of violence specifically (Obaidi, Kunst, nents of the “Great Replacement” conspiracy
et al., 2018; Ozer, Obaidi, & Pfattheicher, 2020). (Bilefsky, 2006; Pedersen, 2019). It has been
However, the perceived size of an outgroup has argued that this rhetoric has fueled hostile atti-
been shown to be associated with realistic threats tudes against the Muslim population to an extent
to a lesser degree than conflict over values and where 28% of all ethnic Danes fully or partially
cultural issues (e.g., symbolic), which in turn may support the expulsion of Muslims (Reiermann &
primarily lead to negative outgroup attitudes Andersen, 2019).
1680 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

Similarly, in Norway, left-wing youth and gov- Method

ernmental facilities were the targets of a terrorist
attack committed by the White supremacist Participants and procedure. Following Harvard and
Anders Behring Breivik, who justified his killings University of Oslo’s ethics board stipulations for
by referring to a perceived Islamization of this and the remaining studies, participants pro-
Norway and whose manifesto heavily relied on vided consent, were debriefed, and could also
the “Great Replacement” conspiracy (Fekete, decline responding to any measure. A total of
2012). Many public figures and politicians in 162 White Danish participants (Mage = 29.45,
Norway have also propagated this trend. For SDage = 14.72, age range: 18–70; 50.6% female)
instance, a member of the right-wing Progress were recruited through snowball sampling on
Party in Norway, Per-Willy Amundsen, warned Facebook and university mailing lists by, with
of a “replacement of the population” (Lange, the permission of group administrators, individ-
2016). Against this background, Denmark and ually inviting each person to participate in the
Norway were considered ideal European con- study and posting the survey on Facebook walls
texts in which to conduct our studies. twice a week. A wide range of groups that dis-
Conducted in Denmark, Studies 1 and 2 cussed politics, immigration, and religion as well
examined our hypotheses using a correlational as those that focused on the university or dis-
design and measures of both general (e.g., cussed art, film, music, and culture were targeted.
Islamophobia) and extreme negative attitudes— Based on previous studies among autochtho-
violent behavioral intentions towards outgroups nous Danes testing a similar model (see Obaidi,
(i.e., willingness to use violence to defend one’s Kunst, et al., 2018), we aimed to recruit 150 par-
group; Obaidi, Kunst, et al., 2018) and support ticipants to have enough power to test the medi-
for the violent persecution of Muslims (i.e., will- ation model proposed in the current study. All
ingness to participate in the socially sanctioned participation was voluntary, and participants
persecution of Muslims; Altemeyer, 1996)— received a gift card of 30 DKK (US$5) to use on
while testing, in line with previous research, an online fast-food chain for their participation.
whether symbolic versus realistic threats would Of the total sample, 27.2% were enrolled in uni-
mediate this relationship (Bansak et al., 2016; versity studies, 19.1% had a bachelor’s degree,
Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014; Obaidi, 19.1% had a postgraduate degree, 16.1% had
Thomsen, & Bergh, 2018; Raiya et al., 2008). completed high school, and 0.6% were enrolled
Conducted in Norway, Study 3 manipulated per- in high school. Moreover, 50% identified as
ceived replacement and examined its causal being middle class, 21% as being upper middle
effect on Islamophobia specifically (i.e., the fear class, 9.9% as being working class, and 1.2% as
of and indiscriminate negative attitudes, emo- being upper class.1
tions, and hostility toward Muslims and the
Islamic faith; Jupskås & Leidig, 2020; Lee et al., Measures. For this and all remaining studies, an
2009) via symbolic and realistic threats. overview of the measures and their full items can
be found in the supplemental online material
(SOM). The survey was administered in the local
Study 1
languages (i.e., Danish in Denmark and Norwegian
Study 1 examined the relationship between per- in Norway). All items were translated into Danish
ceived replacement of the White autochthonous and Norwegian by the first and second authors and,
population (e.g., ethnic Danes) and outgroup to directly assess the accuracy of the translation, all
negativity (e.g., Muslim persecution, violent items subsequently were back-translated into Eng-
intentions, and Islamophobia) while testing lish by two research assistants. Unless otherwise
whether symbolic rather than realistic threats stated, all items were rated on 7-point Likert scales
would mediate this relationship. (1 = totally disagree, 7 = totally agree).
Obaidi et al. 1681

Table 1. Descriptive statistics and variable intercorrelations: Studies 1–3.

