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University of San Jose- Recoletos

Magallanes St., Cebu City 6000

School of Allied Medical Sciences

Hanah Mae S. Panaligan September 02, 2023

BSN- Level 4 NCM 119- Nursing Leadership

Mahatma Gandhi

There are numerous internationally acclaimed leaders who have left a significant
impact on the world stage. One such leader whom I greatly admire is Mahatma Gandhi,
known as the father of the Indian independence movement.

Born in 1869 in Porbandar, India, Gandhi played a pivotal role in leading India
towards independence from British rule. He preached and practiced nonviolent civil
disobedience, strongly believing in the power of peaceful protests and passive
resistance. His most notable achievement was the successful Salt March in 1930, also
known as the Dandi March. Gandhi led a group of followers on a 240-mile journey to
produce salt from the sea, in direct violation of the British salt monopoly. This symbolic
act of defiance rallied Indians from all walks of life and became a turning point in India's
fight for independence.

I have learned about Mahatma Gandhi's life and accomplishments through my

academic studies, books, and documentaries. His philosophy of truth, nonviolence, and
self-discipline deeply resonates with me. Gandhi's approach was rooted in the belief
that social and political change can be achieved through peaceful means, even in the
face of great adversity. His ability to inspire and unite people towards a common cause
without resorting to violence is awe-inspiring.
What particularly impresses me about Gandhi is his unwavering commitment to
his principles and his ability to lead by example. He was a remarkable individual who
practiced what he preached, living a simple and ascetic lifestyle. His humility,
selflessness, and dedication to the welfare of others were remarkable. Gandhi managed
to instill a sense of empowerment and hope in millions of Indians who had long been
marginalized, oppressed, and divided.

Moreover, Gandhi's leadership style was democratic in nature. He emphasized

the importance of inclusivity, encouraging people from all sections of society to
participate in the fight for freedom. By involving ordinary citizens and making them
active participants in the movement, he created a united front against British rule.

In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi's leadership, based on nonviolence, truth, and

self-discipline, has left an indelible mark on the world. His exceptional qualities as a
leader, his commitment to justice, and his ability to mobilize people peacefully have
greatly influenced me. Gandhi's legacy serves as a timeless reminder that true
leadership does not require domination or aggression but can instead be fostered
through compassion, empathy, and unwavering conviction.

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