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1. chop (v) /tʃɒp/: chặt
2. cube (n) /kjuːb/: miếng hình lập phương
3. deep-fry (v) /diːp-fraɪ/: rán ngập mỡ
4. dip (v) /dɪp/: nhúng
5. drain (v) /dreɪn/: làm ráo nước
6. garnish (v) /ˈɡɑːrnɪʃ/: trang trí (món ăn)
7. grate (v) /ɡreɪt/: nạo
8. grill (v) /ɡrɪl/: nướng
9. marinate (v) /ˈmærɪneɪt/: ướp
10. peel (v) /piːl/: gọt vỏ, bóc vỏ
11. purée (v) /ˈpjʊəreɪ/: xay nhuyễn
12. roast (v) /rəʊst/: quay
13. shallot (n) /ʃəˈlɒt/: hành khô
14. simmer (v) /ˈsɪmə(r)/: om
15. spread (v) /spred/: phết
16. sprinkle (v) /ˈsprɪŋkl/: rắc
17. slice (v) /slaɪs/: cắt lát
18. staple (n) /ˈsteɪpl/: lương thực chính
19. starter (n) /ˈstɑːtə(r)/: món khai vị
20. steam (v) /stiːm/: hấp
21. stew (v) /stjuː/: hầm
22. stir-fry (v) /stɜː(r)-fraɪ/: xào
23. tender (adj) /ˈtendə(r)/: mềm
24. versatile (adj) /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/: đa dụng
25. whisk (v) /wɪsk/: đánh (trứng…)

1. A/ an
“a” và “an” (một) là hai mạo từ được dùng cho danh từ đếm được số ít. “a”
Cách dùng đứng trước phụ âm, “an” đứng trước nguyên âm (u,e,o,a,i).
- There is a cat. ( Có một con mèo).
Ví dụ - There isn’t a house. (Không có một ngôi nhà)
- Is there an egg? ( Có một quả trứng không?)
2. Some / Any
Some ( một vài, một ít) Any (nào)
“Some” được dùng trong câu khẳng định và “Any” được dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi
lời mời, yêu cầu. Ví dụ: Do you have any pens?
Ví dụ: Would you like some tea? ( Bạn có chiếc bút nào không?)
(Bạn dùng một ít chè nhé?)
“Some” đứng trước danh từ không đếm “Any” đứng trước danh từ không đếm được
được hoặc danh từ đếm được số nhiều. hoặc danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
Ví dụ: Ví dụ:
There are some butter. (Có một chút bơ) There isn't any butter. (Không có chút bơ nào
There are some eggs.(Có một vài quả trứng) cả.)
Are there any eggs? (Có quả trứng nào không?)

3. Từ định lượng cho đồ ăn

A teaspoon of honey (một A cup of soda A tin of sardine
thìa trà (nhỏ) mật ong) (một cốc sô đa) (một hộp, lon cá trích)

A tablespoon of sugar A bottle of wine A piece of bread

(một thìa xúp (đầy) đường) (một chai rượu) (một mẩu bánh mỳ)
A carton of cookies A kilo of rice
A pot of jam ( Một hũ mứt)
(một hộp bánh quy) (một cân gạo)

A glass of beer
A slice of bread a leaf of lettuce
(một ly bia)
( một lát bánh mì) (một lá rau diếp)

A bowl of soup A drop of oil A bag of pepper

(một bát súp) (một giọt dầu) ( một túi hại tiêu)
A pinch of salt A stick of sinnamon A bunnch of banana
(một nhúm muối) (một thanh/ cây quế) (một chùm/ nải chuối)
A head of cabbage A handful of cherry tomatoes A loaf of bread
(một cây bắp cải) (một nắm cà chua bi) (một ổ bánh mì)
A clove of garlic A little of water A pitcher of lemonade
(một nhánh tỏi) (một ít nước) (một bình nước chanh)


Bài 1. Điền “a”, “an”, hoặc Þ vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. Mary spent ________________hours preparing a four-course meal for her family.
2. ________________apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3. It may take you up to________________ hour to make this dish.
4. You should drink_____________ glass of warm water and take_____________rest.
5. Jane have________________ beautiful eyes.
6. Jane is studying at________________ university in Australia.
7. Can you take ______________ care of the house when I am not home?
8. It is ________________honor for me to be invited to your party.
9. ________________ sheep were gazing in the fields over there.
10. I have to wear ________________uniform when I go to school.
11. I asked Mr. Brown to keep________________ eye on your house when we were away.
12. The English test was just ________________piece of cake to me. I didn’t worry much about it.
13. ________________ police suspect a local gang.
14. This is________________ expensive restaurant. We should find another one.
15. The room is in ________________ need of a thorough clean.
Bài 2: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng
1.Mary doesn’t need (some/any) help from others as she can do it by herself.
2. There aren’t (some/any) flowers in my garden.
3. Excuse me, I need (some/any) information about the flights to Moscow next Monday.
4. We went shopping although we didn’t intend to by (some/any) clothes.
5. I wish that my teacher wouldn’t give us (some/any) homework today.
6. I’m exshausted. I want to have (some/any) time to get back my energy.
7. Do we have (some/any) money to buy a new carpet? This one is too old.
8. I don’t have any wet tissues but Jane has (some/any).
9. Yesterday the interviewer asked me (some/any) questions related to my previous job.
10. I hope that you will put (some/any) more effort in your learning.
11. I bought (some/any) milk and (some/any) cheese yesterday.
12. I was a pity that they didn’t have (some/any) more tickets to sell.
13. I really need (some/any) help from my friends at the moment.
14. Jim wants to have (some/ any) new shoes.
15. I think I should prepare (some/any) cookies in case Jim wants to eat
Bài 3: Điền “a”, “an”, “some” hoặc “any” vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. Have you heard ________________ news about the accident on the main road?
2. It is a pity that I don't have ________________camera now,
3. My brother likes ________________modern music.
4. I realized that ________________strange man was following me.
5. Would you like ________________cup of coffee?
6. There is________________glimmer of hope that Mary will recover from her illness.
7. I don't have________________ pets. I wish I had one.
8. I think________________ black dress is not suitable for you.
9. Jim has made ________________ good impression on his new co-workers.
10. It was ________________ great hornor to receive the reward.
11. Mary claimed that she didn’t have ________________unique talents.
12. I don’t want ________________ more vegetables.
13. ________________ people find it difficult to learn a foreign language.
14. There aren’t ________________ oranges left in the fridge so we decided to go shopping for
15. David doesn’t have ________________ expectations of his future career.
Bài 4: Hoàn thành câu với những từ cho sẵn.
Heads bowl glass kilos handful
Cloves Slice Pitchers carton pinch
1. My father rarely has a ________________of bread for breakfast.
2. Would you like a ________________of beer?
3. We need to buy some________________ of rice.
4. Jane is making some________________ of lemonade for the party.
5. I asked my mother for another________________ of soup.
6. My grandmother often give me a ________________of home-made cookies every week.
7. Can you help me crush some________________of garlic?
8. You might need more than a ________________ of cherry tomatoes to make salad.
9. Can you go to the supermarket and buy some________________ of cabbage? ‘
10. A ________________of salt is enough. If you put more, the soup will be too salty.
Bài 5: Tìm lỗi sai trong câu và sửa lại cho đúng
1. Have you put some salt in the curry? ________________
2. The ingredients of this dish include a spoontable of sugar. ________________
3. Would you like any more tea? ________________
4. The thief has been arrested by a police. ________________
5. I have never watched an horror movie before. ' ________________
6. There aren’t some piece of news about the robbery ________________
7. They haven’t made a decisions yet. ________________
8. My mother has bought some pitchers of sardine. ________________
9. You might need a sugar to perfect your dish ________________
10. Do you have any stick of cinnamon here? ________________
sentences type 1)
Ôn tập câu điều kiện loại 1.
Chức năng Dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
If + S + V(s/es) + (bổ ngữ), S+ will + V nguyên mẫu + (bổ ngữ)
Cấu trúc (thì hiện tại đơn) (thì tương lai đơn)
 Mệnh đề IF dùng thì hiện tại đơn, mệnh đề chính dùng thì tương lại
If I have money, I will buy a new computer.
Ví dụ (Nếu có tiền, tôi sẽ mua 1 cái máy tính mới.)
If you work hard, you will make a lot of money.
(Nếu bạn làm việc chăm chỉ, bạn sẽ kiếm được nhiều tiền.)
Động từ khiếm khuyết trong câu điều kiện loại 1.
Trong cấu trúc câu tiêu chuẩn của câu điều kiện loại 1, 'mệnh đề IFsử dụng thì hiện tại đơn và mệnh đề chính
sử dụng “will + V nguyên mẫu”
Tuy nhiên thay vì dùng “will” ta có thể dùng các động từ khiếm khuyết khác như: can,must, might, may
hoặc should trong mệnh đề chính để diễn đạt khả năng, sự cho phép, lời khuyên, sự cần thiết...
Động từ khuyết thiếu trong câu Ví dụ
điều kiện loại 1
may/might (sự có thể) If you ask George, he may/ might beable to help you.
If you drop that glass, it might break.
can/may (sự cho phép) You can/may leave the room if you have finished the test.
If you finish your homework, you can watch TV.
must (sự tuân theo/sự cần thiết) If he doesn’t come soon, We must leave without him.
You must/ have to study hard if you want to pass the exam,
should ((lời khuyên) If you ever go to Chicago, you should take a boat trip on the
If he calls you, you should go.
can (khả năng) She can learn to become a good cook if she tries hard.
If I have money, I can spend it.
Bài 6: Nối mệnh đề ở cột A với mệnh đề ở cột B để tạo câu điều kiện loại 1

1. If you want to be a good cook, A. you mustn't watch TV or play computer

2. Even if Kate begs you to let her cook, B. you might be in great trouble.
3. If you do not finish your homework, C. you can catch the bus number 03.
4. If you do not obey your teacher, D. you may not come to the meeting.
5. If you want to go downtown, E. you should practice cooking every day.
6. If you are very busy, F. you shouldn't allow her to do it.
7. If Peter realizers his full potential, G. he may be more successful in life.
8. If 1 save enough money by the end of this H. I will definitely go on an excursion with my
year, family.

Bài 7 : Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. If it (not pour)___________with rain tomorrow, we can (go)__________on a picnic
2. If James (start)__________to cook now, dinner (be)_________ready in one hour.
3. If Jane (not make) __________it the meeting on time, her manager may (get)___________ very angry.
4. If they (be)__________ occupied this weekend, they can (not come)__________to my house for dinner.
5. You must (not leave)____________ the house unless I (allow) ___________ you to go
6. Peter (just waste) __________ his money if he (take)________________ a course in this English center.
7. If he (be) ___________late, he can (not buy)___________ the tickets.
8. Unless she (pay)______________ more attention to the lesson, she (fail) ____________ the test.
9. It (be)___________late if you ( not start) ___________your work now.
10. My mother (not permit) ____________ me to go out unless I (promise) ___________ her to come back
before 10.
Bài 8: Viết câu điều kiện loại 1 với if dựa vào các câu cho sẵn.
0. Work harder or you lose the job.

-> If you don’t work harder, you will lose the job.
1. Stop telling lies or no one will trust you anymore.
2. Pay attention to the teacher or you can’t understand the lessons.
3. Go to bed early or you will be exhausted the next morning.
4. Save money from now and you can reward yourself with a long vacation at the end of the year.
5. Read more books and you can broaden your knowledge.
6. Brush your teeth often in order not to get toothache.
7. Listen carefully or you won't know what to do.
8. Unless you want to get sick, you should eat more healthily.
Bài 9. Sắp xếp các từ đã cho thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1.even/I/me/ if/ will/ to/ never/ apologizes/ forgive/he/him.
2. to/ You/ may/ have/ early/ you/ if/ leave
3. specialties/ Thailand/ local/ visit/ ,/ the/ to/ try/ happen/ should/ you/ you/ if.
4. harder/ your/ you/ work/ in/ can/ you/ achieve/ If/ more/ ,/ life.

5. promotion/ he/ get/ must/ to/ dedication/ show/ wants/ his/ James/ hard/ work/ , / and.
6. Will / time/ you/ afford/ come/ can/ to/ you/ my/ if/ house?
7. if/ job/ he/ do/ to/ What/ change/ can/ he/ wants/ his?
8.trouble/ ,/ you/ in/ help/ can/ are/ call/ you/ me/ If/ for.
Bài 10. Điền a/ an/ some/ any vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. We are going to work together for _______________ time.
2. Would you like ____________ more coffee?
3. I don’t have ____________ time for myself now.
4. You can’t go out without ____________ shoes.
5. I hope my teacher will provide me ____________ information about internship this year.
6. I regretted that I didn’t take ____________photos of the city I visited last month.
7. I really admire Jim because he has ____________ good knowledge of fine art.
8. It seemed like ____________ thousand people presented at the city square.
9. Have you got ____________ first hand experiences related to this job?
10. I can see ____________ golden fish in the pool. They are darting around.
11. I haven’t heard____________ single song of this singer but i have heard a lot of her bad reputation,
12. Have you done____________ research on the matter?
13. I've got hardly_______________money.
14. She asked if we had _______________questions concering the topic of light pollution.
15. My teacher forbids _____________ talking in class.
Bài 11: Hoàn thành câu với một định lượng thích hợp.
1.There is not a _____of pepper left in the cupboard. We need to buy some.
2. Jim has had two ____________ of beer and he is getting drunk now.
3. My mother told me to put a______________of salt into the soup
4. My friend gave me a __________of strawberry jam yesterday.
5. Jim came to my house with a ____________of rice wine as a gift.
6. You don’t need a______________of sugar to sweeten your coffee, just a teaspoon is enough.
7. You need half a______________of flour to make a cake that is big enough for all of us.
8. I don't want any__________________of lettuce in my salad because I hate that.
Bài 12:Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và sửa lại cho đúng.
1. Should I will find a parttimejobif I havefreetime? ___________
2. If Jane doesn't show up before ten, she can have to be ___________
disqualified from the contest.
3. I will hope you will join on us Sunday if you can afford time. ___________
4. You should practice a lot if you should want to speak English fluently. ___________
5. If you are a teacher, you could be put under a lot of pressure. ___________
6. You could go out if you have done the housework. ___________
7. Mary often asks me what should she do if she is in trouble. ___________
8. If you wish to be a good student, you would spend more time self-studying. _________
Bài 13: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. Jim/ always/ ask / me/ what/ I/ do/ if/ I / see/ shooting star
2. My mother/ often/ add/ stick/ cinnamon/ in/ soup
3. If/ you/ can/ not/drink/ black/ coffee/ ,/ you/ can/ add/ milk/ or/ sugar.
4. How/ the/ cake/taste/ if/ we /add/ drop/ olive/ oil?
5. My son/ not/ eat/ salad/ if/ there/ be/ tomatoes/ in/it.
6.My sister/ often/ eat/ slices/ bread/ with/ strawberry/ jam/ for/ breakfast.
7.Yesterday/ my/ mother/ and/ l/ buy/ some/ tin/ sardine/ and/ vegetables.
8. If/ you/ want/ your/ dish/ look/ better/ you/ garnish/ it/ with/ vegetables.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A.grate B.staple C.marinate D.shallot
2. A.versatile B.slice C.sprinkle D.combine
3. A.sprinkle B.drain C. tender D.garnish
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.recipe B.tablespoon C.ingredient D.benefit
5. A.avocado B.traditional C.ingredient D.significant
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Moderation doesn't mean the foods you love. eliminate B.eliminating prevent D.preventing
7. Studies suggest only when you are most active and giving your digestive system a
long break each day. eat B.being eaten C.eating D.being eating
8. Your body uses calcium to build healthy bones and teeth, them strong as you age.
A.remain C.continue D.keep
9. If you eat too quickly, you may not attention to whether your hunger is satisfied. B.take C.keep
10. Common eating habits that can lead to are: eating too fast, eating when not hungry,
eating while standing up, and skipping meals.
A.gain weight B.weight gain C.put on weight heavy
11. Keeping a for a few days will help you discover your bad eating habits.
A.diary B.personal diary
12. You may have had certain eating habits for so long that you do not they are
A.recognize B.realize C.understand D.tell
13. If children don’t play sports, they sleepy and tired.
A.would feel B.will feel C.would have felt D.had felt
14. If parents don’t cook at home, their children more fast food.
A.have B.would have C.may have D.had had
15. If you eat a lot of fruit, you health problems.
A.have B.may have C.had D.will never
Answer A B
1. a spoonful of A.lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, broccoli
2. a glass of/ a bottle of B.flour, sugar, oat, beans
3. a cup of/ a mug of/ a C.sausage, bread, pork, cheese
pot of D.milk, water, beer, wine, cola
4. a bag of E.grapes, bananas, onions, carrots
5. a carton of F.eggs, milk, yogurt, soup
6. a head of G. honey, medicine, ice cream, sugar
7. a bunch of H. garlic, shallots
8. a cube of I. coffee, tea, cocoa, hot water
9. a slice of J. butter, sugar, ice
10. a clove of
IV. Match the food quantifiers in column A with the groups of nouns in column B. Writethe
answer in each blank.

V. Underline the correct verb in each sentence.

1. (Stir/ Drain/ Chop) the carrot into small circles.
2. (Mix/ Boil/ Bake) the lasagne for 30 minutes in the oven.
3. After ten minutes, (drain/ boil/ fry) the spaghetti until there is no water left. Then place the pasta
into a large bowl.
4. (Peel/ Stir/ Fry) the onion and throw away the skin.
5. (Drain/ Marinate/ Chop) the steak with salt, pepper and lemon.
6. (Simmer/ Fry/ Bake) the onion until it is soft, but not brown.
7. Constantly (fry/ stir/ boil) the mixture using a wooden spoon.
8. When the mixture looks shiny, (fry/ pour/ chop) it into individual dishes.
9. When you have finished preparing the vegetables, (stir/ mix/ chop) them together with your hands.
10. (Fry/ Bake/ Boil) the spaghetti for ten minutes, or until soft.
VI. Fill in each blank with a, an, some, or any.
1. Have you got orange juice?
2. Fish is good baby food.
3. We haven’t got eggs.
4. My little brother is three. He eats with plastic spoon.

5. Are there knives on the table?
6. I want sandwich with herbs and spices.
7. We haven’t got more bread. Would you like biscuits with your cheese?
8. “I’m sorry, we haven’t got hot food, but we’ve got sandwiches if you’re
hungry.” „
9. “What would you like to drink with your breakfast, sir?” - “ black coffee, please.”
10. “Is there ice cream left?” - “No, there isn’t. Have apple!
VII. Read the text, and identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F).
Vietnamese food culture varies by regions from the north to the south. In Northern VietNam,
Vietnamese food is characterized by light and balanced flavours with the combination of many
ingredients. Northerners have been using many kinds of meats like pork, beef, and chicken to cook;
besides, some kinds of freshwater fish, crustaceans, and other mollusks like shrimps, crabs, and oysters,
etc. Many famous dishes of Viet Nam are cooked with these ingredients such as Bun Rieu, Pho, Bun
Rieu, Bun Thang, Bun Cha, Banh Cuon, etc.
Then, food culture in Central and Southern Viet Nam has developed suitable flavors in each region.
In Central Viet Nam, the regional cuisine of Central Viet Nam is famous for its spicy food, which
differs from two other parts with mostly non-spicy food. Hue cuisine is typical Central Viet Nam’s food
culture. Dishes of Hue cuisine are decorative and colorful, which expresses the influence of the
Vietnamese royal cuisine in the feudal period. Food in the region is often decorated sophisticatedly and
used with chili peppers and shrimp sauces, namely, Bun Bo Hue, Banh xeo, or Banh beo, etc.
In Southern Viet Nam, the region is characterized by warm weather and fertile soil, which creates
favorable conditions for planting a variety of fruit, vegetables and livestock. Thus, food in the region is
often added with garlic, shallots and fresh herbs. Particularly, Southerners are favored of sugar; they add
sugar in most dishes. Here, there is also an influence of western and Asian cuisines on southern food,
such as influences from China, India, France, and Thailand.
1. Vietnamese food is rich in flavours and ingredients.  
2. Vietnamese food cuisine differs from region to region.  
3. Dishes in the north are often spicy with shrimps, crabs, and oysters.  
4. Hue cuisine reflects the Vietnamese royal cuisine.  
5. Hue dishes Used to be decorated sophisticatedly in the feudal period.  
6. We can easily see the Western-style food in Central Viet Nam.  
7. Maybe people from other regions feel that southern dishes are sweet.  
8. Food in Central Viet Nam is used with garlic, shallots and flesh herbs  
VIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
A World of Sausage
All over the world, all different cultures created interesting processed meat products, and one of the
most popular is undoubtedly sausage.
To begin with, sausage making may be considered disgusting as it deals with using various animal
parts. Since meat is ground up, certain cuts and parts of an animal that wouldn’t be served in their
original forms can be used. Literally, this means animal parts such as noses, ears, and other less
appetizing areas of an animal’s body. Very often, the ground up meat and flesh is mixed with a certain
percentage of fat, along with spices and other fillers. After being mixed well, this meat mixture is then
stuffed into the cleaned intestines of the animal, which are then sealed at both ends. The result is
The meats used in sausages come from a variety of animals, although beef and pork are by far the
favourites. In some cultures, sausage made from the meat of horses is considered a delicacy. When
sausages are cooked, the cooking process sometimes adds to the flavour. While boiling is probably the
simplest method, smoking sausages will add a lot of smoky flavour.
Next time you bite into a sausage, it is probably best not to think too much about how it became the
tasty thing you are eating. After all, you don’t want to ruin a good snack.
1. Where is the mixture of meat placed?
A.Inside a plastic package B. Inside a cleaned intestine
C. Inside a refrigerator D. Inside a metal container
2. What won’t be served in their original forms?
A.Certain cuts and parts of animals B. Spices and fillers
C. Sausages of all typesD. Intestines of an animal
3. What are by far the favourite meats for making sausages?
A. Chicken B. Horse meat C. Cuts of lamb D. Beef and pork
4. What is the simplest method of cooking sausages?
A. Grilling B. Smoking C. Boiling D. Baking
5. What advice is given in the passage?
A.Be careful when making sausages.
B.Don’t think too much about what you are eating when eating sausages.
C. Try not to use too much fat in the meat mixture when making sausages.
D. Make sure intestines are cleaned before packing with meat.

IX. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Cor D that best fits the blank space in the following
A Healthy Life?
(1) health experts believe that children and young people today are more(2) than they
used to be. So why has this happened?
One reason is bad eating habits. (3) of young people don’t have a healthy diet. They eat too much
fast food (4) hamburgers and pizza and not enough fruit and vegetables. In the US, many
children (5) fast food regularly since they were veryyoung. In fact, almost one-third of American
children aged four to nineteen have been eating fast food (6) all the time. They also don’t (7)
exercise and spend too(8) of their time watching TV, surfing the Internet or
playing computer games.
So how can you change your habits if you have been following an unhealthy lifestyle for a long
time? First, change your (9) and eat more fruit and vegetables. Next, find an activity you enjoy.
Why not try something different like rock climbing, surfing or hiking? Many young people have found
that (10) fit and healthy can be a lot of fun.
1. A. Many B. Much C.A lot D.Plenty
2. A. healthy B. healthily C.unhealthy D. unhealthily
3. A. Many B. Much C.Lots D.Very few
4. A. such B. includes
5. A. eat B. are eating C.have been eating D.ate
6. A. nearly B. most C. most of D.for
7. A. play B. make D.bring
8. A. many B. much C.mostly D.most
9. A. menu B. ingredients
10. A. become B. becoming C.became be become
X. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in thefollowing
The survey of eating habits was (1) in Ho Chi Minh City by a group of Japanese (2) in
order to understand the changes of eating environments and habits acompanying with the economic
growth after the war in Viet Nam.
The surveys were made in 2002 and 2006. In the survey in 2002, the Vietnamese surely took three
meals a day without (3) any snacks. They mainly took (4) like rice, bread, noodles and
some vegetables. But the (5_) of oils and fats and milk products was rare. It is like (6) of
Japan in several decades ago.
In the survey in 2006, the changes in eating habits were observed. (7) the rising of their
concern on eating, they rarely took food late at night. The variety and frequency of food was increased.
The intake of snacks was also increased. These changes are (8) tohave been caused by the
change in their (9) towards eating due to the change in lifestyle and those changes had been observed in
Japan. More (10) , however, theywere in Viet Nam.
1. A. behaved B.carried C.conducted D.made
2. A. nutrition B.nutritionists C.inspections D.inspector
3. A. taking B.making C.doing D.asking
4. A. basics B.proteins food
5. A.processes B.intake C. production D.amount
6. A.that B.what C.those D.which
7. A.Together with B.Because C.Despite D.Due to
8. A. thinking B.found C.considered D.regarded
9. A.confidence B.attitude C.impression D.effect
10. A. rapid B.rapidly D.friendly
XI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D for each question.
World BBQ
To some people, there is nothing more appetizing than the smell of meat sizzling over an open fire.
Throughout the world, people love to eat barbecue because it lets them together with friends and family
to enjoy a meal that brings them backto their caveman roots. Cooking over coals or an open flame
makes people feel more sociable.
Most countries have barbecue traditions, and they usually take place on national holidays. In the
United States, it is a tradition to have a barbecue of hamburgers and hot dogs on July 4, which is
Independence Day. In Taiwan, people get together to eat barbecue during the Moon Festival, and the
smell of burning coal is in the air all day.
In South America, and in Argentina in particular, barbecue is a way of life. All sorts of meats
andsausages are put on a large grill together over hot coals. Barbecue is even considered the national
dish in Argentina, and it is given the name asado in Portuguese. This means not only the dish, but also
the social event that surrounds an Argentinian barbecue.
When a person speaks about Turkish and Middle Eastern barbecue, the kebab immediately comes
to mind. The tradition of taking different meats, and sometimes vegetables as well, and spearing them
with a sharp stick called a skewer has crossed cultural lines today. Practically anywhere in the English-
speaking world, the thought of shish-kebab will make barbecue lovers’ mouths water.
Wherever you go in the world, you are almost certain to come across a local method of preparing
barbecue. If you visit different places, be bold and try whatever the local specialities are.
1. What does the phrase “brings them back to their caveman roots” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Make people want to eat barbecue on an open flame
B. Keep people from eating meat
C. Make people think about how things were with their ancestors
D. Cause people to act more sociable during festivals
2. Where is barbecue considered a way of life?
A. The United States B. Taiwan C. The Middle East D.
3. What are the sharp sticks that are used to cook meat called?
A. Specialities B. Skewers C. Shish-kebabs D. Asado
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Cooking over open fires makes people feel less sociable.
B.Shish-kebabs are well-known in Turkey.
C. People in the United States eat hamburgers and hot dogs.
D. Argentina’s asado is considered the national dish.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Barbecue is a healthy way to eat meat.
B.People today are eating more vegetables with their barbecue.
C. Local barbecue specialities can be found all over the world.
D. People in some countries mostly use sausages when they barbecue
XII. Write complete sentences about eating habits in Viet Nam, using the words/ phrases given in
their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the
words given.
1. Vietnamese people/ consider/ combination/ yin/ yang/ cooking/ healthy.

2. The salty food/ belong/ yang/ and/ sour and sweet one/ belong/ yin.

3. In each meal/ everyone/ own bowl/ and/ dishes/ put/ middle.

4. Therefore/ each one/ eat/ whatever they want/ and/ they/ not need/ eat what/ they dislike.

5. The food/ meat/ sliced/ small pieces/ so that/ everyone/ take them easily.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1.A. garnish B. slice C. dip D.grill
2.A. spread B. cream C. bread D.head
3.A.sauce B.stew C.sugar D.steam
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4.A. celery B. marinate C. versatile D.mayonnaise
5.A. cucumber B. delicious C.tomato D.nutritious
III. Choose the best answer A, B, Cor D to complete the sentences.
6. Such as sugar, sugarcane, and coconut water are mostly used in Southern Vietnamese
food than in Northern and Central Viet Nam.
A.dishes C.ingredients D.menus
7. Despite the differences in cuisine of each region, there are similarities, such as the for main
meals - rice, ways of adding fish sauce, herbs and other flavors.
A.staple B.basic D.necessity
8. Some of famous in Southern Viet Nam are Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun Mam, fried rice,
flour cake, and many kinds of puddings.
A.foods B.dishes D.ingredients
9. Food in Northern Vietnam is not as as that in Central and Southern Viet Nam, as black
pepper is often used rather than chilies.
A.strong B.flavour C.spicy D.exciting
10. Another feature in northern cuisine is in winter all family members gather around a big hotpot
there is a combination of seasoned broth, vegetables and meats.
A.which which C.what what
11. A meal of Hue people has a natural combination between flavors and colors of dishes,which creates
the unique in the regional cuisine.
A.feature B.part C.description D.list
12. One special feature of cuisine in Southern Vietnam is short cooking time which aims to
the freshness of food.
A.stay B.continue C.remain D.exist
13. If I feel hungry in the afternoon, I snacks like fresh carrots.
A.would have B.had C.had had D.might have
14. If my mother goes home late this evening, my father .
A.will cook B.would cook C.had cooked D.has cooked
15. If people work so much, they depressed and eat more.
A.felt B.had felt C.may feelD.may have felt
IV. Match each cooking verb in column A with its definition in column B. Write the answer in
each blank.

Answer A B
1. bake A.cook something slowly in hot liquid kept at or just below the
boiling point (85°c/ 95°C)
2. roast B.cook food in hot oil, or fat
3. boil C.cook food over charcoal on a grill
4. fry D.cook or brown food, like bread or cheese by exposing it to a
5. steam grill or fire
6. simmer E.cook, especially meat, in an oven or over a fire
7. toast F.cook meat and vegetables slowly in liquid in a closed dish or
8. stir-fry pan
9. barbecue G.fry very quickly over high heat
10. stew H.cook in an oven without any extra fat
I.cook food in boiling water that is 100°C
J.cook food by heating it in the steam made from boiling water

V. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct word from the box. Each verbhas to be
used once, and make sure that you use the correct verb forms.
taste simmer bake cut stir
whisk mix peel pour grate
1. You have to some vegetables before cooking them.
2. To make an apple pie, you the apples in thin slices.
3. To prepare a whipped cream, you should to the cream quickly.
4. Swiss chee
se is to before being added to pasta.
5. You should the sauce you have prepared to be sure that it is not spicy.
6. When you heat a soup on a gas stove, to it frequently with a wooden spoon.
7. In a bowl, you add different ingredients and then you to them to obtain
ahomogenous mixture.
8. Most of the cakes are to in an oven at 200°C.
9. In an earthenware, you can let the preparation to for a long time.
10. To prepare poached eggs, remove the shells, and to them into boiling water.

VI. Complete the sentences with a, an, some, or any.

1. We need cheese to go with the pasta.
2. I’m reading interesting book at the moment.
3. We haven’t got homework this weekend.
4. Are there apples on the table?
5. I’d like olive oil on my pizza.
6. There isn’t salt in this soup.
7. Mi got tickets for the concert.
8. I need clove of garlic for this recipe.
9. Have we got rice and fresh fish for the sushi?
10. I’d like egg for my omelette.

VII. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

From bush food to barbecues

Australia is a huge country and it has a lot of different kinds of food. In the past, the Aboriginal
people of Australia ate animals like crocodiles and some insects like the witchetty grub. Aboriginal
Australians travelled around the Australian countryside, or ‘bush’, to find food.
When the first British and Irish people moved to Australia in the 1830s, they brought sheep and
cows from Europe. They also brought traditional English and Irish recipes. Many of these recipes, like
fish and chips and meat pies, are still popular today. They also created new Australian recipes such as
the pavlova (a fruit dessert - named after a Russian dancer) and damper (a bread cooked in the bush).
After 1945, a lot of people came to live in Australia fromcountries like Italy, Germany, Greece,
Thailand and India. They brought recipes with them and Australians began to eat and drink different
things. People started to drink espresso coffee and eat Mediterranean and Asian food.
A lot of modern Australians love cooking with fresh food. They often cook food on barbecues in
their gardens or on the beach. Today more people also eat Aboriginal food like kangaroo and emu. Mark
Olive, an Aboriginal chef, has a popular TV cookery programme about traditional bush food. There are
always new recipes to try in Australia!
Task 1. Read the passage again, and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or
not given (NG).

1. Australia doesn’t have many different types of food.   
2. In the past, Aboriginal people found food in different places.   
3. British and Irish people brought food and recipes to Australia.   
4. The people who arrived after 1945 didn’t like Australian food.   
5. Australians like food from countries like Italy, Greece, and Thailand.   
6. Cooking outside is popular in Australia.   
7. Today many people in Australia eat crocodile.   
Task 2. Find words in the passage that mean...
1. very big (paragraph 1):
2. a name for the first people in Australia (paragraph 1):
3. somewhere to cook food outside (paragraph 4):

VIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Insects on the Menu
Humans have a long history of eating insects, and it turns out that they can be a very nutritious part
of a person’s regular diet. Insects have a lot of protein, and they are often easier to catch than prey
animals. Therefore, it is no wonder that when our ancient ancestors saw some tasty worms or grubs
wiggling on the ground, they made a quick snack of them.
In Thailand, insects are a regular part of the street food that can be found. The different insects that
people snack on are crickets, grasshoppers, giant water bugs, and assorted worms. They are often deep-
fried and salted, so they have a crunchy texture that makes them a perfect snack food. If you can get past
the fact that you are eating a cricket, it will crunch in your mouth just like a corn chip!
For a lot of people, however, it is difficult to get over the fear of eating insects. People tend to see
insects as invaders, especially when they are crawling on the food that we are about to eat. Therefore,
being able to eat insects without feeling disgusted is cultural. Some people cannot eat French cheese or
stinky tofu because they weren’t brought up doing so. To many of us, insects fall right into that
category, making it difficult to even try them.
If given the chance, though, be courageous. Insects can be nutritious and tasty, so long as you can
get over the “yuck” factor.
1. Which is the reason given for gathering and eating insects?
A. They are very easy to find close to the home.
B. They are more nutritious than most vegetables.
C. They come in all shapes and sizes.
D. They are easier to catch than other prey animals.
2. Why are deep-fried insects considered a perfect snack food?
A. Because they taste exactly like corn chips.
B. Because they don’t fill you up.
C. Because they have a crunchy texture.
D. Because they are not expensive.
3. Which insects are not mentioned in the passage?
A. water bugs B. grasshoppers C. beetles D. crickets
4. Where are insects a regular part of the street food?
A. France B Thailand C. Britain D. All of the above
5. What advice is given in the passage?
A. Be courageous B. Eat very cautiously
C. Try eating worms first D. Always cook your insects
IX. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D for each question.
Free and Easy
In the past, getting recipes and cooking tips was a complicated process. A person had to go to the
store and buy a cook book, or get recipes from friends. Fortunately, the Internet has changed all that.
Now, if you want to find a recipe for lasagne or Cobb salad, you just search online. It couldn’t be
Cooking blogs are a great source of information because they are free and there are so many of
them. They are also nice because they give all different kinds of ideas. The problems with blogs is that
because we don’t know who is writing them, we need to use with caution. When you are looking at a
new blog, you don’t know if the writer knows what he or she is talking about.
We’d like to introduce two popular cooking blogs. The first is called Smitten Kitchen. This
website is run by a family living in New York City. It focuses on food that doesn’t require many
ingredients. If you want to make food that is simple but wonderful, then this is the site for you. It offers
hundreds and hundreds of recipes, divided into categories. You will be amazed at how many there are.
Wednesday Chef is another great cooking blog. It is run by a writer who lives in Berlin. This blog
also offers many recipes, along with recommendations for great restaurants in Berlin, and advice for
people who want to start their own blogs. Wednesday Chef has great pictures of its food, as well as
interesting pictures of Berlin. The blog got its name because in the past, newspapers published their
food articles on Wednesdays.
There ate a lot of cooking blogs on the Internet, and most of them are pretty good. Go online and
check some of them out. You might be surprised at how much they can help you improve your cooking.
1. How did Wednesday Chef get, its name?
A.The writer only posts recipes on Wednesdays.
B.The writer only cooks on Wednesdays.
C. The writer was born on a Wednesday.
D.Newspapers used topublish food articles on Wednesdays.
2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cooking blogs?
A. There are many of them. B. Everyone who writes them is an expert.
C. They are free. D. They give a lot of different ideas.
3. Who runs the blog Smitten Kitchen?
A. A family in New York. B. A woman in New York.
C. A family in Berlin. D.A woman in Berlin.
4. What does the passage say about Smitten Kitchen?
A.It only gives recipes on Italian food.
B. It focuses on simple recipes.
C. It only offers a few recipes.
D.Most of the food on that blog is hard to make.
5. Why should we be careful when we are looking at new blogs?
A.We don’t know who the writers are.
B.Most new blogs are terrible.
C. The recipes on new blogs are usually hard to make.
D.They charge you some fees to get the recipes.
X. Write complete sentences about healthy eating habits, using the words/ phrases given in
their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the
words given.
1. We/ eat/ only/ much food/ as/ body/ need.
2.Moderation/ key/ any healthy diet/ and/ it/ also/ mean/ balance/ our diet.
3.Cutting down/ your intake/ sugar/ or/ salt/ help/ you/ prevent/ several problems/ disease.
4.You/ eat/ only when/ you/ active/ during daytime/ and/ avoid/ eat/ night.
5.If/ you/ work/ feel hungry/ you/ healthier snacks/ such/ fruits or vegetables.

XI. Write complete sentences about the eating customs in Viet Nam, using the words/ phrases
given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use
all the words given.
1.In Viet Nam/ rice/ one/ staple foods.
2.most common cooking styles/ deep-frying/ stir-frying/ boiling/ steaming.
3.Vietnamese food/ tend/ not/very fatty/ as/ they/ use/ minimal oil/ dishes.
4.Most/ the meals/ combination/ meats/ vegetables/ herbs.
5.Most meals/ served/ extra soy sauce/ fish sauce.
6.The food/ often all/ placed/ center/ table.
7.The Vietnamese/ usually use/ chopsticks/ spoons.
8.Cooks/ like/ emphasize/ fresh, natural taste/ ingredients.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. tender B. garnish C. drain D. sprinkle
2. A. grill B. garnish C. dip D. slice
3. A. head B. spread C. cream D. bread
4. A. sauce B. steam C. sugar D. stew
5. A. marinate B. grate C. shallot D. staple

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. tomato B. nutritious C. ingredient D. tablespoon
2. A. ingredient B. traditional C. repeat D. avocado
3. A. celery B. benefit C. engineer D. versatile
4. A. tender B. simmer C. cucumber D. delicious
5. A. significant B. diverse C. garnish D. combine
III. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. ingredient B. cucumber C. particular D. analysis
2. A. understand B. librarian C. experiment D. historical
3. A. business B. combine C. endangered D. reduce
4. A. accidental B. outnumber C. opinion D. nutritious
5. A. pancake B. canteen C. teaspoon D. cabbage

IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. A meal of Hue people has a natural combination between flavors and colors of dishes, which creates the
unique in the regional cuisine.
A. description B. list C. feature D. part
2. You usually vegetables like onion. It means that you cut them into many small pieces.
A. grate B. sprinkle C. chop D. whisk
3. has left a bicycle outside.
A. Anyone B. Anything C. Someone D. Something
4. Keeping a for a few days will help you discover your bad eating habits.
A. food dairy B. report C. diary D. personal
5. One special feature of cuisine in Southern Vietnam is short cooking time which aims to the
freshness of food.
A. remain B. exist C. stay D. continue
6. Is there apple juice in the fridge, Quang?
A. any B. some C. an D. a
7. don’t visit this part of the town.
A. The most tourists B. Most of tourists
C. Most tourists D. Most the tourists
8. You may have had certain eating habits for so long that you do not they are unhealthy.
A. understand B. tell C. recognize D. realize
9. If children don’t play sports, they sleepy and tired.
A. would have felt B. had felt C. would feel D. will feel
10. If I feel hungry in the afternoon, I snacks like fresh carrots.
A. had had B. might have C. would have D. had
11. Can I have a pizza, a dozen eggs and a of lemonade, please?
A. piece B. tub C. bottle D. jar
12. I think that lemon juice on fish makes it taste better.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
13. If parents don’t cook at home, their children more fast food.
A. may have B. had had C. have D. would have
14. If my mother goes home late this evening, my father .
A. had cooked B. has cooked C. will cook D. would cook
15. I would like a of broccoli and two carrots.
A. slice B. head C. bunch D. clove
16. We couldn’t buy anything because of the shops were open.
A. all B. half C. most D. none
17. If you eat a lot of fruit, you health problems.
A. had B. will never have C. have D. may have
18. Such as sugar, sugarcane, and coconut water are mostly used in Southern Vietnamese food
than in Northern and Central Viet Nam.
A. ingredients B. menus C. dishes D. courses
19. I didn’t eat everything that they me at the party.
A. served B. shared C. cooked D. baked
20. The village is very small. There are houses.
A. a few B. only a few C. some D. only a little
V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Some of famous in Southern Viet Nam are Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun Mam, fried rice,
flour cake, and many kinds of puddings.
A. stapes B. ingredients C. foods D. dishes
2. Beet greens are the most part of the vegetable and can be cooked like any other dark
leafy green.
A. traditional B. careful C. colourful D. nutritious

3. It is boring here. ever happens in this place.
A. Anything B. Something C. Things D. Nothing
4. Moderation doesn’t mean the foods you love.
A. to prevent B. preventing C. to eliminate D. eliminating
5. You should eat more fruits and vegetables if you to lose weight.
A. would want B. wanted C. will want D. want
6. When we were on holiday, we spend too money.
A. a lot of B. many C. much D. lots of
7. If people work so much, they depressed and eat more.
A. may feel B. may have felt C. felt D. had felt
8. Studies suggest only when you are most active and giving your digestive system a long
break each day.
A. eating B. being eating C. to eat D. being eaten
9. Despite the differences in cuisine of each region, there are similarities, such as the for
main meals – rice, ways of adding fish sauce, herbs and other flavors.
A. foundation B. necessity C. staple D. basic
10. Perhaps the three most popular ice cream are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.
A. offers B. flavours C. brands D. ingredients
11. I spend my spare time gardening.
A. most B. the most of C. most of D. most of the
12. Your body uses calcium to build healthy bones and teeth, them strong as you age.
A. continue B. keep C. remain D. care
13. Food in Northern Vietnam is not as as that in Central and Southern Viet Nam, as black
pepper is often used rather than chilies.
A. spicy B. exciting C. strong D. flavour
14. Pumpkin soup is a good source of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A.
A. fibers B. fats C. sugars D. solids
15. There’s use in complaining. They probably won’t do anything about it.
A. a few B. a little C. no D. some
16. If you eat too quickly, you may not attention to whether your hunger is satisfied.
A. keep B. show C. pay D. take
17. Another feature in northern cuisine is in winter all family members gather around a big hotpot
there is a combination of seasoned broth, vegetables and meats.
A. what B. where C. which D. in which
18. You chicken. You cook it in an oven or over a fire without liquid.
A. fry B. roast C. steam D. boil
19. cups of coffee have you taken?
A. How many B. How much C. How D. How far
20. Common eating habits that can lead to are: eating too fast, eating when not hungry,
eating while standing up, and skipping meals.
A. put on weight B. be heavy C. gain weight D. weight gain

VI. Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

1. I don’t have paper.
2. Is there petrol in the car?
3. I buy fruits, but I don’t have vegetables.
4. Do you have stamps? I need two.
5. I need butter to make a cake.
6. I don’t have free time today. Sorry.
7. Are there potatoes in the basket?
8. There is ink-pot on the table.
9. Can I have glass of milk?
10. Thank you. And box of chocolates would be fine.
VII. Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.
1. There is banana in the basket.
2. I need tea.

3. Are there tomatoes in the fridge?
4. We have rice, but we don’t have meat.
5. There’s orange on the table.
6. I’d like apple juice.
7. He has TV and computer.
8. Would you like ice- cream?
9. I have friends in Hue.
10. Do you have dogs or cats at home?
VIII. Fill in the blanks with: much/ many/ few/ little/ most.
1. She isn’t very popular. She has friends.
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has free time.
3. Did you take photographs when you were on holiday?
4. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got to do.
5. This is very modern city. There are old buildings.
6. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had rain.
7. English learners is becoming greater and greater.
8. people have applied for the job.
9. Did it cost to repair the car?
10. of my friends live in HCM city.
IX. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses of the conditionals.
1. If you (not go) away I’ll send for the police.
2. I’ll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes.
3. If he (be) late we’ll go without him.
4. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) about this.
5. If you put on the kettle I (make) the tea.
6. If you give my dog a bone he (bury) it at once.
7. If we leave the car here it (not be) in anybody’s way.
8. He’ll be late for the train if he (not start) at once.
9. If you come late they (not let) you in.
10. If he (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.

X. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses of the conditionals.
1. If we (take) , the children (not go) for a walk.
2. If she (not read) the novel, she (not pas) the literature test.
3. If I (not argue) with my friend, he (lend) me his motorbike.
4. If we (take) the bus, we (not arrive) in time.
5. If Dick (not buy) the book, his friends (be) angry with him.
6. If Tom (not tidy up) his room, Victoria (not help) him with the
7. If the boys (not play) football, the girls (not come) to the football
8. If you (eat) too much junk food, you (not lose) weight.
9. If I (not make) breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend (not love)
me anymore.
10. If they (not hurry) , they (not catch) the train.
XI. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
1. If someone came into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”
2. If you try these cosmetics, you look five years younger.
3. If you do not understand what were written in the book, you could ask Mr. Pike.
4. I will come to meet Mr. Pike and tell him about your problems if you didn’t solve them
5. Sam will not graduate unless he doesn’t pass allthe tests.

6. If there isn’tenough food, we couldn’t continue our journey.
7. Unless you pour oil on water, it will float.
8. You have totake a taxi home if you want to leave now.
9. If anyone will phone, tell them I’ll be back at 11:00.
10. We can hire a minibusifthere will be enough people.

XII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Humans have a long history of eating insects, and it turns out that they can be a very (1)
part of a person’s regular (2) . Insects have a lot of protein, and they are often easier
to catch than (3) animals. Therefore, it is no wonder that when our ancient (4)
saw some tasty worms or grabs wiggling on the ground, they made a quick snack of them.
In Thailand, insects are a regular part of the street food that can be found. The different (5)
that people snack on are crickets, grasshoppers, giant water bugs, and assorted worms. They are often
deep-fried and salted, so they have a crunchy texture that makes them a perfect snack food. If you can get
past the (6) that you are eating a cricket, it will crunch in your mouth just like a corn chip!
For a lot of people, however, it is difficult to get (7) the fear of eating insects. People tend to
see insects as invaders, especially when they are crawling on the food that we are about to ear. (8)
being able to eat insects (9) feeling disgusted is cultural. Some people cannot eat
French cheese or stinky tofu because they weren’t brought up doing so. To many of us, insects fail right into
that category, making it difficult to even try them.
If (10) the chance, though, be courageous, insects can be nutritious and tasty, so long as you
can get over the “yuck” factor.
1. A. nutrition B. nutritious C. nutritions D. nutritiously
2. A. health B. fitness C. diet D. balance
3. A. prey B. pray C. eat D. digest
4. A. acquaints B. relatives C. ancestors D. offspring
5. A. insects B. animals C. herbs D. cattle
6. A. true B. exact C. fact D. reality
7. A. up B. over C. down D. on
8. A. However B. Although C. Meanwhile D. Therefore
9. A. without B. in C. far D. on
10. A. giving B. gives C. gave D. given
XIII. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence,
using “you”.
1. Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
=> If you’re a vegetarian, _____________________________________________
2. People who live in a cold country don t like hot weather.
=> If you live_______________________________________________________
3. Teachers have to work very hard.
=> If you’re a teacher, ________________________________________________
4. People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy.
=> If you___________________________________________________________
5. Mechanics understand engines.
=> If you’re a_______________________________________________________
6. People who read newspapers know what’s happening in the world.
=> If you __________________________________________________________
XIV. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. Eating healthy foods is very important.
=> It is________________________________________________________________________

2. I suggest having spaghetti and pizza tonight.
=> Let’s_______________________________________________________________________
3. You need to peel the onion and slice it.
=> The onion___________________________________________________________________
4. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.
=> If you_______________________________________________________________________
5. My aunt has never tasted sushi before.
=> This is______________________________________________________________________

1. affordable (adj) /əˈfɔːdəbl/: có thể chi trả được, hợp túi tiền
2. air (v) /eə(r)/: phát sóng (đài, vô tuyến)
3. breathtaking (adj) /ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ/: ấn tượng, hấp dẫn
4. check-in (n) /tʃek-ɪn/: việc làm thủ tục lên máy bay
5. checkout (n) /ˈtʃekaʊt/: thời điểm rời khỏi khách sạn
6. confusion (n) /kənˈfjuːʒn/: sự hoang mang, bối rối
7. erode away (v) /ɪˈrəʊd əˈweɪ/: mòn đi
8. exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/: kì lạ
9. explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ thám hiểm
10. hyphen (n) /ˈhaɪfn/ dấu gạch ngang
11. imperial (adj) /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ (thuộc về) hoàng đế
12. inaccessible (adj) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ không thể vào/tiếp cận được
13. lush (adj) /lʌʃ/ tươi tốt, xum xuê
14. magnif cence (n) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns/ sự nguy nga, lộng lẫy, tráng lệ
15. not break the bank (idiom) /nɒt breɪk ðə bæŋk/: không tốn nhiều tiền
16. orchid (n) /ˈɔːkɪd/: hoa lan
17. package tour (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ tʊə(r)/: chuyến du lịch trọn gói
18. pile-up (n) /paɪl-ʌp/: vụ tai nạn do nhiều xe đâm nhau
19. promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/: giúp phát triển, quảng bá
20. pyramid (n) /ˈpɪrəmɪd/: kim tự tháp
21. safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/: cuộc đi săn(bằng đường bộ nhất là ở đông và nam phi)
22. stalagmite (n) /stəˈlæɡmaɪt/: măng đá
23. stimulating (adj) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/: thú vị, đầy phấn khích
24. touchdown (n) /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/: sự hạ cánh
25. varied (adj) /ˈveərid/: đa dạng


Cách dùng Ví dụ
Dùng “a” hoặc “an” trước một danh từ số ít đếm I saw a boy in the street. người nghe chưa biết cụ
được. để chỉ một người,một vật được đề cập đến lần thể là cậu bé nào,cậu bé chưa được đề cập đến trước
đầu, người nghe không biết chính xác hoặc chưa đó.
từng biết về người hay vật đó.
“a, an ” dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít , để chỉ 1 An owl can see in the dark. = Owls can see in the
người,1 vật nói chung,có tính khái quát,nêu 1 thành dark ( bất kỳ con cú nào - hầu hết các con cú nói
viên bất kì của 1 loại. chung - đều có thể nhìn trong bóng tối.)


