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❖ 1 cup of spinach, shredded
❖ 1⁄2 cup leafless basil
❖ 1⁄4 cup oil
❖ 1⁄2 can evaporated milk
❖ 1 clove garlic
❖ 400 grams of Andean cheese
❖ 1⁄2 red onion, diced
❖ 1⁄2 kilo of noodles
❖ 4 beef tenderloin steaks Pepper
❖ Salt
1.Blanch the spinach and basil for a few minutes in a pot of boiling
water. Remove from the pot, drain and let cool.
2. Place the spinach and basil in the blender glass. Adding the oil,
evaporated milk, garlic, cheese and salt to taste. If you wish, you
can add the pecans or almonds at this time. Blend and reserve.
3. Sauté the onion in a large pot. Add the green paste that was
obtained from the blender to the pot. Let it cook for a few minutes.
4. Add the previously parboiled noodles and stir well.
5.Bring a frying pan to the heat and add a splash of oil. When it is
hot, carefully place the seasoned loin and fry.
6.Turn it over and remove when it reaches the desired doneness.
7. Serve the noodles and mount the loin on them.

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