Nursing Leadership - Assignment1 Elegino

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University of San Jose- Recoletos

Magallanes St., Cebu City 6000

School of Allied Medical Sciences

Name: Ivan Elegino September 02, 2023

BSN- Level 4 NCM 119- Nursing Leadership

Corazon Aquino

One leader in the Philippines who I deeply admire is Corazon Aquino. She
served as the first female President of the Philippines from 1986 to 1992 and played a
vital role in leading the non-violent People Power Revolution that ended the dictatorship
of Ferdinand Marcos and restored democracy in our country.

I learned about Corazon Aquino through various sources such as history books,
documentaries, and personal stories shared by my parents who experienced the People
Power Revolution firsthand. Hearing about her courageous actions and the positive
changes she brought about inspired me.

Corazon Aquino impressed me with her outstanding leadership qualities. First

and foremost, her bravery and determination to confront a corrupt and oppressive
regime were truly remarkable. Despite facing personal risks, she fearlessly mobilized
the Filipino people towards a peaceful movement that made a significant impact. Her
strength in the face of adversity united a divided nation.

Additionally, Aquino's commitment to democratic values and the rule of law was
evident throughout her presidency. She implemented reforms that promoted
transparency, accountability, and good governance. She also prioritized addressing
socioeconomic inequalities by focusing on land reform, poverty alleviation, and
Another aspect of Aquino's leadership that impressed me was her humility and
selflessness. She did not seek power or personal gain, but rather served as a leader
driven by a genuine desire to improve the lives of her fellow Filipinos. She led with
integrity, earning the trust and respect of the people.

Lastly, Aquino's ability to adapt and thrive in the political arena, despite lacking
prior experience, showcased her resilience. Transitioning from a housewife to the
country's president, she shattered barriers and proved that women can excel in
leadership roles in our patriarchal society.

Overall, Corazon Aquino's leadership qualities, including her courage, dedication

to democracy, humility, integrity, and adaptability, have made a lasting impact on our
nation's history. Her unwavering commitment to the welfare of the people and the values
she embodied serve as an inspiration to me and many others. She showed us the
immense influence one leader can have on a nation and continues to be a role model
for aspiring leaders.

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