Mạo từ xác định “The” được dùng cho tất cả các danh từ: danh từ đếm được số ít, danh từ đếm được số
nhiều và danh từ không đếm được. Ví dụ, the boy,the boys, the food…

Cách dùng Ví dụ
“ The” được dùng trước danh từ chỉ -Did you lock the car? ( cả người nói ,người nghe đều biết về
người/vật đã xác định cụ thể hoặc đã chiếc xe hơi này: xe của bạn/ xe của chúng ta).
được đề cập tới trước đó- người nghe -His car struck a tree, you can still see the mark on the tree.
hiểu người nói về người/vật nào. (tree” trong mệnh đề thứ 2 đã được đề cập tới trước đó trong
mệnh đề thứ nhất).
“ the” được dùng để nói đến 1 vật cụ thể, The cars in this parking lot belong to people who work here.
1 nhóm người/vật cụ thể. (Những chiếc xe cụ thể trong bãi đỗ này).
-The sugar on the table is from Cuba. (cụ thể là đường ở trên
“ the” dùng trước danh từ chỉ vật là duy -The earth goes around the sun, and the moon goes around the
nhất,vật gì đó chỉ có một trong môi earth.
trường quanh ta: the earth, the sun, the - Madrid is the capital of Spain.
moon, the world, the equator, the
Prime Minister, the capital, the
universe, the environment…
“ the” được dùng để ám chỉ tới thế giới -We had a sight seeing tour around the city.( thành phố).
xung quanh ta hoặc những thứ chúng ta - Life would be quieter without the telephone. ( máy móc)
đều biết.
“ the” đứng trước tên các quốc gia có từ -The United States, the Philippines, The United Kingdom, the
“ Republic, State,Kingdom, Union” Dominican Republic, the Netherlands…
hoặc tên các quốc gia ở số nhiều.
“ The” đứng trước tên các đại dương, -Đại dương: The Pacific ( Ocean), The Alantic ( Ocean), the
sông ngòi, kênh đào, nhóm hồ, quần đảo, Indian (Ocean)…
dãy núi, biển. -Biển: The Red Sea, the Black Sea, the Baltic…
- Sông: The River Nile, the Volga, the Thames, the Amazon…
- Kênh đào: The Panama Canal…
- Nhóm hồ,quần đảo: The Great Lakes, The British Isles…
- Dãy núi: The Rocky Mountain, The Himalayas, the Andes, The


Không dùng mạo từ với danh từ đếm Passwords protect our personal information.
được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm Cars have wheels. (xe hơi nói chung)
được khi nói về những thứ chung Tigers are in danger of becoming extinct.
Không dùng mạo từ với các bữa ăn, See you on Thursday.
tháng, thứ, mùa, dịp đặc biệt của năm. I started the course in January.
My country is lovely in Spring.
I visit my grandparents on New Year’s Day.
Không dùng mạo từ với hầu hết tên Lục địa: Africa, Europe, Asia.
người hoặc tên địa điểm ( hầu hết tên Quốc gia: France, Japan, New Zealand.
quốc gia, tiểu bang, lục địa, thành phố, Tiểu bang: Texas, Floria, California
thị trấn). Thành phố,thị trấn: New York, Bristol, Cairo.

Không dùng mạo từ với các khu vực, Hồ: Lake Geneva, Lake Michigan
hồ, núi, đồi, đảo. Đảo: Bereca, Sicily.
Núi: Mount Everest.
Đồi: North Hill


BÀI 1: Điền mạo từ the hoặc Þ vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1.______Earth orbits around ______ Sun.
2.______dogs are our best friends.
3. My mother used to be______most beautiful girl in her class.
4. We need to join hands to protect______cheetahs from extinction.
5. My foreign friend took me on sightseeing tour around ______town.
6. There are many festivals taking place in______spring.
7. Communication has never been so convenient before thanks to ______Internet.
8. Last year, a terrible storm reached______Philippines.
9. Many people mistake Rio de Janeiro for ______capital of Brazil.
10.Many people migrate to ______US in the hope of material success.
11. ______Japan is my favourite country besides my homeland.
12. Do you have any ideas about______British Isles?
13. Yesterday I watched a documentary about ______River Nile.
14. I know some people who have climb______Himalayas.
15. Our family has lived______Canada for 5 years.
Bài 2: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.
1.Please turn off ______ air - conditioner when you leave ______room.
A. the- the B. a- the C. a - a D. the - a
2. Jim hasn’t found ______ place to ______ night.
A. the - the B. a - the C. a - a D. the - a
3. Can you show me ______ way to ______ post office please?
A. the- the B. a - the C. a - a D. the - a
4. Mr. Smith is ______ old customer of my store and he is also______man.
A. the - the B. a - an C. an - a D. the - a
5. My brother has bought me______beautiful dress as a birthday present.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
6. Jim is ______youngest boy of the family and this year he will go to______school.
A. the - Þ B. a- a C. a-the D. the- a
7. There is a huge gap between ______rich and ______ poor in this country.
A. the- the B. a- an C. a-the D. the- a
8. Peter was in______ hospital and yesterday we went to______hospital to visit him.
A. the- Þ B. the- the C. Þ - the D. the- a
9. My sister told me that she had met her old teacher______ day before.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
10. Have you ever gone to ______prison to visit him?
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
11. I didn’t think it was______expensive restaurant until I checked the menu.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
12. Yesterday my teacher told us ______story about ______ English writer.
A. the- the B. a- an C. a-the D. the- a
13. Unlike other girls, Mary doesn’t like______parties and ______cosmetics.
A. the- the B. the- Þ C. Þ - the D. Þ - Þ
14. Last year I visited ______village in the Northern part of Vietnam. ______locals were very friendly.
A. the - the B. a - an C. a-the D. the- Þ
15. Job hunters always seek for people with ______experience.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
Bài 3: Điền a/an/the/ Þ vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. After having ________ breakfast, we went out for ________ walk in _______local park.
2. Watch out! Do not sit on________ bench. It has been painted recently.
3.My father often takes me to_______cinema on _______Sunday.
4. Yesterday ________ Prime Minister gave a speech in front of his people.
5. Jim is always staying in ________bed untill lunch time when he doesn’t have go to______school.
6.The robber was sent to ________prison for five years.
7. My brother has got________ new job and in _______next few years he will live far from home.
8. Mr. Brown always water his trees in ________morning.
9. As________little boy, I wished to be_______hero but now I just want to be________normal person with
_______decent job.
10. Although I had worked in ________ France for 3 years, I could hardly speak French.
11. In ______ future, I hope I have a chance to visit_______Red Sea.
12. Jim and his co-workers are planning an expedition to _______Mount Everest next year.
13.My brother owns________cat and ________dog. Unfortunately,________cat seems to hate______dog
and they never lives in harmony with each other.
14.What has been done so far to protect________environment?
15.It never snows in our region at ________Christmas.
Bài 4: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu sau và sửa lại cho đúng.
1. Many people think that the lead is the heaviest metal. _____________
2. Young people are always open-minded than old. _____________
3. The windows are supposed to let in natural light. _____________
4. The most of the students in our class comes from Hanoi _____________
5. Do you know that Alps are the most extensive mountain range system? _____________
6. Mary doesn’t enjoy tea parties and the gossip _____________
7. I have a friend who is studying in Netherlands. _____________
8. I think the light bulb is the very important invention of Thomas Edison _____________
9. A relationship between Jim and Jane has turned sour since last year. _____________
10. The news came as the shock to me. _____________
Bài 5: Dựa vào các từ cho trước, viết câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. Friend/ of/ mine/ come/ back/ from/ UK/ after/ long/ vacation.
2. Hundred/ of/ people/ join/ carnival/ in/ Rio de Janeiro/ next/ month.
3. Last year/ I/ go on/ expedition/ to/ North Pole.
4. I/ hope/ I/ can/ visit/ longest/ river/ in/ Europe/ ,/ Volga/ ,/ in/ future.
5. People/ used/ believe/ that/ Sun/ and/ all/ stars/ orbit/ around/ Earth.
6. I/ often/ pay/ visit/ to/ local/ museum/ on/ Sunday.
7. Mary/ take/ care/ of/ all/ members/ of/ our team/ since/ we/ set/ off/ for/ London.
8. I/ always/ want/ climb/ Mount Everest/ since/ I/ be/ boy.
Bài 6: Điền một mạo từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống nếu cần thiết .
1. My friends is angry with me because I can’t remember _______exact date of her birthday.
2. ________Christmas is one of _______ important holidays in ________ Western countries.
3. ________Ho Chi Minh City is one of ________ biggest cities in ________ Vietnam.
4. “Are Kate and David _______ siblings. They look alike.” “No, they aren’t. They are_______cousins”.
5. Yesterday________fog was so thick that we couldn’t see clearly. We followed_______car in front of us
and hoped that we were going________ right way.
6. My father has bought me________computer. Thanks to it, I can learn many things from_____ internet. I
think _______computer is one of ________greatest inventions of all time.
7. _______Great Lakes, also called________Laurentian Great lakes and ________Great lakes of North
America, are______series of interconnected freshwater lakes.
8. _______Pacific Ocean is_______largest and deepest of Earth’s oceanic divisions. It extends from
________Artic Ocean in ________ north to_______Southern Ocean in _______south. It is bounded by
________Asia and________Australia in ________west and_______US in ______east.
9. When I was_______student, I lived with _______American couple in________home stay in_____ Texas.
Both_______host and______hostess were friendly and helpful.
10. Last year, Peter paid ________ visit to ______ England on early April. He had the chance to enjoy ____
University Boat Race (between Oxford and Cambridge), which took place on _______ Thames. ________
Thames is ______ historic heartland of rowing in _______ United Kingdom.
Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu sau với các danh từ cho sẵn cùng với mạo từ nếu cần.
Resort excursions accommodation Souvenir
Sightseeing destinations cruise Tour guide

1. There are regular weekend_____________throughout the summer.

2. Last summer, we spent our vacation in ________town of Byron Bay. It was a nice place to relaxtion and
3. We hired ________________ to get us across the forest.
4. Would you like to go ______________ with me tomorrow?
5. Ha Long Bay is one of ______________ most popular holiday _____________ in Vietnam.
6. I bought the hand-made carpet as ______________ of India.
7. More and more travels are seeking for ____________ with reasonable price so that they can afford.
8. I wish I could go on ____________ around the world on the most luxury ship.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A.package B.stalagmite C.lag D.safari
2. A.explore B.expedition C.resort D.environment
3. A.explore B.exotic C.explain D.excuse
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.original B.geography C.imperial D.stimulating
5. A.magnificence B.accessible C.affordable D.destination
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. If you pay a visit to Hue, you should once visit Lang Co beach where you can have the most
relaxing time and admire the natural beauty of .
A.views B.panoramas C.sights D.landscapes
7. Travelling to Ba Mun Island in Quang Ninh, tourists can explore on their own, followingsome natural
on the island.
A.trails B.marks C.roads D.stretches
8. For people in Cam Thanh Commune near Hoi An, the coconut wetlands provide fisheries,a beautiful
area for as well as an ideal refuge for boats during heavy storms.
A.tourist B.tour C.tourism D.tour guide
9. In Binh Ba Island (Lobster Island), there are many beautiful beaches with white sand, clear water,
blue sky, which is for those who love nature and calmness.
A.available B.famous C.good D.suitable
10. domestic and foreign tourism will create demand for additional hotels and motels.
A.Increase B.Increased C.Increasing D.Increasingly
11. Con Dao has not only prisons but also natural landscapes - A - The C.the - A D.the - The
22. David is sailor. He spends most of his life at sea.
A.Ø - a B.a- Ø C.a - a D.a - the
23. “Paul, where is Spanish dictionary? I’m writing essay in Spanish and I
need it.”
A.a - an B.Ø - the C.the - an D.Ø - Ø
24. Titanic, British steamer, sank in the North Atlantic after hitting
an iceberg.
A.A - the B.Ø - a C.The - the D.The - a
25. changed a lot in the last 30 years.
A.Life has B.A life has C.The life has D.Lives have
A.surprising B.shocking C.stunningD.extreme
12. Eight o’clock is good time to phone Nick: he’s always at home in evening.
A.Ø - the B.a - the C.a-Ø D.a - an
13. Does it take long time to get to city centre?
A.Ø - the B.a - a C.a - the D.the - the
14. What do you think of public transport in Ha Noi?
A.Ø - Ø B.a - a C.a - Ø D.the - Ø
15. Parking is very difficult in city centre, so my father always go there by bus.
A.the – Ø B.the - the C.a - a D.a - Ø
IV. Fill each blank with a word from the list.
pack try have read go on book go see

1.________: a flight, a hotel 2. __________: guidebooks, holiday brochures
3.________: shopping, sightseeing 4. __________: bags, suitcases
5.________: excursions, day trips 6. __________: a good time, a look around town
7.________: mountains, the scenery 8. __________: the local specialty, local dishes

V. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Central Viet Nam Heritage Tour - 4 Days, 3 Nights
 Enjoy beautiful beaches in Central Viet Nam
 Discover Hoi An Ancient Town with old construction
 Visit some famous tombs in Hue
Day 1: Da Nang - Son Tra - Hoi An (L, D)
Upon arrival, our driver will pick you up at the airport then driving to Son Tra Peninsular and enjoy the
whole beach city. A chance to see and swim at My Khe Beach. Have lunch in a local restaurant.
In the afternoon, we drive you to Hoi An Ancient Town - 40 km from Da Nang city. Check in the hotel.
Have dinner in local restaurant. Overnight in Hoi An.
Day 2: Hoi An - Hue (B, L, D)
Breakfast at hotel. This morning you make a walking tour around Hoi An Ancient Town for more
exploration with old constructions: the Japanese Bridge, Sa Huynh Museum, Tan Ky Old House... Have
lunch at a restaurant.
After lunch, you leave Hoi An for Hue City. On the way have a stopover and enjoy Hai Van Pass, relax
at Lang Co Beach. Arrive in Hue, check in the hotel. Have dinner at a restaurant. Overnight at hotel.
Day 3: Hue City tour full day (B,I, D)
Breakfast at the hotel. This morning you will visit Minh Mang Tombm Khai Dinh Tomb or Tu Duc
Tomb to discover the unique architecture of Royal mausoleums. Have lunch at a restaurant.
In the afternoon, we visit the Citadel where 13 Nguyen Kings - the final dynasty in Viet Nam. Visit the
Noon Gate, Thai Hoa Palace, and then Thien Mu Pagoda. Back to the city centre and have dinner at
restaurant.Overnight at the hotel.
Day 4: Hue Departure (B)
Alter breakfast in the hotel. You have free time until you leave Hue City. Our driver will pick you up to
the airport, find of the tour.
1. What can tourists do during the tour?

2. What places will they visit on the first day?

3. What places will they visit during a walking tour around Hoi An Ancient Town?

4. What landscapes will they enjoy on the way from Hoi An to Hue?

5. What places will tourists visit in Hue?

6. On which days will they have all breakfast, lunch and dinner?

VI. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

Son Doong Cave in Viet Nam - Good Morning America

Son Doong Cave and Swallow Cave (En Cave) were recorded and broadcast on Good Morning
America - a programme of ABC Television (USA). By being broadcast on Good Morning America
(ABC Television), Son Doong Cave would be introduced widely to international travellers.
This is a good chance for Quang Binh tourism to promote the image of Son Doong - the biggest
cave in Viet Nam - to travellers around the world. Therefore, the film crew worked in the most
favourable conditions. The programme was directly broadcast on satellite in May 2015.
The cave is a part of the underground system connecting over 150 other caves in Viet Nam near
Viet Nam - Lao border with many caves such as Phong Nha Cave.
Son Doong Cave is compared equally to Mount Everest in terms of attraction. The biggest natural
cave in the world is appreciated to be an interesting destination for a several-day tour, including
exploring underground rivers, caves and camping... The overwhelming natural landscapes inside Son
Doong Cave create an attraction by majestic and magnificent scenes. It takes months to end up a cave’s
round. In addition, the condition to join tours in Son Doong Cave is extremely high? Adventurers must
be in good mental and physical health to conquer the cave. Son Doong, the biggest cave in Viet Nam,
along with other attractions in Quang Binh, is an attractive destination for travelers, especially those
who are fans of natural exploration. The first exploration tour was held in early August 2013. The first
tour consisted of 6 people from the US, Russia, Australia, and Norway. They underwent 7 days and 6
nights to explore Son Doong Cave. There are a large number of tourists registering for next tours since
Task 1. Identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F).
1Thanks to the programme of Good Morning America on ABC Television, a large number  
of people around the world will know Son Doong Cave.
2.The film crew making the programme about the cave met a lot problems from the local  
3.There are many caves in Quang Binh province but Son Doong Cave may be the most well  
4.The number of people climbing Mount Everest is the same as that exploring Son Doong  
5.The exploration tour of Son Doong Cave is so hard that it requires tourists to have good  
physical and mental health.
6.Tourists can explore the cave in several months.  
Task 2. Read the passage again and answer the questions.
1. When was the programme about Son Doong Cave on Good Morning America broadcast?

2. What can be found in the underground system in Quang Binh province?

3. In which aspect is Son Doong Cave compared to Mount Everest?

4. What activities can tourists do in the cave?

5. When was the first exploration tour held?

6. How long did the first group of tourists spend in the cave?

VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Cor D that best fits the blank space in the following
My Experience on an Elephant Safari
We went on an elephant safari at a place (1) Camp Jubalani in South Africa. They take
visitors on safaris twice a day: once in the morning and once at night. Guests cango on as many rides as

they like, but they don’t (2) you ride an elephant if you areyounger than twelve years old.
Luckily, I’m fifteen! On our first safari, I felt really scared. I remember thinking we could have gone on
a beach holiday instead! As I was climbing ontothe elephant, I wondered how I was going to control (3)
a big animal. I soon(4) that I ought not to have worried so much. They made
you sit with an experiencedelephant trainer. You can’t ride (5) your own. During the trek, we
saw giraffes, zebras, lions, and rhinos. My parents took a lot of photos. I would have taken photos
myselfbut I’d (6) my camera in my room. I can’t remember exactly how long thesafaris lasted,
but it must have been a couple of hours because we got (7) just(8) for lunch. We
stayed at Camp Jubalani for three days and went on four elephant safaris. We could have gone on more
than that, but on one of the days my mum wasn’t very well. Anyway, it was a (9) holiday.
I’d definitely (10) _____an elephant safari.
1. A. call called C.called D.calling
2. A. let B.make C.want D.allow
3. A. so B.such C.that D.what
4. A. decided B.looked C.recognized D.realized
5. A. by B.on C.with D.for
6. A. taken B.brought C.left D.put
7. A. back C.up
8. A. at times B.late C.on time time
9. A. welcoming B. fantastic C.pleased D.delicious
10. A. demand B. offer C.suggest D.recommend

VIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Situated on the central coast of Viet Nam, which is famous for many beautiful beaches. Lang Co
Beach, since June 2009, has become an official member of the “World’s most beautiful bays” club.
Today, it is a popular destination for tourists in Viet Nam, especially for those who love beach so much.
With the length of approximately 10 kilometres, Lang Co Beach located in Lang Co town, Phu Loc
district, Thua Thien- Hue province is next to the National Highway 1A and near Hai Van Pass.
Lying on the most beautiful curve of the country, Lang Co has almost everything that the nature can
offer: green mountains and tropical forests, smooth white sand, full of sunshine and cool, blue and clear
sea as crystal, and the average temperature of 250C in summer. It is an attractive destination for both
domestic and international tourists in Viet Nam. It is the third bay of Viet Nam, after Ha Long and Nha
Trang named in the list of 30 most beautiful bays in the globe.
It can be said that nobody can resist a nature beauty like Lang Co town. This small and peaceful
town will give you the most relaxing time and many games at the beach. In addition, you will have good
time to enjoy the seafood with various kinds of shrimps, lobster, crab, butter-fish, mackerel fish, oysters,
etc. and not far from the beach are some attractions such as Kang Co fishing village, Chan May scenery.
Lying on the "Central Heritage Road", Lang Co is very close to other famous attractions such as the
Imperial City of Hue, Hoi An Ancient Town, Son Tra Peninsula where the famous Son Tra Natural
Reserve and beautiful beaches located, and so many more.
1. Lang Co beach is located .
A. between Hoi An Ancient Town and Son Tra Peninsula
B. on the most beautiful curve of Viet Nam
C. 10 kilometres away from Hue
D. under Hai Van Pass
2. The most important reason why so many tourists come to Lang Co beach is that .
A. it is the third most beautiful beach in Viet Nam
B. they can enjoy various kinds of seafood
C. they can come to the famous Son Tra Natural Reserve
D. it is considered an ideal place for beach lovers
3. All of the following are attractions of Lang Co Beach EXCEPT .
A. the National Highway 1A next to it
B. smooth white sand, and full of sunshine
C. cool, blue and clear sea as crystal
D. its location on the "Central Heritage Road"
4. We can infer from the passage that Lang Co Beach .
A. is very hot during summer
B.isthe most beautiful bay in the world
C. enjoy the harmony of nature and humans
D. is the first member of the “World’s most beautiful bays” club in Viet Nam
5. Coming to Lang Co Beach, you can do all of the following activities EXCEPT .
A. relaxing and joining in beach games B. sunbathing on many beautiful beaches
C. visiting the nearby fishing village D. enjoying seafood

IX. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

Positive & Negative Effects of Tourism
Tourism can bring many economic and social benefits, but mass tourism is also associated with
negative effects.
1. First/ tourism/ create/ jobs/ tourism industry/ and/ other sectors/ such/ retail and transportation.
2.However/jobs/ created/ tourism/ often seasonal/ and/ poorly paid.
3.Second/ tourism/ encourage/ preservation/ traditional customs/ handicrafts/ festivals/ but/ interaction/
tourists/ also lead/ erosion/ traditional cultures/ values.
4.Finally/ ecotourism/ help/ conservation/ wildlife/ generating funds/ maintaining national parks.
5.Nevertheless/ it/ also cause/ pollution/ through traffic emissions/ littering/ noise.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. delay B.magnificent
2. A.exotic B.erode C.checkout D.decision
3. A.excursion B.resort C.season D.reasonable
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.breathtaking B.safari C.traveller D.sightseeing
5. A.magnificent C.excursion D.delicious

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. In Con Dao, there are green of forests and fresh meadows and the houses with red roofs,
which forms the picture of nature with bright colours.
A.lands B.regions C.wilderness D.stretches
7. Cuba hopes to promote a so that it can make
an economic recovery.
A.tour industry B.resort industry C.tourism industry industry
8. Green Tourism applies to any activity or facility that operates in an environmentally friendly
A.way B.habit C.routine D.benefit

9. ________is popular with tourist of young age because they travel with minimum luggage and on a
limited budget.
A.Backpack B.Backpacking C.Backpacker D.Go backpacking
10. Nature-loving tourists, who love to gogreen like traveling to Bonita Gardens in Bloemfontein South
Africa or similar destinations are called . B.tour guides D.nature-lovers
11. Cua Lo Beach is also famous for its beautiful islands such as Lan Chau and Song Ngu,which protect
it from heavy storms and strong winds from the East Sea. come come in C.coming D.coming in
12. ________train times are different on Sundays.
A.A - the B.The - the C.Ø - Ø D.The - Ø
13. You can use railcard in most of countries in Europe..
A.the - the B.a - Ø C.a - the D.the - Ø
14. Our plane arrives in Ha Noi at______two o’clock in afternoon.
A.Ø - the B.the - the C.a - a D.the - an
15. My uncle and aunt live in ______small town in United States.
A.a - a B.a - the C.the - the D.a - Ø

IV. Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or zero article (0).
1. happiness means different things to different people.
A.Some - these B.The - Ø C.Ø - Ø D.The -the
2. I lay down on ground and looked up at sky.
A.a - a B.a - the C.the - a D.the - the
3. “I watch a film in Spanish. I understood story, but actors spoke very fast so
it was hard to understand.”
A.the - the B.a - Ø C.a - the D.the - Ø
4. “Did you have nice holiday?” - “Yes, it was best holiday I’ve ever had.”
A.a - a B.a - the C.the - a D.the - the
5. He spent part of afternoon telling them news he could not tell them by
A.the - the - Ø - Ø - the - the - the D.the - Ø - the

V. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct word from the box. Some words can be
used more than once.
trip travel journey cruise
tour voyage flight
1. For general advice about , go to a travel agent.
2. One day I would like to do the by train and ship across Russia to Japan.
3. We are going on a of Europe, visiting 11 countries in five weeks.
4. We went on a three-week round the Mediterranean. The ship stopped at
Venice, Athens, Istanbul and Alexandria.
5. He once went by ship to Australia. The took 31/2 weeks.
6. My father is going on a business to Ha Noi next week.
7. Vietnam Airlines VN507 from Ha Noi to Tokyo will be taking off in ten
8. The from Heathrow Airport to the centre of London takes about 45minutes by
9. On our first day in New York we went on a three-hour of the city by bus.

10. During our stay in London we went on a day to Oxford, and anotherto
Note: cruise (n) = a holiday in which you travel on a ship and visit different places

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Cor D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Mui Ne is located 24 kilomefres northeast of Phan Thiet city. It is a fishing village as wellas a
familiar tourism area in Binh Thuan province. (1) lovely scenery of swayingcoconut trees,
Mui Ne, meaning “sheltered peninsula”, is one of the famous and popular holiday (2) in the
world with 15-kilometre strip of resorts along the beach.
Thanks to the shallow and slopped beaches, the blue and clean water, nice sun rarely behind the
clouds and cliffs battered by the waves of the sea, sometimesMui Ne is (3) Hawaii of Viet
Nam. Thebeaches are fantastic with activities such as surfingand kitesurfing. But the most (4)
scenery atMui Ne is (5) lines of golden sand which iscalled “Sand Dunes” by local people.
The sand isalways moving because of the wind and looks like moving waves from afar and that is(6)
the dunes never (7) the same. The scenery is more fascinating at dawn. MuiNe is really a good
(8) for those who are interested in photography.
There are also many interesting sites at Mui Ne such as Po Sah Inu Tower, the ancientCham
building that was built in the 8th century, some workshops (9) fish sauce. MuiNe market and
fishing harbour are also a good chance (10) daily life of local fishermen.
1. A.For B.With C.Through D.In
2. A.destinations B.places C.camps D.seasons
3. A.regarded B.found C.judged D.considered
4. A.attraction B.attracted C.attractive D.attracting
5. A. moved B.moving C.changed D.changing
6. A.reason B.the reason C.reason why D.the reason why
7. A.look B.look at C.look like D.look for
8. A.perfect C.ideal D.wonder
9. A.make B. makes C.made D.making
10. discover B.for discovering C.discovering be discovered

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Taking a Working Holiday
One of the more difficult things young people face when they want to travel is the lack offunds.
During summer holidays and possibly at weekends, they are able to take on part-time jobs, but the
money they make is just a drop in the bucket of what they need to travel far away. For example,
traveling to Australia from Viet Nam can be quite expensive just for an airline ticket, and to a lot of
students wanting to travel, it can seem out of reach.
For students wanting to travel to Australia and New Zealand in particular, however, they are in
luck. Although many countries offer working holidays, these two countries are well- known for offering
them. When a young person signs up to get a working holiday visa, he only pays for the round-trip
airfare to get to either place and only needs to carry some extra cash for incidentals. Once he is there, a
job awaits where he can earn some money.
Many of the jobs require little or no experience, such as picking fruit or working in a busy pub out
in the countryside. Some of the jobs require more experience that most people are unlikely to have, such
as being a certified welder to work for eight weeks on a farm. That shouldn't discourage you, though,
because there is always something to be found if you search hard enough.
There are many websites that advertise working holidays in Australia and New Zealand. If you have
the courage and are looking for a way to make a little money and see the world, it might be just the
ticket you were looking for.
1. What can seem out of reach for young people?
A.Being able to find a part-time job B. Being able to travel
C.Being able to get time off from school D.Being able to earn money
2. Which students are in luck according to the passage?
A. The ones who want to go to Australia and New Zealand
B. The ones who have part-time jobs
C. The ones who have airline tickets
D. The ones who are on holiday
3. Where can people find working holidays advertised?
A. In magazines B. On the radio B. In travel guidebooks D. On the
4. According to the passage, which statement is true?
A.Some working holidays are not paid.
B. People on working holidays must be from Australia or New Zealand
C.A young person needs a special visa to go on a working holiday.
D. Picking fruit is the only job available for young people on working holidays.
5. Why would a student NOT want to take a working holiday?
A. Toearn money B. To show how fearful he is
C.To see the world D. To visit a new place

VIII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
When visitors join in a (1) of the Mekong Delta, they can visit Cai Rang Floating Market to see
the river life. Cai Rang Floating Market is (2) all day but it is busiest from sunrise to about 9
a.m. The main items (3) there are farm produce and specialties of neighboring areas.
During the early morning market hours, larger sized boats anchor and create lanes so that (4)
boats can move into and out of. The waterway becomes a maze of hundreds ofboats packed with
mango, bananas, papaya, pineapple, and other goods. Sellers do not have to (5) their goods
because their goods can be seen (6) and their cries would notbe heard in the vastness of the
river and the noise of boat engines. Sellers tie their goods to atall pole (7) buyers can see
from a distance (8) they are selling. Each boat isloaded with plenty of seasonal goods. Activities
at the market are also a(n) (9) for tourists to study the cultural (10) of southerners.
1. A.tour B.trip
2. open C.opened D.opening
3. A.sell B.are selling C.selling D.sold
4. B.bigger C.smaller D.the same
5. A.cry B.cry out C.cry out for D.advertise
6. A.within distance the distance a distance some distance
7. A.therefore B.but that D.although
8. far B.why D.what
9. A.occasion B.event C.reason D.experience
10. A.appearances B.aspects C.guides D.subjects

IX. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Fabrizio from Venice:Of course, there’s lots to see in Venice. It’s one of the most famous cities in the
world. First of all, there are the canals. We don’t have cars in Venice so you have to travel everywhere
by canal. The most famous place in Venice is the square. St. Mark’s Square with St. Mark’s Cathedral.
And there are lots of museums and palaces, and beautiful bridges, too.
Yumi from Kyoto:For me, Kyoto is the most beautiful city in Japan. It’s also the oldest ĩity. It has many
old traditional buildings, and beautiful palaces, temples and gardens. The most famous temple is the
Golden Pavilion. There are also very good markets, and also really good shops, and some beautiful
modem buildings, too.
Murat from Istanbul:I think Istanbul is maybe the most beautiful city in the world, but of course I come
from Istanbul! The city is built on hills around the Bosphoros, and so there are beautiful views across
the water. From the water, you can see mosques - the most famous is called the Blue Mosque - and
palaces and bridges. Istanbul also has a very famous market called the Grand Bazaar. But these days we
also have many modern shopping centres and modern buildings and hotels. It’s really a fantastic city.
Claudia from Rio de Janeiro: Rio is one of the most exciting cities in South America... first of course we
have our famous beach, the Copacabana, and there are many mountains around Rio - the most famous is
the Sugar Plum Mountain, where you can see a big statue ofChrist, and of course we have our famous
stadium... the Macarana stadium, maybe the most famous football stadium in the world... it’s really a
great place.
Manna from St. Petersburg:You’ll really love St. Petersburg because there are so many I things to see.
The most famous is the Winter Palace, where the Tsars lived, and the Hermitage Museum which is a
fantastic art gallery, and we have a very beautiful river too, the River Neva, and of course churches and
cathedrals. There is so much to see!
1. The place(s) that Fabrizio recommends coming to in Venice most must be .
A. the canals B. the museums C. the square D. beautiful bridges
2. All of the following are true about Kyoto EXCEPT that .
A. it is the most beautiful city in Japan B. it only has old traditional buildings
C. the Golden Pavilion is very famous D. it has very good markets and shops
3. The most spectacular views of Istanbul are .
A. the mosques across the water B. the Bosphoros
C. the Grand Bazaar on the Bosphoros D. modern shopping centres and buildings
4. We can infer from Claudia’s words that people in Rio .
A.are very religious architecture
C. built the statue of Christ on the Copacabana
D. love football very much
5. People who would probably want to visit St. Petersburg most are .
A.sports enthusiasts B.politicians lovers D. ballet dancers

X. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

Negative Effects of Tourism
1. Tourism development/ lead/ soil erosion/ pollution/ waste.

2. Tourism/ contribute/ increasing carbon footprint/ stress/ ecosystems.

3. The infrastructure/ tourist spot/ not/ satisfy/ great demand/ during/ peak season.

4. Tourists/ cause/ significant effect/ local habitats/ especially/ country.

5. Tourists/ be aware/ damage/ they/ cause/ and/ tourism authorities/ take measures/ solve/ problems.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. magnificent B. delay C. bank D. travel
2. A. checkout B. erode C. exotic D. decision
3. A. reasonable B. resort C. season D. excursion
4. A. safari B. stalagmite C. lag D. package
5. A. explore B. environment C. resort D. expedition
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. safari B. breathtaking C. traveller D. sightseeing
2. A. vacation B. delicious C. excursion D. holiday
3. A. original B. stimulating C. imperial D. geography
4. A. magnificence B. destination C. affordable D. accessible
5. A. habitat B. addition C. fantastic D. discover
III. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. host B. honor C. hockey D. horror
2. A. badminton B. swallow C. challenge D. ballet
3. A. teammate B. reading C. creating D. seaside
4. A. athlete B. author C. length D. southern
5. A. touch B. foul C. account D. mount
6. A. lose B. vote C. control D. social
7. A. rear B. bear C. gear D. year
8. A. please B. peace C. seat D. spread
9. A. deny B. emotion C. respect D. better
10. A. overlooks B. beliefs C. towards D. rights
IV. Choose the correct answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. What do you think of public transport in Ha Noi?
A. Ø – Ø B. a – a C. a – Ø D. the – Ø
2. Parking is very difficult in city centre, so my father always goes there by bus.
A. the – Ø B. the – the C. a – a D. a – Ø
3. Secondary schools offer a wide of subjects.
A. field B. scope C. list D. range
4. If you don't know the language, you may have to use language.
A. hand B. gesture C. head D. signal
5. The government has recently the buildings in the old section of the city.
A. reformed B. adjusted C. restored D. modified
6. When she came , she found herself in hospital.
A. round B. off C. over D. out
7. You'll have to go for an interview tomorrow, but don’t worry. It’s just a .
A. form B format C. formation D. formality
8. Since the of the motor car, road accidents have increased dramatically.
A. approach B. inauguration C. initiation D. advert
9. I must have browsed through hundreds of , but I have no idea where to go for this year
A. booklets B. yellow pages C. brochures D. propaganda
10. It’s possible to supplement one’s by taking a part-time job.
A. income B. earning C. gaining D. attainment
11. I was in the book I was reading and didn’t hear the phone.
A. engrossed B. submerged C. gripped D. distracted
12. He couldn’t his father that he was telling the truth.
A. admit B. confide C. trust D. convince
13. It was difficult to guess what her to the news would be.
A. feelings B. reaction C. capital D. opinion
14. Eight o’clock is good time to phone Nick: he’s always at home in evening.
A. Ø – the B. a – the C. a - Ø D. a – an
15. Does it take long time to get to city centre?
A. Ø – the B. a – a C. a – the D. the – the
V. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct word from the box. Some words can be used
more than once.

tour voyage flight

trip travel journey cruise

1. For general advice about , go to a travel agent.
2. One day I would like to do the by train and ship across Russia to Japan.
3. We are going on a of Europe, visiting 11 countries in five weeks.
4. We went on a three-week round the Mediterranean. The ship stopped at
Venice, Athens, Istanbul and Alexandria.
5. He once went by ship to Australia. The took 4 weeks.
6. My father is going on a business to Ha Noi next week.
7. Vietnam Airlines VN507 from Ha Noi to Tokyo will be taking off
in ten minutes.
8. The from Heathrow Airport to the centre of London takes
about 45 minutes by underground.
9. On our first day in New York we went on a three-hour of the city by bus.
10. During our stay in London we went on a day to Oxford and another to Windsor.

VI. Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or zeroarticle (Ø).

1. John and Mary went to school yesterday and then studied in
library before returning home.
2. Lake Erie is one of five great Lakes in
North America.
3. On our trip to Spain, we crossed Atlantic Ocean.
4. Mount Rushmore is the site of magnificent
tribute to four great American presidents.
5. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
6. David played basketball and baseball at
Boy’s club this year.
7. Rita plays violin and her sister plays guitar.
8. While we were in Alaska, we saw Eskimo village.
9. Ton can’t go to movies tonight because he has to write
10. David attended Princeton University.ư

VII. Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or zero article (Ø).
1. Harry has been admitted to School of Medicine at mid western university.
2. Mel’s grandmother is in hospital, so we went to visit her last night.
3. political science class is taking trip to France in
4. Queen Elizabeth II is monarch of Great Britain.
5. Scientists sent expedition to Mars during 1990s.
6. Last night there was bird singing outside my house.
7. chair that you are sitting in is broken.
8. Civil War was fought in United States between 1861 and 1865.
9. Florida State University is smaller than University of Florida.
10. There was knock on door, I opened it and found small dark man in
blue overcoat and woolen cap.
VIII. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.
1. If a drop of oil is placed in a glass of water, it would float to the top.
2. TheTuoi Tre is a daily newspaper that is wide read by both teenagers and adults.
3. My parents wouldn’t let me stavingup late when I was a child.
4. Her children are used to picking up after school every day. They don’t have to walk home.
5. I’musually right about the weather, amn’tI?
6. Could I change seats with you? I’d like sittingnext to my friends.
7. Watch television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a healthy habit for a growing
8. Hans is only fourteen, but he seemsenough oldto stay out until ten.
9. I think that’s an interesting thought, isn’tthat?
10. Greeting enough sleep is important in ordernot fall asleep is class.

IX. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.

for necessary aspects why important

of can lights from transportation

Trawl and tourism are very (1) to millions of people over the world. In every country
you (2) find people that work in travel and tourism. Some countries need the money (3)
tourism to help their people survive. It is (4) for these places that travel and
tourism continue to expand and bring money to their regions.
However, travel and tourism have negative (5) . Planes, buses, boats and other means of
(6) that carry travellers and tourist cause pollution. Moreover, some people do things on a holiday they
would never think (7) doing at home. For example, many travellers use a lot of water and
electricity when they stay in hotels.
They forget to turn off the (8) or even leave televisions and air conditioning units on
when they leave the room. On top of that, it is often difficult or impossible (9)
travellers to recycle items, so they end up leaving large amounts of waste behind. That’s (10)
it is important for people to travel wisely and respect the places they visit.

X. Read the passage and answer the questions.

In 1761, an artificial waterway opened. It joined a coal-mining area with the port of Manchester. This
was England’s first man-made waterway, or ‘canal’. Soon the price of coal in this part of the country went
down, and the owner of the Bridgewater canal became rich.
In the late 18th century landowners and businessmen built many new canals to make money. There was
no canal plan for the country, but the canals completely changed the transport of heavy goods in England.
Prices of factory goods went down because transport cost less than before. One horse could now pull 50 tons
on a canal boat. Before, it could pull less than one ton on a road cart. The canal network was a very
important part of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, but canals had only a short life. In the mid 19 th century,
the new railways became the most modern form of transport.
The men who built the canals were called ‘navvies’. They moved around country in groups from canal to
canal. Ordinary people did not like the navvies, because they wore strange clothes, had no real homes, and
because they often drank too much beer.
The Nottingham and Beeston Canal had two parts. It opened in 1796 and was an important six-mile link
in the Trent Navigation - a system of canals and rivers which joined the Midlands with the River Humber
and the port of Hull. This carried goods from inland factories to the sea. Now it is no longer a working canal.
It is a place for people who like walking or fishing.
1. Why did the price of coal round Manchester decrease?
2. Why didn’t people like the canal builders?

3. What did the boats on this canal carry?
4. Why was the waterway from Midland to Hull important?
5. Why did the network of canals become less important in a short time?
XI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
When visitors join in a (1) of the Mekong Delta, they can visit Cai Rang Floating Market to see
the river life. Cai Rang Floating Market is (2) all day but it is busiest from sunrise to about 9
a.m. The main items (3) there are farm produce and specialties of neighboring areas.
During the early morning market hours, larger sized boats anchor and create lanes so that (4)
boats can move into and out of. The waterway becomes a maze of hundreds of boats packed with
mango, bananas, papaya, pineapple, and other goods. Sellers do not have (5) their
goods because their goods can be seen (6) and their cries would not be heard in the vastness of the
river and the river and the noise of boat engines. Sellers tie their goods to a tall pole (7) buyers can
see from a distance (8) they are selling. Each boat is loaded with plenty of seasonal goods.
Activities at the market are also a(n) (9) for tourists to study the cultural (10) of
1. A. travel B. trip C. voyage D. tour
2. A. open B. to open C. opened D. opening
3. A. sell B. sold C. selling D. are selling
4. A. no B. bigger C. the same D. smaller
5. A. cry out B. cry C. cry out for D. advertise
6. A. within distance B. in a distance C. in the distance D. by some distance
7. A. so that B. but C. therefore D. although
8. A. how far B. why C. what D. how
9. A. experience B. event C. reason D. occasion
10. A. aspects B. appearances C. guides D. subjects

XII. Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
Canada is the world’s second largest country. Its population is not very large, however. About 25 million
people live in Canada – less than half the population of Britain or France and only one thirtieth of the
population of India. Canada is in North America and its capital is Ottawa. It is a rich country with a lot of
natural resources. In southern Canada the land is very good for farming and Canada exports a lot of wheat.
In the north there are magnificent forests. In the west there are some very high mountains called the Rockies.
Canada also has many minerals such as petroleum, gas, copper and zinc. Canada was the first settled by
French pioneers. In the eighteenth century there were wars between Britain and French, Canada came under
British rule. Since 1931 Canada has been an independent member of the British Commonwealth. English
and French are both official language in Canada.
1. Canada is a densely populated country. __________
2. Canada is a country rich in natural resources. __________
3. Canada is the world’s leading exporter of wheat. __________
4. Canada is a former British colony. __________
5. Two official languages spoken in Canada are English and French. __________

XIII. Combine two sentences into one, using the connectives from the list: and, but, because, so,
therefore, or, moreover, however, if, when, unless.
1. You can’t borrow my dictionary. You bring it back on Monday.

2. The cost of installation is very high. Solar domestic heating systems are economical to use.

3. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house. The Sun’s energy is used to heat water.
4. I don’t agree with a lot of his teaching methods. He is a good teacher.
5. We’d better not waste water. We won’t have enough to drink sooner or later.

6. The house is quite beautiful. The cost is not too high.

7. Do you want to study more? Do you want to look for a job?
8. You can go home. You’ve finished this exercise.
9. I don’t get many opportunities to practise my English. I find it difficult to remember everything I study.
10. I’m practising speaking English a lot. I don’t want to fail in the oral test.