Variables M SD 2. 3. 4. 5 6
Denmark 1. Perceived replacement 1.69 1.20 .59** .72** .32** .81** .59**
Study 1 2. Perceived realistic threat 2.37 1.43 .67** .14 .58** .51**
3. Perceived symbolic threat 2.14 1.65 - .30** .71** .58**
4. Violent behavioral intentions 2.26 1.21 - .22* .29**
5. Islamophobia 1.40 0.96 - .77**
6. Muslim persecution 1.36 0.89 -
Denmark 1. Perceived replacement 2.02 1.33 .49** .65** .68** .61** .72**
Study 2 2. Perceived realistic threat 1.96 1.14 - .68** .41** .48** .51**
3. Perceived symbolic threat 2.58 1.71 - .66** .67** .75**
4. Violent behavioral intentions 2.03 1.65 - .65** .75**
5. Islamophobia 1.58 1.12 - .65**
6. Muslim persecution 1.81 1.45 -
Norway 1. Perceived realistic threat 2.88 1.49 - .78** .79**
Study 3 2. Perceived symbolic threat 2.54 1.35 - .69**
3. Islamophobia 3.47 3.01 -

Note. *p < .05. **p < .01.

Perceived replacement. Because of lack of an exist- Islamophobia. The eight-item Behavioral-

ing measure, we designed three items (α = .78) Affective Subscale of the Islamophobia Scale
based on statements made by Danish politicians, (Lee et al., 2009) was used to measure partici-
right-wing intellectuals, and the media (e.g., “Because pants’ hostility toward Muslims (α = .94). Spe-
of a rapidly growing population of Muslims in Den- cifically, on 10-point Likert scales (1 = totally
mark, I feel alienated in my own country”) to meas- disagree, 10 = totally agree), participants were asked
ure perceived replacement. to indicate their agreement with statements such
as, “Just to be safe, it is important to stay away
Symbolic threat. Three items (α = .95) from from places where Muslims could be.”
Obaidi, Kunst, et al. (2018; e.g., “Danish norms
and values are being threatened by Muslims) were Muslim persecution. Muslim persecution was
used to measure symbolic threat. measured with six items adapted from Altemeyer’s
(1996) POSSE measure (see also Obaidi, Thom-
Realistic threat. An additional three items sen, & Bergh, 2018). Participants were asked to
(α = .85) from Obaidi, Kunst, et al. (2018; e.g., “imagine that someday in the future the Danish
“Because of the presence of Muslims, Danish government decides to outlaw Muslim organiza-
people have fewer resources) were also used to tions and requests all citizens to do their best to
measure realistic threat. make sure that the law has a successful effect,” and
then to indicate how much they agreed with items
Violent behavioral intentions. Violent behavio- about Muslim persecution (e.g., “I would support
ral intentions were measured using seven items the execution of Muslim leaders”; α = .92).
(e.g., “I will personally use violence against peo-
ple harming other Danes that I care about”;
α = .80) adapted from Obaidi and colleagues
(Obaidi, Kunst, et al., 2018; Obaidi, Thomsen, Variable descriptives and correlations for Studies
& Bergh, 2018). 1–3 can be found in Table 1.
1682 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

Figure 1. Path model: Study 1.

.30* intentions

.47*** .24**
.18 (.37**)
.60*** (.81***) Islamophobia .14
.32* (.59***)

.06 .58***

.59*** Muslim
-.12 Persecution


Note. Standardized coefficients are displayed. Nonsignificant paths are displayed in grey.
For each dependent variable, the direct effect from the unmediated model is presented in parentheses.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

Perceived replacement of the autochthonous dependent variables. Further, perceived replace-

