Seq2 Lesso of The Past and Used To

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Teacher: Mebarki /w “Essalem “ middle School Level : MS3

Sequence: TWO Lesson : i listen and do Lesson Focus : PDP

Learning Objective(s):
By the end of the lesson, my learner will be able to talk about lifestyle in the past and the present with childhood
Target Competencies : interact – interpret – produce.
Target structures : simple past, , semi model (used to) – time marker(ago)
Domain: Oral / Written – Both.
Material(s): white board- pictures- data show
Framework Time Procedure

Warm up 5 -teacher greets his learners .

min -teacher display a video about present and past lifestye in ( eating- clothing …..)then
invites his learners to interpret it .

Pre- - Presentation of:

listening The past /usedt to
15 Teacher draws the following table on the board.
min Past simple Used to present
Eg: 80 years ago , I Eg:In the past they Eg: Today, we have all
lived in Tunis used to this technology.
Cook on strove.
Teacher tries to explain the difference between the sentences.
PPS try review the past simple with teacher’s help.
Form and meaning/ We have two ways to express the past:

Form: Used to the simple past

+ verb (infinitive) -regular
- Irregular verbs
Meaning: to talk about past habit that -to talk about an action
No longer exist now happened in the past and
20 finished in the past at a given
min point of time
Teacher writes the following sentences on the board .
1-grandma (to be)………………. was born in 1989.
2- Grandma used to (to play)……………………………………rag doll .
3-Jenny (to wear)………………….. a uniform.
4- Yesterday, grandma (cook )…………………….delicious cookies.
Pps will identify verbs in the past simple: Regular /irregular verbs.
Verb Past
Dress in

Teacher explains the grammar tools page 63.

My grammar tools
To talk about the past event ,I use the past simple tense
-Regular verbs:V(stem/base)+ ed
-Irregular verbs: each verb has its own past tense and past
participle forms.
I use the past time marker “ ago” to indicate the past.
Past simple tense Review(forms)
Interrogative form:

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