XIV. Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2-5 words in total).
1. Scuba-diving is not really my cup of tea. INTERESTED
I scuba-diving.
2. No mountains in Western Europe are higher than Mount Blanc. THE
Mount Blanc Western Europe.
3. They require special permits to access Son Doong Cave. TO
Special permits Son Doong Cave.
4. Jane hasn’t decided where to go on holiday. MIND
Jane hasn’t about where to go on holiday.
5. We don’t like travelling during peak season. INTO
We during peak season.
XV. By using the words in brackets, join each of the following sentences into logical ones. You may
need to change some of the words.
1. An area of low pressure forms over the land. The heated air expands and rises. (as a result)
2. Canada is similar to the United States. The majority of its people speak English. (in that)
3. Governments will most probably not relocate entire cities. They are in earthquake zones. (just because)
4. They were forced to buy expensive ones. There were no economy seats available. (so)
5. The hypothesis could be tested. Two experiments were conducted. (so that)
6. Middle-class families tend to have person-centered structures. Working-class families are usually
positional. (whereas)
7. Middle-class children do well in most education systems. Working-class children do relatively poorly.
(on the other hand)
8. Western Europe has large reserves of fuel. The UK has a 250-year supply of coal. (for instance)
9. A duck can swim easily and walk on soft ground. It has webbed feet. (so that)
10. Far fewer people are killed or injured during train travel. Rail travel is safer than road travel. (because)

1. affordable (adj) /əˈfɔːdəbl/: có thể chi trả được, hợp túi tiền
2. air (v) /eə(r)/: phát sóng (đài, vô tuyến)
3. breathtaking (adj) /ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ/: ấn tượng, hấp dẫn
4. check-in (n) /tʃek-ɪn/: việc làm thủ tục lên máy bay
5. checkout (n) /ˈtʃekaʊt/: thời điểm rời khỏi khách sạn
6. confusion (n) /kənˈfjuːʒn/: sự hoang mang, bối rối
7. erode away (v) /ɪˈrəʊd əˈweɪ/: mòn đi
8. exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/: kì lạ
9. explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ thám hiểm
10. hyphen (n) /ˈhaɪfn/ dấu gạch ngang
11. imperial (adj) /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ (thuộc về) hoàng đế
12. inaccessible (adj) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ không thể vào/tiếp cận được
13. lush (adj) /lʌʃ/ tươi tốt, xum xuê
14. magnif cence (n) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns/ sự nguy nga, lộng lẫy, tráng lệ
15. not break the bank (idiom) /nɒt breɪk ðə bæŋk/: không tốn nhiều tiền
16. orchid (n) /ˈɔːkɪd/: hoa lan
17. package tour (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ tʊə(r)/: chuyến du lịch trọn gói
18. pile-up (n) /paɪl-ʌp/: vụ tai nạn do nhiều xe đâm nhau
19. promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/: giúp phát triển, quảng bá
20. pyramid (n) /ˈpɪrəmɪd/: kim tự tháp
21. safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/: cuộc đi săn(bằng đường bộ nhất là ở đông và nam phi)
22. stalagmite (n) /stəˈlæɡmaɪt/: măng đá
23. stimulating (adj) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/: thú vị, đầy phấn khích
24. touchdown (n) /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/: sự hạ cánh
25. varied (adj) /ˈveərid/: đa dạng

Chức năng - Dùng để diễn tả không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai, điều kiện chỉ là giả
thiết, một ước muốn trái ngược với thực trạng hiện tại.
- Dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên.
Cấu trúc If + S + V2/ Ved+O , S +would+ V+ O
(Thì quá khứ đơn)
 Mệnh đề “if” dùng quá khứ đơn, mênh đề chính dùng động từ khuyết thiếu
“would +V”
Ví dụ If I were a bird, I would be very happy.
(nếu là một con chim, tôi sẽ rất hạnh phúc)
 Tôi không thể là chim được.
If I had a million dollars, I would buy that car.
(nếu tôi có 1 triệu đô la, tôi sẽ mua cái ô tô đó.)
 Hiện tại tôi không có.
Lưu ý: - Trong câu điều kiện loại 2, ở mệnh đề “if” với chủ ngữ là “she, he, it” ta có
thể dùng “were” hoặc “was” đều được.
(were dùng trong tình huống trang trong hơn)
- Ta cũng có thể dùng “could” hoặc “might” trong mệnh đề chính.
“Would” = sẽ (dùng dạng quá khứ của “will”)
“Could” = sẽ (dùng dạng quá khứ của “can”)
“Might” = sẽ (dùng dạng quá khứ của “may”)
Bài 1: Nối các câu ở cột A với cột B sao cho phù hợp.
1. 1/If I had Laura’s phone number now, a. a/I would think twice before I drop out of
2. 2/If it was sunny and hot today, school.
3. 3/Mike would invite you to his next party. b. b/I would forbit smoking everywhere in the
4. 4/If I had wings, state.
5. 5/You would get better grade. c. c/We would take the kid for a swim in the
6. 6/If I were in your position, beach.
7. 7/We could take photos here. d. d/If his parents weren’t drug addicts.
8. 8/If I lived in a developed country, e. e/If you were one of his friends.
9. 9/If I were a governor for only a day, f. f/I would send her an urgent SMS.
10. 10/ Mike wouldn’t such family problems. g. g/I would find a well-paid job easily.
h. h/I would fly back home to see my wife and
my kids.
i. i/ If it wasn’t forbidden to do so.
j. j/ If you worked hard.
1. __________ 2. ____________ 3. _____________4. _____________5. _______________
6. __________ 7. ____________ 8. _____________9. _____________10. _______________
Bài 2: Hoàn thành câu điều kiện loại 2 dưới đây
1. If I ___________ (be) you, I would practice more often for the upcoming test.
2. I _____________(spend) a lot of money if I won the lottery.
3. What ___________________ (you/do) if I gave you one million dollars?
4. If I met Rihanna, I ____________ (say) hallo.
5. I would take the underground every day if I __________ (live) in London.
6. You would feel a lot of better, if you ________________ (not/smoke) so much.
7. If I ___________ (be) you, I would follow mun’s advice.
8. I would run away if I ______________ (see) a ghost.
9. If I were you, I ____________(accept) the offer.
10. You _______________ (have to) choose a place to live, which one would you choose?
11. What would you do if you _______________ (see) a robbery?
Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu điều kiện loại 1 và loại 2 dưới đây.
1. If I were you, I ________________ (learn) now.
2. Chuck _________________ (ask) us, we would lend him our books.
3. If they ___________ (be) at home, they will learn my words.
4. If Jack has a new DVD, he ___________ (lend) it to Cindy.
5. If you washed the car, he ___________ (get) more pocket money.
6. If you ___________ (come), you would meet them.
7. If we go to London, we ___________ (see) Buckingham Palace.
8. Jenny will help you if she ___________ (have) more time.
9. Sandy___________ (tell) him if she asked her.
10. I___________ (wash) my hands if he gives me a soap.
11. If the ghost passes through the door, she___________ (scream)
12. If we ___________ (swim) a lot, we would win the competition.
13. The Zongs will travel to the USA if they ___________ (win) in the lottery.
14. If you ___________ (run), you could catch the bus.
15. If Tessy has enough money, she ___________ (buy)

1. Định nghĩa mệnh đề quan hệ (MĐQH)
Định nghĩa - Mệnh đề quan hệ (mệnh đề tính từ) là một loại mệnh đề phụ thuộc, được bắt đầu
bằng các đại từ quan hệ: who, whom, which, that, whose hay những trạng từ quan
hệ: why, when, where
- Mệnh đề quan hệ dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó trong mệnh đề
chính của câu hay để chỉ rõ người/vật đang nói đến.
Ví dụ I told you about the woman who lives next door.
(tôi đã nói với bạn về người phụ nữ sống cạnh nhà)
2. Các loại đại từ quan hệ
Đại từ Cách dùng Ví dụ
WHO - Thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người đứng trước nó The girl who is standing there is Ann
- Làm chủ ngữ trong MDQH The student who the head teacher met
….N(person)+ WHO+V+ O was John
- Làm O cho động từ trong MĐQH
….N(person )+ WHO+ S+V
WHOM - Thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người, làm tân ngữ cho động Is she the girl whom you are waiting
từ trong MĐQH for?
…N(person )+ WHOM +S +V Is she the girl WHOM is waiting for
- Chú ý: “ who” có thể thay thế cho “whom”, nhưng “ you? SAI
whom” không thể that thế cho “who” Is she the girl WHO is waiting for
you?--> ĐÚNG
WHICH - Thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật The book which is on the table is
- Làm chỉ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong MĐQH beautiful
…N(thing)+ WHICH + V + O The dress which she is wearing is
….N(thing)+ WHICH+ S+ V beautiful
THAT - Có thể thay thế cho vị trí của Who, Whom, Which The pen that/ which is on the desk is
THAT= WHO/ WHOM/ WHICH expensive
The dancers that/ who/ whom he
painted were very lively
WHOSE - Dùng để chỉ sở hữu cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật, The dog whose hair is brown belongs
thường thay cho các tính từ sở hữu: his, her, their… to me
hoặc hình thức sở hữu cách ‘s
….N( person, thing) + WHOSE+ N+V
- Chú ý: Whose chỉ đứng giữa hai danh từ. Whose
không đứng trước động từ trong MĐQH
3. Các loại trạng từ quan hệ

Trạng từ Cách dùng Ví dụ

WHY - Mở đầu cho MĐQH chỉ lý do, thường thay cho cụm “ I don’t know the reason. You
for the reason, for that reason” didn’t go to school for that reason
…N(reason) + WHY + S+ V… I don’t know the reason why
you didn’t go to school
WHERE - Thay thế từ chỉ nơi chốn nhyuw “ place, house, street, The hotel wasn’t very clean. We
town, country…” thường thay cho “ there” stayed at that hotel
…N(place) + WHERE+ S +V The hotel where we stayed
( WHERE= ON/ IN. AT + WHICH ) wasn’t very clean

WHEN - Thay thế từu chỉ thười gian nhưu “ time, moment, day, I don’t know the time. She will
period, summer…” thường thay cho từ “then” come back then
N(time) + WHEN + S+ V I don’t know the time when she
( WHEN= ON/ IN/ AT + WHICH ) will come back
- Do you still remember the day
when we first met?
Do you remember the day when
we first met?
 Do you remember the day on
which we first met?/ Do you
remember the day which we first
met on?
Giới từ trong Mệnh đề quan hệ
Cách dùng Ví dụ
Nếu trong MĐQH có giới từ có thể đặt trước hoặc -Mr Brown, with whom we studied last year, is a
sau MĐQH ( chỉ áp dụng với whom và which) nice teacher
Nếu MĐQH bát đầu bằng đại từ quan hệ “ who, Mr Brown, whom we studied with last year, is a
that” giưới từ bắt buộc phải đặt sau, KHÔNG được nice teacher
đặt trước -The playground wasn’t used by those children that
ít was built for  ĐÚNG
-The playground wasn’t used by those children for
that it was built SAI
Bài 4: Điền vào chỗ trống “ who” hoặc “which”
1. A soldier is someone___________ works in the army
2. A student is a person ___________ goes to school
3. An ostrich is a bird ___________ cannot fly
4. A cook is someone ___________ makes meals at a restaurant
5. A tire is thing ___________ you can find on a wheel
6. A stick is a piece of wood ___________ is long and thin
Bài 5: Dubgf “ that” hoặc “ whose” để nối các câu dưới đây
1. I admired the stuntman. His part was so dangerous
I admired the stuntman__________________________________________________________
2. We ate the cake. It was on the cupboard
 We ate the cake_______________________________________________________________
3. She found the bag. It belonged to her
 She found the bag______________________________________________________________
4. Can you see the car? Its door is scratched
 Can you see the car____________________________________________________________
5. You are the partner. I want to work with you
 You are the partner_____________________________________________________________
6. I couldn’t help the students. Their tests were a failure
. I couldn’t help the students______________________________________________________
7. This is the guy. I got it from him
 This is the guy________________________________________________________________
8. I liked the house. Its roof was made of res tiles
 I liked the house_______________________________________________________________
9. A spade is a tool. You dig with it
 A spade is a tool_______________________________________________________________
10. Here is the museum. I told you about it
Here is the museum_____________________________________________________________
11. I can’t respect politicians. Their only ambitious is to be in power
 I can’t respect politicians________________________________________________________
12. This is the man. We bought the ring from him
. This is the man_______________________________________________________________
13. We can’t afford new cars. Their price is too high
 We can’t afford new cars________________________________________________________
14. Where is the cassette? We listened to it
 Where is the cassette___________________________________________________________
15. The film is about a king. His brother kills him
 The film is about a king_________________________________________________________
16. I met some people. Their houses were badly damaged
 I met some people_____________________________________________________________
Bài 6: Điền vào chỗ trống các đại từ và trạng từ quan hệ : who, whom, which, whose, where, when”
sao cho thích hợp
1. Can you give me back the money __________I lent you last month?
2. This is the restaurant __________we used to eat when he lived in Boston
3. Mark has sent me an email __________I haven’t replied yet.
4. Who’s the person__________ is sitting next to Nancy?
5. They complained about the wrong goods __________ were sent to them
6. This is Susan __________ husband works in the sales department
7. Candy is wearing a new dress __________ she bought in the summer sales
8. Monday is the day __________ bills have to be paid
9. The secretary showed me the filing cabinet __________ important documents are filed
10. Do you like the boy __________ Mary is talking to?
11. We enjoyed the party __________ Peter and Pam had to celebrate Christmas
12. Are you the person __________ applied for a job as a receptionist?
13. Is this this pub __________ you meet your friends?
14. You have to delete the sheet __________ is repeated
15. April is the month __________ we have Easter holiday in Spain.
16. The advice __________ Sam gave me was quite senseless
17. Have you bought the food __________ I asked you?
18. Pjone Mr Smith __________ you will have to talk to tomorrow
19. Let’s visit the park __________ we played after school
20. Celebrities receive lots of invitations __________ they don’t accept
21. Did you refuse the offer __________ the company made you?
Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thiện câu điều kiện loại 1 và 2
1. If you (see)____________John, I ( tell) ____________him your news
2. You(meet) ____________ my brother if you (go) ____________ to town on
3.Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she (sleep) ____________ longer, her health (improve) ____________
4. If she (want) ____________ to talk to me, she ( ring up) ____________. I guess she doesn’t
5. If you (need) ____________ help, my father (help) ____________ you
6. We (have) ____________ a picnic if the day ( be) ____________ fine’
7. I (understand)_________________ Mr Brown if he ( speak)______________slowly
8. If you (see) ____________ a policeman, he (show) ____________ you the way
9. I ( finish) ____________ the job tomorrow if I ( can) ____________
10. If you (give) ____________ him good meals, he ( not be able ) ____________ to work hard
11. You (make) ____________ a fortune if you( take) ____________ my advice. Too bad!
12. I ____________ (not need) an umbrella if it (not rain) ____________
13. If she (think) ____________ it over carefully, she (form) ____________ a clear opinion
14. If they ( catch) ____________ a bus now, they (arrive) ____________ at half past nine
15. He ( find) ____________ the answers if he (look) ____________ at the back of the book
16. If I ( think) ____________ that about him, I (say) ____________ so aloud
17. If he ( promise) ____________ to behave in the future, his mum ( forgive) ____________ him
18. If you (want) ____________ me to, I (come) ____________for a walk with you
19. If we (can) ____________ come on Sunday, we (come) ____________. I am really sorry
20. If you (wait) ____________ for a moment, the waiter (bring) ____________ you a coffee
21. He (lose) ____________weight if he (stop) ____________eating so much
22. Life (be) ____________ monotonous if we (have) ____________ nothing to do
23. He (not phone) ____________me herre unless it ( be) ____________urgent
24. If they (love) ____________ each other, they ( not fight) ____________ so much
25. If she (be) ____________ patient, I ( try) ____________ to explain
26. If he (do) ____________that again, his father (punish) ____________him
27. If Peter ( ask) ____________Mary, I’m sure she ( marry) ____________ him
28. She (get) ____________ fit if she ( walk) ____________every day 3 km
29. If she (drink) ____________this medicine, she (feel) ____________ much better
30. He (be) ____________ very pleased if it (be) ____________really true
Bài 8: Viết lại các cặp câu dưới đây thành câu có chứa MĐQH
1. She worked for a man. The man used to be an athlete
2. They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby
3. I sent an email to my brother. My brother lives in Australia
4. The customer liked the waitress. The waitress was very friendly
5. We broke the computer. The computer belonged to my father
6. I dropped a glass. The glass was new
7. She loves books. The books have happy endings
8. They live in a city. The city is in the north of England
9. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper
10. The girl works in a bank. The girl is from India
11. My sister has three children. My sister lives in Australia
12. The waiter was rude. The waiter was wearing a blue shirt
13. The money is in the kitchen. The money belongs to John
14. The table got broke. The table was my grandmother’s
15. The television was stolen. The television was bought 20 years ago
16. The fruit is on the table. The fruit isn’t fresh

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. massive B.immersion C.imitate D.variety
2. A. rusty B. punctual C.universal D.subject
3. A. office B. official C.accent D.fluency

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. accent B. mistake D.rusty
5. A. bilingual B. dialect C.dominance D.official

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. It’s an important part of your cultural identity to keep your in speaking English.
A.vocabulary B.language C.accent D.skill
7. Much comes through body language and gesture. C.speech D.communication
8. Try to the meaning of words rather than going straight for your dictionary.
A.judge B.guess C.decide D.expect
9. Reading is the best way to your vocabulary in any language.
A.improve B.increase C.raise D.put up
10. He is not exactly rich but he certainly earns enough to .
A.get through B.get by C.get on D.get up
11. One way of increasing your speed of comprehension is to learn all your vocabulary without the
use of your own .
A.first language B.technical language language D.official
12. If I didn’t have exams next week, I camping with you this weekend.
A.will go B.will have gone C.would have gone D.would
13. If she rich, she would travel around the world.
A.would be C.has beenD.were
14. India is the country he spent the early years of his life. which B.on which C.that D.where
15. The girls and flowers he painted were vivid.
A.who B.that C.whose D.which

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box. There are some
extra words.
collocations look up come across say use

When you (1_) a new English word or phrase, make a note of it!(2)
the meaning in the dictionary, making sure you are aware of any grammatical information. For
instance, if you are looking for the meaning of a verb, check to see if the verb can be used in a passive
form, if it is followed by any particular preposition, and so on. Check also for the pronunciation and (3)

of a word. It is particularly formal or informal, or used in certain word (4)
? For example, we (5) "do housework", but "make an effort".

V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Would you go to his party if he (invite) you?
2. I (help) you translate this text into French if we had a dictionary.
3. We (email) her if we had her address.
4. If(have) the answer, I wouldn’t need to ask.
5. I’d probably buy a laptop if it (be) cheaper.
6. Where would you like if you (have) a choice?
7. If they (make) a film of grandfather’s life, which actor would play him?
8. If the rooms were bigger, we (buy) larger furniture.
9. If you (have) 20 brothers and sisters, think how many birthday presents you (get) !
10. If my father (not work) , we (not have) enough money
to live.

VI. Read the passage, and do the tasks that follow.

Five Ways To Improve Your Spoken English At Home
First, you should improve your English pronunciation because good pronunciation will help people
understand your spoken English clearly, even if you don’t know many words. Second, most English
learners read too much and listen too little. If you want to improve your English speaking, spend more
time listening! Listen to the audio while you read the text, then read the text out loud, trying to imitate
the pronunciation you hear in the audio.
Then, reading English texts out loud will train your mouth and lips to pronounce English words
more naturally. I suggest reading every text out loud twice. The first time, read slowly and focus on
pronouncing each word correctly. Circle the words that are difficult to pronounce and repeat each one
ten times. The second time, read faster and focus on making your English flow, speaking each sentence
with a natural rhythm.
In addition, whenever you learn a new word, try saying it in a complete sentence. If you do this
with every new English word you learn, it will help you speak English in complete sentences more
Finally, if you don’t have contact with native English speakers, watch TV shows and films in
English with English subtitles to learn English conversation patterns.
Task 1. Answer the following questions.
1. Why should we improve our pronunciation?
2. What should we do while listening to English?
3. What are the functions of reading the text our loud twice?
4. What is the best way to learn a new word?
5. Which films should we watch to develop speaking skills?
Task 2. Finds words in the passage to match these definitions.
1. copy the way to do something (paragraph 1):____________________________________________
2. make the sound of a word or a letter (paragraph 2):_______________________________________
3. be produced in an easy way (paragraph 2):______________________________________________
4. a repeated patterns of sounds (paragraph 2):_____________________________________________
5. words shown at the bottom of a film to explain what is being said (paragraph 4):________________
VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Language is (1) people (2) with one another. It is a terrific tool. Language
is spoken, but it is also (3) down. Sign language used by many people who are (4) is the
communication with gestures. We do (5) our communication (6) speaking.
English is (7) international language in the world, but it is not the world’s most (8) spoken
language. There are more than 1.2 billion people (9) Chinese.Arabic is second, and then
Hindi, with English in the fourth place. (10) languages inthe top ten are Spanish, Bengali,
Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, and German.
1. B.why C.what D.when
2. A.communicate B.instruct C.introduce D.mention
3. A.compiled B.composed C.written D.made
4. A.blind B.deaf C.dead D.alive
5. A.most B.mostly C.most of D.mostly of
6. A.on B.of C.about
7. A.most B.the most C.the mostly D.the more
8. A.widened B.width C.wide D.widely
9. A.speak B.speaks C.speaking D.are spoken
10. A.Another B.One another C.Other D.Others

VIII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
When I first started learning English ten years ago, I could hardly (1) a word - “hello”,
“good bye”, “thank you” was just about it! I went to classes two evenings a week and I was surprised at
how quickly I (2) progress. (3) the course we learned lots of vocabulary and studied
grammar rules. (4) thing I enjoyed most was being able to practise speaking with the
other students in my class.
After two years I went to England to a (5) school. It was in Cambridge.I did a(6)
course at a very good school and I stayed with a local family. It was a fantastic experience and I (7)
up a lot of things from speaking with my host family and with other students from (8)
the world. I really improved my pronunciation as well. When I got back (9) my home
town, I was so much more confident. I(10) actually hold a conversation with my teacher in
1. A. talk B.speak C.say D.tell
2. A. do B.make C.did D.made
3. A. During B.After C.Before D.While
4. A. That B.A C.The D.Those
5. A. science B.language
6. A. three-weeks B.third-week C.threes-week D.three-week
7. A.picked B.looked C. got D.stood
8. A.all B.over C.over all D.all over
9. A.the D.on
10. A.had to B.used to C.could D.would
IX. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The Importance of English in Today's World
English was originally the language of England, and soon it has become the primary orsecondary
language of many former British colonies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and India.
Nowadays, it is the most international language in the world. There an several factors that make the
English language essential to communication in our current time.
First of all, it is the most common foreign language. This means that two people who come from
different countries (for example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common English to
communicate. English is also essential to the field of education. In many countries, children are taught
and encouraged to learn English as a second language. At the university level, students in many
countries study almost all their subjects in English in order to make the material more accessible to
international students. On the Internet, the majority of websites are written and created in English. Even
sites in other languages often give you the option to translate the site. It is the primary language of the
press: more newspapers and books are written in English than in any other language, and no matter
where in the world you are, you will find some of these books and newspapers available.
Although many people think that it is very difficult and confusing, English is actually the easiest
language of the world to learn because there are so many resources available. As soon as you decide you
want to learn, there are thousands of resources on the Internet and in bookstores. With good
understanding and communication in English, you can travel around the globe. Because it is the
international language for foreigners, it is easy to get assistance and help in every part of the world. You
can test it by online travel. Any travel booking site you can find will have English as a booking option.
1. When two people having different mother tongues meet each other, they will use, .
A.their own mother tongues to communicate
B.English as a means of communication
C.the third language to communicate
D.a second language as a means of communication
2. The study material at universities is often written in English so that .
A.all international students can follow it
D.scientists can understand it easily is the dominant language in England
D.all children from many countries understand English
3. All of the following about the role of English on the Internet are true EXCEPT that .
A.most websites are written in English
B.most programmers created websites in English
C.websites offer you the option in other languages
D.most websites have English version
4. English is believed by many to be the easiest language of the world to learn because . can decide you want to learn English
B.there are thousands of bookstores available is not very difficult and confusing is easy to find resources to learn English
5. We can infer from the passage that .
A.English makes you travel around the globe can use English to travel online tourists must know English is easy to get help to learn English all over the world
X. Complete the second sentence with the conditional sentence based on the facts given.
1. We have languages. We use them for communication.
If we didn’t____________________________________________________________________.
2. We have languages. We can leave knowledge to our younger generations.
If we didn’t ___________________________________________________________________.
3. We have senses. They allow us to learn languages.
If we didn’t____________________________________________________________________.
4. Our sense of sight allows us to read the written language.
If we didn’t____________________________________________________________________.
5. Big companies have logos so that their goods can be recognized in every nation.
If there weren’t_________________________________________________________________.

XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. I think my IT skills are not good now because I have forgotten it.
My IT skills are a bit _________________________________________________________________.
2.Paul’s father is English, and his mother comes from Italy.
I think Paul_________________________ in English and Italian.
3.Many people now speak English as a second or foreign language.
For many people, English is not ________________________________________________________.
4.When you live in London, you can soon learn how to speak the language.
In London, you can __________________ the language.
5.You shouldn’t go straight for your dictionary to know the meaning of words.
You should try ______________________rather than going straight to for your dictionary.
6.If you are Vietnamese learning English, you can copy a native English speaker.
If you are Vietnamese learning English, you can___________________________________________.
7.Whenever you find a new word, try to predict the meaning and then look into the dictionary to know
the meaning.
Whenever you find a new word, try to predict the meaning and _______________________________.
8.Many students in my class come from different countries.
I attend a___________________________________________________________________________.
9.I spent only two months learning Korean, but I had little problem with my Korean when I was in
Seoul last summer.
Although I spent only two months learning Korean, I could___________________________________.
10.In India with innumerable regional languages in different states, English serves as the common
language in the country.
In India, English is regarded as
XII. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.
1. English/ play/ important role/ everyday life.
2. English/ widely used/ international communication/ everyday work.
3. Students/ want/ go abroad/ education/ have to/ learn/ English well.
4. It/ language/ science/ and/ you/ need/ know English/ good/ science.
5. English/ main language/ instruction/ international students/ universities/ colleges.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. imitate B.translate C.phrase D.language
2. A. variety B.bilingual C.derivative D.dialect
3. A. massive B.immersion C.establish D.rusty
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. punctual B.flexible C.openness D.specific
5. A.establishment B.derivative C.population D.simplicity

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Trying to use a dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you to
stop translating in your head when you are speaking or listening.
A.biannual B.bicentenary D.bilingual
7. Are you someone who can read and write well in English but cannot speak ?
A.fluent B.fluently C.fluency D.a fluency
8. In a class, this is a great opportunity to learn about different customs and traditions
around the world.
A.multilingual B.multi-disciplinary C.multi-dimensional D.multinational
9. If you get when speaking, take two deep breaths before you say something.
A.annoyed B.nervous C.pleased D.unwilling
10. No one ever improves pronunciation and by watching someone else’s shape of
themouth! You improve English speaking by speaking, not watching.
A.rhythm B.tone C.accent D.sounds
11. If I taller, I better at basketball. - will be B.were – would have been - would be D.were – might be
12. If you in my position, what would you do?
A.are B.will be C.were D.would be
13. There was a storm I had never experienced before.
A.such as which C.which D.for which
14. Children always want to know the reason things are as they are.
A.why B.whom C.which D.who
15. Is the first of March the day the astronaut will come and give a speech at our school?
A.that B.what C.which D.when

IV. Fill in each gap in the passage with ONE suitable word.

make underline use look interests

Read something that (16) you. It could be a newspaper, a novel, a magazine, or

even an English graded reader (a simplified book). Working page by page, (17) the
words or phrases that you don't know. (18) up only those that are important for
understanding, or which are repeated. (19) good dictionary, and (20)
a note in your English vocabularynotebook.

V. Combine each pair of sentences to make a complete sentence, using a suitable relative
21. The simplest definition of language is that “language is the means of communication”. It is widely
22. There are about one billion people. They use English as the lingua franca of international

23. Differences between languages can cause some problems to learners. Differences between languages
are explained in course books.
24. A great number of people speak English as a foreign language. Their native language is not English.
25. English has been regarded as a lingua franca. It enjoys more universality than any other language.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense to form either a first or a second conditional
1. If it (rain) this weekend, we (not be able) to play tennis.
2. Give me Peter’s letter. If I (see) him, I (give) it to him.
3. I have to work very hard for the coming exam, so I’m very busy. But if I (have)
any spare time. I (take up) a sport like football.
4. If I (be) taller, I (be) a basketball player, but I’m too short.
5. Please start your meal. If you (not have) your soup now, it(go)
6. What noisy neighbours you have got! If my neighbours (be) as bad as yours,
I (go) crazy.
7. If you (have) any problems, let me know and I (come) and help
you straight away.
8. My uncle is a brilliant cook! If I (can cook) as well as him, I (earn)
a lot of money.
9. If there (be) some fresh fish in the market, (you/ buy) some for dinner?
10. “We have mice in the kitchen.” - “If you (have) a cat, the mice (disappear)

VII. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

were would be could sunbathe could go had would you remember
would come would need might lend could have won would you buy
1. If Ihad a compass on my mobile phone, it really useful on holiday.
2. She says that if she a better voice, she’d sing in a choir.
3. If you £20,000 in the lottery, what would you spend it on?
4. If you had a pet, to feed it?
5. We the electric fans if the air conditioners didn’t work.
6. If we had some suncream, we for longer.
7. If you had a million dollars, what ?
8. If I taller, I would join the school basketball team.
9. If I didn’t have to stay at home tomorrow, I with you.
10. If you asked Nick, he you the money you need.
11. If it were not rainy, we a picnic in the park.
12. If I anywhere in the world, I’d spend a year on a desert island.

VIII. Combine each pair of sentences, using a relative clause.

1. I have a friend. Her mum is a volunteer worker.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
2. It is a camping shop. It has a lot of good equipment.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
3. The rescue operation was arranged by a charity organisation. It was a success.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
4. My uncle is a fire fighter. He visited us last weekend.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
5. 2015 is the year. My sister became a nurse.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
6. The storm started at 2 o’clock this morning. It caused a lot of damage.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________
7. Nick is my classmate. I’ve known him for a long time.

IX. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Englishplays an important role in everyday life in India. In India with innumerable regional
languages in different state, English serves as the common language in the country.Most office-goers
know English, but many of them do not know other languages besides their mother-tongue or regional
language. Thus, they communicate with each other in English for their everyday work.
The importance of English in education and student’s life cannot be denied. English remains a
major medium of instruction in schools. There are large numbers of books that are written in English
language. English is an important language for inter-state communications. Modem India has many
large states. People of each state converse in their own language and often cannot speak or understand
the regional language of other people. In such cases, English becomes the link between these people. So,
we cannot deny the importance of English in modem India.
There are some advantages of regional languages over English, but in spite of that there is the need
and importance of English in Indian life.
1. What is the role of English in everyday life in India?
2. Why is English chosen as the official language in India?
3. What do most office-goers use English for?
4. What is the role of English in education?
5. Why is English considered the link between people in India?

X. Read the passage, and do the tasks that follow.

Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason, it is becoming more and
more important to know foreign languages, especially English.
One billion people, about 20% of the world's population, speak English today. 400 million people
speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people, it is either a second language or a
foreign language.
English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia as well
as New Zealand. It is also one of the official languages in Canada, the Irish Republic and the Republic
of South Africa. English is spoken in more than 60 countries as a second language. It is used by the
government, businessmen and universities.

English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport
and pop music. 80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English. 75% of the world's letters
and faxes are sent in English. 60% of all international telephone calls are made in English. More than
60% of all scientific journals are printed in English.
To know English today is quite a usual thing for every educated person, for every good specialist.
Learning a language is not easy. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and work.
English is studied throughout the world and great number of people speak it quite well. In our
country, English is very popular: it is taught at schools, colleges and universities as a foreign language.
Everyone will master English soon. We all need to understand each other. To do that we must know
an international language, and that is English.
Task 1. Scan through the text, and fill in each blank with the suitable information.
1.The number of people who speak English: ___________________
2.The number of people who speak English as either a second language or a_______________
foreign language:
3.The English-speaking countries include: ___________________
4.Percentage of all international telephone calls made in English: ___________________
5.Percentage of information in the world's computers in English: ___________________
6.Percentage of the world's letters and faxes sent in English: ___________________
Task 2. Answer the following questions.
1. What makes distances between different countries seem less?
2. In which fields is English widely used around the world?
3. What is the role of English in education in our country?
4. How hard is the process of learning a language?

XI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Have you ever noticed advertisements which say “Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks, or your
money back. From the first day your pronunciation will be excellent. Just send....” and so on? Of course,
it never happens quite like that. One’s mother language is easier to learn, but it also requires a lot of
practice to be fluent. And think how much practice that gets! Before the Second World War, people
usually learned a foreign language in order to read the literature of that country.
Now speaking a foreign language is what most people want. Every year many millions of people
start learning one. How do they do it? Some people try it at home, with books and records of tapes;
some use radio for television programmes; some use computers and network; others go to evening
classes. If they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, it will take a long time, like learning a foreign
language at school. A few people try to learn the language fast by studying for 6 or more hours aday. It
is clearly easier to learn thelanguage in the country where it is spoken. However, most people cannot
afford this, and for many it is not necessary. They need the language in order to do their work better. For
example, scientists and doctors chiefly need to be able to read books and reports in the foreign language.
Whether the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is hard work. Machines and good books will help,
but they cannot do the student’s work for him.
1. According to some advertisements, you .
A.have to pay your money if you cannot master a foreign language in 6 weeks
B.needn’t pay your money if you cannot learn a foreign language in 6 weeks
C. must pay your money if you cannot master a foreign language in 6 weeks
D.will be paid much money if you cannot learn a foreign language in 6 weeks
2. Now most people try to learn a foreign language in order to .

A. read the literature of the country books and reports
C. do their work better D.go to foreign countries
3. The best way to learn a foreign language is . go to the country where the language is spoken use machines and good books
C. to go to evening classes do as the advertisements tell you to
4. Learning a foreign language is a hard job .
A. only for scientists and doctors B.only for the students at school
C. for those people at home D.for most people
5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A.It is very difficult to learn a language, including the native language.
B. Few people can afford to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken.
C. To learn one’s mother tongue also needs a lot of practice.
D.Machines and good books are useless for us to learn a foreign language.

XII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
English is the (1) important in the world today. A very large (2) of people
understand and use English in many (3) of the world.
Indeed English is a very useful language. If we (4) ____English we can go toany place or country
we like. We shall not find it hard to (5) people understand what we want to say.
English also helps us to learn all kinds of subjects. Hundreds of books are (6) in
English every day in many countries to teach people many useful things. (7) English
language has, therefore, helped to spread ideas and knowledge to all the comers of the world. There is
no subject that cannot be (8) ___ in English.
As English is used so much everywhere in the world, it has helped to make the countriesin the
world more (9) . The leaders of the world use English to understand one another. The
English language has also helped to spread better understanding and friendship among countries of the
Lastly, a person who knows English is respected by people. It is for all these (10) that I
want to learn English.
1. A. most B. mostly C. chiefly
2. A. few B. deal C. amount D.number
3. A. countries B. places C. sites D.scenes
4. A. realize B. say C. speak D.tell
5. A. get B. let C. persuade D.make
6. A. published B. wrote C. print D.make
7. A. A B. An C. That D.The
8. A. recognized B. realized C. known D. taught
9. A. friend B. friendly C. friendship D. friendliness
10. A. reasons B. causes C. effects D. results
XIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Every year, students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young, children.
Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn
English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not
many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.
Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own
language, mathematics, and English. In England, America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their

native language, which is English, mathematics, and another language, perhaps French, or German or
Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for
their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Others learn
English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.
1. According to the writer .
A.only adults learn English children like to learn English
C.English is useful only for teenagers D.English is popular all over the world
2. Most people learn English by .
A.watching videos only B. working hard on their lessons
C.hearing the language in the office D.talking with foreigners
3.Many boys and girls learn English because . is included in their study courses B.English can give them a job
C.they are forced to learn it D.they have to study their own language
4. In America or Australia many school children study .
A.English as a foreign language
B.English and mathematics only
C.such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish
D.their own language and no foreign language
5. Marry adults learn English because .
A. English is spoken in their office B. they want to go abroad
C. most of their books are in English D. it helps them in their work
XIV. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.
1. English/ most spoken official language/ world.
2. It/ primary language/ used/ international affairs.
3. English/ indisputably/ primary language/ global trade/ commerce.
4. English/ dominant language/ digital age.
5. In universities/ colleges/ English-speaking countries/ primary language/ instruction/ English.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. campus B. practice C. language D. favorite
2. A. qualify B. scenery C. grocery D. academy
3. A. speak B. need C. heart D. read
4. A. practiced B. learned C. asked D. watched
5. A. school B. scholarship C. chemistry D. children

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. office B. fluency C. accent D. official
2. A. language B. translate C. speaker D. imitate
3. A. variety B. derivative C. establish D. dialect
4. A. provide B. bilingual C. immersion D. rusty
5. A. simplicity B. American C. obedient D. flexible
III. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. foreign B. practice C. examine D. language
2. A. dormitory B. university C. institute D. college
3. A. academic B. reputation C. experience D. intermediate
4. A. advertise B. express C. remember D. improve
5. A. scenery B. scholarship C. dictionary D. advertisement

IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. They could understand our conversation if they some English.
A. will know B. know C. knew D. would know
2. It’s an important part of your cultural identity to keep your in speaking English.
A. accent B. skill C. vocabulary D. language
3. Trying to use a dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you to stop
translating in your head when you are speaking or listening.
A. bi-monthly B. bilingual C. biannual D. bicentenary
4. If I had more time I a Business English course.
A. take B. took C. will take D. would take
5. Much comes through body language and gesture.
A. speech B. communication C. talk D. exchange
6. Are you someone who can read and write well in English but cannot speak ?
A. fluency B. a fluency C. fluent D. fluently
7. In a class, this is a great opportunity to learn about different customs and traditions around
the world.
A. multi-dimensional B. multinational
C. multilingual D. multi-disciplinary
8. The children attend that English school receive good education.
A. which B. whose C. who D. whom
9. Try to the meaning of words rather than going straight for your dictionary.
A. decide B. except C. judge D. guess
10. If you get when speaking, take two deep breaths before you say something.
A. pleased B. unwilling C. annoyed D. nervous
11. Mike comes from a city is located in the southern part of England.
A. when B. that C. where D. who
12. Reading is the best way to your vocabulary in any language.
A. raise B. put up C. improve D. increase
13. No one ever improves pronunciation and by watching someone else’s shape of the
mouth! You improve English speaking by speaking, not watching.
A. accent B. sounds C. rhythm D. tone
14. The picture reminds him of the time he studied in New York.
A. where B. why C. which D. when
15. He is not exactly rich but he certainly earns enough to .
A. get on B. get up C. get down D. get by
16. The language that you learn to speak from birth is language
A. second B. foreign C. official D. first
17. If I taller, I better at basketball.
A. be – would be B. were – might be
C. am – will be D. were – would have been
18. Reading helps you learn vocabulary easily as you will new words without even
realizing it when you read.
A. face up B. look up C. pick up D. give up
19. If you in my position, what would you do?
A. were B. would be C. are D. will be
20. If you want to improve your speaking skill, you should attend the courses that are taught in a
A. lexical B. communicative C. traditional D. domestic
21. There was a storm had never experienced before.
A. which B. for which C. such as D. as which
22. It is not easy to foreign language without communicating with the native speakers regularly.
A. master B. challenge C. translate D. simplify
23. Children always want to know the reason things are as they are.
A. which B. who C. why D. whom
24. Is the first of March the day the astronaut will come and give a speech at our school?
A. which B. when C. that D. what
25. There are many of English all over the world such as British English, American English and
Indian English.
A. dialogues B. varieties C. speakers D. terms

V. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If he (clean) his windscreen he’d be able to see where he was going.
2. If you drove your car into the river, you (be able) to get out?
3. If you (not belong) to a union, you couldn’t get a job.
4. If I (win) a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
5. What you (do) if you found a burglar in your house?
6. I could tell you what this means if I (know) Greek.
7. If everybody (give) I pound we would have enough.
8. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking.
9. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come) .
10. If you (see) someone drowning, what would you do?
VI. Give the correct form of the verbs.
1. The whole machine would fall to pieces if you (remove) that screw.
2. I (keep) a horse if I could afford it.
3. I’d go and see him more often if he (live) on a bus route.
4. If they (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches, there might be less violence.
5. I (offer) to help if I thought I’d be any use.
6. What would you do if the lift (get) stuck between two floors?
7. If you (paint) the walls white, the room would be much brighter.
8. If you (change) your job, would it affect your pension?
9. If you knew you had only six weeks to live, how you (spend) those six weeks?
10. I’d climb over the wall if there (not be) so much broken glass on top of it.

VII. Make the following using relative clauses.

1. Alice is my friend. Alice’s mother died last year.
2. The boy will be punished. He threw that stone.
3. Ann is very friendly. She lives next door.
4. The man is a famous actor. You met him at the party last night.
5. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate.
6. I was looking for a book this morning. I’ve found it now.
7. Is that the car? You want to buy it.
8. Sandra works in advertising. You were talking to her.
9. The little girl ate sweets the whole way. She sat next to me on the coach.
10. Lan is a journalist. Her tape recorder was stolen.

VIII. Match the phrases in column A with appropriate information from column B (More than one
answer is possible)

1. You can improve your English accent... a. by doing translation exercises.
2. A good way to learn idioms is... b. by talking to native English speakers.
3. You can improve your writing skills... c. by reading magazines in English.
4. A good way to learn new vocabulary... d. by studying a learner’s dictionary.
5. You can learn to read faster... e. by practicing dialogues with a partner.
6. One way of practicing conversation is ... f. by watching American movies.
7. You can learn to use grammar correctly... g. by having a private tutor.
8. You can develop self-confidence in talking to yourself in the shower
speaking English...

IX. Complete the sentence with one preposition

1. You shouldn’t believe everything you read the newspapers.
2. The course starts 3 November and ends
3. first we didn’t like each other, but the end we became good friends.
4. I was disappointed the grade I received on my last exam.
5. Are you interested learning foreign languages?
6. We are looking forward new possibilities.
7. We can live a dormitory campus.
8. What aspect learning English do you find difficult?
9. Practice listening English tapes or English programs the radio.
10. The hotel is close the historical district.

X. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that needs correcting.

1. On the way home, we saw a lot of men, women, and dogs which were playing in the park.
2. The man whom remained in the office was the manager.
3. This novel, which written by a well known writer, shouldbe read.
4. My friend George, that arrived late, was not permittedto enter the class.
5. This is theonly placewhich we can obtain scientific information.
6. Chemistry isone branch of science on thatmost of the industries depend.
7. 1975 is the year in whenthe revolutiontook place.
8. Mr. Brown, thatteaches me English, is comingtoday.
9. The hotel where we stay inlast yearwas excellent.
10. At last they found the woman and her cat whichwere badly injured by the fire.

XI. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence
1. English speaking presents special for foreign learners. (difficult)
2. The school is performing well, but we recognize the need for further . (improve)
3. Let me introduce you a university. I think it’s really reliable. (repute)
4. We placed in a number of national newspapers. (advertise)
5. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the examination. (write)
6. The teaching staff are all well . (qualify)
7. We gather our things and run to the bus stop. (hurry)
8. I go hill-walking for . (relax)
9. Students will take an at the end of the year. (examine)
10. The university has an international as a center of excellent. (repute)

XII. Read the following passage and fill in the blank with a suitable word.

such getting choose official require

industries communicate employing work longer
Being able to speak English allows you to (1) effectively in numerous countries, and
this opens up lots of possibilities for you in terms of the countries you could choose to seek (2)
in one day – not to mention travel to as a tourist. You won’t have to worry about (3) lost when
you travel to an English-speaking country, as you’ll easily be able to ask for directions, and taking guided
tours, ordering food and chatting to the locals will no (4) be a source of stress.
What’s more, careers that involve lots of travel or international exposure, (5) as the airline,
tourism and film (6) , use English as their (7) language, and many employers
in these sectors are likely to (8) evidence of a certain level of proficiency in English
before they will consider (9) you. This means that if you can speak English, you’ll
find that you have a greater number of possible careers to (10) from after you finish at
XIII. Read the passage below and do the tasks.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant
language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having
incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1030. Until
the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended even as far as
Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread
around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work.
Thus, small enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As
these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business,
banking, and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English.
Two-thirds of the world’s science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology,
advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million
English users in the world, and over half of these are non native speakers, constituting the largest number of
non-native users than any other language in the world.
1. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The number of non-native users of English
B. The French influence on the English language
C. The expansion of English as an international language
D. The use of English for science and technology
2. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. In 1066 B. Around 1350 C. Before 1600 D. After the 1600s
3. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world
A. the slave trade B. the Norman invasion
C. missionaries D. colonization
4. The word “enclaves” in the passage could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. communities B. organizations C. regions D. countries
5. The word “proliferated” in the passage is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. prospered B. organized C. disbanded D. expanded

XIV. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are True or False
It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accent. Unlike children, who are flexible,
adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. This is why even the top, or smartest adult students
have difficulty with pronunciation. There are several things that an international student can do to improve
his or her pronunciation.
One method is to sign up for a pronunciation class. Studying pronunciation can help students to
understand the rules of English, but in order to practice speaking, students often need to be exposed to
English outside the classroom as well. This is why many students say that studying in an English-speaking
country greatly affects their English. Living with native speakers can help students to learn new vocabulary
as well as improve their accents. International students can also learn important cultural information. This
can help to prevent misunderstandings that can occur when people from different cultures live together.
1. Adult students of English cannot improve their accents because they are __________ slow to
2. Most young students are able to change their pronunciation easily. __________
3. Attending a pronunciation class can be very helpful to adult learners who __________ have
problems with their pronunciation.
4. All that they need to improve their pronunciation is to practice more outside __________ the
5. To avoid misunderstandings about cultures, students should live with native __________ speakers.
XV. Read the passage and choose A, B, C or D that best fits each of the gaps.
The country is more beautiful than a town and (1) to live in. Many people think so, and go
to the country for the summer holidays (2) they cannot live there all the year round. Some have a
cottage (3) in a village so that they can go there whenever they can find the time.
English villages are not all alike, but in some ways they are not different (4) one another. Almost
every village has a church, the round or square tower of (5) can be seen for many miles around.
Surrounding the church is the churchyard, where people are (6) .
The village (7) is a wide stretch of grass, and houses or cottages are built round it. Country
life is now fairy (8) and many villages have water brought through pipes into each house. Most
villages are so (9) some small towns that people can go there to buy (10) they can’t
find in the village shop.
1. A. please B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasant
2. A. because B. though C. despite D. therefore
3. A. build B. building C. built D. is built
4. A. from B. with C. on D. for
5. A. it B. this C. that D. which
6. A. playing B. rested C. praying D. buried
7. A. entrance B. center C. green D. outskirts
8. A. difficult B. comfortable C. enjoyable D. improved
9. A. far away B. out of C. beyond D. close to
10. A. what B. those C. which D. when

XVI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Every year, students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others
are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just
by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky
enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.
Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own
language, mathematics, and English. In England, America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their
native language, which is English, mathematics, and another language, perhaps French, or German or
Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their
higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Others learn English
because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.
1. Many adults learn English because .
A. most of their books are in English B. it helps them in their work
C. English is spoken in their office D. they want to go abroad
2. According to the writer .
A. English is useful only for teenagers B. English is popular all over the world
C. only adults learn English D. no children like to learn English
3. In America or Australia many school children study .
A. such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish
B. their own language and no foreign language
C. English as a foreign language
D. English and mathematics only
4. Most people learn English by .
A. hearing the languages in the office B. talking with foreigners
C. watching videos only D. working hard on their lessons
5. Many boys and girls learn English because .
A. they are forced to learn it B. they have to study their own languages
C. it is included in their study courses D. English can give them a job

XVII. Rewrite the sentences below as single sentence using relative clauses.
1. I don’t know the name of the woman. I spoke to her on the phone.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
2. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. It’s only 30 miles away.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
3. This is Mr Carter. I was telling you about him.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
4. That is the room. The meeting is held in that room.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
5. I’ll always remember the day. I first saw that sight on that day.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
6. She was born in Malaysia. Rubber trees grow well there.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
7. No one knows the school. My uncle taught at that school 10 years ago.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
8. Please ask them the time. The train started the trip at that time.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
9. New Year’s Day is a day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner then.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
10. There are many hotels. Tourists can enjoy their holidays there.
→ _________________________________________________________________________

XVIII. Rewrite the sentences using the conditional type 2.

1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
2. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.
→ _________________________________________________________________________

3. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.

→ _________________________________________________________________________
4. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
5. We will get lost because we don’t have a map.
→ _________________________________________________________________________

XIX. Rewrite the following sentence using a relative clause.

1. India is a country. The earthquake occurred in this country last month.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
2. Bac Giang is a city. I was born and grew up there.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
3. We have not decided the day. We’ll go to London on that day.
4. The man made me sad the most. I love him with all my heart.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
5. The thief was caught. This was really good news.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
6. The gentleman was very young. He was introduced as the most successful businessman.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
7. His book became the best seller. It was punished last year.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
8. Neil Armstrong lived in the USA. He walked on the moon.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
9. Nam is very intelligent. He learns in our class.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
10. Ha Long has grown into a big city over the past few years. I visited the city last year.


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. safari B.variety C.versatile D.operate
2. A. exotic B.stir C.orchid D.massive
3. A. marinate B.drain C.punctual D.fluent
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.imperial B.simplicity C.magnificence D.stimulating
5. A.destination B.derivative C.affordable D.ingredient

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. The ingredient in every meal of Vietnamese people is fish sauce.
A.particular B.natural D.essential
7. Many vegetables, especially leafy green ones, are sources of calcium. B.attractive C.numerable D.a lot
8. Each member of the family has a small bowl and which allow him or her to take food
from the table throughout the meal.
A.. pots B.chopsticks C.knives D.pans
9. On the Cao Lau noodles in Hoi An were some meat mixed with fried noodles served with
vegetables and bean sprouts.
A.slices B.shares D.cuts
10. One special feature of cuisine in Southern Vietnam is short cooking time which aims to
the freshness of food.
A.protect B.remain
11. Drinking enough water is a vital part it keeps your body functioning properly.
A.but B.although C.because D.of
12. If I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Mexico.
A.will spend B.had spent C.would have spent D.would
13. Kate with I studied in the middle school, is now a student in
A.that B.who C.whose D.whom
14. Not every student is aware of of the English language.

A.importance importance C.its importance D.the importance
15. There are several reasons Adam is not chosen for the school football team.
A.from then B.why C.for what D.explaining

IV. Form compound nouns from a word in the upper row and another in the lower, and then
fill them in the blanks. Make sure that you use them in the correct form.
travel coast package holiday tour
resort guide brochure line holiday

I will never forget last year's summer holidays, and not because we had a good experience. We
chose a (16) in order to cut some expenses, but in the endwere
disappointed. Our accommodation was a (17) that had been advertised as a “live-star
palace” in the (18) . At the check-in, waiting for the key to our room, we realised it was
an overbooked hotel, with too many people and old, worn-out facilities. Besides that, it was a long
distance from the city centre. On the second day, we were supposed to go trekking along a nearby
unspoilt (19) . But the (20) left early without us, so we tried to
hitchhike there.

V. Make second conditional sentences for the following situations.

21. Jim works very hard. He has no time to spend with his family.
22. We don’t have a big house. We can’t invite friends to stay.
23. I can know how to do it because you are here to help me.
24. People in the world don’t speak the same language, so there are problems in communication.
25. We leave a bit too late, so we can’t visit Vy on the way.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Different Types of Tourism
Perhaps the most common type of tourism is what most people (26) with traveling:
recreation tourism. This is (27) people go to a place that is very different from their regular
day-to-day life to relax and have fun. Beaches, theme parks and camp grounds are often the most
common places regularly visited by (28) tourists.
If the (29) of one’s visit to a particular place is to get to know its history and culture
then this type of tourism is known as cultural tourism. They may attend festivals and ceremonies in
order to (30) a better understanding of the people, their beliefs and their practices.
For tourists who want to see wildlife or take the joy of just being in the middle of nature, nature
tourism is the answer. Ecotourism and nature treks are all part of this kind of tourism. Bird watching, for
example, is one activity that nature tourists are fond of doing. What (31) this kind of
tourism is that it has low impact (32) the local community.
Religious tourism is another type of tourism where people go to a religious location or locations to
follow the (33) of their founder or to attend a religious (34) .

Medical or health tourism is a relatively new type of tourist (35) where the main focus of the
travel is improving one’s health, physical appearance or fitness.
26. A. join B.acquaint C.share D.associate
27. A. what B. when C.where D.why
28. A. recreation B.recreational C.enjoyable D.enjoying
29. A. plan B.achievement C.objective D.object
30. A.gain B.increase C.benefit D.provide
31. A.suggests B.offers C.marks D.expresses
32. A.for D.on
33. A.footstep B.footsteps C.foot D.footprint
34. B.celebration C.anniversary D.ceremony
35. A.act B.action C. activity D.acting

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D for each question.
Turning Food into Art
For many of us, food isn’t that important. However, for a few people, food is very important. For
these people, meals are a kind of art.
These people are interested in something called “haute cuisine”. Haute cuisine is French for “high
cooking”. You can usually find haute cuisine in fancy French hotels and high level restaurants.
Haute cuisine has changed over the years, but the most important parts have remained the same.
Haute cuisine meals are almost always very complicated, and they take a very long time to make.
Usually, an haute cuisine meal has very many small dishes, instead of a few large ones. Also, with haute
cuisine dishes, the appearance is very important. Of course, an haute cuisine dish must taste wonderful,
but that is not enough. An haute cuisine dish must also look beautiful. Another very important part of
haute cuisine is wine. Chefs and customers always try to select a wine that is a perfect match for their
meal. The wine that people drink with haute cuisine is often very rare. You will not be surprised to hear
that haute cuisine dishes are almost always very expensive.
Haute cuisine is traditionally French, but other countries have similar concepts of food. People
often compare Japanese kaiseki to haute cuisine. Kaiseki is another very complicated, very high level
kind of food. In Japan, kaiseki is also considered a kind of art. When Japanese chefs prepare kaiseki,
they don’t just consider the taste of the food. They also consider the food’s texture, colour, and
appearance. Chefs even match the colour of the food to the colour of the plate and the chopsticks. Of
course, although haute cuisine and kaiseki share many similarities, the food itself is quite different.
If you ever get the chance to try kaiseki or haute cuisine, remember one thing: You are not just
having a meal; you are enjoying a very special kind of art.
36. What can we say about the wines that people drink with haute cuisine?
A. Theyall come from France. B. They are all quite common.
C.They are always red wine. D. They are usually rare.
37. What is true about the dishes in haute cuisine?
A.Haute cuisine usually has many small dishes.
B.Haute cuisine usually has just a few large dishes.
C. Haute cuisine usually has many large dishes.
D. Haute cuisine usually has just a few small dishes.
38. What does the fifth sentence of the third paragraph mean?
A.Haute cuisine has to taste good, but it has to be good in other ways, too.
B.Haute cuisine only has to taste good.
C. Haute cuisine has to look good, but it doesn’t have to taste good.
D. Every haute cuisine dish tastes the same.
39. What does the passage NOT say about haute cuisine?
A. It is very expensive.
B.It takes a short time to make.
C. It is very complicated.
D.It is usually served in fancy hotels and high level restaurants.
40. What does the passage say about kaiseki and haute cuisine?
A. The food is the same in both. B. People never care about them.
C. People often compare them. D. Haute cuisine is older than kaiseki.
I hope we’ll get home before 6 p.m.