population was positively correlated with willing- ment predicted all the key variables except violent
ness to violently persecute Muslims, violent behavioral intentions (see Figure 1), suggesting
intentions, Islamophobia, as well as symbolic and full and partial mediation.
realistic threat perceptions (see Table 1). Based on bootstrapping with 5,000 random resa-
Moreover, both types of threats were related to mples, perceived replacement had an indirect and
Muslim persecution and Islamophobia. However, positive effect on violent intentions (β = .27, 95%
only symbolic threat was associated with violent CI [0.05, 0.68]), Islamophobia (β = .17, 95% CI
intentions. [0.05, 0.43]), and Muslim persecution (β = .22, 95%
Next, we examined a path model in which CI [0.04, 0.57]), as mediated by symbolic threat.
symbolic and realistic threats mediated the link Indirect effects associating perceived replacement
between perceived replacement of the autoch- and our dependent variables through realistic threat
thonous population and Muslim persecution, vio- did not yield significance (violent intentions: β =
lent intentions, and Islamophobia. In this and all −.07, 95% CI [−0.35, 0.11]; Islamophobia: β = .04,
remaining studies, the model was estimated using 95% CI [−0.10, 0.22]; Muslim persecution: β = .06,
robust maximum likelihood (MLR) in Mplus 95% CI [−0.10, 0.31]).
Version 7 (Muthén & Muthén, 2012) in order to Next, we constrained the paths from symbolic
account for skewed variables. Full information and realistic threats separately to each dependent
maximum likelihood (FIML) was used to handle variable to test whether the differences between
missing data (< 3%). In this (fully saturated) these paths were statistically significant. When
mediation model, perceived replacement pre- the paths from symbolic and realistic threats to
dicted both symbolic and realistic threats and, of violent intentions were constrained to equality,
these, symbolic threat predicted all three depend- this produced a significant deterioration in model
ent variables while we did not find a significant fit: chi-square difference: Δχ2(1) = 4.36, p =
relation between realistic threat and any of the .031, suggesting a statistically significant
Obaidi et al. 1683

difference between both paths. However, we did to have enough power to test the proposed medi-
not find any significant difference between realis- ation model. A total of 218 White Danish partici-
tic and symbolic threats to Muslim persecution: pants (Mage = 28.49, SDage = 8.64, age range:
chi-square difference: Δχ2(1) = 0.72, p = .396, 18–55; 51.1% female) were recruited in the same
and Islamophobia: chi-square difference: Δχ2(5) manner as in Study 1, yet only Facebook was
= 0.99, p = .319. used. Of the total sample, 44.6% were enrolled in
We also tested whether these relations were university studies, 20.3% had completed high
robust to the introduction of demographic varia- school, 17.8% had a bachelor’s degree, 9.9% had
bles of age, gender, education, and socioeconomic a postgraduate degree, and 7.4% had completed
status. With the exception of the paths from sym- upper secondary school. Moreover, 52% identi-
bolic threat to violent intention (β = .24, p = .080), fied as being middle class, 20.5% as being upper
and perceived replacement to Muslim persecution middle class, 17.5% as being working class, and
(β = .22, p = .075), which turned marginally sig- 10% as being upper class.
nificant, the remaining paths remained just as
strong in this analysis (βs ⩾ .26, ps ⩽ .024). Measures. Differently from the previous study, we
used four items to measure the perceived replace-
ment of White Danes by Muslims (e.g., “The
Preliminary Discussion population replacement in Denmark will make
Study 1 showed that perceived replacement was Muslims a majority in the near future”; α = .81).
associated with both general (e.g., Islamophobia) Moreover, these new items were created based on
and extreme negative anti-Muslim resentment statements expressed by the proponents of the
(e.g., Muslim persecution). Moreover, this rela- “Great Replacement” conspiracy such as GI, and
tionship was mediated by symbolic threat percep- specifically included the words “replaced” or
tions. However, a central limitation of this study “extinct.” Next, using the same measures as in
is that our independent variable could be per- Study 1, we assessed symbolic threat (α = .94),
ceived as a proxy variable. More specifically, realistic threat (α = .86), violent behavioral inten-
rather than using a direct measure of perceived tions (α = .95), Islamophobia (α = .93), and
replacement, we measured the feeling of becom- Muslim persecution (α =. 95).
ing alienated due to increased Muslim migration.
Study 2 remedies this limitation by directly assess-
ing the perception that one’s group is being
replaced or becoming extinct. Variable descriptives and correlations can be
found in Table 1. Perceived replacement was pos-
itively correlated with violent behavioral inten-
Study 2 tions, Muslim persecution, Islamophobia, and the
We had several aims with Study 2. First, to test the two types of threat perceptions (see Table 1).
robustness of our results, we wanted to replicate Moreover, symbolic threat, but not realistic
those from Study 1 with another sample of White threat, was positively associated with the three
Danes. Second, we aimed to address the measure- dependent variables.
ment limitation of the previous study by employ- As in Study 1, symbolic but not realistic threat
ing a more extensive and direct measure of mediated all associations between perceived
perceived replacement of one’s group by an out- replacement of the autochthonous population
group using the words “replaced” and “extinct.” and the dependent variables (see Figure 2). Based
on bootstrapping with 5,000 random resamples,
perceived replacement had significant indirect
Method and positive effects on violent intentions (β =
Participants and procedure. As in Study 1, we aimed .31, 95% CI [0.28, 0.62]), Islamophobia (β = .36,
to recruit at least 150 White Danish participants 95% CI [0.34, 0.71]), and Muslim persecution
1684 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

Figure 2. Path model: Study 2.

