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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan(Individual)

Teacher: Shaneeka McClendon- Bell

Date: 9/21/2023
Subject Area / Toddlers 12-36 months
Course /
Grade Level:
Materials:  Computer or Tablet

 Family photo cards (pictures of family members)

 Picture cards of common home items (e.g., bed, chair, kitchen)

 Soft toys or dolls representing family members.

 Playhouse or dollhouse (optional)

 Crayons

Standards: Alabama Early Learning Guidelines:

 Social-Emotional Development: SE1.1 - Develops a sense of identity.

 Language Development and Communication: LC2.1 - Communicates needs, wants,

thoughts, and experiences.

 Cognitive Development: CD1.1 - Demonstrates curiosity, motivation, and

persistence in learning.

 Physical Development: PD1.1 - Demonstrates control, coordination, and balance in

gross and fine motor tasks.

Objectives: The student will be able to:

Identify and name some family members and basic elements of a home environment.

Use crayons and paper to create a family picture.

Differentiation The teacher will provide simplified activities for younger toddlers (12-24 months) and more
Strategies: complex ones for older toddlers (24-36 months).

The teacher will offer various sensory experiences (e.g., touching soft blankets, smelling a scented
candle) to engage children with different learning styles.

The teacher will encourage verbal and non-verbal communication to cater to children at various
language development stages.

Approved January, 2013

ENGAGEMENT: The teacher will engage the children by singing a welcome song while inviting the toddlers to sit at
the rug for circle time. The teacher will then introduce the theme by asking simple questions like “Who is in your
family?" and "What do you see at home?"

Assessment: The teacher will use the student’s responses to informally observe whether the students can answer the
EXPLORATION: The teacher will use the computer/tablet to show the students engaging videos or animations
related to families and homes. For example, a short clip showing different family members doing daily activities at
home. The teacher will also show family photo cards of a mom, dad, sibling etc. and ask the children to point to
them. The teacher will use soft toys or dolls to represent family members to role play family scenarios.

Assessment: The teacher will informally observe to see if the students can point and name some of the family members on the
EXPLANATION: The teacher will share a simple story or sing a family-related song to reinforce the concept. The
teacher will also let the children explore the playhouse or dollhouse pointing out rooms and items within the

Assessment: The teacher will informally observe to see if the students interact with each other while at the playhouse or if the
students can name some of the rooms in the dollhouse.
ELABORATION: The teacher will encourage the students to talk about their own families and ask questions such as
“Who do you live with at home?” and "What do you like to do with your family?" The teacher will continue role-
playing family scenarios while encouraging children to create their stories. The teacher will also provide paper and
crayons for children to draw their own family picture.

Assessment: The teacher will informally observe to see if the children can answer the questions and talk about their own
family. The teacher will also observe to see fi the student can use the crayons and paper to create their family portrait.
Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1)

Toddlers actively
participated in all
activities, maintained Toddlers had
focus, and showed Toddlers mostly Toddlers participated difficulty
enthusiasm participated in activities, inconsistently, participating and
Engagement throughout the maintained attention, occasionally losing focus staying engaged for
(5 points) lesson. and displayed interest. or interest. extended periods.

Exploration Toddlers actively Toddlers explored Toddlers needed Toddlers had limited
(5 points) explored and materials with some significant guidance and engagement with
interacted with guidance, support to engage with materials and
materials, showing a demonstrating a basic struggled to

Approved January, 2013

clear understanding
of family and home understanding of family understand family
concepts. and home concepts. materials and concepts. and home concepts.

Toddlers accurately Toddlers demonstrated Toddlers struggled to

identified and named some ability to identify Toddlers had difficulty identify or name
family members and and name family identifying and naming family members and
home elements members and home family members and home elements
Assessment during the elements during the home elements during during the
(5 points) assessment activity. assessment activity. the assessment activity. assessment activity.

Toddlers actively Toddlers participated in Toddlers required Toddlers had

participated in circle circle time discussions significant prompting difficulty
time discussions, with some prompting and support to participating in circle
contributing ideas, and support, recalling a participate in circle time time discussions and
Explanation and recalling concepts few concepts from the discussions and recall recalling lesson
(5 points) from the lesson. lesson. lesson concepts. concepts.

Toddlers needed
Toddlers participated in significant guidance and Toddlers had
Toddlers actively elaboration activities support to engage in difficulty engaging in
engaged in with some guidance and elaboration activities elaboration activities
elaboration activities, support, attempting to and struggled to discuss and were unable to
such as drawing or discuss or create their or create their own discuss or create
Elaboration discussing their own own family and home family and home their own family and
(5 points) families and homes. scenarios. scenarios. home scenarios.

Total Points (25 points)

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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