VIII. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences about the ways to improve
your spoken English in a conversation.
41. most important/ goal/ speaking English/ communicate.
42. Although/ speaking English fast/ make/ you/ sound/ native speaker/ it/ make/ other people/ difficult/
understand you.
43. Thinking/ English/ thing/ you/ practice/ all/ time/ because/ it/ really important/ when/ speak/
44. If you/ forget/ word/ we/ stop/ sentence/ middle/ or/ use/ other words/ describe it.
45. Self-confidence/ help/ speak better/ every English conversation.


1. astronaut (n) /ˈæstrənɔːt/: phi hành gia
2. astronomy (n) /əˈstrɒnəmi/: thiên văn học
3. attach (v) /əˈtætʃ/: buộc, gài
4. float (v) /fləʊt/: trôi (trong không gian)
5. habitable (adj) /ˈhæbɪtəbl/: có đủ điều kiện cho sự sống
6. International Space Station (ISS) (n) /ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl speɪs ˈsteɪʃn/: Trạm vũ trụ quốc tế ISS
7. galaxy (n) /ˈɡæləksi/: thiên hà
8. land (v) /lænd/: hạ cánh
9. launch (v, n) /lɔːntʃ/: phóng
10. meteorite (n) /ˈmiːtiəraɪt/: thiên thạch
11. microgravity (n) /ˈmaɪkrəʊ ˈɡrævəti/: tình trạng không trọng lực
12. mission (n) /ˈmɪʃn/: chuyến đi, nhiệm vụ
13. operate (v) /ˈɒpəreɪt/: vận hành
14. orbit (v, n) /ˈɔːbɪt/: xoay quanh, đi theo quỹ đạo
15. parabolic flight (n) /ˌpærəˈbɒlɪk flaɪt/: chuyến bay tạo môi trường không trọng lực
16. rocket (n) /ˈrɒkɪt/: tên lửa
17. rinseless (adj) /rɪnsles/: không cần xả nước
18. satellite (n) /ˈsætəlaɪt/: vệ tinh
19. space tourism (n) /speɪs ˈtʊərɪzəm/: ngành du lịch vũ trụ
20. spacecraft (n) /ˈspeɪskrɑːft/: tàu vũ trụ
21. spaceline (n) /ˈspeɪslaɪn/: hãng hàng không vũ trụ
22. spacesuit (n) /ˈspeɪssuːt/: trang phục du hành vũ trụ
23. spacewalk (n) /ˈspeɪswɔːk/: chuyến đi bộ trong không gian

24. telescope (n) /ˈtelɪskəʊp/: kính thiên văn
25. universe (n) /ˈjuːnɪvɜːs/: vũ trụ

1. Thì quá khứ đơn
a. Cách dùng
Cách dùng Ví dụ
Diễn tả hành dộng hay sự việc đa xảy ra và kết I met her last summer
thúc tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ ( Tôi đã gặp cô ấy vào mùa hè năm ngóa)
Diễn tả hành động thường làm hay quen làm She often went fishing every day last year
trong quá khứ ( Năm ngoái mỗi ngày cô ấy thường đi bơi)
b. Cấu trúc của thì quá khứ đơn
 Với động từ tobe ( was/ were)
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định
I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh was + danh từ/ I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ Was not/ + danh từ/
từ số ít tính từ số ít wasn’t tính từ
You/ we/ they/ Danh Were You/ we/ they/ Danh Were not/
từ số nhiều từ số nhiều weren’t
Ví dụ: Ví dụ:
- He was tired ( Anh ấy đã rất mệt) - He wasn’t at school yesterday ( Hôm quan anh ấy đã
- They were in the room ( Họ đã ở trong phòng) không ở trường)
- They weren’t in the park ( Họ đã không ở trong công

Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lười ngắn

Was I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số + danh từ/ Yes, I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ Was
ít tính từ No, số ít Wasn’t
Were You/ we/ they/ Danh từ số Yes, You/ we/ they/ Danh từ were
nhiều No, số nhiều Weren’t
Ví dụ:
Were they tired yesterday? ( Hôm qua họ đã mệt phải không?)
Yes, they were/ No, they weren’t
Was he at home? ( Anh ấy đã ở nhà phải không?)
Yes, he was/ No, he wasn’t
Lưu ý: Khi chỉ ngữ trong câu hỏi là “ you” ( bạn ) thì câu trả lời phải dùng “ I” ( tôi) để đáp lại
 Với động từ thường ( Verb/ V)
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định
I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít + did not/ + V nguyên
You/ we/ they/ Danh từ số + V_ed You/ we/ they/ Danh từ số nhiều didn’t mẫu
Ví dụ: Ví dụ:
- She went to school yesterday - My mother didn’t buy me a new computer last year
( Hôm qua cô ấy đã đi học) ( năm ngoái mẹ tôi đã không mua cho tôi một chiếc máy tính mới)
- He worked in this bank last year ( Năm - He didn’t meet me last night
ngoái anh ấy làm việc ở ngân hàng này) ( Anh ta đã khong gặp tôi tối qua)
- Mr Nam didn’t watch TV with me ( Ông Nam đã không xem TV
với tôi)
Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lười ngắn
I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số + V nguyên I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ
Yes, did
ít mẫu? số ít
You/ we/ they/ Danh từ số You/ we/ they/ Danh từ didn’t
nhiều số nhiều
Ví dụ:
Did she work there? ( Có phải cô ấy làm việc ở đó không)
Yes, she did/ No, she didn’t
Did you go to Hanoi last month?
Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t
c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
Trong câu ở thì quá khứ đơn thường có sự xuất hiện của các trạng từ chỉ thời giân như:
- yesterday ( hôm qua)
- Last night/ week/ month/..: ( Tối qua./ tuần trước/ tháng trước….)
- ago ( cách đây): ( two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ/ two weeks ago: cách đây 2 ngày…)
- in + thời gian trong quá khứ ( eg: in 1990)
- when: khi ( trong câu kể)
2. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành
Cấu trúc (+) S+ had+ VPII( past participle)
(-)S+ had not/ hadn’t + VPII( past participle)
(?)Had+ S+ VPII( past participle)?
Yes, S+ had/ No, S+ hadn’t
Ví dụ (+) I had left when they came ( Khi họ đến thì tôi rời đi rồi)
(-) I hadn’t left when they came(Khi họ đến thì tôi đã không rời đi )
(?) Had you left when they came? ( Khi họ đến, bạn đã rời đi rồi à?)
Had you not left when they came? ( Khi họ đến, bạn đã không rời đi rồi à?)
Hadn’t you left when they came? ( Khi họ đến, bạn đã không rời đi rồi à?)

Cách dùng - Diễn tả một hành động đã được hoàn tất trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ
Ví dụ: he had left the house before she came
- Diễn tả một hành độn đã được hoàn tất trước một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ
Ví dụ: We had had lunch by two o’clock yesterday
By the age of 23, he had written two famous novels
Dấu hiệu nhận By+ thời gian trong quá khứ
biết Before, after, when, by the time, as soon as, as….
Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của độngt ừ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành
1. She (feel)___________sick after she ( eat) ___________ a whole box of chocolates
2. After the doctor ( examine) ___________ the child he (have) ___________ a talk with the mother
3. When I ( call) ___________ on my friend, he (go) ___________ out
4. Mary (finish) ___________ her homework when her father (come) ___________home from his ofice
5. I (throw) ___________ away the newspaper after I (read) ___________ it
6. After she (spend) ___________all her money she (ask) ___________ her father to help her
7. The teacher (give) ___________ back the exercise books after he (corect) ___________them
8. The sun ( rise) ___________ when the farmer (start) ___________ work
Bài 2: Điền T ( True) nếu mỗi câu đúng, hoặc F( False) nếu câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng
1. I have been in Mexico during the summer of 1970
2. Mary had prepared dinner when I arrived, so we were able to eat immediately
3. Three years ago he had been a student at a university in California
4. We have collected stamps for many years
5. We took the bus downtown, did a few errands, and had gone to lunch
6. Since he bought a new car, he has been driving to work every day
7. Last night they have recognized us from the party we went to earlier in the week
8. Since Ted graduated, he has been working with his father
9. The doctor had seen ten patients since eight o’clock this morning
10. He is studying English for the last five years
Định nghĩa và cách dùng Ví dụ
- MĐQH xác định là mệnh đề được dùng để xác định - MĐQH được dùng để chỉ rõ một chủ ngữ
danh từ đứng trước nó, có nhiệm vụ cung cấp thông People who park illegally are fined
tin cần thiết về người, vật được nhắc đên - MĐQH được dùng để chỉ rõ một tân ngữ:
- MĐQH xác định là mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa The rock that they found last week may have landed
của câu, không có câu sẽ không đủ nghĩa on Earth from the moon
- Nó được sử dụng khi danh từ không xác định và
KHÔNG DÙNG DẤU PHẨY ngăn cách nó với
mệnh đề chính
Nếu danh từ và cụm danh từ là tân ngữ của động từ The rock that they found last week may have landed
thì ta có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ on Earth from the moon
--> The rock t they found last week may have landed
on Earth from the moon
Bài 3: Hoàn thành các câu dướiđây, điền đại từ quan hệ thích hợp vào chỗ trống Who/whom/ whose/
where/ which
1. What’s the name of the man______________car you borrowed?
2. A cemetery is a place ______________people are buried?
3. A pacifist is a person______________ believes that all wars are wrong
4. An orphan is a child ______________parents are dead
5. The place______________ we spent our hoildays was really beautiful
6. This school is only for children______________ first language is not English
7. I don’t know the name of the woman to______________ I spoke on the phone
8. The man______________is wearing glasses is a pop singer
9. The window ______________was broken by the naughty boy will have to be repaired
10. Mrs Jackson, ______________ we met in the supermarket yesterday, is my music teacher
11. Rome is the city______________ he lived for ten years
12. That was the day on______________ I first met Ann
13, The girl, the brothers of ______________ study in our school, looks very nice
14. His new car ______________cost him a fortune, was really stunning
15. I met the old lady______________you were very kind to
16. That’s the book about______________ I’ve heard so much
Bài 4: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, thay đổi đại từ quan hệ sao cho thích hợp
They didn’t show up Richard brought her to dinner
We saw him coming out of our neighbour’s flat The police took him to prison last week
last night
The Tour Guide Magazine recommended it His car broke down
She’s just finished her second cooking book We exchanged them during our chat
Who got injured at the swimming pool Everybody was talking about her

Where I studied as a girl Who oragnized our Drama Club
1, We stayed at the hotel_____________________________________________________
2. A few people we invited to our party
3. The pickpocket____________________________________________ has just been released
4. Paul didn’t seem to like the girl____________________________________________
5. I enjoyed talking to the old lady____________________________________________
6. The cecipes____________________________________________ will probably appear in her next book
7. Everybody at the party tried to help the young lady________________________________
8. The man____________________________________________is her brother
9. What was the name of the actor__________________________________________
10, Who’s the actress____________________________________________?
11. The teacher____________________________________________ is leaving for Germany next week
12. The school____________________________________________ has been renovated
Bài 5: Viết lại các câu dưới đây để tạo thành câu có chứa mệnh đề quan hệ xác định
1. Pass me the dictionary. I put it on the shelf
2. Will you help me to do the exercise? I don’t understand the exercise
3. We haven’t met Mr Smith yet. His daughter studies with Paul
4. We won’t forget the day. We went to Justin Bieber’s concert that day
5. Peter has read the book. I recommended the book to him
6. They sent me a postcard of the hotel. They stayed there on holiday
7. This is my best friend. I met her at school ten years ago
8. Is this the man? This man accused you of stealing his wallet.
9.Peter made a lemon cake. It is his speciality
10. I want you to introduce you to Mrs Black. Her husband is an engineer
11. Can you show me the room? Meetings are held in that room
12. I don’t know the man. Sue is dancing with him
13. We last saw Mary on Christmas Day. She came to our party then
14. You have to correct the mistakes. You’ve made mistakes in the letter
15. I like Mrs White. She is in charger of the Marketing Department
Bài 6: Khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng
1. Everything is going well. We didn’t have/ haven’t had any problems so far
2. Margaret didn’t go/ hasn’t gone to work yesterday
3. Look! That man over there wears/ is wearing the same sweater as you
4. Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He grew/ has grown a lot
5. I still don’t know what to do I didn’t decided/ haven’t decided yet

6. I wonder why Jim is/ is being so nice to me today. He isn’t usually like that
7. Jane had a book open in front of her but she didn’t read/ wasn’t reading
8. I wasn’t very busy. I didn’t have / wasn’t having much to do
9. Mary wasn’t happy in her new job at first but she begins/ is beginning to enjoy it now
10. After leaving school, Tim found/ has found it very difficult to get a job
11. When Sue heard the news, she wasn’t / hasn’t been very pleased
12. This is a nice restaurant, isn’t it? Is this the first time you are/ you’ve been here?
13. I need a new job. I’m doing/ I’ve been doing the same job for too long
14. Ann has gone out- Oh, has she? What time did she go/ has she gone?
15. You look tired- Yes, I’ve played/ I’ve been playing basket ball
16. Where are you coming/ Do you come from? Are you American?
17. I’d like to see Tina again. It’s a long time since I saw her/ that I didn’t see her
18. Bob and Alice have been married since 20 years/ for 20 years

TEST 1 (UNIT 10)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A.astronaut B.astronomy C.astronomer D.astrology
2. A.satellite B.microgravity C.meteorite D.orbit
3. A.rinseless B.guess C.mission D.miss
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.habitable B.experiment C.simulated D.missionary
5. A.observatory B.historical C.activity D.parabolic

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A is an enormous system of stars in outer space.
A.universe system C.comet D.galaxy
7. In July of 1975, the first US-Soviet joint occurred with the Apollo-Soyuz project.
A.mission B.performance D.relation
8. Aircraft flying in arcs create microgravity for tests and simulations that last 20-
A.circular B.parabolic C.straight D.oval
9. Yuri Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in .
A.weightless B.gravity C.specific gravity D.microgravity
10. I passed all my exams - I’m !
A.over the moon B.once in a blue moon C.out of this world D.the sky’s the limit
11. He’s so brilliant and he can do anything - .’s over the moon B.once in a blue moon
C.out of this world D.the sky’s the limit
12. Pham Tuan said everything quite strange although he when he was on the ground.
A.was – prepared B.was - has prepared
C.was - had prepared D.had been - prepared
13. Mukai Chiaki, the first female Japanese astronaut, 15 days aboard the space shuttle
Columbia in space before it to the Earth on July 23,1994.
A.spent - had returned B.had spent - returned
C.was spending - was returning D.spent - was returning
14. Today, the menu on the ISS includes more than 100 items astronauts can choose their daily
meals before they fly into space.
A.which B.from which which D.where

15. Do you know the reason humans are interested in Mars and other planets in thesolar
A.which B.that C.why D.whose

IV. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct expression from the box. Some
expressions may be used more than once.
once in a blue moon the sky’s the limit out of this world over the moon
16. The concert was . It was an awesome experience.
17. Order anything you like on the menu - tonight.
18. I’m absolutely to have tickets for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
19. "I'm very careful about what I eat so it's only I eat fast food.”
20. Helena was when she discovered that she passed all of her exams!

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

21. In 1962, John Glenn (become) the first American to orbit the Earthafter Yuri
Gagarin (do) it earlier before.
22. Russia (launch) the first space station called Salyut 1 before the United States (do)
the same with its first space station called Skylab in 1972.
23. Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov (walk) in space before Neil Armstrong (become)
the first man to walk onthe Moon in 1969.
24. In 1998, the International Space Station (ISS) (be launched) into space after the
United Statesand Russia (cooperate) in some projects.
25. The Mariner 9 (orbit) Mars before Viking 1successfully (land) on
the Red Planet.

VI. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct expression from the box, using the
correct word form.
everything under the sun live on another planet come back down to earth
once in a blue moon out of this world over the moon
the sky's the limit reach for the stars
1. I on my first Monday back to school after my holiday in Nha Trang.
2. “That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s really .”
3. For people who work hard at this company, .
4. Dan: Do you like to drink tea? Ben: I love coffee, but I only drink tea .
5. She wasn't listening to me at all. Sometimes I think she's .
6. Joan was when she found out she was going to be agrandmother.
7. If you , all of your dreams will come true!
8. She's very intelligent and knowledgeable. She can talk about .

VII. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

Space Tourism means ordinary members of the public buying tickets to travel to space and back.
Like any other business, once space tourism gets started it will develop progressively. It may go through
several phases. Starting with a relatively small-scale and relatively high-priced "pioneering phase", the
scale of activity will grow and prices will fall as it develops. Finally, it will become a mass-market
business, like aviation today.
During the pioneering phase, customers will be relatively few, from hundreds per year to thousands
per year; prices will be high, $50,000 and up; and the service will be nearer to "adventure travel" than to
luxury hotel-style.

The mature phase will see demand growing from thousands of passengers per year to hundreds of
thousands per year. Tickets to orbit will cost less and flights will depart from many different airports.
Orbital facilities will grow from being just clusters of modules to large structures constructed in orbit for
hundreds of guests, permitting a wide range of orbital entertainments.
During the mass phase, ticket prices will fall to the equivalent of a few thousand US dollars, and the
number of customers will be from hundreds of thousands to millions of passengers per year. And
aviation is still growing fast at today's level of 1 billion passengers per year. So there is no reason to
suppose that space travel will ever stop growing. There is certainly no limit to the possible destinations.
Task 1. Read the passage again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1.When space tourism develops, the ticket prices will drop.  
2.During the pioneering phase, customers have to pay high costs in order tostay in luxury  
hotel-style spaceships.
3.During the mature phase, orbital structures made on the Earth will provide a wide range  
of entertainments.
4.The more space tourism develops, the less aviation grows.  
5.Maybe some day in the future, space tourism is as popular as aviation.  
6.Space travel will send passengers to destinations that know no limit.  
Task 2. Finds words in the passage to match these definitions.
1.gradually (paragraph 1): _____________
2.the flying of aircraft (paragraph 1): _____________
3.a unit that forms part of something bigger (paragraph 3): _____________
4.the path taken by a spacecraft going round a planet (paragraph 3): _____________

VIII. Read the text, and answer the questions.

First Vietnamese-American Astronaut
Born in Saigon and raised in Paris, Trinh Huu Chau (later Eugene H. Trinh) moved to France with
his family in 1952 when he was only two.
In his teenager years,Dr. Trinh attended Lycee Michelet in Paris. There, he focused on maths and
science, because like many teens at that time, he wanted to become a pilot. Dr. Trinh left Paris for New
York to attend Columbia University in 1968. Upon finishing his Bachelor of Science degree in 1972, he
pursued his Master degree in 1974, and Doctorate in 1977 from Yale University.
He spent 20 years at California Institute of Technology as a physicist carrying out research
primarily in the fields of Fluid Physics and Applied Acoustics. By 1999, he worked as a Senior
Executive, and focused on various science projects for NASA. Over the years, he has worked on a dozen
of space-based flight investigations and the Space Shuttle, and ultimately flew aboard the Shuttle
Columbia in 1992. Dr. Eugene H. Trinh never expected that he would make history as the first
Vietnamese-American physicist to fly aboard NASA Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-50 in 1992.
“The sight and sounds of the space shuttle always brings back a rush of great memories of good
friends, and the excitement of the past youth,” said Dr. Trinh.
1. When and where was Dr. Eugene H. Trinh born?

2. What was his childhood dream?

3. What did he do at California Institute of Technology?

4. What was his job in NASA?
5. When did he become the first Vietnamese-American astronaut?

6. What was the meaning of the sight and sounds of the space shuttle to him?

IX. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Neil Armstrong was the first person (1) on the moon. He was born in Ohio on August
5, 1930. While he was in college, he left to serve in the U.S. Navy. He flew planes during the Korean
War. Then he came back to college and finished the degree he (2) . He later (3) a
master's degree too.
Armstrong became an astronaut in 1962. He was the commander of Gemini 8 in 1966. Neil
Armstrong (4) the first successful connection of two vehicles in space.
Armstrong’s second flight was Apollo 11 in 1969, and he was the mission commander. He flew
with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon in a lunar module
named "Eagle". With more than half a billion people (5) on television, Armstrong (6) the ladder
and said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." and Aldrin (7) him shortly.
They explored the surface for two and a half hours, collecting samples and taking photographs.
They left behind an American flag, and a plaque reading, "Here men from the planet Earth first (8)
upon the moon. July 1969 A.D. We came in (9) for all mankind."
After almost a day, they blasted off. They docked with Collins in (10) around thenoon.
All three then flew back to the Earth.
1. A. walk B.walking walk D.walked
2. A. starts B.started C.would start D.had started
3. A. took B.make C.earned D.scored
4. A. performed B.operated C.functioned D.carried
5. A. watch watch C.watching D.watched
6. A.lowered B.climbed down C.descended D.stepped
7. A.joined B.connected C.joined in D.involved
8. A.went B.set a foot C.set food D.set feet
9. A.silence B.freedom C.communication D.peace
10. B.orbit C. height D.distance

X. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Cor D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Space leisure
For most of their time in orbit, astronauts are fully (1) with repairs and scientific
experiments. But time for relaxation and recreation is essential. To reduce boredom, homesickness and
isolation, astronauts are (2) to receive a weekly video telephone call from home, as well as
daily email messages.
If boredom (3) , there are plenty of windows from which to admire the ever-changing (4)
as the International Space Station orbits the planet every 90 minutes. The crew enjoy searching for
familiar landmarks, watching lightning flashes, and waiting for one of the (5) sunrises and
There is a wide choice of leisure activities (6) crew members are (7) to take along
their personal choice of entertainment. These range from chequers or chess sets to books and CDs or
their own instruments.
Time (8) and bond together is essential for any crew. Meal times are generally set
aside for periods of friendly get-togethers, and evenings often (9) the crew settling down to
watch the (10) DVD movies.
1. A. related B. filled C. bored D.occupied
2. A. able B. capable C. skillful D.effective
3. A. sets off B. continues C. sets in D.arrives
4. A. scene B. view C. sight D.landscape
5. A. spectacular B. glory C.excited D.respectful
6. A. so B. or C.but D.since
7. A. accepted B. avoided C.allowed D.admitted
8. A. relax B. to relax C.relaxing be relaxing
9. A. see B. know C.consider D.realise
10. A. late B. latest C.latter D.most

XI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
A Mission to Mars
Have you ever had a dream about traveling to another planet in our solar system? If you have, there
is an actual programme that is happening right now, and it hopes to send people to Mars in 2023.
Known as the Mars One Mission, it will send a crew of four people on a one-way mission to colonize
Mars. Those chosen people will have to be ready to say good-bye to the earth forever, as there will not
be a return trip.
For the people chosen, they will have to learn to do many different things. First of all, they will be
living the rest of their lives with just a handful of other people, so they all must have personalities that
allow them to get along. Second, the living quarters that they will have won’t be very spacious, so they
will have to deal with that condition as well. If they feel homesick, they will only be able to
communicate with people back on the earth via e-mail and videos and audio sent back and forth.
However, there won’t be any real-time communication. Even at the speed of light, communication
between the earth and Mars takes about 20 minutes.
Whether the Mars One Mission will actually happen is the big question that a lot of people are
asking. There is an enormous skepticism in the science community, and Wired magazine gave the
mission a miserable score of two out of ten on its probability scale. However, for those who dream to go
to Mars, at least they can say there is a possibility that it could happen.
1. What will NOT happen to the people who go on the Mars One Mission?
A.They will live in quarters that don’t have a lot of space inside.
B. They will return to the earth
C.They will communicate with people on the earth.
D.They will have to live with other people.
2. Which of the following is considered miserable?
A.A personality of people taking part in the programme
B.A mission of astronauts to the ISS
C.A crew on board of the Mars One Mission
D.A score of the programme on the probability scale
3. How long will it take for a message to come back from Mars?
A.Almost immediately B. About an hour
C.Around 20 minutes D. Only a few seconds
4. What will NOT be spacious?
A.The mission B. The living quarters
C.The spaceship D. The magazines
5. Who might like to go on this mission?
A. People with angry personalities B. People who don’t like to communicate
C.People who get along with others D. People who get homesick easily

XII. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using defining relative clauses and the prompts

1. In 1961, USPresident John Kennedy made a speech. It stared that Americans would land on the
moon and be returned safely to the Earth.
In 1961 US President John Kennedy_________________________________________________
2. In 1959 NASA picked the first group of seven astronauts. They were called the “Mercury Seven”.
In 1952, NASA _________________________________________________________________
3. A spacesuit is made up of many parts. Aspacesuit help astronauts in many ways.
A spacesuit _____________________________________________________________________
4. In 1989, Helen Sharman went to Star City in Moscow. She spent 18 months of intensive training
In 1989, Helen Sharman ___________________________________________________________
5. Spacesuits also keep astronauts from getting hurt. Their visors protects eyes from bright sunlight.

TEST 2 (UNIT 10)

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. habitable B.parabolic C.spacewalk D.galaxy
2. A. telescope B.microgravity C.cooperate D.rocket
3. A. universe C.rinseless
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. astronomy B.astronomer C.astronomic D.emergency
5. A. satellite B.meteorite C.maintenance D.adventure

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. At night the ISS can easily be seen from the Earth, as it flies at the of 320 kilometres
above us.
A.level B.altitude C.attitude D.height
7. Virgin Galactic is the world’s first commercial . B.spaceship exploration D.spaceline
8. NASA uses a variety of facilities to microgravity conditions. B.create C.invent D.perform
9. “_________I go to the cinema, only when there's a film I really, really want to see."
A.Over the moon B.Once in a blue moo C.The sky’s the limit D.Out of this world
10.“Did you see the new 3D film at Megastars Theater?” — “Yes. It was better than good. It was
A.over the moon B.once in a blue moon C.out of this world D.the sky’s the limit
11. In 1998 at the age of 77, John Glenn with six other astronauts on the space
shuttle after he _________ three orbits around the Earth a long time earlier.
A.flew - made B.was flying - made
C.flew - had made D.had flown - made
12. In 2010, Naoko Yamazaki, the second female Japanese astronaut, on Discovery
space shuttle to the ISS after she __________ her training at the Johnson Space Center.
A.flew - was completing B.was flying - was completing
C.had flown - completed D.flew - had completed
13. Yuri Gagarin made the first space flight success attracted worldwide attention.

A.which B.when C.whose D.where
14. To walk on the moon,the astronauts had to carry a suitcase contained oxygen .
A.which C.having D.where
15. Europe’s biggest ISS project is the Columbus sciencelaboratory astronauts can
carry out scientific experiments in weightless conditions.
A.which B.where C.when D.there

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra
aboard spaceship business space female
Make your reservations now
The space tourism industry is officially open for (16) ,and tickets are going for
a 20 million US dollars for a one-week stay in space. Despite reluctance from NASA, Russia made
American businessman Dennis Tito in first space tourist. Tito flew into (17) abroad a
Russian Soyuz (18) arrived al the Space Station (ISS) on April 30, 2001.
The second tourist, South African businessmanMark Shuttleworth, took off (19)
the Russian Soyuz on April 25, 2002, also bound for the ISS. Greg Olsen, an American
businessman, became tourist number three to the ISS on October 1, 2005.
On September 18, 2006, Anousheh Ansari, a telecommunications businessman, became the first
(20) space tourist and the fourth space tourist overall. She was also the
first person of Iranian descent to make it into space. Charles Simonyi, a software architect, became the
fifth space tourist on April 7, 2007.

V. Complete the text with the words in the box.

mission control atmosphere orbit mission
crew Station satellite astronauts
Space disasters
On January 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger was launched with a (1) of seven
on board. Its (2) was to carry a (3) that would orbit theEarth. But just 73
seconds after leaving the ground, it lost contact with (4) and exploded, killing all seven (5)
On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke into small pieces as it re-entered the Earth’s
(6) . It was returning from the International Space (7) , which is in (8)
around the Earth.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus (publish) “On the Revolutions of theHeavenly
Spheres” claiming that the Earth and the planets (orbit) the Sun.
2. Galileo (use) the telescope to view the stars and planets before IsaacNewton (invent)
the first reflecting telescope.
3. In 1686, Isaac Newton (publish) the Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy where he (lay) the foundations for universalgravitation and (describe)
the motion of the Sun and the planets.
4. After Robert Goddard (work) on rocket technology, he (invent)
and (launch) the first liquid-fueled rocket in 1926.
5. On November 3, 1957, the Russian dog Laika (become) the first animal in orbit
after fruit flies (be sent) to outer space by the United States.
6. In 1983, Sally Ride (become) the first American woman in space after Russian cosmonaut
Valentina Tereshkova (be sent) in space twenty years earlier.
7. France (launch) its first satellite before Japan (put) its test
satellite into orbit.
8. In 1971, the United Kingdom successfully (launch) its satellite into orbit after
China (do) that one year earlier.

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The Shuttle Era Comes to an End
The set of Space Shuttle missions run by NASA captivated the world and proved that reusable
spacecraft could be used to bring astronauts and cargo into space. The Space Shuttle programme had a
total of six separate orbiters, five of which actually went into space. The first-made orbiter was only
used to gather data about how the shuttles would glide back to the earth. This shuttle would be brought
up into the air by a specially modified Boeing 747 and released to glide down without any power of its
The Space Shuttle Era ran from the first launch on April 12, 1981, and ended when the final shuttle
landed on July 21, 2011. During this time, there were 135 missions flown. Of the five shuttles that did
go into space, two met with disasters that killed all the crew members aboard.
The first disaster happened on January 28, 1986when Space Shuttle Challenger ran into severe
problems and exploded less than two minutes after take-off. It was a major blow to NASA as a school
teacher was on board the orbiter, and the launch was being watched by children from schools across the
United States. The second disaster came on February 1, 2003. After having completed its mission, Space
Shuttle Columbia was returning to the earth from space. During damage done to a wing during its
launch, the orbiter disintegrated as it hit the earth’s atmosphere during re-entry.
Because the Space Shuttle programme was running, it largely made possible the construction of the
International Space Station (ISS). The shuttles brought astronauts to the station, replenished supplies,
and carried actual pieces to the Space Station up from the earth.
As the Space Shuttle Era came to an end, many space lovers have been left wondering, “What’s
next?” There is still plenty to explore, so we will all just have to wait and see.
1. What was captivated in the passage?
A. The world B. An astronaut C.A mission D.A space shuttle
2. How many orbiters are there in the Space Shuttle programme mentioned in the passage?
A.Four B.Five C. Six D. Seven
3. What were considered to be unfortunate?
A.The supplies B.The disasters C. The Space Stations D.The different eras
4. When did the second disaster take place?
A.1981 B.1986 C.2003 D. 2011
5. Who was mentioned as being on board the Space Shuttle Challenger?
A.A doctor B.A teacher C. A reporter D.A scientist

VIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Voyager 1: Boldly Going Where None Has Gone
The Voyager 1 spacecraft was launched in 1977 to study the outer planets of our solar system. It
sent back some of the iconic photographs of Jupiter and other outer planets that were the best views ever
seen and certainly much better than any of the views astronomers were able to get with Earth-based
telescopes. However, the mission of the spacecraft turned out to be more than just looking at planets.
In August of 2012, Voyager 1 became the first man-made object to leave our solar system. It has
escaped the gas bubble from the sun and is moving in the space between stars. It is in territory that has
never been explored.
The Voyager 1 spacecraft is traveling at about 38,000 miles per hour and has a very small amount
of computer memory as part of its equipment. As a comparison, an average smartphone has 270,000
times more memory than Voyager 1, and the spacecraft doesn’t have a processor like anything we have
today. When Voyager 1 sends messages to the earth, they take about 17 hours to reach us traveling at
the speed of light. Voyager 1 is currently more than 18 billion kilometers away from the earth.
There is enough power on Voyager 1 to power the craft and send measurements from its science
instruments until 2020. At that point, some instruments will be shut down over the years until 2025. It is
possible that information from the craft could still be received as far out as 2036. It is no wonder that
Voyager 1 has been hailed as “the little spacecraft that could”.
1. How fast is Voyager 1 going?
A. At 270,000 kilometers per hour B.At 17 miles per second
C. At 38,000 miles per hour D.At 18 billion kilometers per hour
2. When did Voyager 1 leave the solar system?
A. In 1977 B.In 2012 C. In 2014 D.It hasn’t left yet.
3. What is the difference between a smartphone and Voyager 1?
A. Smartphones are bigger. B. Voyager 1 has more processing power.
C. Smartphones have much more memory. D. Only Voyager 1 can send messages.
4. What will be shut down in 2020?
A. Voyager 1 B. Some instruments of Voyager 1
C.The mission of Voyager 1 D. All equipment of Voyager 1
5. How can the original mission of Voyager 1 be described?
A. As groundbreaking B. As traditional
C. As imaginary D. As religious
IX. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Gravity and weightlessness
Our everyday lives (1) such activities as sitting, walking, picking up things from the
ground and lying in bed. None of these activities are possible in orbit.
(2) a spacecraft reaches orbit, everything inside it seems to be weightless. Anything or anyone
that is not tied down will float. Weightlessness allows astronauts to appear very (3) . They
can lift objects that would be (4) heavy to move on Earth. But there are some drawbacks.
(5) the effect of gravity, blood and other body fluids begin to flow towards the head. This can
cause a feeling of headaches. With no gravity to push against, bones and muscles can become weak. To
(6) fit, they have to exercise several hours each day. This allows them to recover more quickly
when they (7) to Earth.
In a space shuttle or space station, there is no up or down. There is no difference (8) a
floor and a ceiling. This can make astronauts feel (9) until they get used to this strange (10)
1. A. relate B. involve C.consist D.own
2. A. Before B. During C.One time D.Once
3. A. strong B. strongly C.strength D.strengthen
4. A. a little B. much C.much more D.far too
5. A. With B. Without C.Lack D.Short
6. A. protect B. continue C.stay D.become
7. A. return B. turn C.come D.enter
8. A. among B. either C.between between
9. A. diseased B. affected C.homesick D.sick
10. A. design B. arrangement C.direction D.location
X. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
SETI: The Dream of Life in Space
People have always gazed up at the stars in wonder. Their imaginations are filled with possibility as
they think carefully how large the universe is and whether or not we are alone in it. Of all the stars out

there, are there intelligent beings on a planet circling one of the stars looking back at us and wondering
the same thing?
It is difficult to comprehend how many stars there are, or even to guess the possibilities of their
being intelligent life. Yet our interest in finding out is so strong that the search has been going on for
over a century. What we consider the modem Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) began
around 1960.
The SETI project not what many people think it is. A simple explanation is that scientists study
electromagnetic waves that are being emitted throughout the universe. When they are looking at these
waves, they have a good idea of what are considered natural, random patterns the waves take. Therefore,
they are searching for anything that does not appear to be randomly. If they were able to find something
non-random, they would believe that an intelligent sources of some kind must be creating it. Inother
words, intelligent life would have to exist somewhere else in the universe.
While the SETI project will continue lo listen for signals from an intelligent sources, other
progammes hope to find any source of life. The Mars rovers will continue to search for dry lake beds
and other areas on the Red Planet that may have once held life. If any lifecan be found outside the earth,
then we are probably on our way to finding life that could be similar to our own.
1. How long has the search for life in outer space been going on?
A. For a few years B. Not over two decades
C. Since 1960 D. More than a hundred years
2. What are the people in the SETIproject listening for?
A. Random waves B.Specific voice in the universe
C. Patterns that are not random D. Special time signals
3. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. People have long wondered if we are alone in the universe.
B. Scientists searching for any form or life that is found elsewhere than the earth.
C.Signals from intelligent sources will most likely be random.
D. The roverson Mars are looking for signs of life.
4. When did the modernsearch for intelligent life begin?
A. It began around 1960.
B. It has been going on since the beginning of time.
C.There is no record of when it began.
D. It has not actually begun yet.
5. Why are people searching for intelligent life in space?
A. Because they want to meet aliens.
B. Because they have a strong interest in it.
C. Because it is the reason for people's existence.
D. Because life must exist somewhere else.

XI. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using defining relative clauses and the prompts
1. Would you tell me the reasons? Astronauts go on spacewalks for those reasons.
Would you tell me___________________________________________________________________
2.Fuglesang said he was greatly impressed by the Earth’s beauty. It was quite strange to him.
Fuglesang said he ___________________________________________________________________
3.The Galactic Suite is a £1.5 billion project. The project was funded by a US company.
The Galactic Suite is _________________________________________________________________
4.In the Galactic Suite, you stay in one of its amazing microgravity rooms. You can see the spectacular
views of the Earth there.
In the Galactic Suite, you stay in _______________________________________________________
5.During Apollo 14’s lunar mission, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls. They flew “miles and miles”.
During Apollo 14's lunar mission, Alan Shepard ___________________________________________
6.Sharman's mission to the Mir Space Station lasted 8 days. She conducted a number of experiments
during that time.
Sharman's mission to the Mir Space Station_______________________________________________
7.The speech announced that NASA was developing a reusable launch vehicle - the space shuttle. The
speech was made by U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1972.
The speech_________________________________________________________________________
8.John Glenn became one of the test pilots. Test pilots try out new aircraft.
Glenn becam_______________________________________________________________
I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. commercial B. surface C. approach D. impressive
2. A. descend B. explore C. profession D. altitude
3. A. astronomical B. emergency C. experiment D. collaborate
4. A. simulated B. trainee C. missionary D. spacewalk
5. A. observatory B. historical C. activity D. parabolic

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. astronomy B. astronomer C. astrology D. astronaut
2. A. telescope B. microgravity C. cooperate D. rocket
3. A. mission B. universe C. sense D. space
4. A. meteorite B. satellite C. microgravity D. orbit
5. A. museum B. miss C. hopeless D. guess

III. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. commercial B. galaxy C. spacecraft D. telescope
2. A. astronomy B. immune C. astronomer D. parabolic
3. A. object B. experiment C. private D. habitable
4. A. maintenance B. satellite C. meteorite D. adventure
5. A. universe B. satellite C. experience D. meteorite

IV. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.

1. Experiencing microgravity on a flight is a part of astronaut training programmes.
A. orbit B. ship C. mission D. parabolic
2. As soon as the spacecraft into space, the crew started to observe the sun.
A. has travelled B. had travelled C. travelled D. was travelling
3. Europe’s biggest ISS project is the Columbus science laboratory astronauts can carry out
scientific experiments in weightless conditions.
A. there B. which C. where D. when
4. A is an enormous system of stars in outer space.
A. comet B. galaxy C. universe D. solar system
5. In July of 1975, the first US-Soviet joint occurred with the Apollo-Soyuz project.
A. company B. relation C. mission D. performance
6. The Astronauts Memorial Foundation honours all American astronauts have lost their
lives on missions or in training.
A. whom B. X C. which D. who
7. He’s so brilliant and he can do anything - .
A. out of this world B. the sky’s the limit
C. it’s over the moon D. once in a blue
8. I down to earth on my first Monday back to school after my holiday in Nha Trang.
A. come over B. come back C. come in D. come on
9. Yuri Gagarin made the first space flight success attracted worldwide attention.
A. which B. when C. whose D. where

10. Aircraft flying in arcs create microgravity for tests and simulations that last 20-25 seconds.
A. straight B. oval C. circular D. parabolic
11. The launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour broadcast live this morning.
A. hats been B. was being C. was D. had been

12. Dan: Do you like to drink tea? Ben: I love coffee, but I only drink tea in a blue moon.
A. one B. once C. first D. only
13. To walk on the moon, the astronauts had to carry a suitcase contained oxygen.
A. which B. it C. having D. where
14. Yuri Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in .
A. weightless B. gravity C. specific gravity D. microgravity
15. I passed all my exam – I'm !
A. out of this world B. the sky’s the limit
C. over the moon D. once in a blue moon
16. The mission they are talking about plans to send humans to Mars by2030.
A. where B. X C. who D. when
17. “That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s really this world.”
A. into B. out of C. over D. on
18. In 2010, Naoko Yamazaki, the second female Japanese astronaut, on Discovery space
shuttle to the ISS alter she her training at the Johnson Space Center.
A. had flown – completed B. flew – had completed
C. flew – was completing D. was flying – was completing
19. Do you want to meet my colleague son is training to be an astronaut?
A. that B. whom C. whose D. X
20. For people work hard at this company, the sky’s the limit.
A. which B. who C. whom D. X
21. Vinasat-1 is Viet Nam’s first telecommunication , which was launched in 2008.
A. spacesuit B. astronomy C. microgravity D. satellite
22. The first was done by Alexei Leonov, a Russia cosmonaut on March 18th, 1965. It was 10
minutes long.
A. spaceward B. spacesuit C. spacewalk D. spaceship
23. Pham Tuan said everything quite strange although he when he was on the
A. was – had prepared B. had been – prepared
C. was – prepared D. was – has prepared
24. At night the ISS can easily be seen from the Earth, as it flies at the of 320 kilometres
above us.
A. attitude B. height C. level D. altitude
25. She’s very intelligent and knowledgeable. She can everything under the sun.
A. talk to B. talk about C. talk with D. talk of
26. The Milky Way is just a in the universe and it contains our Solar System.
A. galaxy B. planet C. comet D. meteorite
27. Virgin Galactic is the world’s first commercial .
A. spaceship B. exploration C. space D. spaceline

28. If you the stars, all of your dreams will come true!
A. reach at B. reach for C. reach in D. reach for
29. Christer Fuglesang said he enjoyed floating around in the ________ environment.
A. weightless B. quiet C. homesick D. heavy
30. Mukai Chiaki, the first female Japanese astronaut, 15 days aboard the space shuttle
Columbia in space before it to the Earth on July 23, 1994.
A. was spending – was returning B. spent – was returning
C. spent – had returned D. had spent – returned

V. Match the words/ expressions in column A with their meanings in column B.
1. take off a. fight, argument
2. a face-off b. an agreement
3. spaceship c. a strong position in business
4. a deal d. rich
5. a foothold e. becoming known
6. spaceport f. a spacecraft that carries people through space
7. well-to-do g. departure point for space flights
8 emerging h. leave the ground and start flying

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus (publish) “On the Revolutions of the Heaven Spheres”
claiming that the Earth and the planets (orbit) the Su.
2. Galileo (use) the telescope to view the stars and planets before Isaac Newton
(invent) the first reflecting telescope.
3. In 1686, Isaac Newton (publish) the Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy where he (lay) the foundations for universal gravitation and (describe)
the motion of the Sun and the planets.
4. After Robert Goddard (work) on the rocket technology, he (invent)
and (launch) the first liquid-fueled rocket in 1926.
5. On November 3, 1957, the Russian dog Laika (become) the first animal in orbit after fruit flies
(be sent) to outer space by the United States.
6. In 1983, Sally Ride (become) the first American woman in space after Russian
cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova (be sent) in space twenty years earlier.
7. France (launch) its first satellite before Japan (put) its test satellite
into orbit.
8. In 1971, the United Kingdom successfully (launch) its satellite into orbit after China
(do) that one year earlier.

VII. Complete each of the following sentences using relatives or not relatives.
1. The student was selected to join the space program is my brother’s friend.
2. They showed me the place the spaceship landed last week.
3. David introduced me to the woman husband is working for NASA.
4. The astronomer you want to meet is going to present a paper at the conference next
5. The twenty-ninth of May is the day our astronauts will be returning home.
6. The man with Mr. Khoa is talking has flown into space three times.
7. The satellite was launched into space yesterday belongs to Viet Nam.
8. The space age began in 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the world’s first man-
made satellite.
9. An astronaut is a person travels in a spacecraft into outer space.
10. The book I’m reading is about the history of space exploration.
VIII. The word in brackets at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word
that fits suitably in the blank.

1. On the ISS, have to attach themselves so they don’t float around. ASTRONOMY
2. It is cheaper to build an unmanned than the one that is manned. SPACE
3. In 2015 NASA discovered an Earth-like planet which might be because it has ‘just the right’
conditions to support liquid water and possibly even life. HABITAT
4. One of the largest found on Earth is the Hoba from southwest Africa, which weighs
about 54,000 kg. METEORIC
5. Experiencing microgravity on a flight is part of astronaut training programmes.
6. It takes 365.256 days for Earth to the Sun. ORBITAL
7. Have you ever experienced ? WEIGHT
8. The spacecraft was last week. LAUNCH
9. In 2014 a robot named Philae, part of the Rosetta , successfully landed on a comet.
10. The training often takes place in a water tank laboratory so that trainees become familiar with crew
activities in simulated in order to perform spacewalks. GRAVITY

IX. Read the text. Use the information in the story to answer the questions below by choosing the
best answer A, B, C or D.
Andy heard from his friends that a comet was coming. He knew that a comet was a space rock. Space
rocks seemed exciting. He wanted to watch it at night. All he had to do was go outside and watch. That was
easy enough.
That night, he put on a jacket and went outside. He looked around. He saw the moon, but he did not see
anything else. There were only a couple clouds, so that was not the problem. He could see some stars, but
nothing new or special. Where was the comet?
He called his friend on the phone. They talked about it. His friend told him where to look, but he still
didn’t see it. What was going on? Was he not special enough to see it? Were his eyes going bad? What was
he doing wrong?
Andy went to get his dad. Together, they looked up in the sky where it was supposed to be. Finally, after
several minutes of looking, he saw a fuzzy thing, brighter and bigger than a star, but nowhere near what he
“I thought it’d be like an extra moon or something.” Andy complained.
“It’s not big enough for that, and it still might be very far away.” Dad explained.
“I still wish I could see it better.”
Dad nodded and went inside. When he came back out, he had a telescope. Together, they focused in and
saw the comet a little better. It wasn’t much, but it helped.
“What else can we see?” Andy wondered.
Dad smiled and aimed the telescope over at the moon instead. That was cool. Seeing the craters and the
details of the moon up closer was nice.
Astronomy was interesting. Andy made sure to read more about it at school!
1. What was Andy excited to see in the sky?
A. rainbows B. clouds C. the moon D. a comet
2. What problem did Andy have when he tries to look at the comet?
A. There were too many and he couldn’t find the right one.
B. He couldn’t see it.
C. It was too bright to see anything.

D. The sky was very cloudy.
3. When he couldn’t find the comet, what did Andy do first?
A. Called a friend B. Asked dad for help
C. Got a telescope D. Checked the Internet
4. When he still couldn’t find the comet, what did Andy do next?
A. Called a friend B. Asked dad for help
C. Got a telescope D. Checked the Internet
5. When he was disappointed by the comet, what did Andy’s father show Andy?
A. constellations B. a planet C. the moon D. a comet

X. Read the text and do the task below.

Saturn is the second-largest planet and is a gas giant like Jupiter. Under clouds of methane, hydrogen,
and helium, the sky slowly turns into a giant ocean of liquid chemicals. Saturn is the least dense planet in our
solar system; it is made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Because it is so lightweight and spins so quickly,
Saturn is not perfectly round like the other planets. Saturn is surrounded by thousands of small rings made of
rocks and ice. It also has 140 natural satellites, like moons and pieces of debris.
► Answer the following questions:
1. How is Saturn similar to Jupiter?
2. What are the clouds made of?
3. Describe the surface of Saturn.
4. Why is Saturn not perfectly round?
5. Describe some of the things surrounding Saturn.

XI. Read the text and answer the following questions.

The Earth was formed about 4.7 billion years ago. The Earth’s shape is very close to that of a sphere, not
perfectly spherical. The Earth’s equatorial diameter is about 12,756 km, which is slightly larger than the
polar diameter; about 12,714 km Surface Area of the Earth is 510,065,600 km 2 of which 148,939,100 km2
(29.2%) is land and 361,126,400 km2 (70.8 %) is water.
The Earth rotates on its axis, an imaginary straight line through its centre. The two points where the axis
of rotation intersects the Earth’s surface are called as the poles, one of them is called the North Pole and the
other is known as the South Pole. One rotation with respect to Sun is completed in 24 hours, called a solar
1. When was the Earth created?
2. How is the Earth?
3. What main elements does the Earth include?
4. What are the places of the axis of rotation intersects the Earth’s surface called?
5. How long is a solar day completed?
XII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box.
fuel another means carry demand/ need

possible because many on that/ which

Space exploration is the investigation of the universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, by (1)
of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Despite the technological advancements achieved in the past,
space exploration was only (2) until the 20th century. The first successful orbital launch
was made by the Soviet Union in 1957 which was called “Sputnik”. When the topic “SPACE
EXPLORATION” is put (3) the table, a question has often been asked: “Why should we
spend money on NASA while there are so (4) problems here on Earth?” However, this
might be partially wrong since exploring the unknown may help us progress.
The advantages of space exploration include the materials (5) can be obtained from
outer space. For instance, asteroids have iron and nickel which could be utilized to satisfy the (6) for
metal. Therefore, numerous commercial companies have invested in developing technology for asteroid
mining. Several comets and asteroids (7) solid water in them. This water can be used for
astronauts and scientists in space stations. The water can also be broken down to hydrogen which can be
used as (8) for the rockets. Scientists also believe that dinosaurs disappeared because they
couldn’t go to (9) planet. Sooner or later a killer comet will again cross Earth’s path, threatening
all life. Fortunately, (10) we have knowledge about comets and space science, we will
be able to survive.