.62*** intentions

.48*** .52***
.40** (.66***)
.20* (.59***) Islamophobia .61***
.25** (.67***)

.06 .15

.52*** Muslim
-.09 Persecution


Note. Standardized coefficients are displayed. Nonsignificant paths are displayed in grey.
For each dependent variable, the direct effect from the unmediated model is presented in parentheses.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

(β = .43, 95% CI [0.46, 0.78]), which were medi- Preliminary Discussion

ated by symbolic threat. No mediation by realistic As in Study 1, this second study demonstrated
threat was observed (indirect effects on violent that perceived replacement was associated with
intentions: β = −.05, 95% CI [−0.21, 0.04]; anti-Muslim resentment (e.g., Muslim persecu-
Muslim persecution: β = .01, 95% CI [−0.12, tion, violent intentions, and Islamophobia).
0.11]; and Islamophobia: β = .03, 95% CI [−0.07, Again, this relationship was mediated by sym-
0.19]). bolic threat perceptions. Although Studies 1 and
Next, as in Study 1, we constrained the paths 2 supported the predicted relationships between
from symbolic and realistic threats to each perceived replacement and outgroup hostility, a
dependent variable to equality, to test whether central limitation of the first two studies is the
the difference between these paths was statisti- cross-sectional data structure. Thus, the final
cally significant. When the paths from symbolic study uses an experimental design to address this
and realistic threats to violent intentions: chi- and, thus, assess causality.
square difference: Δχ2(1) = 13.31, p = .001;
Islamophobia: chi-square difference: Δχ2(1) =
7.31, p = .001; and Muslim persecution: chi- Study 3
square difference: Δχ2(1) = 14.82, p = .001, Although providing consistent results, the first
were constrained, this produced a significant two studies were limited as they employed corre-
decrease in model fit, suggesting a difference lational designs. Therefore, we aimed to conduct
between the paths. an experimental study, this time in Norway.
As in Study 1, we also tested whether the rela- Importantly, to replicate our findings, we ran-
tions were robust to the introduction of demo- domly assigned participants to either a replace-
graphic variables of age, gender, education, and ment or a control condition. Next, we assessed
socioeconomic status. All paths that were signifi- participants’ symbolic and realistic threat percep-
cant without these control variables remained as tions and, to keep the survey brief, their degree
strong in this analysis (βs ⩾ .20, ps ⩽ .019). of Islamophobia specifically. We hypothesized
Obaidi et al. 1685

