Forand Against Essay

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For and Against

Technology has been a rather significant part of our lives, especially for
my generation, since even the ones apart of it who deny they need it at all
would have a hard time imagining their day-to-day without it.

Technology has provided us with more efficiency to our lives, in areas

such as school, work, leisure, etc., as we have easier access to many more
resources than ever before, have easier means to communicate, and even
learn and develop new skills with the help of (for example) various
softwares and gadgets.

Although the concept of technology nowadays is the picture of the

dreams scientists had just back in the early 20th century, some of its cons
are better described as nightmares. The evolution of technology is
happening so fast that it might blow out of proportion in the near future.
Technology has replaced humans in tasks that were rather dangerous for
us to perform, but this replacement could spread to the point of our
dependency on machines. And this scenario is not something we need to
imagine, because, just to name a few examples, there are robots capable of
performing surgeries with little to no needed instructions, and in factories,
where technology has intervened the most, most workers only coordinate
and make sure the machines there are working properly on tasks that were
once performed by people.

All and all, we should balance our dependency on technology with our
connection with the real world.


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