XIII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank.
Neil Armstrong was the first person (1) on the moon. He was born in Ohio on August 5, 1930.
While he was in college, he left to serve in the U.S. Navy. He flew planes during the Korean War. Then he
came back to college and finished the degree he (2) . He later (3) a master’s degree too.
Armstrong became an astronaut in 1962. He was the commander of Gemini 8 in 1966. Neil Armstrong
(4) the first successful connection of two vehicles in space.
Armstrong’s second flight was Apollo 11 in 1969, and he was the mission commander. He flew with
Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon in a lunar module named
“Eagle”. With more than half a billion people (5) on television, Armstrong (6)
the ladder and said, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” and Aldrin (7)
him shortly. They explored the surface for two and a half hours, collecting samples and taking
They left behind an American flag, and a plaque reading, “Here men from the planet Earth first (8)
upon the moon. July 1969 A. D. We came in (9) for all mankind.”
After almost a day, they blasted off. They docked with Collins in (10) around the moon. All
three then flew back to the Earth.
1. A. to walk B. walked C. walk D. walking
2. A. had started B. starts C. started D. would start
3. A. earned B. scored C. took D. make
4. A. operated B. functioned C. carried D. performed
5. A. to watch B. watching C. watch D. watched
6. A. descended B. stepped C. lowered D. climbed down
7. A. joined in B. involved C. joined D. connected
8. A. set foot B. set feet C. went D set a foot
9. A. silence B. peace C. freedom D. communication
10. A. height B. distance C. space D. orbit

XIV. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Have you ever had a dream about traveling to another planet in our solar system? If you have, there is an
actual programme that is happening right now, and it hopes to send people to Mars in 2023. Known as the
Mars One Mission, it will send a crew of four people on a one-way mission to colonize Mars. Those chosen
people will have to be ready to say good-bye to the earth forever, as there will not be a return trip.
For the people chosen, they will have to learn to do many different things. First of all, they will be living
the rest of their lives with just a handful of other people, so they all must have personalities that allow them
to get along. Second, the living quarters that they will have won’t be very spacious, so they will have to deal
with that condition as well. If they feel homesick, they will only be able to communicate with people back
on the earth via e-mail and videos and audio sent back and forth. However, there won’t be any real-time

communication. Even at the speed of light, communication between the earth and Mars takes about 20
Whether the Mars One Mission will actually happen is the big question that a lot of people are asking.
There is an enormous skepticism in the science community, and Wired magazine gave the mission a
miserable score of two out of ten on its probability scale. However, for those who dream to go to Mars, at
least they can say there is a possibility that it could happen.
1. Who might like to go on this mission?
A. People who get along with others
B. People who get homesick easily
C. People with angry personalities
D. People who don't like to communicate
2. What will NOT happen to the people who go on the Mars One Mission?
A. They will communicate with people on the earth.
B. They will have to live with other people.
C. They will live in quarters that don’t have a lot of space inside.
D. They will return to do the earth.
3. What will NOT be spacious?
A. The spaceship B. The magazines
C. The mission D. The living quarters
4. Which of the following is considered miserable?
A. A crew on board of the Mars One Mission.
B. A score of the programme on the probability scale.
C. A personality of people taking part in the programme.
D. A mission of astronauts to the ISS.
5. How long will it take for a message to come back from Mars?
A. Around 20 minutes B. Only a few seconds
C. Almost immediately D. About an hour

XV. Rewriting the following sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. This is the astronaut. He visited our school last week.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
2. This is the village. Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, was born there.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Can you talk more about the parabolic flights. You took them for your training?
=> ___________________________________________________________________________

4. This is the museum. It has some of the best rock collections in the country.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
5. We’ll explore inland Sweden and visit the summer house. Carin and Ola have built it themselves.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
6. This is the year. The first human walked on the moon on that day.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________

XVI. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add
some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
1. Pham Tuan/ Viet Nam’s/ astronaut, and Christer Fuglesang/ Sweden’s first astronaut.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
2. He found/ Earth didn’t look/ big as he thought, no boundaries/ Earth could be seen from/ we should
cooperate/ take care of it.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
3. It seemed/ he/ not enjoy it much/ since/ wasn’t fresh.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
4. They talked/ him when he/ in space/ that made him happy.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
5. They think/ the chance/ fly to space/ equal for everyone.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
6. He/ think teamwork, social skills/ foreign languages/ important/ an astronaut.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
XVII. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add
some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
1. Nhat Nam/ crazy / space.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
2. He/ learnt about the universe/ had collected/ of books about space.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
3. To show that there/ more things/ the list but that it’s not necessary/ list everything.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
4. He/ be not/ impressed/ because/ he thought the meteorite/ like an ordinary piece of rock.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________
5. He/ compare it/ a ride/ a rollercoaster.
=> ___________________________________________________________________________


1. application (n) /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ việc áp dụng, ứng dụng
2. attendance (n) /əˈtendəns/ sự tham gia
3. breadwinner (n) /ˈbredwɪnə(r)/ trụ cột gia đình
4. burden (n) /ˈbɜːdn/ gánh nặng
5. consequently (adj) /ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli/ vì vậy
6. content (adj) /kənˈtent/ hài lòng
7. externally (v) /ɪkˈstɜːnəli/ bên ngoài
8. facilitate (v) /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ tạo điều kiện dễ dàng; điều phối
9. fnancial (adj) /faɪˈnænʃl/ (thuộc về) tài chính
10. hands-on (adj) /hændz-ɒn/ thực hành, thực tế, ngay tại chỗ
11. individually-oriented (adj) /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəli- ˈɔːrientɪd/ có xu hướng cá nhân
12. leave (n) /liːv/ nghỉ phép
13. male-dominated (adj) /meɪl-ˈdɒmɪneɪtɪd/ do nam giới áp đảo
14. real-life (adj) /rɪəl-laɪf/ cuộc sống thực
15. responsive (to) (adj) /rɪˈspɒnsɪv/ phản ứng nhanh nhạy
16. role (n) /rəʊl/ vai trò
17. sector (n) /ˈsektə(r)/ mảng, lĩnh vực
18. sense (of) (n) /sens/ tính
19. sole (adj) /səʊl/ độc nhất
20. tailor (v) /ˈteɪlə(r)/ biến đổi theo nhu cầu
21. virtual (adj) /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ ảo
22. vision (n) /ˈvɪʒn/ tầm nhìn

Thì Cấu trúc câu chủ động Cấu trúc câu bị động
Tương lai đơn S+will + V-inf S+will be + Vp2
The government will pass the newlaw The new law will be passed
next month. by the government next
Tương lai đơn S+ will be + V-ing S+ will be being + Vp2
She will be singing a song when the A song will be being sung
prime minister comes in. when theprime minister
comes in.


Bai 1: Viết các câu dưới đây thành câu bị động.
1. Jane will buy a new computer.
2.Her boyfriend will install it.
3. Millions of people will visit the museum.
4.Our boss will sign the contract.
5.You will not do it.
6.They will not show the new film.
7.He won't see Sue.
8.They will not ask him.
9.Will the company employ a new worker?
10.Will the plumber repair the shower?
Bài 2. Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết các câu duới đây thành câu bị động ở thì tương lai đơn.
1. the exhibition/visit ....................................................................................................
2. the windows/clean ....................................................................................................
3. themessage/read ....................................................................................................
4. thethief/arrest ....................................................................................................
5. the photo/take ....................................................................................................
6. these songs/sing ....................................................................................................
7. thesign/see/not ....................................................................................................
8. adictionary/use/not ....................................................................................................
9. credit cards/accept/not ....................................................................................................
10. thering/find/not ....................................................................................................
1. Định nghía và cách dùng Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định
Định nghĩa và cách dùng Ví dụ
- Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định là mệnh đề Dalat, which l visited last summer, is very
cung cấp thêm thông tin về một người, một vật beautiful.
hoác một sự việc đã được xác định. ( “Dalat” là danh từ xác định, “which I visited
- Mệnh đề xác định là mệnh đề không nhất thiết last summer” là MĐQH không xác định)
phải có trong câu, không có nó câu vẫn đủ
- Nó được sử dụng khi danh từ là danh từ xác
định và được ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính
bằng một hoặc hai dấu phẩy(,).
Ta dùng Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định khi: The Jeffersons, who own a Jaguar, live next
- Khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa là một danh từ door.
riêng ( Tên riêng của người, địa danh, v…v…) My cat, which lfound on the street, is called
- Khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa là một tính từ sở Monty.
hữu ( my, his, her, their) This ring, which was a present from my
- Khi danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa là một danh từ đi husband, is very valuable.
với this, that, these, those.
2. Phân biệt MDQH xác định và không xác định
Mệnh đề quan hệ Xác định Mệnh đề quan hệ Không xác định
Không có dấu phẩy “,” ngăn cách MĐQH với Có 1 hoặc 2 dấu phẩy “,” ngăn cách MĐQH với
mệnh đề chính của câu. mệnh đề chính của câu.
“who, whom, which, that” là tân ngữ có thể “who, whom, which, that” là tân ngữ KHÔNG
lược bỏ. thể lược bỏ.
Được sử dụng Đại từ quan hệ “that” KHÔNG Được sử dụng Đại từ quan hệ “that”
Không thể lược bỏ đi được. Có thể bỏ đi được.


Bài 3. Hoàn thành các câu dướiđây, sử dụng đai từ "who" hoặc"which"
1. Robert's parents, _____________are retired now, live in Spain
2. Sydney, _____________has a population of more than 3 million, is Australian's largest city.
3. Peter's sister,________________goes to school with me,is a very nice persorn.
4. My uncle John,_______________lives in London, is coming to visit me next week.
5. I saw the film “Casablanca”, _____________ won an Oscar in 1942.
Bai 4: Sử dụng đại từ quan hệ viết lại các câu có chứa mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.
1. Al Gore gave a long and boring speech. He won the Nobel Prize.
2. Starbucks wants to open new stores in China. It does business all over the world.
3. Social network sites will definitely change business. They are very popular
4. Scientists are working with stem cells. Stem cells wll revolutionize medicine.
5.Last week, Jim Taylor interviewed Sally Thomson. She is my neighbour.
6.Mr Brown has been invited to join our club. He enjoys going to the theatre
7.Whiting House is an important local monument. It was built in 1856.
8.Bono signed autographs at Tower Records yesterday. He's a famous musician.
9. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. He was president of the USA.
10. The Queen will open a new hospital. It is in Jarvis Street.
Bài 5. Khoanh tròn vào phuơng án đúng.
1. Alexander Fleming,_______________received the Nobel Prize in 1945
A. who discovered penicillin B. which discovered penicillin
C. he discovered penicillin D. that discovered penicillin

2. John Jamess Audubon, who was a naturalist and an artist, wrote great work _______ called “Birds of
A. which it is B. which is C. whom is D. is
3. Immigrants_____________after 1880 settled mainly in large cities.
A. which came to America B. they came to America
C. came to America D. who came to America
4. Hawai, which is a part of a group of islands,________________ active volcanoes.
A. that has B. which has С.has D. who has
5. In the ear, just above the cochlea, there are three small semicircular canals______________as an organ of
A. that function together B. function together
C. are functioning together D. they function together
6. Amsterdam, Holland, which is sometimes called Venice of Northern Europe______________.
A. which has many canals B. it has many canals
C. with many canals D. has many canals
7. The Egyptians constructed walls and embankments ____________ marvels even today
A. they are considered B. which are considered
C. are considered D. who are considered
8. Ernest Hemingway, a novelist and short-story writer, developed a prose style____________.
A. who influenced an entire generation of authors B. influenced an entire generation of authors
C. that influenced an entire generation of authors D. has influenced an entire generation of authors
Bài 6. Viết lại các câu dưới đây theo 2 cách có chứa mênh để quan hệ xác định (Defining)và không xác
đinh (Non-defining).
1. Peter Pan will visit my aunt this Sunday. Peter Pan was my classmate.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
2.Kenny is in my class. Kenny is the lovely boy
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
3. Mary is arguing with Peggy. Peggy is the horrible person
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
4. I will going shopping with Anna. Anna is the hardworking person.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
5. Our school was found in 1997.Our school is Pig's College.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
6. Our principal will come to visit us this Monday, Our principal is called Mir. Brown.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
7. Jenny is going to present something about pandas. Pandas are the rare species.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
8. Alex is shopping in the supermarket. Alex is the Chief Director of a company
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
10. The World Trade Centre has been collapsed. The World Trade Centre is the landmark ofAmerica.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
11. Mary is shopping in Sogo. Sogo is the greatest shopping mall.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________
12. I like playing computer games. I am one of the intelligent persons.
Defining: __________________________________________________________________
Non-defining: ______________________________________________________________

TEST 1 (UNIT 11)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. B.responsive C.applicant D.breadwinner
2. A.burden B.curtain C.turtle D.curriculum
3. A.discussion B.provision C.permission D.cushion
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.developer B.responsible C.participate D.individual
5. A.dramatically B.relation C.drastically D.advantage

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Women have been given ____economic and political rights, as well as the right to choose their
own husband.
A.same B.alike C.equal
7. Teachers in modem classrooms are because their main task is to set goals and
organise the learning process accordingly.
A.decision-makers B.facilitators C.facilities D.directors
8. Although he did his best, he had to be with third place in the competition.
A.content B.pleasant C.pleasing D.satisfying
9. The traditional role of a husband is a of safety and security.
A.deliveryman B.supporter D.provider
10. Companies have to be to customer demand.
A.responsible B.responsive C.responding D.responsively
11. Mr. Nam is the teacher in we have much confidence.
A.whom B.him C.that D.which
12. Albert Einstein, was such a brilliant scientist, introduced the theory of relativity.
A.who B.whom C.that D.whose
13. He showed the house he was born and grew up.
A.which which where that
14. The threat of terrorism soon.
A.will remove B.will be removed C.will be finished D.will finish
15. The national debt in the near future..
A.will pay B.will be paid C.will pay off D.will be paid off

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra
dominant process facilitate power develop
The role of women in Japanese society will continue to (16) .Having already
achieved a (17) role in issues involving the household itwill only be a matter of time
till women start acquiring public (18) .This (19) is being
accelerated by a declining birthrate, families cannow expect to have 1.7 children. Japan increasingly will
be forced to turn to women to fill job(20) .

V. Complete the sentences with phrases formed with “sense of” and the words given in the
responsibility identity style smell humour
smell occasion direction urgency fun
1. He finds the way to a place easily. He has a very good .
2. One of the most important things in a partner is a , the ability to make people
3. With her keen , she could tell if you were a smoker from the other side of the room.
4. Someone's is their ability to choose clothes that make themlook
5. Susan always enjoys life and isn’t too serious: she has a .
6. She considers it her duty to take care of all her employees. She has a .
7. My sister can tell the time without looking at the clock. She has a good .
8. If there is a when a planned event takes place, people feel thatsomething special
and important is happening.
9. There was a fire practice at the building, and the helicoptershoveringoverhead added to the

10. I've been through so many changes, and I have no . I sometimes wonder who I am.

VI. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

Women's Role in Contemporary Korea
In a traditional Korean society, women's roles were confined to the home. From a young age,
women were taught the virtues of subordination and endurance to prepare for their future roles as wife
and mother. Women, in general, could not participate in society as men did, and their role was limited to
household matters.
The situation began to change with the opening of the country to the outside world during the late
19 century. During this period modern schools were introduced, mostly by Western Christian

missionaries. Some of these schools were founded with the specific goal of educating women. These
educated women began to engage in the arts, teaching, religious work, and enlightening other women.
Women also took part in the independence movement against the Japanese occupation, and displayed as
much vigor, determination, and courage as the men.
With the establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948, women achieved constitutional rights for
equal opportunities to pursue education, work, and public life. There is no doubt that the female labor
force contributed significantly to the rapid economic growth that Korea achieved during the past three
decades. An increasing number of women work in professional fields.
By 2004, among those graduating from elementary school, 99.5 percent of girls continued their
education in middle school. The comparable figure for high school and university was 87.6 percent.
In terms of characteristics of the female labor force, by 2004, 22.6 percent of female employees
were serving in professional or managerial positions.
With an increasing number of women entering professional jobs, the government passed the “Equal
Employment Act” in 1987 to prevent discriminatory practices against female workers in regard to hiring
and promotion opportunities.
Task 1. Read the passage again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1.In the past, from the young age girls were taught to follow their careers in society.  
2.The first modem schools in Korea were established by Western Christian missionaries.  
3.The achievements in the economic growth of Korea have been done mostly by women.  
4.The constitution of the Republic of Korea recognizes equality between men and women.  

5.The “Equal Employment Act” passed in 1987 allowed women to take power in hiring  
and promotion opportunities.
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1.What were the roles of women in a traditional Korean society?
2. When did women have schools of their own?
3. How did women take part in the independence movement against the Japanese occupation?
4. What was the percentage of girls continuing their education in high school and university by 2004?
5. What was the percentage of women serving in professional or managerial positions by 2004?

VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
The Flipped Classroom
The young today are facing a world (1) which communication and
informationrevolution has led (2) changes in all subjects.
New demands are often (3) on the schools in addition to the existing ones, to beequipped (4)
current knowledge and modem methods of acquiring new knowledge.The most modem concept that
has appeared in the schools of the U.S. is flipped classrooms,(5) students watch teachers’ (6)
at home and do what is called (7) inclass. Teachers record lessons (8) _____students
watch on their smart phones, home laptops or at lunch breaks in the school libraries. In class, they do
projects, exercises or lab work in small while the teachers are just the (9) . In no time, this
will be also a (10) in most of the Vietnamese schools too.
1. A.Ø D.on
2. B.about C.with D.for
3. A.recognized B.given C.found D.placed
4. A.with B.for C.about D.toward
5. A.somewhere what C.where D.on which
6. A. handouts B.lectures C.speeches D.instructions
7. A.request B.demand C.housework D.homework
8. A.what B.which C.why D.where
9. A.facilitators B.developers C.provides D.applicants
10. A. change B.direction C.trend D.situation

VIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Men have played a significant role in American society as the main breadwinner, and protector of
the family. But the traditional role of men has slowly been transferred to women. Society is changing
with women going to college, and gaining jobs. It may even happen in several years’ time when women
are given sole earning responsibility in American society as the main breadwinner of the family. That is
due in part to women gained working privileges equal to men in the 1970’s.
Up until the 1970’s, men were the traditional family breadwinners, while women stayed at home,
raised the kids, made dinner every night, cleaned the house, and ran all of the errands. Men went to
work every day, making enough money to buy a nice home, buy a new car every so often.
Once women were afforded the opportunity to work in the same jobs men once held, men’s more
traditional foothold in the workplace was loosened. Women were given bigger jobs with more
responsibility, but women take jobs with major responsibly with less pay than men.

The role of men in American society is changing with more women going to college, and obtaining
careers; men are playing more untraditional roles at home.
Women are still giving birth to the kids, but are going to work to earn money to pay the bills, while
men are staying home raising the kids, running errands, cleaning, making dinner. Young children, boys
as well as girls, are being raised with dad at home taking care of the kids.
Millions of families are also raising their young with mom and dad sharing all of the
responsibilities. Today’s role of men in American society is more of a shared role, with a more
undefined role.
1. The traditional role of men was .
A.the foothold in the family B. raising the children when they were at home
C. the supporter of women D. the main breadwinner of the family
2. Women used to stay at home doing housework because . brought bread home every day B. men offered a good life to the whole family
C. men went to work every day D. men gained equal working privileges
3. At work, women take .
A.the same job as men but with less pay B. all the jobs once held by men
C. the job of delivering bread D. the jobs for college graduates
4. The shared role of men nowadays is .
A.the same as their traditional role the house, and raising the kids
C.going to work, and doing housework D.sharing responsibilities with women at work
5. The word “foothold” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to .
A. a hole in a rock to support your feet B. achievements at work
C. a strong position at work D. supporting when climbing

IX. Combine two sentences into one, using a defining or non-defining relative clause.
1. For a flipped classroom, class time is used to do the harder work. It involves problem-solving,
discussion or debates.
2. The term "Flipped Classroom" was introduced by teachers Bergmann and Samms. They adopted a
strategy to reverse the timing of homework and lectures.

3. Harvard physicist, Eric Mazur has been teaching a similar technique to the flipped classroom called
peer instruction. It has used ConcepTests for over 25 years.
4. The flipped classroom has a common theme. Its common theme focuses on students’ more
opportunities for discussion, formative assessment and feedback.

5. Students will be given more opportunities to practice their knowledge. They are active participants.

X. Use a relative pronoun to combine two sentences into one with a defining or non-defining
relative clause.
1. Many Americans are concerned with money. A good life is thought to be bought with money.
_ Many Americans _______________________________________________________________
2. They liked the TV programme, "All in the Family". It is about spending more time on the own
personal interests.
_ They liked_____________________________________________________________________
3. Many Americans were unhappy with President Carter. He failed to improve the economy.
_ Many Americans were____________________________________________________________
4. In the 1980s, the most successful action films were about a man called "Rambo". He always won in
any struggle.
_ In the 1980s, the ________________________________________________________________
5. By the 1980s, computers had become much smaller. Anyone could learn how to use them.
_ By the 1980s, computers ____________________________________________________________
6. Millions of Americans had a 'personal' computer in their home in the 1980s. They could use it to
read newspaper stories, buy things, do schoolwork, and play games.
_ In their home in the 1980s, millions of Americans ___________________________________
7. The technological improvement can bring us a good life. We lead a good life with almost no limits.
_ The technological improvement ___________________________________________________
8. Let’s visit Trick Eye Museum in Hong Kong. The museum has 50 optical illusion paintings and
installations over five different themed zones.
_ Let's visit ____________________________________________________________________

XI. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

1. Teenagers/ become/ more independent/ responsible/ parents.
2. Many teenagers/ 21sl century/ less selfish/ and/ ready/ help/ other people/ need.
3. Teenagers/ also/ more business-orientated/ and/ have to/ find/ own source/ opportunity.
4. For high school/ students/ believe/ they/ treated/ adults.
5. The primary role/ young people/ get a good education/ become/ better citizens/ tomorrow.
TEST 2 (UNIT 11)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A.evaluation B.facilitator C.guidance D.female
2. A.responsive B.sector C.sense D.content
3. A.housework D.classroom
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.consequently B.externally C.financially D.facilitate
5. A.economic B.academic C.competition

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A workshop can give children with experience with computers.
A.skillful B.handy C.practising D.hands-on
7. He's still dependent on his parents; he regularly receives money to live from them. C.financially D.financier
8. Some at an actual school, not a virtual one, will be required to help students develop
appropriate social skills.
A.attendant B.attendance C.attention D.attendee
9. Before the rise of Islam in the early 600s, Arabs lived in a traditional, society; men
regarded women as their property.

A.women-dominated B.female-dominated D.male-
10. The sushi chef had to spend a few minutes one of his orders to fit the dietary needs of his
A.tailor B.tailored C.tailoring tailor
11. The United Nations, was established in 1945, has over 200 members.
A.what C. which D. that
12. The Centre for Education Promotion and Empowerment for Women, was established
years ago, has worked to gain equality for women.
A. which B.what C.that D. it
13. The people about the novelist wrote were factory workers and their families.
A.who B.whom C.that D. them
14. The living standards of people in remote areas .
A.will raise B.will be raise C.will be risen D. will arise
15. The system of water pipes has broken. The supply .
A.will reduce B.will be reduced
C.will have reduced D.will be reducing

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. The Taj Mahal, is recognized as one of the wonders of the world, was built by an
Indian King in memory of his beloved wife.
A.which B.that C.where D.what
2. Louis Pasteur, discovered a cure for rabies, was a French scientist.
A.he B.that C.who D.whom
3. Some of the boys didn’t come.
A.who I invited them B.I invited them C.I invited D.when I invited
4. The restaurant Bob recommended was too expensive.
A.which it B.that C.where which
5. Mexico City, is the capital of Mexico, is a cosmopolitan city.
A.which B.that C.where D.what
6. We went to different places you find people language was hard to understand.
A.where - which B.where - whose C.that - whose D.which - whose
7. We came within sight of Everest, has attracted so many climbers.
A.the summit of which B.which the summit
C.whose summit of D.of which the summit
8. I read about the child life was saved by her pet dog.
A.whom B.who C.her D.whose
9. The police have to try to catch the men drive dangerously.
A.who B.whom C.they D.which
10. There was a small room into we all crowded.
A.which B.where C.that

V. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra
loads integration responsibilities opportunities
burdens achievements possibilities activities
In Viet Nam, women’s (1) in careers, politics, economics andeducation will be
disregarded if they fail to perform their roles as wife and mother. That wayof thinking discourages
women from (2) to move forward, study further,develop their careers, as well as

participate in social and political (3) . Upon Viet Nam’s deeper (4)
into the world, if inequality still existswomen will bear much heavier (5) .

VI. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
The concept of parental authority has changed. Today, no parent can take their children’s respect for
granted: authority has to be earned. Several studies have shown the following problems.
Trust: A lot of young people say their parents don’t trust them. Some of them have no privacy: their
parents read all their emails, and enter their rooms without knocking. All of these actions demonstrate
lack of respect.Consequently, these teenagers have little respect for their parents.
Communication: Hardly any teens discuss their problems with their parents. That’s because very few
teens feel their parents really listen to them. Instead, most parents tend to fire off an immediate response
to their kids’ first sentence.
Freedom: Interestingly, most rebels come from very authoritarian homes where kids have very little
freedom. Teens need fewer rules but they have to be clear and unchangeable. Also, if the mother and
father don’t agree about discipline, teens have less respect for both parents. They also need a lot of
support and a little freedom to take their own decisions. None of them enjoy just listening to adults.
Role models: Teens don’t have much respect for their parents if neither of them actually does things that
they expect their children to do. Like everybody, teens appreciate people who practise what they preach.
1.Parents have to earn much money in order to have parental authority.  
2.That parents read their children’s email may be considered that they don’t have much  
trust in their children.
3.The more parents violate their children’s freedom, the less respect they can get from  
their children.
4.Children often face the problem that their parents are not willing to listen to them.  
5.The more discipline parents put on their children, the more obedient they are.  
6.Family rules should be brief and consistent.  
7.All teenagers like making their own decisions without their parents' help.  
8.Children would like their parents to be supportive but not dominant.  
9.The situation in which parents have different opinions about discipline may lead to  
some problem in the family.
10.That parents set a good example to children makes them have less respect in their parents.  

VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Cor D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Role of Teachers
The changes that (1) in schools have changed the roles of teachers. In the past, teachers
used to be the (2) source of knowledge, the leader and educator of their students' school life.
Nowadays, teachers provide information and show their students how to(3) it. Although they
are still considered to be a kind of (4) in the class, theycan be thought of as facilitators in the
learning (5) .
Another difference between the past and present tasks of teachers is represented by thetechnical (6)
they need to be able to use and handle effectively, such as computer,photocopier,
PowerPoint, projectors, etc. Instead of teaching (7) chalk, they need tobe an information
technology expert.
One of the biggest challenges for teachers is that their role in the school management has also
changed. The school needs them as individuals, who can make decisions and cope withthe stress of the
(8) world of schools. At the same time teachers need to be able towork in teams, and (9)
with colleagues and parents. A teacher has not only to instructbut also to (10) the
students with confidence and determination.
1. A.existed B.took place C.occurring D.took first place
2. A.major B.serious C.first D.large
3. B.solve C.operate D.handle
4. A.attender B.participant C.leader D.facilitator
5. A.situation B.experience C.difficulties D.process
6. A.background C.detail D.drawing
7. A. in C.with D.on
8. A.change B.changing C.changes D.changed
9. B.assist D.cooperate
10. A.inspire B.impress C.affect D.influence

VIII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The Changing Role of Women in Filipino Society
When many people think of women in Asian culture, they think of a male dominated society where
women don’t have as many rights as their male counterparts. However, the Filipino are different.
Filipino women have always enjoyed greater equality than women in other nations in Southeast Asia.
For starters, Filipino women today serve as heads in the family arrangement, handling the money,
acting as religious mentors and even arranging marriages for their sons and daughters. This is a sharp
contrast to women being subjugated to their husbands.
This does not mean that they have equality everywhere. In the workplace, Filipino women are paid
less and are often hired for lower positions even if they are qualified to earn more money. On the home
front, women carry a heavy burden in the homes in order to support them financially while men can
keep their money and are not obligated to the family.
Thankfully, strides are being made to equalize this perception of inequality. Human Resources
Managements are seeing to it that a lot more women hold high ranking positions in large and small
organizations. More women are holding managerial positions in banks, government, and multinational
Even though they have had a female president, involvement in politics is not considered women’s
business, and many women still hold to the tradition that a woman cannot take a higher position than her
husband. Part of this mindset is due to the effect of colonization on Filipino women.
Like women in many parts of the world, Filipino women have had to fight for their proper place in
their society. They have worked hard to extend themselves beyond the confines of their homes and show
that they have the strength and power to control business and politics.
1. All of the following are true about Filipino women today EXCEPT that .
A.they enjoy more equality than others in Southeast Asia
B.they have an important role in politics
C.they arrange marriages for their sons and daughters
D.they help their children with religious matters
2. The inequality at home is that .
A.women serve as the head of the family
B.women earn money to support themselves
C. men earn more to support the family and keep the money
D. both women and men work but men keep the money
3. Women don’t enjoy equality at work because .
A.they are paid less for the same jobs as men B. they are always hired for lower positions
C. they don’t have enough qualifications D. they carry a heavy burden in the homes
4. Due to the effect of colonization on Filipino women, they .
A. hold the position of a President B.hold high ranking in business
C.hold a lower position than her husband’s D. hold managerial positions in multinational
5. In order to have equality in every sector in society, women have to .
A. vote a female president B. fight for their proper place hard in the family D. control business and politics

IX. Combine two sentences into one, using a defining or non-defining relative clause.
1. The Red River Delta is the granary in northern Vietnam. It is formed by the Red River.
2. We got the news from the Tokyo Research Center. It showed that a majority of Japanese people
now accept gays and lesbians.
3. Tokyo’s International School of Asia receives financial support from the government. It was the
first international school in Japan.
4. Long An is the trading gateway between Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta. It is considered
as a “backyard” of Ho Chi Minh City.
5. Indian Prime Minister Modi launched ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’. It is a movement for cleanliness
across India.

X. Rewrite the sentences without changing their original meanings.

1. Students will take courses at their own pace.
2. We will get online lectures from the internationally famous professors for our personal learning
Online lectures _____________________________________________________________________
3.Students will study complex topics beyond the textbook.
Complex topics
4.The computer will make a joke to wake you up when you feel sleepy.
A joke ____________________________________________________________________________
5.Viet Nam will give the necessary resources and trust to all teachers.
The necessary resources and trust _______________________________________________________
6.The artificial intelligence will replace human minds in the next century.
Human minds ______________________________________________________________________
7.Local governments in rural areas will offer sufficient support to primary and secondary students.
Sufficient support ___________________________________________________________________
8.Students will learn new skills through cool tools, videos, quizzes and game-like labs.
New skills _________________________________________________________________________

XI. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

1. primary role/ young people/ get/ good education/ become/ better citizens/ tomorrow.
2. They/ need/ learn skills/ do/job/ which/ country’s economy/ need/.
3. They/ have/ power/ transform/ nation/ better place.
4. The youth/ ability/ bring about/ change/ country.
5. Youths/ problem solvers/ and/ our nation/ need/ them/ solve/ most/ our problems.

XII. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences about the role of students in
a developing country.
1. Teenagers/ study/ hard/ become/ well-educated citizens.

2. They/ play/vital role/ construction/ and/ protection/ homeland.

3. They/ take part/ social welfare activities/ social progress.

4. Students/ who/ study abroad/ come back/ country/ and/ serve it/ great level/ their knowledge.

5. The students/ today/ be/ good citizens/ tomorrow/ so/ they/ give/ country/ back/ whatever/ country/
give/ them.

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. pressure B. whiteboard C. responsive D. whiteboard
2. A. drastically B. distinction C. enjoyable D. dependent
3. A. notification B. individual C. competition D. geographical
4. A. demolish B. syllabus C. industrial D. commercial
5. A. computer B. science C. theoretical D. facility

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. housework B. vision C. hospital D. classroom
2. A. burden B. curtain C. turtle D. curriculum
3. A. responsive B. content C. sector D. sense
4. A. discussion B. provision C. permission D. cushion
5. A. evaluation B. facilitator C. guidance D. female
III. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. forum B. machine C. changing D. final
2. A. advantage B. experience C. financial D. strategy
3. A. university B. announce C. contribution D. academic
4. A. apply B. standard C. service D. masterpiece
5. A. burden B. breadwinner C. uneconomic D. tailor

IV. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.

1. The living standards of people in remote areas .
A. will be risen B. will arise C. will raise D. will be raised
2. The system of water pipes has broken. The supply .
A. will have reduced B. will be reducing
C. will reduce D. will be reduced
3. Women have been given economic and political rights, as well as the right to choose their own
A. equal B. able C. same D. alike
4. Teachers in modern classrooms are because their main task is to set goals and organise the
learning process accordingly.
A. facilities B. directions C. decision-makers D. facilitators
5. The Centre for Education Promotion and Empowerment for Women, was established
years ago, has worked to gain equality for women.
A. that B. it C. which D. what
6. The people about the novelist wrote were factory workers and their families.
A. that B. them C. who D. whom
7. Although he did his best, he had to be with third place in the competition.
A. pleasing B. satisfying C. content D. pleasant
8. The traditional role of a husband is a of safety and security
A. supply B. provider C. deliveryman D. supporter
9. The sushi chef had to spend a few minutes one of his orders to fits the dietary needs of his
A. tailoring B. to tailor C. tailor D. tailored
10. The United Nations, was established in 1945, has over 200 members.
A. which B. that C. what D. it
11. Companies have to be to customer demand.
A. responding B. responsively C. responsible D. responsive
12. Mr. Nam is the teacher in we have much confidence.
A. that B. which C. whom D. him
13. Some at an actual school, not a virtual one, will be required to help students develop
appropriate social skills.
A. attention B. attendee C. attendant D. attendance
14. Before the rise of Islam in the early 600s, Arabs lived in a traditional, society; men regarded
women as their property.
A. man-dominated B. male-dominated
C. women-dominated D. female-dominated
15. Albert Einstein, was such a brilliant scientist, introduced the theory of relativity.
A. that B. whose C. who D. whom
16. He showed the house he was born and grew up.
A. in where B. in that C. which D. in which
17. A workshop can give children with experience with computers.
A. practising B. hands-on C. skillful D. handy
18. He’s still dependent on his parents; he regularly receives money to live from them.
A. financially B. financier C. finance D. financial
19. The threat of terrorism soon.
A. will be finished B. will finish C. will remove D. will be removed
20. The national debt in the near future.
A. will pay off B. will be paid off C. will pay D. will be paid

V. Give the correct form of the verbs in the passive of simple future.
1. The essays (assess) by Hans de Wit, who is the President of the EAIE.
2. Students’ academic performance (not evaluate) through exams only.
3. Classes (hold) also in places like restaurants or supermarkets.
4. The school’s curriculum (tailor) constantly to meet changes in society.
5. Women (free) from most housework by high technology.
6. Not all the decisions in the family (make) by men.
7. More flyovers (build) to reduce traffic in the city.
8. We are staying at the Grand Hotel, which (demolish) for a department store.

VI. Complete these sentences, put in who, whose, which or that only if you have to. Put a stick () if
the sentence is correct without a relative pronoun.
1. Mary, sits next to me, is good at maths.
2. That’s the man Nelly gave the money to.
3. Is this the ring you were looking for?
4. An orphan is a child parents are dead.
5. Colin told me about his new job, he’s enjoying very much.
6. This morning I met somebody I hadn’t seen for ages.
7. My office, is on the second floor of the building, is very small.
8. The people we met at the party were very friendly.
9. Amy, car had broken down, was in a very bad mood.
10. The man repaired my car is a real expert.
11. The detective lost sight of the man he was following.
12. The car won the race looked very futuristic.
13. Is this the article you were interested in?
14. That’s Jack, lives next door.
15. I thought I recognized the assistant served us.
VII. Write all the pronouns possible to complete each sentence. Write Ø if the sentence is correct
without adding a pronoun.
1. We talk about the party Sarah wants to organise for my birthday.
2. To get to Frank’s house, take the main road bypasses the village.
3. The paintings Mr Flowers has in his house are worth around £100,000.
4. Mrs Richmond, is 42, has three children.
5. Don is a friend I stayed with in Australia.
6. She was probably the hardest working student I’ve ever taught.
7. Stevenson is an architect designs have won international praise.
8. The Roman coins, a local farmer came across in a field, are now displayed in the National
9. Dorothy said something I couldn’t hear clearly.
10. There was a little we could do to help her.
11. He received a low mark for his essay, was only one page long.
12. We need to learn from companies trading is healthier than our own.
13. Professor Johnson, I have long admired, is visiting the University next week.
14. The man I introduced to you last night may be the next president of the university.
15. These walls are all remain of the city.
VIII. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. I enjoyed the book that you told me to read it.
2. That commentator, his name I have forgotten, is very well-known.
3. Amelia Earhart, that was one of the pioneers in aviation, attempted to fly the world in 1937, A
but she and her plane mysteriously disappeared over the Pacific Ocean.
4. Sunday is a daywhere we expect.
5. Have you ever been to Da Lat when my father has a lovely house?
6. Tomorrow I’m going to the station to meet my friend which comes to stay with us.
7. Last summer my family went to Vung Tau where my aunt is living there.
8. The storieswhatI’ve told you are all true.
9. There are not many people whose adapt to a new culture without feeling some disorientation
at first.
10. San Francisco, thatis a beautiful city, has a population of six Million.
IX. Choose the best answer.
1. We are talking about the girl who used to be a Miss World.
A. The girl about whom we are talking used to be a Miss World.
B. We hardly know a girl who used to be a Miss World.
C. The girl who used to be a Miss World said that she knew you.
D. We know the girl who used to be a Miss World.
2. He told her about the book. He liked it best
A. He told her about the book which he liked it best.
B. He told her about the book which he liked best.
C. He told her about the book whom he liked best.
D. He told her about the book whose he liked best
3. The old man is working in this factory. I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
A. The old man is working in this factory which I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
B. The old man whom is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
C. The old man whom I borrowed his bicycle yesterday is working in this factory.
D. The old man whose bicycle I borrowed yesterday is working in this factory.
3. This is my opinion. You can do nothing to change it.
A. You can do nothing to change it my mind.
B. There’s nothing you can do to change my mind.
C. There’s nothing can be done except changing my mind.
D. You can do everything to change it my mind.
5. The man , is the secretary.
A. which you have just spoken
B. whose you have just spoken
C. to whom you have just spoken
D. to who you have just spoken
6. It is the village where you , isn’t it ?
A. used to living B. used to live
C. use to live D. use living
7. The police have caught the man .
A. who stole my motorbike. B. whose stole my motorbike.
C. whom stole my motorbike. D. which stole my motorbike.
8. Colin told me about his new job, very much.
A. that he’s enjoying B. he’s enjoying
C. which he’s enjoying D. he’s enjoying it
9. The man is my teacher. 1 am grateful to him.
A. The man whom I grateful to him is my teacher.
B. The man whom I am grateful to is my teacher.
C. The man is my teacher who I am grateful.
D. The man to him I am grateful is my teacher.
10. Ngoc is friendly. We are talking about her.
A. Ngoc, we are talking about, is friendly.
B. Ngoc, whom we are talking about is friendly
C. Ngoc, about her we are talking, is friendly.
D. Ngoc, about whom we are talking, is friendly

X. The word in brackets at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word
that fits suitably in the blank.

1. Women these days prefer to be independent. FINANCIAL

2. Most services nowadays are mass-focused, not -oriented. INDIVIDUAL
3. I agree that academic performance is not the only criterion to a person. EVALUATION
4. Teacher will become rather than information providers. FACILITY
5. The town hasn’t got any parks where people can go and . RELAXING
6. This syllabus is quite . I want to see something more hands-on. THEORY
7. A successful education must be to social demands. RESPOND
8. My son took part in the Beyond 2030 forum, which invited people to share their of
the future. VISUAL
9. He has a strong sense of . You can always rely on him. RESPONSIBIE
10. She has no of style at all. She never chooses the right colour or right clothes for
herself. SENSATION

XI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
The (1) of parental authority has changed. Today, no parent can (2)
their children’s respect for granted: authority has to be earned. Several studies have shown the following
Trust: A lot of young people say their parents don’t trust them. Some of them have no privacy: their
parents read all their emails, and enter their rooms (3) knocking. All of these actions
demonstrate lack of respect. (4) , these teenagers have little (5) for their
Communication: Hardly any teens discuss their problems with their parents. That’s because very few
teens feel their parents really listen to them. Instead, most parents tend to fire off an immediate (6)
to their kid’s first sentence.
Freedom: Interestingly. Most rebels come from very authoritarian homes where kids have very little
freedom. Teens need (7) rules but they have to be clear and unchangeable. Also, if the
mother and father don’t agree about discipline, teens have less respect for (8) parents.
They also need a lot of support and a little freedom to take their own decisions. None of them enjoy just
listening to adults.
Role models: Teens don’t have much respect for their parents if (9) of them actually does
things (10) they expect their children to do. Like everybody, teens appreciate people who
practice what they reach.
1. A. provision B. concept C. applicant D. breadwinner
2. A take B. joint C. work D. participate
3 A. in B. during C. without D. within
4. A Consequently B. Moreover C. However D. Therefore
5. A. permission B. cushion C. courage D. respect
6. A. view B. point C. benefit D. response
7. A. less B. more C. fewer D. little
8. A. both B. among C. between D. of
9. A. either B. both C. neither D. all
10. A. who B. that C. whom D. where

XII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Do you ever think about what schools will be like in the future? Many people think that students will
study most regular classes such as maths, science and history online. Students will probably be able to these
subjects anywhere using a computer. What will happen if students have problem with a subject? They might
connect with a teacher through live videoconferencing. Expert teachers from learning centres will give
students help wherever they live.
Students will still take classes in a school, too. Schools will become places for learning social skills.
Teachers will guide students in learning how to work together in getting along with each other. They will
help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom.
Volunteer work and working at local businesses will teach students important life skills about the world
they live in. This will help students become an important part of their communities. Some experts say it will
take five years for changes to begin in schools. Some say it will take longer. Most people agree, though, that
computers will change education the way TVs and telephones changed life for people all over the world
years before.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. All classes will be taught online in the future.
B. Teachers will help students from home in the future.
C. Kids won’t have to go to school in the future.
D. Computers will change education in the future.
2. What will happen if students meet difficulties with a subject?
A. They will telephone the teachers who are staying at the school to seek their help.
B. Schools will organise a live videoconference for teachers to help students with problems.
C. Teachers from learning centres will give them help through live videoconferencing.
D. They will meet their teachers in person for help with problems with the subject.
3. The main role of teachers in the future will be .
A. helping students with group projects
B. organising live videoconferences
C. providing students with knowledge
D. guiding students to learn computers
4. Students will still go to school to .
A. play with their friends C. learn social skills
B. learn all subjects D. use computers
5. Students will learn important life skills through .
A. working in international businesses B. doing volunteer work
C. going to school every day D. taking online classes

XIII. Rewrite the following sentences using relative clauses.

1. A friend of mine helped me to get a job. His father is the manager of a company.
2. Mike gave half of the £50,000 he won to his parents.
3. London was once the largest city in the world, but the population is now falling.
4. A number of suggestions were made at the meeting, but most of them were not very practical.
5. It is a medieval palace. The king hid in its tower during the civil war.
6. I couldn’t remember the number of my own car. This made the police suspicious.
7. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it.
8. Dr Andy Todd is head of Downlands Hospital. He has criticized government plans to cut health funding.
9. They are choosing the boys for the school’s football team. All of them are under 9.
10. I went to see my nephew Jimmy. I used to look after him when he was small.

XIV. Use a relative pronoun to combine each pair of sentences. Put in the commas where necessary.
1. Ann is very friendly. She lives next door.
2. The man is a famous actor. You met him at the party last night.
3. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate.
4. The sun provides us with heat and light. It is one of millions of stars in the universe.
5 .Students will be punished. Their homework is late.
6. I was looking for a book this morning. I’ve found it now.
7. Is that the car? You want to buy it.

8. Sandra works in advertising. You were talking to her.
9. Lake Prespa is a lonely beautiful lake. It’s on the north Greek border.
10. The little girl ate sweets the whole way. She sat next to me on the coach.

XV. Write the information in brackets as a relative clause (defining or non-defining) in an

appropriate place in the sentence.
1. Julia’s father has just come back from a skiing holiday. (he is over 80)
2. The problems faced by the company are being resolved. (I’ll look at these in detail in a moment.)
3. She was greatly influenced by her father. (she adored him)
4. Parents are being asked to take part in the survey. (their children are between four or six)
5. He isn’t looking forward to the time. (he will have to leave at that time)
6. The Roman coins are now on display in the National Museum. (a local farmer came across them in a
7. He pointed to the stairs. (they led down to the cellar)
8. These drugs have been withdrawn from sale. (they are used to treat stomach ulcers)
9. The singer had to cancel her concert. (she was recovering from flu)
10. We went to the Riverside Restaurant. (I once had lunch with Henry there)
11. My aunt is now a manager of a department store. (her first job was filling shelves in a supermarket).
12. John Graham’s latest film is his first for more than five years. (the film is set in the north of Australia)
13. The newspaper is owned by the Mears group. (its chairperson is Sir James Bex)
14. The Master’s course is no longer taught. (I took this course in 1990)
15. The minister talked about the plans for tax reform. (he will reveal them next month)
XVI. Use a relative pronoun to combine each pair of sentences. Put in the commas where necessary.
1. Is Zedco a company? It was taken over last year.
2. Felix Reeve is a journalist. His tape recorder was stolen.
3. This famous picture is worth thousands of pounds. It was damaged during the war.
4. I don’t know the name of the woman. I spoke to her on the phone.
5. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. It is only 30 miles away.
6. This is Mr. Carter. I was telling you about him.
7. They’ve captured all the animals. They escaped from the zoo.

8. A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet.
9. The river is the Wye. It flows through Hereford.
10. We climbed to the top of the tower. We had a beautiful view from there.