that participants who were assigned to the intellectuals, and the media. Participants were
replacement condition would perceive more sym- asked to indicate the degree to which they felt
bolic threat and subsequently would show more that different aspects of the Norwegian culture
Islamophobia than those in the control were threatened by immigration (α = .97). These
condition. aspects were Norwegian (a) cultural habits, (b) val-
ues and norms, (c) cultural traditions, and (d) cul-
ture in general. Responses were rated on 5-point
Likert scales (1 = not at all threatened, 5 = threatened
Participants. A total of 96 White autochthonous to a high degree).
Norwegians (Mage = 28.6 years, SDage = 6.5, age
range: 18–70; 79.2% male) were recruited through Realistic threat. Four items assessed realistic
postings on online social networks (e.g., Face- threat (α = .94) using the same prompt as for the
book groups unrelated to the topic) for a study symbolic threat measure described before. How-
on “social issues.” A power analysis indicated ever, here, participants rated the degree to which
that this sample size provided 80% power to they felt that the Norwegian (a) labor market, (b)
detect a medium-sized effect (d = 0.5) at a .05 welfare system, (c) economic wealth of Norwe-
significance criterion. About half of the partici- gian citizens, and (d) the Norwegian economy in
pants (44.8%) indicated that secondary school general were threatened by immigration.
was their highest level of education, followed by
those with a bachelor’s degree (39.6%), and those Islamophobia. To measure Islamophobia, we
with a master’s degree (15.6%). used the same items as in Studies 1 and 2 (α =
.94), scored on an 11-point scale (0 = totally disa-
Procedure. Data were collected online, and partici- gree, 10 = totally agree).
pants were randomly assigned to one of two con-
ditions via Qualtrics software. In the replacement Manipulation check. Participants were asked to
condition, participants watched a short, edited indicate to which extent they felt that the con-
video clip from a major Norwegian TV channel. tinued existence of the Norwegian ethnic group
In the video, new statistical reports were cited was threatened, using four items (α = .99; e.g.,
suggesting that ethnic Norwegians may become a “To which extent do you think the very existence
minority in Norway within 50 years (and within 20 of the Norwegian ethnic group is threatened by
years in the capital city of Oslo specifically) due to immigration?”). The response format was the
immigration. While citing these reports, images same as for the threat measures.
were shown of Norwegian kindergartens com-
prising mostly children from Muslim-majority
countries. In the control condition, participants
watched an unrelated video from the same TV The manipulation check supported the effective-
station that was matched in length and dealt with ness of our condition. Participants in the replace-
the importance of using eyeglasses while driving. ment condition scored higher on the manipulation
check (M = 3.17, SD = 1.45) than participants in
Measures and materials. After watching the video, the control condition (M = 2.44, SD = 1.55),
participants first completed the symbolic and real- t(94) = −2.37, p = .020, d = 0.48.
istic threat measures in randomized order, and Next, the experimental manipulation affected
then completed a measure of Islamophobia.2 both symbolic and realistic threat perceptions as
well as Islamophobia: participants assigned to the
Symbolic threat. The symbolic and realis- replacement condition perceived higher degrees
tic threat measures were based on statements of symbolic (M = 3.21, SD = 1.49) and realistic
made by Norwegian politicians, right-wing threat (M = 2.88, SD = 1.40) than those assigned
1686 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

Figure 3. Mean differences observed: Study 3.

Note. *p < .05.

to the control condition: symbolic threat (M = 2.56, experimental threat predicted both symbolic and
SD = 1.43), t(94) = −2.20, p = .030, d = 0.45; realistic threat; of these, only symbolic threat pre-
realistic threat (M = 2.22, SD = 1.22), t(94) = dicted Islamophobia, as expected (see Figure 4).
−2.46, p = .016, d = 0.50 (see also Figure 3). When the paths from symbolic and realistic
Moreover, participants in the replacement condi- threat to Islamophobia were constrained to
tion expressed more Islamophobia (M = 4.11, SD equality, this produced a significant decrease in
= 3.03) than those in the control group (M = 2.84, model fit, suggesting a difference between both
SD = 2.89), t(94) = −2.09, p = .039, d = 0.43. paths: chi-square difference: Δχ2(1) = 4.80, p =
Having established these effects, we estimated .029. Analogously, analyses using bootstrapping
a path model to test whether symbolic and realis- with 5,000 random resamples indicated that,
tic threats mediated the effects of the numerical whereas there was a significant indirect effect of
threat condition (0 = control, 1 = replacement) experimental condition on Islamophobia through
on Islamophobia. In this (fully saturated) model, symbolic threat (β = .14, 95% CI [0.02, 0.30]), the
Obaidi et al. 1687

Figure 4. Path model: Study 4.



.48*** .64***

.02 (.21*) Islamophobia




Note. Coefficients are standardized. Nonsignificant paths are displayed in grey. The direct effect from the unmediated model is
presented in parentheses.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

