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Introduction to
Public Relations
Digital Marketing Degree

Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira

16 February 2022
Introduction to Public Relations

Today Class

TEMA 1. Introduction to Communication, Organization and PR

TEMA 2. Public Communication
TEMA 3. PR Theories
TEMA 4. Public Relations as Communication Management
TEMA 5. PR as a Marketing Tool
TEMA 6. The method and the tools of PR
TEMA 7. CSR - Corporate Social Responsability

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Introduction to Public Relations


1. Communication is a complex process to manage with multi-layers components.

2. PR is about strategy, communicative processes and tools

3. We can have emotional bounds with companies

4. Companies shift from USP to UCP

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Introduction to Public Relations

Current societal challenges
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Introduction to Public Relations

Filter Bubbles

Despite the announced paradise sponsored by the the internet, technology poses
new challenges to PR.

Eli Pariser (1980) in 2011 warned of the Filter Bubbles or filtering bubbles of the

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Introduction to Public Relations

Filter Bubbles

On the one hand, we supposedly live in the age of disintermediation, but our
access to sources is increasingly limited.

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Introduction to Public Relations

Echo Chambers

Due to filter bubbles, people move in their own sounding boards rejecting contrary

Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira 40

Introduction to Public Relations

PR in the era of post-truth

This paradigm poses important challenges for PR and Corporate Communications,

since at a time when there is greater access to information, organizations are seeing
a proliferation of hoaxes and a polarization of public opinion.

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Introduction to Public Relations

PR in the era of post-truth

"I regret that we, as a free people, have freely chosen to live in a world where post-
truth reigns."

Steve Tesich, 1992 in The Nation

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Introduction to Public Relations

About this Unit. Main Subjects

TEMA 1. Introduction to Communication, Organization and PR

TEMA 2. Public Communication
TEMA 3. PR Theories
TEMA 4. Public Relations as Communication Management
TEMA 5. PR as a Marketing Tool
TEMA 6. The method and the tools of PR
TEMA 7. CSR - Corporate Social Responsability

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Introduction to Public Relations

About this Unit. Evaluation


Final Exam 40%

Intermediary test 20%

Applied Tasks 40%

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Introduction to Public Relations

About this Unit. Calendar

Presentation and Execution

Task 1 March 15st & 16st
Task 2 Mai 24st & 25st
Intermediar Friday 1 April 1st
y test
Final Exam To be defined

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Introduction to Public Relations

Task 1

Please make groups of 4 students:

Choose the option:

1-Private Company
2-Political Party
3-Public Organizations
4-Civil Society Organization (NGOs and Co.)

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Introduction to Public Relations

Task 1

ü What does the company or organization do (brief description, number of employees,

ü Mission, Vision and Values
ü What messages are most frequently present in their online/offline communication?
ü What are the company’s more evident publics/stakeholders and why?
ü What communication channels does it use and why?
ü Have they had any crisis? Which one? How they react?
ü SWOT of the organization’s communication

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Introduction to Public Relations

Task 2

For a given situation, each group has to develop a communication campaign and

• Communicative Problem(s)
• Objectives
• Campaign (MAIN) creative idea
• Communication strategies (Audience, Message and Medium).
• Communication Actions (incl. CSR component)

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Introduction to Public Relations

Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira
Introduction to Public Relations

TEMA 1. Introduction to Communication,

Organization and PR
Introduction to Public Relations

1.1 What is communication?
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Introduction to Public Relations

1.1 What is communication?

The relational process of

creating and interpreting
messages that elicit a
(Griffin, 2012, p.6)

(Griffin, 2012, p.6)

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Introduction to Public Relations

1.1 What is communication?

In 1948, Claude Shannon and Warren Weawer enunciated the

Mathematical Theory of Communication.

"The transmission of information in a message between two

instances (receiver and sender) by means of a channel in a context
that affects transmission”.

(Griffin, 2012, p.6)

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Introduction to Public Relations

(Griffin, 2012, p.6)

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Introduction to Public Relations

1.1 What is communication?

Communication is a process of relating. This

means it is not primarily or essentially
a process of transferring information or of
disseminating or circulating signs.
(Griffin, 2012, p.6)

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Introduction to Public Relations

1.1 What is communication?

Micro-, Meso- & Macro level
Introduction to Public Relations

1.1 What is communication?

Meso level. organizations
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