1. academic (adj) /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ học thuật, thuộc nhà trường
2. alternatively (adv) /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪvli/ lựa chọn khác
3. applied (adj) /əˈplaɪd/ ứng dụng
4. approach (n) /əˈprəʊtʃ/ phương pháp, cách tiếp cận
5. behind the scenes /bɪˈhaɪnd ðə siːns/ một cách thầm lặng
6. burn the midnight oil /bɜːn ðə ˈmɪdnaɪt ɔɪl/ học hoặc làm việc muộn
7. career (n) /kəˈrɪə(r)/ sự nghiệp
8. career path (n) / kəˈrɪə pɑːθ/ con đường sự nghiệp
9. chef (n) /ʃef/ đầu bếp
10. certifcate (n) /səˈtɪfɪkət/ chứng chỉ
11. cultivation (n) /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/ canh tác
12. customer service (n) /ˈkʌstəmə(r) ˈsɜːvɪs/ phòng (dịch vụ) chăm sóc khách hàng
13. CV (n) /ˌsiː ˈviː/ sơ yếu lý lịch
14. flexitime (adv) /ˈfleksitaɪm/ (làm việc) theo giờ linh hoạt
15. fashion designer (n) /ˈfæʃn dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/ thiết kế thời trang
16. enrol (v) /ɪnˈrəʊl/ đăng ký học
17. housekeeper (n) /ˈhaʊskiːpə(r)/ nghề dọn phòng (trong khách sạn)
18. lodging manager (n) /ˈlɒdʒɪŋ ˈmænɪdʒə(r)/ người phân phòng
19. make a bundle (idiom) /meɪk ə ˈbʌndl/ kiếm bộn tiền
20. nine-to-fve (adj) /naɪn-tə-faɪv/ giờ hành chính (9 giờ sáng đến 5 giờ chiều)
21. ongoing (adj) /ˈɒnɡəʊɪŋ/ liên tục
22. profession (n) /prəˈfeʃn/ nghề
23. take into account /teɪk ˈɪntə əˈkaʊnt/ cân nhắc kỹ
24. sector (n) /ˈsektə(r)/ thành phần
1. Cách dùng
Cách dùng |-"In spite of" và "Despite" (Mặc dù) là hai giới từ thể hiện sự tương phản.
- Đứng đằng sau có thé là một danh từ (Noun), cụm danh từ (Noun phrase),
hoặcdộng từ dạng V-ing.
Có cách sử dụng đối ngược với cụm "Because of"
Cấu trúc * In spite of
In spite of +N/NP/V-ing, S+V
S +V+ in spite of + N/NP/V-ing
* Despite:
Despite +N/NP/V-ing, S+V
S+V+ despite+N/NP/V-ing
Ví dụ In spite of being warned many times, those kids w
(Mặc dù đã được cảnh báo nhiều lần, nhung những đứa trẻ kia muốn bơi ở dòng
song kia)
Those kids want to swim in that river in spite of being warned many times
Những dựa tré kia muốn bơi ở dòng sông mặc dù đã được cánh báo nhiều lần.)
Julie loved Tom despite his football obsession
(Julie yêu Tom mặc dù nỗi ám ảnh bóng đá của anh ấy.)
Despite this rain, I want to go for a run.
(Mặc dù trời mưa, nhưng tôi muốn đi chay.)
Lưu ý Mặc dù cùng mang ý nghia là "Mac dů" nhưng cáu trúc của giới tu"In spite of
và"Despite" khác với cấu trúc của liên từ "Although/ Even though:
Although/ Even though+S+V,S V.
S +V although/ even thoughS+V.
Cách chuyển đổi từ mệnh đề thành danh từ/ cụm danh từ.
Từ một mênh đế trạng ngữ có sử dụng liên từ, ta có thể chuyển đổi câu thành câu có chứagiới từ + danh từ/
cụm danh từ.
Although it was cold = despite the cold
S V (noun) (noun)
Because it was very noisy. = despite the noise
S V (adj) (noun)
Even though I was late = In spite of being late
S V = (gerund)


Bài 1: Điền vào chỗ trống although/ despite/ in spite of sao cho thich hợp.
1. ______________________we are a small company, we sell almost a hundred machines a month
2. ______________________all the difficulties, the project started on time and was a success
3. ______________________we were warned against doing so, we went ahead with the project.
4. ______________________his lack of experience, he became a successful businessman
5. ______________________being by far the oldest player, he scored three goals.
6. ______________________he's a millionaire, he drives a second-hand car
7. ______________________it rained a lot, I enjoyed the holiday
8. _____________________working for the company for six months now, he never seemsto know what to
9. _____________________my warnings, he went to Colombia.
10. _____________________she didn't want to see The Lord of the Rings, she enjoyed it in the end.
11. _____________________being bad at pool, she beat him three times in a row
12. She decided to go abroad for a year_____________________ loving her boyfriend very much.
13. He went on holiday to Thailand_____________________ the expensive airfare
14. I phone my brother in Thailand using Skype nearly every day___________________thetime difference.
15. The best things in life are free, _____________________ love is often very expensive.
Bài 2: Chuyển những câu dưới đây thành câu có chứa "in spite of"
1. Even though Sherry had excellent grades, she wasn't admitted to the university.
2. The firefighters rescued the dog in the burning house although it was very dangerous
3. Though the weather was very cold, we went swimming last week.
4. Even though the work was very hard, we enjoyed doing that job.
5. Although Jane has very little money, she is happy
Chuyển những câu dưới đây thành câu có chứa "despite”.
6. I like living in my apartment although it is noisy.
7. Even though it costs a lot, Stephanie goes to private high school.
8. Though the weather has been extremely hot, I run five miles every day.
9. Kerry came to class to take the test even though he was ill
10. Bill Gates has been very successful even though he never finished college,
Bài 3: Nối 2 câu duới đây thành 1 câu, sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.
1. Dave smokes, He seems to be in good health (although)
2. I couldn't sleep. I was tired. (despite)
3. Max didn't notice the sign. It was right in front of him (even though)
4. Kate never learnt Spanish. She lived in Spain for many years (although)
5. Joe is a millionaire .He hates spending money.(despite)
6. Igave him good advice. Yet he failed. (despite)
7. His vision is poor. Still he reads books. (in spite of)
8. She was ill. Still she went to work. (despite)
9. The weather was bad. Still we went out. (in spite of)
10. His health is poor. Still he attends office regularly. (in spite of)
1. Verbs +to-infinitive
Một vài dộng từ phô bién thường được theo sau bởi"to V”
afford (có khả threaten (dọa) hope (hy vọng) prepare (chuẩn bị)
agree (đồng ý) decide (quyết định) learn (học) pretend (giả vờ)
appear (xuất hiện) demand (yêu cầu) manage (xoay sở) promise (hứa)
arrange (sắp xếp) expect (trông đợi) wait (đợi) refuse (từ chối)
ask (hỏi) dare (dám) need (cần) seem (dường như)
attempt (cố gắng) fail (thất bại) offer (mời) want (muốn)
beg (đề nghị, xin) hesitate (ngập ngừng) plan (dự định, kế hoạch claim (cho là, tuyên bố)

Ví dụ:
-I want to study abroad.
- She learned hard to get good marks.
- She promised to take me to the zoo.
2. Verb + v-ing
Một vài động từ phổ biến thường được theo sau bởi “V-ing”
Admit: thú nhận Suggest: gợi ý Finish: kết thúc Detest: ghét
Avoid: tránh Hate: ghét Enjoy/ love: thich thú Permit: cho phép
Advise: khuyên Practice: thực hành Deny: từ chối Risk: mạo hiểm
Delay: hoãn lại Mention: đề cập Consider: xem xét Quit: từ bỏ
Imagine: tưởng tượng Involve: liên quan đến Keep: giữ, tiếp Miss: lỡ, nhỡ
Fancy: đam mê Mind: phiền Discuss: thảo luận Dislike/ Like: không
(would…mind) thích/thích

Ví dụ:
- He admitted taking the money
- He detests writing letters
- He didn't want to risk getting wet.
- I can't understand his/ him leaving his wife
3. Verb + to infinitive/ v-ing không khác nghĩa
Một vài động từ được theo sau bởi To Infinitive hoặcV-ing mà ý nghia không đổi.
Like Prefer start
Hate intend (dựđịnh) continue
Love begin bother (làm phiền)
Vi du:

He began to laugh.= He began laughing.
It started to rain. = I started raining
Anna intends to buy a car = Anna intends buying a car
4. Verb + to infinitive/ v-ing khác nghĩa
Một vài đông từ được theo sau bởi To Infinitive hoặc Ving có sự khác biệt về ý nghĩa.
Verb + To V + V-ing
NEED Need to V: cần phải làm (động từ Need V-ing: cần phải được làm
nguyên mẫu mang nghĩa chủ động) (động từ nguyên mẫu mang nghĩa bị
Ví dụ:
- Tom needs to work harder. (Tom cần làm việc chăm chỉ hơn)
- The grass in front of the house needs cutting. (Cỏ trước nhà cần được cắt)
STOP Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc gì Stop V-ing: dừng làm việc gì đó
khác (đang làm)
Ví dụ:
- They stopped to look at the pictures. (Họ dừng lại để nhìn vào các bức tranh)
- They stopped smoking because it is bad for their health.(Họ ngừng hút thuốc
bởi vì nó có hại cho sức khỏe)
REGRET Regret to V: lấy làm tiéc phải (thông Regret+V-ing: hối tiếc đã làm gì
báo 1 điều gì xấu) (trong quá khứ)
Ví dụ:
- I regret to inform you that they have decided to cancel the meeting. (Tôi lấy
làm tiếc khi phải thông báo với bạn rằng họ đã quyết định hủy cuộc họp)
- I regret not speaking to her before she left.
(Tôi đã hối tiếc vì đã không nói với cô ấy trước)
REMEMBER Remember to V: nhớ sẽ phải làm gi (ở Remember V-ing: nhớ đã làm gi (ở
hiện tại và tương lai) quá khứ)
Ví dụ:
- Remember to send this letter (Hãy nhớ gửi bức thư này)
- I still remember paying her $2 (Tôi nhớ đã trà cô ấy 2 đô la).
FORGET Forget to V: quên sẽ phài läm gì (ở Forget V-ing: quên dã làm gi (ở quá
hiện tại và tương lai) khứ)
Vi du:
I forget to post this letter(Tôi quên mất phải gửi lá thư này.)
She will never forget meeting the Queen.(Cô ấy không bao giờ quên lần gặp
nữ hoàng.)
TRY Try to V: có gång làm Try V-ing: thử làm
Ví dụ:
- She tries to pass the entrance exam to the college of pharmacy
(Cô ấy có gång để vượt qua được kì thi đầu vào trường đại học dược.)
- I’ve got a terrible headache. Itry taking some aspirins but they didn't help.
(Tôi bị đau đầu kinh khủng. Tôi thử uống thuốc giảm đau nhưng nó không
hiệu qủa.)
GO ON Go on to V: làm tiếp một việc gì khác Go on V-ing: tiếp tục làm cùng một
việc gì
Vi dụ:
After discussing the English speaking club, we went on to sing
I went on talking for 2 hours.

Bài 4: Hoàn thành các câu dướii đây. Chọn động từ thích hợp và cho dạng V-ing
emigrate go have to help leave many stay
phone read say(2) see talk tell travel
1. Fancy regrets_____________________ a man so much younger than herself
2. If you like tongue-twisters, try_____________________” Six Swiss wrist watches."
3. Are you a student at this school? I don't recollect_____________________youhere before.
4. I'm sorry to trouble you, but would you mind_____________________ me with this suitcase?
5. It's very late. I suggest_____________________ the washing-up until the morning.
6. Istarted work when I was 16. Now, I regret not______________________ at school.
7. I’ll never finish_____________________ these papers! There are so many of them!
8. Would you consider_____________________ if things got worse in this country?
9. If you find the sound [h] difficult, practice_____________________” He hit her on her hairyhead with a
hard, heavy hammer”
10. You should try to avoid____________________ in the rush hour.
11. I have enjoyed____________________ to you, and I hope we meet again some time.
12. I deny____________________you what to wear and what to do.
13. I simply couldn' resist ____________________ you to tell you the good news!
14. She is afraid of the dentist, so she always puts off________________ till the last possiblemoment
15. Can you imagine______________ walk five miles to school every day? That is whatwe had to do.
Bài 5: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc, to Vhoặc V-ing
1. I intend________________to Brazil in August. (go)
2. l arranged ________________my vacation during the last two weeks. (take)
3. I considered________________ to Venezuela or Argentina first. (go)
4. But I decided________________them for next year. (leave)
5. The government has demanded me________________a visa to go to Brazil. (get)
6. That involves___________________in a long line at the consulate. (stand)
7. I didn't mind_________________ the $45 fee. (pay)
8. But l hate_________________ in lines. (wait)
9. Ialso detest_________________ passport photos. (get)
10. I really want_________________ the country, so I did it. (see)
11. I haven't begun_________________ yet. (pack)
12. I'll start soon because I can't stand_________________ in a rush. (pack)
13. I remembered_________________ my neighbor to take care of my dog. (ask)
14. He doesn't really mind_________________ behind. (stay)
15. But he always loves_________________ us come back! (see)
Bài 6:Chọn động từ cho sẵn dưới đây để điển vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp
enjoy need will offer agreed would like love plan
considered forgot stopquit hate had hoped mind discuss
1. We_________________visiting Hawaii for our vacation, but we changed our mind
2. Iva and lsis _________________ to talk to everyone about their secret project.
3. The Smiths_________________spending time together.They always look happy when they are riding
theirbicycles or watching television.
4. I don't _________________ working hard. Hard work gives a person character
5. Could you please _________________ staring at me! It is making me crazy!
6. My husband and I will_________________ adopting a baby.We have talked about it a lot already, but
wewill keep talking about it.
7. The students _________________ to have a party at the end of the semester
8. My mother _________________ to water my plants. Now they are all dead.
9. They _________________ to work together. They shook hands on the deal.
10. I_________________ eating spinach. I would rather eat nothing at all!
11. Maria_________________ to teach full-time, but she could only find a part-time job.
12. Jose_________________ smoking last week.
13. We_________________to go to the bank early in the morning. We cannot go in the afternoon or
intheevening because we must get the money immediately.
14. Ms. Kelly and her friend _________________ eating pizzal It is their favorite
15. The buyers_____________ to pay $200,000 for the house. They are not sure if it will be accepted.
Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc dạng to Vhoặc V-ing
Mikedoesn'tlike_________________(1-dance).Hewouldrather_________________(2-go) to the
cinema. But Jean enjoys_________________(3-dance) so much that he let her________________ (4-
persuade) him_________________(5-take) her to the clublast Saturday. When they arrived, a lot of other
young men wanted_________________(6-dance) with her and kept_______________(7-ask)
her_________________ (8-go) on the floor with them. This made Mike_________________(9-feel) jealous.
Hesuggested_________________(10-go) outside for a breath of air, but at that momentit
started_________________(11-rain). Jean began to get annoyed. "I know you hate _________________
(12-dance)," she said, "but why should you_________________(13-try) _________________ (14-stop)
other people_________________ (15-dance)?"
Mike thought he had better_________________ (16-dance) with her. He didn't want her
_________________ (17-lose) her temper.
Bài 8: Viết lại những câu duới đây, sử dụng từ trong ngoặc.
1.I couldn't sleep although I was tired. (despite)
2.Although he has got an English name, he is in fact German. (despite)
3. In spite of her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village (although)
4. I decided to accept the job although the salary was low. (in spite of)
5.We lost the match although we were the better team.(despite)
6. In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours, I didn't feel hungry.(even though)
7. Although she was tired, she went to work (but
8.They went out for a walk, even though the weather was bad. (despite)
9.She managed to write in spite of her injured hand (although)
10. She has plenty of money, but she is very mean (although)
Bài 9: Khoanh vào phương án đúng
1. We went out___________________ the rain.
A. in spite of B. however C. although
2. We went out___________________ it rained.
A. despite B. although C. however
3. She went on working___________________she was tired.
A. although B. despite C. either could be used here
4. She went on working___________________ the fact that she was tired.
A. despite B. however C. although
5. ___________________she is a nice girl, I don't quite like her.
A. although B. despite C. however
6. ___________________expensive, it was a good watch
A. however B.although C. despite
7. I didn't like the film___________________, everybody else seemed to enjoy it.
A. however B. despite C. either could be used here
8. ___________________I didn't like the film, everybody else seemed to enjoy it.
A. although B. however C.either could be used here
9.We managed to do it___________________he wasn't there.
A. however B. although C. either could be used here
10.We managed to do it, ___________________the fact that he was not there.
A. although B. despite C. however
Bài 10: Cho dạng đúng của động từ, to V hoặc V-ing
1. He dreads___________________(have) to retire.
2.I arranged___________________ (meet) him there.
3. Don't forget___________________ (lock) the door before___________________ (go) to bed
4. He tried___________________ (explain) but she refused ___________________ (listen).
5. He decided_________________ (disguise) himselfby _________________ (dress) as a woman.
6. Please go on, ___________________(write); I don't mind___________________ (wait)
7. I prefer___________________(drive) to___________________(be) driven.
8. I suggest______________(telephone) the hospitals before____________ (ask) the police _____________
(look) for him.
9. Did you remember_________________ (give) him the key of the safe?
10. Whydoyoukeep_____________(look)back?Areyouafraidof___________ (be) followed?
11. You'll never regret___________________ (do) a kind action.
12. I didn't mean________ (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn't resist trying one.
13. If you want_______________ (catch) the 7 a.m. train tomorrow, that means ________________ (get) up
at 6, and you're not very good at___________________ (get) up early, are you?
14. By______________ (work) day and night he succeeded in____________ (finish) the job in time.
15. Try___________________ (forget) it; it is not worth(worry) about.
16. After_________ (get)_________ (know) him better, I regretted __________ (judge) him unfairly
17. He tried___________________ (speak) German but found that he couldn't. His attempts at
___________________ (speak) Spanish were equally unsuccessful.
18. I would advise you___________________(wait) before___________________ (decide)
___________________ (accept) his offer.
19. Surely you remember___________________ (lend) him the money? Ihope, at least that hewon't
forget___________________ (pay) you back. Hehas ahabit of___________________ (forget) things he
doesn't want___________________ (remember)


TEST 1 (UNIT 12)

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A.certificate C.cultivation D.patient
2. A.bundle B.customer C.burn D.understand
3. A.architect B.chef C.mechanic D.chemistry
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.professional B.empathetic C.adaptable D.vocational
5. A.alternative B.variety C.biologist D.academic

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. What kind of career do you think is most suitable for you when you’ve justgraduated from
A.way B.ladder C.path D.break
7. If you burn the oil night after night, you'll probably become ill.
A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.midnight
8. She is a(n) social worker who soon realized that the single mother was at her breaking point.
A.sympathy B.empathy C.empathetic D.synthetic
9. Evaluation of students' progress in English is throughout the session.
A.ongoing B.existing C.oncoming D.developing
10. We need to get a good job to a decent living.
A.spend B.earn D.bring
11. The staff discussed the next meeting until next week.
A.postponing postpone C.postpone postponing
12. Linda can’t stand in a room with all of the windows closed.
A.sleep B.sleeping C.slept D.being slept
13. That artist painted a beautiful painting of a rhino the fact that he has never seen one.
A.although B.despite C. because D.due to
14. his broken leg in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
A.In spite of B.Despite the fact that C.Because D.However
15. Almost everyone doesn’t trust David his friendliness.
A.due to spite case D.despite

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. She suggested for a drink.
A.being gone B. go C. going D. to go
2. “Sorry, I don’t remember you here before.” see B. saw have seen D. seeing
3. Linda regrets to her mother’s advice because her mother was right.
A.not listen B.not to listen C.not listening not listen
4. I don’t mind up early in the morning.
A.get get C.getting getting
5. Could you please stop so much noise?
A.make B.making make making
6. Whenever those two ladies meet, they stop . talk talking D.talking
7. John hoped to finish two of his essays before the deadline.
A.written B.write write D.writing
8. I was very angry. My friend John refused me a lift as he had promised.
A.give give D.gave
9. The man finally admitted responsible for the accident last week. be B.for to be C.for being D.being
10. It is raining hard this week but Tom expects with his friends this weekend. go and fish go fishing C.going fishing go to fish

V. Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each

1. talent official record of your training course
2. skill B.understanding of a certain subject
3. experience ability that you are born with
4. knowledge ability that you learn
5. qualification E.time spent working at a job

VI. Complete each of the sentences with a phrase from the box. Make changes where
behind the scenes empathetic take into account ongoing work flextime
burn the midnight oil make a bundle a nine-to-five job career path earn a living
1. I have a big exam tomorrow so I'll be tonight.
2. He on the stock market and reinvested half the profits in more stocks.
3. When employees , they can adjust their work schedule to their children's
school timetables.
4. You are just a bit , so no one really notices.
5. I wouldn’t want ; I like the freedom I have as my own boss.
6. I hope my teacher will the fact that I was ill just before the examination when
he evaluates my test paper.
7. From that little mistake that my sister made in choosing her ,I found
8. A(n) person is someone who can share another person's feelings.
9. Can he as a freelance photographer?
10. There is a(n) dispute between the two countries regarding fishing rights off the

VII. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Many teenagers admit for the jobs because their parents ask them
so. (apply - do)
2. “I hope a doctor.” - “Don’t forget many biology books.”
(become - read)
3. Employees expect promotion in their career path, (get)
4. Whatever I do, I attempt skills that may be useful in my future career.
5. Nick enjoys with people to develop his communication skills. (work)

VIII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
An interview is never as (26) as your fears. For some (27) , people imaginethe interviewer
is going to focus on every tiny mistake they make. In truth, the interviewer is as keen for the meeting to
go well as you are. It is what makes his or her job (28) .
The secret of a good interview is preparing for it. What you wear is very importantbecause it (29)
the first impression. So (30) neatly, but comfortably. Make surethat you can deal with
anything you are asked. Remember to prepare for questions that are certain to (31) .
Answer the questions fully and precisely. For instance, if one of your interests is reading,
beprepared to (32) about the sort of books you like. However, do not learn all your answersoff by (33)
. The interviewer wants to meet a (34) , not a robot. (35) the factthat a job
interview is so important, you should feel relaxed in order to succeed.
26. A. good B.bad C.well D.worse
27. A. reason B.explanation C.idea D.excuse
28. A. amazing B.interested C.pleased D.enjoyable
29. A. does B.brings C.creates D.indicates
30. A. have on B. put on C.dress D.wear
31. A. come up B. turn up up D.put on
32. A. discuss B. chat C.say
33. A. accident B. chance C.heart D.mind
34. A. somebody B. human being C.character D.nature
35. A. Despite B. Although C.Due to D.As

IX. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Career Preparation
Although you may think you are too young to worry about your future career, it is important that
you start thinking about your life after high school right now so that you can take the steps necessary to
any career you may choose. Some of these steps include choosing the right high school, enrolling in the
necessary courses, earning good grades, getting work experience and building a resume. It can seem
overwhelming trying to choose a career before you complete high school, but always keep in mind that
it is never too late to change your career path and no one says you have to decide now.
There are lots of different factors that go into choosing a career path. To determine the occupation
you want to enter, you need to consider your interests, how long you want to be in school, how much
money you want to make, the type of work you want to do, the potential for job growth and job trends in
the industry - sounds like a lot, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Each day you make many decisions - what to wear, who to hang out with, how to spend your time
after school. Some of the decisions you make today can affect you for the rest of your life. Once you
have figured out the things you like to do and the things you do well, you can begin exploring careers
that include your interests and skills. Make a plan from the beginning, and once you have a plan, work
the plan. Do the steps along the way each year to keep on track toward graduation and higher education.
1. You may consider a future career now because .
A. you have to decide it immediately B. it is necessary to have preparations
C. you can change your career path D. you have nothing to worry about
2.At high school, you can do all of the following things to prepare for your future career EXCEPT
A. choosing the proper high school B. enrolling in the necessary courses
C. earning good grades D. learning by experience
3.Once you have determined your interests and your strengths, you can .
A. identify the right career B. identify your skills
C. make decisions in the future D. know about the rest of your life
4. We can infer from the passage that .
A.each day we make decisions in order to know how to make them
B.whom we hang out with will follow the same career with us
C. there are some factors to identify the future career that we don’t know
D.we decide how much money we want to make in order to get a good job in the future
5. Making a plan from the beginning helps you .
A. attend higher education B. gradually achieve your goal
C. graduate from high school D. have something to work

X. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences about the most important
qualities a person needs to become a good teacher.
1. teaching career/ demand/ love/ learning/ broad knowledge/ subject/ and/ classroom management

2. Teachers/ form/ strong relationships/ students/ and/ show/ they/look after/ students/ people.
3. Teachers/ masters/ their subject matter/ and/ they/ present/ material/ enthusiastic manner.

4. They/ also/ present/ lessons/ clear and structured way/ and/ classrooms/ organized.

5. Teachers/ communicate/ frequently/ parents/ and/ they/ call/ student’s parent/ if/ they/ concerned/ a

TEST 2 (UNIT 12)

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A.applied B.approach C.alternative
2. A. empathetic B.mechanic C.technical D.professional
3. A. calm B.skillful C.logical D.cultivation
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. secondary B. literature C.designer D.qualified
5. A. engineering B. certificate C.cultivation D.encouraging

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. The director is an important man behind the .in the play
A.curtain B.closed doors C.scenes D.wheel
7. These plants are all easily to colder climates.
A.adaptable B.available C.accessible D.capable
8. You can make by starting up your own business.
A.a difference B.a fuss C.headway D.a bundle
9. The assignment was very lengthy so she was forced to burn the to get it done on time .
A.lamp B.oil C.midnight lamp D.midnight oil
10. I hope they take her age into when they judge her work.
A.account B.note C.thinking D.attention
11. Ann was very surprised to find the door unlocked. She remembered it before she left. lock B.locking C.lock D.she locks
12. Having finished the reading report, I began to listen to music. write have written C.writing D.written
13. I am trying money to pay for a trip with my best friends in the next summer holiday. save be saved D.saving
14. I was so tired, I walked all the way home.
A.Despite B.Although C.Because D.Even
15. Many tourists decided not to go to Iraq their love of the Iraqi civilization.
A.though B.despite C.due to D.or

IV. Complete each blank in the sentences, using no more than three words.
16. My company allows the employees ; it means they have towork so many hours but
can choose the hours that suit them.
17. Maria always burns the because she doesn’t plan very well,and has to do all of
her work at the last minute.
18. If something is done , it is done secretly rather than publicly.
19. I used to work in shifts, but now I have a job.
20. Many people think that becoming a doctor can , but that is not always true.
V. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
21. I would like so that I can earn some spending money. (work)

22. I am starting for the books that I will need for college.(save)
23. She can’t stand under such terrible conditions. (work)
24. I can never forget our team score the winning goal in the final game.(watch)
25. I remember to the hospital but nothing after that. (take)

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Benefits and Drawbacks of A Job
Nearly every teen can benefit from job experience, but there are risks you must assess.
First, a teenager's job can teach work (26) that will serve him well in college and(27)
him for careers in adulthood. Second, he can (28) confidence, developa(n) (29) of
responsibility and feel more independent. In addition, studies find thatstudents who work a moderate
amount - no more than 10 to 15 hours a week during the school year - tend to (30) higher grades
than (31) who don't work at all. Next,earning money will enable him to buy things he wants and will
provide an opportunity for learning responsible money (32) .
However, there are some drawbacks. Working more than 13 to 20 hours a week isassociated with
lower grades. Teens who work (33) hours (34) difficult to keepup
extracurricular activities and social relationships. Some studies have found that teens whowork long
hours are more likely to (35) in such risky activities as using cigarettes oralcohol because
they are exposed to older coworkers who lead them astray.
26. A. practise B.knowledge C.abilities D.skills
27. A. help B. prepare C.assist D.get
28. A. demand B. require C.inquire D.acquire
29. A. sense B.meaning C.ability D.reason
30. A. do B. take C.earn D.make
31. A. they B. what C.those D.that
32. A. making B. management C.spending D.control
33. A. so much B. new C.a few D.too many
34. A. find it B. find C.finds it D.finds
35. A. fit B. employ C.engage D.arrange

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
If your application indicates that you are qualified, the employer may request an interview. The
interview enables you to learn more about the job. It also helps the employer find out if you are the best
person for the job. Many people prepare for an interview by learning about the employer’s business.You
can find such information in an organization’s annual report or on its website. This kind of knowledge
can help you ask intelligent questions during your interview. It also shows the interviewer that you are
interested in the employer’s business.
0 Most interviewers pay close attention to the way an applicant acts, dresses and answers questions.
You can make a good impression by arriving on time and by being confident, prepared and well-
organized. Your clothing should be clean, comfortable and professional. Wear the kinds of clothes
appropriate to the company, unless the workers wear uniforms. Theinterviewer will probably ask about
your interests, your work experience and your goals. Answer all questions briefly. You should also
prepare questions to ask the interviewer about the company and the position you are seeking. Send a
follow-up letter to everyone who interviewed you no later than two days after the interview. In the letter,
thank the interviewer for the time spent discussing the position with you. Let the interviewer know if
you are still interested in the job.
36. The interview is necessary to .
A.the interviewer B. the company
C. the candidate D. both the interviewer and interviewee
37. Visiting the employer’s website .
A.helps you read the organization’s annual report
B.only wastes some of your time
C.may help candidates prepare questions to ask the interviewer not necessary before an interview
38. You can make a good impression on the interviewer .
A. by wearing casual clothes B. by wearing the company’s uniform
C. with your acting skills D. with your punctuality
39. Interviewees should also prepare questions to ask .
A. about the employer’s interests B. about the company and the vacancy
C. about the interviewer’s work experience D. the interviewer before they are asked
40. The follow-up letter should .
A.include your gratitude to the interviewer and your interest in the job
B.interest everyone interviewed for the job
C. include the good time you experienced at the interview written after two days of the interview

VIII. Read the extracts from three people, and decide whether the following statements aretrue
(T), or false (F).
Amelia: I’d really like to do the course in performing arts, because I’m very interested in dance, but I
have to think about my career. I work as a fashion designer and will need to use a computer to design
clothes, so I’m going to do the Information Technology course. I can study dance and photography in
my free time.
Jack: I really like the idea of the performing arts course. I’m in a rock band and I love drama and music,
but my parents don’t like that idea at all, they don’t think it’s very useful for my career. They want me
to do the Information Technology course, but I already know a lot about computers and I don’t want to
spend my life working with computers. So I’ve decided to do the leisure and tourism course because
traveling is quite interesting, and it makes Mum and Dad happy because it’s a ‘real job’!
Susan: I really liked the idea of the sports studies course - it looks great - working with people and
doing something I enjoy, but if I do the part-time course it’s just too long! Four years studying three
evenings a week - it’s too much. I look at the childcare course too, but it’s working with really small
children, and I prefer older ones. So in the end, I didn’t choose any of these courses, I’m going to look
for another sports studies course at a different college, because I want to try to find something shorter.
1.The work of a fashion designer requires computer skills.  
2.Amelia will become a dancer.  
3.Jack will follow the Information Technology course.  
4.Jack’s parents make him follow the career in the leisure and tourism.  
5.Susan finally takes a sports studies course.  
6.Susan is interested in small children because she considers the childcare course.  
7.Amelia and Jack take the Information Technology course.  
8.None of them can follow their first choice of courses.  

IX. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Write no more
than THREE words.
1. Although Veronica felt very sad, she still went to the party.
Despite , Veronica still went to the party.
2. Although Judy was severely disabled, she took part in many sports.
Despite , Judy took part in many sports.
3. Even though the millionaire has a lot of money, he doesn’t feel happy.
Despite , the millionaire doesn’t feel happy.
4. Although he had worked hard, he didn’t succeed in the examination.
In spite of , he didn’t succeed in the examination.
5. Although rain was predicted in the weather forecast, it stayed fine.
In spite of , it didn’t rain and stayed fine.
6. Although he has a good salary, he is unhappy in his new job.
In spite of , he is unhappy in his new job.
7. Although the teacher warned the students not to climb that tree, they did.
In spite of , the students climbed that tree.
8. Although he is old, he often plays badminton every morning.
In spite of , he often plays badminton every morning

X. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences about essential qualities of a
good doctor.
1. A good doctor/ need/ know/ how/ whole body/ function/ and/ what/ people/ do/ maintain/ overall

2. Doctors/ stay informed/ all/ latest breakthroughs/ medical field.

3. doctor’s good manner/ make/ patients/ feel/ more comfortable/ appointments.

4. Doctors/ also explain/ what/ they/ doing/ and/ help/ patients/ treatments properly.

5. good doctor/ listen/ patients attentively/ and/ respond/ them carefully.

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. alternative B. academic C. variety D. biologist
2. A. architecture B. development C. vocational D. compulsory
3. A. injection B. professional C. management D. vocational
4. A. researcher B. leisure C. meaningful D. colleague
5. A. sympathetic B. dynamic C. consider D. adaptable

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. vision B. sense C. rinseless D. housekeeper
2. A. career B. applied C. alternative D. approach
3. A. telescope B. universe C. profession D. content
4. A. calm B. skillful C. logical D. cultivation
5. A. mechanic B. technical C. professional D. empathetic
III. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. economical B. cultivation C. disappoint D. administrator
2. A. career B. practical C. flextime D. service
3. A. understand B. bundle C. customer D. burning
4. A. education B. educational C. opportunity D. certificate
5. A. architect B. mechanic C. channel D. chemistry

IV. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.

1. I am trying money to pay for a trip with my best friends in the next summer holiday.
A. save B. to save C. to be saved D. saving
2. The director is an important man behind the in the play.
A. curtain B. closed doors C. scenes D. wheel
3. If you burn the oil night after night, you’ll probably become ill.
A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. midnight
4. Although many people have some interest in history, few of them decide to become .
A. politics B. historians C. scientists D. researcher
5. Linda can’t stand in a room with all of the windows closed.
A. sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. being slept
6. That artist painted a beautiful painting of a rhino the fact that he has never seen one.
A. although B. despite C. because D. due to
7. My parents have me to focus on social sciences and humanities.
A. tried B. encouraged C. managed D. make
8. Would you mind the door?
A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened
9. The number of in the company has trebled over the past decade.
A. employers B. employees C. employments D. unemploy
10. His explanation about why he became a biologist did not satisfy my at all.
A. willing B. curiosity C. knowledge D. qualities
11. What kind of career do you think is most suitable for you when you’ve just graduated from
A. way B. ladder C. path D. break
12. These plants are all easily to colder climates.
A. adaptable B. available C. accessible D. capable
13. You should give up or you will die of cancer.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked
14. I hope they take her age into when they judge her work.
A. account B. note C. thinking D. attention
15. Ann was very surprised to find the door unlocked. She remembered it before she left.
A. to lock B. locking C. lock D. she locks
16. My sister is a(n) and she wants to become a fashion designer.
A. romantic B. artistic C. optimistic D. pessimistic
17. We need to get a good job to a decent living
A. spend B. earn C. do D. bring
18. The staff discussed the next meeting until next week.
A. postponing B. to postpone C. postpone D. to postponing
19. The possible career paths in education can be to become teachers, education or curriculum
A. leaders B. administrators C. managers D. businessman
20. You can make by starting up your own business.
A. a difference B. a fuss C. headway D. a bundle
21. The assignment was very lengthy so she was forced to burn the to get it done on time.
A. lamp B. oil C. midnight lamp D. midnight oil
22. The driver stopped a coffee because he felt sleepy.
A. have B. to have C. having D had
23. You should choose a job that is based on your and your likes.
A. levels B. abilities C. rates D. career
24. She is a(n) social worker who soon realized that the single mother was at her breaking point.
A. sympathy B. empathy C. apathetic D. synthetic
25. Evaluation of students’ progress in English is throughout the session.
A. ongoing B. existing C. oncoming D. developing
26. Almost everyone doesn’t trust David his friendliness.
A. due to B. in spite C. in case D. despite
27. You will never get a good job if you don’t have any .
A. measures B. qualifications C. levels D. degrees
28. Recent advances in science mean that many fatal diseases can now be cured.
A. medicine B. medical C. hospital D. surgery
29. I suggest some more mathematical puzzles.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. done
30. Having finished the reading report, I began to listen to music.
A. to write B. to have written C. writing D. written

V. Match the jobs with the job description.

1. This person drives a taxi for a living.
A. cook B. doctor C. taxi driver D. waiter
2. This person teaches students in a high school for a living.
A. student B. dentist C. teacher D. bus driver
3. This person sings songs for a living.
A. singer B. hairdresser C. waiter D. truck driver
4. This person drives a truck for a living.
A. nurse B. doctor C. postal worker D. truck driver
5. This person cooks food in a restaurant for a living.
A. chef B. police officer C. student D. teacher
6. This person works at the police station and helps to fights crime and prevent it.
A. nurse B. student C. singer D. policeman
7. This person serves food in a restaurant or a cafe for a living.
A. waiter B. student C. singer D. chef
8. This person studies at school and sometimes college and university.
A. truck driver B. singer C. student D. dentist
9. This person takes care of teeth for a living.
A. hotel worker B. chef C. dentist D. fire fighter
10. This person works in a hospital and treats sick people for a living.
A. doctor B. teacher C. student D. truck driver

VI. Complete the sentences using the correct form (ing-form or to-infinitive of the verb in
1. Reliable friends are always there for you. They never fail (help) you.
2. Why don’t you stop (work) and take a rest?
3. I was a bit lazy this time, but I promise (study) harder next time.
4. If you want a quiet holiday, you should avoid (go) to the coast in summer.
5. When we told him a plan, he agreed (join) our team.
6. John missed (have) dinner with his old school mates.
7. This is a very badly organized project. I will never consider (take) part in it.
8. I can’t stand my boss. I have decided (look) for another job.
9. He only wants privacy. He can’t understand people (ask) him personal questions.
10. Do you ever regret (not study) at university, Peter?

VII. Complete the sentences using the correct form (ing-form or to-infinitive of the verb in
1. The horses struggled (pull) the wagon out of the mud.
2. Anita demanded (know) why she had been fired.
3. My skin can’t tolerate (be) in the sun all day I get sunburned easily.
4. I avoided (tell) Mary the truth because I knew she would be angry.
5. Fred Washington claims (be) a descendant of George Washington.
6. Mr. Kwan broke the antique vase. I’m sure he didn’t mean (do) it.
7. I urged Omar (return) to school and (finish) his education.
8. Mrs. Freeman can’t help (worry) about her children.
9. Children I forbid you (play) in the street. There’s too much traffic.
10. My little cousin is a blabbermouth! He can’t resist (tell) everyone my secret.
VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct form, gerund or infinitive, of the words in parentheses.
1. He wore glasses (avoid) (be) recognized.
2. Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth.
3. I tried (persuade) him (agree) with your proposal.
4. Your windows need (clean) .Would you like me (do) them for vou.
5. Would you mind (shut) the window? I hate (sit) in a draught.
6. I can’t help (sneeze) ; I caught a cold yesterday because of (sit) in a draught.
7. Stop (talk) ; I am trying (finish) a letter.
8. His doctor advised him (give) up (jog) .
9. My watch keeps (stop) .
10. People used (make) fire by (rub) two sticks together.
IX. The word in brackets at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word
that fits suitably in the blank.
1. Police support laws through the detection, prevention and investigation of crime.
2. help to advance an understanding of how diet affects the health and well-being of
people and animals. NUTRITIOUS
3. school teachers educate children between the ages of 11 and 18 in a national
curriculum subject area. SECOND
4. provide financial advice to clients that range from multinational organisations
and governmental bodies to small independent businesses. ACCOUNT
5. manage learning resources while keeping the library users’ needs in mind.
6. design buildings that are functional, safe, and beautiful. ARCHITECT
7. Multimedia are responsible for combining text with sounds, pictures, video clips,
virtual reality and other forms. PROGRAMMER
8. Tour responsible for organising and preparing holiday tours. OPERATE
9. study past human activity by excavating, dating and interpreting objects and
sites of historical interest. ARCHEOLOGY
10. write news stories, and articles for use on television and radio or within magazines,
journals and newspapers. JOURNAL
X. Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. If you don’t want to be late for work again, try to go to bed earlier.
2. She was awarded the employee of the year though her young age.
3. Although Vinh will have a very busy day tomorrow, he has arranged meeting him at 4 A

4. In spite of not being a professional dancer. Linda practices dancing every day.
5. My mother always suggests to read the book beforeseeing the film.

XI. Read the text and then answer the questions below.
My name is Marian and I am a flight attendant. Providing the passengers what they need and making
sure they are comfortable are my main duties. My job is exciting. I visit many countries every year and never
know where I’ll be in the next week. Of course it’s also tiring, and I can’t spend the weekends or holidays
with my family but it’s worth it.

I wanted to be a flight attendant since I was a little girl, so I did everything I was advised to, in order to
get the job I always wanted. I think it’s very important to prepare yourself to do what you dream on, and if
you are really concerned on learning and you take it seriously, you will probably get what you want.
► Questions:
1. What does Marian do for a living?
2. What are Marian’s main duties at work?
3. According to her, what’s advantage of being a flight attendant?
4. What does she think is necessary to get what you want?

XII. Read the text again and then decide whether the following statement is True (T) or False (F).
True False
No. Statement
(T) (F)
1. Marian is a pilot.
2. Marian likes her job.
3. Marian’s main duties at work are taking care of the passengers
and make them feel comfortable.
4. She travels a lot.
5. She often spends the weekend with her family and friends.
6. She wanted to be a flight attendant since she was in college.
If you want something, you have to be concerned on learning and
take it seriously.
8. Marian didn’t listen to the advices she got.
9. Marian has no idea where she’s going to travel to next week.
10. She’s tired of her job as a flight attendant.

XIII. Read the following text and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
There are as many kinds of careers as there are people. They vary greatly in the type of work involved
and in the ways they influence a person’s life. The kind of career you have can affect your life in many
ways. For example, it can determine where you live and the friends you make. It can reflect how much
education you have and can determine the amount of money you earn. Your career can also affect the way
you feel about yourself and the way other people act toward you. By making wise decisions concerning your
career, you can help yourself build the life you want. To make wise decisions and plans, you need as much
information as possible. The more you know about yourself and career opportunities, the better able you will
be to choose a satisfying career. People differ in what they want from a career. Many people desire a high
income. Some hope for fame. Others want adventure. Still others want to serve people and make the world a
better place. Before you begin to explore career fields, you should determine your values, your interests, and
your aptitudes (abilities). Most people are happiest in jobs that fit their values, interests and aptitudes. Each
person has many values, which vary in strength. For example, money is the strongest value for some people
– that is, wealth is more important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their thoughts,
behavior, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values include devotion to religion,
taking risks, spending time with family, and helping others. People should understand their values prior to
making a career decision. You can develop an understanding of your values by asking yourself what is most

important to you and by examining your beliefs. For example, is it important to you to work as a member of
a team? Or would you rather be in charge or work alone? If working alone or being in charge is important to
you, independence is probably one of your primary values.
1. There are as many kinds of careers as .
A. they are needed B, there are people
C. decisions and plans D. opportunities
2. The kind of career you have can .
A. influence your interests B. change your life completely
C. affect your life in many ways D. influence your aptitudes
3. To make wise career decisions and plans you need .
A. a wise advice B. as much information as possible
C. a lot of money D. a lot of friends
4. The money you know about yourself and career opportunities .
A. the better able you will be to choose a satisfying career
B. the better choice you will do
C. the better friend you make
D. the better education you get
5. Most people are happiest m jobs that .
A. fit their financial well-being B. fit their values, interests and aptitudes
C. fit their devotion to religion D. fit their goal of earning a high income
6. Each pence has mans values, which vary .
A. in aptitudes B. in meanings
C. in interests D in strength

7. People should understand their values prior .

A. to asking some pieces of advice B. to spending time with family
C. to taking risks D. to making a career decision
8. You can develop an understanding of your values by .
A. examining your parents and friends B. examining your beliefs
C. examining your interests D. examining your abilities
9. The kind of career can determine .
A. where you live and the friends you make
B. your future notoriety
C. your interests
D. your values
10. The kind of career can reflect .
A. how much information you have B. how much education you have
C. how much money D. how much time you have

XIV. Join each pair of sentences into one, beginning with the words provided.
1. Although he is wealthy, he is not spoiled. (Despite)
2. Despite a good salary, he was unhappy in his job. (Though)
3. In spite of the high prices, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday. (Although)
4. Even though she had a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children. (Despite)
5. In spite of their poverty, they are very generous. (Although)
6 .Though she has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test. (In spite of)
7. In spite of Lee’s Sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile. (Although)

8. My friend ate the chocolate cake even though she was on a diet. (Despite)
9. In spite of a headache, he enjoyed the film. (Although)
10. My sister will take a plane even though she dislikes flying. (In spite of)

XV. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning
to the original sentences. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the
form of the given word.
1. Hung was seriously advised by his teacher, but he insisted on disturbing the class.
 In spite _______________________________________________________________
2. Miss Diep tried several times, but she couldn’t find a taxi.
 Despite _______________________________________________________________
3. Although he felt tired, he stayed up to keep us company.
 In spite _______________________________________________________________
4. Mr. Vinh would like more holidays. He doesn’t mind going to school.
 Despite________________________________________________________________
5. The work was hard and the wages were low. He decided to the job.
 In spite________________________________________________________________
6. They didn’t have much time, however they came to visit us.
 Despite________________________________________________________________
7. He is too old, but he still does his gymnastics every morning.
 In spite _______________________________________________________________
8. Trang Anh is the boss. She works as hard as her employees.
 Despite________________________________________________________________
9. He has health problems. He is always smiling.
 In spite________________________________________________________________
10. Kieu Anh got good marks. The exam was difficult.
 Despite _______________________________________________________________

XVI. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. Mr Thuan was injured. He managed to finish the race.
 Despite___________________________________________________________________
2. Although he had no qualifications for it, he got the job.
 In spite___________________________________________________________________
3. I didn’t like the CD you have recommended me, but I bought it all the same.
 Although _________________________________________________________________
4. Thuy went to school. She was ill.
 In spite___________________________________________________________________
5. We couldn’t win the match. We played well.
 Despite___________________________________________________________________
6. It rained a lot. We enjoyed our holiday.
 In spite __________________________________________________________________
7. I told her all the truth. However she didn’t believe me.
 In spite___________________________________________________________________
8. They didn’t play well, but they won the game.
 Despite___________________________________________________________________
9. He didn’t get the job. He had all the necessary qualifications.
 In spite___________________________________________________________________
10. Although the shirts are very expensive, people buy them because they are trendy.

TEST FOR UNIT 10,11,12
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A.satellite B.spacecraft D.galaxy
2. A.telescope B.profession C.content D.universe
3. A.sense B.rinseless D.housekeeper
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A.parabolic B.empathetic C.dominated D.architecture
5. A.consequently B.externally C.habitable D.businesswoman
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. I have a________that within 5 years from today, there shall be a significant improvement in the
numbers of women leaders at various levels.
A.sight B.decision D.scene
7. Interesting movements have been launched to attract the of a large number of youths.
A.participate B.participation C.participant D.participating
8. Dogs have a keen sense of . B.ability D.smell
9. Her new boss is so bad that he does never take of her extra hours of work, that’s why
she needs to change her job now.
A.consideration B.account C.into investigation D.into account
10. The computer program is to the needs of individual users.
A.available B.accessible C.adaptable D.reasonable
11. The semester is almost over and we're all burning before exams.
A.the oil B.the midnight oil C.the midnight lamp D.the lamp
12. Yuri Gagarin was in orbit in a spaceship moved around the Earth at the speed of
more than 17,000 miles per hour. B.this C.which which
13. Valentina Tereshkova, was born in 1937, is the first woman to fly and orbit in space.
A.who B.that C.she D.which
14. She really remembers her daughter her a bar of soap. tell - to buy B.telling - buying C.telling - to buy tell - buying
15. They didn’t stop until 11.30 pm when there was a power cut.
A.singing and dancing sing and dance sing and dancing D.singing and dance
IV. Fill in each gap in thesentences with ONE suitable verb.
16. The bear has a keen of smell which enables it to hunt at dusk.
17. He got the agreement behind the before they went into the public meeting.
18. The store is very to the needs of its customers.
19. Awoman often chooses a career in which she can spend more time withher
20. Nowadays, women carry a heavy in the homes in order to support themfinancially.
V. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Write no more
than THREE words.
21. Even though therewere few passengers, the coach to Hoi An would still leave as planned.
Despite , the coach to Hoi An would still leave as planned.
22. Although he is strong, he stillcan’t lift the box.
In spite of , he still can’t lift the box.
23. Although my fatherwas very tired after work, he was willing to help me with my homework.
Despite after work, my father was willing to help me withmy
24. Although we were very impressed by the new model of the digital cinema, we found it rather
In spite of by the new model of the digital cinema, wefound it rather
25. Even though rain is mentioned in the weather forecast, our class will go camping as planned.
In spite of , our class will go camping as planned.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Sleeping in Space
After a long day at work, nothing is better than a good (26) ! Just like on the Earth,in space
an astronaut goes to bed at a certain time, then wakes up and prepares for work again. There are a few
differences though. Space has no "up" or "down," but it does have(27) . As a (28) ,
astronauts are weightless and can sleep in (29) orientation. However, they have to (30)
themselves so they don't float around and bump into something. Space station crews usually sleep
in (31) bags located in smallcrew cabins. Each crew cabin is just big enough for one person.
Generally, astronauts are scheduled for eight hours of sleep at the end of each mission day. (32)
on the Earth, though, they may wake up in the middle of their sleep period touse the toilet, or stay
up late and look out of the window. Different things such as excitementor (33) can disrupt an
astronaut's sleep (34) astronauts have (35) having dreams and nightmares.
26. A.night sleep B.night’s sleep C.night’s sleeps D.sleep of night
27. A.gravity of gravity C.none of gravity D.microgravity
28. A.result B.reason C.product D.conclusion
29. B.some C.any D.quite a
30. A.attach B.relate C.keep D.fix
31. A.sleep B.sleeping C.sleeper D.slept
32. A.Alike B.Liking C.Like D.Unlike
33. A.morning sickness B.sleeping sickness C.homesickness D.motion sickness
34. A.pattern B.arrangement C.example
35. A.described B.reported C.presented D.showed
VII.Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Growing up in Los Angeles, Vanessa Van Petten, at the age of sixteen, wrote a book for parents from
the teenage opinions: How to Stop Fighting and Make the Teenage years Easier. By the age of twenty-
one, she had created, an online community for parents and teens. That’s where,
with two full-time employees, Van Petten’s 120 bloggers aged twelve to twenty answer questions from
parents. The site makes money through advertising and sponsored links to other websites.
Vanessa's advice:
Get advice and help: “Everyone said I was too young to start a company but I used online resources,
read books, attended conferences and got advice from people I know. That’s how I learned about the
business so quickly.”
Reach new audiences: “Social media is a great way to get in touch with new users - that’s why we
went on sites for parents and personally emailed videos to big users in each community.”
Do something that works: “Most importantly, we offered advice that actually works. Parents
increasingly spreading our articles by words of mouth. We want to build a brand that is not only
interesting but also life-changing.”
36. How could Vanessa start her own company at an early age?
A.She got experience from her parents.
B.She wrote a book for parents.
C. She got experience from various sources.
D.She had several failures.
37. What new thing did Vanessa think she could offer parents?
A. More advice about teens B. Useful advice from teens
C.Online advice from parents D. A blog with her own advice
38. Why has she been successful?
A. She has built a well-known brand. B. She knows her customers personally.
C. She employs a lot of people full-time. D. Parents like her website’s advice.
39. What is Vanessa’s attitude toward creating the website?
A.Parents should go online more often in order to understand their children.
B.Parents should understand what their children are thinking.
C.Sending videos to parents is a good way to make parents understand their children.
D.It is the location for bloggers to express themselves.
40. What does the phrase “by words of mouth” mean?
A. in writing not in speech B. feeling extremely nervous
C. by someone telling you D. believing that what someone says is true
VIII. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences about qualities of an
effective engineer.
41. effective engineer/ have/ ability/ communicate/ both/ writing/ speaking.

42. Engineers/ need/ pay attention/ details/ so that/ they/ not/ ignore/ important things.

43. They/ need/ ability/ work/ team/ and/ gain experience/ team working.

44. good engineer/ the ability/ think critically/ analyze options/ and/ offer/ solutions/ problems.