indirect effect of condition on Islamophobia immigrants and asylum seekers in the West.
through realistic threat was nonsignificant (β = Moreover, recent FBI documents predict that
.05, 95% CI [−0.01, 0.16]). right-wing, conspiracy-driven extremism will
Finally, we also tested whether these relations increase in the next few years (Steinbuch, 2019).
were robust to the introduction of demographic Indeed, new reports indicate that far-right terror-
variables of age, gender, and education. With the ism has significantly outpaced other forms of ter-
exception of the path from symbolic threat to rorism (Jones et al., 2020). More specifically,
Islamophobia, which became stronger (β = .70, p right-wing terrorist incidents in the West have
= .001), the remaining paths remained just as increased by 320% over the past 5 years (Institute
strong in this analysis (βs ⩾ .24, ps ⩽ .016). for Economics & Peace, 2019). One of the most
potent conspiracy theories evoked by right-wing
Preliminary Discussion extremists, politicians, and commentators is the
“Great Replacement”—the conspiracy arguing
Study 3 aligned with the previous studies by pro-
that there is an attempt to replace the White
viding causal support for the hypothesis that the
autochthonous population with non-Western
perception of replacement may fuel Islamophobia
immigrants. Yet, to our knowledge, the present
among the White majority population and that
paper is the first to investigate the impact of per-
this effect is mediated by higher perceptions of
ceiving that one’s ethnic group may be replaced
symbolic threat, but not realistic threat.
by non-Western immigrants on negative out-
group sentiment (e.g., Muslim persecution, vio-
Discussion lent intentions, and Islamophobia). Importantly,
It has been suggested that immigration-related the perception of being replaced is distinct from
conspiracy theories trafficked by right-wing perceptions of outgroup size in that it refers to
groups may nurture hate and violence against the extinction of one’s group, whereas outgroup
1688 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

size is mainly related to a zero-sum game that the elements of recent White supremacists’ justifica-
majority is losing. Here, in three studies (i.e., two tion for carrying out their racially motivated vio-
correlational and one experimental), we tested lent attacks. For example, the El Paso shooter
the impact of this conspiracy while also examin- openly embraced the ethno-nationalist view and
ing the underlying role of symbolic and realistic saw the alleged replacement of the White popula-
threat perceptions. tion as an attempt to remove White culture.
Supporting our predictions, in the first two Therefore, such narratives depicting Muslims as
correlational studies, the perceived replacement an existential threat to the Western way of life,
of one’s group was strongly associated with more national identity, and culture (e.g., Wilders, 2017)
intergroup hostility. In both studies, these effects may result in an increased perception of cultural
were mediated by higher perceptions of symbolic threat, incompatibility, and clash of values, lead-
threat, but not a realistic threat. In the third study, ing to more symbolic threat perceptions among
we obtained experimental support for the the majority population.
assumed causality between the constructs, as we As for our dependent variables, we not only
manipulated the independent variable and tested focused on general negative attitudes towards
effects on mediators and dependent variables. outgroups (e.g., Islamophobia), but also meas-
That is, experimentally altering the perceived ured more extreme types of outgroup hostility
replacement of one’s population led to higher such as violent behavioral intentions and willing-
levels of Islamophobia compared to a plain con- ness to violently persecute Muslim minority
trol condition. members. Based on previous studies (e.g., Tausch
The effects of a perceived replacement were et al., 2011), one may have expected that the pre-
only mediated by symbolic threat. This is in line dictive power of perceived replacement would
with recent studies (e.g., Obaidi, Kunst, et al., become weaker the more extreme the dependent
2018) investigating the relationship between iden- variables become. However, our data did not sup-
tification, threat perception, and outgroup hostil- port this proposition, and results replicated
ity, in which symbolic threat emerged as the main across two studies provided confirmation of the
predictor of hostility. One explanation for this robustness of our model and illustrated the nega-
could be rooted in the kind of rhetoric used by tive implication and the potential that the “Great
right-wing intellectuals, media, and politicians Replacement” conspiracy has for radicalizing
cultivating a “clash of civilizations” discourse some people.
that portrays Muslims and Islam as an imminent
threat to the core values of Christian Western
Limitations and Future Directions
civilization (e.g., Fallaci, 2002; Huntington, 1993;
Murray, 2017). Thus, the proponents of the One of the main limitations of the present
“Great Replacement” conspiracy first and fore- research was the use of nonrepresentative sam-
most see non-Western immigrants, particularly ples, reducing our findings’ generalizability and
Muslims, as a threat to White European culture inferences that can be made about the entire pop-
and Judeo-Christian civilization rather than a ulation. However, we believe that the fact that we
threat to Europeans’ economic conditions. For observed the same pattern of results across three
example, the leading proponents of the replace- studies and two different cultural contexts (e.g.,
ment conspiracy who are part of GI lobby for an Norway and Denmark) attenuates such a concern
ethnically and religiously homogeneous Europe. to some extent. Nevertheless, future studies are
To achieve this, they campaign for an indiscrimi- needed to replicate our findings outside the
nate expulsion of all non-Westerners who do not Scandinavian context and among representative
have a Judeo-Christian ethnic heritage. This samples.
ethno-nationalist view and the need to protect Another concern refers to the mediation mod-
the “White race” were recurring and dominant els tested in our studies. In Studies 1 and 2, model
Obaidi et al. 1689