45. Engineers/ need/ leadership skills/ when/ they/ decisions/ and/ influence/ other people/ project.


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. orchid B. massive C. exotic D. stir
2. A. emergency B. prefer C. versatile D. operate
3. A. punctual B. fluent C. marinate D. drain
4. A. maple B. staple C. massive D. breathtaking
5. A. persuasion B. extension C. confusion D. explosion

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. versatile B. operate C. common D. variety
2. A. dominated B. architecture C. parabolic D. empathy
3. A. magnificence B. stimulating C. imperial D. simplicity
4. A. habitable B. business C. consequently D. externally
5. A. affordable B. ingredient C. destination D. derivative

III. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word.
1. I have a that within 5 years from today, there shall be a significant improvement in the
numbers of women leaders at various levels.
A. vision B. scene C. sight D. decision
2. There are several reasons Adam is not chosen for the school football team.
A. for what B. explaining C. form then D. why
3. In the world today people around 2,700 different languages.
A. converse B. communicate C. speak D. say
4. They didn’t stop until 11.30 pm when there was a power cut.
A. to sing and dancing B. singing and dance
C. singing and dancing D. to sing and dance
5. The ingredient in every meal of Vietnamese people is fish sauce.
A. active B. essential C. particular D natural
6. My sister enjoys travelling round different countries. She is going on a Scotland this
A. tour B. travel C. journey D. voyage
7. She really remembers her daughter her a bar of soap.
A. telling – to buy B. to tell – buying C. to tell – to buy D. telling – buying
8. Many vegetables, especially leafy green ones, are sources of calcium.
A. numerable B. a lot C. rich D. attractive
9. The sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” all 26 letters in the
English alphabet.
A. utilizes B. consumes C. writes D. uses
10. Valentina Tereshkova, was born in 1937, is the first woman to fly and orbit in space.
A. she B. which C. who D. that
11. Each member of the family has a small bowl and which allow him or her to take food
from the table throughout the meal.
A. knives B. pans C. pots D. chopsticks
12. If you put those sweets in your cola, the bottle explode.
A. must B. ought C. might D. should
13. Yuri Gagarin was in orbit in a spaceship moved around the Earth at the speed of more than
17,000 miles per hour.
A. which B. at which C. it D. this
14. On the Cao Lau noodles in Hoi An were some meat mixed with fried noodles served with
vegetables and bean sprouts.
A. parts B. cuts C. slices D. shares
15. Be patient. You can’t to learn a foreign language in a week.
A. consider B. think C. believe D. expect
16. The semester is almost over and we’re all burning before exams.
A. the midnight lamp B. the lamp
C. the oil D. the midnight oil
17. One special feature of cuisine in Southern Vietnam is short cooking time which aims to the
freshness of food.
A. save B. store C. protect D. remain
18. The main of this drink are wine, orange juice and bitters.
A. components B. ingredients C. parts D. compositions
19. The computer program is to the needs of individual users.
A. adaptable B. reasonable C. available D. accessible
20. Drinking enough water is a vital part it keeps your body functioning properly.
A. because B. or C. but D. although
21. You see a Yeti if you go to the Himalayas.
A. would B. might C. had to D. must
22. Her new boss is so bad that he does never take of her extra hours of work, that’s why she need
to change her job now.
A. into investigation B. into account C. consideration D. account
23. If I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Mexico.
A. would have spent B. would spend C. will spend D. had spent
24. Once we get to the hotel, let’s just quickly and then do a bit of sightseeing.
A. check in B. turn up C. set down D. make up
25. Dogs have a keen sense of .
A. flowers B. smell C. food D. ability
26. Kate, with I studied in the middle school, is now a student in Canada.
A. whose B. whom C. that D. who

27. Your doctor, advice you ought to listen to, is a clever man indeed.
A. whose B. which C. who D. whom
28. Interesting movements have been launched to attract the of a large number of youths.
A. participant B. participating C. participate D. participation
29. Not every student is aware of of the English language.
A. its importance B. the importance C. importance D. an importance
30. I paid attention, and I didn’t hear what the others were saying.
A. much B. a lot of C. little D. a little

IV. Use the infinitives given in the correct form to finish the sentences.
1. The plant (to ran) by the head engineer for a fortnight before a new director (appoint)
2. Here you (to be) at last! I (to wait) for you for twenty minutes.
3. He hated (to bother) with trifling matters when he had many more important things
(to deal) with.
4. She would never miss a chance (to show) her efficiency, she was so anxious (to
like) and (to praise) .
5. The idea was too complicated (to express) in just one paragraph.

V. Fill in the blank using the words in the box.

gain marks on recreational footsteps

when ceremony associate activity objection

Perhaps the most common type of tourism is what most people (1) with traveling:
recreation tourism. This is (2) people go to a place that is very different from their regular
day-to-day life to relax and have fun. Beaches, theme parks and camp grounds are often the most common
places regularly visited by (3) tourists.
If the (4) of one’s visit to a particular place is to get to know its history and culture then
this type of tourism is known as cultural tourism. They may attend festivals and ceremonies in order to (5)
a better understanding of the people, their beliefs and their practices.
For tourists who want to see wildlife or take the joy of just being in the middle of the nature, nature
tourism is the answer. Ecotourism and nature treks are all part of this kind of tourism. Bird watching, for
example, is one activity that nature tourists are fond of doing. What (6) this kind of
tourism is that it has low impact (7) the local community.
Religious tourism is another type of tourism where people go to a religious location or locations to
follow the (8) of their founder or to attend a religious (9) .
Medical or health tourism is a relatively new type of tourist (10) where the main
focus of the travel is improving one’s health, physical appearance or fitness.

VI. Read the passage below and decide which answer A, B, C or D fits each numbered gap.
After a long day at work, nothing is better than a good (1) ! Just like on the Earth, in space
an astronaut goes to bed at a certain time, then wakes up and prepares for work again. There are a few
differences though. Space has no “up” or “down”, but it does have (2) . As a (3) ,
astronauts are weightless and can sleep in (4) orientation. However, they have to (5)
themselves so they don’t float around and bump into something. Space station crews usually sleep in (6)
bags located in small crew cabins. Each crew cabin is just big enough for one person.
Generally, astronauts are scheduled for eight hours of sleep at the end of each mission day. (7)
on the Earth, though, they may wake up in the middle of their sleep period to use the toilet, or stay
up late and look out of the window. Different things such as excitement or (8) _____ can disrupt an
astronaut’s sleep (9) . During their sleep period, astronauts have (10) having dreams
and nightmares.
1. A. night’s sleeps B. sleep of night C. night sleep D. night’s sleep
2. A. microgravity B. gravity C. law of gravity D. none of gravity
3. A. product B. conclusion C. result D. reason
4. A. any B. quite C. no D. some
5. A. keep B. fix C. attach D. relate
6. A. sleeper B. slept C. sleep D. sleeping
7. A. Like B. Unlike C. Alike D. Liking
8. A. homesickness B. motion sickness C. morning sickness D. sleeping sickness
9. A. example B. design C. pattern D. arrangement
10. A. presented B. showed C. described D. reported

VII. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question.
We will probably never know who first sold a beef inside a bun, but there are lots of contenders for
having invented something similar.
Genghis Khan and his army of Mongol horsemen used to snack on raw beef which they kept underneath
their saddles. They also ground meat from lamb or mutton. This was fast food for busy warriors on
horseback at that time. When the Mongols invaded Russia, the snack became known as “Steak Tartare”. In
the 17th and 18th centuries trade between Germany and Russia gave rise to the “Tartare steak”, while the
“Hamburg steak” became popular with German sailors along the New York City harbor.
It’s speculated that the first “Hamburger steak” was served at Delmonico’s Restaurant in New York City
in 1834, but not in a bun. In 1885 Charlie “Hamburger” Nagreen served flattened meatballs between two
slices of bread. As late as 1904 Fletcher Davis of Athens, Texas, attracted much attention when he sold his
hamburgers at the St. Louis World’s Fair. Davis’s claim to having originated the hamburger has been
supported by both McDonalds and Dairy Queen.
Brothers Frank and Charles Menches may also have made a major contribution to hamburger history:
they sold ground pork sandwiches at the Erie Country Fair in New York, but one day in 1885, they were
forced to use chopped beef because their butcher had run out of pork. They mixed in some coffee and brown
sugar to beef p the taste and sold their “Hamburger Sandwiches”. The name “Hamburger” came from
Hamburg, New York, the location of the fair.
1. What was the Menches’ contribution to hamburger history?
A. They began to use chopped pork.
B. They changed the taste of pork.
C. They began to ground pork for sandwiches.
D. They used another meat and added flavors.
2. Which of the following is NOT stated about the Mongols in paragraph 2?
A. They kept lambs and mutton nearby.
B. They used to eat non-cooked meat.
C. They occupied the Russian territories.
D. They used to eat while riding a horse.
3. Where did “hamburger” get its name from?
A. A place B. The Germans C. A man D. A fair
4. Which of the following is stated in the passage?
A. Hamburger was first served in Germany.
B. Sailors brought hamburger steak to New York.
C. Tartar stake became popular in the 17th century.
D. Minced beef appeared in the 15th century.
5. Whom was “hamburger steak” invented by, according to paragraph 3?
A. Fletcher Davis C. Delmonico
C. Charlie “Hamburger” Nagreen D. McDonalds

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences using a relative clause.

1. Rod Lee has won an Oscar. I know his sister.
2. Is this the style of hair? Your wife wants to have it.
3. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out.

4. 7.05 is the time. My plane arrives then.

5. Max isn’t home yet. That worries me.

6. Do you know the building? The windows of the building are painted green.
7. Last week I went to see the house. I used to live in it.
8. I don’t know the girl’s name. She’s just gone into the hall.
9. Be sure to follow the instructions. They are given at the top of the page.
10. Hoan Kiem Lake is a historical place. Its water is always blue.



Bài 1. Điền “a”, “an”, hoặc Þ vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. Mary spent Þ hours preparing a four-course meal for her family.
2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3. It may take you up to an hour to make this dish.
4. You should drink a glass of warm water and take arest.
5. Jane have Þ beautiful eyes.
6. Jane is studying at a university in Australia.
7. Can you takeÞ care of the house when I am not home?
8. It is an honor for me to be invited to your party.
9. Þ sheep were gazing in the fields over there.
10. I have to wear a uniform when I go to school.
11. I asked Mr. Brown to keep an eye on your house when we were away.
12. The English test was just a piece of cake to me. I didn’t worry much about it.
13. Þ police suspect a local gang.
14. This is an expensive restaurant. We should find another one.
15. The room is in Þ need of a thorough clean.
1. Þ 2. An 3. An 4. A – a 5. Þ
6. A 7. Þ 8. an 9. Þ 10. A
11. An 12. A 13. Þ 14. An 15. Þ
Bài 2: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng
1.Mary doesn’t need (some/any) help from others as she can do it by herself.
2. There aren’t (some/any) flowers in my garden.
3. Excuse me, I need (some/any) information about the flights to Moscow next Monday.
4. We went shopping although we didn’t intend to by (some/any) clothes.
5. I wish that my teacher wouldn’t give us (some/any) homework today.
6. I’m exshausted. I want to have (some/any) time to get back my energy.
7. Do we have (some/any) money to buy a new carpet? This one is too old.
8. I don’t have any wet tissues but Jane has (some/any).
9. Yesterday the interviewer asked me (some/any) questions related to my previous job.
10. I hope that you will put (some/any) more effort in your learning.
11. I bought (some/any) milk and (some/any) cheese yesterday.
12. I was a pity that they didn’t have (some/any) more tickets to sell.
13. I really need (some/any) help from my friends at the moment.
14. Jim wants to have (some/ any) new shoes.
15. I think I should prepare (some/any) cookies in case Jim wants to eat
1. Any 2. Any 3. Some 4. Any 5. Any
6. some 7. Any 8. Some 9. Some 10. Some
11.some – some 12. Any 13. Some 14. Some 15. Some
Bài 3: Điền “a”, “an”, “some” hoặc “any” vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. Have you heard any news about the accident on the main road?
2. It is a pity that I don't have a camera now,
3. My brother likes somemodern music.
4. I realized that a strange man was following me.
5. Would you like a cup of coffee?
6. There isa glimmer of hope that Mary will recover from her illness.
7. I don't hav any pets. I wish I had one.
8. I thinka black dress is not suitable for you.
9. Jim has madea good impression on his new co-workers.
10. It was a great hornor to receive the reward.
11. Mary claimed that she didn’t have anyunique talents.
12. I don’t want any more vegetables.
13. Some people find it difficult to learn a foreign language.
14. There aren’tany oranges left in the fridge so we decided to go shopping for some
15. David doesn’t have any expectations of his future career.
Bài 4: Hoàn thành câu với những từ cho sẵn.
heads bowl glass kilos handful
cloves Slice Pitchers carton pinch

1. My father rarely has a slice of bread for breakfast.

2. Would you like a glass of beer?
3. We need to buy somekilos of rice.
4. Jane is making somepitchers of lemonade for the party.
5. I asked my mother for anotherbowl of soup.
6. My grandmother often give me a cartonof home-made cookies every week.
7. Can you help me crush somecloves of garlic?
8. You might need more than a handfulof cherry tomatoes to make salad.
9. Can you go to the supermarket and buy someheadsof cabbage? ‘
10. A pinch of salt is enough. If you put more, the soup will be too salty.
1. slice 2. Glass 3. Kilos 4. Pitchers 5. Bowl
6. carton 7. Cloves 8. Handful 9. Heads 10. Pinch
Bài 5: Tìm lỗi sai trong câu và sửa lại cho đúng
1. Have you put some salt in the curry? any
2. The ingredients of this dish include a spoontable of sugar. tablespoon
3. Would you like any more tea? some
4. The thief has been arrested by a police. the
5. I have never watched an horror movie before. ' a
6. There aren’t some piece of news about the robbery any
7. They haven’t made a decisions yet. any
8. My mother has bought some pitchers of sardine. tins
9. You might need a sugar to perfect your dish some
10. Do you have any stick of cinnamon here? Sticks
1. some => any 2. Spoontable => tablespoon
3. any => more 4. A => the
5. an => a 6. Some => any
7. a => any 8. Pitchers => tins
9. a => some 10. Stick => sticks

Bài 6: Nối mệnh đề ở cột A với mệnh đề ở cột B để tạo câu điều kiện loại 1
1. If you want to be a good cook, A. you mustn't watch TV or play computer
2. Even if Kate begs you to let her cook, B. you might be in great trouble.
3. If you do not finish your homework, C. you can catch the bus number 03.
4. If you do not obey your teacher, D. you may not come to the meeting.
5. If you want to go downtown, E. you should practice cooking every day.
6. If you are very busy, F. you shouldn't allow her to do it.
7. If Peter realizers his full potential, G. he may be more successful in life.
8. If 1 save enough money by the end of this H. I will definitely go on an excursion with my
year, family.
1-E 2-F 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-D 7-G 8-H
1. Nếu bạn muốn trở thành một đầu bếp giỏi, (e) bạn phải luyện tập nấu nướng hằng ngày.
2. Kể cả nếu Kate xin bạn cho cô ấy nấu nướng, (f) bạn không nên cho phép cô ấy.
3. Nếu bạn không hoàn thành bài tập, (a) bạn không được xem tivi hay chơi điện tử.
4. Nếu bạn không nghe lời giáo viên, (b) bạn sẽ gặp rắc rối lớn.
5. Nếu bạn muốn vào trung tâm thị trấn, (c) bạn có thể bắt xe buýt số 03.
6. Nếu bạn bận, (d) bạn có thể không đến dự buổi họp.
7. Nếu Peter nhận ra khả năng của cậu ấy, (g) cậu ấy có thể thành công hơn trong cuộc sống.
8. Nếu tôi tiết kiệm đủ tiền cho đến cuối năm nay, tôi chắc chắn đi một chuyến đi với gia đình.

Bài 7 : Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. If it (not pour)doesn’t pourwith rain tomorrow, we can (go)goon a picnic
2. If James (start) starts to cook now, dinner (be)will beready in one hour.
3. If Jane (not make) doesn’t makeit the meeting on time, her manager may (get) getvery angry.
4. If they (be)are occupied this weekend, they can (not come)won’t cometo my house for dinner.
5. You must (not leave)not leave the house unless I (allow) allow you to go
6. Peter (just waste) will just wastehis money if he (take)takes a course in this English center.
7. If he (be) islate, he can (not buy)not buy the tickets.
8. Unless she (pay)paysmore attention to the lesson, she (fail) will fail the test.
9. It (be)will belate if you ( not start) don’t startyour work now.
10. My mother (not permit) will not permit me to go out unless I (promise) promise her to come back
before 10.
1. doesn’t pour – go 6. Will just waste – takes
2. starts – will be 7. Is – not buy
3. doesn’t make – get 8. Pays – will fail
4. are – not come 9. Will be – don’t start
5. not leave – allow 10. Will not permit – promise

Bài 8: Viết câu điều kiện loại 1 với if dựa vào các câu cho sẵn.
0. Work harder or you lose the job.
-> If you don’t work harder, you will lose the job.
1. Stop telling lies or no one will trust you anymore.
If you don’t stop telling lies, no one will trust you anymore.
2. Pay attention to the teacher or you can’t understand the lessons.
If you don’t pay attention to the teacher, you can’t understand the lessons.
3. Go to bed early or you will be exhausted the next morning.
If you don’t go to bed early, you may exhausted the next morning.
4. Save money from now and you can reward yourself with a long vacation at the end of the year.
If you save money from now, you can reward yourself with a long vacation at the end of the year.
5. Read more books and you can broaden your knowledge.
If you read more books, you can broaden your knowledge.
6. Brush your teeth often in order not to get toothache.
If you brush your teeth often, you won’t get toothache.
7. Listen carefully or you won't know what to do.
If you don’t listen carefully, you won't know what to do.
8. Unless you want to get sick, you should eat more healthily.
If you don’t want to get sick, you should eat more healthily.

Bài 9. Sắp xếp các từ đã cho thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1.even/I/me/ if/ will/ to/ never/ apologizes/ forgive/he/him.
I will never forgive him even if he apologizes to me.
Tôi sẽ không bao giờ tha thứ cho anh ta kể cả nếu anh ta xin lỗi tôi.
2. to/ You/ may/ have/ early/ you/ if/ leave
You may leave early if you have to.
Bạn có thể rời đi sớm nếu bạn phải đi.
3. specialties/ Thailand/ local/ visit/ ,/ the/ to/ try/ happen/ should/ you/ you/ if.
If you happen to visit Thailand, you should try the local specialties.
Nếu bạn có dịp đi Thái Lan, bạn nên thử đặc sản địa phương.
4. harder/ your/ you/ work/ in/ can/ you/ achieve/ If/ more/ ,/ life.
If you work harder, you can achieve more in your life.
Nếu bạn làm việc chăm chỉ hơn, bạn có thể đạt được nhiều hơn trong cuộc sống.
5. promotion/ he/ get/ must/ to/ dedication/ show/ wants/ his/ James/ hard/ work/ , / and.
If James wants to get promotion, he must show his hard work and dedication.
Nếu James muốn thăng chức, anh ấy phải chứng tỏ sự chăm chỉ và tận tụy của mình.
6. Will / time/ you/ afford/ come/ can/ to/ you/ my/ if/ house?
Will you come to my house if you can afford time?
Bạn sẽ đến nhà tôi nếu bạn có thời gian chứ?
7. if/ job/ he/ do/ to/ What/ change/ can/ he/ wants/ his?
What can he do if he wants to change his job?
Anh ta có thể làm gì nếu anh ta muốn đổi công việc?
8.trouble/ ,/ you/ in/ help/ can/ are/ call/ you/ me/ If/ for.
If you are in trouble, you can call me for help.
Nếu bạn gặp khó khăn, bạn có thể gọi tôi để nhờ giúp đỡ.
Bài 10. Điền a/ an/ some/ any vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1. We are going to work together for some time.
2. Would you like somemore coffee?
3. I don’t have any time for myself now.
4. You can’t go out without any shoes.
5. I hope my teacher will provide me some information about internship this year.
6. I regretted that I didn’t take any photos of the city I visited last month.
7. I really admire Jim because he has a good knowledge of fine art.
8. It seemed like a thousand people presented at the city square.
9. Have you got any first hand experiences related to this job?
10. I can see some golden fish in the pool. They are darting around.
11. I haven’t heard a single song of this singer but i have heard a lot of her bad reputation,
12. Have you done any research on the matter?
13. I've got hardly anymoney.
14. She asked if we had anyquestions concering the topic of light pollution.
15. My teacher forbids any talking in class.
1. some 2. some 3. any 4. any 5. some
6. any 7. a 8. a 9. any 10. some
11. a 12. any 13.any 14. any 15. any
Bài 11: Hoàn thành câu với một định lượng thích hợp.
1.There is not a bag of pepper left in the cupboard. We need to buy some.
2. Jim has had two glassesof beer and he is getting drunk now.
3. My mother told me to put apinch of salt into the soup
4. My friend gave me apot of strawberry jam yesterday.
5. Jim came to my house with a bottle of rice wine as a gift.
6. You don’t need atablespoon of sugar to sweeten your coffee, just a teaspoon is enough.
7. You need half a kilo of flour to make a cake that is big enough for all of us.
8. I don't want anyleavesof lettuce in my salad because I hate that.
1. bag 2. Glasses 3. Pinch 4. Pot
5. bottle 6. Tablespoon 7. Kilo 8. Leaves
Bài 12:Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và sửa lại cho đúng.
1. I will => I 5. Could => can
2. can have to => will 6. Could => can
3. will hope => hope 7. Should she => she should
4. you should want => you want 8. Would => should

Bài 13: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. Jim/ always/ ask / me/ what/ I/ do/ if/ I / see/ shooting star
Jim always asks me what I will do if I see a shooting star.
2. My mother/ often/ add/ stick/ cinnamon/ in/ soup
My mother often adds some sticks of cinnamon in the soup.
3. If/ you/ can/ not/drink/ black/ coffee/ ,/ you/ can/ add/ milk/ or/ sugar.
If you can’t drink black coffee, you can add some milk or sugar.
4. How/ the/ cake/taste/ if/ we /add/ drop/ olive/ oil?
How will the cake taste if we add some drops of olive oil?
5. My son/ not/ eat/ salad/ if/ there/ be/ tomatoes/ in/it.
My son won’t eat salad if there are tomatoes in it.
6.My sister/ often/ eat/ slices/ bread/ with/ strawberry/ jam/ for/ breakfast.
My sister often eats some slices of bread with some strawberry jam for breakfast.
7. Yesterday/ my/ mother/ and/ l/ buy/ some/ tin/ sardine/ and/ vegetables.
Yesterday my mother and I bought some tins of sardine and some vegetables.
8. If/ you/ want/ your/ dish/ look/ better/ you/ garnish/ it/ with/ vegetables.
If you want your dish to look better, you should garnish it with vegetables.

TEST 1 (Unit 7)
l.D 2. C 3. A
4. C 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. D
l.G 2. D 3.1 4. B 5. F 6. A 7. E 8. J 9. C 10. H
1. Chop 2. Bake 3. drain 4. Peel 5. Marinate
6. Fry 7. stir 8. pour 9. mix 10. Boil
1. any 2. a 3. any 4. a 5. any
6. a - some 7. any - some 8. any — some 9. A 10. any-an
1. T 2. T 3.F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F
l.B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B
1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B
1.C 2.B 3. A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8. C 9.B 10.B
1. C 2. D 3.D 4.A 5.C
1. Vietnamese people consider the combination of yin and yang in cooking is healthy.
2. The salty food belongs to yang, and the sour and sweet one belongs to yin.
3. In each meal, everyone has their own bowl, and dishes are put in the middle.
4. Therefore, each one can eat whatever they want, and they do not need to eat what they dislike.
5. The food like meat are sliced into small pieces so that everyone can take them easily.
l.B 2. B 3. c
4. D 5. A
6.C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10.B 11.A 12.c 13. D 14.A 15.C
1. H 2. E 3.I 4.B 5. J 6. A 7. D 8. G 9. C 10. F
1, peel 2. cut 3. whisk 4. grated 5. taste
6. stir 7. mix 8. baked 9. simmer 10. pour
1. some 2. an 3. any 4. any 5. some
6. any 7. some 8. a 9. any 10. an
Task I. l.F 2. T 3. T 4.NG 5. NG 6. T 7. NG
Task 2.1. huge 2. the Aboriginal 3. gardens/beach
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A

1.D 2.B 3. A 4. B 5. A
1. We should eat only as much food as our body needs.
2. Moderation is the key to any healthy diet, and it also means the balance in our diet.
3. Cutting down on your intake of sugar or salt helps you prevent several problems and diseases.
4. You should eat only when you are active during daytime and avoid eating at night.
5. If you work and feel hungry, you can have healthier snacks, such as fruits or vegetables.
1. In Viet Nam, rice is one of the staple foods.
2. The most common cooking styles are deep-frying, stir-frying, boiling and steaming.
3. Vietnamese food tends not to be very fatty, as they use minimal oil in their dishes.
4. Most of the meals are a combination of meats, vegetables and herbs.
5. Most meals are served with extra soy sauce and fish sauce.
6. The food is often all placed in the center of the table.
7. The Vietnamese usually use chopsticks and spoons.
8. Cooks like to emphasize the fresh, natural taste of the ingredients.
I. 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C
II. 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C
III. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B
11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B
16. D 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D
6. C 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. C
16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. D
1. any 2. any 3. some-any 4. any 5. some
6. any 7. any 8. some 9. a 10. a
1. a 2. some 3. any 4. some – any 5. an
6. some 7. a – a 8. some 9. some 10. any
1. few 2. little 3. some 4. much 5. few
6. little 7. Many 8. Many 9. much 10. Most
1. don’t go 2. makes 3. is 4. hears 5. will make
6. will bury 7. won’t be 8. doesn’t start 9. won’t let 10. goes
1. rains, will not go 2. does not read, will not pass
3. do not argue, will lend 4. take, will not arrive
5. does not buy, will be 6. does not tidy up, will not help
7. do not play, will not come 8. eat, will not lose
9. do not make, will not love 10. do not hurry, will not catch
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D
5. B hoặc C (B. unless => if hoặc C. doesn’t pass => pass)
6. D 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D
1. If you’re a vegetarian, you won’t eat meat.
2. If you live in a cold country, you won’t like hot weather.
3. If you’re a teacher, you will have to work very hard.
4. If you do a lot of exercise, you will stay fit and healthy.
5. If you’re a mechanic, you will understand engines.
6. If you read newspapers, you will know what’s happening in the world.
1. It is very important to eat healthy foods.
2. Let’s have spaghetti and pizza tonight.
3. The onion needs to be peeled and sliced.
4. If you don’t follow these safety instructions, you may get burnt.
5. This is the first time (that) my aunt has ever tasted sushi.

BÀI 1: Điền mạo từ the hoặc Þ vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1.The Earth orbits aroundtheSun.
2.Þdogs are our best friends.
3. My mother used to bethemost beautiful girl in her class.
4. We need to join hands to protectÞcheetahs from extinction.
5. My foreign friend took me on sightseeing tour aroundthetown.
6. There are many festivals taking place inÞspring.
7. Communication has never been so convenient before thanks to theInternet.
8. Last year, a terrible storm reachedthePhilippines.
9. Many people mistake Rio de Janeiro forthecapital of Brazil.
10.Many people migrate to theUS in the hope of material success.
11. ÞJapan is my favourite country besides my homeland.
12. Do you have any ideas abouttheBritish Isles?
13. Yesterday I watched a documentary about theRiver Nile.
14. I know some people who have climbtheHimalayas.
15. Our family has livedÞCanada for 5 years.
1. the-the 2. Þ 3. the 4. Þ 5. the
6. Þ 7.the 8. the 9. the 10. the
11.Þ 12. the 13. the 14. the 15. Þ
Bài 2: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.
1.Please turn off the air-conditioner when you leave theroom.
A. the- the B. a- the C. a- a D. the - a
2. Jim hasn’t foundaplace to thenight.
A. the- the B. a- the C. a-a D. the- a
3. Can you show methe way to thepost office please?
A. the- the B. a- the C. a-a D. the- a
4. Mr. Smith is an old customer of my store and he is alsoaman.
A. the- the B. a- an C. an-a D. the- a
5. My brother has bought meabeautiful dress as a birthday present.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
6. Jim is theyoungest boy of the family and this year he will go toÞ school.
A. the- Þ B. a- a C. a-the D. the- a
7. There is a huge gap between therich andthepoor in this country.
A. the- the B. a- an C. a-the D. the- a
8. Peter was inÞhospital and yesterday we went tothehospital to visit him.
A. the- Þ B. the- the C. Þ - the D. the- a
9. My sister told me that she had met her old teacher the day before.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
10. Have you ever gone to theprison to visit him?
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
11. I didn’t think it wasan expensive restaurant until I checked the menu.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
12. Yesterday my teacher told us astory about an English writer.
A. the- the B. a- an C. a-the D. the- a
13. Unlike other girls, Mary doesn’t likeÞparties and Þcosmetics.
A. the- the B. the-Þ C. Þ- the D. Þ - Þ
14. Last year I visited avillage in the Northern part of Vietnam. Thelocals were very friendly.
A. the- the B. a- an C. a-the D. the- Þ
15. Job hunters always seek for people with Þexperience.
A. the B. a C. an D. Þ
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A
11.C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D
Bài 3: Điền a/an/the/Þ vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp.
1.After havingÞbreakfast, we went out forawalk in thelocal park.
2.Watch out! Do not sit onthe bench. It has been painted recently.
3.My father often takes me tothe cinema on ÞSunday.
4.Yesterdaythe Prime Minister gave a speech in front of his people.
5.Jim is always staying in Þbed untill lunch time when he doesn’t have go toÞschool.
6.The robber was sent to Þprison for five years.
7.My brother has gotanew job and inthe next few years he will live far from home.
8.Mr. Brown always water his trees in the morning.
9.Asalittle boy,I wished to beahero but now I just want to beanormal person with adecent job.
10.Although I had worked in Þ France for 3 years, I could hardly speak French.
11.Inthe future, I hope I have a chance to visitthe Red Sea.
12.Jim and his co-workers are planning an expedition to ÞMount Everest next year.
13.My brother ownsacat and adog. Unfortunately,thecat seems to hatethedog and they never lives in
harmony with each other.
14.What has been done so far to protecttheenvironment?
15.It never snows in our region atÞChristmas.
1. Þ-a-the 2. the 3. the-Þ 4.the 5. Þ-Þ
6. Þ 7. a -the 8. the 9. a-a-a-a 10. Þ
11.the-the 12. Þ 13. a-a-the-the 14. the 15. Þ
Bài 4: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu sau và sửa lại cho đúng.
1.Many people think that the lead is the heaviest metal. Þ
2.Young people are always open-minded than old. the old
3.The windows are supposed to let in natural light. Þ
4.The most of the students in our class comes from Hanoi Þ
5.Do you know that Alpsare the most extensive mountain range system? the Alps
6.Mary doesn’t enjoy tea parties and the gossip Þ
7.I have a friend who is studying in Netherlands. theNetherlands
8.I think the light bulb is the very important invention of Thomas Edison a
9.A relationship between Jim and Jane has turned sour since last year. The
10.The news came as the shock to me. a
Bài 5: Dựa vào các từ cho trước, viết câu hoàn chỉnh.
1.Friend/ of/ mine/ come/ back/ from/ UK/ after/ long/ vacation.
A friend of mine has come back from the UK after a long vacation.
2.Hundred/ of/ people/ join/ carnival/ in/ Rio de Janeiro/ next/ month.
Hundred of people will join carnival in Rio de Janeoro next month.
3.Last year/ I/ go on/ expedition/ to/ North Pole.
Last year, I went on an expedition to the North Pole.
4.I/ hope/ I/ can/ visit/ longest/ river/ in/ Europe/ ,/ Volga/ ,/ in/ future.
I hope I can visit the longest river in Europe,the Volga, in the future.
5.People/ used/ believe/ that/ Sun/ and/ all/ stars/ orbit/ around/ Earth.
People used to believe that the sun and all the stars orbitted around the Earth.
6.I/ often/ pay/ visit/ to/ local/ museum/ on/ Sunday.
I often play a visit to the local museum on Sunday.
7.Mary/ take/ care/ of/ all/ members/ of/ our team/ since/ we/ set/ off/ for/ London.
Mary has taken care of all the members of our team since we set off for London.
8.I/ always/ want/ climb/ Mount Everest/ since/ I/ be/ boy.
I have always wanted to climb Mount Everest since I was a boy.

Bài 6: Điền một mạo từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống nếu cần thiết .
1.My friends is angry with me because I can’t remember theexact date of her birthday.
2.ÞChristmas is one of the important holidays inÞWestern countries.
3.ÞHo Chi Minh City is one of the biggest cities inÞVietnam.
4.“Are Kate and David Þ siblings. They look alike.” “No, they aren’t. They are Þ cousins”.
5.Yesterdaythefog was so thick that we couldn’t see clearly. We followedthecar in front of us and hoped
that we were goingtheright way.
6.My father has bought meacomputer. Thanks to it, I can learn many things fromtheinternet. I think
thecomputer is one ofthegreatest inventions of all time.
7.TheGreat Lakes, also calledtheLaurentian Great lakes and theGreat lakes of North America, areaseries of
interconnected freshwater lakes.
8.ThePacific Ocean isthelargest and deepest of Earth’s oceanic divisions. It extends from theArtic Ocean
inthenorth totheSouthern Ocean inthesouth. It is bounded byÞ Asia andÞ Australia in thewest andtheUS
9.When I wasastudent, I lived with anAmerican couple inÞhome stay inÞ Texas. Boththehost andthehostess
were friendly and helpful.
10.Last year, Peter paidavisit toÞEngland on early April. He had the chance to enjoytheUniversity Boat
Race (between Oxford and Cambridge), which took place on theThames. TheThames isthehistoric heartland
of rowing in theUnited Kingdom.
1. the 2.Þ-the-Þ 3. Þ-the-Þ 4.Þ-Þ 5. the-the-the
6. a-the-the-the 7. the-the-the- a 8.the-the-the- the-the-the- Þ-Þthe-the-the
9. a-an-Þ-Þ-the-the 10. a-Þ-the-the-the-the- the
Bài 7:Hoàn thành các câu sau với các danh từ cho sẵn cùng với mạo từ nếu cần.

1. Þexcursions 2. the resort 3. a tour guide 4.Þ sightseeing

5. the-destinations 6. a souvenir 7. Þaccommodation 8. on a cruise


I. l.D 2. B 3. B
II. 4. D 5. D
III. 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. C
IV. 3.go 4.pack
5.go on 6. have 7.see 8.try
1. They can enjoy beautiful beaches in Central Viet Nam, discover Hoi An Ancient Town with old
construction, and visit some famous tombs in Hue.
2. They will visit Son Tra Peninsular and My Khe Beach.
3. They will visit the Japanese Bridge, Sa Huynh Museum, and Tan Ky Old House.
4. They will enjoy Hai Van Pass, and Lang Co Beach.
5. They will visit Minh Mang Tomb, Khai Dinh Tomb or Tu Due Tomb, the Noon Gate, Thai Hoa
Palace, and then Thien Mu Pagoda.
6. On the second and third days.
Task 1. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
Task 2.
1. It was broadcast in May 2015.
2. It is the underground system connecting over 150 other caves near Viet Nam - Lao border.
3. It is the attraction.
4. They can explore underground rivers, caves and go camping.
5. It was held in early August 2013.
6. They spent 7 days and 6 nights.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9.B 10.D
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B
Tourism can bring many economic and social benefits, but mass tourism is also
associated with negative effects.

1. First, tourism creates jobs in the tourism industry and in other sectors such as retail and transportation.
2. However, jobs which are created by tourism are often seasonal and poorly paid.
3. Second, tourism encourages the preservation of traditional customs, handicrafts and festivals, but
interaction with tourists can also lead to an erosion of traditional cultures and values.
4. Finally, ecotourism helps conservation of wildlife by generating funds for maintaining national parks.
5. Nevertheless, it also causes pollution through traffic emissions, littering, and noise.

I. 1. A 2. C 3. A
II. 4.B 5.B
III. 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. D
IV. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A
V. 2.journey 3.tour 6.trip 7.flight 8.journey 9.tour 10. trip
1.B2.A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C
Negative Effects of Tourism
1. Tourism development may lead to soil erosion, pollution and waste.
2. Tourism contributes to an increasing carbon footprint and the stress on the ecosystems.
3. The infrastructure in a tourist spot cannot satisfy great demand during the peak season.
4. Tourists may cause a significant effect on the local habitats, especially in the country.
5. Tourists should be aware of the damage which they cause, and the tourism authorities have to take
measures to solve the problems.

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. C
1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. A
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. C
1. travel 2. journey 3. tour 4. cruise 5. voyage
6. trip 7. flight 8. journey 9. tour 10. trip
1. ø – the 2. ø - the – ø 3. ø – the 4. ø – the (a) – ø 5. ø
6. ø - ø – the 7. the – the 8. ø – an 9. the – an 10. ø
1. the – a 2. the – ø 3. The (a) – a – ø – ø 4. ø – the – ø
5. an – ø – the 6. a 7. The 8. The – the 9. ø – the
10. a – the – a – a – a
1. C (will) 2. C (widely) 3. B (stay) 4. B (being picked up)
5. C (aren’t) 6. C (to sit) 7. A (Watching)
8. C (old enough) 9. D (it) 10. D (not to fall)
1. important 2. can 3. from 4. necessary 5. aspects
6. transportation 7. of 8. lights 9. for 10. why
1. Because an artificial water way opened in 1761 and it joined a coal-mining area with the port of
2. Because they wore strange clothes, had no real homes and often drank too much beer.
3. They carry heavy goods for industry.
4. Because it links to the Trent Navigation to carry goods from inland factories to the sea.
5. Because in the mid 19th century, the new railways became the most modern form of transport.
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T
1. You can’t borrow my dictionary unless you bring it back on Monday.
2. The cost of installation is very high, but solar domestic heating systems are economical
to use.
3. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the Sun’s energy is used to heat water.
4. I don’t agree with a lot of his teaching methods. However, he is a good teacher.
5. We’d better not waste water, or we won’t have enough to drink sooner or later.
6. The house is quite beautiful. Moreover, the cost is not too high.
7. Do you want to study more or to look for a job?
8. You can go home when you’ve finished this exercise.
9. I don’t get many opportunities to practice my English. Therefore I find it difficult to remember
everything I study.
10. I’m practicing speaking English a lot because I don’t want to fail in the oral test.
1. am not interested in
2. is the highest mountain in
3. are required to access
4. made up her mind
5. are not into travelling
1. The heated air expands and rises. As a result, an area of low pressure forms over the land.
2. Canada is similar to the United States in that the majority of its people speak English.
3. Governments will most probably not relocate entire cities just because they are in earthquake
4. There were no economy seats available, so they were forced to buy expensive ones.
5 .Two experiments were conducted so that the hypothesis could be tested.
6. Middle-class families tend to have person-centered structures, whereas working-class families are
usually positional.
Or (Working-class families are usually positional, whereas middle-class families tend to have person-
centered structures).
7. Middle-class children do well in most education systems. Working-class children, on the other
hand, do relatively poorly.
8. Western Europe has large reserves of fuel. For instance, the UK has a 250-year supply of coal.
9. A duck has webbed feet so that it can swim easily and walk on soft ground.
10. Rail travel is safer than road travel, because far fewer people are killed or injured during train


Bài 1: Nối các câu ở cột A với cột B sao cho phù hợp.
11. 1/If I had Laura’s phone number now, k. a/I would think twice before I drop out of
12. 2/If it was sunny and hot today, school.
13. 3/Mike would invite you to his next party. l. b/I would forbit smoking everywhere in the
14. 4/If I had wings, state.
15. 5/You would get better grade. m. c/We would take the kid for a swim in the
16. 6/If I were in your position, beach.
17. 7/We could take photos here. n. d/If his parents weren’t drug addicts.
18. 8/If I lived in a developed country, o. e/If you were one of his friends.
19. 9/If I were a governor for only a day, p. f/I would send her an urgent SMS.
20. 10/ Mike wouldn’t such family problems. q. g/I would find a well-paid job easily.
r. h/I would fly back home to see my wife and
my kids.
s. i/ If it wasn’t forbidden to do so.
t. j/ If you worked hard.
1. ____f______ 2. _____c_______ 3. ______e_______4. ________h_____5. j
6. ______a____ 7. ______i______ 8. _______g______9. _____b________10. d
Bài 2: Hoàn thành câu điều kiện loại 2 dưới đây
1. If I ______were_____ (be) you, I would practice more often for the upcoming test.
2. I ______would spend_______(spend) a lot of money if I won the lottery.
3. What _________would you do__________ (you/do) if I gave you one million dollars?
4. If I met Rihanna, I _____would say_______ (say) hallo.
5. I would take the underground every day if I ______lived____ (live) in London.
6. You would feel a lot of better, if you __didn’t smoke_______ (not/smoke) so much.
7. If I ____were_______ (be) you, I would follow mun’s advice.
8. I would run away if I ______saw________ (see) a ghost.
9. If I were you, I ______would accept______(accept) the offer.
10. You _______had to________ (have to) choose a place to live, which one would you choose?
11. What would you do if you ________saw_______ (see) a robbery?
Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu điều kiện loại 1 và loại 2 dưới đây.
1. If I were you, I ______would learn__________ (learn) now.
2. Chuck ______asked___________ (ask) us, we would lend him our books.
3. If they _____are______ (be) at home, they will learn my words.
4. If Jack has a new DVD, he __will lend_________ (lend) it to Cindy.
5. If you washed the car, he _____would get______ (get) more pocket money.
6. If you _____came______ (come), you would meet them.
7. If we go to London, we ______will see_____ (see) Buckingham Palace.
8. Jenny will help you if she _____has______ (have) more time.
9. Sandy___would tell________ (tell) him if she asked her.
10. I_____will wash______ (wash) my hands if he gives me a soap.
11. If the ghost passes through the door, she___will scream________ (scream)
12. If we _______swam____ (swim) a lot, we would win the competition.
13. The Zongs will travel to the USA if they _____win______ (win) in the lottery.
14. If you ____ran_______ (run), you could catch the bus.
15. If Tessy has enough money, she ____will buy_______ (buy)


Bài 4: Điền vào chỗ trống “ who” hoặc “which”
1. A soldier is someone_____ who ______ works in the army
2. A student is a person ____ who _______ goes to school
3. An ostrich is a bird ______ which _____ cannot fly
4. A cook is someone ____ who _______ makes meals at a restaurant
5. A tire is thing _______ which ____ you can find on a wheel
6. A stick is a piece of wood __ which _________ is long and thin
Bài 5: Dubgf “ that” hoặc “ whose” để nối các câu dưới đây
1. I admired the stuntman. His part was so dangerous
I admired the stuntman whose part was so dangerous
2. We ate the cake. It was on the cupboard
 We ate the cake that was on the cupboard
3. She found the bag. It belonged to her
 She found the bag that belonged to her
4. Can you see the car? Its door is scratched
 Can you see the car whose door is scratched
5. You are the partner. I want to work with you
You are the partner that I want to work with
6. I couldn’t help the students. Their tests were a failure
. I couldn’t help the students whose tests were a failure
7. This is the guy. I got it from him
This is the guy that I got it from
8. I liked the house. Its roof was made of res tiles
 I liked the house whose roof was made of res tiles
9. A spade is a tool. You dig with it
 A spade is a tool that You dig with
10. Here is the museum. I told you about it
Here is the museum that I told you about
11. I can’t respect politicians. Their only ambitious is to be in power
I can’t respect politicians whose only ambitious is to be in power
12. This is the man. We bought the ring from him
. This is the man that We bought the ring from
13. We can’t afford new cars. Their price is too high
We can’t afford new cars whose price is too high
14. Where is the cassette? We listened to it
Where is the cassette that We listened to__________________________________________
15. The film is about a king. His brother kills him
 The film is about a king whose brother kills him
16. I met some people. Their houses were badly damaged
 I met some people whose houses were badly damaged_______________________________
Bài 6: Điền vào chỗ trống các đại từ và trạng từ quan hệ : who, whom, which, whose, where, when”
sao cho thích hợp
1. Can you give me back the money ____ which ______I lent you last month?
2. This is the restaurant ____ where ______we used to eat when he lived in Boston
3. Mark has sent me an email ____ which ______I haven’t replied yet.
4. Who’s the person_____ who _____ is sitting next to Nancy?
5. They complained about the wrong goods ____ which ______ were sent to them
6. This is Susan ____ whose ______ husband works in the sales department
7. Candy is wearing a new dress ____ which ______ she bought in the summer sales
8. Monday is the day ___ when _______ bills have to be paid
9. The secretary showed me the filing cabinet ___ where _______ important documents are filed
10. Do you like the boy ____ whom______ Mary is talking to?/ to whom Mary is talking
11. We enjoyed the party ___ which _______ Peter and Pam had to celebrate Christmas
12. Are you the person _____ who _____ applied for a job as a receptionist?
13. Is this this pub ______ where ____ you meet your friends?
14. You have to delete the sheet _____ which _____ is repeated
15. April is the month ___ when _______ we have Easter holiday in Spain.
16. The advice ___ which _______ Sam gave me was quite senseless
17. Have you bought the food ______ which ____ I asked you?
18. Pjone Mr Smith _____ whom _____ you will have to talk to tomorrow/ to whom you will have to talk
19. Let’s visit the park ____ where ______ we played after school
20. Celebrities receive lots of invitations ____ which ______ they don’t accept
21. Did you refuse the offer ___ which _______ the company made you?
Bài 7:Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thiện câu điều kiện loại 1 và 2
1. If you (see)_____see_______John, I ( tell) _____will tell_______him your news
2. You(meet) will meet my brother if you (go) go__ to town on Monday
3.Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she (sleep) ___slept_________ longer, her health (improve) ____would
improve________ fast
4. If she (want) ____wanted________ to talk to me, she ( ring up) ___would ring up. I guess she doesn’t
5. If you (need) ___need_________ help, my father (help) ____will help________ you
6. We (have) ___will have_________ a picnic if the day ( be) _____is_______ fine’
7. I (understand)_____would understand____________ Mr Brown if he (speak)____spoke slowly
8. If you (see) ___see_________ a policeman, he (show) __will show__________ you the way
9. I ( finish) ____will finish________ the job tomorrow if I ( can) _____can_______
10. If you (give) _____gave_______ him good meals, he ( not be able ) __wouldn’t be able__________ to
work hard
11. You (make) _____would make_______ a fortune if you( take) _____took_______ my advice. Too bad!
12. I ____won’t need________ (not need) an umbrella if it (not rain) ___doesn’t rain_
13. If she (think) __thinks__________ it over carefully, she (form) _____will form_______ a clear opinion
14. If they ( catch) _____catch_______ a bus now, they (arrive) ___will arrive_at half past nine
15. He ( find) _____gave_______ the answers if he (look) _____looks_______ at the back of the book
16. If I ( think) _____thought_______ that about him, I (say) _____would say_______ so aloud
17. If he ( promise) ____promised________ to behave in the future, his mum ( forgive) would give_him
18. If you (want) ____want________ me to, I (come) ____will come________for a walk with you
19. If we (can) ___could_________ come on Sunday, we (come) __would come . I am really sorry
20. If you (wait) ___wait_________ for a moment, the waiter (bring) ___will bring_________ you a coffee
21. He (lose) ____will lose________weight if he (stop) _____stops_______eating so much
22. Life (be) ____would be________ monotonous if we (have) _____had_______ nothing to do
23. He (not phone) ____wouldn’t phone________me herre unless it ( be) _____was_______urgent
24. If they (love) ___loved_________ each other, they ( not fight) ___wouldn’t fight_________ so much
25. If she (be) _______is_____ patient, I ( try) _____will try_______ to explain
26. If he (do) ____does________that again, his father (punish) ___ will punish _him
27. If Peter ( ask) ____asked Mary, I’m sure she ( marry) ____would marry_ him
28. She (get) ____would get________ fit if she ( walk) _____walked_______every day 3 km
29. If she (drink) drinks_this medicine, she (feel) _will feel_________ much better
30. He (be) _____will be_______ very pleased if it (be) ____is________really true
Bài 8: Viết lại các cặp câu dưới đây thành câu có chứa MĐQH
1. She worked for a man. The man used to be an athlete
She worked for a man who/ that used to be an athlete
2. They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby
They called a lawyer who/ thatlived nearby
3. I sent an email to my brother. My brother lives in Australia
I sent an email to my brother who/ that lives in Australia
4. The customer liked the waitress. The waitress was very friendly
The customer liked the waitress who/ that eas very friendly
5. We broke the computer. The computer belonged to my father
We broke the computer which/ that belonged to my father
6. I dropped a glass. The glass was new
I dropped a glass which/ that was new
7. She loves books. The books have happy endings
She loves books which/ that have happy endings
8. They live in a city. The city is in the north of England
They live in a city which/ that is in the north of England
9. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper
The man who/ that is wearing a blue jumper is in the garden
10. The girl works in a bank. The girl is from India
The girl who/ that is from Idia works in a bank
11. My sister has three children. My sister lives in Australia
My sister who/ that lives in Australia has three children
12. The waiter was rude. The waiter was wearing a blue shirt
The waiter who/ that was wearing a blue shirt was rude
13. The money is in the kitchen. The money belongs to John
The money which/ that belongs to John is in the kitchen
14. The table got broke. The table was my grandmother’s
The table which/ that was my grandmother’s got broke
15. The television was stolen. The television was bought 20 years ago
The television which/ that was bought 20 years ago was stolen
16. The fruit is on the table. The fruit isn’t fresh


I. 1.D 2. C 3. B
II. 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10.D ll.A 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. B
1. come across 2. Look up 3 .use 4. collocations 5. say
l. invited 2. could help 3. would email 4. had
5. were 6. had 7. made 8. would buy
9. had - would get 10. didn't work - wouldn’t have
Task 1
1. Because good pronunciation will help people understand your spoken English clearly.
2. We should read the text, then read the text out loud, trying to imitate the pronunciation we hear in the
3. For the first time, we read slowly and focus on pronouncing each word correctly, and for the second
time, we read faster and focus on making your English flow, speaking each sentence with a natural rhythm.
4. We should try saying it in a complete sentence.
5. We should watch films in English with English subtitles to learn English conversation patterns.
Task 2 1. imitate 2. pronounce3. flow4. rhythm5. subtitles
l.A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C
1. C 2.D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6.D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5.C
1. If we didn’t any languages, we couldn’t communicate/ communication would be impossible.
2. If we didn’t have languages, we couldn’t leave knowledge to our younger generations.
3. If we didn’t have senses, we couldn’t learn languages.
4. If we didn’t have our sense of sight, we couldn’t read the written language.
5. If there weren’t logos for big companies, their goods couldn’t be recognized in eveiy nation.
1. My IT skills are a bit rusty now
2. ….is billingual …
3. …their mother tongue,…
4. ….pick up….
5. ….to guess the meaning of words…
6. ….imitate a native English speaker
7. …then look it up the dictionary…
8. …multinational class…

9. lthough spent only two months learning Korean, I could get by in Korean when I was in Seoul last
10. In India, English is regarded as the official language.
1. English plays an important role in our everyday life.
2. English is widely used in international communication for everyday work.
3. Students who want to go abroad for education will have to leam English well.
4. It is the language of science, and you need to know English to be good at science.
5. English is the main language of instruction for international students in universities and colleges.
TEST 2 (Unit 9)

I. 1.D 2. C 3. B
II. 4. D 5. C
6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. C 13.C 14. A 15. D
16. interests 17. underline 18 .Look 19 .Use 20. make
21. The simplest definition of language which is widely accepted is that “language is the means of
22. There are about one billion people who use English as the lingua franca of international communication.
23. Differences between languages which are explained in course books can cause some problems to
24. A great number of people whose native language is not English speak English as a foreign language.
25. English which has been regarded as a lingua franca enjoys more universality than any other language.
1. rains-won’t be able 2. see - will give 3. had-would take up 4.were - could be
5. don’t have-will go 6. were - would go 7.have - will come 8. could cook - would earn
9. is - will you buy 10.had - would disappear
1. would be 2. had 3. won 4. would you remember
5. would need 6. could sunbathe 7. would you buy 8. was
9. would come 10. might lend 11. could have 12. could go
1. I have a friend whose mum is a volunteer worker.
2. It is a camping shop which has a lot of good equipment.
3. The rescue operation which was arranged by a charity organisation was a success.
4. My uncle who/ that is a fire fighter visited us last weekend.
5. 2015 is the year when my sister became a nurse.
6. The storm which started at 2 o’clock this morning caused a lot of damage.
7. Nick is my classmate who/ that I’ve known for a long time.
1. It plays an important role in everyday life in India.
2. Because there are innumerable regional languages in different states.
3. They communicate with each other in English for their everyday work.
4. English remains a major medium of instruction in schools.
5. Because people from different states communicate with each other in English.
Task 1
1. one billion people
2. 600 million people
3. the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the
Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa
4. 60% 5. 80% 6. 75%
Task 2
1. Languages, especially English, make distances between different countries seem less.
2. English is used in politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport and pop
3. It is taught at schools, colleges and universities as a foreign language.
4. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and work.
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D
1. A 2. D 3. A 4.C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. A
1. D 2. B 3.A 4. C 5. D
1. English is the most spoken official language in the world.
2. It is the primary language used in international affairs.
3. English is indisputably the primary language of global trade and commerce.
4. English is the dominant language in the digital age.
5. In universities and colleges in the English-speaking countries, the primary language of instruction is
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. D
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D
11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. D
16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B
21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. B
1. cleaned 2. would you be able 3. didn’t belong 4. won
5. would you do 6. knew 7. gave 8. stopped
9. wouldn’t come 10. saw
1. removed 2. would keep 3. lived 4. banned
5. would offer 6. got 7. painted 8. changed
9. would you sent 10. weren’t
1. Alice, whose mother died last year, is my friend.
2. The boy who threw that stone will be punished.
3. Ann, who lives next door, is very friendly.
4. The man who/that you met at the party last night is a famous actor.
5. There are some words that/ which are very difficult to translate.
6. I’ve found the book that/which I was looking for this morning.
7. Is that the car that/which you want to buy?
8. Sandra, who you were talking to, works in advertising.
9. The little girl who/ that sat next to me on the coach ate sweets the whole way.
10. Lan, whose tape recorder was stolen, is a journalist.
1. h 2. f 3. c 4. d
5. a 6. b 7. g 8. e
1. in 2. on – in 3. At – in 4. with 5. in
6. to 7. in – on 8. of 9. on – to 10. to
1. C => that 2. B => who 3. A => Bỏ which 4. A => who
5. C => where 6. C => which 7. B => which 8. A => who
9. B => bỏ in 10. C => that
1. difficulties 2. improvement 3. reputable 4. advertisements
5. written 6. qualified 7. hurriedly 8. relaxation
9. examination 10. reputation
1. communicate 2. work 3. getting 4. longer
5. such 6. industries 7. official 8. require
9. employing 10. choose
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C
1. I don’t know the name of the woman who / that I spoke to on the phone.
2. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, which is only 30 miles away.
3. This is Mr Carter, who I was telling you about.
4. That is the room where the meeting is held.
5. I’ll always remember the day when I first saw that sight.
6. She was born in Malaysia, where rubber trees grow well.
7. No one knows the school where my uncle taught 10 years ago.
8. Please ask them the time when the train started the trip.
9. New Year’s Day is the day when all family members gather and enjoy a family dinner.
10. There are many hotels where tourists can enjoy their holidays.
1. If you didn’t keep silent, you would wake the baby up.
2. If you kept talking, you wouldn’t understand the lesson.
3. If I knew her number, I would ring her up.
4. If I knew the answer, I would tell you.
5. If we had a map, we wouldn’t get lost.
1. India is the country where the earthquake occurred last month.
2. Bac Giang is the city where I was born and grew up.
3. We have not decided the day when we’ll go to London.
4. The man whom I love with all my heart made me sad the most.
5. The thief was caught, that was really good news.
6. The gentleman who was introduced as the most successful businessman was very young.
7. His book, which was punished last year, became the best seller.
8. Neil Armstrong, who walked on the moon, lived in the USA.
9. Nam, who learns in our class, is very intelligent.
10. Ha Long, which I visited last week, has grown into a big over the past few years.


I. 1.D 2. B 3. C
II. 4. D 5. A
11. D 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. D 19.D20.B
16. package holiday 17. holiday resort 18. travel brochure 19. coastline 20. tour guide
21. Jim would have time to spend with his family if he didn’t work so hard.
22. If we had a big house, we could invite/ would be able to invite friends to stay.
23. I couldn’t know how to do it if you were not here to help me.
24. If people in the world spoke the same language, there wouldn’t be any problems in communication.
25. If we left earlier, we could visit Vy on the way.
26.D 27. B 28. B 29.C 30. A 31.C 32.D 33. B 34.D 35.C
36. D 37. A 38. A 39. B 40. C
41. The most important goal of speaking English is to communicate.
42. Although speaking English fast makes you sound like a native speaker, it makes other people difficult to
understand you.
43. Thinking in English is the thing you can practice all the time because it is really important when
speaking English/ you speak English.
44. If you forget a word, we can stop a sentence in the middle or use other words to describe it
45. Self-confidence helps you speak better in every English conversation.


Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của độngt ừ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành
1. She (feel)____felt_______sick after she ( eat) ___had eaten________ a whole box of chocolates
2. After the doctor ( examine) ____had examined _______ the child he (have) ____had_______ a talk with
the mother
3. When I ( call) ___called________ on my friend, he (go) ___had gone________ out
4. Mary (finish) _____finished______ her homework when her father (come) _____had come______home
from his ofice
5. I (throw) _____threw______ away the newspaper after I (read) __had read_________ it
6. After she (spend) __had spent_________all her money she (ask) ____asked_______ her father to help
7. The teacher (give) ____gave_______ back the exercise books after he (corect) ______had
8. The sun ( rise) ___rose________ when the farmer (start) ______had started_____ work
Bài 2: Điền T ( True) nếu mỗi câu đúng, hoặc F( False) nếu câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng

1. I have been in Mexico during the summer of 1970
(F) have been  was
2. Mary had prepared dinner when I arrived, so we were able to eat immediately (T)
3. Three years ago he had been a student at a university in California
(F) had beenwas
4. We have collected stamps for many years(T)
5. We took the bus downtown, did a few errands, and had gone to lunch
(F) had gonewent
6. Since he bought a new car, he has been driving to work every day(T)
7. Last night they have recognized us from the party we went to earlier in the week
(F) have recognized  recognized
8. Since Ted graduated, he has been working with his father (T)
9. The doctor had seen ten patients since eight o’clock this morning
(F) had seenhas seen
10. He is studying English for the last five years
(F) is studying has studied
Bài 3: Hoàn thành các câu dướiđây, điền đại từ quan hệ thích hợp vào chỗ trống Who/whom/ whose/
where/ which
1. What’s the name of the man____ Whose __________car you borrowed?
2. A cemetery is a place _____ Where_________people are buried?
3. A pacifist is a person_____ Who_________ believes that all wars are wrong
4. An orphan is a child ____ Whose __________parents are dead
5. The place________ Where
______ we spent our hoildays was really beautiful
6. This school is only for children______ Whose ________ first language is not English
7. I don’t know the name of the woman to______ whom ________ I spoke on the phone
8. The man______ Who________is wearing glasses is a pop singer
9. The window _____ Which_was broken by the naughty boy will have to be repaired
10. Mrs Jackson, ______________ we met in the supermarket yesterday, is my music teacher
11. Rome is the city_______ Where_______ he lived for ten years
12. That was the day on____ Which __________ I first met Ann
13, The girl, the brothers of ____ whom__________ study in our school, looks very nice
14. His new car ______________cost him a fortune, was really stunning
15. I met the old lady___ Who___________you were very kind to
16. That’s the book about_______ Which _______ I’ve heard so much
Bài 4: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, thay đổi đại từ quan hệ sao cho thích hợp
They didn’t show up Richard brought her to dinner
We saw him coming out of our neighbour’s flat The police took him to prison last week
last night
The Tour Guide Magazine recommended it His car broke down
She’s just finished her second cooking book We exchanged them during our chat
Who got injured at the swimming pool Everybody was talking about her
Where I studied as a girl Who oragnized our Drama Club
1, We stayed at the hotel the Tour Guide Magazine recommended
2. A few people we invited to our party didn’t show up
3. The pickpocket took him to prison last week has just been released
4. Paul didn’t seem to like the gir Richard brought to dinner
5. I enjoyed talking to the old lady who has just finished her second cooking book
6. The cecipes we exchanged during our chat will probably appear in her next book
7. Everybody at the party tried to help the young lady Who got injured at the swimming pool
8. The man we saw coming out of our neighbour’s flat last night is her brother
9. What was the name of the actor whose car broke down
10, Who’s the actress everybody was talking about?
11. The teacher who oragnized our Drama Club is leaving for Germany next week
12. The school where I studied as a girl has been renovated
Chú ý: Câu 4 và 9 có thể tráo đổi đáp án với nhau)
Bài 5: Viết lại các câu dưới đây để tạo thành câu có chứa mệnh đề quan hệ xác định
1. Pass me the dictionary. I put it on the shelf
Pass me the dictionary WHICH I put on the shelf
2. Will you help me to do the exercise? I don’t understand the exercise
 Will you help me to do the exercise WHICH I don’t understand
3. We haven’t met Mr Smith yet. His daughter studies with Paul
 We haven’t met Mr Smith yet WHOSE daughter studies with Paul
4. We won’t forget the day. We went to Justin Bieber’s concert that day
 We won’t forget the day WHEN We went to Justin Bieber’s concert
5. Peter has read the book. I recommended the book to him
 Peter has read the book WHICH I recommended to him
6. They sent me a postcard of the hotel. They stayed there on holiday
 They sent me a postcard of the hotel WHERE They stayed on holiday
7. This is my best friend. I met her at school ten years ago
 This is my best friend WHO(M) I met at school ten years ago
8. Is this the man? This man accused you of stealing his wallet.
 Is this the man WHOSE accused you of stealing his wallet?
9.Peter made a lemon cake. It is his speciality
 Peter made a lemon cake WHICH is his speciality
10. I want you to introduce you to Mrs Black. Her husband is an engineer
 I want you to introduce you to Mrs Black WHOSE husband is an engineer
11. Can you show me the room? Meetings are held in that room
 Can you show me the roomWHERE Meetings are held ?
12. I don’t know the man. Sue is dancing with him
 I don’t know the man WHO Sue is dancing with/ with WHOM Sue is dancing
13. We last saw Mary on Christmas Day. She came to our party then
 We last saw Mary on Christmas Day WHEN She came to our party
14. You have to correct the mistakes. You’ve made mistakes in the letter
 You have to correct the mistakes WHICH You’ve made in the letter
15. I like Mrs White. She is in charger of the Marketing Department
. I like Mrs White WHO is in charger of the Marketing Department
Bài 6: Khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng
1. Everything is going well. We didn’t have/ haven’t had any problems so far
2. Margaret didn’t go/ hasn’t gone to work yesterday
3. Look! That man over there wears/ is wearing the same sweater as you
4. Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He grew/ has grown a lot
5. I still don’t know what to do I didn’t decided/ haven’t decided yet
6. I wonder why Jim is/ is being so nice to me today. He isn’t usually like that
7. Jane had a book open in front of her but she didn’t read/ wasn’t reading
8. I wasn’t very busy. I didn’t have / wasn’t having much to do
9. Mary wasn’t happy in her new job at first but she begins/ is beginning to enjoy it now
10. After leaving school, Tim found/ has found it very difficult to get a job
11. When Sue heard the news, she wasn’t / hasn’t been very pleased
12. This is a nice restaurant, isn’t it? Is this the first time you are/ you’ve been here?
13. I need a new job. I’m doing/ I’ve been doing the same job for too long
14. Ann has gone out- Oh, has she? What time did she go/ has she gone?
15. You look tired- Yes, I’ve played/ I’ve been playing basket ball
16. Where are you coming/ Do you come from? Are you American?
17. I’d like to see Tina again. It’s a long time since I saw her/ that I didn’t see her
18. Bob and Alice have been married since 20 years/ for 20 years
I. 1.A 2. D 3. C
II. 4. B 5. D
6. D 7. A 8.B 9. D 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. C
16. out of this world
17. the sky’s the limit
18. over the moon
19. once in a blue moon
20. over the moon
21. became - had done 22. had launched – did 23. Had walked-became
24. was launched - had cooperated 25.had orbited – landed
1. came back down to earth 2. out of this world 3.the sky’s the limit
4. once in a blue moon 5. live on another planet 6.over the moon
7. reach for the stars 8. everything under the sun
Task 1.1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F
Task 2. 1. progressively 2. aviation 3. module 4. orbit
1. He was bom in Saigon in 1950.
2. He wanted to become a pilot.
3. He spent 20 years carrying out research primarily in the fields of Fluid Physics and Applied Acoustics.
4. He worked as a Senior Executive, and focused on various science projects for NASA.
5. He became the first Vietnamese-American astronaut on NASA Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-50
in 1992.
6. It brought back a rush of great memories of good friends, and the excitement of the past youth.
1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6.D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C
1. In 1961, US President John Kennedy made a speech which stated that Americans would land on the
moon and be returned safely to the Earth.
2. In 1959, NASA picked the first group of seven astronauts who were called the "Mercury Seven".
3. A spacesuit which is made up of many parts helps astronauts in many ways.
4. In 1989, Helen Sharman went to Star City in Moscow where she spent 18 months of intensive training.
5. Spacesuits whose protects eyes from bright sunlight also keep astronauts from getting hurt.

I. 1.C 2. D 3. B
II. 4. C 5. D
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
16. business 17. space 18.spaceship 19.aboard 20. female
1 .crew 2. mission 3. satellite 4. mission control
5.astronauts 6. atmosphere 7. Station 8. orbit
1. published – orbited 2. had used – invented 3. published-laid-described
4. had worked - invented - launched 5.became - had been sent 6.became - had been sent
7. had launched - put 8. launched - had done
l.D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B
l.C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A
1. B 2.D 3.A 4. D 5.B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B
1. D 2.C 3. C 4.A 5. B
1. Would you tell me the reasons why astronauts go on spacewalks?
2. Fuglesang said he was greatly impressed by the Earth’s beauty which was quite strange to him.
3. The Galactic Suite is a £1.5 billion project which was funded by a US company.
4. In the Galactic Suite, you stay in one of its amazing microgravity rooms where you can see the
spectacular views of the Earth.
5. During Apollo 14's lunar mission, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls which flew “miles and miles”.
6. Sharman’s mission to the Mir Space Station lasted 8 days when she conducted a number of experiments.
7. The speech which was made by U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1972 announced that NASA was
developing a reusable launch vehicle - the space shuttle.
8. John Glenn became one of the test pilots who try out new aircraft

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. A
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C
6. D 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. D
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C
16. B 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. B
21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B
26. A 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. D
1. h 2. a 3. f 4. b
5. c 6. g 7. d 8. e
1. published – orbited 2. had used – invented
3. published – laid – described 4. had worked – invented – launched
5. became – had been sent 6. became – had been sent
7. had launched – put 8. launched – had done
1. who 2. where 3. whose 4. whom 5. when
6. whom 7. that 8. when 9. that 10. which
1. astronauts 2. spacecraft 3. habitable 4. meteorites
5. parabolic 6. orbit 7. weightlessness 8. launched
9. mission 10. microgravity
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
1. It is a gas giantlike Jupiter.
2. Clouds are made of methane, hydrogen, and helium.
3. Saturn is the least dense planet in our solar system and is made mostly of hydrogen and helium.
4. Because it is so lightweight and spins so quickly.
5. Saturn is surrounded by thousands of small rings made of rocks and rice.
1. It was created about 4.7 billion years ago.
2. Its shape is very close to that of a sphere, not perfectly spherical.
3. They are land and water.
4. They are the North Pole and the South Pole.
5. It’s in 24 hours.
1. means 2. possible 3. on 4. many
5. that / which 6. demand / need 7.carry 8. fuel
9. another 10. because
1. A 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D
1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A
1. This is the astronaut who visited our school last week.
2. This is the village where Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, was born.
3. Can you talk more about the parabolic flights which / that you took for your training?
4. This is the museum which / that has some of the best rock collections in the country.
5. We’ll explore inland Sweden and visit the summer house which / that Carin and Ola have built
6. This is the year when the first human walked on the moon.
1. Pham Tuan is Viet Nam’s first astronaut, and Christer Fuglesang is Sweden’s first astronaut.
2. He found that Earth didn’t look as big as he thought, no boundaries on Earth could be seen from
space we should cooperate to take care of it.
3. It seemed he didn’t enjoy it much since it wasn’t fresh.
4. They talked to him when he was in space and that made him happy.
5. They think the chance to fly to space is equal for everyone.
6. He thinks teamwork, social skills, and foreign languages are important for an astronaut.
1. Nhat Nam was crazy about space.
2. He had learnt about the universe and had collected lots of books about space.
3. To show that there are more things in the list but that it’s not necessary to list everything.
4. He wasn’t very impressed because he thought the meteorite was like an ordinary piece of rock.
5. He compares it to a ride on a rollercoaster.


Bai 1: Viết các câu dưới đây thành câu bị động.
1. Jane will buy a new computer.
A new computer will be bought by Jane.
2. Her boyfriend will install it.
It will be installed by her boyfriend.
3. Millions of people will visit the museum.
The museum will be visited by millions of people.
4. Our boss will sign the contract.
He contract will be signed by our boss.
5. You will not do it.
It will not be done by you.
6. They will not show the new film.
The new film will not be shown by them
7. He won't see Sue.
Sue will not be seen by him
8. They will not ask him.
He will not be asked by them.
9. Will the company employ a new worker?
Will a new worker be employed by the company?
10. Will the plumber repair the shower?
Will the shower be repaired by the plumber?
Bài 2. Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết các câu duới đây thành câu bị động ở thì tương lai đơn.
1. the exhibition/visit The exhibition will be visited.
2. the windows/clean The windows will be cleaned
3. themessage/read The message will be read.
4. thethief/arrest The thief will be arrested.
5. the photo/take The photo will be taken.
6. these songs/sing These songs will be sung.
7. thesign/see/not The sign will not be seen
8. adictionary/use/not A dictionary will not be used.
9. credit cards/accept/not Credit cards will not be accepted.
10. thering/find/not The ring will not be found
Bài 3. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng đai từ "who" hoặc"which"
1. Robert's parents, who are retired now, live in Spain
2. Sydney, which has a population of more than 3 million, is Australian's largest city.
3. Peter's sister who goes to school with me,is a very nice persorn.
4. My uncle John, who lives in London, is coming to visit me next week.
5. I saw the film “Casablanca”, which won an Oscar in 1942.
Bai 4: Sử dụng đại từ quan hệ viết lại các câu có chứa mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.
1. Al Gore gave a long and boring speech. He won the Nobel Prize.

Al Gore, who won the Nobel Prize, gave a long and boring speech.
2. Starbucks wants to open new stores in China. It does business all over the world.
Starbucks, which does business all over the world, wants to open new stores in China
3. Social network sites will definitely change business. They are very popular
Social network sites, which are very popular, will definitely change business
4. Scientists are working with stem cells. Stem cells wll revolutionize medicine.
Scientists are working with stem cells, which will revolutionize medicine
5. Last week, Jim Taylor interviewed Sally Thomson. She is my neighbour.
Last week, Jim Taylor interviewed Sally Thomson, who is my neighbour.
6. Mr Brown has been invited to join our club. He enjoys going to the theatre
Mr Brown, who enjoys going to the theatre, has been invited to join our club.
7. Whiting House is an important local monument. It was built in 1856.
Whiting House, which was built in 1856, is an important local monument.
8. Bono signed autographs at Tower Records yesterday. He's a famous musician.
Bono, who is a famous musician, signed autographs at Tower Records yesterday
9. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. He was president of the USA.
John F. Kennedy, who was president of the USA, was assassinated in 1963.
10. The Queen will open a new hospital. It is in Jarvis Street.
The Queen will open a new hospital, which is in Jarvis Street.
Bài 5. Khoanh tròn vào phuơng án đúng.
1. Alexander Fleming,_______________received the Nobel Prize in 1945
A. who discovered penicillin B. which discovered penicillin
C. he discovered penicillin D. that discovered penicillin
2. John Jamess Audubon, who was a naturalist and an artist, wrote great work _______ called “Birds of
A. which it is B. which is C. whom is D. is
3. Immigrants _____________after 1880 settled mainly in large cities.
A. which came to America B. they came to America
C. came to America D. who came to America
4. Hawai, which is a part of a group of islands,________________ active volcanoes.
A. that has B. which has С. has D. who has
5. In the ear, just above the cochlea, there are three small semicircular canals __________ as an organ of
A. that function together B. function together
C. are functioning together D. they function together
6. Amsterdam, Holland, which is sometimes called Venice of Northern Europe _________.
A. which has many canals B. it has many canals
C. with many canals D. has many canals
7. The Egyptians constructed walls and embankments ____________ marvels even today
A. they are considered B. which are considered
C. are considered D. who are considered
8. Ernest Hemingway, a novelist and short-story writer, developed a prose style__________.
A. who influenced an entire generation of authors
B. influenced an entire generation of authors
C. that influenced an entire generation of authors
D. has influenced an entire generation of authors
Bài 6. Viết lại các câu dưới đây theo 2 cách có chứa mênh để quan hệ xác định (Defining) và không xác
đinh (Non-defining).
1. Peter Pan will visit my aunt this Sunday. Peter Pan was my classmate.
Defining: My classmate who will visit my aunt this Sunday is Peter Pan
Non-defining: Peter, who was my classmate, will visit my aunt this Sunday
2. Kenny is in my class. Kenny is the lovely boy
Defining: The lovely boy who is in my class is Kenny.
Non-defining: Kenny, who is the lovely boy, is in my class.
3. Mary is arguing with Peggy. Peggy is the horrible person
Defining: The horrible person who is arguing with Peggy is Mary.
Non-defining: Mary, who is the horrible person, is arguing with Peggy
4. I will going shopping with Anna. Anna is the hardworking person.
Defining: The hardworking person whom I am going shopping with is Anna.
Non-defining: Anna, whom l am going shopping with, is the hardworking person.
5. Our school was found in 1997.Our school is Pig's College.
Defining: Our school which was found in 1997 is Pig's College.
Non-defining: Pig's College, which was our school, was found in 1997
6. Our principal will come to visit us this Monday, Our principal is called Mir. Brown.
Defining: Our principal who will come to visit us this Monday is called Mr Brown
Non-defining : Mr Brown, who is our principal, will come to visit us this Monday.
7. Jenny is going to present something about pandas. Pandas are the rare species.
Defining: The rare species which Jenny is going to present about are Pandas.
Non-defining: Pandas, which Jenny is going to present about, are the rare species.
8. Alex is shopping in the supermarket. Alex is the Chief Director of a company
Defining: The Chief Director who is shopping in the supermarket is Alex.
Non-defining: Alex, who is the Chief Director of a company, is shopping in the supermarket.
10. The World Trade Centre has been collapsed. The World Trade Centre is the landmark of America.
Defining: The landmark of America which has been collapsed is the World Trade Centre.
Non-defining: The World Trade Centre, which is the landmark of America, has been collapsed
11. Mary is shopping in Sogo. Sogo is the greatest shopping mall.
Defining: The greatest shopping mall which Mary is shopping in is Sogo
Non-defining : Sogo, which Mary is shopping in, is the greatest shopping mall.
12. I like playing computer games. I am one of the intelligent persons.
Defining: l am one of the intelligent persons who like computer games.
Non-defining: l, who am one of the intelligent persons, like playing computer games


I. 1.A 2.D 3. B
II. 4. D 5. C
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. D
16. develop 17. dominant 18.power 19.process 20. vacancies
l. sense of direction
2.sense of humour
3.sense of smell
4.sense of style
5. sense of fun
6. sense of responsibility
7.sense of time
8. sense of occasion
9.sense of urgency
10.sense of identify
Taskl. I F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
Task 2
1. They did the roles of wife and mother (doing household matters).
2. They had schools of their own during the late 19th century.
3. They displayed as much vigor, determination, and courage as the men.
4. It was 87.6 percent.
5. It was 22.6 percent.
Task 3. 1. subordination 2. occupation 3. significantly 4. missionaries 5. (an) act
1. B 2. A 3.D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C
1. D 2. B 3.A 4. C 5. C
1. For a flipped classroom, class time is used to do the harder work which involves problem-solving,
discussion or debates.
2. The term "Flipped Classroom" was introduced by teachers Bergmann and Samms, who adopted a strategy
to reverse the timing of homework and lectures.
3. Harvard physicist, Eric Mazur has been teaching a similar technique to the flipped classroom called peer
instruction, which has used ConcepTests for over 25 years.
4. The flipped classroom has a common theme which focuses on students’ more opportunities for
discussion, formative assessment and feedback.
25. Students who are active participants will be given more opportunities to practise their knowledge.
1. Many Americans are concerned with money with which a good life is thought to be bought
2. They liked the TV programme, "All in the Family", which is about spending more time on the own
personal interests.
3. Many Americans were unhappy with President Carter, who failed to improve the economy.
4. In the 1980s, the most successful action films were about a man called "Rambo", who always won in any
5. By the 1980s, computers which/ that anyone could learn how to use had become much smaller.
6. In their home in the 1980s, millions of Americans had a 'personal' computer which/that they could use to
read newspaper stories, buy things, do schoolwork, and play games.
7. The technological improvement can bring us a good life which we lead with almost no limits.
8. Let’s visit Trick Eye Museum in Hong Kong, which has SO optical illusion paintings and installations
over five different themed zones.
1. Teenagers will become more independent and responsible than their parents.
2. Many teenagers in the 21“ century will be less selfish and will be ready to help other people in need.
3. Teenagers will also be more business-orientated, and they may have to find their own source of
4. For high school, students believe that they should be treated like adults.
50. The primary role of young people is to get a good education in order to become better citizens of
TEST 2 (Unit 11)
I. 1. C 2. A 3. B
II. 4. A 5. D
III. 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B
IV. 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.A 10.A
1. achievements 2. opportunities 3. activities 4. integration 5. burdens
l.F 2. T3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F
1. B 2. A 3. D 4.C 5. D 6.A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10 A
1. B 2. D 3.A 4. C 45.B
1. The Red River Delta, which is formed by the Red River, is the granary in northern Vietnam.
2. We got the news from the Tokyo Research Center which showed that a majority of Japanese people now
accept gays and lesbians.
3. Tokyo’s International School of Asia, which was the first international school in Japan, receives
financial support from the government.
4. Long An, which is considered as a “backyard” of Ho Chi Minh City, is the trading gateway between Ho
Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta.
5. Indian Prime Minister Modi launched ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’, which is a movement for cleanliness
across India.
1. Courses will be taken at students’ own pace.
2. Online lectures will be got from the internationally famous professors for our personal learning needs.
3. Complex topics will be studied beyond the textbook by students.
4. A joke will be made to wake you up by the computer when you feel sleepy.
5. The necessary resources and trust will be given to all teachers by Viet Nam.
6. Human minds will be replaced by the artificial intelligence in the next century.
7. Sufficient support will be offered to primary and secondary students by local governments in rural areas.
8. New skills will be learned through cool tools, videos, quizzes and game-like labs.
1. The primary role of young people is to get a good education in order to become better citizens of
2. They need to learn skills to do the job that their country’s economy needs.
3. They have the power to transform the nation into a better place.
4. The youth has the ability to bring about a change in their country.
5. Youths are problem solvers and our nation needs them to solve most of our problems

1. Teenagers study hard to become well-educated citizens.
2. They play a vital role in the construction and protection of our homeland.
3. They can take part in social welfare activities for social progress.
4. Students who study abroad come back to our country and serve it with the great level of their
5. The students today would be the good citizens of tomorrow, so they have to give the country back
whatever the country has given them.
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A
11. D 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. C
16. D 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. B
1. will be assessed 2. will not be evaluated
3. will also be held 4. will constantly be tailored
5. will be free 6. will be made
7. will be built 8. will be demolished
1. who 2.  3.  4. whose 5. which
6.  7. which 8.  9. whose 10. who/that
11.  12. which / that 13.  4. who 15. who/that
1. which / that /Ø 2. which / that
3. which / that / Ø 4. who
5. whom / that / Ø 6. that / Ø
7. whose 8. which
9. that / Ø 10. that/ Ø
11. which 12. whose
13. who / whom 14. whom / that / Ø
15. that
1. D → bỏ it 2. B → whose name 3. A → which
4. C → which 5. C → where 6. D → who
7. D → bỏ “there’ 8. B → which 9. B → who
10. B → which
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B

1. financially 2. individually 3. evaluate 4. facilitators
5. relax 6. theoretical 7. responsive 8. vision
9. responsibility 10.sense
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
1. A friend of mine, whose father is the manager of a company, helped me to get a job.
2.Mike won £50,000, half of which he gave to his parents.
3. The population of London, which was once the largest city in the world, is now falling.
4. Most of the suggestions which / that were made at the meeting were not very practical, (hoặc Most
of the suggestions made at the meeting were not very practical.)
5. It is a medieval palace, in whose tower the king hid during the civil war. / ..., whose tower the king
hid in during the civil war.
6. I couldn’t remember the number of my own car, which made the police suspicious.
7. Thank you very much for the present (which / that) you sent me.
8. Dr Andy Todd, (who is) head of Downlands Hospital, has criticized government plans to cut
health funding.
9. All of the boys who are being chosen for the school’s football team are under 9. - All of the boys
being chosen for the school’s football team...
10. I went to see my nephew Jimmy who(m) I used to look after when he was small.
1. Ann, who lives next door, is very friendly.
2. The man who/ that you met at the party last night is a famous actor.
3. There are some words that/which are very difficult to translate.
4. The sun, which is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light.
5. Students whose homework is late will be punished.
6. I’ve found the book that/which I was looking for in the morning.
7. Is that the car that /which you want to buy?
8. Sandra, who you were talking to, works in advertising.
9. Lake Prespa, which is on the north Greek border, is a lonely beautiful lake.
10. The little girl who /that sat next to me on the coach ate sweets the whole way.
1. Julia’s father, who is over 80, has just come back from a skiing holiday.
2. The problems faced by the company, which I’ll look at in detail in a moment, are
being resolved.
3. She was greatly influenced by her father, who/ whom she adored.
4. Parents whose children are between four and six are being asked to take part in the survey.
5. He isn’t looking forward to the time when he will have to leave.
6. The Roman coins, which a local farmer came across in a field, are now on display in the National
7. He pointed to the stairs which / that led down to the cellar.
8. These drugs, which are used to treat stomach ulcers, have been withdrawn from sale.
9. The singer, who was recovering from flu, had to cancel her concert.
10. We went to the Riverside Restaurant where I once had lunch with Henry.
11. My aunt, whose first job was filling shelves in a supermarket, is now a manager of a department
12. John Graham’s latest film, which is set in the north of Australia, is his first for more than five
13. The newspaper is owned by the Mears group, whose chairperson is Sir James Hex.
14. The Master’s course, which I took in 1990, is no longer taught.
15. The minister talked about the plans for tax reform (that / which) he will reveal next month.
1. Is Zedco a company which / that was taken over last year?
2. Felix Reeve, whose tape recorder was stolen, is a journalist.
3. This famous picture, which was damaged during the war, is worth thousands of pounds
4. I don’t know the name of the woman who / that I spoke to on the phone.
5. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, which is only 30 miles away.
6. This is Mr. Carter, who I was telling you about.
7. They’ve captured all the animals that / which escaped from the zoo.
8. The scientist who discovered a new planet has won the Nobel Prize.
9. The river which flows through Hereford is the Wye.
10. We climbed to the top of the tower from which we had a beautiful view.


Bài 1: Điền vào chỗ trống although/ despite/ in spite of sao cho thich hợp.
1. Although we are a small company, we sell almost a hundred machines a month
2. Despite/ In spite of all the difficulties, the project started on time and was a success
3. Although we were warned against doing so, we went ahead with the project.
4. Despite/ In spite ofhis lack of experience, he became a successful businessman
5. Despite/ In spite of being by far the oldest player, he scored three goals.

6. Although he's a millionaire, he drives a second-hand car
7. Although it rained a lot, I enjoyed the holiday
8. Despite/ In spite of working for the company for six months now, he never seems to know what to do
9. Despite/ In spite of my warnings, he went to Colombia.
10. Although she didn't want to see The Lord of the Rings, she enjoyed it in the end.
11. Despite/ In spite of being bad at pool, she beat him three times in a row
12. She decided to go abroad for a year despite/ in spite of loving her boyfriend very much.
13. He went on holiday to Thailand despite/ in spite of the expensive airfare
14. I phone my brother in Thailand using Skype nearly every day despite/ in spite of the time difference.
15. The best things in life are free, although love is often very expensive.
Bài 2: Chuyển những câu dưới đây thành câu có chứa "in spite of"
1. Even though Sherry had excellent grades, she wasn't admitted to the university.
In spite of Sherry's excellent grades.
2. The firefighters rescued the dog in the burning house although it was very dangerous
in spite of the danger
3. Though the weather was very cold, we went swimming last week.
In spite of the very cold weather
4. Even though the work was very hard, we enjoyed doing that job.
In spite of the very hard work
5. Although Jane has very little money, she is happy
In spite of having very little money, Jane...

Chuyển những câu dưới đây thành câu có chứa "despite”.

6. I like living in my apartment although it is noisy.
despite the noise
7. Even though it costs a lot, Stephanie goes to private high school.
Despite the cost/the high cost
8. Though the weather has been extremely hot, I run five miles every day.
Despite the extremely hot weather
9. Kerry came to class to take the test even though he was ill
despite his illness /being ill
10. Bill Gates has been very successful even though he never finished college,
despite never finishing college
Bài 3: Nối 2 câu duới đây thành 1 câu, sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.
1. Dave smokes, He seems to be in good health (although)
Although Dave smokes, he seems to be in good health
2. I couldn't sleep. I was tired. (despite)
I couldn't sleep despite being tired.
3. Max didn't notice the sign. It was right in front of him (even though)
Max didn't notice the sign even though it was right in front of him.
4. Kate never learnt Spanish. She lived in Spain for many years (although)
Kate never learnt Spanish although she lived in Spain for many years.
5. Joe is a millionaire .He hates spending money.(despite)
Despite being a millionaire, Joe hates spending money/ Despite his wealth, Joe hates spending money
6. I gave him good advice. Yet he failed. (despite)
Despite my good advice, he faliled
7. His vision is poor. Still he reads books. (in spite of)
In spite of his poor vision, he reads books.
8. She was ill. Still she went to work. (despite)
Despite her illness, she went to work./ Despite being ill she went to work.
9. The weather was bad. Still we went out. (in spite of)
In spite of the bad weather, we went out
10. His health is poor. Still he attends office regularly. (in spite of)
In spite of his poor health, he attends office regularly.
Bài 4: Hoàn thành các câu dướii đây. Chọn động từ thích hợp và cho dạng V-ing
emigrate go have to help leave many stay
phone read say(2) see talk tell travel
1. Fancy regrets marrying a man so much younger than herself
2. If you like tongue-twisters, try saying Six Swiss wrist watches."
3. Are you a student at this school? I don't recollect seeing you here before.
4. I'm sorry to trouble you, but would you mind helping me with this suitcase?
5. It's very late. I suggest leaving the washing-up until the morning.
6. I started work when I was 16. Now, I regret not staying at school.
7. I’ll never finish reading these papers! There are so many of them!
8. Would you consider emigrating if things got worse in this country?
9. If you find the sound [h] difficult, practice saying He hit her on her hairy head with a hard, heavy
10. You should try to avoid travelling in the rush hour.
11. I have enjoyed talking to you, and I hope we meet again some time.
12. I deny telling you what to wear and what to do.
13. I simply couldn't resist phoning you to tell you the good news!
14. She is afraid of the dentist, so she always puts off going till the last possible moment
15. Can you imagine having to walk five miles to school every day? That is what we had to go.
Bài 5: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc, to V hoặc V-ing
1. I intend to go to Brazil in August. (go)
2. l arranged to take my vacation during the last two weeks. (take)
3. I considered going to Venezuela or Argentina first. (go)
4. But I decided to leave them for next year. (leave)
5. The government has demanded me to get a visa to go to Brazil. (get)
6. That involves standing in a long line at the consulate. (stand)
7. I didn't mind paying the $45 fee. (pay)
8. But l hate waiting in lines. (wait)
9. I also detest getting passport photos. (get)
10. I really want to see the country, so I did it. (see)
11. I haven't begun to pack/ packing yet. (pack)
12. I'll start soon because I can't stand packing in a rush. (pack)
13. I remembered asking my neighbor to take care of my dog. (ask)
14. He doesn't really mind staying behind. (stay)
15. But he always loves seeing us come back! (see)
Bài 6: Chọn động từ cho săn dưới đây để điển vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp
enjoy need will offer agreed would like love plan
considered forgot stop quit hate had hoped mind discuss
1. We considered visiting Hawaii for our vacation, but we changed our mind
2. Iva and Isis need to talk to everyone about their secret project.
3. The Smiths enjoy spending time together. They always look happy when they are riding their bicycles or
watching television.
4. I don't mind working hard. Hard work gives a person character
5. Could you please stop staring at me! It is making me crazy!
6. My husband and I will discuss adopting a baby. We have talked about it a lot already, but we will keep
talking about it.
7. The students had hoped to have a party at the end of the semester
8. My mother forgot to water my plants. Now they are all dead.
9. They agreed to work together. They shook hands on the deal.
10. I hate eating spinach. I would rather eat nothing at all!
11. Maria would like to teach full-time, but she could only find a part-time job.
12. Jose quit smoking last week.
13. We plan to go to the bank early in the morning. We cannot go in the afternoon or in the evening because
we must get the money immediately.
14. Ms. Kelly and her friend love eating pizza. It is their favorite
15. The buyers will offer to pay $200,000 for the house. They are not sure if it will be accepted.
Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc dạng to V hoặc V-ing
Mike doesn't like dancing (1-dance). He would rather go (2-go) to the cinema. But Jean enjoys
dancing (3-dance) so much that he let her persuade (4-persuade) him to take (5-take) her to the club last
Saturday. When they arrived, a lot of other young men wanted to dance (6-dance) with her and kept asking
(7-ask) her to go (8-go) on the floor with them. This made Mike feel (9-feel) jealous. He suggested going
(10-go) outside for a breath of air, but at that moment it started to rain (11-rain). Jean began to get annoyed.
"I know you hate dancing (12-dance)," she said, "but why should you try (13-try) to stop (14-stop) other
people dancing (15-dance)?"
Mike thought he had better dance (16-dance) with her. He didn't want her to lose (17-lose) her
Bài 8: Viết lại những câu duới đây, sử dụng từ trong ngoặc.
1. I couldn't sleep although I was tired. (despite)
I couldn't sleep despite being tired
2. Although he has got an English name, he is in fact German. (despite)
Despite having an English name / Despite his English name, he is in fact German.
3. In spite of her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village (although)
Although she had injured her foot / Although her foot was injured, she managed to walk to the village.
4. I decided to accept the job although the salary was low. (in spite of)
I decided to accept the job in spite of the low salary/ in spite of the salary being low.
5. We lost the match although we were the better team.(despite)
We lost the match despite being the better team/ despite the fact that we were the better team.
6. In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours, I didn't feel hungry.(even though)
Even though I hadn't eaten for 24 hours, I didn't feel hungry.
7. Although she was tired, she went to work (but
She was tired, but she went to work.
8. They went out for a walk, even though the weather was bad. (despite)
They went out for a walk despite the bad weather.
9. She managed to write in spite of her injured hand (although)
She managed to write although her hand was injured
10. She has plenty of money, but she is very mean (although)
Although she has plenty of money, she is very mean.
Bài 9: Khoanh vào phương án đúng
1. We went out___________________ the rain.
A. in spite of B. however C. although
2. We went out___________________ it rained.
A. despite B. although C. however
3. She went on working __________________she was tired.
A. although B. despite C. either could be used here
4. She went on working___________________ the fact that she was tired.
A. despite B. however C. although
5. ___________________she is a nice girl, I don't quite like her.
A. although B. despite C. however
6. ___________________expensive, it was a good watch
A. however B. although C. despite
7. I didn't like the film___________________, everybody else seemed to enjoy it.
A. however B. despite C. either could be used here
8. ___________________I didn't like the film, everybody else seemed to enjoy it.
A. although B. however C. either could be used here
9. We managed to do it ___________________he wasn't there.
A. however B. although C. either could be used here
10. We managed to do it, ___________________the fact that he was not there.
A. although B. despite C. however
Bài 10: Cho dạng đúng của động từ, to V hoặc V-ing
1. He dreads having (have) to retire.
2. I arranged to meet (meet) him there.
3. Don't forget to lock (lock) the door before going (go) to bed
4. He tried to explain (explain) but she refused to listen (listen).
5. He decided to disguise (disguise) himself by dressing (dress) as a woman.
6. Please go on, writing (write); I don't mind waiting (wait)
7. I prefer driving (drive) to being driven (be) driven.
8. I suggest telephoning (telephone) the hospitals before asking (ask) the police to look (look) for him.
9. Did you remember to give (give) him the key of the safe?
10. Why do you keep looking (look) back? Are you afraid of being (be) followed?
11. You'll never regret doing (do) a kind action.
12. I didn't mean to eat (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn't resist trying one.
13. If you want to catch (catch) the 7 a.m. train tomorrow, that means getting (get) up at 6, and you're not
very good at getting (get) up early, are you?
14. By working (work) day and night he succeeded in finishing (finish) the job in time.
15. Try to forget (forget) it; it is not worth worrying (worry) about.
16. After getting (get) to know (know) him better, I regretted judging (judge) him unfairly
17. He tried to speak (speak) German but found that he couldn't. His attempts at speaking (speak) Spanish
were equally unsuccessful.
18. I would advise you to wait (wait) before deciding (decide) to accept (accept) his offer.
19. Surely you remember lending (lend) him the money? I hope, at least that he won't forget to pay (pay)
you back. He has a habit of forgetting (forget) things he doesn't want to remember (remember)


I. 1. A 2. C 3. B
II. 4.B 5. D
6.C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.B
1.C 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.A
1.burning the midnight oil flextime
2.made a bundle 4.behind the scenes
5.a nine-to-five job
6.take into accoun path
9.earn a living

1. applying - to do 2. to become - to read 3. to get
4. to develop 5. working
36. B 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. C
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B
1. The teaching career demands a love of learning, a broad knowledge of subject, and classroom
management techniques.
2. Teachers should form strong relationships with their students and show that they look after students as
3. Teachers are masters of their subject matter, and they present material in an enthusiastic manner.
4. They also present lessons in a clear and structured way, and their classrooms are organized.
5. Teachers communicate frequently with parents, and they call a student’s parent if they are concerned
about a student.

I. l.C 2.B 3. A
II. 4.C 5.A
6.C 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.B
16. to work flexitime 17. midnight oil 18. behind the scenes 19. nine-to-five 20. make a bundle V/
21. to work 22. to save 23. working 24. watching 25. being taken
26. D 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
36. D 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. A

1/1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5.T 6. F 7. F 8. T
1.feeling sad/her sadness
2.beinf severely disabled
3.having a lot of money
4.working hard/having worked hard/his hard work
5. the weather forecast
6. having a good salary/his good salary
7. the teacher’s warning
8. his old age
1. A good doctor needs to know how the whole body functions and what people should do to maintain
their overall health.
2. Doctors should stay informed of all the latest breakthroughs in the medical field.
3. The doctor’s good manner will make patients feel more comfortable during appointments.
4. Doctors should also explain what they are doing and help patients follow treatments properly.
5. A good doctor should listen to patients attentively and respond to them carefully.

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B
6. B 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. B
16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. D 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. A
26. D 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. C
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A
6. D 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. A
1. to help 2. working 3. to study 4. going
5. to join 6. having 7. taking 8. to look
9. asking 10. not studying
1. to pull 2. to know 3. being 4. telling
5. to be 6. to do 7. to return, finish 8. worrying
9. to play 10. telling
1. to avoid, being 2. giving, to speak
3. to persuade, to agree 4. cleaning, to do
5. shutting, sitting 6. sneezing, sitting
7. talking, to finish 8. to give, jogging
9. stopping 10. to make, rubbing
1. officers 2. Nutritionists 3. Secondary 4. Accountants
5. Librarians 6. Architects 7. Programmers 8. operators
9. Archeologists 10. Journalists
1. C (going) 2. C (despite /in spite of)
3. D (to meet) 4. A (Despite / In spite of)
5. B (reading)
1. She is a flight attendant.
2. Her main duties are providing the passengers what they need and making sure they are
3. Visiting many countries every year is the advantage of being a flight attendant.
4. If you are really concerned on learning and you take it seriously, you will probably get what you
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F
6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
1. Despite his wealth, he is not spoiled.
2. Though he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.

3. Although the prices are high, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday.
4. Despite (having) a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children.
5. Although they are poor, they are very generous.
6. In spite of her frequent absence, he has managed to pass the test.
7. Although Lee was sad at losing the contest, she managed to smile.
8. Despite (being on) a diet, my friend ate the chocolate cake.
9. Although he had a headache, he enjoyed the film.
10. In spite of disliking flying, my sister will take a plane.
1. In spite of being seriously advised by his teacher, Hung insisted on disturbing the class.
2. Despite trying several times, Miss Diep couldn’t find a taxi.
3. In spite of feeling tired, he stayed up to keep us company.
4. Despite liking more holidays, Mr. Vinh doesn’t mind going to school.
5. In spite of the hard work and low wages, he decided to take the job.
6. Despite not having much time, they came to visit us.
7. In spite of his age, he still does his gymnastics every morning.
8. Despite being the boss, she works as hard as her employees.
9. In spite of having health problems, he is always smiling.
10. Despite the difficult exam, Kieu Anh got good marks.
XVI. .
1. Despite being injured, Mr Thuan managed to finish the race.
2. In spite of having no qualifications for it, he got the job
3. Although I didn’t like the CD you have recommended me, I bought it all the same.
4. In spite of her illness / being ill, Thuy went to school.
5. Despite playing well / having played well, we couldn’t win the match.
6. In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
7. In spite of telling her all the truth, she didn’t believe me.
8. Despite not playing well, they won the game.
9. In spite of having all the necessary qualifications, he didn’t get the job.
10. In spite of the expensive shirts, people buy them because they are trendy.

TEST FOR UNIT 10,11,12

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B
6.C 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15. A
18. responsive
19. path
21.having few passengers
22.his strength/ being strong
23.his tiredness after work
24.being (very) impressed/ our impression
25.the weather forecast
26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
VII/ 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. C

41. An effective engineer must have the ability to communicate, both in writing and speaking.
42. Engineers need to pay attention to details so that they won’t ignore any important things.
43. They will need the ability to work in a team and gain experience of team working.
44. A good engineer has die ability to think critically, analyze options and offer solutions to problems.
45. Engineers will need leadership skills when they make decisions and influence other
people during the project.
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C
11. D 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D
16. D 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. A
21. B 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. B
26. B 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C
1. had been run – was appointed 2. are – have been waiting
3. to be bothered – to deal 4. to show – to be liked – (to be) praised
5. to be expressed
1. associate 2. when 3. recreational 4. objective
5. gain 6. marks 7. on 8. footsteps
9. ceremony 10. activity
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A
1. Rod Lee, whose sister I know has won an Oscar.
2. Is this the style of hair which your wife wants to have?
3. A man who answered the phone said Tom was out.
4. 7.05 is the time at which/ when my plane arrives.
5. Max isn’t home yet which worries me.
6. Do you know the building the windows of which are painted green?
7. Last week I went to see the house in which /where I used to live.
8. I don’t know the name of the girl who has just gone into the hall.
9. Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page.
10. Hoan Kiem Lake, the water of which is always blue, is a historical place.


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