estimation was based solely on correlational data Cottrell & Neuberg, 2005). In contrast, atheists
and directionality was assumed based on previous and religious minorities (e.g., Muslims) are com-
work. Such models have only limited evidentiary monly perceived to pose symbolic threats
value as they preclude inferences of causality (Gervais et al., 2011; Raiya et al., 2008). Identifying
(Bullock et al., 2010; MacKinnon et al., 2007). To which specific groups and circumstances lead to
alleviate this limitation, in Study 3, we replicated distinct types of threats has implications for con-
the model by manipulating the independent vari- flict and prejudice reduction, as the interventions
able. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the employed to reduce intergroup conflict should be
relationship between the mediators (i.e., symbolic developed to target the specific type of threat
and realistic threats) and the dependent variable perception.
still was correlational. Hence, future studies Finally, future studies should focus on individ-
should attempt to manipulate both the independ- ual-level variables as moderators of the relation-
ent and mediating variables to establish the full ship between perceived threat and radicalization.
causal chain. For example, individuals who have a predisposi-
It is also important to note that we did not tion to react negatively to uncertainty (Choi &
directly assess actual violence, which is practically Hogg, 2020) may perceive a higher degree of
and ethically very difficult in social sciences threat when confronted with information indicat-
research. Instead, we measured violent intentions ing that their group or culture is being replaced.
and hostile intergroup attitudes. Although we Indeed, uncertainty experienced as a threat has
found consistent relationships between our inde- been linked with protective behaviors (i.e., retreat
pendent and mediator variables and these out- into identity-focused echo chambers often
comes, to what extent the measured intentions revolving around populist ideology and conspir-
and attitudes translate into actual violent behavior acy theories; Hogg, 2020).
remains uncertain.
Although the effects of perceived replace-
Societal Implications
ment in this study were only mediated by sym-
bolic threat, other studies show that Whites’ As the writer Rosa Schwartzburg puts it “the
experience of both aversive economic conditions ‘Great Replacement’ is spreading like a virus”
(i.e., realistic threat) and increased exposure to and seeping into mainstream, conservative, right-
non-White minorities are associated with feelings wing political discourse (Schwartzburg, 2019).
of intergroup threat (e.g., Knowles & Tropp, For instance, the idea of being “replaced” by
2018). Particularly, previous studies have shown immigrants is a recurring feature on some Fox
that increased ethno-racial diversity leads to a News programs (e.g., hosts such as Tucker
high degree of realistic threat under conditions in Carlson and Laura Ingraham). Indeed, a The New
which economic resources are scarce (Quillian, York Times review of popular right-wing media
1995). Thus, the extent to which either a symbolic platforms found a striking degree of overlap
or realistic threat leads to outgroup hostility is between the language used by the El Paso
influenced by the socioeconomic factors of a shooter and the incendiary language of right-
given context (McDermott et al., 2019; Nijs et al., wing media personalities that echo the fear of
2021). invasion and replacement (Peters et al., 2019). As
Furthermore, what kind of threat is the most our results show, such incendiary language por-
potent predictor of outgroup hostility and preju- traying Westerners under invasion by immigrants
dice depends on the group in question, as differ- has far-reaching implications for violent extrem-
ent outgroups are perceived to pose different ism. For instance, recent analyses identified fear
types of threats (e.g., Cottrell & Neuberg, 2005). of “the Great Replacement” as the root cause of
For instance, African Americans are generally the Capitol attack; these analyses concluded that
perceived to pose realistic threats to Whites (e.g., the second biggest driver for the attack was the
1690 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25(7)

significant traction that such conspiracy theories Supplemental material

have on social media (Pape, 2021). Supplemental material for this article is available online.
In addition to its potential to lead to violent
extremism, such incendiary rhetoric adopting Notes
themes of the “Great Replacement” conspiracy
1. For this and the remaining studies, when percent-
may legitimatize violence. Specifically, because it ages for the demographic variables do not add up
portrays the majority population as victims whose to 100%, this is due to missing values.
ethnicity is under existential threat, it may help to 2. The survey also included other measures intended
justify violence as a necessary mean to avert such for a different study on acculturation.
threats (Bandura, 1999; Kruglanski et al., 2014).
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